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Accusations Of Ceasefire Violations Literally Less Than A Minute After Its Imposed In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Accusations Of Ceasefire Violations Literally Less Than A Minute After Its Imposed In Nagorno-Karabakh

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On October 26th, immediately after the humanitarian ceasefire was established in Nagorno-Karabakh, accusations of violations began.

Just minutes after the ceasefire went into effect at 8:00 (local time), the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan accused the Armenian side of gross violation of the ceasefire, but after a while deleted this information.

Since then, between 8:00 and 10:10 local time, Azerbaijan has accused Armenia of shelling various units, positions and regions, 5 times. And claimed that it fully implemented the ceasefire.

Accusations Of Ceasefire Violations Literally Less Than A Minute After Its Imposed In Nagorno-Karabakh

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The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh states that the units of the Defense Army strictly monitor the agreements reached, and the accusations of the hostile side not only have no relation to reality, but were made in the context of preparing the information ground for further provocations:

Armenia also accused Azerbaijan of violating the ceasefire.

“In gross violation of the humanitarian cease-fire agreement reached in the United States, the Azerbaijani side fired artillery at the North — Eastern battle positions of the Artsakh Defense Army at about 8:45 a.m.,” Armenian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan said.

Another violation was recorded at about 09:10. The Azerbaijan armed forces took aim at positions in the South-Eastern direction, firing 5 artillery shells at them.

“The Azerbaijani side has grossly violated the ceasefire agreement for the third time on humanitarian grounds.  Appropriate investigations will be carried out on this blatant audacious behavior of the Aliyev regime towards the entire civilized society, but today the task of all of us is to protect our Homeland from the enemy-the Turks.  There is no alternative for us, and this is the only way that should lead us only to victory,” press Secretary of the President of Artsakh Vahram Poghosyan said.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claimed that Armenia continued strictly observing the ceasefire.

It appears that, once again, for the third time, the situation isn’t going to be resolved via a humanitarian ceasefire, and it is moving towards falling apart, at a rapid pace.

A photograph was published, showing Turkish F-16 fighter jets at Azerbaijan’s Gabala Airbase.

Accusations Of Ceasefire Violations Literally Less Than A Minute After Its Imposed In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Earlier, the Armenians stated that after the publication of satellite images of the airbase in Ganja, the Turks drove their cars to the Gabala airbase. Then they did not provide any data and they were accused of lying. Nevertheless, after about 2 weeks, Turkish cars did show up in Gabala.

The author of the picture claimed the following: “6 presumably Turkish F-16s at the Gabala airbase.”

However, only 4 fighter jets are visible in the picture. It is not clear where this discrepancy comes from – perhaps there are other pictures that were not posted.

Until mid-October, Azerbaijan officially denied the presence of Turkish F-16s on its territory, but after the publication in Western media of satellite images of October 3 from the airbase in Ganja, where the F-16s were recorded, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev after a while was forced to admit their presence, giving a new version that they were just standing there, but not in combat participate.

There is, however, still no conclusive evidence that they’ve taken part in any actions against Armenia, despite accusations.

On the day before the ceasefire, on October 25th, President Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan had captured several new villages.

“The Azerbaijani Army has today liberated several villages of Zangilan, Jabrayil and Gubadli districts and the city of Gubadli from occupiers. Long live Azerbaijani Army! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a post on his official Twitter account.


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Vox Populi

A ceasefire is now impossible as the stakes are too high for Azerbaijan. Global events like US election and regional situation now makes a peaceful resolution highly unlikely. This may turn out to be a fight to the finish in NK.


haha there goes Trumphy his election bonus its sad for the poor population but it is a good kick in Trump’s ass and arrogance


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79c8dc6e7c7b1db0de5b1ababa87b7a2e2164e1828ab6226220d3c0970fe81c3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd78824dc44dd11a43803d7d32dd082f337715726db3d6cc5ec6d5625d96bf17.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cac944dd4cb71616fbbb91aa325ccc25acfc2eacbe48414eb239c6858e53684.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0f5d68dfc494ebb449566f283b2d138f9cdc821860d728cea3982210c353851.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbb0202f00d635dfa81e1f4615eff61294ffed808cdb59c2956d7ee1f86d2d1a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91f22419b147a476dd9e20fc2e622160d8a1f186e167b422a7d40274e65bee48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8fbcab8a2f011af3fb360b005e269efaaeed3cb92a92f8285f3646c8f39fa14.jpg ……. ARMENIANS HAVE LOST THEIR RIGHT TO LIVE IN AZERBAIJAN! – The policy of hostility towards Azerbaijan takes this right away from them! The results of the last 25 days of the Patriotic War are tragic for Armenia. The liberation of strategic military positions and settlements by the Azerbaijani Army and the destruction of thousands of servicemen have caused great frustration, depression and political crisis at home. Political forces and ex-servicemen do not allow Nicole Pashkina to share the responsibility for the disaster with the Armenian society. As a result, he became furious and increased the scale of the losses. The allies have retreated, the Armenian lobby has not yielded any results, and the country’s remaining resources are running out. There is desertion in the army, and young people are evading mobilization in various ways – recently by bribing themselves to register as a patient with COVID. The bandits in Nagorno-Karabakh are begging either Russia or France to stop Azerbaijan. The commanders on the front line also said that it was unwise to kill so many Armenians and demanded that Pashinyan put an end to the stupid resistance. Most Armenians settled in Nagorno-Karabakh fled to Yerevan, and a small number hid in basements in the corner of Khankendi. In short, sick fantasies like “Greater Armenia” are crushed under the boots of Azerbaijani soldiers. The Azerbaijani Army is very close to victory. Analyzing the current battle map, military experts say that the Armenian remnants will have no choice but to surrender in the short term. Armenia is now a lynx, rolling from the top of the mountain to the valley. For 27 years he has been suffering from the terrible pain of not listening to Azerbaijan’s patience and concessions. The losses are not just the destruction of thousands of troops, hundreds of military equipment, billions of dollars in economic damage. Armenia has been deprived of everything it has captured for two hundred years. The high autonomy status offered by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh only a few months ago is no longer there. In an interview with foreign media, President Ilham Aliyev said that this issue is history, now there are new realities and a strategy will be implemented accordingly. The doors to peace talks are open, but now these gates have been set very low, and the Armenians must bend over and accept all the conditions of Azerbaijan. It is impossible to imagine an alternative. The vast majority of the country’s population no longer considers it de facto possible for Armenians to live in Nagorno-Karabakh. The unanimous opinion is that Armenians have generally lost their right to live in Azerbaijan. Armenia has once again taken this right away from them with its policy of hostility against Azerbaijan for more than a hundred years. From the beginning to the end of the last century, there is no counting the number of Armenian aggression, provocations, betrayals and massacres against Azerbaijani Turks. The facts prove that Armenians are not able to live together with Azerbaijanis, they do not want it. As soon as they get a chance, as soon as they feel strong, they try to infiltrate the Azerbaijani Turks by inflating their fascist ideology. We saw this in the 19th century, at the beginning, middle and end of the 20th century … What has the Azerbaijani people and state not experienced since the Armenians were given a place on their land? The genocide of civilians, tens of thousands of martyrs, wounded, millions of displaced people … Some Azerbaijani Turks have fallen victim to the hated enemy, who at various times in history has also used the power of his patron. Let’s not go too far, it is enough to look at the blows inflicted by the Armenians on the Azerbaijani people and state, the massacres and acts of vandalism committed by Armenians since 1988 to imagine what kind of fascist society we are neighbors with. Only the low-level act of genocide committed in Khojaly shows how poor the Armenians are. The situation in the liberated villages and cities evokes terrible feelings. It is clear from the footage that entire villages have been destroyed, and once closed villages and neighborhoods now resemble ruins. The enemy did not lay stones on about a thousand settlements. President Ilham Aliyev told foreign media that we could not find a safe building to hang a flag in Fizuli. Attempts to erase the history and culture of Azerbaijan, in general, the traces of the people from the historical lands, demonstrate to the world the low, hateful nature of the enemy. Throughout history, all members of this disgusting nation have taken up arms and shot at us and participated in massacres. Their children were raised in the cradle with hatred against Azerbaijani Turks, and at every opportunity they stabbed us in the back. They are in the same situation today. The fact that Azerbaijan has rejected all concessions over the past 30 years also clearly shows the true intention of the Armenians. How has the government changed in Armenia during this period? Which Azerbaijani people and state did he treat? None. Didn’t these governments express the will of the Armenians? Which Armenian condemned the genocides and massacres against Azerbaijani Turks? None. He even wrote works about these massacres, composed songs, and declared those who took part in the massacre against the Azerbaijani people heroes! Let no one deceive himself, it is impossible to live with such an enemy, such a perverse society. Yes, there are many facts in history that warring nations later reconciled and put an end to enmity. But we are facing a completely different, unprecedented tragedy. It is a terrible fact that in the last 100-150 years, several generations have borne the same hatred against the Turks, including the Azerbaijani Turks. This fact alone makes it the number one task of the state to keep Armenians as far away from our borders as possible. Therefore, the absence of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is the most acceptable option. This is important for the future of the Azerbaijani state, to protect our people from the next disaster. We must learn a good lesson from history! At the same time, we must appreciate the opportunity he has given us and resolve the issue once and for all with a hundred enemies. This is the main condition of Azerbaijan’s national security. The peace options now being discussed on the agenda are about giving cultural autonomy to Armenians. However, the Armenians have proved, and today they show that they cannot live in any country as a representative of a minority. Like a cancer cell, they try to touch the soul of that country, people and state and eat it. It must be cut in time. Now is the time! ………………………………………………………………….


“There is, however, still no conclusive evidence that they’ve taken part in any actions against Armenia, despite accusations.”

Yeah, right, I’m sure the Turkish F-16 pilots just flew over to Azerbaijan to hang out and smoke some hookah.

Random Dude

Nagorno Karabakh is not Armenia tho https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78e548d6515cca9041887686fd78b88dcf8867c39f7bceefd4ced68ee8cbe762.jpg

Potato Man

(News be like) “Another great work by Trump”…the guy who claimed “I can make good deals”. So far he just removed the curtains to show backward morons that Zion and Wahhabism are best friends. No, the other two ceasefire failed right away…why would this one hold those two to stop attacking each others. Trump just wants to milk as much as he can before the elections, like Wahhabi + Zion “deal”. In ME Zion and Wahhabi worked together for years on the ground it meant nothing and nothing came out of it…Palestinian are still losing their home and Zion still killing kids with guns, nothing changed.

Trump and his Zion team can drop their 2 cents and nothing would change.


There is no question that 300 tanks belonging to Armenia were destroyed by the Azerbaijani army. While Armenia has the right to keep only 100 tanks in its arsenal, where do so many tanks come from in this poor country ????? How and with what miserable situation and sinking economy did Armenia get so many techniques ??? What was going on in the so-called republic of 6 S-300 missile systems worth billions and destroyed ??? Why don’t you tell them and show them to the world? Why isn’t anyone asking what is going on in this small and poor country with so many weapons needed for terrorism ???


LAST MINUTE STATEMENT from Ilham Aliyev: “I give interviews almost every day for a month. I am asked what is going on with the Turkish F-16? I’m tired of answering, go and open it, you have a satellite, don’t you see what’s going on? ” The statement came from Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in his address to the nation. “Go and see what the F-16 is doing: in the air or on the ground. Everyone knows he is there and has come for training. It has remained since the beginning of the war. Turkey, our brothers kept it for moral support. “And if there is aggression from outside, they will see those F-16s,” he said.

Rhodium 10

AZ have failed to expel Armenia from NK and will need the help of Turkey ( NATO member) and Israel ( AZ partner)….both are the promoters of the NK war and the Syrian war…and the main goal is to turn NK in another Idlib to destabilize Iran and later Armenia in order that US forces enter there!..same Syrian scenario!…Aliyev will retake NK and strengthen its power but the bill to pay to Turkey and Israel will be the rise of NK as a Turkish pseudocalifate with Syrian terrorist living inside.


N-K war will be over soon. And it is not another Syria. Russia won’t get involved. Parshinyan is too weak to get Armenia involved directly.

All Parshinyan can do now is begging and begging, everyday. He wants foreign powers to fight his war. But no one wants to get involved in a losing war. While he begs, Artskin people suffer.

Rhodium 10

AZ cannot keep troops in deep places inside NK…we have seen in videos how only special forces appear in retaken village…but you will have to keep large number of troops, constant supplyies, deployoment of bootcamps and military assets..all of them are an easy target for Armenian comandos and artillery.


Just minutes after the ceasefire went into effect at 8:00 (local time), the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan accused the Armenian side of gross violation of the ceasefire, but after a while deleted this information.

What? These things happens. The defence minister took the wrong scenario and after playing it for a while, noticed it’s the wrong one, so they deleted it and replaced it with a new version. There are many version in archives, from “babies in incubators” and “USS Liberty” to “gross violation of ceasefire by spitting in our general direction”.


The presence of F-16 stationed in Azerbaijan is telling Armenia that, do not send in your air planes. Or they will be shot down. Do not even think about that. They are also warning to Russian military forces…


Russia doesnt seem very concerned about any F16s from the Turkish air farce…. just a little while ago Russia carried out an airstrike on Faylaq al Sham Bashi-Bazouk HQ a mere 4 miles from the Turkish border in Idlib, killing around 60 Turkler-terroristler…



Azerbaijani army entered the district of Lachin

So Parshinyan will continue to deny it…. LOL.



Day 24 Azerbaijan vs Armenia Frontline Updates – AZERBAIJAN ADVANCING FAST TOWARDS LACHIN









“Azerbaijani army has implemented almost 2 UNSC’s resolutions over the past 30 days” – TRT World

What has the international community done over the past 26 years?? Nothing….



The boys are just having too much fun bashing each other’s skulls open with rifle butts, bayoneting and shooting one another, they’re not gonna listen to some suit tell them to stop playing.

Morbid jokes aside, there seems to be much motivation on both sides to keep on fighting. I reckon that since the Azeris and their bashi-bazouk allies have tasted blood now and have the Armenoidz on the run, the rest of this bloodbath is just gonna play out till the end with little or no respite.

Arman Melkonyan


The extant Turkish Republic of 2020 is guilty of committing and perpetuating the Armenian Genocide!

So why are Armenians being so senseless?

Fact: Turks claim Armenians were deported from war zones for their own safety — NOT with the goal of killing them and committing genocide.

Fact: Turks today conceal (and reportedly destroy) Ottoman Turkish deeds records and archives to obstruct official confirmation of Armenian ownership and thwart the inheritors of the Armenians they “deported” to reclaim and return to their homes, lands and property;


Fact: The Turks are continuing to commit genocide on the Armenians by preventing them from returning to their homes even though WWI has been over for more than a century.

So why…

…aren’t Armenians suing the modern day Republic of Turkey for perpetrating the ongoing genocide *today*?

Aren’t the hapless Armenians being self-defeating instead of helping their cause?

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