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MARCH 2025

Advanced Anti-Drone Gun Spotted With Russian Troops In Ukraine

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Advanced Anti-Drone Gun Spotted With Russian Troops In Ukraine

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Russian troops operating in the Donbass region have been spotted with the Harpoon-2M anti-drone radio-electronic gun.

On May 22, Russian sources shared a photo showing a Russian service member with the gun, which was developed by Russia’s New Telecommunication Technologies. It’s unclear when or where exactly the photo was taken.

Advanced Anti-Drone Gun Spotted With Russian Troops In Ukraine

Click to see full-size image.

The Harpoon-2M gun was designed to counter the threat of light and ultralight drones with electronic warfare means. The gun, which was first presented at the Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2019, can jam the data links of commercial drones on eight different frequency bands. It can also suppress the drone’s navigation systems, whether they use GPS, Galileo, Beidou or GLONASS.

The radio-electronic gun can disable a Chinese-made DJI Mavic 2 Pro quadcopter, a commercial drone commonly used by Kiev forces, from range of up to one kilometer.

Kiev forces have been effectively using light and ultralight commercial drone to monitor and even attack Russian troops since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

In response to this threat, the Russian military began to equip its troops in Ukraine with more anti-drone systems like the Harpoon-2M. Recently, a more advanced system with a detection and a jamming range of up to 3,2 kilometers dubbed the Harpoon-3 was spotted with Russian troops in Ukraine.

The Russian military is also reportedly working to equip the units taking part in the operation in Ukraine with more light and ultralight drones.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia is testing its best weaponry on Uki hoholassholes and NATO faggots and WINNING! SLAVA ROSSIYA.


I doubt their best. Russia will only unveil its best on NATO, specifically USA. I’m no fan of wars between extremely powerful countries because a lot of innocent people will die, but I hope USA gets humbled real soon. US soldiers must die to show the rest of the world that USA isn’t how they’re shown on Hollywood. You’d think when Iran flattened all their military bases without missing a single missile would humble Americans, I guess they’re too brainwashed at this point. The elites from that point knew Iran is the real deal, and Iran weapons stem from Russian technology so Russia is also not to be fucked with. Worst part is that a lot of us here will be affected by our leaders stupid mistakes to please their Zionist leaders, moving back to Lebanon wouldn’t sound so bad right now


USA knows Russia is the real deal.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities

Copy underneath site to check it… 𝑾𝒘𝒘.𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒉𝒅.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn
Jens Holm

Neo Nazis, usefull Idiots for the eternal hooknose kikes.


Neo/Zio-Nazi’s, foolish useless garbage of the human race, dumped like a dirty rag into hell fire eternally.

Edgar Zetar

You dont known what real USA war technologies are, you could guess part of looking to U.S patents but Russia is behind by far against USA’s inventions and technologies. Russia have a STRONG PUNCH in military terms but thats all. I’ve seen what DARPA projects are developing right now in USA and Russia is no match to USA if you takes away all nuclear missiles and MAD from equation. Like it or not 1. USA 2. China and in a below level is 3. Russia 4. India 5. UK (UK haves lots of techs but its a tiny island and develops their techs in USA mainland).

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

You are clueless as they come. Russia is far ahead of the US in many military technologies. Start with the most important one in today’s warfare. Missile technologies. While Russia is already using hypersonic missiles, US is still in testing stage, years behind the real use. For God’s sake, the US is still using Russian rocket engines for delivering satellites into Space, unable to produce its own.

Edgar Zetar

Hi Messiah, guess your mind could not understand the several dimensions and full tech cycles in the whole game of power and tech R&D. I say Russia have a STRONG PUCH, have nuclear missiles, some hypersonic missiles because Russia military opted strategicaly to achieve a STRONG PUNCH in order to defend themselves against the WEST and USA. Yes Russia have better in one field Hypersonic because they focused in this one field only. Let me put to a languaje you can understand…. messiah only reads the byble and gospel of Christ but never read others books nor even the Torah and jew traditions to understand the evolution of the bible you are reading, so you can be so good in your bible knowledge but you will never understand all the mankind and civilizations nor nature nor space nor cosmos nor the heart of magma inside our planet. Keep reading your Bible Messiah some day the book would speak to you in your mind if you try so hard, and its no Christ speaking inside your mind, would be instead madness and schizophrenia evolved in your damaged brain.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
John Tosh

Did you just switch topics just because you were caught lying?

Remember most rocket engineering in the USA came from Germany after world war 2. Scientists from around the world headed to the USA to invent things. This was the past.

Today in the USA scientists have second thoughts on inventing things in the USA. Will it lead to murdering women and children? Same as Albert Einstein in NAZY Germany. He knew giving the NAZIs nukes will make him rich but at what cost to humanity?

The inventive mind does that. This is why the USA is behind on military technology.


Russia has always been the tech leader when it comes to missiles and weaponry. The US is far behind Russia and China in hypersonic tech and glide missile tech. Russia has made the US ICBM outdated.


Putin’s credibility rating close to 81% — pollster The level of approval of the president’s activity was at 77.7%, the survey said as Russian military successes become apparent and people rally around the flag.


Obviously. The DPR militia has liberated Novoselovka. They are practically at the outskirts of Odessa. Around 100km from Transnistria!!

Yeah but the ukronazis are winning while “evacuating” HAHAHAHAHA


Is it confirmed by MoD?


Do your own research.

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope, to take Odessa a must is Mikolaiv. Novoselovka is way in other direction.

Jean Pierre Gaston


“People can say whatever they want. I was there. I saw what happened there,” emphasised Bocquet, who says he has made many dozens of videos of war crimes. He saw in a barn Russian prisoners of war who had been beaten and tied up. “Fighters from the Azov battalion asked them who the officers were. Each Russian soldier was shot in the knees with a Kalashnikov. I have videos that prove it, otherwise I would not dare to say such a thing.”

Officers were immediately shot in the head. “That’s how it goes, at least in the Azov battalion,” the French ex-marine said.

He went on to say that he had seen an American cameraman blatantly staging footage and the Ukrainian army hiding ammunition in homes at night without informing civilians.


Ukranian officers obviously lack gallantry if they permitted such atrocities.


ukrops are divided into hohols and nazis

there is no place for gallantry, courage, patriotism and honor


That is the way how NATO instructors and adviser taught them for last 8 years

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s very interesting because while the Putin cockroaches love to have a moron pose with another shitty weapon for a picture, Ukranian forces love recording their weapons on video being used in action destroying a bunch of shitty Russian tanks. Like this one. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=322517793394639&id=100069092624537&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Jens Holm

You Jews are envious of Muhammad and Putin, eat more herring for bowel movement

Muhammad your Prophet

Look at this demented antisemite freak. Jews and Muslims coexisted peacefully for 750 years before deranged cockroaches just like Ayatollah Khamenei ruined the party for everybody.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Pawel Pawel

Muhammad der schwule Wickser ohne Hirn


Nice source buddy – from losing Neo-Nazis, but could you tell those Neo-Nazis to not be drunk and show the whole thing without cutting and putting shity effects. Oh, I wonder what is the reason behind it.

Here I can link some of Russian work to you, but you aren’t looking for those I can tell. https://t.me/intelslava/29542

P.S. That guy shares Russia’s point of view, if you live in Ukraine don’t watch his channel, or the Neo-Nazis come and kill you.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

I piss on the faces of these fucking neonazis. I will rape their sorry asses asap. I am born and have lived in the most mafia ridden country in the world. We eat nazis for breakfast while drinking their blood.

Not mine

Zelensky’s cockroaches with their crappy drones and their crappy artillery sometimes cause little damage to Russian troops, but they will suffer much greater losses when they are surrounded and defeated in the Donbas. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1B1PLMhbHmG1aJ2-QNxHY1TksI6HlNhqF&hl=en&ll=48.80538260826072%2C38.1627798666784&z=10

Muhammad your Prophet

Last I heard the Putin cockroaches can’t even cross a river. Two entire Russian battalions getting ended up swimming down the river. Is that the one you’re talking about?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

only maybe in your dead kosher brain

Muhammad your Prophet

Last I heard they tried crossing the river again today and lost another battalion? Don’t you get tired of murdering your own comrades?

Not mine

By the way, they were found and eliminated. https://t.me/c/1460007515/55732


shlomo ohne vorhaut und hirn, halt die fresse.

Muhammad your Prophet

unda die fraisse hein varhut

Hayate kirino

There are many videos (one was posted yesterday on intelslava) of russian soldiers trying to hit drones with Kalashnikovs. Jeez dudes, the Kalashnikov has an effective range of 350m in a straight line (ie not facing upwards) the drones can fly up to 10km above ground height. Do these guys live in the stone age or what?

Jens Holm

Russian Kalashnikov wins every war. You should put one in your mouth and pull the trigger.

Haruki Murakami

Throw off the links of several of them, and then something is not believed.

Hayate kirino

https://t.me/intelslava/29517 It is clearly above 350m height

Hayate kirino

Also this old one: https://youtu.be/5XDsR7O4fBw


Russia needs Kurganets and Terminators in large numbers. I assume they are alrrady producing them.

Edgar Zetar

Russia lost a lot after Bolchevique Revolution and the post communist society lacked of Creativeness and human imagination. Russia should develop human creative by using some internal region or republic or a neighboor country and develop different and parallels societies inside so the new people who will arrive on this societies need to be creative and imaginative and full known of nature to develop the technologies they need to close the gap against USA or CHINA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
mike l hutchings

working people; everyday people in the United States are not on board with Bidens war, and a NAZI is a NAZI in the past or in the present. the Biden crime family can’t hide what it’s doing so they will try to run over us but that will not be easy. thank you, South Front, the MSM treats us like mushrooms it feeds us shit and keep us in the dark. I am an America first patriot; Russia should be our ally not our enemy


Looks like those insanely fancy weapons in Borderlands 2 and 3 video games.

Christian J. Chuba

And this is why small drones will (or should) become autonomous and choose targets w/o an operator. Even small drones had optics and there is enough image processing power to target a ‘truck or people carrying guns’ vs trees. The operator should only be involved in choosing the drones direction and range to ensure it is in hostile territory.

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