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MARCH 2025

Advancing De-Russification, Ukraine Plans To Rename Its Coin

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Advancing De-Russification, Ukraine Plans To Rename Its Coin

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Ukraine’s de-Russification efforts seem to be reaching an absolutely irrational level of extremism. Now, Kiev is planning to remove the “Russian name” of its coin, adopting a “national” nomenclature in the Ukrainian language. The attempt to cut all historical ties with Russia is a reflection of the neo-Nazi and racist mentality that has become hegemonic in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d’état.

The National Bank of Ukraine recently proposed renaming the smallest Ukrainian monetary unit, currently called “kopiyka”. The reason for the change is said to be its similarity with the name of the Russian coin – “kopek”. According to the National Bank’s members, keeping the coin’s current name would be contrary to the country’s guidelines of replacing historical “Russian” symbols – a process that began ten years ago but has been deeply advanced since the start of direct hostilities with Russia in 2022.

The Bank’s plan is to rename the coin with the word “shag” (“step”). The term was used in Ukrainian in the past to refer to an 18th-century Polish-Lithuanian silver coin. The idea will still be put to a vote by parliamentarians and submitted for approval by the government. However, the initiative appears to be receiving strong support from Ukrainian nationalist politicians, and has a high chance of approval. De-Russification measures are easily approved in the current political scenario of Ukraine, since opposition to Zelensky has been entirely banned through arrests and purges.

The proposal has been described in Ukraine as a “restoration of historical justice”. From a pragmatic point of view, the measure is absolutely useless, since the coin is hardly used in the daily life of today’s Ukrainians. Due to the devaluation of the hryvnia and high inflation rates, the smallest Ukrainian monetary unit is of little practical use to citizens, which is why the measure would not even be noticed by most of the population. In the end, it would be a merely symbolic act, but at the same time quite significant in terms of the contemporary Ukrainian political mindset.

It is interesting to see what Ukraine’s priorities are in a war situation. Countries at war tend to focus on military efforts, directing national attention to expand combat capabilities. Instead, Ukraine’s priority seems to be to use the rhetoric of the conflict to justify racist measures that will allow it to “de-Russify” the country even further. Even if such measures are not only symbolic, but also expensive and militarily useless, Kiev is willing to take them only to achieve the central goal of eliminating all historical ties between Ukraine and Russia.

Several racist policies have been adopted in Ukraine since the Maidan. The first of these policies was the banning of the regime of co-official languages, which sparked a popular uprising in the Russian-majority regions. Kiev also began a wave of renaming cities and streets, as well as the destruction of historical monuments. Anything that mentioned the USSR or the Russian Empire became a target of the Kiev regime. The intention is simply to pretend that there was never a common past between Russians and Ukrainians.

All these actions are extremely negative for the Ukrainian people themselves. Among ordinary people in Ukraine, the Russophobic mentality has become strong among the youth, who have been educated in recent years through neo-Nazi brainwashing. However, there are still millions of Russians who do not think like the country’s authorities. Popular dissatisfaction is growing, as can be seen in the recent wave of demonstrations by Ukrainian believers against the banning of the Orthodox Church – which is accused by the Kiev regime of promoting Russian interests.

However, public opinion clearly does not matter to Zelensky’s neo-Nazi dictatorship. The regime is taking the risk of being hated by its own people as long as it follows NATO-imposed de-Russification agenda. The main goal is to make future generations of Ukrainians grow up without even knowing the country’s real history, believing that Ukrainians and Russians are enemies, having no common ties.

It is unlikely that such an agenda will be successful. A centuries-old history cannot be erased in a few years of de-Russification measures. It is more likely that popular discontent in Ukraine will grow to the point of generating strong internal opposition to the Maidan regime, creating great domestic instability in the country. Obviously, merely symbolic measures such as renaming the coin will not have any impact, but the whole de-Russification wave could have a major impact on public opinion, turning ordinary Ukrainians against the regime.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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they should rename it to bankruptcy, the bankrupt’s currency. 1 million bankruptcies will buy you the average ukrainian (about 15 $).

gestapo mctaco

(about 15 $).

enough for a bag of ketchup?


to put in your spaghetti bol i presume

Cornish Gamehen

that will really get those russian!!!


your full is it aren’t you

homer simpson

why us amerikunts insecure feminized?


same with settlemnets, some were renamed 2-3 weeks before liberation. usually before death a human is thinking about the most important things in life. that’s what important for ukro-janissaries. their rotten world is collapsing, but no other things to do. buy the way, “shag” is also a russian word. if they wish to bastardize, they should use a word “krok”, old polish or german variant. even “rada” has german origin — rat, landsrat, bundesrat — council. came from germans through poles.


the settlement renaming is something pushed by the west it creates a sense of identity so the western viewers of the news can “realise” urkaine was allways different to russia just ocupied and now that they are free thanks to “us” they name their cities like they want. it happens in many conflicts where one side is supported by the west. look at kosovo/ kosovä with cities like pristina / pristinä and similar cases.


load of bs kiev was the capital of russia pal it s been russian for centuries same people same language same church only under jesuit joe stalin did they get forced to speak pidgin russian to deceive the world about their identity crimea was always russias wealthy playground and holiday resort even when i was in high school we were taught the russian steppes were the bread basket of europe that’s ukraine farms now owned by the jesuits.

homer simpson

u amerikunts are stupid—stalin studied in orthodox schools not catholic—ukrainian language spoken is wester rural ukraine–russian in south east—vast numbers of russians have always actioned in crimea—plenty of inexpensive hotels alushta sevastopol even yalta


yes brat.you said a mouthful toots


currency re-named to the ukrainian word for failure: збій

how many збій does it cost to get the jew dick out of your ass?

edit: all ultra- right propaganda originates from the ziofascists. even alt-right infowars is jew owned zionazi propaganda that incites xenophobia, hatred, and misguided nationalism. another reason why people suspect that jews are behind the genocide of slavs in ukraine.

Last edited 6 months ago by Vegard

even before the 2014 coup. ukraine was being groomed by ultra-right nationalist propaganda depicting slavs as subhuman. reminiscent of goebbel’s propaganda machine during ww2, caricaturing and dehumanizing slavs …


just a question. if the galicianbased ukrainian nationalism is depicting slavs as subhumans. arent galiciens slavs? if not what are they germanics, kelts, dacians, ilyrians or khazars who became christians?


no the first blonde haired blue eyed genetic mutation occurred in persia. they moved out of the sun to england scandinavia denmark ireland etc and even into egypt looking to escape the sunburn that they suffered from in persia middle east they went to germany italy rome etc


they spread the blonde haired genetics that you think is aryan or england’s rose. england rose came from the middle east too they stole that too.al9ng with america canada africa australia new zealand etc and with their dutch and spanish cousins basically almost the whole world by law, the royal s still secretly own it in my opinion, by law, but being a tiny minority they’re very concerned with diplomacy.


look around look at the blonde haired sblue eyes in the elite world theyre all either full or part persians historically. even i am my siblings are blonde haired blue eyed despite both parents being dark hair brown eyes that can only happen genetically when both parents are originally persians from that genetic mutation.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
I Like Ike

galicians are the nazi brainwashed equivalent to america’s very own appalachian toe pickers.


that’s pharonic roots the pharoah class, were the jews first enemies, then the romans nothings changed. slavs or slaves were considered inferior obviously to the elite class of supremacists actually satan was the jews first deceiver and nothings changed he’s still elitist but deceiving.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

its like with aliens you cant take the dick out of the ukrainian without the ukrainian dieing. the point of no return has been reached in this they will either be fucked forever or die.


grow up this isn’t the boys toilet


there’s a dick in your arse, but it’s not jewish


i suggest shekelka


or perhaps ‘oink’…..


if they were ever honest they’d be using the greenback but since that’s going to be removed and replaced with digital currency anyway they’re not taking the path

Crocus Shooting Gallery

every last stink of orc will be cleansed from ukraine…heheheh


thats why orcraine will cease to exist. you eurotard flatheads are so cute when you are crying 🤡🤡🤡

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i promise that by 2085, it will be. heheheh


haha, sag is a russian word from russian vocabulary.

I Like Ike

shag means step in russian but in ukrainian, step is krok.

proof positive that any value to do with ukrainian money is just another western crock of shit.

Gneaus stapo

lucas leiroz, truely the sf village idiot.

instead of writing bs articels, he should visit kiew,like i did and he would understand reality. ukraine will never ever be part of the rashnik flathead subhuman raptists soldestka horde scum empire again.

good to change everything rashnik, final solution of russian question is long overdue.


hallo mein eurotard flathead, how are you doing? did you hid well in that public toilet recently? we were all worried about you!


visited did you the forner capital city of russia for centuries? what did you learn there? did you even learn ukraines only been “independent,” as a intentional set up for today’s events, since around 1990? apparently not apparently your understanding of warfare and stage craft are as limited as your history

homer simpson

germland now amerikunt colony–stupo lick many mulatto peniz

I Like Ike

you have your own subhuman scum in germany to worry about, stupo.

and i don’t mean the immigrants.

The Court Jester

i think stupo dreams of being a teutonic knight in his little fairytale castle in the sky.


are they going to reset it to the “default” settings?



hehe he he says using his multitude of fake names so transparently a trollope


southfront does really well with the ukraine situation, but the present attitude that seems to now show itself towards israel sounds similar to the late 1930-1940 don’t you think ?


the internet is run by globalists you don’t comply with the roman rule of law, you get cancelled.


yes the globalist imperislists at nato operating under the moral authority for rule of pspal law are compliant. the serbian online news used to have a footer dedicating itself to the russian federation and president but they erased that about 8 months ago too. they’re all serving wef now.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

thank you zelensky you are doing a great job and is true man. vladolf is tranny who rainbow boy fanclub want to ask for help with closet problems

homer simpson

rammed anuz filled w taliban and amerikun mulatto semen

homer simpson

we coca colonize ukistan–they must. worship dollar

Dupa of Kyev

kyev dupa zelensky opens wide deep penetration of the anuuz markets of worthless money’s! big dancing of fat buttocks will bring old men investing into the annosz of kyev! hooray for penniless dupa of kyev who is dwarf of big statures! only biggest kielbasa is good for dupa of kyev!

Last edited 6 months ago by Dupa of Kyev

lol, symbolic gestures won’t give you results zelensky. how about you just accept defeat and stop killing your own men by sending them to a warzone after three minutes of training


better use rubles after the battle for kiev, remember this is a war until the end


erase everything from the neo nazis scum

I Like Ike

russia is busy doing that as we speak, try to stay up with current trends.


i know a new name for their currencies:


I Like Ike

i like ‘spit’ better. it makes all ukrainians feel they’re worth something.

Moshe Dayan

so ukraine is going to rename its coin: they should name it the “shitpence” in honor of the traitor to trump. although the “shitpence” probably has more value than the fake religious stooge it’s named after.

I Like Ike

they could call it the bj, after boris johnson or for zelensky’s preferred method of interacting with uncle sam, as poland’s sikorsky once described polish foreign policy.

I Like Ike

desperate to raise funds, kiev came up with its own digital currency called the trident and on the first day of trading, it went from 10 to the dollar to 10,000,000,000,000 to the dollar.

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