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Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

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Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

The Oil Stills of Al Mansura near Al Raqqah Photo: David Rose

On July 10, RusVesna.SU shared new photos exposing the illegal oil trade between Kurdish forces and Turkish-backed militants in Syria.

The photos, which were likely taken by Russian reconnaissance, show a meeting point on the M4 highway, where Kurdish forces handed over oil illegally produced from northeastern Syria fields to Turkish-backed militants.

The oil is shipped from the Kurdish-held town of Manbij in the northeastern Aleppo countryside to Turkish-occupied areas in the governorate’s northern countryside through the Abu Julud crossing. 20 to 50 tanker are passing through the crossing every day.

From there, the stolen oil is distributed to two illegal markets run by Turkish-backed militants near the towns of Tarhin and Qabasin.

Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

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Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

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Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

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Aerial Images Expose Illegal Oil Trafficking Between Kurdish Forces, Turkey’s Proxies In Syria

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Turkey and its proxies call Kurdish forces in Syria, represented by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), “terrorist groups”. Yet, they have no problem buying looted oil from them. The SDF, from its side, relies on the “blood money” it receives from Turkish forces.

Earlier this year, a series of missile strikes targeted illegal oil markets in Turkish-occupied areas. The strikes were reportedly carried out by Russian and Syrian government forces.

RusVesna’s report highlights the secret cooperation between Kurdish forces and Turkish-backed militants, who claim to be enemies.


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Erdogan Zionist a$$licker

BREAKING : Turkish president speaks with Israeli PM, discusses high potential for cooperation.


So why the hell are they not being droned or bombed with jet aircraft 24/7 ?


Some bombs, rockets, air-to-surface missiles and 30 mm. cannon fire would do just nicely to stop these bastards from stealing Syria’s fuel resources.


Because Israel is also benefiting from this Big Steal – and Russia’s Putin loves Israel.

concrete mike

Yes because sdf cant do wrong?

Ceasar act has nothing to do with that eh?

Gtfo sdf fan boy


Jeez, bomb the shit out of it. Come on Russia what is that you are waiting for, an invitation>?!<

The Objective

All this while Assad is starving of oil? Putin must shiver with anger at the sight of these photos. But his power is limited and he doesn’t dare cross into U.S territory. Business doesn’t mean Turkey isn’t going to bomb the SDF at some point. the right time will come.


What the fuck are you talking about US territory? this isn’t florida.


Your comments are pure nonsense. Research the current situation and stop talking garbage.

Perhaps you have heard of the nations of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia, China etc. They are Syrian allies. Whatever the SAA needs, they will get.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Esta cooperación entre las fuerzas Kurdas y los militantes y fuerzas Turcas son reales, pero como muestra el informe del tráfico y transporte ilegal de petróleo robado al pueblo Sirio. Sería necesario dado las imágenes tomadas por los drones rusos el ataque de las instalaciones de almacenamiento y los medios de transporte, dada la vulnerabilidad en la cual se encuentran estos suministros, tanto las fuerzas Rusas y sus aliados tendrían que realizar ataques más seguidos, utilizando todos los medios a disposición de las fuerzas Sirias contra este contrabando ilegal que realizan estos militantes y fuerzas Kurdas.

Peter Wallace

As per Marcelo “This cooperation between the Kurdish forces and the Turkish militants and forces are real, but as the report of the illegal trafficking and transportation of oil stolen from the Syrian people shows. It would be necessary given the images taken by the Russian drones the attack of the storage facilities and the means of transport, given the vulnerability in which these supplies are found, both the Russian forces and their allies would have to carry out more frequent attacks, using all the means at the disposal of the Syrian forces against this illegal smuggling carried out by these militants and Kurdish forces.” Certainly agree with you Marcelo. Seguro que estoy de acuerdo contigo Marcelo


Bomb it ,if it’s illegal bom it

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