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MARCH 2025

After Defeat In Syria ISIS Militants’ Interests Drift To CIS States: Russian Interior Ministry

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After Defeat In Syria ISIS Militants’ Interests Drift To CIS States: Russian Interior Ministry


The news agency TASS reports (source):

After the defeat in Syria the interests of the leaders of the Islamic State are drifting towards the CIS, the chief of the extremism resistance directorate of Russia’s Interior Ministry, Oleg Ilyinykh, said on Friday.

“Islamic State militants are hatching plots for creating a world terrorist network of sleeper cells, capable of demonstrating their ability to stage terrorist attacks around the world. The Caliphate’s strategic defeat in Syria and Iraq inevitably shifts the interests of the Islamic State to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia,” he said.

Ilyinykh noted the growing strength of the Taliban and IS militants in the northern provinces of Afghanistan bordering on the CIS countries and Central Asia.

“These processes are becoming particularly dangerous because several thousand CIS citizens had been fighting for the Islamic State in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and now they have plans for returning to their home countries. With this in mind we focus attention on cooperation with partners within the SCO, the CIS and BRCS,” Ilyinykh said.

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John Whitehot

it was the plan since the start, but at least now they have several tens of thousands of potential martyrs less.

Zionism = EVIL

The Wahhabi scum are not drifting anywhere, it is Americunt strategic policy to use them against its Russian “partners”, Iran and mostly China. As the Americunts play second fiddle to PRC, they are looking at different options to start a terror campaign against China. Pakistan is obviously not going to act against its all weather friend and ally and India is too weak and petrified of China so the only avenue for destabilizing central Asia is via Tajikistan and the weak corrupt ex-CIA stans where Russians are hated. Russia is in Jew pockets so can not even work with Iran.


You’ve got the picture more or less. But I don’t think you can say that Russians are hated in the stans, people are happy to speak Russian in many of them. Russia also paid off their IMF debts, and it is because of that they haven’t directly fallen into complete western/international mafia dominance.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem with Russia is that it has been hijacked by Jew global plunderers and so are the family run Stans. Both are corrupt and the CIA and Americunts have made a lot of headway into Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. Russia’s only would be ally would have been Iran, but due to Jew pressure Putin caved in there too. If you look at Russian borders, it has no friends. The ex-Warsaw pact are all NATO now and Turkey is playing a weak Russia for chumps. The Chinese are steadily encroaching in the far east and Siberia. Russia has very options.

Real Anti-Racist Action

This same copy and paste strategy has been getting played for 1,400 years. And we all know who’s side the zionist media is on. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/islam-terror-attacks-1.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

The Islamophobic racist nutter from loony right have launched over 120 attacks against mosques and Muslim targets, not to mention the Americunt and NATO lapdogs killing over 3 MILLION Muslims from Syria to Afghanistan. A redneck racist idiot in Canada killed 6 at a mosque, but I believe that the Australian right wing terrorist who attacked a mosque in NZ killed the largest number of totally innocent people. Such cowardice is disgusting wherever it originates from. ISIS scum and white racists are the same, hateful fucks. Jews are sponsoring most right wing terrorists like PEGIDA in Germany.

Real Anti-Racist Action

All of this that you posted is the most convincing evidence that multi-racial societies do not work. “Stop The Hate Separate” https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/07f13f50199bdf67dce042be85fbe098/5D2C8D8A/t51.2885-15/e35/38543663_248628245989916_4796942676756791296_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com

Zionism = EVIL

Do you think tribalism is the answer? it is too late to revert the course of history, it is called demographics and powershifts. The Chinese Han created the longest Wall and even that did not work out. It is good thing that I am getting old and won’t see the freak show when all unravels.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Actually the Han are the largest demography on Earth thanks to the wall assisting them to get ahead. Without the wall the Han people would be a minority instead of the global majority. Thank you for pointing out how that wall helped the Han to get ahead by protecting their tribe. I am just someone who thinks that Diversity is beautiful. The world diversity by the way means ‘different’ and in difference is where I see beauty. Every tribe on earth has equal right to their homes and tribe, even though Zionism says we must all mix out any diversity till their is nothing diverse about the human species whatsoever. But I do not buy into zionist-lies. A personas people is the most important possession anyone can ever have. The zionist spread a conspiracy theory that tribe means nothing.

Black Mountains

However, after it is defeat & fail, not only ISIS ideology -logo brand flag & narrative that have spread out across the globe and absorbed by million sympathisers. It is also difficult to define the importance of the fall of the ‘caliphate’ in terms of the Westphalian view of the international state system. In contrast to modern states, ISIS’s authority is not legitimised based on fixed and inviolable territorial borders. As a result, it is easier for ISIS to deal with the loss of territory than it is for other states. In this regard, they resemble both Nazi & Communist methodologies in a more asymmetrical manner, preoccupied with both ‘Trotskyist’ permanent revolution & a long-term Maoist-style revolutionary war, carrying out a series of terrorist media-friendly attacks & guerrilla aggression, creating wilayat of it’s territorial caliphate, carving out a de facto mini-state. While in the virtual world, it’s caliphate will survive and remain a powerful source of inspiration nostalgia with success story propaganda to tell. However, it will not be easy for ISIS to pop up again as it did in 2013 and 2014 in Iraq, it need Bush along with it’s debathification, also Maliki with it’s desunnification to be absorbed by people in Iraq order to join ISIS. But it will be easy for ISIS to pop up in Syria. Beyond Iraq & Syria, it’s pretty hard.

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