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Again, Fear on the Run, “Catastrophic Contagion”

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Again, Fear on the Run, “Catastrophic Contagion”

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Written by Peter Koenig. Originally published on GlobalResearch

Remember Event 201 of 18 October 2019 in NYC, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Of course, WHO was also present, and so were all the Globalist players, including the World Bank, IMF and – of indeed the UN and many of its sub-organization. See this

This was a “tabletop” simulation, as they call it – of a corona pandemic that may hit the entire world population “one of these days”…

It happened less than three months later. The rest is history.


Now, the same suspects, replacing officially the WEF by WHO as a key sponsor, used the Event of the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022 for a similar “tabletop” exercise, this time called “Catastrophic Contagion” – see this.

Is it a coincidence that the venue of this Event is Brussels, Headquarters of the EU and NATO?

Strange that this surfaced only now. And be assured, the WEF was omni-present.

In fact, without the WEF nothing of this kind would happen. Because the WEF is the Executing Branch of Big Finance – the corporate finance-digito-military complex, that directs the world from the shadows of Washington.

It is strange that hardly anything surfaced from this event for almost two months. Why was it kept secret until now?

Well, instead of, or in addition to the vassalic UN organizations and Washington controlled financial institutions, like World Bank and IMF – they invited an extraordinary group of participants, consisting of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany. Of particular interest are African countries.

There are no coincidences. WHO’s behind closed doors Assembly of Health Ministers from around the world are debating the infamous Pandemic Treaty, as these lines are written. They will soon be voting on this nefarious “Treaty”. The Pandemic Treaty, as we know, if voted in favor by a two-thirds majority will override all national authorities on matters of health; and as of 1 January 2024 will have jurisdiction above the sovereign nation states of the 194 WHO member countries.

This means, we would have a worldwide health tyranny. See this brief video (5:45 min) from a WHO insider – Dr. Vincent Carroll (18 March 2022).

Why the African countries were invited to this simulation of this very-very scary and frightening Catastrophic Contagion? – An Africa block of countries are the strong holdout – they rejected so far the Pandemic Treaty. Africans know what it means. And they even better know what it means after having experienced the covid hoax, that for some of their Presidents ended deadly. Because they – some African and one Caribbean President – opposed the vaxx agenda, they ended up dying under strange circumstances.

Why Germany’s presence?

Germany has currently the most oppressive government in Europe. Germany a EU economic and intellectual superpower, has also Europe’s strongest resistance movements – resistance against the covid and the Green (fake) Climate Agenda narrative. Resistance against the EU-Brussels directorate’s suicide pact for Europe, leading with a planned collapse of the German economy.

The hard-core Dr. Karl Lauterbach was sworn in as Federal Minister of Health, about a year ago, on December 8, 2021. Will he convince the Africans, Singaporians and Indians of the Great Good of the Pandemic Treaty for their countries and for the rest of the world?

Will there be some special incentives in terms of “development money” be waiting in the wings for those African countries? Difficult to say. But all is possible. In our Orwell world, dystopian has long become the new normal.

One thing is sure, if the WHO Pandemic Treaty is approved, the world is in deep trouble. Mother Earth may convert into a sanitary prison; that coupled with central bank digital currencies – will be the end of what we once called “freedom”, and under the eagle’s eye and iron fist of the Green Agenda, it might mean permanent lockdown.

Exiting WHO will then be of the order – along with abandoning our western monetary system as we know it. Parallel, community-bound currencies have long existed – and they can grow again, and so can people- and nature-based health systems. There are plenty of good and honest medical doctors, practicing alternative medicine that will render humanity healthier.

It may sound like the endgame. But the endgame may be blowing in the wind – and from its dust may rise a new society.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


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Mexican American 🇲🇽

These are the enemies of mankind along with the satanic occultists.

Fabrizio Petralia

If these are the enemies of mankind along with the satanic occultists, why does not anybody kill them?


Have you tried ?

Mexican American 🇲🇽

They control everything.


For me everything is falling apart. Many bankers were assassinated, even a pro-American German politician, etc. etc. . The System is not stabilized, so you have to rail, like the Vietcongs against the Americans.


Because they control the purse strings. Money talks and those that control it do the talking-mostly Jews.

Tommy Jensen

I have my 2 cars and my weekly gym so I am too busy.


I think we need to prepare for another de-population exercise, pure evil in operation.


These forces of evil believe they are invincible, they believe they are God. In reality they have no imperial capabilities, only usury capabilities, and with these they do not win. In fact, they haven’t won a single war since 1945, these idiots! You call them, if you want, deluded.

William White

It’s not so hard just kill the rich.


Being rich is not the problem. Its just what these particular wicked people who happen to be rich use their resources for. A real effort must be made to put them out of action. If it was worth it to stop Hitler it’s definitely worth it to stop this cabal.


Working together, the elites enrich themselves while fulfilling their agenda. The enrichments are personal rewards but also provide ammo for their agendas. Examples are Soros and all his wild destructive sponsorships and Gates with his foundation for the devil.


The ruling cliques in the West are full of mediocre and unhealthy ideas……………………………. they love people so much! With all these inventions it’s not like they conquer the planet………… but they hasten their end. They are poor idiots. Let them have a bad death.

William White

A wonderful place for some missiles if ever there was one.


Herr Klaus, Charles lll, Kissinger, Clinton Foundation, Gates, Davos, IMF, WORLD BANK, NED, Google etc… Corporate fascists, feeding on societies tit.

Tommy Jensen

We are here to earn money. Thats how it was, thats how it is and thats how it always will be.


Read “Giants – The Global Power Elite” by Peter Phillips to better understand who the WEF is part of, what it’s motives are for and who are it’s members. Once you see and understand that this is part of the TCC (Transnational Capitalism Class) a small group of the world’s richest, well educated and connected people who form many different groups and institutions that then employ many more and create many more offshoots of the main groups that basically dictate how governments operate. When you read this book it all clicks into place.

Last edited 1 year ago by Luke

A timely reminder


Why are Gates and Schwab still consuming oxygen?


For the same reason that US presidents are only bumped off by inside jobs. Ordinary people just don’t get out of their armchairs.


“Public Health” are the new Jesuits with the WHO acting as the Inquisition and Tedros as Torquemada. We used to consult doctors when we were ill. Then, suddenly, doctors are all about coercing us to some arbitrary goal called “health” and have arrogated to themselves all sorts of extraordinary powers, including imprisonment, to force the rest of us to comply with their ideals – which they euphemistically label “health”. This is “Do as I say – for your own good.” It is typical of tyrants.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

The only certain Global Contagion is that of IMBECILITY and WEF spreading it and taking great advantage from it.

“You will own nothing and be happy!”, what can be more Bolshevik (or Nazy, because they are the sides of the same coin) than this?! And the young generations from East and West are so delighted by this nightmarish perspective!?

Last edited 1 year ago by USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one
300K more mobilization

I readed today that “pfizzer covid causes heart attact” idk is thar true or not

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