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Again, NATO’s Polling Shows Far Higher Percentages of Chinese Than of Americans Think They Live in a Democracy.

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Again, NATO’s Polling Shows Far Higher Percentages of Chinese Than of Americans Think They Live in a Democracy.

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

A NATO front organization recently released their polling report “Democracy Perception Index 2021”, and its poll-findings in the 53 surveyed countries contradict more than confirm what NATO’s own propaganda routinely asserts; so, though these findings are major news, they are suppressed, instead of publicized, by NATO, and are practically a secret NATO poll. These rankings are published here for the very first time; they weren’t published, at all, in the NATO-affiliated report, but I calculated them from the data, which were published (and even those data were suppressed by the polls’ sponsors).

This is a follow-up to the report that I did on last year’s polling report.

Here are the ranks of the 53 polled countries, as indicated in “Democracy Perception Index 2021” — based on a thousand respondents in each nation — regarding the question:

Q3 Think about your country today. How democratic do you think it is? Slider: 0 – not at all democratic; 10 – very democratic (rankings here are based on the scores as shown on page 9 of the report)

  1. Switzerland
  2. Norway
  3. Denmark
  4. China
  5. Taiwan
  6. Vietnam
  7. Philippines
  8. South Korea
  9. Sweden
  10. Canada
  11. Germany
  12. Portugal
  13. India
  14. Ireland
  15. Austria
  16. Ireland
  17. Australia
  18. Singapore
  19. Netherlands
  20. UK
  21. Indonesia
  22. Malaysia
  23. Argentina
  24. Spain
  25. Israel
  26. Saudi Arabia
  27. Pakistan
  28. Hong Kong
  29. Romania
  30. Belgium
  31. U.S.
  32. Mexico
  33. Italy
  34. Japan
  35. South Africa
  36. Kenya
  37. Egypt
  38. Greece
  39. Brazil
  40. Morocco
  41. Turkey
  42. Chile
  43. Colombia
  44. Peru
  45. Thailand
  46. Russia
  47. Algeria
  48. Ukraine
  49. Nigeria
  50. Poland

51, Hungary

  1. Iran
  2. Venezuela

NATO (not in its own name but via an allied polling firm that’s run by a former NATO Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen) sponsored these polls of a thousand people in each of 53 countries, to determine the extent to which the public there believe that their country is a democracy, as measured, first, on the above-mentioned question, but, secondarily, on what might be considered to be a good definition for “democracy”:

Q4 Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? “My government usually acts in the interest of…” 

… most people in my country 

… a small group of people in my country

If “democracy” means rule by the majority, as opposed to rule by “a small group in my country,” then the scores here should be the same or fairly close to the scores on the first-mentioned question; and, therefore, to the extent that any significant divergence exists between the rankings on these two questions, it would indicate irrationality in the public’s answers to one or both questions.

This particular question (Q4) had also been polled in the 2020 report, and I shall present here the rankings for 2021 (and, in parentheses, show what the ranks had been in 2020), on question Q4 (as calculated from column Q4 here). This will provide information on current trends. (Incidentally: one of the reasons why the rankings are suppressed, instead of publicized, might be that in America, which the NATO-front “Freedom House” labels as “Free,” 52% of respondents said “Government serves a small group,” whereas, in China, which the NATO-front “Freedom House” labels as “Not Free,” only 13% did. NATO — basically the U.S. Government — is propagandizing for war against China. The findings in these polls therefore do not confirm but largely contradict NATO’s propaganda. Perhaps it is largely for this reason that the rankings were not calculated and published in the report. As was earlier mentioned, I have calculated these rankings from the percentages of people in each country who said that their “Government serves a small group.” For examples: in the 2020 report, that percentage was, in Vietnam 12%, in Ukraine 70%, and in U.S. 52%. The U.S. regime wants to get Ukraine into NATO, and is against both Vietnam and China; and, therefore, some findings — such as that “Not Free” Vietnam and China are shown in the polls’ data to be the most “democratic” countries — are unwelcomed, and need to be suppressed, instead of published, by the regime.)

So, regarding the question

Q4 Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? “My government usually acts in the interest of…” 

… most people in my country 

… a small group of people in my country

here are the

Ranks in 2021 (& 2020)

  1. Vietnam (was #1 in 2020 — the most democratic country in both years)
  2. China (#2 in 2020)
  3. Singapore (was #3 in 2020)
  4. Saudi Arabia (was #4 in 2020)*
  5. Denmark (was #5 in 2020)
  6. Switzerland (was #6 in 2020)
  7. Norway (was #15 in 2020)
  8. India (was #8 in 2020)
  9. South Korea (was #10 in 2020)
  10. Malaysia (was #11 in 2020)
  11. Taiwan (was #12 in 2020)
  12. Philippines (was #9 in 2020)
  13. Hong Kong (was #33 in 2020 — improved more than any other region)
  14. Australia (was #17 in 2020)
  15. Sweden (was #16 in 2020)
  16. Canada (was #18 in 2020)
  17. Germany (was #20 in 2020)
  18. Turkey (was #14 in 2020)
  19. Austria (was #13 in 2020)
  20. Netherlands (was #7 in 2020)
  21. Egypt (was #26 in 2020)
  22. Indonesia (was #21 in 2020)
  23. Ireland (was #25 in 2020)
  24. Morocco (was #22 in 2020)
  25. UK (was #27 in 2020
  26. Pakistan (was #23 in 2020)
  27. Algeria (was #24 in 2020)
  28. Japan (was #28 in 2020)
  29. Belgium (was #31 in 2020)
  30. France (was #36 in 2020)
  31. Thailand (was #39 in 2020
  32. Portugal (was #32 in 2020)
  33. Mexico (was #38 in 2020)
  34. U.S. (was #34 in 2020)
  35. Israel (was #37 in 2020)
  36. Russia (was #44 in 2020)
  37. Argentina (was #19 in 2020)
  38. Spain (was #35 in 2020)
  39. Kenya (was #41 in 2020)
  40. South Africa (was #30 in 2020)
  41. Italy (was #42 in 2020)
  42. Colombia (was #43 in 2020)
  43. Greece (was #40 in 2020)
  44. Iran (was #47 in 2020)
  45. Chile (was #52 in 2020)
  46. Hungary (was #45 in 2020)
  47. Poland (was #46 in 2020)
  48. Peru (was #29 in 2020 — sank more than any other nation)
  49. Romania (was #48 in 2020)
  50. Brazil (was #51 in 2020)
  51. Venezuela (was #53 in 2020)
  52. Ukraine (was #49 in 2020)
  53. Nigeria (was #50 in 2020)

One might therefore wonder why NATO would have anything to do with such polls. However, if these polls had been kept entirely confidential, then their findings would nonetheless likely leak out, and not only because over 53,000 persons had been respondents. Leaked-out findings would be even more embarrassing to NATO, and to its claims that it represents “democracies” who are fighting against ‘dictatorships’ (or ‘authoritarian regimes’ or ‘Not Free’ nations). Consequently, the best option for NATO has been to not publicize the poll-results, and to instead make the meaning of the findings as confusing as possible, and especially not to publish any rankings from the data. Furthermore, the first polls in the series, which were issued as “Democracy Perception Index 2018”, had used as their survey-question “Do you feel that the voice of people like you matters in politics?” and received responses very different from the more recent polls. (That was a very different question.) Furthermore, that year’s report was remarkably honest, and even went so far as to state explicitly that “The most surprising result is Russia, where the fewest share of people (26%) feel like they can’t speak their mind freely. This directly contradicts such indicators as the Freedom House Ranking, where Russia scores poorly for ‘Civil Liberties’, including freedom of expression.” That first year’s surveys might have been done simply in order to help the U.S. regime to determine how ripe for a regime-change, coup (or perhaps even a NATO invasion) its various target-nations are. However, to keep the findings entirely confidential wouldn’t have helped NATO’s PR, and might even have turned out to be very counter-productive.

Interestingly, the public responses to these polling-reports — to the extent that there has been any, which (due to the virtual absence of publication of any of them) has been only slight, has not only cooperated with the sponsors’ pro-U.S.-imperialistic (or “neoconservative”) agenda, but has done so even in the rare instances when the contrary findings were made explicit in the report. For example, a Reddit posting from Sweden, titled “Democracy Perception Index 2018”, received a reader-comment that noted the report’s having said “The most surprising result is Russia, where the fewest share of people (26%) feel like they can’t speak their mind freely,” and a Reddit reader ‘rationalized’ this finding in an anti-Russian way: “It might also show that there is a lot of political and social uniformity in Russian society. Hard to feel free to speak your mind if your mind aligns with the values and ideas of the Kremlin.” Hate-organizations such as NATO can always rely upon their admirers’ confirmation-biases whenever the actual facts contradict the organization’s (and its admirers’) prejudices. In fact, every one of the six reader-comments at that post exemplified confirmation-bias and ignored the reality that had just been documented. The public are far more receptive to their existing prejudice than to reality that disproves it. Very commonly, when a human encounters evidence that disproves existing belief, the existing belief becomes strengthened instead of weakened. Perhaps this is one major reason why dictatorship is common, and democracy is rare. Most humans are willing to be mental slaves.

Among the other unexpected findings in that 2018 report were that in answer to the question “Do you feel like the news you read or watch gives you balanced and neutral information?” the top five countries where the respondents answered favorably were China 61%, Vietnam 60%, India 58%, Philippines 56%, and Malaysia 53%.The highest unfavorable (negative) responses were in Iran 74%, Greece 74%, France 68%, Argentina 68%, and Israel 66%. U.S. was 60% unfavorable. Russia was 48% favorable.

Although the present news-report is being distributed to all news-media in U.S.-and-allied countries, U.S.-government-controlled news-media might decide not to publish it, since the findings contradict some of the U.S. regime’s major lies. Wherever you happen to be reading this news-report, the news-medium is obviously not controlled by the U.S. Government (meaning by any of the billionaires who participate in controlling that Government), but is instead authentically independent. Normally, fewer than a half-dozen news-media in the U.S.-and-allied nations are independent.

* Saudi Arabia not only scored fourth-best on the percentage who said that its Government (the royal Saud family) “usually acts in the interest of most people in my country,” but the 2018 (the first) version of the “Democracy Perception Index” poll-report (which had sampled 125,000 people in 50 countries), found that in answering the question “Do you feel that your government is acting in your interest?” the percentage who marked “Never” or “Rarely” was far lower there than in any other country — only 15%, as compared, for example, to the second-lowest-scoring country, Egypt’s, 38%, all the way up to the highest-scoring country, Kenya’s, 80%, saying that their government wasn’t “acting in my interest.” (66% of Americans said that their government wasn’t “acting in my interest”; 46% of Russians said that; 40% of Chinese — the fourth-lowest percentage — said that; and 39% of Turks — the third-lowest — said that.) The poll-report added a comment that “people in non-democratic countries are less likely to say their government doesn’t act in their interest: 41% in non-democracies compared to 64% in democracies.” (Their definition for “democracy” wasn’t derived empirically but instead from existing theories in the social ‘sciences’.) They continued: “The country where dissatisfaction is the lowest is Saudi Arabia, where only 15% think the government ‘never’ or ‘rarely’ acts in their interest.” Obviously, social ‘scientists’ don’t have any explanation for these data — data that severely challenge just about every theory that they do  hold. All that one can say for certain about theory in the social ‘sciences’ is that it’s false. And nobody seems to care about, and try to rectify, that falseness. They’re satisfied simply to go on as before, not to throw out their assumptions and restart from scratch. But, obviously, theory in the social ‘sciences’ — as those currently exist — is garbage.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Yahoodi Koskesh

AmeriKKKa is a shithole infested with Jew roaches.

jens holm

The sun went down in east here. Some hand took it:(

China Is Right

China = Chinese

America = Replaced by negroes by the Jews


All – all – “democratic” nations are of, by, and for a small coterie of exploiters using frontmen and women as figureheads. There are no exceptions.

The so called “authoritative ” nations are often more democratic simply because (except for the corporate fascist ones, which are invariably allied with the “democracies”) the government does not work for private corporations, but for the people.

jens holm

You show You have no idea about democrasy and even parlamentarisme is.

We share and divide power out ON ALL LEVELS. Our countries by that are not runned by few ones at the top elected as You in your own narrowminded context writes.

In facts most of the countries like those work for both private corporations as well a people. And we do have public corporations too. Fx Our system here in Denmark has free healtcare, free hospitals, free schools and free educastion.

Here theparlmanment or the the local parlaments are running those orgabnisations and control any outsourcing.

I speak for Denmark in this. I can descriebe all here.

You also seemes to forget incomming tax meant for fx pension are invested in privatec corporations and we all by that are stockholders getting something for that investment. So if the Goverment help the private companies, they make a better cost benefit as well as creating more private jobs, which are taxed.

I wont tell we also has tax frauds here. We have. But telling private and public is not connected is a total lie in Our systems and Denmark in many things are doing pretty well.


The country where I live is a “democracy ” ruled by a fascist owned by three corporate families.

You have absolutely no idea what you are gibbering about.

mehmet aslanak

Even some democrats convinced Trump had won the second term. But deep state is so powerful that nothing can stand at front of them….

jens holm

Thats total lying crap of the worst kind. The deep state is You making it Yourself nolt looking for facts and not able to see even how Your worst enemy has become very strong and cant be taken down.

You not even get the main things in it. We share the power and all has at least some inflence, where we can change Governes as we wish. Parle is debatin and talking about things for free. We get more freedom in Our systems but the demand also is we act like responsible independent persons.

By being many deciders we also dont collapse as one string sytems as the one You prafare doés. Only part can collpase here, and we can repair or renew wounded parts, v¨because we only are bad in one sector of many.

Today – in Denmark – the Goverment not even see 50% of the tax. Its used by the locals in the local parlaments for local matters. Local elected know what the problems are as well as they spend own money better then orthers far away.

Mohammed the peadophile

China and Saudi Arabia up the top 😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈WOOOW. Sensorship for any bad word against Totalitarian China and a Dictatorship Saudi Arabia … Most Democratic nations 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t believe what I’ve just read. At least they got Iran right at the bottom 😂 that one is correct and they definitely got North Korea right because it isn’t even on there 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by Mohammed the peadophile
jens holm

Im like that too happy having seatbelt and airbag at my airbag.

I wonder if I next time might die laughing.


Let’s hope you do.

jens holm

Same CRAP from ERIC ZUESSE as two days ago about comparing livibng standard in a total barking mad way. .

Here the big minus is, that the Chinese has no idea about what democrasy is. Americans or most of they know how it should be and for some years it seemes to have declined.

Tomorro he probatly will insist high tax makes all poor and we are plundered by the rich ones. But facts are high tax also are given back by almost free school, free childcare, free education, free healtcare, free hospital, a good pension and a fair non corrupt court and lection system.

There of course are levels for that. Some countries get more free things back then others. But usualy the High Ranked in GDP has the highest taxes as well as the highest livinbgstandards. Thats a typical one for ERIK ZUESSE and him and his kind with their illusions.

They always comapre with taxsystems with nothing comming back man mainly even smal in tax beibng corrupt up above the ears.


None of the strife of my country, Europe, the Middle East, and the world is unexplainable or unexpected for we Jew-wise. It’s like watching a movie based on your favorite book, except it’s real and very much unsettling. Orwell warned us in his “1984” fictionalization of the Jews’ plans in their Protocols what our lives under the Jews would be like. No one paid attention.

jens holm

Clearly, if people will believe this kind of thing, one will not get much further by arguing with them. The only useful approach is to discover why they can swallow absurdities on one particular subject while remaining sane on others. Orwell



Democracy is a Godless form of government. Especially the American style democracy that so many other countries have mimicked. As a matter of fact the U.S. Constitution absolutely forbids any legislation based on God’s morals. That is why it is so corrupt and degenerate.

Yet that is what everyone seems to want. Just goes to show how stupid people are.

Tommy Jensen

Its because China use the media only for fake news and propaganda purposes. Therefore the Chinese cant see America is freedom and China is a dictatorship country with malign influence.


Hey thats great….

Only the United States is a Republic….

… not a democracy.


L du Plessis

islamic iran is more democratic at 52 than Communist South Africa at 35. 😭

Tommy Jensen

Its not about democracy, its about freedom! Here America is number 1 in everything. In Space, On Sea, On land, In Air, in our Underground Cities..

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