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Ahrar Al-Sham Confirms Almost 10,000 Of Its Fighters, Commanders Were Eliminated Since 2011

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The Ahrar al-Sham Movement has revealed that almost 10,000 of its commanders and fighters were eliminated by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies.

On January 5, the militant group released, for the first time ever, the names of 9,525 of its commanders and fighters who were killed between 2011 and 2020.

Ahrar al-Sham was formed by a group of radicals who admired Salafism and Jihadism as well as the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. The movement started forming units after the Egyptian revolution of January 2011, before the Syrian uprising started in March 2011.

Ahrar al-Sham began carrying out military operations against the SAA in December 2011. The group grew quickly to become one of the opposition’s leading armed factions in Syria with active units nearly on all frontlines.

In September 2014, the movement received a major blow when a mysterious explosion at an Idlib bunker eliminated its leadership, including its founder and commander-in-chief Hassane Abboud.

Ahrar Al-Sham Confirms Almost 10,000 Of Its Fighters, Commanders Were Eliminated Since 2011

The cover of Ahrar al-Sham’s “death list” with a photo of Hassane Abboud in the center.

The 2016 battle of Aleppo city became another bad turn for Ahrar al-Sham, which sustained heavy losses in personnel and equipment. The group was never the same after losing the battle to government forces.

Despite its continues attempts to appease al-Qaeda factions in Syria, mainly the al-Nusra Front [Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham], the group has found itself in conflict with them several times.

Ahrar al-Sham is officially designated as a terrorist group by Syria, Iraq, Russia, Lebanon, Egypt, the UAE, Malaysia and the Netherlands.

Today, Ahrar al-Sham is a shadow of its past with barely any influence in northern and northwestern Syria. The group is a part of the National Front for Liberation and the Syrian National Army. These militant coalitions are created and supported by Turkey.

Last year, an internal conflict over leadership almost put the end of Ahrar al-Sham. The group, which once ruled over vast areas in Syria and maintained a large military force, is now nearing its end.


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Mark M. Nobelman

They entered the Northern Syrian gov’t forces Syrian National Army backed by Turkey and joined other splinter groups which is better for them in that way since they will achieve unity.

But the efforts of the Syrian rebels is admirable. They fought in a full on frontal war against Russia for nearly 10 years plus the Syrian Army, plus 200.000 Iranian forces + Lebanese militias. They held them for nearly 10 years while being nothing then none-state actors until Turkey came.

They punch way over their weight and the reason for that is determination because if there is iron will you can do possible things


your AHRAR AL-S H I T have lost, and will continue to lose no matter what…get over it !

Mark M. Nobelman

They are the SNA today and have liberated territories. No amount of power can overturn that nor their will.. One of the most epic battles in the Syrian civil war was Ghouta. THEY put the spartans to shame. I have never seen anything like that in my life.

The days leading upto it we saw the largest army ever dispatched to Ghouta extend 7km on the road while travelling. They gathered all the forces of Syria on Ghouta.

Guess what happened they couldn’t open it and had to use sarin gas and when that didn’t change anything they signed a treaty to ship them out to Idlib hahaha


Delude prick keep looking for excuses for AHRAR AL- SH I T ..we all know that they have promised to defend Ghouta , Aleppo and other places with their lives!! Yet they have soiled their Zionist jihad diapers and have asked Assad politely for free bus ticket to Idlib like COWARD’s! So who is bitch now?!… while rotting in Idlib leftover, would be “Caliphte” as Erdogan’s mercenary? LOSER !

Mark M. Nobelman

It is actully the SAA who are rotting and under Russian occupation. There is no bread to eat in their territories and poverty ridden while the Rebel held areas is economically better off. They are free men who determine their own lives.

Having Russia to fight your fight is not a victory you think they lost? No they had no chance since Russia entered they are just none-state actors don’t forget this. They were never any ethbalished country


keep barking while your patch of land is every day smaller…Zionist jihad – Turk mercenary.

Mark M. Nobelman

Keep enjoying that Russian d1ck. They have taken all the energy rights and everything and rightfully so because they atleast fought for the land unlike you. You find yourself in a shitty economy because of that. Where as the rebel held areas they use Lira because the syrian currency is death and trade flows to them even better then pre-war Syria


Russia is the one that kicked your butt ! Russia have killed tons of AHRAR AL-S H I T like you!!!… So you are butt hurt squealing dog now, like all other Zionist jihad c u n t’s

Mark M. Nobelman

Lool. a butt burt Indian. I think I know why! 1000 YEARS of slavery hurts alot! I will leave you to take out your frustration. My condolences. The Name Hiand gives you out

Proud Hindu

Did muhammad rape aisha?

The Objective

Russia never fights on the ground. Its operations are limited to airstrikes. I forgot that 16 Russian dogs were killed in one helicopter incident. More would die should Russia dare deploy ground forces to fight. The cowards always prefer to airstrike civilian neighborhoods than actually get on the ground. Again, about 300 Russian dogs were killed in a 4-hour battle with the U.S.A.

John Wallace

Once you have tried Russian Pussy you will never go back to Dick of any kind . Not that one would try Israeli dick as there was always something missing..

Concrete Mike

The saudi paid rats are scurrying today!

The Objective

You call them losers. Can you tell us the winner in Syria?


Your rendition of the battle of E Ghouta is sheer fantasy, your numbers are incorrect and the sequence of events are false. These islamists would never come close to a Spartan hoplites, Spartans fought in the open unlike your Islamic rats taking refuge in tunnels and heavily populated area.

Maybe you need to read about Spartan way of life and the physical exercises their army had to perform regularly.

Mark M. Nobelman

Your talking out of your arse. This is the modern day warfare. You need either mountains or big cities as shade. otherwise if you step into the open your done because they are none-state actors and have light arms. They gotta take cover from the air-strikes and other methods to eliminate them while making it a meatgrinder it is a war tactic. digging tunnels is also key. This is not some medievel battle and by the way the spartans were fake hollywood warriors that is why I said the movie.

Maybe you don’t understand this and your brain is not fully developed yet


“”” They gotta take cover from the air-strikes and other methods to eliminate them while making it a meatgrinder it is a war tactic. digging tunnels is also key. ”””

Where is the Turkish army?

“”” This is not some medievel battle and by the way the spartans were fake hollywood warriors that is why I said the movie.”””

That is what Turks think, maybe you need to read some history regarding events in Greece around 500BC. The battle of Thermopylae was a real battle ….not some Hollywood concoction.

Mark M. Nobelman

Where were the Spartans when the Ottomans rolled into Greece. Propaganda is gon’ propaganda


Where were the Turks during the 5th century BC? Non existent.

Your ignorance of historical events cannot be waved by propaganda BS. Do you want me to give you a history lesson spanning almost 2 millenniums? What do they teach in Turkish schools?

The Objective

“Where is the Turkish army?” Turkish army doesn’t fight in Syria. The last time it fought, thousands of SAA forces and Hezbollah died within just four days, and scores of war machines destroyed. After that incident, no one had dared airstrike Turkish forces again. Watch the video via the link below. It is all the proof you need. Click, “I understand” in both cases when prompted, otherwise, the video won’t play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li3N1rQBGvQ&has_verified=1&bpctr=1609971178

Fmm de retard mircar (10nutz)

What drugs are you on?!

Jens Holm

You might improve Your own too. Noble is much closer to, what actually went on in the military parts and quite sober.

It doesnt matter if You both are hindus or bhudists.

Thats where som machines should be able to remove crap, so the sober versions remain.

When sites and the whole Internet is blamed for being blamed for this and that, You contribute a lot Yourself.

Too much it memorylack or much worse as rewriting things as those figtings are nover poems, where You always are the hewoic winners.

John Wallace

There appears to be two , or even maybe three Jens that write comments on multiple sites 24 hrs a day.. I call them Jens Tweedle Dee and this one Jens Tweedle Dumb… Leave the comments to Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dumb..

The Objective

I think you should really make some effort to improve you English. More than 90% of what you write is incomprehensible. I’m not against you, but you’ll do us much good if we could read what you write. I hardly ever read your comment because of the effort involved, most times even in vain.

John Wallace

I said much the same to Jens years ago and many others have said similar. His answer is always he writes perfect English but we write in Lawyer English so we need to improve. Better chance of comprehension talking to a brick.. Of course there are two Jens. One writes comprehensible English and this one , gibberish Jens.

The Objective

No one has won the Syrian war yet. Not even Russia. Syria is currently divided between six actors or even more. The war is still raging


” Ahrar al-Sham ” is in practice a Jewhadi terror group.


Aleppo was not razed by the Russians, it suffered destruction because the Islamic groups used it as a base of operation against SAA and Russia.

Mark M. Nobelman

That is incorrect it was a battlefield and contested metropolis not a base. As for islamic groups? Hezbollah and SAA are both Islamic groups which makes you merely a hired gun. Decreases your significiance


I am a Christian not a Shia.

Mark M. Nobelman

Then what business do you have in a brotherly muslim conflict

John Wallace

Same could be asked of the Americans. What business do they have sticking their nose in everywhere .. What is good for the goose is …..

The Objective

He’s not Christian. His Alias, “Jesus” gives him away.


I analyze the conflicts and speak on the basis of what is true.

The Objective

You’re a liar. No christian would take the Alias, Jesus. Again, no Christian talks about Israel and the West the way you do, while defending Iran at the same time. Your bitterness against Sunnis is also another indication. You’re a Shia, but you take the Alias, Jesus, so you can more easily convince unsuspecting Christians to support Iran and oppose any war on Iran. Too bad cos your propaganda tool is much weaker than America’s. One day, your worst fears would materialize.


“”” No christian would take the Alias, Jesus. Again, no Christian talks about Israel and the West the way you do, while defending Iran at the same time. Your bitterness against Sunnis is also another indication.”””

What do you think Christian means? To be like Jesus Christ And why should not a Christian talk negatively about Israel and the West from a truthful perspective? They are a stench an an abomination before God. I have no bitterness towards anybody, if truth hurts ….then you have to find out the cause why it hurts you.

Concrete Mike

Your logic is atrocious. Whoever is paying you should get their money back!

The Objective

You Iranian bastards are quick to label people hired commenters. Do you think the ordinary folks don’t know of Iran’s destabilizing activities? Read tweeter and Youtube comments to know just how very unpopular Iran is among the Sunnis worldwide. You’re more deluded than I thought if you think your lies and propaganda is changing anything in the Sunni Muslim world. We have over 1200 years of Shiite history. Therefore, we know you even better than you know yourselves. Everyone who disagrees with Iran must be a CIA/Mossad agent. People are no longer capable of thinking for themselves. they must be paid by Mossad/CIA, because that’s what your government does. Iran will not escape the chaos it’s creating in the Middle East. One day, such chaos will reach right inside Iran. What goes around comes around.

Jens Holm

If so You as a minimum has define “base” as strong point.

The rest is highly biased or worse.


I remember the details quite well, Islamic rats using part of a city as their battlefield, to launch attacks and be shielded by civilian population.

Jens Holm

Very strange a battle for You hardly has 2 sides. Its very much the other way around,

Making it into “Aleppo” is alos highly inirrect. Aleppo was the last part those Johadists didnt have, so You are upside down. Others having terrotories there were the Kurdish small enclave keeping ityself as neitral as possible.

So if anything You in Your refering might name Aleppos as an Alamo, where Assads won by devastating killings and bombardments by Assads and Russian.

The Jihadist very much are the poor ones systematicly abandonned by Assads. Many of them – as normal for the rest of the world – has urbanzid into the town even there also was not creted new jobs for them.

You tell, they were none and living in slum is not like anywhere else, because they were and are proletares compared to the rest of Syria makes no sense.

What I write even explain the base for the uprises. Normal procedure is to try to create new jobs fx by industristrilalation and fx service by transport. No structures was made by Assad.

So thats an exelent base for uprise against the state as well as poor take any paid jobs and mercenairies are eays to make grow by anybody else.

Its exact the same for other towns in Syria. You are in permanent denial for, that many many poor by that has become citicens and should not be seen as excluded ones going back to their dryed out farms.

Furthermpore there are not even numbers for that because Assads has not been able to good registration for that as well . The last detailed numbers are from abour 1960, which is 60 years ago. CIA are the only ones, which has estimates after that, but those are only much better then nothing but show the migration well.

Telling fx Al Bab is an arab town is very much very biased and fx Manbij is extreeme too as well as fx Raqqa. Its total lie if You dont calculate the land around them too, where the thin populated agrar land is full of Kurds as wel, as people forced to be opposition.

Turkmens are same thing. There WAS 1,2 mio Tuirkmen in Syria. Many has left for Turkey and many are today Syrians. By that Kurds ddidnt steel land in Azas and Afrin or north of Al Bab.

Kurds by that took bad land sold or abandonned by the Turkmen and some even was deported by Assad to there.

So Your Aleppo Majority is correct, but You forget the the 10.000 s of incommers, which of copurse has lived in the poorest parts of Aleppo.

John Wallace

Incoherent horseshit. Go get Jens two to come and write as at least he is capable of writing readable English. Still horseshit but readable horseshit.

Jens Holm

Im in the German language group with English and my Danish, so You are blaming for not modify my language and language to Your simpleton language – nice tranlated into Lawyers and Doctors english.

A lot of Your ME deep shit state about us is because You often use childrens way of writing and speaking and fx dont understand simple fast english at all.

I use simple fast english because internet and mobilphones are fast medias and even socalled simple. But my fast is not simple BUT ADVANCED AND FAST. I do explain advanced tings well and also by SMS and MMS.

A lot of great importance forbiiden in Your kind of culture, so You cant inovate things having or making languages and understandings for it.

You can blame me for my spelling but not the rest. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/acc98c342da71b396de88813fddeaf5e29a1747b17eb62cb922b12dd3cfc9fcd.jpg

John Wallace

Are you selling your rocking horse or is it a cryptic way of saying you are off your rocker.

Jens Holm

I write as it is. I write simple common english well, so all in the english language group understand well as well as others nearby.

Thats Spanish, French, Greek and several others.

Thats mant as UNDERSTAND.

Your version is a very limited narrowminded Lawyers english, which dont cover who we are what we do and how we has language for devellopment and innovation.

I dont blame Your for Your language. I blame You for not even try to understand, that “the westerns” by using the language as a tool and fx have made the colonialisme and partly neocolonialisme of today.

Advanced language makes us productive and expansive. Im just a copist of that and born into it and fx has educated well in the middleclass most middleasters and russians not even has.

So if You want to devellop Yours, You should understand and devellop not only the language but also a lot of other things. I think its important, You at least can try to come near human rights.

You deny those advices and even are agaisnt them. So many things being normal here even is Haram or to go right in jail in ME by despots.

Economy is same thing. I almost everyday see, that now the American economy with its dollar will collapse Westerns will be taken over by the Chinese. Here You always forget, that the Chinese actually makes the cake to share bigger. Iur GDPs are bugger then ever and the wellfare too. Im appy for that wellfare and hope more chinese will live in the Chinese – non Mao economy.

So we might decline but also has a high level to decline from.

You most likely compare with Muhammed 1400 years ago and some few very nasty Jews there and also forget Islam at that time might only has had 1 MEMBER.

I can only support greedy persons as a minimum gets taxed hard. We do in Our Danish version of income tax. By that greedy persons are same thing. It does not matter if they are Jews at all. We have semilar greedy danes and well as foreigners and makes laws againts them, where we jail them and taker money and property back, if there is any.

Your main problm is the same. Most jews and in the old days are and were educated people making a middle class. Above You You had feudals plundering You and You could not improve Your situation because You – as to today – hardly educate You for it at all.

So when many more here has no economic problems its because we educate many and they work hard too. We allow us to think thats rewarded.

People like me get paid a piece of the bigger cake every month. BUT Our income tax is high. So I get back by good pension, free healthcare, free hospital and for younger then me free school, free education. The Younger then me by that pay tax to my welfare, because I has helped them for free.

Each and every child also are montly paid to all parents and the equal amounts of money. The amount decline until its 0 at the age of 18 – BUT then You are helped to educate also by a mix. You get money, You cant get cheep payback loans and the first 8.000 dollars You make are taxfree – more gives 40% tax and less paid by the Education system.

So we spread out incomming money in an equal way and we as old dont pay for taxpayed things. By that the pension is much better then the kroner says.

And womens right are the same thing. They educate and make money as we do even their income is a bit lower then men. Women here contribute with 22.000 dollar of Our GDP. Thats the same as Saudis do.

By that the families dont support women. In diverse they share equal as men, but they work, so we dont pay women just because they are unproductive.

By that they and all children are independent of older parents and it certainly is not parents choise, what those children and men and wife should do or not. Beacause we teach them to behave from thy are born. .

By that we has no mixted rooms, streets, fields and like that and know each other as equal persons. Fx Our Premiere minster is women and because she is the best by election. 6 of 12 police districts has female Leaders, but they mainly are chosen because they are the best. Females are majority Teachers in more then 50% of the education system, which is big because we educate as many as possible even we cant make pigs fly.

So thats the short version of a corner, which is Your dark state.

It of course has to be added exact what I write here. A lot You think is dark here is o be found on internet and libraries for free – because the law says open and free – parlamentarisme is PARLE.

Danes wont translate everything here to Turkish, arabic, Urdu, Farsi whatever. But we do translate a lot to english and You not even understand complicated things also driven by grammer and casus, You dont have.

I hope to see the Chine become bigger and say the same as US. Most parts of those muslims makes their limitations themself and insist. Why should we pay for them just being moreandmorenot even able to make plastic bottles even they have a lot of oil.

Concrete Mike

Admirable, whats to admire? Using chemical weapons on civilians to pin it on the SAA?

Or is it sucking up to israel qatar saudis and turkey?

Your a saudi goat fucking chimp!

Your a loser and you support losers!

Mark M. Nobelman

Everything you wrote is incorrect and false.. Who holds the North? Turkey Who holds the east? USA and you holds South East? USA and you holds north east? Turkey. Who holds South west? Israel. The SAA holds territories and a good junk but don’t make it out to be more then it is

Concrete Mike

Dont make it out to be more?

Yall lost Aleppo, that was the prize. The little occupied peices are a thorn in the side, the majority of the civilians population is effectively liberated from the barbarians you support!

Yall are losers, just like your saudi sponsors, getting their asses kicked by sandal wearing dudes!


Yes ‘Sandal wearing dudes’ with thousands of years of lineage to some of the most courageous fighters who ever walked this earth.

Zarko Ciric

I am reading what did you write and I am laughing,how can be so stupid to write that shit,I think even you don’t believe what are you writing.Shelling civilians in Western Allepo with gas cylinders all the time and tunnel bombs makes you smarter? what do you think?How many civilians were unable to leave jihadi held areas in Allepo,because they were killed and kept as a hostages.Tell us how they starved civilians there.You forget about jihadi rats attack on humanitarian corridor near Rashdin.You are one pathetic asshole.Allepo Earthquake.You have a documentary by Anna news

Zarko Ciric

Suheil al Hassan then come in Allepo,Ghouta,Quentera,Hama..soon in terror nest Idlib.M4 next stay tuned.


Probably a low estimate, they’ve lost 10,000+ with nothing to show for it except a jihadist reservation in Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, 9,525 killed between 2011 and 2020 by the SAA and allied forces, does that mean that HTS is now allied to the SAA as well, it must, because HTS has killed and arrested thousands of them too. It was HTS that booted them out of most of Idlib when they had their mini war last year [and they’re still fighting occasionally], so some of that 9,525 death toll is actually attributable to HTS. Ahrar al-Sham still haven’t recovered their lost territory or their reputations after that loss. HTS now controls 75% of the occupied territories in Latakia, Hama, Idlib, and Aleppo, and Ahrar al-Sham and it’s Muslim Brotherhood allies control the remaining 25%, but most of the territory Ahrar al-Sham still controls actually borders the SAA front lines, so they’re always trading blows with the SAA and constantly breaking the ceasefire, and that’s despite the fact the Russians and Iranians continue to claim they’re moderate opposition forces. Even the US has bombed them a few times. Curiously one of the reasons this group and HTS came to blows was the fact they refused to listen to HTS directives asking them give up violent Jihad, HTS wanted to take a political path but this group wanted to keep fighting, and despite all that grief from their sometimes HTS allies sometimes HTS foes, Ahrar al-Sham is still fighting the SAA. But Russia and Iran don’t seem too concerned about the group fighting the SAA ALL THE TIME, Ahrar al-Sham are still included in the political process and still called moderate forces by Assad’s allies, but not by Assad though. From Assad’s point of view there are no moderate opposition forces in Syria, just the Muslim Brotherhood and HTS, and Assad prefers to deal with HTS. Assad does deals with HTS all the time but he’s never once done a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, NOT EVEN ONCE, but Russia and Iran do, resolution 2254 magically turned them into moderate opposition forces. The designated terrorists HTS are telling Ahrar al-Sham the designated moderate opposition forces to stop fighting the SAA and enter the political process, so would you call that satirically ironic or sarcastically ironic, I’m not sure, perhaps BS is a better term for the situation. Maybe ‘moderate opposition’ means something different in Russian and Persian.

The Objective

You claim in this comment is hard to believe. I think you are wrong here. If the Russian and Iranian intelligence agree on particular status of any group in Syria being terrorist, it follows that this group must be an opposition force to Assad. My God! Syria is divided between so many war lords now. Will this country ever be united even in a democracy? I’ve lost hope of any Syrian unity in the near future. It reminds me of a Hadiths where the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said that a fitna (trial and tribulation) will sweep Syria and disperse them is such a way that if foxes (ISIS, alqaeda, etc) were to attack them, they’ll be successful.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Logic has been thrown out the window. The Muslim Brotherhood are designated a terrorist organization by Russia and Syria and have been for decades, and yet Putin included them in resolution 2254 back in 2015 against Assad’s objections, and so did the Turks and Iranians, who don’t have them designated as a terrorist organization. In fact before the Iranian’s stupidly attacked Aleppo in 2019/20, the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] were actively cooperating with Iran, opposition news sites reported MB fighters were in Iran training for military combat, but that all ended after the Iranians attacked Aleppo. Now the Turks have stopped buying any natural gas from Iran, crippling their export income stream, and are instead paying more for LPG imports from the US, and allied countries like Azerbaijan and Georgia have stopped all imports from Iran using the corona virus as an excuse, so the Iranian/Muslim Brotherhood honeymoon is well and truly over. Iran’s even suing the Turks in international court to try and get them to recommence gas imports, Iran even offered to rebuild the destroyed pipeline that was mysteriously blown up by “unknown persons” [lol], but the Turks still said no thankyou. Which means the Iranians were cooperating with Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood pre Aleppo campaign and had obviously developed some sort of political alliance during that period, but the Iranians still attacked Erdogan and the Brotherhood when it suited them, probably at Russia and Syria’s request, and now the Iranians are back in the bad books with Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood. When you look at Syria with a different lens the warring and allied factions all seem to end up on different sides depending on which lens you’re using, One lens shows Russia, Iran, and Syria on one side and Turkey, the US, and opposition groups on the other, But them you use a different lens and it works out differently, with a different lens it appears that Syria is all alone and Russia, Turkey, Iran, the US, and the opposition are all on the same side, Another lens shows Syria, the Arab League, and even Israel on the same side and everyone else on the other, One particular lens shows the Russians on one side and Iran on the other with Syria playing piggy in the middle, which is the scenario’s you seem to be fully aware of. That’s why I think the Syrian war is so confusing, and not just for me but for everyone else too, it’s become a very complicated war since the end of 2018, that’s when everyone thought the war was just about to end but it didn’t, it just drew to a stalemate and everyone changed their strategies/goals to accommodate the new reality.

If the Muslim Brotherhood didn’t advocate for Sharia Law I’d be full supportive of their ideology and goals, and I’d probably be backing them against Assad instead of the other way around, but because of that particular fact, and the associated fact it’s punishable by death to leave the Islamic faith and then become critical of it’s ideology, I can’t support them at all, they’re as bad as Isis and all the other headchoppers including Iran. They seem to believe they know the true will of God and impose their values on everyone else, which I believe is wrong, only your own conscience can tell you the will of God, not the Laws that men make or try to interpret.

According to the original Laws that Moses delivered all true Jews should behave exactly the way Adam and Eve did to be pious [before the serpent], they weren’t allowed to kill anything at all, they could only eat some grasses and fruits but no meat at all, so how many Jews, Christians, or Muslims follow that one original Commandment that Moses delivered, I do and I’m not Jewish, Christian. Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist, but when I think about it and consult my own conscience, I know that ancient Law really is one of Gods commandments, I know Moses wasn’t pulling a fast one on everyone, my own conscience tells me he was speaking the truth. Jews, Hindu’s and Buddhist are all supposed to be vegetarian according to their most ancient beliefs, which means the 3 oldest and most influential religions in the world all oppose violence against both man and beast. I know post Pharisee Jews, Christians and Muslims don’t believe that but the religion they all originate from does, being a Muslim I’m sure you’ve read the original Testament, but I wonder if you’ve ever read it in it’s original form and in it’s own language, either Aramaic or ancient Hebrew [I know they aren’t the language Moses actually spoke but they’re the closest we have], they tell a different story than all the books that came after it did, and I believe the original Laws Moses delivered were much closer to the real will of God than any of the Books/Bibles/Laws that have come after, and for me the Hindus and Buddhist confirm it. Which means our ancient ancestors knew how to use their God given Conscience’s way better than most people today do.

The Objective

I agree with you on other things you said except on the idea of religion. By what you say, you condemn the entire Muslim faith. Islam has its constitution, which is the sharia, though it’s being distorted by people like ISIS. However, Sharia law is fundamental to Islam, and Muslims will keep striving to restore it. Because despite the harsh punishment (which hardly occurs throughout history), Sharia is the only legal system capable of fixing many of the societal problems we face today. I think your problem is a lack of knowledge on Islam. So my advice is, instead of criticizing an ideology you know little about, you should focus on understanding it first, from the perspective of the followers of that ideology. Dig history and see the effect of that ideology on societies that applied it. If it were bad, it won’t have nearly 2 billion voluntary followers worldwide. So maybe you should start wondering why the religion appeals to over a billion people worldwide, and why many are still accepting it despite the media onslaught to demonize the faith. Islam has almost become synonymous with terrorism in the last few decades. But we don’t see the kind of mass exodus from the religion that Western media tried to provoke. Muslims know that their religion is pure and opposed to evil in every form. That’s why no matter how intensely the disbelievers detest it, Muslims will never give up on their faith. I find a lot of peace offering Islamic prayers. God has changed my life in many ways through the prayers I offer. Whenever I have a problem (whether financial, health or motivational), all I do is return to Allah in repentance and offer supplications for a week or so, and everything comes back to normal. After witnessing these miracles firsthand in my live uncountable times, I’m pretty sure their’s no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is truly is messenger.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t really have a problem with Sharia Law itself, but only if you get a choice to abide by it or not, the Islamic faith needs an opt in option for really pious people and a stay out default for everyone else, otherwise it’s just compulsory subjugation of some unwilling members of the faith, the default non Sharia Muslims could just abide by legislative Laws and the opt in pious ones abide by the strict Sharia laws. Islam has 2 main branches, Shai and Sunni, and they have many sub branches too, at least a dozen to maybe twenty at a rough guess, but they all have different ways of interpreting the one Book, and also have different laws and punishments, which by any sane logic means at the very best only one of them is interpreting the one Book correctly, and all the others are either not getting it quite right, or possibly even getting it wrong altogether. So my hard question for you is this, which faith is getting it right, which branch of Islam has the most perfect set of Sharia Laws and punishments, and also should that particular faith’s values and Laws be enforced on all the other Muslims that practice an alternative doctrine and believe their way of doing things is really the best way of doing things. I know Sharia law is basically the same in most of the branches of Islam but in some they’re not, I don’t think Alawites or Druze practice any form of Sharia Law, you can correct me if I’m wrong. And what about if all the Islamic faiths are getting it wrong, and all the Christians, and most of the modern Jews who don’t follow the original Commandments, maybe they shouldn’t ignore what the original verse’s had to say, and I know they do ignore them. I’ve read the REAL Jewish bible that ONLY includes the Old Written Laws, not the new Oral Laws the Pharisees included [pure perversion], and God said it’s a sin to kill any animal, but modern Jews, Christians, and Muslims all kill animals and eat meat. But the Bible and the Koran are bases on the original Laws that Moses delivered to the Jewish people, so why do they all kill animals and eat meat, despite the fact the Laws their religion are based on come from a Law that tells all the faithful it’s a sin to kill and eat animals. There’s actually a passage that enforces that, it states that God will forgive us for killing and eating an animal if we’re in bad circumstance and near starvation, but then also forcibly adds that even though God will forgive us for killing one of Gods animals, it’s still a sin. So maybe we’d be better off starving to death if we really wanted to adhere to what God said was right and wrong, and I don’t mean that sarcastically, I believe it, though I don’t know what I’d really do if I was actually starving and my only option was to kill and eat an animal, hopefully I’ll never have to face that terrible decision.

The Objective

Islam is straightforward about all its instructions. The moment you accept Islam, you agree to abide by its laws, which includes the death penalty for some sins and apostasy. Your idea that individual Muslims should choose whether or not to abide by Shariah law is like saying one country should have two constitutions. I can’t see that anywhere in the world.

Non-Muslims are exempted from the religious duties of Muslims even if they live under a Sharia government. For example, they don’t have to pray, fast, pay zakat, study the Qur’an, etc. However, they must not break the law regarding fornication, drunkenness, stealing, etc. For these, they’ll be punished, because such sins affect the entire community PHYSICALLY.

There are no branches of Islam. There is only one Islam. These sects (like the Shiites) are a deviation from pure Islam. There is no single Muslim group in the world that can claim its members practice pure Islam. True Muslims are not identified by the name of their sect, but by their believes and actions. Any Muslim male or female, who follows the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah the way the earliest generation of Muslims understood it is called a true Muslim regardless of whether he calls himself Shiite, Sunni, Salafi, Sufi, etc.

Most of the conflicting groups actually have the same beliefs. their differences are mostly political. For example, they often differ on “the best approach towards attaining certain goals”.

But the Shiites are a truly different breed. They disagree with over 90% of the Muslim community. Alawites are a cross between Shiism and Christianity. Shiites use the same Quran as the Sunnis, but the don’t use the Sunnis hadiths (recorded collections of Prophet Muhammad’s actions and sayings). That’s where we differ with Shiites. They have their own hadith collections, which is largely different and contradict Sunnis hadiths.

There is actually to much confusion right now, even for Muslims. That’s because of the prevailing ignorance of our generation. 99% of Muslims cannot explain the Quran and Hadith to you. That’s why they are easily deceived by terror organizations like ISIS, Al-qaeda, etc.

But there is unity among the learned Sunni scholars and they don’t differ on major issues like terrorism, suicide, etc. Check this source to get an idea of what the major Muslim scholars of the world say about these important issues.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks for the source but I’m afraid it still leaves me with many reservations, at the most basic level it’s still just the interpretations of one group of agreeable scholars over another group of scholars. And they need to add definitions to further explain their doctrines, for example,

6, It is forbidden in Islam to kill the innocent, who are the innocent and who decides?

10, It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat in any way Christians or any people of the scriptures, But that leaves out all the religions that aren’t derived from the Old Testament, pagans and deity worshippers can be harmed according to this statement, and I’m afraid that reminds me of the Jewish Oral Laws that I despise.

14, It is forbidden in Islam to deny women their rights, But that’s not fair to women, the religion doesn’t treat both sexes equally, it has different laws and customs for both, and only one or 2 are unfair to men.

23, Loyalty to one’s Nation is permissible in Islam, That’s funny, from my understandings of the Prophets teachings the proper directive is ‘Muslims have to be loyal to the Nation they’re residing in, even if it’s a non Muslim Nation’, which I’m assuming means Muslims shouldn’t live in any Nations they can’t be loyal to, which could become a contradiction if the country they were living in ever went to war against an Islamic Nation.

I’ve read what the Prophet Muhammad had to say about the evidence needed to convict someone for the crime of adultery, and to be honest I’m surprised any Muslim has ever been tried for that crime, let alone convicted of it, but many Muslims are. Too be honest I don’t think many Islamic scholars understand what their own Prophet was telling them concerning adultery, I’m sure many of them aren’t following his shining example, they follow the punishment side of his teachings but not the evidence side, and from what I understand he was very specific about the evidence required for a conviction. I’m not trying to convert you, you’re religion is OK, I wouldn’t like to be a Muslim myself but I know many people get immense reward for following the faith, so I have no problem with the religion, though I personally would never allow the religious Laws to override the legislative Laws. Jews Christians and Muslims are all supposed to use their own conscience to understand the will of God, that’s why we all have consciences, and everyone alive has a conscience no matter what faith they belong to, so we all get the same message from God. If you’re conscience tells you it’s bad then you know God thinks it’s bad, and no one needs Laws or rules understand their own conscience. The bad eggs in the Islamic faith are much more noticeable than the good eggs are, so this open letter is a good way of getting rid of some of those bad eggs, but I think it needs to go just a bit further than it does. Cheers.

The Objective

These reservations of yours have very straightforward answers from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Frankly, I don’t have the strength to start explaining things to you in more detail, which is why I encouraged you earlier to study the Quran and Sunnah and find answers to all these questions. You can study from both Sunni and Shiite scholars without being a Muslim. this will put you in a better position to judge. You can’t make an honest judgement without knowing the details.

I’ll answer the questions you put forward, but I still encourage you to study the Qur’an and Hadith. And study in front of a community Muslim leader, not on the internet or from non-Muslims (you can do that later or simultaneously). For example, I’m no Christian, but I know the bible and Christianity well, and I learned it from Christian teachers, preachers, and classical books, or those authored by respectable Christian figures. By respectable, I mean the community of Christians consider them to be genuine.

Back your observations. The link I gave you is not just about a group of agreeable scholars. These scholars represent the views of the ENTIRE Sunnis Muslim world, including the Sufis of Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis, Dariqas, Wahhabis, and any other group of Muslims that believe in the Quran and Hadiths. ALL Sunnis scholars agree with this ruling, and Most Shiite scholars agree too. I know you are surprised that I mention Wahhabis and Salafists among those who agree with this. But that’s the Truth. Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab, the founder of Wahhabism, by his books and teachings, is categorically against suicide of any kind (suicide bombing included). His teachings is also categorically against armed rebellion against a government that does not stop the Muslims from praying (even the U.S government doesn’t stop Muslims from praying, let alone the Egyptian government). The Muslim brotherhood’s founder, Hassan Albanna is also against suicide or armed rebellion. The same applies to Sufis, Salafists, etc. It is Only the Shiite ideology that promotes armed rebellion even when a government does not attempt to stop Muslims from praying. That’s why they have always created militias who rebel against their governments throughout history. Militias existing independently within a state is not a Sunni tradition. It’s a Shiite tradition, and so is armed rebellion. Any Sunni group rebelling violently against a government is way off the Sunni teachings. That includes the rebels of Syria.

If you doubt any of the information I presented above, I’ll request that you do a thorough research on the internet and obtain a quote from ANY classical Sunni book, written by a recognized scholar of any of these groups, (Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists, Wahhabists, etc.) that tolerate suicide bombing or armed rebellion. All these groups I mention have many scholars. Just research and find out what they have to say about these subjects.

I’m always directing you to the source of Islamic knowledge because you can NEVER understand the Muslim world without this knowledge. There is simply to much confusion.

I’ll briefly answer the questions you denoted by 6, 10, 14, and 23. 6. the innocent or guilty in Islam is decided by the Sharia (Law), and ONLY the government can issue that punishment – not individuals or a group. Islam warns that the sin of killing ONE human being is like the sin of killing the entire human beings, from Adam to the last generation. The sin of killing even an ant deliberately is as big as any sin you can imagine, which includes the sin of killing the entire human race. So, the innocent in Islam are those who are not guilty of a crime, and crimes have different punishments, including the death penalty. For example, a life for a life. Any human being not guilty must NOT be harmed in any way, regardless of their faith. These commands clear in the Shariah. 14. Giving women their rights. Men and Women in Islam are EQUAL, but not THE SAME. We differ in our anatomy, physiology, and psychology. And that makes us suitable for different roles. Islam assigns these roles accordingly. 23. Loyalty to your nation mean obeying the law and your leaders at all level, even if they are non-Muslim, unless when they command you to disobey Allah. For example, if they say you should steal, kill, fornicate, drink alcohol, etc. In this case you must disobey them, and if they put pressure on you, Migrate. but if you cannot migrate, either accept the punishment or in some cases, you can commit such sins under pressure to save your life. You must be loyal to the country, because they grant you and your property protection from thieves, armed robbers, etc. and provide the amenities and security you need to leave a normal life.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I know I’m becoming annoying but many thing you’ve said need a rebuttal, for a start this is the most obvious error you make,

“The Muslim brotherhood’s founder, Hassan Albanna is also against suicide or armed rebellion”. “Any Sunni group rebelling violently against a government is way off the Sunni teachings. That includes the rebels of Syria”.

You do realize that apart from HTS and a few other minor factions, ‘ALL’ the other opposition groups fighting the SAA are affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Syrian National Council being the most prominent, they control the Syrian National Army [SNA], the Free Syrian Army [FSA], the Syrian Liberation Front SLF], as well as many factions that make up the National Front for Liberation [NFL], and they’ve all been involved in armed rebellion and trying to overthrow the elected Syrian Government. And some of those groups like the NFL are still actively trying to achieve that, others like the SNA and FSA are attacking the Kurds and occasionally Government forces in Idlib and Aleppo. And what about the Chinese Uighurs, the Muslim Brotherhood is fast becoming China’s public enemy number 2 [after the US] because of their activities against Chinese authority, though in fairness the Chinese did incorporate the Uighurs into their Empire, they weren’t actually voluntary members to begin with. So perhaps there’s a clause that allows the liberation of the faithful even if the faithful are being subversive to the government controlling them, if that’s the case I can’t use China as an example, but I can still use Syria. So the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t abiding by it’s own decree for a start, at least in Syria it isn’t. That’s a massive contradiction between words and actions.

And I don’t think I’ll ever approve of 6 and 14 on the list, my conscience would never allow me to. And as for number 23 I know many Muslims who come to my country and don’t respect the Laws of the land, they secretly work and collect benefits, I personally see it all the time, obviously they’re not really good Muslims, but I know just as many who are good citizens. And where in the world does any legitimate country force anyone to “steal, kill, fornicate, or drink alcohol”, or for that matter allow it in the first 2 cases, not any country I know. Cheers.

The Objective

What you have said is not a rebuttal of my previous comment. You probably misunderstood what I said. If you go through the comment again, you’ll notice I’m not talking about the “actions” of a group, but whether the founding fathers and present scholars of that group “support” such actions. It’s quite easy to confirm. You won’t find a single Salafi, MB, or Wahhabi classical text with a quotation or statement in support of suicide or armed rebellion. The militants you mentioned who rebelled against the Syrian government did so against the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood. I want you to be able to differentiate the actions from the true teachings of Sunni Islam. There are many disobedient Muslims today.

Also, note that the Muslims have lived peacefully in Syria until Assad’s dynasty fell out with the West. This Syrian rebellion is not a MB project, but a Western one. However, since it has happened, the Muslim community is obliged to help bring the war to an end. Turkey is obviously trying towards that end. Turkey wants a united Syria and will always support the Muslim brotherhood to assume power. You don’t expect them to support the Shiites or Assad. Everyone has a side. The Turks want a political solution where Syrians get to choose their leader. Turkey is confident that should the Sunnis of Syria unite even partially, they’ll win the presidential election, provided it’s free and fair. It is for this reason that Assad does not like resolution 2254.

I didn’t say a particular government forces people to fornicate, steal, etc. I was only giving you an example of when a Muslim should disobey the authorities. For other things that do not represent disobedient to Allah, the Muslim must obey the authorities and be loyal to his country.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You understand the situation very well, and no the Brotherhood didn’t start the fight in Syria, but since the middle of 2018 they’ve been the main perpetuators of the ongoing hostilities. Resolution 2254 allows for the rewriting of the constitution, which then allows all types of subversive NGO’s to be included in the new political dynamic, which then allows oceans of money to be flooded into Syria, which ALWAYS unfairly influence the legitimate political process, and because Assad’s already financially bankrupt, he’ll be at a disadvantage from the start, so resolution 2254 will bring about the most expensive and unfair elections that could ever be held in Syria, not the freest and fairest. As I said before if it wasn’t for the 2 main reasons I’m unsupportive of the Brotherhoods objectives, I’d probably be supporting the Brotherhood myself, but as I said those 2 reasons alone are enough to keep me on Assad’s side. He did marry a Sunni woman after all, so how bigoted could a man be if he marries a woman from another faith, and in a country of such varied ethnic, cultural, and religious views, that has to put him in good staid with the minority groups. In Latakia, northern Hama, and eastern Idlib, the Muslim Brotherhood TIP Uighurs burned down most of the Christian Churches and killed quite a few Christian priests, so I really don’t think the Brotherhood will be better of in charge of a multi cultural, multi ethnic, multi religious country like Syria, I fear for all the different minorities if that ever happens, and also fear for the sections of the majority Sunni population that also don’t want Sharia Law or the Brotherhood to become the controlling interests in Syria.

The Objective

Shariah law is the best legal system if enacted by God-fearing Muslims. But from your description of what “some” brotherhood members are doing to Christians and other minorities in Syria, it means they are not fit to rule justly. Destruction of places of worship is strictly forbidden by Shariah even in a war. It cannot be true that the Muslim Brotherhood leadership is in favor of continued violence in Syria. I’ll rebuff this lie anytime, because I know what they stand for. There may be rogue elements among them influencing events on the ground in Syria. But it’s never the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood to pick up arms against a state.

Assad himself shares the blame for this current crisis. He allowed Iran to use Syria as a transit hub for weapons to its prominent terror militia, Hezbollah. That was the root-cause of destabilizing Syria. But Assad and his supporters will soon know just how foolish he was to ally with Iran. The Shiites will one day provoke a regional bloodbath and Assad would be complicit in that. Shiite militias will keep Syria a failed state even if the war ended right now.

In Islam, we analyse a problem from the root-cause (those whose actions gave birth to it). Assad is a foolish leader. He was foolish enough to let his country become a playground for Israel and the Shiites. Had he distanced himself from the Shiite project in the Middle East, Syria would be doing just fine.

I’m not in support of the actions of the Muslim brotherhood in Syria who perpetrate they crimes you described in this comment. But I’m supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology of uniting Muslims worldwide and establishing Shariah rule anywhere Muslims are a majority.

A true Muslim will always choose Shariah over any kind of legal system. But the conditions must be right for Shariah to work. The only Muslim group who came close to implementing Shariah in its true form are the Taliban. There was better security and fair justice during their rule. Those who suffered were the Shiites and other religious minorities who never stopped trying to upend the system.

The war in Syria has happened already. What the Muslim Brotherhood should do is push for democracy that is free and fair. Your complaint about money flowing into Syria to depose Assad isn’t convincing. If people love you, they’ll vote you in regardless of how much money your opponents spend. Besides, Russia, Iran and even China can be persuaded to help him. Plus, they can prohibit vote-buying in Syria.

Democracy is a system that only works with money. Even in the U.S.A, money plays a role in who wins. However, the role money plays is small compared to people’s love for a particular politician.

Assad’s fear is that he’s not the dominant choice for Sunni Muslims of Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Actions speak louder than words, and the Brotherhoods words don’t match their deeds. You may blame rouge elements for the problem but an army must be led from the top, so if the lower ranks aren’t doing what the top ranks says they should, it means we can never truly rely on what the brotherhood leadership says it will, and that could be due to intentional directives, or due to unintentional consequences, it doesn’t matter, the end result is still the same.

For me the Syrian war actually started in Russia way back in 2005/6, and I don’t think the Iranians were much of a problem then, at least not in Syria, but the western nations didn’t like 2 new laws Putin legislated and enacted [2 perfect laws] in 2005/6, and that’s what started the war in Syria 5 years later. From seeing Putin portrayed as a hero on western media, to overnight being portrayed as a demon, and 2 little laws did that. So I blame the US, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar for the war in Syria, and oil and gas were the tools they tried to use to try and minimize Russia’s income stream, and Syria was the key to their plan, but Assad said no so they tried to depose him. And he told us the reasons he wouldn’t accept their offer, he actually said he wouldn’t help them in the endeavor because it would harm his ally Russia too much, Assad was a loyal ally to Putin but Putin hasn’t returned the favor, yet. I did the maths at the time and found if Assad accepted the Saudi proposal it would’ve meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s export revenue, not to mention the leverage they’d lose over EU countries. For me that’s the real cause of the orchestrated Syrian uprising, not popular dissent, and that’s because there was very little dissent or resentment at that time, most Syrian’s were actually happy about most things. I’ll add a caveat, the Kurds didn’t have full and equal citizenship rights at that time and did have a reason to be upset, but they weren’t rioting on the streets about it, just having normal protests that were totally unrelated to what was going on elsewhere in Syria. The people who really love you will vote for you no matter what, it’s the people who don’t love anyone that actually go for the highest bidder. But even stalwart supporters can be bought, if your child needs medical attention that your local hospital can’t provide, and you don’t have access to outside help, and then the pro US/Turkish/Saudi/EU parliamentarian candidate promises to build a brand new hospital with all the facilities that your sick child needs, and they can garner funding from their outside backer, what do you think the parents of that child would do, who would you vote for in that sort of situation. That’s an extreme example of course, the less devout will be much more easily bought Even the most stalwart Assad supporter might be bought with that sort of enticement, and that’s exactly what will happen, agriculture, education, medical, media, social. utilities ect will all have one politician or another promising whatever it take to get the most votes. Assad may not be the preferred choice of most Sunnis but he does get a lot of support from them, the religious elements don’t like him too much I know but the sectarian elements of the Sunni population do, so I’m not so sure if what you say is entirely correct.

Anyway it’s time to celebrate, I know you read the latest news and didn’t come to the same conclusions I did, but I sincerely believe it means the beginning of the end for Iran in Syria, but even if I’m wrong it still means good news for Syria, so it’s celebration time no matter what, hip hip hurrah. :]

The Objective

Well said! You’ve got a point on that political angle. What you left out in your analysis is the Israeli element, which certainly involves Iran.

cechas vodobenikov

when these idiots accept the amerikan money this occurs—hopefully the 70 virgins didn’t all move south to Damascus before they died

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