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MARCH 2025

Aid To Ukraine Increasingly Unpopular In US

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Aid To Ukraine Increasingly Unpopular In US

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Military aid to Ukraine remains extremely unpopular among Americans. Citizens and politicians fear that the country will be harmed economically given its billion-dollar support for the war against Russia. This has led more and more legislators to criticize the government’s attitudes and demand a change of stance on the conflict.

In a recent speech, Republican Congressman Eli Crane stated that the US should immediately stop its financial support for Ukraine. According to him, Washington should strive to make Kiev resolve the conflict as quickly as possible through diplomatic means, thus avoiding the prolongation of hostilities – and consequently preventing the US from spending even more money on weapons to support the neo-Nazi regime.

According to Crane, the systematic sending of money to war could ruin the future of Americans, destabilizing the country economically and harming future generations. He believes that if American aid does not cease as quickly as possible, the Ukrainian conflict will become a kind of “forever war”, draining American resources for a long time.

Crane’s words were spoken during a meeting of legislators, precisely at the time when the president of the Chamber, Mike Johnson, announced that there would soon be a vote on a new aid package for Ukraine. As well known, the US President Joe Biden proposed sending more than 60 billion dollars in assistance to the neo-Nazi regime, which was rejected by many legislators, leading the project to delay in Congress. For Crane and some other lawmakers, it is absolutely intolerable to even discuss the possibility of sending such a sum of money to Ukraine.

“We’re funding what appears to be yet another forever war that will bankrupt future generations — all while disregarding our own security as our southern border remains open (…) It’s absurd that overnighting more tax dollars to Ukraine is even a consideration. It should be totally off the table and replaced with a push for peace talks,” Crane said.

The biggest critics of Biden’s policy in support of Ukraine are the Republicans. The opposition to the government is not “pro-Russian” but is interested in other priorities. Domestically, Republicans are concerned about the deteriorating crisis on the borders and illegal immigration. On the other hand, at the international level, Republicans are much friendlier to Israel than to Ukraine, which is why they prefer to send aid to Tel Aviv in the current war against the Palestinians rather than continue arming Ukraine.

However, some Republicans have already shown that they are willing to negotiate an agreement with the Democrats regarding the pro-Ukraine package. They could vote in favor of the package if some terms were added guaranteeing more support for Israel and a better budget to combat illegal immigration and improve border control. There are also some controversial war hawks among Republicans, such as Senator Lindsey Graham, who has already described the death of Russians in Ukraine as “the best American investment.” Graham is one of the biggest supporters of the package proposed by Biden, only asking for guarantees to be added about the borders. He recently stated that “this proposal or something similar, when combined with border security, would be a winning package for all concerned.”

The situation, however, does not seem to be really coming to a deal. Like their opponents, the Democrats are willing to give more aid to Israel, but they are absolutely against increasing migration control mechanisms, which is an important ideological divergence between the parties. So, there is clearly an impasse between Republican legislators and the Democrat government.

Among ordinary citizens, support for Ukraine also appears less and less popular. With so many economic and social problems affecting the US at the same time, it seems illogical to taxpayers that a war on another continent continues to be a priority for the government. The Republicans are trying to use these legitimate feelings of the people to gain support in the upcoming electoral process, but they also do not seem to have any real ability to represent the interests of the American people, as many Republicans have been willing to continue sending money to Kiev (and Tel Aviv) since that some of the party’s interests are met.

The inevitable result of all this is a serious crisis of legitimacy. American citizens are ceasing to trust their politicians as well as stopping to support their government’s decisions both on domestic and international issues. It is possible to predict that mass protests will soon begin in the US, with people reacting harshly to the irresponsible measures taken by their representatives.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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yes. and not only ukraine aid, but ukraine is becoming more and more unpopular. nobody likes nazis. as for russia, shes becoming more and more popular thanks to carlson and many others

Jürgen Grabowski

in fact it’s russia which is now isolated, disliked and loathed. russians can blame only their own leaders. they have fucked things badly.


you are isolated hillbilly–russian economy thrives–85% nation trade w russia no sanctions—while amerika and colonies in recession…lol🤣

Gerd Trunschka

russia tries to sell her gas and oil much cheaper price to india and china than it sold few years ago to europe. china didn’t want to invest to siberian gas pipeline. actually china won’t buy russian gas at all after 2060. new energy will finally destroy russian natural gas business. 🤣🤣🤣

CEO of Yapping

the eu still buying russian gas and oil… pls stfu or just come up with better bs.

also, they buying it from the us for much higher price… great move fuk yourself. if you really think they fuked things badly. what do you have to say about your leaders?

p.s. hey, buddy russia got bigger… those lands value much higher. what did you get out of it? nothing.

Last edited 10 months ago by CEO of Yapping
Degeneration Of Russia

in 2021 russia sold 129 billion cubic meters pipeline gas to eu. in 2023 just 24 billion m3. down more than 80%.russia has largely lost the energy war on which the kremlin had pinned high hopes at the beginning of the invasion of ukraine. gazprom, with its ‘energy weapon’, has found itself trapped in putin’s geopolitical mousetrap.

Franz Köhler

the price of russian gas for sale in the eu and turkey in 2023 was $501.6 per thousand cubic metres, in 2024 it is expected to fall to $481.7, and for china these figures are expected to fall from $297.3 to $271.6. but the cost of gas for china will be even lower and will not exceed $170 per thousand cubic metres.

CEO of Yapping

aid to “israel” is not popular in us. when did that stop tho? never.

for ukraine it is mainly military aid, we all know where that money end up (same case in “israel” aid, some people getting paid for it in the us – that is all i’m gonna say).

come on sf what the fuk are these americans going to do? vote trump, that other zionist dog? that wants a war with china… it doesn’t matter who is in the “power” they are all the same.


for republicans, many of them being christian zionist fanatics and idiots, want to immediately stop financial aid to ukraine as this aid is more needed by israeli maniacs. they both pray to their bloodlust god jhwh, not a christ. there would be no zionist fascist state without british and yankee protestants creating that abomination.

Truth be Told

americans wash their hands of losers faster than most. soon, they’ll wash their hands of biden and his b team of bozos and bimbos too.


all amerikans losers


no coincidence: baltimore bridge collapse, hunter biden issue with justice reigniting, yellen trip to china (to avoid us bond dumping?), at nato summit david cameron “ordering” us congress to release 60 billion aid to ukraine => blinken saying ukraine should urgently join nato + us congres gonna send those 60 billions.. us kissing the feet od its masters: brit (in team with china)


yellen meeting with china is to coordinate the financial collapse. if it were serious, she wouldn’t be making a fool of herself and they would send somebody else. it is typical illusionist behavior. distract with catchy story, but something else is going on away from the show that is for the eyes or hypnotized. coordinated take-down, mass illegal aliens (funded by us and zionist), warspeed death jabs, agriculture, chemtrail spraying/climate hysteria caused by modified weather, etc.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Erik Samuels

aid to ukraine is unpopular only among american fascists and racist bigots. rest of americans want imperialist russia to be crushed and totally humiliated.

Jürgen Grabowski

there are lots of common between russian militant war lovers and american right wing republican gun-ho-lovers.


“amerikans are not at all happy—i do not envy amerikun happiness; it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal

Degeneration Of Russia

much bigger picture here: russia has lost its energy war against europe. fact is that europe from now on doesn’t need russian gas and oil. instead russia has become vassal of china (and india) and no longer is a real super power. west as commercial partner is far more important to china than russia.


russia won—europe deindustrialize in recession—hillbilly amerikan always stupid


the amerikan nazi trolls are desperate morons

Gerd Trunschka

american nazi trolls are pro russia cunts.


amusing desperation from the inferior amerikan troll—russia has humiliated you in ukraine syria africa amiddle east asia latin amerika


amerikan yappiong chihuahua so weak cannot bribe 1 latin amerikan nation to sanction russia—a talibanned burger empire now must beg for taco😝

Dave Simmons

russia was fantasizing how europe will be during winter of 2023 down on its knees and begging russian energy. in fact europe has beautifully moved from russian gas to more renewables and lng from other countries. actually putin has terrible miscalculated – russia itself was freezing during winter of 2024.

Last edited 10 months ago by Dave Simmons
Jonas Strandval

+10 celsius inside russian house during winter is normal. russian houses are terrible cold. in scandinavia houses are warm and modern using heating pumps and geothermal heating, not backward natural gas. in many smaller towns russians don’t even have indoor toilets.


prolonging a war that was going to be a loss from the beginning is pretty dumb and evil, especially when the commanders are just killing as many people as possible. so, the country is bankrupt, it is yet another pointless war, they are almost russian slavs and the ukrainian leadership are corrupt clowns. it would take propaganda masters to sell that for long.

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