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MARCH 2025

Airstrikes On Government Facilities Reported In Latakia, Tartus, Homs Provinces. Russia Allegedly Employs Own Air Defenses

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Airstrikes On Government Facilities Reported In Latakia, Tartus, Homs Provinces. Russia Allegedly Employs Own Air Defenses


UPDATE 2: A Russian IL-20 military plane disappeared from radars over the Mediterranean Sea during the strike, the Russian military says. According to the released statement, the strike on Syria was carried out by four Israeli F-16 warplanes. Russian radars also fixed missile launches from the French frigate Auvergne. MORE HERE

UPDATE 1: According to the Syrian state media, the SADF intercepted a number of missiles coming from the sea.


Late on September 17, airstrikes targeting government facitlities were reported in the Syrian provinces of Latakia, Tartus and Homs. Particularly, the strikes allegedly hit an industrial area in the city of Latakia.

The Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) are responding to the attack. Some sources report that air defense systems deployed at Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base were also employed.

According to Syrian sources, the airstrikes were reportedly carried out by the Israeli military.

The situation is developing.

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Oh obviously settling Idlib peacefully is not how the Israelis want things to go! Not enough dead kids.

Cleverson Santos

Man it is Crystal clear that some people want war… take easy guys… war soon will come to your doorsteps!!!

Riky Nik

We all need it.

Faith Biate Fhg

I don’t need it. I don’t want to die :(

You can call me Al

Look, it is now, next week, next year – for me also, get it over with.

Jens Holm

I hope You only selfdetonate.

leon mc pilibin

NUTANDYAHOO is mad about the deal between Russia ad Turkey.NO FAKE CHEMICAL ATTACK,as there is no excuse,,PUTIN has just checkmated him again..But now the real business will begin,israhell has openly declared war.

Peter Jennings

Since the US/nato/isrealis are fond of proxy fighters, perhaps Syria, with their allies, could do the same. Maybe it’s time to unleash Hezbollah and give them all the support they could want. I’m sure there are those in Lebanon and the surrounding areas who have grudges to bare. A nice airdrop into Gaza would also give the IDF something to think about and would split the isreali forces in two and keep them busy at opposite ends of their stolen land.

John Whitehot

you don’t beat the devil using the devil.

Jens Holm

Thats not declaring war. Israel declaring war is more then this.

If You behaved better, Good would not have to punish You.

John Whitehot

you mean, that old man sitting on a cloud, asking people to kill their own sons to prove their loyalty.

i knew about some mobster doing the same, except he wasn’t sitting on a cloud.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Those in the warzones of the world are not on clouds.

And Yes, proof of loyalty often includes killing own sons. But its seen all the time, that rulers kill sons, brothers, sisters, mothers by fear only.

Thats why children should learn trust.

AM Hants

Together with France.


I cannot believe the Putin weakness in Syria. Syria becoming second Afghanistan for Russia where Putin losing his power. Putin cannot win any war from US and UK because they have Israel which is enough strong than ISIS.


Clearly something is going on that we do not know about. Yes Iran and Israel middle east.. whatever…I want to know details.

Albert Pike

Putin is a Zionist and maybe part of the messianic movement. He will always sidestep from a confrontation with Israel…


Putin is not Zionist but he scare from Israel because once Israel say that we will attack Syria. So then they do it and prove it, but Putin say we will destroy all terrorists but then think that how. Israel is that mafia group that defeated Russia in Afghanistan.

Albert Pike

Putin is a believer in God, and that’s in my eyes always dangerous. But anyway, we will see, since today is 17.09. which is the anniversary of the death of Sabbatai Zevi, and anniversary of the christening day of Jacob Frank – therefore a day of revenge for the frankist/zionist movement .

But You would like me to prove it – that’s impossible since nobody can look into a leaders head. So I can’t give you prove, but there is the word of a Russian official promising protection of Israel, in case of an Iranian Attack. Also there is his closeness to Lubavich Rabbi Berel Lazar… https://www.timesofisrael.com/russian-official-if-iran-attacks-israel-well-stand-with-you/ http://chabadinfo.com/blogs/the-secret-behind-putins-love-for-chabad/

Juan De Regoyos Sainz

In my eyes the not believers has always been far more dangerous. Hitler, Stalin, Mao…and many many “official” belivers that certainly were and are not, despite they can say to act in accordance with what they (don’t) belive. At least who belives in God and Christ has more difficulties to “justify” their bad actions.

Jens Holm

You might chech a few history books about it and add religios incidents.

True those were bad ones.

John Whitehot

“At least who belives in God and Christ has more difficulties to “justify” their bad actions”

By not answering to any “God” I might really be answering only to God.

Albert Pike

All three Hitler, Stalin, and Mao where Freemasons – so they must have believed in something. What I mean with dangerous is – if one believes in one of the three dessert religions, and he see’s a chance to fulfill prophesy – to let the realm of the thousand years of peace through his action -or non action- begin, then that is for a religious person much more dangerously tempting, and likely, as for a guy, who doesn’t believe in anything. Anyway Freemasonry is strongly connected to the messianic movement, and without Hitler – there would be no Israel. Stalin was more a power maniac, and what Mao and Anne Louise Strong where smoking, is from a Chinese point of interest difficult to grab…


Not really. Do you remember how many times GW referred to the word ‘crusade’? Don’t think that the loony evangelicals missed it…it’s the reason we were able to attack the ME…eternally. Today we call it Islamophobia…they call it their holy war.

Jens Holm

Putin is no believer of God. If so he would not behave like he does.

If anything he is believer in having enough corruption money for himselv.

John Whitehot

“Putin is no believer of God. If so he would not behave like he does”

thank goodness you are the one who told this.

thanks, thanks, thanks.

Jens Holm

This site is no representive for the whole world, unless the whole world is only Yours.

John Whitehot

it’s still representative of a certain kind of propaganda which interests me. in fact, i learnt a lot whole of things, especially from the comment section.

Jens Holm

Learning is fine, but I have learned bad habits as well.


I have heard about your bad habits Jens :)


once Israel say that we will attack Russia

if ruskieas are afraid of such little shit country, than they are bigger losers as i though.


You sure? https://geopolitics.co/2017/03/01/covert-war-between-russia-and-khazarian-jewry/

Albert Pike

The history of the Khazaria comes from the book ‘the 13th tribe’, written by Arthur Koestler, who was a friend and fellow MI5 agent of MI5 boss Victor Rothschild (Jacob’s dad). He wrote it for the British. So anything which involves the Khazaria Story is questionable. Any way the word Nazi meant National Zionists, and Ashkenazi is a word for German, and the most common language of all Ashkenazim was Yiddish – which uses German words in a Hebrew similar build sentence. Why would the Khazars use German words?

So forget the evil Khazars – go instead to the first Jewish Messiah Sabbatai Zevi of 1666 which was britsh east india company financed. He had at a time more 50% of all Jews as followers. The leftover of him are the Donmeh Turks, of which Erdogan is one of them. They where all ready everything the other way around Jews and had on the 9th of Ave a wife swapping party. The next fascinating guy was Jacob Frank who was Donmeh and became Christian and was Rothschild financed. The Frankist also had a sex magical party on the 9th of Av in Karlsbad Bohemia – that where the Bohemian Groove comes from. Out of this messianic movement developed Satanism, since all religious rules where inverted. The idea was kabbalahistic one since God would only come back to earth if either all men become good or all men became sinners. The Frankists believe it’s easier to make all men into sinners. That where all the Hollywood Sick stuff comes from. The Lubavicher basically believe the same and are intermixed with the Frankists. Since the house of Rothschild has Lubavich and Frankists roots, the job of Koestlers book was to hide this.

So yes I am sure…

John Whitehot

i can’t believe any real person would tell everything you say. propagandists, zionists and scumbags, yes. but other people? cmon now.


My personal view is that President Putin has totally exposed FUKUS +Israel as terrorist sponsors and that he fully expected Erdogans actions to protect his mercenaries in Idlib.

President Putin will now sit back as the gangs in Idlib start fighting each other again. This will only weaken Erdogan as those who fund the most extreme will also fight for their share of the loot :)

President Putin will also have considered the Kurds in all of this I would think and they will be emboldened to further confront the Turks .

The Homs /Deir Ezzor desert can be cleared and the pressure is already being put on Al Tanaf as a complete gang of 5000 people, including terrorists trained by the US Military , now wish leave and to reconcile with the Syrian Government.

Hollywood wars are won in hours. Real wars are not.


another fanatic, who must realize, that i was right, you not. russia is weak. economically, militarily.


Your view is best of all these guys commenting here. Putin one of the smartest and wisest leaders throughout the human history I believe.


Thank you very much Peacelover. I try to be objective and to ‘say it as it is’.


hahaha, solomon was right :DDD


Yeah he should be a real tough man and nuke the whole world. He has 7000 nukes, he could wipe out all of Europe the US and the major cities in Australia. If you were Russian President, you would kill everybody, wouldn’t you, you are so tough, and so stupid.


for what has 7 000 nukes, when is not able to save single one ally???


If Putin is not tough then it will give chance to US and NATO to become tough in this war game.


The Syrian government coalition may start pushing the no fly zone out over the sea for the baby rapers if that’s where the attack originated. The Russian air defense system use was probably for drones.


I am really starting to wounder. What exactly is it that the Israelis are doing attacking Syria at random?

The Ukrainians are retarded trying to ww2 copy pasta, but What exactly is it that is going on? are the Israelis attacking Special Units? Maybe they are keeping the Iranians from testing drone technology?


The baby rapers may have launched cruise missiles from aircraft over Lebanon. That then headed out to sea and came back over land in Syria.


F*cking zionist rats…scum of earth

Faith Biate Fhg

Let’s stop blaming jews for everything


Why ?


because it is bullshit florian




Because the French need some abuse.


I suspect the French will be having a few ‘accidents in the future after their de facto declaration of war with Syria and Russia :)


Personally, the story that Israeli jets are responsible is a definite possibility. But maybe a cover for a French strike on a valuable Russian target. If it was revealed the French shot it down, Russia would be forced to sink it, risking an immediate US / UK attack. Yes that French ship may have an accident.


Lol!! This is Southfront!!! Everyone who comes here blames the Jews for everything!!!


Which is too bad, the problem to me is Zionists not jews in general, many in Israel are against this lunacy.


I don’t think the Jews get blamed for everything, just the crimes they commit. Lets be honest, the ME was a peaceful place, until the Jews moved in. In every country Jews have moved to, trouble has always followed. As a very famous Jew once said, Any people that have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong.(Henry Kissinger)

Harold Smith

Rats are beautiful creatures; please don’t insult them by association with judenfilth.




It looks as if the agreement between Russia and Turkey and Russia’s exposure of the plans for a chemical attack to be blamed on Assad, spoilt the Zionist plan to have America and Europe attack Syria; so Israel is left to attack by itself!


Israel are US and UK stooges. They just need green signal.

John Whitehot

do you see the world hanging from the ceiling, upside-down? all your posts seem to indicate that your posture is 180 degrees wrong.

Jens Holm

Plant a tree.

Jens Holm

Seemes like You already has been hot by a chemoical attack. You forgot to mention SDFs in ISIS camouflage uniforms.


It’s way past time to remove the pestilence in the region which is Israel, only then will the world have a semblance of peace in the Middle East.

Now will Russia provide Syria with S-400s?

Jens Holm

You are making an adventure starting with : There onece upon a time after I am 150 years ago will come …


Tired, the comand officers of the Republican Guard in the Homs desert need you! It’s only a variant of oncle Sam. There are guys here very cared with the yankees. or the turks, or the kurds, or the austrolopithecus that we know, but the real enemy is always inside, of a tired or not. Solution: disciplinary platoon.

John Mason

You made a spelling mistake it is Turds not kurds.


I do not see Russia exporting the export version of the S-400. The thing is, the biggest missiles are capable of entering low orbit. S-400 is not a Missile, it is a Small Army.


It doesn’t make sense that countries which have funneled terrorists into Syria such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia can acquire these systems, but Syria, which is under attack not only from those proxy forces, but also, Israel, the US and it’s vassal states, can’t get them. I’m sure Israel for one, would be better behaved if Syria had them.


If you were hunting rabbits, would you use a cannon? It’s horses for courses, Syria has the weapons it needs, wasting money on unnecessary weapons is how you lose wars.


If an aircraft is firing missiles, an S-400 would do the trick. Not for shooting down cruise missiles, but high flying aircraft launching them.

John Mason

One can see what the meeting between Putin and Trump was all about; US gets east of Euphrates, Turkey takes Idlib and the jews keep Golan. Russia maintains a naval base in Syria and then they will all live happily ever after.


as i wrote already 2 years ago, putin sold out syria and agreed with division


I prefer to wait until the dust settles.


Russia’s effort in Syria was never about the base, it’s about the gas pipelines. Within weeks of Syria signing a deal with Iran, the US started its attack on Syria.

Russia moved into the Syrian conflict occurred 1 month after the US stopped the South stream pipeline. by threatening Bulgaria.

All wars are about money.


russia stepped in after kievian coup


Russian intervention in Syria started in September 2015. The US overthrew the democratic Government of Ukraine in February 2014.


sure. first russia took crimea. 1 year needed to transport secretily enough ammunition, fuel, planes into syria.

Tommy Jensen

Democracy, freedom, not? I believed it. I hoped. It was part of my dream and my hollywood film. So it was all and only about money? My girlfriend, my friends, my hard work. My sport. All money sucking. I hate all adults, I hate my parents, I hate my school teachers, I hate everybody over 18 after you told me that. You guys all lied without telling me anything.


Tommy do not think all older people are the same I am over 70 and I am as angry as you about what these greedy militarist bastards are doing to our world when it could all be very different. That is peacefully and respectful of other races and able to find solutions to our differences. Unfortunately we have allowed our governments to be taken over by psychopathic oligarchs with no respect for life or social justice. We should not fight amongst ourselves but we need to work together to remove the criminals from power. Make sure you vote and get your friends to vote for seekers of peace and social justice. We need the enthusiasm of young people like you to demand our leaders represent the people and remove them if they betraying us.

John Mason

US, UK and France have been trying to overthrow the father and son Assad for decades. The incident you mention is more recent, before that is the Golan Heights incident and quite a few others and then there is Turkey who wants part if not all of Syria..


If it has the weapons it needs, why does it keep getting hit. Israel continues to use aircraft which requires a good S-400 up it a*s to rein Israel in and force it to abide by International law; a few dead pilots would go a long way. In any case, why can Syria’s known enemies, supporters of terrorism get them from Russia, but not the country that is target of Israel, the West and Saudi Arabia.


The Middle east was and will always be a hot war. Look at this situation with Sober Eyes. We need to get out of this repetitive war, I understand.


“The Middle east was and will always be a hot war.”

As long as Russia doesn’t put it’s foot down. This time, the West has executed 14 Russian servicemen in an unprovoked attack. I’m waiting to see what will happen when all of the evidence is in into which country is responsible for the shoot down. The Russians have a pretty good idea, though they’ll want to have solid evidence before they retaliate.


the war is almost over repetitiveness is over unless the white occultists countries continue to escalate this war which seems to be happening it is the white nations who r doing this and YOU ALL MUST CEASE AND DESIST IN ATTACKING THIS BROWN NATION WHITE OCCULTIST COUNTRIES!!!


Not true and shallow answer


ahh but you need updated weapontry to counter these rich countries military tech hey america?


It makes sense to the Warmonger, the politicians. There is something to fight for. I love My Family with everything. I think We, Americans have made a Very big mistake. What I propose. Get out of the middle east, beg Mr President. beg with honor. and Challange China in africa. The Chinese are over extended, STRIKE NOW.


It’s puny and weak

And just got defeated by Israeli f16’s


You can call me Al

Is that the same F-16, Syria shot down with an S-200 ?. Muppet.

AM Hants

Plus, the F35, earlier in the year.

#ISRAEL#SYRIA 17.10.2017 – 91,927 views 4.4 (64 votes) ISRAEL IS HIDING THAT ITS STATE-OF-ART F-35 WARPLANE WAS HIT BY SYRIAN S-200 MISSILE – REPORTS… https://southfront.org/israel-hiding-state-art-f-35-warplane-hit-syrian-s-200-missile-reports/


You men’s the one that has bombed Syria over 200 times including today and probably just shot down a Russian jet?


S400 and Pantsir now both humiliated by Israel

Ricky Miller

You mean an anti-submarine prop driven aircraft? Probably not shot down by Israeli F-16’s but by SAM fired from warship. Just a guess. And I would say that the strategy of deploying to a country and not employing your weapons in total is the humiliation here, not any proven defeat of the technology. Russia has invited this travesty by not specifying that an attack on Syria would be considered an attack on Russian forces too, as the USA has done with the SDF. This was no doubt because the amount of force Russia has in Syria is actually quite small and Russia’s missile inventory is limited there.


The Russian spy plane was shot down by the Russian supplied air defense system provided to the Syrians and fired by them taking out the spy plane: wrong place wrong time. They were firing at the Israeli planes, which avoided the missile which hit the sitting duck. Friendly fire incident. De-conflict immediately.

Ricky Miller

Baloney. The strike by Israel and France was illegal under standing U.N. Treaties. If Syria hadn’t been under attack than no missiles would have needed to be fired by Syrian air defense forces and the returning Russian plane lands safely. The risks taken to attack was an escalation and if I were President of the Russian Federation there would already be a large strike, outbound.


De-confliction processes are imperfect. This was a tragic accident. The risk of such an incident getting out of control is very high. The Russian forces who did not immediately retaliate against the French vessel which it turns out had nothing to do with this tragedy are to be commended for level headed,calm behavior. The Russian command structure likewise is to be commended for sorting out what happened and not reacting disastrously. Finally I urge all hot heads who are disparaging Putin to recognize that he is responsible for saving thousands of innocent lives, by calling off the ill conceived offensive. If he now advances a political solution that freezes status of forces; allows Turkey to absorb and pacify the various rebel factions; and leaves Israel and Iran on their own to resolve their separate issues; he will deserve a Nobel.

John Whitehot

never humiliated like you licking zionists

Bill Wilson

Nah. Just poorly operated by inept Syrian crews.


shot down 1 out of 756 attacks?


Another puke to block…later trash.

Robert Duran

Thats how I treat them too

John Whitehot

and 2.

if you block human filth they’ll be able to reply to your posts without you being able to see it.

You ‘ll also be unable to respond to their sewer-propaganda because you won’t see it.

Cui prodest blocking users?

The blocked zio or ziolicking garbage.


Never will not even old S300

AM Hants

Iran, aren’t they going to provide Syria with their S300 Iranian upgrades?


Iran’s? I think they are all phone claims. Today not even a single systems in use in Syria and they ate bombed left and right by Israel with impunity.

Iran only strong using Hez type of fight on the ground


Try reading up on what the S400 is designed to do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-400_missile_system


Shoot down aircraft, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles etc. There are reports of 2 aircraft having been shot down, don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, that’s exactly what those weapons are for.


What you don’t seem to understand is the S400 integrates with other systems, it acquires the target and then decides which weapon to use. If the target was an ICBM, or an AWAC 400 kliks away it would use it’s own 40N6 missile. If however the target was a low flying F16 20 kliks away, it would use a Pantsir to shoot it down.

Would you use a 5 inch gun to shoot a rabbit?

They have been using the S400 since the day it arrived, but until the US starts using nukes, it will most likely not fire one of its own missiles.


you are sooooo wrong

Hind Abyad

sooooo wrooong toooo


I got your point. It’s exactly why the Pantsir is used for smaller game. Of course the S400 has various missiles designed for different tasks so there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking out an aircraft beyond the reach of other weapons.




Not so much smaller game, as closer game.

Russian AA are multi layered systems, at long range the S400 missiles strike the target, at closer range other systems are used. The idea is if a missile makes it past one defense another defense cuts in, if that fails, yet another line of defense cuts in. It’s for more sophisticated than a Patriot battery, and we only see a small part of their air defenses in Syria.

Remember the US has been threatening Russia for 70 years, they do defense very well.



It’s also interesting that Syria had been threatened by an overwhelming response from the West in the event of CW use. As there has been an agreement for no assault on Idlib and therefor no false flag CW attack forthcoming, and NATO sailed to Syria, and the assault lasted for over an hour…. it’s just possible that the psychopaths running the Empire decided they were losing the opportunity as there would be NO CW attack available for the excuse they desired. We’ll know soon I’m sure.


Now you might see the S400 being used, shooting down the Israeli planes as they take off.


A very good idea if they’re heading for Lebanon.


Better still, just take out the Israeli air force on the ground. A few small tactical nukes, and Russia could test its new hypersonic weapons.

John Mason

Not too difficult to fabricate anything else. This could be like the last assault, all show but unfortunately Russia lost a plane and the crew. Happens when you try to play in the middle, you get hit from all sides.

John Mason

Exactly, hitler tried and failed, maybe better luck next time.

AM Hants

Do Syria need them? Owing to how well they are doing with the upgraded S200, plus, other toys?


They must, for it hasn’t been able to impress upon their enemies that it’s a bad idea to fire on the Syrian state. I look at any missiles successfully striking Syrian territory as an indication that their defense is inadequate. Besides, why do Syria’s enemies qualify for advanced defense systems but not Syria? With an S-400, Israel couldn’t fire on Syria from Lebanon for example.

AM Hants

Money perhaps? Is Russia expected to gift them?

Russia ‘reserves right to response’ after saying Israel’s actions led to downing of Il-20 by Syria…

The Russian military accused their Israeli counterparts for causing the shot-down of a Russian Il-20 plane by the Syrian air defense forces, which were responding to an Israeli air raid on Latakia… https://www.rt.com/news/438687-israel-russia-response-il20/

Reminds me of USS Liberty, when Israel did similar to the US, but, tried to blame it on Egypt.


‘We were close to direct conflict between Russia & US inside Syria’ – Bashar Assad

‘… ‘Russia deterred larger-scale attack on Syria’ “The Russians announced publicly that they are going to destroy the bases that are going to be used to launch missiles, and our information – we don’t have evidence, we only have information, and that information is credible information – that they were thinking about a comprehensive attack all over Syria, and that’s why the threat pushed the West to make it on a much smaller scale,” the Syrian president said…

“We were close to have direct conflict between the Russian forces and the American forces, and fortunately, it has been avoided, not by the wisdom of the American leadership, but by the wisdom of the Russian leadership,” Assad told Gazdiev. “We need the Russian support, but we need at the same time to avoid the American foolishness in order to be able to stabilize our country…

‘Either you have a country or you don’t have a country’… https://www.rt.com/news/428299-assad-syria-russia-interview/


Credit for future payment for S-400s. I expect it’s more about stemming a wider conflict, but it’s time to act.


They don’t need S400’s, they need nukes to remove Israel.


assad has no money to buy S-3/400, russia has no money to give gratis. ptin has no interest to sell.


“..no interest to sell..”

We’ll see if an interest is acquired after Russia determines which Western vessel is responsible for taking out one of their planes in this assault on Syria.


i tell you, will notteing happen. russians have big mouth and little hands.

John Whitehot

and you have small brain.


small but wise :DDD

John Whitehot

duh. wise people don’t illwish.



Charlie rad

The S-300 is more than adequate . Syria doesn’t need the Range of the S-400. Russia is aggressively Upgrading Syria’s existing air Defenses right now. So Israel is trying to get some shots in before Russia is finished. If that doesn’t do it, then Russia will bring in the S300s that Iran bought for Syria. Russia signed treaties agreeing not to give them the S-300 (for some considerations). The Upgrade will be adequate.

Charlie rad

Also; Most of the Israeli attacks are small air to ground missiles fired from Lebanon & Israel. Today was from far in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s VERY expensive shooting down these $100K missiles with S-300 or S-400 $500K missiles. It’s like using a Laptop to throw at annoying squirrels on your fence. When you can use a rock or BB gun.

Zionism = EVIL

If the Syrians, Iranians and Hezbollah were properly armed then they can defend themselves. An average Russian is totally ignorant and does not even know where Syria is or why their sons should die there. This is a local fight and if Russia wants to help Syria it should hand over S-400 and other modern weapons to SAA and Hezbollah.


what do you want? that syrians take down all russian planes? :DDDDD

AM Hants

Not just Israel, France has joined in. Neither invited.

Russia Registered Rocket Launches From French Frigate in Mediterranean on Monday https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201809181068115950-russia-registered-missile-launches/el, but,

Russia detects missile launches from French frigate off Syria’s coast in Mediterranean – MoD… https://www.rt.com/news/438676-french-frigate-mediterranean-missiles/

Russian plane disappears from radars during Israeli attack on Syria’s Latakia – MoD… https://www.rt.com/news/438673-russian-il20-disappears-radars/

John Mason

Plane disappeared nearly a week ago when F16 attacked Syria.


Sputnik says 2300 on the 17th.


John Mason

My mistake, thought I read it vanished at last attack on Syria.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Without troops on the ground, they can no longer stop the liberation of Syria. They would have to conduct massive bombing missions and missile attacks – massive enough to draw world attention. Without provocation, they would look like the evil Nazi beasts that they are. Russia is doing the right thing.


I read a French ship was involved as well, true?

AM Hants

No declaration of war. No UN authority. No invite by the Government of the sovereign state, to invade.

France, could not accept the ‘false flag’ was cancelled, in their desperation to strike Syria. Who gave the ‘War Crime’ order?

Ricky Miller

The U.N. Charter is dead. The United Nations is as failed an institution as was the old League of Nations by 1939. There is a pretense about a rules based International Order but it’s now a mirage, a construct walking around dead. At least the League of Nations had the integrity to expel it’s more violent members. The current villains get whatever they want from the U.N. Club without so much as a harsh word for bombing small countries or breaking the rules. There is no real collective security to membership. Unless one is part of the in crowd.

AM Hants

WWI – League of Nations. WWII – United Nations WWIII – Full Spectrum Domination/NWO


I wonder if after Russia positively finishes reviewing the evidence and finds that the French frigate firing at the time the Russian plane disappeared is responsible, will sink it. If the French are guilty and Russia doesn’t sink the frigate, will that make Putin a liar or cause him to lose face?

AM Hants

Would you wish to be in his shoes? The end of the day, crew, passengers, plus, plane are missing, with Russia trying to find out what exactly happened.


Russia now knows what happened. Israel used the Russian plane for cover while attacking Syria. Putin has hardliners behind him and I believe he’s going to have to act. Since 15 servicemen were killed, at the very least, Russia needs to declare a no fly zone for Israel. Israel has expressed sorrow for the death of the Russian servicemen. It’s time to have Israel express sorrow for the loss of 15 Israeli pilots next time they attempt an attack.


Probably why they shot down the Russian plane, the US needs a war, it cannot survive without a war.


The Friendly French seem a little trigger happy as well. What excuse will they have for shooting missiles at Syria. They better get that frigate out of their quick or it’s a goner!


they weren’t by themselves remember this is the rothschild clan who own macron and even your trump they own many world leaders you know?and THEY are the ones who want syria the back door to israhell


Zionist filth exit to do Caesar’s dirty work.

Zionism = EVIL

Nothing new here, Russians and Syrians will keep on getting bitchslapped unless they fight back. Rule# 1 of schoolyard bullying, always hit back even if you get beaten up. Russia is being humiliated because it does not fight back or is too cowardly. The Zionists and US only understand strength.


It has been confirmed Israeli airstrikes and these saying drones? need to get checked medically. If that was a fucking drone then it would have become world record height for toy-Drones invention history and could have replaced modern weapons

Tommy Jensen



What do the Zionists have on everyone that no one retaliates against the Zionist State for their naked aggression against Syria?


The fake holocaust that enslaves the majority of Western politicians and media.


They have America, and America would destroy itself to protect Israel.


If the baby rapers are using drones off the Syrian coast. It be because they’re been told to stay out of that area and don’t want to risk losing manned aircraft.

John Whitehot

i wouldn’t still say who are the perpetrators.

it could be Israel (and it could be in revenge of the objects downed over Damascus two days ago), but it also could be its western lackeys.

it could also be a jihadist attack, but seeing the last vid, in which a large, fuel containing aircraft is shot down, the probability is low.

Tudor Miron

Well, well… things seem to be escalating rapidly. Let’s see where it leads us.


and you, ruskies failed. again. your s-x00 umbrella has big leaks. :P


When all else fails, Americans always have their big mouths full of excrement.


yanks saved autralian in ww2. so, if you are really aussie (i strongly doubt) you should be thankful them.


BS, the Australian army was the first army to defeat the Japanese in battle, in New Guinea, and after American troops ran from the Japanese, Australian troops replaced them.

Even if your BS was true, so what.


no boy, australia would be lost without yanks. you won with american help


The wounds are Syrian, but the message was pointed squarely at Russia. For the most part, cities with large Russian bases were attacked.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Israel seems to be sh*t out of ideas now.


Half ball Putin is to blame, He gave green light to apartheid regime of Israel and sultan Erdogan in Syria.


Missiles over Tartous is probe to Russia air defence system in this area…they test the efectivness and they try to find the weak point in AD installation. Some inteligence aircraft RC135W is cruising off Syria cost and monitoring the SAA and Russia activity…

John Whitehot

probes are also useful when you find out that the air defense has no meaningful weaknesses.

in that case, the military goes to the politician, and he tells him that any operation will have to include horrifying losses. the politician then decides about the lives of those involved.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I wonder whether Putin and Erdogan have also come to an agreement for Turkish patrols of the Golan?


“Airstrikes On Government Facilities Reported In Latakia, Tartus, Homs Provinces. Russia Allegedly Employs Own Air Defenses”

The First Place the Syrians would attack is as close to the water/ocean as possible. This was expected. by doing so, this would make American Missiles less effective and allow the Russians to put an air defence base on the border with Turkey. This will effectively isolate pockets.

Hmmm… Make Special note how the Russians are no longer using the White Swan bombers for a long time…. The Russians have made agreements with the turks You say? Thank You.

John Whitehot

“Make Special note how the Russians are no longer using the White Swan bombers for a long time”

Easy. There are no more targets for them. You use strategic bombers to 1- hit strategical importance targets or 2- to show others that they are capable to conduct that mission.

evidently, both above conditions haven’t been standing in the long time you mention.


A year ago, the Iranians where happy to host those Russian bombers… Its as if the Turks are using their NATO status against the Russians and at the same time participating with the Russians? It almost feels like the Turks are dragging a cat by its tail…. Something is going on…. Something is going on and Im not invited.

John Whitehot

nothing is going on about TU-160.

if you can’t comprehend the operational reasons i explained to you above, and think that there are hidden motives, then you should probably put on your tin foil hat.

Jens Holm

Keep smiling

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i heard 2 zionist planes downed and S-400 was used :)))

Jens Holm

It was on You doorstep ?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Jens Holm

Source pls . Kind of many books in Facebook.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Support for Syria and Bashar al-Assad from the people of Serbia 1

Jens Holm

They will send oil ?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

maybe lol

John Whitehot




Pterodactyls Flying Saucers Santa Claus

John Whitehot

Lmao, IF they say anything.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

saw it on facebook, the page is called

Support for Syria and Bashar al-Assad from the people of Serbia 1 :))


If an S400 was used, that would indicate that Israel used F35’s in the attack. The whole world would love to know if Russia can defeat US stealth technology.


US stealth has just defeated Russians within miles of their ‘tough’ air defenses

Lmao, videos of buildings on fire and missiles evading air defenses and striking land

Good job


That would be fantastic news :)


And I just saw videos posted by Syrians showing Missiles slam into targets while puny Russian air defenses fail to intercept them


Imagine what America could do


What was the source, I haven’t seen that as yet, thank you

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

it is a facebook page, if you search for Support for Syria and Bashar al-Assad from the people of Serbia 1 one of the recent posts says

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The Art of the Deal… Israel/ U.S. screwed.


Russian jews in Israel, return all to Russia! Demand or claim your little russian replubic, it’s much better than being a jew nazi. And my dear Hebreo cousins, if you persist, your little crusade is going to finish very bad, as all the others.


And I also add this in the comment: And my dear Hebreo cousins, if you persist, your little crusade is going to finish very bad, as all the others.

Jens Holm

You are. You started a watermill production, and then it got out of hand ?


I very much doubt that Russians want their zionist exiles back :)


First they weren’t zionists, but only some more protesters against the majority, second, the Russians don’t want no one back or inside. Florian, the Russian Federation as a lot of peoples not etnic russians, but only with a share of commun heritage, as for example an (half tatar) called Lenin.

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