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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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In one of his fairly usual PR stunts, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Abu Mohamad al-Julani paid a visit to some of his injured militants in an unspecified hospital in Greater Idlib.

In several photos released by HTS on May 2, al-Julani can be seen meeting and greeting a number of his fighters who lost limbs or got paralyzed in recent battles with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. The notorious terrorist was wearing white gloves, likely to protect himself from the novel COVID-19.

Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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Al-Julani Goes On PR Tour As Protests Against HTS Heat Up (Photos, Videos)

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The visit was clearly meant to promote al-Julani as a leader of Greater Idlib. In the last few weeks, al-Julani received a backlash over a plan to open a crossing with government-held areas.

Earlier this week, HTS opened the crossing in western Aleppo, challenging some local protesters. The group’s security forces clashed with the protesters, killing a civilian and injuring many others.

The incident provoked a wave of protests in Greater Idlib. This forced HTS to suspend work in the crossing, at least for the time being

Al-Julani’s little PR stunt didn’t go too well. Many in Greater Idlib saw his visit as a provocation. As a result, a new wave of protests against HTS and al-Julani took place.

The recent events indicate that HTS’ popularity in Greater Idlib is declining. The terrorist group’s confrontation with the Turkish military also played a role in this.

With its popularity declining, HTS may resume operations against the SAA. The terrorist group could also move against opponents in Greater Idlib, similar to what happened over the last two years.


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I think he’s a yid

Black Waters

They are changing their tactics, i think that “someone” is advising them to such change. Trying to appeal to people more instead of cruelty acts, to gain some kind fake benevolence and PR move.

Don’t ever forget, they are extremists, scum at the lowest point of human value.

Ricardo Xavier

Kurdish and Xii are the main ethnic in Iraq and Iran. Because of Turkey, its dangerous to Kurdistan truly born without total destructive war over Turkey…

Why not all Syria + Iraq + Iran in just one country with Assad has the King? Capital – Bagdad. First goal? Damascus – Bagdad – Tehran connections, and oil pipeline crossing all countries to the Mediterranean sea…


Willing Conscience (The Truths

HTS and it’s Al Nusra ally have a combined force of about 30,000 mostly Arab fighters, and now they’re finding themselves at odds with the 35,000 Turkish backed opposition, mmm, I wonder. HTS and Al Nusra are designated terrorists and a lot of their force is made up of foreigners, so they’d be the last group you’d ever imagine switching to Assad’s side, for a start Assad wouldn’t accept an alliance made with foreign terrorists, but he’d also be really stupid not to make a deal with them, especially if it was one that helped get the Turks out of Idlib. I’m imagining a deal that allows for the Syrian Arabs in HTS and Al Nusra to reconcile with the Syrian government, and which also allowed the foreign fighters to go home to where they came from, but not the Uighurs or Chechens, they’ll have to remain Turkey’s problem, that’s if the Arab’s in HTS and Al Nusra don’t solve the problem themselves and kill them all. Mmmm, I really am starting to wonder if this could somehow be turned into a positive for the Syrian government, and if you think about it the precedent has already been set by Assad himself, he conscripted 25,000 ex FSA fighters into the SAA after the victorious Daraa/Quneitra campaign, so there’s very little difference between the scenario I’m speculating about/proposing and what actually happened back in 2018. And even though the FSA weren’t a designated terrorist organization according to the Astana agreements Russia Iran and Turkey signed, Assad’s ALWAYS designated them to be a terrorist organization, and that’s despite the Asatana agreements saying they’re not, but Assad did make a deal with them even though he considered them to be terrorists, and now 25,000 of them are serving in the SAA. So if he did it once and he might do it again, Assad reconciles to serve his countries interest, and if serving his countries best interest means a reconciliation with half the enemy to win the war, so be it. This could become a nightmare for Turkey, if Assad drives a wedge between HTS and Turkey now, Turkey will find it very hard to justify their presence in vast areas of Syria, and also defend it militarily if they have to fight on 2 fronts. I hope Assad’s talking to HTS and Al Nusra right now, and scaring the hell out of Erdogan, LOL.


Would be material if HTS join Asad

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