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MARCH 2025

Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades Fire Rockets At Israel Again

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Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades Fire Rockets At Israel Again

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UPDATE: Israel responded with airstrikes


For the second day in a row, the Palestinian armed group al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades fired several rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli settlements north of it, according to the al-Nasser Brigade news agency al-Buraq.

Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades Fire Rockets At Israel Again

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The Palestinian armed group also promised that it will soon response even harder to the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The al-Nasser Brigades are one of the main allies of Hamas in Gaza Strip, and its rocket attacks on December 7 and 8 are likely coordinated with the movement.

The Israeli Army confirmed that at least one rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip on Sha’ar HaNegev, Sdot Negev and Hof Ashkelon settlements in southern Israel on December 8. The Israeli anti-rocket system Iron Dome successfully intercepted the rocket, according to the Israeli Army statement.

Minutes later, the Israeli Army reported that an unidentified projectile was fired from Gaza at the settlements of Bnei Shimon and Sdot Negev in southern Israel. According to the Israeli Army, the projectile didn’t hit its targets.

On December 7, the Israeli Army stressed that it will hold Hamas the responsibility for any attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. A limited Israeli response to the rocket attack is expected in the upcoming hours.

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jerry Hamilton

Bull $hit. If you believe that, I have some of Sadams weapons of mass destruction to sell you.


I guess a snake oil salesman such as you would do Jerry.

jerry Hamilton

WTF are you going on about?



jerry Hamilton

Which means what? I don’t have a clue what you are going on about.

You can call me Al

Read your original comment ….. I doubt offence was intended, but satire by the way.

jerry Hamilton

Yes, I reached that conclusion too. FG generally seems to like the way I think and he seems fine to me.

You can call me Al

Yep, but I chuckle when I say it did take me a minute or so to recognise it…..Have a nice weekend.

jerry Hamilton

No, I am not selling Sadams imaginary rockets. I was saying Palestinians firing rockets were imaginary.

You can call me Al

“I have some of Sadams weapons of mass destruction to sell you.”…..maybe a hint !!!

jerry Hamilton

Sorry mate. My bad.


No worries Jerry.


Seems ‘who profits’ would be the folks who WANT another Gaza slaughter. Because rocket attacks (that killed NO Israeli citizens) was the excuse used by the Zionist IDF to launch an invasion into Gaza killing thousands—

Vince Dhimos

If you know about the Yinon plan, that is no doubt true.

jerry Hamilton

Exactly. No Palestinian would fire rockets at Israel and not expect to get his neighbours killed. This is the work of the IDF.


This is how new war will start from there… There is no stopping now

Don Machiavelli

Zionists managed to use Trump to stop Palestinian reconciliation. It’s disgusting. Last time it was ”protective edge” now it is this shit.

And innocent lives will be lost, already are by hands of zionist soldiers.


Do you mean the same thing Obama promised but never followed through with? Is this truly the right thing to get outraged at? How are you effected personally? And will you ever shed a tear for these people honestly? Muslims reject Palestinians, I wonder is there’s a reason for this? Why hasn’t Saudi Arabia with it’s empty tent cities taken them in? Why doesn’t China taken them in with their ghost cities? Maybe these people are so nasty that only Jews are willing to have them as neighbors and not genocide their asses. Maybe the Jews could be commended for not retaliating with nerve gas to get rid of these nightmare neighbors. Maybe there is a reason why the Nazis partnered up with radical Muslims in WW2, maybe they saw eye to eye and Jews and then Christians always seem to become a target. Maybe this happens because the Jews and Christians value life and hard work while it makes tyrants look bad, maybe the reason you don’t like Jews is because of jealousy and your inability to compete in a fair society, maybe you want the rules bent so that you have an edge on more competent people because without them you will be left behind. Maybe if you focused on your own ability and mastered something, anything, you could inspire someone next to you to do the same and less innocent lives would be lost as a whole.


Another Zionist propagandist, move along.


I take it your FANTASY keeps you comfortable? Does Israel pay you well?

Don Machiavelli

Propper education and healthy common sense, that’s all i have to say after reading your lenghty and contradictory reply. As for Obama, he is zio puppet as any POTUS. Br.


Why , you can start off by .not being greedy


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Matt Lazarus

Google supports all war mongers! Google = Evil.

Don Machiavelli

Better spend that time on sex rather than spam across the boards honey with pretty fake face eheh

Joe Doe

First, Syria needs to be clean from all the terror groups ans stabilize, before any war with Israel. At this stage Palestinians and Hezbollah will lose against IDF, as Russia will be neutral and SAA needs better military hardware, before next step


All Muslim leaders watch carefully what’s happened with Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan. The same will now happen with your countries. Who are doing terrorist attacks in Muslim countries? Are you smoking cracks or junk?

After Trump Jerusalem declaration how many Muslim countries have protested to US ambassadors in their own countries? Just one Iraq. The other all leaderships of Muslim countries are puppets of America including Saudis, UAE, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran etc. They are all corrupt and the enemies of Muslim world.

Muslim world needs a strong and talented leadership to bring together all Muslim countries on a single platform and to form a united Muslim world. Then see how Muslim world develop.


On the contrary. Muslims need to stop supporting Palestine and let Sweden represent Palestine interests.


I don’t understand your point. Can you explain me please because Palestine is a Muslim country and a holly land of Muslims. Israhell want to keep Palestine and butch their nation. So this is the problem of Muslim or Sweden Christians.


Palestine is not muslim. The fact is that muslim palestinians fight the most for their lands. But, there are also christians and jews in Palestine. Palestine is a state not a religious state. Palestinian is a nationality not a religion.

The point is that muslims or Arabs can’t defend themselfs because they are too corrupted and can’t organize and can’t think of a strategy to apply. So, they better ask for a trustwhorthy country to be the only representative for them instead on relying on Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Turkey.

Even, they can even ask to be a vassal state of Iran or Russia.


All leaders of Muslim countries should have to become friends of Russia and Iran so then when they are united then they can develop. They should not trust in America and Israhell as a friend. They are not friends they are foes.

Matt Lazarus

Yes, much better if the region were simply called the Republic of Palestine and welcomed all religions. The simplest solution.


Matt I see the nature of many of your posts, what do you think about GROG? Accomplish this and the world will be at peace, at least a better chance for it. That’s not the liquid grog, but the mental grog; get rid of god.


The REPUBLIC of Ireland would be a better choice.than Sweden, as it already supports Palestine


Why Muslims are grinding in the mill in the world communities? This is because of their wrong, corrupt and incapable leadership. The selection of a talented and capable leadership is very important for the health and safety of a nation, otherwise the nation will not follow the instructions of their leadership and in this way the whole country will become destabilize.

George King

All the better “destabilize and break” if it is an Empire run a muck.

Matt Lazarus

Ergo, USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia–with totally corrupt regimes and nihilist leadership–are going, slowly but surely, down the tubes.

Vince Dhimos

Thanks, Trump. You are such a genius!


I wonder if Trump is already regretting this decision. Israel will have Trump bombing Iran within a year. Trump really stepped in a big pile of it. One false flag attack against Israel and puppet Trump will again do the bidding.


“A senior Palestinian official has said that US Vice President Mike Pence is not welcome in the occupied territories during his scheduled visit later this month.”


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