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Al-Qaeda Creates Puppet “Government” In Syria’s Idlib Province

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Al-Qaeda Creates Puppet "Government" In Syria's Idlib Province

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On Thursday, Syrian opposition figures from Idlib governorate announced the formation of Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) during a conference held near Bab al-Hawa crossing in the northern Idlib countryside.

The announcement was covered by the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham-linked news agency Iba’a. Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) was formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda Creates Puppet "Government" In Syria's Idlib Province

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Syrian opposition sources reveled that Muhammad Al-Sheikh was chosen as the prime minister of the SSG. The sources added that al-Sheikh is a strict supporter of HTS, and part of its “Civil Administrations” in Idlib governorate.

Furthermore, all the ministers in the SSG are minor or local opposition figures that suppor HTS. Many of them are already part of its “Civil Administration”, according to opposition and local sources.

The only known figure in the SSG is Riad al-Asaad, the former commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Al-Asaad is known for being a supporter of HTS, but also for being nothing but an empty name. The former commander of the FSA has joined every government or military council that was formed by any side of the Syrian opposition since his defection from the Syrian Air Force back in 2011.

The SSG is clearly just another attempt by HTS to legalize its existence in the Idlib governorate. This attempt will likely fail, because it’s not backed by any major Syrian opposition figures or any regional powers, not evern Turkey.

Back on August 2, US special envoy to Syria, Michael Rantley warned the Syrian opposition and the FSA from dealing with HTS or its “Civil Administration” in Idlib governorate. Rantley warned that if HTS takes full control over Idlib governorate, the US would not be able to persuade other parties not to take military action in Idlib.

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Pave Way IV

I say give them a chance. They can’t be any worse than the puppet governments the US creates after it destroys/liberates a country. On second thought, they kind of ARE a puppet government created by the US after it destroyed a country. http://www.headchopper.gov.us? Virus Warning!


They are a US puppet Government. The people of Syria have an elected Government and leader, they do not need US stooges, going for land grabs, anyway they can.

You can call me Al

Well stated.

Brad Isherwood

Miserable House of Saud in Raqqa now, … Idlib has been Saudi pallets of Cash for Takfiri trash for years. Putin cuts deals with Saudi/Turks ..after the murder Syria and down Russia Su 24.

http://www.middleeasteye.net/sites/default/files/styles/main_image_article_page/public/column-image/putin.jpg https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/israel-jew-vampire-thumb.jpg

Jordan’s platform shoe midget King murders Syrians for years…gets a pass. Israhell…same same.

When Putin goes to…. church, …who does he actually pray to, …??

Can’t be a God who knows and teaches…. right from wrong.

Serious Dude

Putin and Netanyahu are the best European leaders of 21th century.

Kira Binkley

European? Are you serious? KiraSEER




Drop an air/fuel bomb on them to help them on their way for that martyrdom they desire for the sake of real human beings.

Kira Binkley

You’re talking about the Yanks, right?


I’m talking about terrorists and whoever happens to be in their vicinity and supports them.


They are only fooling themselves , certainly not Assad or Putin . They think by looking ” legit ” maybe the SAA will not come into Idlib province and kick their ass . With Idlib they would have their little “Islamic Nation” , and separate from Syria . They could also feed little sleeper cells and keep the carnage going . Wahhabi jihadists your days in Syria are done .


Now Syria has two “official” governments. One only supported by only one country, Turkey.

If this works, the SDF can claim to be more governamental then the turkish one. So soon three governments for Syria?

Maybe the three governments can then cooparate and form a confederation. I already have the name : The confederated states of Syria.

Kira Binkley

“Back on August 2, US special envoy to Syria, Michael Rantley warned the Syrian opposition and the FSA from dealing with HTS or its “Civil Administration” in Idlib governorate. Rantley warned that if HTS takes full control over Idlib governorate, the US would not be able to persuade other parties not to take military action in Idlib.” Is this an admission from the Yanks that the U.S. if fast losing influence in the Middle East, and soon in the world? KiraSEER


The next time these turkeys get together for a meeting like this, let’s hope the SAA gets advance word of it, and sends a bomb up their but.

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