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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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On June 12, the al-Qaeda-affiliated wa-Harid al-Mu’minin operations room released photos of its recent attack on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions in northwestern Hama.

The attack, which was launched on June 8, targeted the towns of Tanjarah and Fattirah in the al-Ghab Plains. The army repelled the attack within a few hours with support from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Wa-Harid al-Mu’minin’s photos show terrorists targeting SAA positions during the attack with machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. The photos also show a damaged BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) of the SAA and seven anti-tank mines which were captured in the attack.

Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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Al-Qaeda Operations Room In Greater Idlib Releases Photos Of Recent Attack On Syrian Army

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According to pro-government sources, eight terrorists were killed in the offensive. A pick-up truck and two motorcycles were also destroyed.

The attack was a serious violation of the March 5 Russian-Turkish agreement on Greater Idlib. The Russian Aerospace Forces responded to the attack by carrying out a series of airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the region.


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Anthony Papagallo

You have to admire Al Qaeda. Seriously. They do the work cucked american soldiers are too scared to do. While Al Qaeda are out there pushing American interests U.S soldiers are hunkered down in their tents jerking off to Brazzers. If you think about it its an interesting metaphor for American men, a bunch of wankers.

Jens Holm

Thats not a comment. More like the hospital relesed You, because there was no hope…

John Wallace

Normal idiots can see its crop at video 2 .Dumfuk , it was cropped but no you had to believe the story told as it suited your narrative. So full of shit everywhere you comment. Instead of thinking you are so smart why not open your eyes and realise what a dumbfuk you are.


I dont think that acknowledging the fact that jihadies are – on average – pretty high-morale, high-proficiency soldiers, is synonymous with sympathizing with them. Though doubtlessly some will conflate the two…


ISIS now clearly won the war for Turkey. SAA can go home and declare Syria as TurkISIS Occupied Calip-hate.

Jens Holm

Turkey so far has won nothing.

Pave Way IV

Headchoppers scored a T-55, a pickup and a motorbike from the SAA back in May. Looks like the pickup and the motorbike were destroyed during this attack. I wonder what they did with the T-55? In any case, maintaining a small SAA garrison at Tanjarah and Fattirah without (apparently) the ability to reinforce them is a bad sign. The SAA can’t just place meat targets on the front line and wait for the headchoppers. It’s demoralizing and RuAF can’t be expected to react every time. Time to declare the truce violated and roll over some rodent dens again. Shoot the jihadis in the back as they’re running away. You’ld be doing them a favor.

Jens Holm

Assads hasnt fresh troopd for it. Try to get it. During many years of war not even many are dead and wounded but its not a 9 to 4 job.

People gets traumatized as well as they slowly gets more and more tired and actually need months to regain.

Thats why the supplements by Hesbollah and Iran has been and are so important.

The same goes for the other way around. Only SDFs has got extra soldiers by taking Raqqa and the lat parts of ISIS there getting “many” arabs from there. I dont know how united SDFs are anymore, but we do see arabs from the Raqqa-Hajin area.

The war is low scale by very few soldiers. Thats how it is.

Look how Assads desperat has to move around troops and fill gabs. Dara -Homs easy is almost out of control. They also are not able to clean the deserts all the way to DEZ (Palmyra, Sukna and for that matter Al Tanf.

I amsure its exact the same , where SDF – mainly Kurds are – Most entusiasts actualy are dead or wounded.

From a military point its classic. They have not cleaned big areas for real 100% and by that they also waste too much in random logistics and transportation.

And they have got ALL advices from many here. I am no expert, but I know more about a lot and compare with Germans, Americans, Britts and Russian at WW2. The probpems are exact the same.

The most visible was Germans not could take England, North Africa and Russia at the same time, so they took none of them.

Now Assads only has some “firebrigade” force to clean Dara – and next and next.

Its partlæy comparable with the Kurds by SDF. Its also said many times, they are nothing with no Airsupport. Thats partly true, but its also forgotten, that SDF are only allowed to be heavy armed and dont have, what Assads has. Here I also will say they fit much more against all the Jihadists because of education and structure.

So Your hopes can only be next time a lot of Assads gets 18 years old and thatgeneration becomes soldiers too.

I think Assads should rule and run nothing, but from a military point I think they shouldleave those Jihadists in Idlib/Aleppo/Arfrin alone. They go nowhere.

And then focus on cleaning pocets in the rest. Its also needed at least to make some food even most of it is too late for this year.

Thats how I see it.

Pave Way IV

I mostly agree, Jens. But this isn’t Assad’s strategic failure by any means. It’s just the way the psychopathic U.S./Israeli/Gulf leaders (as well as Turkey) are choosing to exploit Syria’s military weakness and maximize the pain on Syrian civilians. Creating and sustaining several head-chopper fronts keeps the SAA spread too thin and keeps them exhausted. It also diminishes the effectiveness of Russia’s air support and Iranian/Hez ground troops contribution at any one front. This is intentional – by Syria’s enemies.

The intent is to do exactly what you suggest: give up Syrian sovereign territory to the head-choppers. Neither Syria nor its enemies have been willing to back down. The U.S. is willing to inflict as much suffering and sadistic butchery as necessary to make Assad and Syria obey. That’s kind of a problem, since I’m responsible for everything the U.S. does. I may have to get off my ass and wood-chipper a few evil f’king neocons – they’re really starting to piss me off.

Jens Holm

This has nothing to do with USA as well as Israel or others.

If You fx follow Assads al the way from west of Al Bab close to Raqqa and later on taking DEZ its was the Assads spreading out the troops in the most possible stupid ways from any normal point of views.

They lost xeveral 1000 soldiers and a lot of equipment to ISIS for bad reasons. Even so they also ayttacked SDFs and USA and was punished by them too.

The learned nothing at DEZ. First they cryed for help from SDF to help them. When SDF finaly was ready for that and had an exelent plan splitting on the ISIS Hasaka side of Eufrat defeating those 2 split ups n classic way, they were denied that – BY ASSAD ARTILLERY.

So SDF retreteaded and ISIS didnt loose as many soldiers as they should. Kurds/SDF the withdraw to the hig terrain ablver the river, where the oilfields are and were amd the centerpipelines too.

By that ISIS copuld meet the Assad troops well prefar ed in intermistic but good defence lines. Those ISIS troops should have been dead done by SDFs doing their part of the job.

SO Assads had to get in Russians to solve that defnce line. And next the Assads after that and after being reduced in soldiers and with lack of equipment and no reserves tryed to to take the well prefare hill defence ipstairs too. That was insine. Here they also met the American Airforce. .

By that the Assads also could not take DEZ as well as mpore of the Eufrat borders – as well as Khabour.

And by that they never took Abu Kamal but unneded lost troops there and all the way ro Palyra by T2 and Sukna too.

That stupidisme has nothing to do with others. Its normal warfare, You concentrate troops and fx take all the way from DEZ to Aby Kamal and Al Qaim.

Finally Iraqis, iranans and some Hesbollahs had to take Abu Kamal.

And all that time Assads blamed Kurds for taking the oil as well as they could not take Hajin. BUt facts are ISIS was kept intact by Assads not tking “their side ” of Eufrat.

And theree its rtempting to go back to everybody attacks Assads – as You wrote because Assads denide the advantige to coordiate with the SDF/USA about eliminating ISIS there. They even attacked SDFs several times and at DEZ very hard.

I can only see Assads got very bog unneded losses and won nothing. And even worse the SDFs were not attacking Assads. Their aganda was more local selfrule in local matters.

So what Assads got was even mre hostile “non enemies”.

….. And Yes I also dont see Syria by Assads and the Baathcountry as a coubtry but a bad regime. Typical You also argue, that the alternative are Jihadists. Thats the Assad agenda; 1) You have me or Johadists and Kurds are too strange to anything with us for rel.

BUT therest of the world is not like that at all, so Govermening can be done in many other way7s and among them very good ones.

Assads has no patent in ruling Syria at all. It more the opposite. For decades Syria has been a private property and a non devellopment zone.

We in Denmark avoid that by respected local and country elections which by tha constitution has to be done every 4,the year. By that we can relect the same or try something else – BUT all has to follow the constitusion for free speeach debating better or worse solutions and in peace.

We have no traditions for burning and shoes here. The new goverm,ent and parlament are able to use the same chairs and building. So opposition is not another country every 4.the year but following the constitution and the laws changed in some vital matters.

……Of course Syria can not copy that and should not.

But Syrians remain stupid because they dont educate people and cerytainly not women. By that You can handle and understand complicated things, whoch make the progress we have.

In that You include that Syrians by definitions aremopre stupid then us and in that vomen too. We have a female Premiere minster and even a female queen. Half of the ministers and leaders fx for the police are female.

Hardly none of them are elected because of gender but are by qualifications havin papers for education and before they become hogh ranks has shown they were good at the lower ranks too.

and 3) You have family business dominated by old men as well as the young men has to be used, but unfornatly too often are by family relations instead fo making the family busines well running. 80% if Yours are family business. We have 20% family business, because we make companies as stockholders and by that choose all after qualifications and also pay them pr hour and more if they are good ones making production or services.

FINALLY YOU AGAIN FORGET, that sanctions are by UN as well as EU. You always only write its USA and Israel. Thats denial of worst kind.

Pave Way IV

“…But Syrians remain stupid because they dont educate people and cerytainly not women. By that You can handle and understand complicated things, whoch make the progress we have…”

Ahh… of course, Jens. Deep inside every Syrian is a European-enlightened Arab just waiting to blossom in the eternal sunshine of a liberal western factory education. But… as long as they remain ignorant, masochistic savages ruled by someone we don’t like, we should continue beating the crap out of them (UN sanctioned, of course) until every last one of those bastards understand the gift we are offering. The fools need look no further than Ukraine, Libya and Iraq to understand their true potential under western freedom and democracy. Eventually, even the dimmest of them will come to realize that education is the key to a happy and productive society. They need to be students first to achieve a happy society The Pashtun even named their path to enlightenment after the students, themselves: Taliban! Oh wait – that was a Saudi fundamentalist nutjob movement, not a western one. [sigh…]


Why is the SAA running around with anti-tank mines in ISIS country? That just seems like a recipe for bad things happenin’. Maybe they should load up some SA-7s in their vehicles too…

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