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MARCH 2025

Al-Qaeda Stronger Than Ever? State Department’s War On Terror Redux

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Originally appeared on ZeroHedge

Now approaching two decades after 9/11 and the start of the so-called “war on terror” we’ve now come full circle. With the ISIS caliphate dead, and with Pentagon officials increasingly unable to justify the US expanding Middle East footprint based on that inflated threat, we’re now being told al-Qaeda is back and stronger than ever.

This even after days ago world headlines were driven by ambiguous and unconfirmed reports that Osama bin Laden’s son and successor as head to the terror organization, Hamza bin Laden, is believed dead.

Al-Qaeda Stronger Than Ever? State Department's War On Terror Redux

America’s al-Qaeda linked “moderate” rebels in Syria Image source: Freedom House.

Bloomberg cites the State Department in a report this week to say al-Qaeda is “rebuilding” and appears “stronger than ever”:

Al-Qaeda and its affiliates remain as much of a threat to the U.S. as “it has ever been” after the terrorist group rebuilt itself while the U.S. and other nations focused on destroying Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a State Department official said.

“Al-Qaeda has been strategic and patient over the past several years,” Nathan Sales, the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism, said on Thursday at a briefing in Washington. “It’s let ISIS absorb the brunt of the world’s counterterrorism efforts while patiently reconstituting itself. What we see today is an al-Qaeda that is as strong as it has ever been.”

And yet it’s no secret that US intelligence for years actually facilitated the growth of al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria with arms and equipment, even directly coordinating its takeover of Idlib in 2015, as some mainstream terrorism “experts” have themselves in the past admitted. From Syria to Yemen to Africa, al-Qaeda is growing, apparently, as if in a vacuum.

“We see active and deadly al-Qaeda affiliates across the globe, including in Somalia, where al-Shabab commits regular attacks inside Somalia and also has begun to attack its neighbors as well, particularly Kenya,” Sales continued in the Bloomberg report.

But not everyone with a major media platform is buying the narrative that America is somehow locked in an eternal struggle with jihadist terrorism, cast as “good vs. evil” with the USA always on the right side of history.

In places like Syria, Yemen, and in our close alliance with Saudi Arabia, “our president is supporting al-Qaeda”

Trillions spent, thousands of lives lost, the Middle East more unstable than ever… and this is where we are in 2019, with threats and fresh 2003-style fear-mongering over a “newly rebuilt” al-Qaeda.

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Well if you don’t want them to be stronger, then stop supporting and supplying them.

AM Hants

Weren’t the Bush family, dining with their business partners, the Bin Laden family, the night before 9/11?

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. = Al-Qaeda ISraHell = ISIS

AM Hants

The Greater Israel Project, was desperate for the CIA to create Al Qaeda/Israel Secret Intelligence Service/White Helmets/Daesh or whatever they call themselves today.

Dick Chenie, defence secretary under Bush, who had investments in Haliburton, I believe around the time of the first Gulf War. Didn’t he find a niche in Haliburton, that would be lucrative, if only he had a private military industry, up and running, and at his beck and call? So the defence minister, allegedly changes defence legislation, slashing back the Forces of the US, so that they would be dependent on his army of private military specialists. Black Water did so well, together with the subsidaries of Haliburton, under the control of the new Haliburton CEO, Dick Chenie. Not forgetting, his senior management position in Carlyle, the Bush/Bin Laden family, concern, where ‘5 Yeye’ leaders and politicians go, once unemployed. John Major, so comes to mind. The same Dick Chenie, who together with Rupert Murdoch, Jacob Rothschild and Larry Summer, set up Genie Energy. Who were fortunate enough to be given the drilling rights of Syria’s Golan Heights, by Israel. Don’t they want the rest of the Syrian Natural Resources, to bring forward the Greater Israel Project or should I say ‘Israel to Europe’ pipelines? Together with placing a Rothschild controlled central bank in both Syria and Iran?

northerntruthseeker .

Ah, yes… the phoney “boogeyman” of “Al Qaeda” which has always been an asset of American and Israeli intelligence has reared its ugly head again… And now the criminals in the US Government are claiming that their entity of evil is “stronger than ever”?

Apparently the US military needs a lot more money bled from US taxpayers, and they are wagging their Al Qaeda fraud around once again to try to scare the ignorant and stupid out there….. Worked before, and apparently they are hoping that it works once again…

When will people finally grow the fuck up and realize that they are being lied to?

AM Hants

What I do not understand is the US has a budget of $717 billion, plus, increasing, for their defence programme. What do they get for it? Where would any further funds go? Would it make a difference?

Russia has a defence budget, around the same as the UK, yet, they leave all that the NATO member states have, between them, including the US, impotent. There are more nuclear warheads in Russia defence weapons and systems, then the US has got, plus, there hypersonics are in active stage. That is before we get onto the impressive Russian missile defence systems. All that for $47 billion. The UK spends around $46 billion on defence and that funds a $15 million, simulator, for military jets that we have retired, an aircraft carrier that has not even got aircrafts to go with it, and has had so many refits, owing to plumbing problems, going back to before it was commissioned. Still, at least we have the HMS Warrior and HMS Victory, to lend a hand, should we need to defend the UK.

What does one get for $717 billion?

First Strike Missile Defence Systems, that were obsolete, prior to entering active stage, owing to delays in the programme and fixing problems along the way.

USS Gerald Ford, the brand new aircraft carrier, with exploding generators and minus a lift, to get the missiles to the aircrafts on board.

Littoral Class Combat Ship Disaster. The Littoral Combat Ship Is A Disaster And This Is The Solution… https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-littoral-combat-ship-is-a-disaster-and-this-is-the-1796783565

The Zumwalt Class Ship – so much money spent on stealth technology, yet, it is only the merchant seamen and fishermen who cannot see the very expensive piece of junk. Does it even work?

NEWSUNCATEGORIZEDUNITED STATES Russian Radar Can Still See The $4.4 Billion Invisible Zumwalt… https://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/russian-radar-can-still-see-44-billion/

The F22, which the pilots refused to fly, owing to oxygen concerns. One of the major problems with the F35 white elephant. Now how much did that disaster cost? How many of them can actually fly? Plus, how late were they, with regards coming on the market? Does anybody want them?

Pentagon Agrees to Fix the F-35’s Many Problems Before Full Production The high-tech fighter has 966 “open deficiencies”—otherwise known as defects… https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a21098498/f-35-problems-fix-before-production/

Has the US produced any weapon or system, in the 21st centuryf, that comes in on time, on budget and in full working order? Remind me again, how much do they spend on defence and how much of an increase have they just received, to go with the $21 trillion, national debt, they still have to pay?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Well said

AM Hants

Thank you.

Icarus Tanović

Boogeyman known as Osama Bin Laden has never exsited, it is Cia/Mossads fabrication. Masquerade is over, and new circle won’t start. If it does, wveryone knows who is really behind it, some terrorist attacks and what else. Will you use another false flag like it was almost 18 years ago? It won’t work. You have lost it, and it is game over.

Free man

The most effective weapon against jihadists is economic sanctions. If the countries of the world really want to promote moderation and secularism in the Middle East, they need to dry up the sources of funding for jihadist, Sunni and Shiite, terrorists.

Hasbara Hunter

Are you the Same Free Man as the One on my Hasbarat-List by any chance?


Hasbara Checklist:

ACTIVE PARASITES: Toronto Tonto, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational

Some Extra…:

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Free man, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD

Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue…



The Gulag Archipelago https://www.google.nl/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/25/russia.books



Copy this and use it every time you run into one of those PARASITIC HASBARAT-TROLLS:

Taken from UNZ Review, article, “Use of TERMITE by Louis Farrakahn was exactly right” – “Arthur Koestler, (a person of the Jewish Faith –My, Freespirit emphasis ) is quoting from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Life of the Termites in order to establish in his readers’ minds a salient political point. Not only does Koestler find the termite to be the most accurate metaphor for society’s decay, but his other book, The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler
 proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century. So the charge of “anti-Semitism” constantly leveled at Blacks and their leaders has no actual meaning at all.” https://www.unz.com/article…

Free man

Get a life.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah you are the SAME…I’ll be watching you boy…

northerntruthseeker .

Hasbarats have nothing to say when they are directly confronted!

This one “free man” is so blatantly obvious and so laughable.. Where did he get his training?? In clown college?

Hasbara Hunter

Ask Hasbarats a question and they never answer it…

Free man


northerntruthseeker .

Hasbarat alert! Hasbarat alert! My Jew-dar is beeping away with this one!

Free man

Do you really expect me to respond to your and the other clown’s stupidity ?

AM Hants

Not surprising. Didn’t the US State Department actually create Al Qaeda/Daesh/ISIS/White Helmets, or whatever they call themselves today?

Interesting article over on Zero Hedge, that also goes with a New York Times, Daily Mail and Guardian Articles. Is the Western Media, starting to back track on demonising Russia?

The Citadels Of America’s Elites: Fractured And At Odds With Each Other… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-03/citadels-americas-elites-fractured-and-odds-each-other.

Hell freezes over? New York Times wants closer relationship with Russia, congratulates Trump… https://www.rt.com/usa/464767-trump-russia-nyt-relationship-china/

New threat to Anglo-Trump relations as bombshell secret texts between top British and US spies about ‘our strange situation’ reveal how UK played KEY role in early stages of FBI’s Trump-Russia inquiry Texts between then-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe and his counterpart in Britain’s MI5, Jeremy Fleming, were brought to light by the Guardian on Tuesday

In August 2016 Fleming noted that members of the FBI and MI5 had ‘met on our strange situation’ – apparently referencing discussions about Russian activities

The texts were revealed as the Justice Department is examining what led up to the launch of the FBI investigation

They are believed to be paying particularly close attention to the influence of another senior UK intelligence official, ‘dirty dossier’ author Christopher Steele

Earlier this month the US and UK became embroiled in a full-scale diplomatic spat after British ambassador to the US Sir Kim Darroch called Trump ‘inept’


How did they backtrack on Iraq, the war the Western Media lusted after, then all of a sudden, when it was over, noticed Blair lied to Parliament, to take us into that war? How did the media backtrack?


The mighty US seems utterly incapable of de-financing AQ (but everyone else is easy), of defeating them, of using psy-ops against them, using CIA against them… Oh yeah, I forgot, they created them as a necessary component in the “war on terror” in which the US has been transformed into the enemy virtually everyone.


If Al Qaida is indeed stronger now then it used to be in 2001 then obviously the strategy we have followed since then has not only utterly failed, it has been disastrous. Which logically means we should not trust those who came up with that strategy any more and not only sack them, but put them in jail for criminal negligence. Because obviously when something has failed, we should do more of it. Cause this time it will work. Right?

Hasbara Hunter

Holland bought nice Shiny Bran New Toyota Hiluxes,Night Vision Goggles & Other Big Boyz Toyz for Al-Qaeda & ISIS…never heard anything about that shit anymore…another cover-up by Stef Blok…Mark Rutte & the ZioNazis


Yup. The Dutch media sure as hell did not pursue that issue with the same vigor that they did when that guy from the SGP signed the Nashville agreement. Toyota’s and weaponry for Jihadi headchoppers? Yeah whatever. Now that guy with no political influence whatsoever signing a homophobic document on the other hand? CRUCIFY HIM!!!!

Tommy Jensen

If we have spent $ trillions on Al Qaeda and they are stronger than ever, it means we must spend more to erase global terrorism, and that’s not the only thing we must spend more on.

Green Clima Gender Change will also destroy our planet if we don’t invest more in our childrens future NOW, and when I say now I certainly don’t mean tomorrow!

For freedom!!

Hasbara Hunter

Yes indeed America, ISISraHell, the United Kingdom, Wahhabistan & France have invested Trillions of Tax-Payers-Money to Finance Global Terrorism….In Training, Arms, Logistics, Air Support by ZIONATO… All for the Military Industrial Complex & Wall Street because they needed a New Enemy after the Fall of the Iron Curtain (another 5 Trillion Dollar Hoax)…and ofcourse the Creation of a Greater Yinon-Caliphate…

America, ISISraHell, the United Kingdom, Wahhabistan & France the Global Terrorists!!!

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