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MARCH 2025

Al-Qaeda’s Little Helpers: Israeli Air Force Strikes Damascus As Battle For Saraqib Ramps Up

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Al-Qaeda's Little Helpers: Israeli Air Force Strikes Damascus As Battle For Saraqib Ramps Up

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Early on February 6, the Israeli Air Force delivered an wide-scale strike on targets in the countyside of the Syrian capital, Damascus, and in the province of Daraa Israeli aircraft launched several missiles from airspace over the occupied Golan Heights and southern Lebanon.

According to Syrian sources, the Al-Kiswa area, Marj al-Sultan, Baghdad Bridge near Damascus and the area south of Izraa in the province of Daraa became the main targets of the attack.

Syria’s State media claimed that the Syrian Air Defense shot down most of the Israeli missiles before they were able to reach their targets. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the strikes successfully hit Iran-related targets destroying weapon depots and HQs of Iranian-backed forces.

The attack took place as the Syrian Army was storming the key stronghold of al-Qaeda-linked militants in the province of Idlib – the town of Saraqib. Right on cue, the Israeli military joined the club of al-Qaeda’s little helpers.


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Karen Bartlett

God protect the Syrian people from evil Israel!

Liberal guy


Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Jew scum are coordinating with their Turkeys in a futile attempt to stop SAA victory over their ISIS pets, not going to happen. The Jews scum are fucked as 14 have been wounded in Occupied Palestine by a freedom fighter who rammed his car and another IDF child killer was shot dead. On a broader front a totally pro-Hezbollah leader has been appointed as the PM of Iraq ROFLMAO:

Pro-Hezbollah prime minister’s appointment in Iraq brings top US general to Baghdad in panic

US Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, US Mid-East commander, paid a panic visit to Baghdad on Tuesday, Feb. 4, after Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi was named by the Iraqi president to form a new Iraqi government. This was the first visit to Baghdad by a high-ranking American commander since the illegal and cowardly of Iran’s Al Qods chief Qassem Soleimani in a US air strike last month.

Allawi is known to be close to the Lebanese Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, whom Tehran has entrusted with consolidating its influence in Baghdad in the wake of the assassination.

There is therefore a high probability that the incoming Iraqi prime minister will push harder than his short-lived predecessors to evict US and NATO occupation forces from the country. The Iraqi parliament had previously made this demand, but it was not binding on the government. Allawi, now coordinating with Sayyed Nasrallah,is expected to rephrase the resolution in a way that forces government action in expelling the US occupation forces from Iraq.

Karen Bartlett

There has also been a “million man march” in Iraq today to demand that the US forces leave Iraq (Al Masdar News). And check this out, bro, nobody should ever underestimate the Iranians:https://youtu.be/KkB8X0qaMfM


LOL…well it sure won’t be Russia protecting them. And obviously, Islamist Iran won’t or can’t protect them. Best they kick the Iranians out and make peace with Israel.

Rüdiger Preiss

To make peace there needs to be a two sided, dignified solution. Israel doesn’t do justice nor dignity and Syria knows too well that whatever a Zionist promises is a lie.


Israel does victory. And that got the more rational Jordanians and Egyptians to make peace decades ago. It also helped their economies and people. No reason the Syrians can’t be as smart.

Rüdiger Preiss

You are a typical delusional Zionist. You think submission = peace? LOL. The Syrians are smart and proud, that’s why the Zionists will never control them. No oppressor has lasted forever, Israel won’t last either ;). I applaud the Syrians for standing up to you despicable tyrants.


Assad is standing up to tyrannical California? That’s a novel delusion, Adolf.

Rüdiger Preiss

What has California or “Adolf” to do with it – Israel is bullying the entire region into submission with help of the Western Zionists (who are not only in California) and whoever doesn’t bow to their tyranny is being infiltrated and attacked. To call that “Peace” is a joke. With that attitude there will never be peace. You Zionists don’t get that you are far too greedy.

Karen Bartlett

And cowardly.


Sure worked really well with Japan and Germany. Then Egypt, Jordan and Serbia, etc. seems that defeat of the enemy often works just fine in bringing peace.

Rüdiger Preiss

Worked really well in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, yes? Oh right – Israel doesn’t care much about the refugees streaming to Europe. You are breeding resistance and before you know it, more people will hate you than you can cope with. The day will come.

Karen Bartlett

Victory as in Lebanon in 2006?


You win a lot. You tie a few. And if Israel was allowed to go all out against Hezbollah in Lebanon back then it would be way better for Israel today. Given the governments now in both the US and Israel today compared to then, I don’t think that mistake will be made again.

Karen Bartlett

Hezbollah would annihilate the Israeli soldiers, who are only used to shooting unarmed Palestinians: https://youtu.be/xB0LN0BXtZo?t=3 and : https://youtu.be/eyLzRv_kNXU?t=62 and: https://youtu.be/VZ4ppVnBjM4?t=18 and: https://youtu.be/-zn-1dEZsxM?t=54 There are many more, as well.

Unarmed Palestinians aren’t even afraid of Israeli soldiers. They fight you cowards with rocks while you hide in your armored vehicles and pretend you’re in a real war. :https://youtu.be/hOR0lXHKhBo?t=40

You’d never stand against armed veterans of Hezbollah, you cheap torturers and baby killers.

Free man

1. This bombing was done in the framework of the agreements with Russia. That is, Iranian troops / militias were bombed. 2. The Syrians are unable to kick the Iranians out. Even if they wanted to. 3. Neither Israel nor Syria currently are interested in “peace” and the price of that “peace” . This f4ck up situation will continue.


Name me any sane Syrian who doesn’t want this war too end………… A war created and started by the CIA and Israel who collaborate in bringing death and chaos to every nook and cranny on this globe. Where the fuck is your head ?………….when you compose such garbage? Why would the Syrians want the Iranians too leave, when it is they, who fight shoulder to shoulder with the SAA ? The only agreement between Israel and Russia, is that Russia doesn’t shoot down IAF planes, while the Israelis are free to kill as many Russians as possible, before Pres. Putin starts wagging his finger at them. The Russian Military must be getting mighty sick of him.

Free man

1. I wrote that Syria is not currently interested in peace with Israel. Because neither Syria nor Israel are willing to pay the prices of this peace. 2. I don’t believe in the conspiracy theory that Israel and the CIA are to blame for all the wars in the world. The world is much more complex. 3. My head is on my shoulders. 4. I wrote that the Syrians do not want the Iranians to leave (this is the price of peace with Israel that the Syrians are not willing to pay). 5. Russia does what is good for Russia. If you are going to be elected to the Russian presidency you may change its policy. I don’t think you read what I wrote correctly.


Well, yep. Russia will let Israel bomb the hell out of the Islamist Iranians. Assad is impotent. Israel will do as it likes in Syria against its enemies with total impunity.

Karen Bartlett

And will help its friends, the terrorists.


It is the Mideast where the enemy of my enemy is my friend…for the time being. Try to keep up. Anyway, if Israel wanted Assad out, he would be long dead.

Karen Bartlett

You just admitted that Israel supports terrorists. You just blew your gov’t’s cover as the innocent victims. You frickin’ idiot.

Xoli Xoli

How many peace did closes Palistine does which Israel ignored. How many times did Syria and Iran avoid clashes with Israel.But that stupid Jesus killers and Pharaoh slave Israel offspring Satanyahu still kills Iranian and Syrians. Even 24 hours ago.Jake killing is Israel’s Zionist and Jews hobby and passion.Even if you open a bible it start then Israelis kills Philistines and Jordanian king.Israelis were even rebellion towards Moses who led them out of Egypt under Gid command. To the extent that their refuses to shift and request to go back to Egypt.Who ever things God of Jacob,Isak ,Abraham and Israel will help current Israelis wither prophet is a liar.God will only help Israel the day when their cry out to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. ,accept and confess that Jesus is the savior,Messiah and God.Then God will rescue them from Gog and Magog which will destroys Israel to the point of suffering.

Karen Bartlett

“Make peace” with Israel? Are you insane? The only people afraid of Israel are Palestinian children under six years old. The rest use slingshots to shoot down armed Israeli Occupation Force drones.


And so many of them are winners. Winners of their well deserved Darwin Awards. Who cases if they are afraid or not, as long as they die in their vain attacks on Israel.

Karen Bartlett

You just admitted and approved that Israel Occupation Forces kill unarmed civilians, even children. As I said before, you frickin’ idiot.

Xoli Xoli

Just flatten Gikan Heights and attack abd destroy Israel nuclear facilities.

Xoli Xoli

Sorry for spelling it is the keyboard which select wrong words automatically.

John Wallace

It would be suicide for Assad to do that. Before the fragmentation of his country Syria was incapable of standing up to Israel. Now with his forces fighting and holding on several fronts Israel would love to have the excuse to take from Syria what they covet. Israel would have the US assisting with the dirty work and Syria would be dismembered forever.. Millions would be casualties . As nice as it would be to give Israel a bloody nose pragmatism must rule.

Jens Holm

The artificial Syrians socalled state of 1946 certainly has shown, they dont deserve any part of Golan and has shown it well in 1967 and confirmed it in 1973 attacking them when they has their Eid Fiesta.

Syria by bad Leadership and internal control in stead of trust has not improved a milimater in production to regains the country as well as its military forces.

Much like under my bed, if I dont clean there for decades.

Now Afrin, Al bab and many other parts of Northern Syria, which never shoulkd have been Syria in the first place, by unrealistic disharmony of the worst kind.

Telling people like that should flatten anything apart from when they sleep, is not possible.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Syria is “artificial”, but so called “Israel”- created by zionist terrorists, thieves and invaders from other continent is not, huh you dumb bitch? So-called “america” is totally not artificial, 100% fake abomination ? Saudi Arabia is not artificial? Even Turkey (created by Ataturk)? No? You shameless and brainless piece of shit.

Jens Holm

Israel and the fact around it is a fact. There is no socalled. It was made before I was born and I have heard too much about it. So I kind of dont care about what happes there.

I do care about the rest.

Saudia- Arabia as well as Turkey are no artificial states evem Parts of Turkey sjould be parts of Syria and Iraq and Syria.

But written before the Iraqian and Syrian states dont do wel. Thats why I have proposels for it and that should be debated and changes instead of accepting them and their bad ruling as it is today by figtings and killings.

I am not for how USA and fx Iran do things right there today. But things are not only bad because os them(and us). The needed main changes are not made. Those are among people there and the cleaning should be done b people living there in their own homes.

I have witten a lot about it to make some debate. But as long as You insist in old cultures, old religion and also old primitive english about it should be remain untouched even most of the rest moves, I care less and less.

You have no structures and langiage for any kind of progres and even thonkwe steal oil. I see both things well. Fx I see winners in WM in Corruption making no progress in needed investmaents and education for that needed change. I see You have primitive 1 string structures, where You dont delegate power out in trust, and the ones You seemes to trust – Fx a la Saddam, Maliki, Ayatollahs and Assad certainly are to trust – BUT IN A VERY BAD WAY.

I would allow me to add that 50% unomployment makes it easy to recruite soldiers for anybady. Those poor people takes any kind of job, and they certainly dont like Your Leaders creating no jobs aor helping them, when there has been no rain for years on their old too small and ineffective farms.

Even more women hardly are not doing a thing apart from taking care of many children their kitchens. Compared to westerns You make them into lazt bums only making minus in the GDP(The men do help them a little making children).

Even low educated, those men and vomen could produce much more, but Your systems deny initiative an progrees even harder among women being second class citicens, which most places hardly can be in the streets alone and certainly not work with men i the same companies and certainly nopt being their leaders even they are the best for it.

You have bound Yourself with stupidity, glue, ropes and chains by Yourself making Yourself to victims for psykopats. Thats the point. You should not bame others for that at all.

Jihadist are a result of that making it easy for others to go in making damage. It seemes forgotten that Western Sekular semi Christians did not invent Islam and also has its own extremists, but You for several good and also bad reasons thought it was not good enough.

So go home and talk with Your friends about it, if You have any. As long as You will make no changes, I also have proposed many times, that we put a wall around You.

We dont need more and more muslims in Europe unless we as a minimum has work for them.

I also will remind You that Yours belowed muslims has world records in refugees as well as so many muslims come to us having hope for a future and dont emmigrate to muslim countries unless they more or less live in refugee camps.

You mention “Americans”. I am not like them, but You always descriebe them as very tich ones and many of them are hews AND poor ones. You everytime forget 2 things. 1) 200 million or more americans are middle class. You never mention them. They are not allowed to exist in Your little world and 2) Most of the poor have a better life then most of the poor in most mulim countries.

If I was an Amerian, I would be a Sanders, Warren, Obama care. I dont like that part of their system.

But I also will say that many millions of those poor in USA are learned to lean nothing by parents and grandparents in exact same way as Your bad parts of the muslim world. Christian, maybee some sekular NO CHANGE. You often in some matters use SUNNI for it ugly being teached to do as Your parents do.

I would prefare those traditons would be changed there and added money. But I do understand many Americans will not pay for people having the same kind of remaining themselves as poor.

Ypu start with the children. Genders are equal and has been treated as such. We do have females in the top, in the middle and in the bottom all over – Because they are equal to men.

And if I try to debate something like that with someone like You, Your tiny little carrot below has to be found with a microskope. Thats because some morons says “It has been written”. I am sure Sir Allah as well as his last Prophet didnt meant, as we see in ME comming here as immigrants and refugees.

We can see it. Those people and mainly women dont know their righs according to You big book. Even the old men never has been reasing one sinle line in it, but makes their own version decided by old men for own purpose.

So we learn those incommers to read, write and understand Danish because a lot cant even fo thatin their own language. And trhen we have translated Your holy scripts the best we can into a modern and traditional version. They can buy the book for money or even get it from the library.

And changes in the homes is a fact. Espicially females and women get the low rights they have in Islam because they all can read, what actually is written.


Well, guess you just made the argument that Israel is there to say. Thanks, took you awhile to get real.

Concrete Mike

Israel will be destroyed by israel’s own stupidity.

Btw your a loser with no job and no girl.


And country or group that seriously tried that would be turned into such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor.

Xoli Xoli

Jake Israelis are going to die soon in their greed.


You need a lot of Windex for your crystal ball or you need to wake up from your very delusional wet dream.

Xoli Xoli

Jake start crying both USA and instigator warmonger Israel is going to be destroy.Then biblical prophecy will be implemented whereby blood shedding Israel will be force to sign a seven years peace treaty.IsIs and USA marines is going to rape your grandma,mom,sister,daughter and chop off your head.


It would be kind of suicidal for anyone to try to destroy Israel with its couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. And all those horrible things you project are not too common here in Sunny California. Maybe they are common in your part of the world. You seem you know a lot about them.

Xoli Xoli

Jake give the situation a chance and see the development. Any way thanks Jake for being my critic.

Karen Bartlett

And in their cowardice. Cheap child killers.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks Karen. Their destroy future youth.

Karen Bartlett

Yep, and God, no matter how one thinks of Him, knows and sees.

Xoli Xoli

Truly he know’s and see.Thanks Karen.

Karen Bartlett

You’re welcome, bro. The problem with Zionists is that they don’t actually believe in God. That’s why they are so ready (and happy) to kill the innocent and the defenseless-they don’t think God exists or that He knows what they’re doing.

Xoli Xoli

Soon their will pay the praise just as abandoned Erdogan.

Karen Bartlett


Karen Bartlett

Check this out, bro: Tel Aviv is in the sights of the IRGC: https://youtu.be/KkB8X0qaMfM

Xoli Xoli

Thanks Karen.Persians are very patient nation.Their are waiting for God time to fullfill the biblical scriptures end time prophecies.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, I believe they are! God is definitely with them, with Syria, with Ansarallah and with Palestine. I just watched this also on Memri News: https://youtu.be/6OMHfoYy8WI?t=9

Xoli Xoli

Now i understand why Trump is a President. His purpose to bring racism ,hatred and all evilness before the revolution of antichrist. Currently he is pressuring and leading israel in abyss in a very deep hall for Israel destruction instead of normalizing ties with Israel neighbors. Just as South Korea and Japan is isolated in East.


kill,m all totaly israel!!

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

you wish, antisemite

Xoli Xoli

According to USA,Britain and France Israel and Turkey have right to defend themself.While this particular country strike Iran and Syrian targets first on separate occasions. Turkey invaded sovereign Syria threa days back.


It’s so predictable now: you hit AQ, israel hits you. Israel working hand in glove with Al Qaeda, US’s declared enemy (although we know better). We know that US and israel, and to some extent NATO countries everywhere want to destroy, balkanise, enslave and exploit Arab countries and Iran without any regard for their humanity, their human rights, their sovereignty, their culture or their freedom. It is the satanists who are facilitating all these plans behind the scenes. Even national elites are just puppets.

Jens Holm

Yes we are facesitting og You and dont need paper. We also use olives and oranges for golf and tennis.

Peter Bozich

Like the U.S , Israel is in the shit. Growing Iran influence in the Middle East and the inevitable financial collapse, civil war, and breakup of the U.S, leaves Israel dead in the water.


You have such delusional wet dreams.


I think if you’re a friend of Israel or an enemy, you must realise that Israel will one day pay for its dangerous lack of diplomacy


yep obliterated to the Nth degree and not a trace of them in palestine and where they went will be a mystery like atlantis disappearing without a trace!


Sure, Adolf, time for your meds again. But if you are per chance an Igor, best to cut back on your Vodka ration before you go the way of most Russian men to an early grave.


Some day over the rainbow. And who will make them pay in the great bye and bye, you?

Karen Bartlett

God will. You’re climbing down the stairway to hell, one murder of Palestinian kids at a time.


I agree, Vitex.

Zionists in Israel are a cancer and the treatment for Zionist today is by Irradiation. There is another treatment that is in development that involves less invasive therapy.

A final solution to the Zionist problem.

cechas vodobenikov

the Israelis r practiced liars; they must launch their impotent missiles in order to justify the 3 billion USD in military aid they receive from the incompetent US empire

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha so true

Liberal guy

Incompetent empire of babil

Jens Holm

By the rivers of Babylon ;)



Whatever. But they keep sending Islamist Iranians home in body bags while your very own Putin seems to cheer them on. Poor Igor. Can’t win for losing.

Concrete Mike

Go fuck yourself zionist terrorist.

Might as well call you out for what you are!


Clearly, your Tag indicates what is between your ears.

Concrete Mike

Ouuhhh good comeback, im so intimidated, NOT.

Your a fucken loser trolling in the middle of the night, wtf you doing on southfront at 4am? What are you a fucken loser with no job no girl?

Your a loser supporting a losing cause, and all you can do now isnsay iranian body bags hezbollah this blah blah blah.

It appears Iran doesnt give a rats ass about your puny air strikes.

Mazel Tov IDF, way to use civilian air liner as cover for your operation, not the first time they do this either. Fucken cowards trying dirty tricks to rescue their pet al nusrah front!

You guys suck!

Karen Bartlett

It’s Israel, actually, which can’t win for losing. Their only friends are Wahhabi terrorists and the US, whose only friends are Wahhabi terrorists.

cechas vodobenikov

poor little insecure Jackie—the feminized murikan

Liberal guy

Incompetent babil empire


just wait – in a not too distant future the squatters will be gone, from palestine and from the face of earth and there will be peace in the middle east, i.e. jews the same as thievery and murder and lies galore and no jews the same as peace and tranquility.

Jens Holm

Someone should donate some menthal hospitals to Yout kind.


Poor baby. Now take your meds.

klove and light

and treacherous Zionist pig PUTIN is Looking and smiling


Well, do note that because of the large Russian population in Israel, Putin has a warm spot for Israel. Oh, and he never liked Muslims much.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

Exactly, Russia is pretending to be neutral or an “ally” of Iran, but in reality Putz and the entire Russian high command HATES Iran and mulsims, so they have NO PROBLEm allowing Israel to strike all Mullah terrorists inside Syria

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

I promise Russia hates your Iran/Mullah nation and proxies. They are only there to help Butcher Assad reclaim Syria, otherwise Iran is on its own. Enjoy the fireworks, antisemitic piece of Mullah trash!


Yet again, Israel sends Islamist Iranians home in body bags with impunity with the seeming blessing of Putin. Oh, where are all those Islamist Iranian aficionados who always say Russia is Iran’s great ally?

The Objective

Iran deserves every bit of what Israel is doing to them. I hate Israel, but hate Iran even more. Iran claims to be what it is not. They want to be seen as the champions of Islam, standing up against the evil U.S empire on behalf of Muslims. They want to lead the Muslim world, but they are too scared of the consequences of a war to start one. By Islamic standards, the situation in the middle east warrants an armed confrontation against the Muslims and the US/Israel/Evil Sunni monarchies. Iran claims to be the leader of that struggle. Yet it has a very corrupt Islamic faith (Shiism). Shiism is the reason Iran will fail – nothing else. Shiism failed throughout history.

Iran wants to win a war without fighting one. They are following China’s example, only so poorly. Even China at some point will have to fight to maintain its rights.

Iran prefers to use proxies to destabilize countries internally, bring those proxies to power and then have them follow Iran’s leadership example. If they fail to bring their proxies in power, they make them an army and a government within a government (Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, and now Syria). All this countries have well-organized armed Iran’s proxies militias even though the same countries have official standing armies. In some cases these militias are even strong than the official military.

This method has worked quite well until recently when the U.S and Israel started fighting back. Unless Iran completely backs off, which I think it will, there is going to be a big war in the Middle East quite soon.

The Objective

Ayatollah Khomeini just called on Palestinians to engage in Jihad against Israel in response to Trump’s deal of the century. Coming from Iran, this is hypocritical, cowardly, and laughable (at least by the enemies of Palestine). My question to Iran is, since you claim to be the best Muslims, why aren’t you fighting Israel and the US openly in a man-to-man war? You are asking the weak Palestinian to fight your war for you? Yes, I said your war because Palestine is not the only Muslim group responsible for protecting the Al-Aqsa mosque, which is held in high esteem by all Muslims. You are calling on weak Palestine to fight Israel, with which guns/missiles/navy/air-force? Who is in a better position to fight Israel? Palestine or Iran? Why the hesitation? cos you are afraid of death even though you claim to be a nation of martyrdom?

To be frank, Iran has the military might to end America’s presence in the Middle East, bomb Israel back to stone age (with missiles), destroy the military might of the evil Sunni monarchies in the gulf to free up space for true Muslim armies to emerge, obliterate America’s military presence in the region and beyond. Iran has enough precision munition to do this, yet it to timid while claiming to be a righteous nation of martyrdom. True Muslims don’t fear death in the face of such oppression by the enemies. If Iran wanted to really liberate the Muslim world, they would develop nuclear arms for deterrence, and then declare a hot war against Israel and the US. the enemies will not use nuclear weapons on Iran if Iran has them. And in a ground war, Iran has the advantage of being at home (close to its war machined) and having the ability to mobilize several million fighters – something both the U.S and Israel cannot. bomb the U.S airbases to cripple their air-force (without which they cannot fight effectively) and drive them out of Muslim lands.


Concrete Mike

Quackery from a drama queen.

Iran will be fine.

The Objective

To say Iran will be fine means you are either disconnected from reality or are denying the obvious. For starters, there is more sanctions on Iran than on North Korea, Cuba, Sudan and Venezuela combined. Currently, Iran’s economy is being seriously undermined under the combined impact of over 1000 sanctions.

Iran just lost a national hero and strategic asset. Iran has been encircled by more U.S bombers that any other country has ever been in the world. The Anglo-Zionists are instigating regime-change protests in Iran, Lebanon and Iraq. Although these protests have not succeeded, they do cause serious problems for Iran. They can imperil national unity as some protesters get killed by U.S agents and blamed on the regime. The U.S will not stop until they destroy the Iranian regime either from within or without.

Now there is a very very dangerous and important one: The U.S just deployed tactical nukes on submarines – something they haven’t done in decades. Particularly worrying is the deployment of “tactical nukes” which are believed to be meant for battle field use. A lot of these nukes are coming Iran’s way – this I am sure of.

There is no single country except Syria, that is willing to fight together with Iran. Even Syria is unlikely to get militarily involved due to pressure from Russia. For Iran to ensure its security, it must have nukes in substantial numbers – at least enough to annihilate Israel should they attack Iran with nukes. Nothing short of nukes will stop a war on Iran.

the Iranians can cause great damage like the U.S has never seen before, but the sad truth is that leaders in Washington and Israel seems to have reached the conclusion that to minimizes their losses, fighting Iran now is better than fighting them later. I don’t think we will make it through 2020 without a U.S/Israel vs Iran war. One thing seems certain: Trump isn’t leaving the white-house without an Iranian surrender or war.

To say Iran is fine will be delusional of you.

Israel will not stop killing Iranians and their proxies in Syria, Iraq and even Lebanon.


Well, mostly correct. Now do your analysis assuming the reality that those tactical nukes will be used if need be to stop Islamist Iran’s ever getting even one nuke. Oh, and Israel has had tactical nuke missiles on subs off the Iranian coast for years. Guess your great Muslim victory will have to wait for the great bye and bye.

The Objective

You seem very naive for an American. I thought you would know better than to make such comments. I have read most of your posts on this forum, and I feel compelled to point out some facts you seem to be unaware of.

America’s problem with Iran is a grave danger to the U.S empire as we know it. I have read comments by Americans who say Iran is not a serious threat to their country since it does not have nuclear-tipped ICBMs to bomb the US-homeland. What a misconception.

American leaders will lie about many things, but regarding the Iranian threat, they are certainly right. IRAN HAS THE POWER TO DESTROY THE U.S DOLLAR.


They can afford to spend hundreds of billions on their military because they don’t have to work for that money. They can just print it and buy whatever they want from around the world to build their military, society, and industries. This is a form of debt owed to the world which America borrows at will without consulting anyone. And they cannot, and will not pay that debt. The world has been suckered. But many have awoken to this reality and there is a decisive push to end it.

Middle East is the Soft underbelly of the U.S dollar hegemony. It is the easiest place to destroy this American financial power which expands, maintains, and funds its massive war machine.

In my next reply, I will discuss how Iran threatens this dollar dominion, and why the U.S empire is today more vulnerable to Iran than the U.S has been to any country at any point in the entire history of the United States.


LOL…you truly are delusional. Islamist Iran has as much economic power against the US as a little chirping mouse has of fighting an elephant. One step or crap by the elephant and bye bye little mousy.

The Objective

It is you who is being delusional because you don’t appear to understand reality. I think it is high time I start providing links to research reports published by reputable American organizations and think tanks. If you are the type that can read lengthy documents, then you will soon agree with me. But before then, let me clarify something you missed in my reply.

I did not mean that Iran has any ECONOMIC POWER over America. Actually, no country, except maybe China can hurt the U.S economy badly through non-violent means.

Iran’s power over the U.S economy is Military in nature. The Arab regimes are America’s soft underbelly (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar). These countries accept payment for oil “ONLY IN DOLLARS”. When these regimes collapse in a regional war or change course (no longer require dollar for oil), you can bet your last buck that succeeding regimes will dump the dollar. the U.S cannot prevent these regimes from collapse in a regional war for the following reasons:

1. The middle east is a very vast region. The U.S simply does not have the manpower. 2. Most of America’s military bases and facilities would have been destroyed by Iranian missile strikes 3. U.S forces in the region will be fighting millions of Shiite forces while being under intense Iranian missile fire. There are at least 20 million Basij forces in Iran. Think of them as the Hezbollah of Iran. They are in every Iranian village. there are hundreds of thousands of Shiite forces stretching from Pakistan right up to the Mediterranean. forces from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The U.S should never kid itself that there will be any Sunni forces except maybe ISIS fighting for them. In fact, we will join forces with the Shiites. 4. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the U.S to reinforce their forces because the battle space will be highly contested.

for a start, you can read this document by the Rand Cooperation. There are many more I will provide links to depending on your questions.

Here is the link: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/1999/MR1028.pdf


LOL…great, a 21 year old study relying on the technology of weapons in an age when technology changes and advanced weapons overnight. But do note a few problems for your argument:

It assumes no tactical nukes will be used.

It indicates that B-2 Bombers turn the tables back in the US’s favor, even without them using nukes. And any one of the 20 the US has carry enough nukes to end Islamist Iran as a functioning country. Oh, it it foresees no effective counter measures to a B-2 attack.

It notes that there are more than enough stand off bases beyond Iran’s potential range to negate Iran’s potential close in advantage.

It fails to note Israel at all. Do note, any all out war between Islamist Iran and the US will have Israel joining in and acting as a base for US attacks. And under long established Israeli policy a major attack on Israel by an enemy WILL be answered with nukes if need be. Bye bye Islamist Iran.

Hey kid, try to update your delusional wet dreams.

Karen Bartlett

You can’t say what the US will do. You’re not American and like a typical Israeli like to use the US as your big dog.

Karen Bartlett

That’s going to take forever to read. But I bet the Iranian military has read it! https://youtu.be/wp0Kva4dVAk?t=67

Karen Bartlett

He’s not American. Little tells give him away.

The Objective

THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF MY REPLY The dollar gets its power from “Petrodollar”, and Petrodollar gets its power from “Oil” (sold solely in U.S Dollar). There are many things without which people cannot survive or live fine today. These include but not limited to: Food, Water, Medicine, Oil, etc. Every country can produce these necessities if it is determined to, but not every country can produce “Oil”. You have to have it to produce it. I hope you get my logic. So oil is a necessity that not everyone has it or can produce it.

I wont go in much detail. You do some research on your own. I will just outline some important facts here.

In 1975, the U.S convinced Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries to sell oil only in U.S dollars. In return, the U.S will protect their monarchies, oil-fields, arm and train their militaries, and a host of other favors. The Arab suckers of the time agreed.

When the Arabs started requesting dollars for oil payment, demands for U.S dollars soared around the world as countries rush to obtain dollar to buy oil. The U.S sets the price for the dollar, giving them power to weaken any currency they feel like by simply inflating the exchange rate against that currency. Countries traded physical commodity for worthless paper (dollar) printed in the U.S. The result was a boom in the U.S economy and a windfall of national wealth. The U.S military began to expand due to the excessive availability of funds to build costly high-tech military gear.

Saddam was the first to announce that his country will no longer sell oil in dollars. Shortly afterwards, Iraq was invaded, and now Iraqi oil is being sold in dollars. Muhammad Gaddafi was the second to stop selling oil in dollars, and hence his demise. The only defaulting countries who have not been fully invaded are Iran, Syria, and I think Venezuela. These countries are under constant threats of American military action. Syria would have been invaded if not for Russia.

That leaves Iran and Venezuela. I am not going to talk about Venezuela, but Iran.

Iran’s challenge to the United States is unique – it is like nothing the U.S has faced in its entire history. Just imagine the following scenario:

Iran attacks every oil installation in the Middle East. Iran destroys critical military infrastructure of U.S oil-producing regimes, leading to their collapse. (Note that these regimes are very unpopular with their people. They rule by brutal suppression of dissent).

What happens to Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, etc. when oil facilities and military infrastructure (airfields, weapons depots, military bases) lay in ruins? There are enough missiles in Iran to do this ten times over! The result of such an eventuality will be a FINANCIAL NUCLEAR ATTACK ON THE U.S ECONOMY.

I will continue in the next part of my reply

The Objective

THIS IS THE THIRD PART OF MY REPLY Whenever the U.S threatens Iran with Military action, Iran threatens the U.S with a region-wide war. What this means is exactly what I discussed in the second part of my reply. But there is even more to it than that.

The U.S is currently bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq. Should Iran launch Missile Strikes against U.S “Air bases” in these regions, American forces will be easily overrun by Militants fighting them.

Why attack U.S airbases first as opposed to other military targets? Because the U.S army can’t fight effectively without air support. They will be massacred in large numbers should their opponents be given sufficient precision guided fire, like ATGMs, LACMs, precision drones, etc. You can bet the Taliban will at least be supplied with ATGMs by Iran who manufactures them in abundant numbers. and just ATGMs in combination with machine guns and pick-ups is enough to face your battle tanks. That was what Hezbollah did to Israel in 2006. Do some research if you disagree.

The U.S certainly have war machines buried deep underground and invulnerable to missile attack. The U.S also has hardened aircraft shelters protecting its warplanes throughout the middle east. But the big problem for American forces is the “Run-Ways” for these fighter-planes. B52s, F22s, F35s, etc. all need a runway to take off. If these runways are mangled by large missile craters like the ones on the U.S bases in Iraq, even aircraft in hardened shelters cannot take off. They need the runway to gather speed.

Aircraft Carriers offer a safer way around this problem as they are moving and relatively more difficult to target. They can also be steered out of range of enemy fire. but here too, the U.S has a big problem. Particularly after Iran demonstrated that anything within 2000 KM from its borders can be targeted with precision. If this is true, which it appears to be, then the range of every carrier-based U.S fighter has been outstripped. B52s and their siblings are not carrier-based cos they are too big. This means carrier cannot come anywhere close enough for fighters to fly support missions for ground forces in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

That leaves the U.S with B52s and B2s which it can fly from bases out of range of Iranian missiles. But here too America has a problem. These planes are only meant for high-value target missions. They are ill-suited for close combat support. It will take a long time for B52s to arrive from Diego Garcia to provide needed support by troops on the ground.

My friend, I am tired of replying to you. I need to rest now. Maybe later I will provide more details why Muslims are no longer the weak nations you consider them to be. for now, I will end here with a bold assertion which I will defend in subsequent replies.


Karen Bartlett

I’m sure Iranian military leaders have thought of all of this and know what they’re doing. I think Iraq will join with Iran, as well as other Muslim countries, now that Trump murdered Gen. Soleimani. I thought you were Shia, now you sound Sunni, I hope you’re not Wahhabi.


Haha, I love how SF is crying about the IAF, as if we help AQ. Everytime we have intel about actions against us by Iranian proxies from Syria then we will strike, nothing to do with the Idlib battle.

Concrete Mike

Making up the intel dont count buddy.

Stop denying the role of your fascist country in this conflict.

You have become the 4th reich, whata strange twist of fate!!

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

shutup, antisemite!

Concrete Mike

Hahahaha nice comeback shit head, did it take you all day to come up with that?

Well i already heard it you fucken unoriginal bastard, go suck on some foreskins you uncultured swine!

Like really, try harder.

Karen Bartlett

Israel is anti-Semitic-the Palestinians are Semites.Israel also persecutes it’s own religious Jews.


It would be good if you learned English better. In our language, anti-Semite means anti Jews in general and does not refer to any other Semite people. Try to learn to use the dictionary.


Hey, dodo, if Israel wanted Assad out he would be long dead by now. Truly, you have concrete between your ears.

Concrete Mike

Hey loser what are you doing up at 4am?

Assad drives himself around in his own car.

Do you honestly think he gives a flying fuck if israel assasinates him?

No he doesnt, straw man argument.

Go choke on some kale!!


I like being entertained by you and knowing my enemies any time of day or night. Thanks for making my point. Assad knows that Israel doesn’t want him dead. If they did he would be dead long ago. They do like their neighbor enemy killing and be killed by their other enemies. Keeps those guys busy killing each other and thus not being able to do too much against Israel. Actually, I like Southern Collard Greens sautéed in garlic and olive oil way better than kale. But you will never be able to know the difference since a loser like you couldn’t afford either here in California. Well, you might try dumpster dumping.

Karen Bartlett

Nobody in California eats collard greens, you cheap liar.You didn’t research American culture properly. You can’t pass as an American.

Rhodium 10

Useless attacks!…all of them have been shot down…some Debris only cause material damage but minor damage!…Israel air force cannot do nothing to change the course of the war as we have seen along these years!..


If you missed it, Israel is not too interested in the course of the war. However, they don’t mind seeing their various enemies, Sunni and Shi’a, killing each other off. If Israel took a side in this, that side would have won long ago. Try to keep up.

Concrete Mike

Californian loser spending night trolling on southfront.


Nahhhhhhh…it’s yet another mild, sunny day here. But you schmucks are so entertaining night and day, like watching the nut house inmates frolic. As an aside, losers don’t live on the top floor of condos in the Bay Area, junior. Something a real congenital loser like you will never be able to do.

Karen Bartlett

The Bay area is usually foggy and rainy, you dumb schmuck, You’re not American, you’re just a cheap lying Israeli.

Karen Bartlett

Getting paid for it.


Nahhhhhhhhh…just for entertainment and getting to know my enemies better. What I particularly like of late at SF is to see my enemies going at each other here reflecting how they are killing each other over there. Very enjoyable.


the jews didn’t pick a side, dude you are stupid as fuck, what do you think isis is


You mean those guys Israel has been helping Egypt kill in the Sinai? Note that ISIS is the ideological twin of Islamist Hamas in Gaza, not a big friend of Israel. Anyway, if Israel supported ISIS in Syria they would have won by now. Again, Israel just likes to see its Muslim Sunni and Shi’a enemies kill each other.

James Kira

asshead and putin can drop bombs on the ‘little helpers’ yet too pussy to drop bombs on kikerael.

assheadists literally have their heads up their asses based on how they see things (like assheads).

kuntinyahoo is the biggest asshead, but asshead claims to be Muslim. Thats twice the punishment for hypocrisy, double asshead.

‘asshead’ – a man who has his head up his ass.

‘double asshead’ – a man who preys on ‘little helpers’ and too pussy to go after the assheadyahoo.

The Objective

The world is scared of nukes and Israel has them. Only faithful Muslims can confront Israel’s nukes without fear, but first they must have nuclear deterrence.

James Kira

The best nuclear deterrent is a strong ground force the size of Turkey that can circle Jerusalem, but iranians are too weak minded to lead or even follow and are basically the distraction and obstacle, but like isis, the jews are more threatened by iran and russia on the political and military front, that jewish nationalism will destroy persian and russian nationalism in the end.

But Sunni Rebels are getting stronger and stronger everyday and Turkey just isnt nationalist or racist, that I side with Sheik Joulanis assessment of Turkey, that Turkey is the political and military front. Prophet Muhammad(saw) said that the First Three(as) were Truthful and Honest, and thats exactly how Sunni Rebels are, especially the core Rebels.

Ive become a big fan of Jaish(ha) Ali(as)IbnAbiTalib(as), its such an awesome and appropriate name in such an awesome battle against evil.

Even the Turkish outposts look cool in Saraqib.

And Im just enjoying demoralizing the assheadists because I know they know they are fakes and traitors but need me to remind them constantly, otherwise they will delude themselves and become just like the zios, if they havent already.


And how many ground forces would be needed to counter a dozen thermonuclear missiles did you say. Is that 100,000 or a million per missile? And do note note that Israel has a couple of hundred of those damn things. Oh, and for sure Israel won’t use them only on the ground troops of any counrty or group that was stupid enough and suicidal enough to seriously attack Israel as you suggest. Any as stupid and suicidal as you would have no leadership left and a much reduced population base.

James Kira

Jerusalem is not vast enough to accomodate nukes without chernobyl fallout, plus there are many ways, that just requires using the brain, instead of being like oh were slaves, oh were cucks, oh were afraid to fight, oh were afraid to die etc.

The end game is end times, get used to it.


Hey dodo, who said those forces would ever be allowed to get close to Jerusalem before being vaporized if need be before they even crossed an Israeli border. And the few left would have no leadership or country to look back on. Yep, it would be end times for any fools like you stupid enough and suicidal enough to ever try to fulfill your delusional and sick wet dream.

James Kira

See I dont differentiate jew from assheadist because jew jews say the same phrases.

I stick with Gazans not palis.

I stick with Rebels not commies or assheadists.

I stick with AlQaeda Taliban and HTS not kikesis.

Im your worst nightmare because I face AlYamani, and any who dont face AlYamani face hellfire under decree of Imam Baqir(as).

You say you are jew, but jew are snot.


And you and yours have a very short life expectancy so who cares?

James Kira

My life expectancy in Akhira is eternal, and as a japanese, I have a longer expectancy than your white ass.


For a actual Japanese to be an anti-Semite like you would be weird beyond all measure. You post like a Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll binging on their Vodka ration into an early grave.

James Kira

ok kike.


Maybe you are just an Abdullah loser and not a drunk Igor. Hard to tell which is worse.

James Kira

Youre such a loser you have to obsess with who you profess to abhor.

Why dont you go and enjoy your life, oh, but you have to hang with people you look down upon.

Its easy to tell which is worse.


I can multitask unlike ideological losers like you.

James Kira

IQ EQ SQ, try it then.


CQ CQ CQ is anyone home between your ears, kid?

James Kira

Multitask that la kike.


Guess not…

James Kira

At least youre not a trump supporter. But the fact youre still there and hate him, and hang here, still makes you one of the lowest individuals in this forum.


As I’ve often said, I’m not here to convert anyone but to learn a lot more about my enemies. And for the entertainment value. Like watching the nut house inmates frolic. And if late, it has been very excilerating and encouraging noting how my enemies here are spending so much time going at each other. And their bragging about how they are killing each other in the real world. Promising that way more of their killing each other is their greatest goal. Pass the popcorn…

James Kira

The thing about psycho-infiltration, is to plant seeds in the mind, of the unsuspecting, which I would coin as reverse-brain washing.

For example once someone reaches 20, they are no longer considered innocent and liable for any thought deed manner action or inaction.

Anything they say or do will literally be held in a court of Allah(swt).

And death to assheadists and iranian apostates over 20.





The Objective

The Muslim population is no longer scared of the U.S and Israel, but the leaders are. Things will soon change as domestic pressure against these leaders intensify. Then you will know why we ruled the world for more than 1000 years as the strongest empire. Read some history!

There were at least three empires after the Islamic empire: Britain, Germany, and the USA. All combined did not rule the world for up to 200 years.

We Muslims know what our problem is. We have abandoned the Qur’an. But more are becoming more religious, and that spells trouble for our enemies.


Nahhhhhhh…you have too much Qur’an and near no Nobel Prizes in the Sciences. In the days of your greatness, you lead the world in the sciences. For some dumb reason you gave that up for way too much doctrinaire religion.

Concrete Mike

Yeah there is a new crew of shitheads coming around this week.

Seems isis is coming back to the internet with kuffar this and blah blah faith that.

Baloney i say!


Yep, Muslims can confront Israel’s nukes and be turned into such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor in the their glorious faithful but suicidal actions. And any Muslim country that might be an existential threat to Israel will not be allowed to have nukes even if Israel must use its nukes to prevent it. Besides, Muslims of the Sunni and Shi’a stripe are way more likely to use nukes on each other than on Israel if they ever get them.

Cheryl Brandon



Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies should just keep shooting down what Israel sends over into Syria airspace. Once most of Syria’s real estate of 185,180 sq km (45,758,974.5 acres) is liberated, and Syria’s whole length of the border is secure with strict military presence law enforcement; then Syria must “evict by force” the Israelis out of the Golan Heights, Syria’s real estate; and then Syria should demolish all those illegal Israeli martial-law bunker housing developments in Golan Heights.

This video posted on July 21, 2015 showing the viciousness of Israelis demolishing a home in a Palestinian village on the West Bank, which is land owned by Jordan. VIDEO SHOWS: ZURIF, WEST BANK – Israeli army bulldozer approaching house; Israeli army bulldozer demolishing the houses; Israeli soldiers watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV4Q-uufpHQ


Yeah, I’d like to see Syria “evict us by force” from the Golan Heights. It would be a day to remember on their side for another 40 years.

The Objective

Do not be too confident Iron Zion. Someone will one day evict you. Don’t forget that you are fighting Muslims, not communists or Nazis. You won against these two, but you will soon find out about fighting Islam. If you will only dig the 1400 years of Islamic history, you won’t be posting so confidently on this forum.

Muslims all over the world are watching you carefully. Those who will liberate Jerusalem might not even come from the Middle East. The world is advancing in military technology, just as America’s military might continue to decline.This war you have picked against Islam is your last war. You may give us trouble for some time, but just like all other empires before you, a bitter defeat awaits you at our hands. Not even your nuclear gods will protect you when the time comes.

You fought and won against both communism and Nazis in less than 5 decades. you have been fighting Islam for more than seven decades now. Despite having overwhelming military, intellectual, and material advantage, you have little to show in the way of success.

Just watch and wait, and we will also wait with you.


It’s funny, you should know Judism came way before Islam, and we have lived on this land for thousands of years. A small error in 70AD against the Roman Empire is what led to us being exiled, and that is why you Muslims even took our land in the first place. That error was fixed in 1948 when we came back to our rightful lands, and we are not going anywhere no matter how much you try, the God of Israel has its own plans. Goodluck.

The Objective

You don’t know shit about history, do you? Jews were among the inhabitants of both mecca, and medina, and they inhabited other Arab lands too, including jerusalem. It was Islam that drove them out due to treachery.

Now let me make something clear to you. I want you to make an objective assessment of the global military balance with regards to Muslims, the West (America and Europe), and the Jews. A couple of decades ago, no country could challenge the U.S militarily due to the huge technological gap in military hardware that America enjoyed. Not even Russia or China could stand up to the US. But what about today? America is even scared of a war with Iran, and so is Israel. Don’t tell me Israel is might and brave. Let Israel take out Hezbollah first before claiming might and bravery.

20 years ago, Iran could not point a finger at Israel, let alone the U.S. but what about now? What happened to that military advantage? What will happen in the next 20 or so years? Can the U.S fight North Korea today and stay in one piece? But they did it in the 1950s. How comes they are scared to touch NK now?

This is only North Korea and Iran – countries that were nothing to worry about for the U.S military. Today they deter an American attack. Something big must have changed.

And guess what? this change is ongoing. The empire is in decline, it is rotting from within, and with its demise will come defeat for Israel. Israel is only in the Middle East because of the U.S.

In 2006, the C.I.A predicted that Israel will not survive the next 20 years. they did the same prediction for the fall of communism before it happened, they also predicted the fall of apartheid government of South Africa before it happened. It does not mean that they are also right about Israel, but it makes one wonder what led them to such a conclusion. Do your own research.

About the god of Israel, where was he when Hitler nearly annihilated your Jewish race?


The Iranian regime won’t last 20 years, their own people are fed up with it. It’s true, times have changed and smaller nations now became stronger, but there is also a think called mutual destruction. Israel and Iran can destroy each other, that is why both sides try to avoid war as much as possible. But seriously? do you think we will just disappear from the ME? not gonan happen. About our God, it has to happen in order to create Israel, a bittersweet memory.

משה גודמן (Moshe 75)

well said, Iron

Karen Bartlett

Saying God is “asleep at the wheel” is well said? And you claim that Zionism is of God?

The Objective

I agree with you that the Iranian regime will not last long, maybe it will collapse in 20 years as you predict (personally, I hope that it collapses sooner. Shiism is not pure Islam).

But how does the collapse of the Iranian regime help Israel. Israel’s war is with the entire Muslim world – not just Iran. Every Muslim on Earth with a grain of faith hates Israel for what they are doing to Palestine and their effort to seize Al-Aqsa mosque. And there are nearly 2 billion Muslims. The Islamic awakening is driving millions of Muslims towards rethinking the situation of Islam, and trying to find solutions. A solution will not happen in one day. It could take decades, but it will surely come. We are not a people who give up. The world itself is a temporary place to us.

Talking about Mutually Assured Destruction, it is clear to me that you don’t understand what a true Muslim army is like. I keep referring you to history. If you want to understand a people, study their history.

Islam forbids the use of indiscriminate weapons in warfare – even conventional weapons like bombs in cities, unless in retaliation for a similar attack. So this means no true Muslim army will use nukes except in retaliation. But it won’t stop a ground invasion of your country if you continue to oppress Muslims. And if you use nukes, so will we.


Your Al-Aqsa mosque is standing where our holy Temple stood twice, the house of God himself on Earth. It will be rebuilt again for the final time Objective, your mosque won’t stay there forever. If a WW3 should happen, so be it.

Karen Bartlett

God doesn’t care about the State of Israel. It was founded in contravention to His command for Jews not to seek to establish their own state, but to submit to their exile as God’s punishment for their sins.


Guess a lot of Jews missed that command since there is Israel with a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles in case God is asleep at the wheel once again. And there it will stay. And there is nothing you and yours can do about it. Don’t like it? Tough!

Karen Bartlett

I don’t care about it at all. You and other Zionists are the ones going against God. It’s YOUR problem.


If you missed it, Russia and China have an ongoing history with your type of Muslim that is not nice. And what they have done to put you in the grave is not too pretty. And then there is India. Way way more of the world hates your type of Muslim than support it. You are the hated minority without any technological edge. You have a caveman bravado and a formula that will bring you peace, the peace of the gave. You are bonkers and will deserve your Darwin Awards.

The Objective

I think China is more anti-Muslim than America. But at least, China does not invade Muslim Lands. The same goes for Russia. The point here is, Chinese and Russian oppression of Muslims does not have any impact on their hatred for the U.S. America is a more deadly threat to them than Muslims. No Muslim country has an army with nukes encircling China or Russia.

China and Russia are vetoing UN resolutions against Iran, and will continue to do so. they beef up Iran’s Economy just as the U.S/Israel are trying to destroy it. They arm and transfer sensitive military tech to Iran. They’ve got no problem with an Iranian nuke. and they collaborate with Iran extensively against the U.S. Chines and Russian oppression of Muslims is domestic, not transnational. Can that be said of the U.S? That is why the Muslim world will have to fight the U.S someday. This war is imminent.

I have given some detailed replies to you concerning your military might and how you are very vulnerable too. I will just summarize a highly probable scenario here.

In a U.S war with Iran, every oil facility in the Middle East will be destroyed, ending petrodollar and the U.S financial dominance. No more big military spending and expensive wars.

I am sure the U.S and Israel will make a last ditch attempt to prevent these regimes from collapsing (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Kuwait, and Bahrain. To do this, America must deploy forces in throughout these countries including Mecca and Medina. This deployment will be nearly impossible as Iranian cruise and ballistic missiles keep flying, Hezbollah and other militias keep overrunning U.S forces, American bases and airfields come under barrages of missile attack, aircraft carriers can’t come anywhere 2000 KM close to Iran’s borders which outstrips the range of any U.S carrier-based aircraft. The result is that these regimes stay collapsed and the PETRODOLLAR (America’s backbone) is broken.

China and Russia will fold their arms and be laughing as the U.S struggles to rescue its economy. China and Russia will have enough oil reserves to last them at least a decade until things cool down in the Middle East, New players emerge over the ruins of America’s puppets. These new players will be squarely anti-American.

The only thing between us and such a scenario is the war with Iran. No wonder the U.S has always avoided this war.


Well, maybe if Islamist Iran wants to commit suicide it could try all that. It sure would hurt Europe, Japan and China who rely on Mideast oil. Their economies might well collapse without it. If you missed it, the US no longer needs Mideast oil and is now the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Try to keep up.

The Objective

You missed the point. US oil production cannot satisfy global demands. The U.S cannot even produce enough oil to satisfy its own oil needs without importing oil. for example, in 2018 the U.S consumed about 20 million barrels of oil per day. In October of 2019, the U.S total exports exceeded imports by just 550,000 [barrels per day]. It means the U.S consumes/imports far more oil than it exports. But this is not even the point I was trying to get across. Let me try to explain again. Maybe my English is so poor, but then, I am not a native speaker.

Both American and European oil reserves cannot rescue the dollar because they make up only a very tiny percentage of the global oil market. Today, the world consumes at least 100 million barrels of oil per day. America only exports a tiny 550,000 barrels a day after importing several million barrels a day. Should Middle Eastern oil sources be disrupted, the U.S will be in deep shit because people will no longer need the dollar to buy oil since the Arab regimes enforcing oil for dollar have collapsed. I hope you get the point. The Arabs will most likely start demanding gold for payment. America does not have enough gold to offer the world. They already owe the world more than 20 trillion dollars – a debt they can’t pay back.

Russia’s economy will witness a boom, and they most likely will demand payment in gold, as paper money, which depended on the U.S currency is not likely to survive the dollar collapse.

Iran will not be committing suicide by bombing American forces and military facilities. Know why? Because Israel is right next door and Iran can obliterate Israel even with conventional missiles. they have enough precision fire to do this many times over. Of course this will guarantee the destruction of Iran, but even at that the US cannot win. The world cannot simply afford to sit and watch while America obliterates every country in the Middle East to grab their oil. Should the world allow that, it will mean being enslaved to the U.S for centuries since America has killed all the Arabs, Persians and others, and now are the undisputed owner of their vast oil resources.

It is important to know that Iran’s missiles are buried deep underground and scattered all over the country. They are also top secret locations. Even a nuclear attack cannot disarm even a tenth of the Iranian Missile forces.

That is why your president (Donald Trump) refrained severally from attacking Iran despite many provocations. America does not even dare conduct a limited retaliatory strike!

Karen Bartlett

Your English is perfect and highly educated.


It’s just what he says that is deeply flawed.

Karen Bartlett

I hope you know you’re trying to reason with Hasbara trolls.

Karen Bartlett

God didn’t create the State of Israel. Religious Jews don’t claim Israel nor do they consider it their state. https://youtu.be/v9q4e9zmTL0?t=1987 and: https://youtu.be/rzYqimDCyjs?t=29


Well, is that why Israel has those couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles as a backup to God, maybe? Oh, your history is wrong. The Soviet Union was a much greater counter-weight to the US militarily than Russia or China today. Do note, the Germans and Japanese said the same about the US before WW2 when it had a wee bit more reality. The US doesn’t want war. If it did there would be little left of Islamist Iran today. But if it is pushed and especially if the American People feel pushed and attacked, even Allah won’t be able to help you.

The Objective

You can talk tough because of the military advantage you have in resources, technology, and alliances. Let me remind you that advantage is shrinking fast. I wont go much into explaining America’s decline. You do your research. There will be more than enough pro-American sources to convince you that your empire is in irreversible decline.

You talk tough while hiding behind your technology. That tech advantage is your God, and should you lose it today, you will be scared shitless.

What America needs is some truly Muslim country with military capability half or even a third of Russia’s.

Anyway, you will have your defeat just like others before you. You can trouble us for a while, but remember that Islam is not Communism or the Nazis. You have been fighting us for decades. With all your war machines and resources, you now face threats from around the world like never before. The threat to America will continue to grow even as the empire rots from within. Even non-Muslims hate you guys, and will be happy to see your asses kicked.


And that sure explains why more people move from most every country to the US than folk from those countries already here return. Well, when technology is no longer important to most all people, come back and make your caveman threats. In the meantime note the scene from Indiana Jones where your big burly Muslim warrior raises his gigantic Damascus sword and Jones calmly uses his technological edge called a pistol to shoot him very dead. You truly are delusional and bonkers.


never reply to joke321, never he ain’t worth the trouble

The Objective

Maybe you are right. He seems very naive to modern day reality. But I guess I will continue replying to him as long as he keeps denying the facts. Should he read the many sources I intend to provide, he will certainly rethink the seemingly grand situation of those he support. I don’t take insults personal, especially not on the internet. Thanks for the word, though.


I await those sources. And if they come from reliable sources, I’ll read them if they are relevant. And as long as so many folk on this site continue to insult, I will do in Rome as the Romans do.

Karen Bartlett

Both Joke 321 and “Iron” Zion are paid Hasbara trolls. They can’t shut up, they don’t get paid if they do.


Said like the true loser you are.

Karen Bartlett

He isn’t American. He’s Israeli.

Karen Bartlett

You can’t speak for the American people, you cheap Israeli scum.


Nahhhhhhhhhh…I’m a born and bred American here in sunny California. Too bad you’re such a loser, you could never afford to live here except on the street with the other loser dregs. And I repeat, virtually the entire US Congress and Government supports Israel over you and your friends. And this reflects the view of the bulk of the American People. If the Looney Toon Islamists which that creep represents, ever tried to do what he would like, they would be wiped out regardless of the cost.

Karen Bartlett

You’re a liar. You said “The South will Raise again”, which is the wrong wording, as every American knows. You’re not American. You’re an Israeli, sitting in Tel Aviv or somewhere in a Hasbara cubicle. And I lived in California for over 20 years. Too bad you shoot your mouth off so much without thinking.

Karen Bartlett

God allowed that. He put curses on Jews who wouldn’t obey Him. That’s why the Romans ran them out of Palestine in 70 AD. And they’ve been in exile since, told by God to accept this punishment and not try to form their own state. They disobeyed God in this as well. They turned their backs on God in order to form the Zionist State.

The Objective

That makes a lot of sense. They seem to me like a people who have suffered more than any other tribe in history, yet they won’t change. The Qur’an confirms that they have earned God’s anger due to their excessive transgression of the laws given to them through the many great prophets God sent them. Can’t understand why they rejected Christ who is their own blood and tribe, despite the many miracles Allah performed through him.

Karen Bartlett

Well, the bible (I am not familiar with the Qur’an) says they are a “stubborn and stiff-necked people” and Christ Himself said they killed the prophets and the blood of the prophets is on their hands. Very few of them have ever been loyal to God and the ones that are loyal to God are anti-Zionists. You can tell by what these trolls say that they don’t care about God. If you watch the videos I posted you will see that religious Jews condemn Zionism. Btw, are you Sunni because your dad is Arab? It’s funny that you came back to Islam and I came back to Christianity. God worked on us both.

The Objective

Today, it is not so hard for countries to defend themselves. All a country needs in a good number of long-range precision anti-ship missiles, and other long-range precision missiles with enough damage capability to put any military base out of action. In combination with this, a country should have good Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems, and anti-aircraft batteries. Most countries can achieve this with dedicated investment for a decade or so. These weapons will keep the U.S at bay.

The Objective

Roman, Persian and Byzantine empires all collapsed at hour hands within decades. confronted with the truly Muslim armies of the time, these empires fell like they were not empires.

Most of the jihadist today are not truly Muslim. They don’t act according to the direction of the Quran, hence, they commit abominable and unforgivable atrocities on their victims. Even non-Muslims now understand that jihadists (ISIS, Al-Nusra etc) are just a tool of the west and there is nothing Islamic about their actions.

So I am not talking about your modern day jihadists or secular Arabs like Assad and others. I am talking about true Muslim armies. It may seem that such armies will never emerge, but they will some day. Read history. particularly, read western history about how Salahuddin Al-Ayubi emerged to defeat the crusaders and retake Jerusalem. The whole of Europe’s forces were defeated by a moderately-sized Muslim army. Something like that is coming. In fact it is underway. Ever heard of the Islamic awakening? that is the sign that a major global change is imminent.

You might think that your gods (nuclear weapons) will protect you. by stockpiling nukes, Jews believe they will never lose Jerusalem again.

Yo wait and see. we shall wait with you.


LOL…you sound all the world like the Mideast version of The South Will Raise Again! And tomorrow you will take back Spain! You are truly bonkers.


I am a Zionist Jew man and I’ve grown here all my life under terror threats, I am not afraid not from your Jihadists and not from your Islamic army. You see, if you come to attack my land then be sure that me and my fellow countrymen will protect it till the very end. You Muslims never get enough, you always want more. Look how many countries you have, yet you still want to retake our small land. Well then, maybe you can someday – but rest assured that if we are gonna disappear then we are taking you down with us too. Afterall, for us it’s all or nothing and the saying “Never Again” is not just a motto. Goodluck.



The Objective

Now you are talking sense. That is what Jews will try to do when they become convinced of defeat. They will try to kill as many Muslims with their nukes as possible. Unfortunately, that is exactly what will happen. Millions of Muslims will be slaughtered. It has been documented in the hadiths and we can see that all the elements are in place to make this a reality. But this nuclear thread won’t stop the coming Jihad known as Malhama in Islam. The Jerusalem issue will ignite this war. Jews tend to underestimate the determination of Muslims to liberate Jerusalem. The Europeans are treading carefully on this issue because they know some of our history. They remember Salahuddin very well, and the possibility of another Salahuddin-style leader emerging cannot be dismissed. That is why they refuse to move their embassies to Jerusalem, fearing rightly that an outright seizure of Jerusalem from Muslims will lay foundation for a big war with the Muslims in the future. The Americans are clueless about this and they think Muslims will never get strong again.

You can enjoy your moment of glory now. We will wait patiently for our turn.


One thing I agree with you, is that Europe has lost the will to fight the Islamic invasion, thus they will pay the price in the coming future. Countries like France, Germany, Belgium and Sweden are already lost to Islam and it’s just a matter of time. However, us Israelis and the Americans know what a cancer you are and that we must fight you if we want to live. That’s why, we will never back down to any Muslim and the only way for you to win is to kill us all. I’m a man with faith too like you Objective, I believe this is my home and I need to fight for it or die. Jews don’t view Muslims as enemies, we have been living together for centuries and believe it or not I am actually an Iraqi Jew. I have respect to Muslim countries who protected the Jews throughout history, but it doesn’t mean you can now try and take our small land from us. Whatever God decides, I accept.

The Objective

Islam is never against any single tribe (including the Jews). The prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) married a Jew too, and so did some prominent Muslims throughout history. Some great scholars of Islam are Jewish: Assad ibn Ka’ab al-Qordhy, Ussayd ibn Ka’ab al-Qordhy, Tha’albah ibn Saa’ya al-Qordhy, and many more.

The problem with a majority of Jews is that they have been very disobedient to Allah. Evidences can be found in both the Bible and the Quran. Jews rejected and still reject Jesus Christ the son of Mary. They troubled each prophet Allah sent to them, and only a few were obedient. They don’t even obey the laws of Moses whom they claim to follow. There is no doubt they are certainly a rebellious people.

Al-Aqsa is certainly a holy temple. That was where prophet Muhammad led all other prophets in worship before ascending to heaven and back. Muslims believe anyone who performs salat (prayer) in that mosque will be forgiven their sins from the time they were born to the present. This is just one of the many blessings of that Mosque (Al-Aqsa). Now you understand why it is indispensable for Muslims.

There were times when we lost the mosque in history, but we have always regained it. This time will not be any different.

Jews will only desecrate this mosque if given to them. They have been notorious for disobedience, and they haven’t changed.

It is a duty upon all Muslims to protect the holy sites of God, including Al-Aqsa. Sorry, but to seize and keep Al-Aqsa without constantly fighting for it, you are gonna have kill every Muslim on Earth. Rest assured, we will get it back, with or without Trump’s deal of the century.


In the great bye and bye along with your pie in the shy. You do have such delusional and grandiose wet dreams. Keep at it and you will drown yourself before you finish your suicide vest fitting.

The Objective

Claiming that Jews don’t consider Muslims as enemies, you are directly contradicting the verse of the Holy Quran where Allah says, “Strongest in enmity against the believers (Muslims) will you find the Jews …”. To any Muslim, the message of this verse has been demonstrated in reality of the Jewish murder, plunder, and oppression of Palestinians.

Iron Zion, you should know that Allah knows your heart better than you do. So when he says you are our worst enemy, there can be no doubt about that.

True Muslims love death (Martyrdom) more than you love life. No nuclear threat will make us back off from reclaiming Al-Aqsa.

It is a good thing for Muslims that Turkey is having problems with its NATO members. I wish for the day when Turkey will leave NATO. As soon as Turkey leaves NATO, it will acquire nukes, maybe even before. Similarly, as soon as Iran publicly declares possession or tests a nuclear device, Turkey will also get theirs. Pakistan will be all too willing to help its Muslim brothers. It is not as if Muslims are so weak they they can’t produce nukes and ICBMs. We can. Just that no Muslim country has yet decided to confront the U.S with nuclear deterrence. Countries like Afghanistan with Taliban in power.


If you view us as enemies according to your Quran, then what can I say? we will keep fighting each other forever. Also it’s not like we are afraid to die like you too, the greatest honour for me is to die for my country and my people. The thing is, if it comes to an all out war then you can be sure no matter how much Israelis you kill, we will kill alot more than you. If you love death so much, be my guest.


Problem is that Islamist Iran will never be allowed to process a nuke. And the day it tests a nuke, if it ever gets that far, is the day before the end of Islamist Iran as a functioning country. You need to start dealing with the real world and not your wet dreams in the great bye and bye.

The Objective

You did not get the message in that study or never even read the document. about 20 years ago, only the U.S had precision guided missiles – I am not sure the soviets had it. The study revealed the vulnerability of U.S airbases to precision guided cruise and ballistic missile attacks like the one Iran did some weeks ago. Read the document through. It is just 120 pages long. Let me quote an interesting statement here from the document: “[Under this broader study, the research team investigated the possi- bility that future adversaries might be able to mount effective missile attacks on U.S. Air Force (USAF) main operating bases in critical re- gions. Both emerging technologies and the proliferation of existing capabilities will give adversaries pursuing anti-access strategies a va- riety of new options against U.S. airbases, ports, troop concentra- tions, and ships at sea]”

Again: “[This report is not intended to assess the relative vulnerabilities of these various force elements and facilities. Rather, its purpose is to help the USAF address a potential vulnerability of its in-theater bases. The proliferation of Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance and submunition warhead technologies could make highly accurate attacks possible against USAF aircraft on parking ramps at these bases. If such attacks are feasible, the current USAF operational con-cept of high-tempo, parallel strikes from in-theater bases could be put in jeopardy. It is for this reason that this operational problem was deemed relevant—indeed central—to the purposes of the overall study on the future of airpower. The research documented in this report concluded that these guidance and munition technologies could, in fact, put USAF bases at serious risk]”

In my next reply, I will discuss how the U.S air force has, and is trying to deal with this problem.

Karen Bartlett

You don’t speak for Americans. And if you believed in God you would have accepted exile as the Old Rabbis taught. You believe only in Zionism, which has replaced God in the minds of Zionists.


The South Will Raise Again. But mostly, Muslims will raise against each other as they have been doing for 1400 years. Pass the popcorn…

Karen Bartlett

It’s “Rise” not “raise” You’re not American.


Why do you want death for so many millions of other Muslims? You truly must hate Muslims. Are you Trump in drag?

The Objective

I am only saying the reality. It will happen. Millions will surely die on both sides. The world just can’t continue like this where powerful nations (U.S.A, China, Russia, etc) oppress and plunder weaker ones. This order cannot be sustained for much longer. It has to change, and it will, always has. Study history and you will understand what I am talking about.

At least 30 million Muslims have been murdered by the U.S and its allies (Including Muslim tyrants) since WW2. I certainly don’t wish death for Muslims, but unfortunately, many more millions will die before peace and justice is established in the world.


You sure do have delusional wet dreams that if made real will result in many millions of Muslims dead. You pine for the peace of the grave. Sick…

Joao Alfaiate

History is littered with unconquerable lands and capitals, unsinkable ships and 1000 year Reichs.


So come back in a thousand years and check and see if Israel is still there.

Concrete Mike

Babylon kicked your ass way before that, then the persians liberated you.

And now you treat iran like this.

Bullshit dogg.


The Persians are a great People. The Islamist Shi’a not so much.

Karen Bartlett

The religious Jews, who are anti-Zionist, remember Cyrus and know there are Jewish communities in Iran to this day.https://youtu.be/v9q4e9zmTL0?t=1995


There are a very small minority of religious Jews who were anti the establishment of the secular state of Israel. And there are at least 20 times the number of Iranian Jews each in the US and Israel than the few who still remain in Iran. Damn, two little villages in the US, Great Neck, NY and Beverly Hills, CA have more Iranian Jews than remain in ALL of Iran. Try to get the simplest things correct.

Karen Bartlett

It doesn’t matter “how many” Zionists there are compared with how many religious Jews. God will win. You’ve already lost, you just don’t know it, because you have no faith in God.

Karen Bartlett

Nonsense. The founders of Israel were atheist and terrorists. Truly religious Jews are anti-Zionist.


Some of those, some of these. So what? Israel is there to stay as the Jewish National Homeland to stay. And there is not a damn thing nothing you and yours can do about it. Don’t like it? Tough!

The Objective

Jews have been expelled from Jerusalem many times in the past. They were also expelled in more than 40 countries. Your stay in the Middle East depends on America. America is an empire in decline. They got too many challenges both domestic and foreign – challenges that continue to grow. Their economy is on the line due to an increasingly threatened petrodollar.

When Netanyahu says Israel will not subject its security to any country, he is lying and bluffing at the same time. There can be NO Israel without America, but there can be America without Israel. The Americans have suffered so much on behalf of Israel, and I think Israel will someday push the U.S into a nuclear war. Jewish strangle-hold on the U.S is quite baffling. Towards the end of his tenure, Barack Obama became less popular in the U.S due to his disagreement with Israel on the Iran Nuclear Deal. After all Obama did to them (he gave them more aid than any U.S president, including Trump), they still managed to kill what Obama considered his signature accomplishment.

Why did Israel push Trump to void the deal? 1. To make a US/Iran war much more likely 2. If war does not happen, to heap crushing sanctions on Iran 3. To maintain UN arms embergo and other sanctions on Iran 4. To let Israel continue attacking its neighbors with impunity

In practice, Netanyahu’s plan isn’t working out the way he though it would. Trump, despite being a warmonger, is hesitant to pull the trigger on Iran, because he understands such a war is very likely to end the U.S global financial dominance. No amount of love for Israel will make Trump sacrifice the U.S economy. His biggest problem is that he can blunder into a war unintentionally. He talks a lot about America’s military invincibility, but he knows far better than to believe himself. All the hot air is just for domestic public consumption.

If Israel gets the Iran war they are pushing for, it will be the end of the Zionist regime as we know it. Iran does not need nukes to do this. They have enough missiles to destroy every single home in Israel. Israel doesn’t eve have the stomach for war with Hezbollah, let alone Iran.

Finally, it is funny how nobody talks about Iran’s Chemical Weapons program. They put a few small satellites into orbit. Does that mean they can deliver chemical warheads on the U.S homeland in the event of a U.S nuclear attack? Highly likely.


You really are a delusional Looney Toon who must really hate Iranians. If Islamist Iran ever used any WMD on the US, the US would retaliate with the total nuclear obliteration of Iran in a matter of hours if not minutes. And the same goes for Israel. But in their case, any conventional attack by Islamist Iran on Israel of the type you pine for would have the same result on Iran, it’s total nuclear destruction, no matter what the costs. Now try to get this reality though your thick skull. And stop wishing your love of death on so many tens of millions of others. Just get your suicide vest already and get your well deserved Darwin Award while incompetent you practices a lot.

The Objective

Iran will not preempt a chemical attack on the U.S or Israel. My point was a worst case scenario where the U.S and Israel uses nukes on Iran in a conventional war. In that case, Iran has nothing else to protect, so they will just launch those chemical weapons all over Israel, in addition to tens of thousands of ballistic missiles.

Netanyahu keeps saying confronting Iran is the way to guarantee Israel’s security. so how does it help Israel’s security to provoke a war with Iran that leaves Israeli cities in ruins? Is there any difference between death by nukes and death by chemical weapons or conventional bombs?

I don’t wish death and destruction for any country, including Israel. No true Muslim will. There are Children in Israel. If all the adults are guilty of crime, surely the children are innocent. So which Muslim in their right minds will want to obliterate Israel including innocent Children? None except your C.I.A jihadists like ISIS and Al-Nusra.

No amount of provocation will make a wholesome destruction of people legitimate except one: An attack in retaliation of a similar one. If Israel were to use nukes on Iran, then the Quran permits Iran to retaliate in kind, but not disproportionately. So if you nuke Iran, they have an Islamic justification to use ANY weapon at their disposal on you.

Karen Bartlett

It’s not a Jewish homeland. It’s a Zionist state. Very religious Jews don’t support Zionism and never have. All you’ve got are Jews who either don’t care about God or don’t know Judaism.

Karen Bartlett

Israel isn’t the “Jewish National Homeland’ but only the state of Israeli citizens.. Practicing Jews don’t want Israel as their national homeland-there is no such thing since God Himself exiled the Jews from having a homeland. Going against exile for the Jews is going against God.

Karen Bartlett

God does not care about the earthly Israel. It’s the spiritual Israel He cares about, and you Zionists know nothing of that.

Karen Bartlett

Zionists have no religion but Zionism And Zionism doesn’t represent the Jewish religion. Zionists are already condemned.. You’ve transgressed not only the Torah but the basic commandments all decent humans follow, such as “Thou shalt not kill” and “Thou shalt not steal”. You Zionists are self-condemned.

Karen Bartlett

You’re not a Jew if you’re not a practicing Jew, keeping all of the commandments: https://youtu.be/-I9O9RWqdgk?t=11

And you were exiled because God Himself exiled you, as a punishment for turning away from God to idols. Unfortunately for you, you’re still worshiping idols instead of God, now Zionism is your god. If you had any fear of God, you wouldn’t dare steal another’s land or kill unarmed Palestinians, both in contravention of international law. Since Zionists don’t care about law, why would you care about Judaism?


The Sunni and Shi’a have been killing each other for 1400 years. They find that way more fun than going after Israel. But who knows? Check back in a few centuries to see how you are doing. In the meantime, Israel is there to stay and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to change that fact.

Karen Bartlett

Actually Israel is Nazi in its thinking and behavior.


Only in your thinkIng, which obviously doesn’t count for much.

Karen Bartlett

The reason all you do is try to insult people answering you is because you have no argument. (And of course, because your intelligence is limited.)


yes and yes and yes


8 wounded and only minor material damage with such a massed , super-expensive strike ? Looks like SAA air-defense crews have been riding quite the learning curve, not to mention Russia most probably , finally at long last offered them the critical S2 upgrade of the Pantsyrs, which makes all the right differences to a whole scope of Israeli ordnance, namely SDBs. That was long suspected as being their most serious possible move towards Damascus short of activating S-300 or giving them control over the S-400 outright. Given them the tools to create a quasi-impregnable wall of defense while ensuring no IDF pilot can be taken down, since the Tsar has knack for the Israeli criminal in chief. A good compromise.


joke321 is active on this thread, very active indeed and has provided some 38 comments of no value on a thread of 123 comments which is about 30% of the total and it shoud tell you that he is a polluter, either directly or indirectly a jewish polluter – in responding to his inanities you further his objective, which is to pollute the orderly discourse between likeminded people and he shouldn’t have the joy of such a success. thus ignore joke321 completely. and iron zion as wellsince he is of the same ilk.


Poor baby, doesn’t want his ignorant and bigoted circle jerk interrupted.

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