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Al-Quneitra Militants Surrender And Accept Evacuation Agreement

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Al-Quneitra Militants Surrender And Accept Evacuation Agreement

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On July 19, the remaining militants of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra surrendered and accepted an evacuation agreement, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Under the agreement, the militants will hand over all of their weapons to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and then withdraw to the opposition-held areas in northern Syria, likely the governorate of Idlib.

The militants will also hand over two observation posts near the villages of Umm Batinah and Ruwayhibah, inside the demilitarized zone, to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Back in 2013, the UNDOF withdrew from these posts following an attack of HTS.

The agreement, which will be executed over the upcoming days, will allow tens of thousands of displaced civilians to return to their towns and villages in the western Daraa countryside and al-Quneitra. Currently, most of these civilians are taking shelter near the separation line in the Golan Heights.

Once al-Quneitra is secured, the SAA and its allies will likely launch a large scale military operation against the ISIS-affiliated Jaysh Khalid ibn al-Walid in the western Daraa countryside.

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This is more very good news.

The reaction of the ISIS enclave directly on the Israeli border will be fascinating to watch. Will the Israelis keep supporting them or will the Israelis be unwilling to be seen supporting ISIS in the glare of the light of justice ?

Both options are dangerous for Israel :)

Lena Jones

Maybe terrorist ISIS will get pissed at terrorist israel for abandoning them at the twelfth hour and ISIS then starts clashing with the idf on the Golan and they end up killing each other, thus saving the heroic SAA the trouble of eventually killing both in the name of liberating their Golan :D


I do hope so. A few car bomb attacks in Israel itself are also a possibility due to any Israeli betrayal of her mercenaries :)

You can call me Al

I wonder if that is why the new Israeli law has been brought in ?.


Could well be. The You Know Who’s plans for Syria to be incorporated into ‘Israel’ have not worked out too well :)

Daniel Tenenbom

lol funny


“Israelis be unwilling to be seen supporting ISIS in the glare of the light of justice” Israel does not care light of justice since she created ISIS, and she can allow to be destroyed. If Israel wants to pretends that she has nothing to do with ISIS with the sleeping people, she will allow SAA to destroy ISIS.


That may be true but I am sure that any ISIS remaining will have a justified hatred for Israel if they are cast off to drown in their own blood.


Non of them are dangerous for Israel.

You can call me Al

They weren’t, but are they now ?.


Only time will tell I think .

Kell McBanned

Wow – awesome stuff!

Alejandro Bonifacio

excellents news!


Assad could immediately withdraw from any agreement with US, NATO and Israeli plunderers including 1974 agreement to clear the route for liberation of Golan Heights.

The US and NATO proxies Israel and ISIS are not states. Any government having diplomatic relations with them are in fact supporting these extremists……


https://youtu.be/RrJ1wi8SJtA Russia and Iran are defeating US and NATO forces and their proxies ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Syria. Published on 12 Jul 2018

Now Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan want to stop ISIS expansion in Afghanistan while having questions about unmarked helicopters flying ISIS to Afghanistan and US are ignoring it. Does it not make sense that US has created and financed ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Any government that allied with US, UK and Israel mean they indirectly allied with ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Hope these professional global killers will go down soon.


The US/UK Israel will suffer the same fate as a cheating husband if aid is stopped.

‘Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned’:)

Brother Ma

Well unless ISIS suddenly sprouted pilots and an airforce then yes,we can safely say that BiGPowers are behind the pigs!


The Heroes of Syria the President Bashar Al Assad and President Putin. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/11/21/08/468F4BA700000578-5102959-image-a-15_1511252873527.jpg

Now Assad, Putin and Russian defense minister thinking that elimination of US, NATO forces and their proxies Israel and ISIS from Middle East is necessary to stop further bloodshed because the US and their allies main purpose is to steal lands and Petrol from Middle East countries and stopping them by wars and chaos from education and development.


Some Opposition news about the Situation in Idlib Province…Money Flow to Idlib has been reduced… soon they’ll have nothing…a simple Siege will be enough to have’m eat eachother…Cannibalism fits Satanic Headchoppers…


Brother Ma

Haha. Well said ! Turkey was the deputy that started this war and now it can be the deputy who can finish it! Turkey!….time for you to clean up your trash!


Those traitors to their country for $$$ will soon receive what they deserve at Idlib.


excellentes news the pocket djihadist of quneitra libered at 80% good bravo SAA and russians!!

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