Israel Air Force airplane F-16 D ‘Barak Cobra’prepares for take off. June 28 2010. Photo by Ofer Zidon/Flash90
Early on August 5, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out a series of airstrikes on Lebanon’s South Governorate, the heartland of Hezbollah.
The Israeli airstrikes targeted empty farmlands and a road in the area of al-Dimashqiyah as well as the area of al-Shawaker near the coastal city of Tyre. No casualties or material losses were reported as a result of the airstrikes, which were apparently carrying with heavy precision-guided bombs.
IDF publishes footage of the airstrikes conducted in southern Lebanon earlier tonight pic.twitter.com/uNAbWWPEMT
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) August 5, 2021
هكذا بدت طريق #الدمشقية – #القليعة بعد الغارة الجوية المعادية فجرًا . pic.twitter.com/eaJreNnE63
— علي شعيب || Ali Shoeib 🇱🇧 (@alishoeib1970) August 5, 2021
من آثار صواريخ الغارة الجوية على طريق #الدمشقية – #جسر_التحرير – #القليعة
الطريق أقفلت بالكامل . pic.twitter.com/bPOpzh8gCC— علي شعيب || Ali Shoeib 🇱🇧 (@alishoeib1970) August 5, 2021
The airstrikes were a response to a rocket attack that targeted northern Israel a day earlier. Two of three rockets, which were launched from South Lebanon, landed near the settlement of Kiryat Shmona. A fire broke out as a result of the attack. Initially, the Israeli Defense Forces responded with artillery strikes.
There was no immediate claim for the rocket attack, which was the sixth to be carried out from South Lebanon this year. Israeli officials believe that the attack was carried out by Palestinian fighters, not Hezbollah.
The IAF carried out a number of airstrikes on targets in Lebanon over the last few years. However, on a much smaller scale.
Hezbollah may respond to the airstrikes in order to maintain deterrence with Israeli, which is always looking for excuses to carry out military operations in Lebanon.
The Zionist child killers are trying to take advantage of the on-going political meltdown in Lebanon and want to annex large parts from the Chouf (adjoining Occupied Golan) to the Litani River headworks. They think that by stoking a civil war that can be accomplished. The diaper wearing idiots are mistaken as demographics and regional powerbalance has shifted. Hezbollah is wisely holding its fire and will not react until the Zionist cowards initiate any ground action, which they won’t. Also a new very hardline President is taking office in Iran tomorrow and the Iranian armed forces are on total alert,so the Zionists would be committing suicide as the new war will last for years and will destroy them.
What the fuk were you even trying to say old bitc*? You know what nvm…
Old demented fool.
Wtf do you want to say?
He is a clown, very good comedian for fun to us here at sf.
Wth are you up to say? What does this means? Are you retarded or something? You don’t even speak danish langage corectly, I guess.
Excellent comment. The zionist diaper heads are as desperate as they have ever been. They will attempt to turn a stone throwing incident into a massive retaliation at this point in time.
Pathetic cowards.
Actually, the unrest is linked to the Zionist caused port blast last year, however France which wanted to weaken Hezbollah is bankrupt and sound not pay Lebanon. Now Hezbollah is providing essential services to around 3 million people and has a very strong domestic hand. Even a minor sectarian conflict would destroy the fragile Lebanese army that has not been paid since a year. Only the Shia recruits and their Christian allies are keeping it alive. The Zionists want the UAE scum to initiate a Wahhabi terrorist war in Lebanon, but the demographics are simply not there. Hezbollah will come out of this much stronger and is acting very astutely as usual. I always like the measured tone of Sheikh Naim Qassem who has stated what the outcome will be if the Zionists go too far. BTW, Sayyed Nasrallah is in Tehran for the inauguration of Sayyed Raisi.
“Sayyed Nasrallah is in Tehran for the inauguration of Sayyed Raisi.”
Good news.
All Muslims. Don’t count Harriri and co. They’re paid by wahhabis.
Hezbollah are the biggest devils in this crisis. If every sect were to create its own militia, there would never be peace in Lebanon.
hahaha you are funny. Clearly you do not know lebanon’ history
Hezbollah military wing was formed as localized resistance movement to an illegal Israeli military occupation of southern Lebanon. Hezbollah successful forced the IDF out of Lebanon by 2000. You reap what you sow.
Harriri is owned by the Saudi’s.
You are an idiot to think Hezbollah will win against ISIS. Remember how they were kicking your asses in Syria before Russia saved you. Your resistance axis would have collapsed without Russia’s intervention to keep the Iran-Iraq-Syria link open. Even after that, you are still not off the hook. If there is civil war in Lebanon (God forbid), then I’m certain the U.S and Israel will destroy much of Hezbollah before the dust settles. All they have to do is supply ISIS with all the tanks, manpower and precision munition it needs. At a point, there’ll be an intervention by the West under the guise of humanitarianism. And remember that Hezbollah does not have an airforce. Hopefully, the Lebanese crisis doesn’t culminate in a civil war.
First, if it wasn’t for the Axis, Syria would have been crushed unfortunately earlier than expected…they were able to hold the fort until the Russians arrived.
Second, when Russia came in (at a moment where Damascus was surrounded and chocking, begging for support with open arms), their strategy was clearly different than the Soviet’s one, where this time they learned from their mistakes: it was by bringing in minimum boots on the ground. So with minimum support they salvaged the essential part of Syria and were able to get business from the Syrians (lands, oil, gas, etc.) in return.
But have they fully saved the population ? No, there is still a shortage of electricity, water, oil/gas in the governmental areas. And it is not their problem.
So what about Lebanon ? They are in a similar situation as when Syria was in 2015, chocking, and someone will step-in (maybe Russia? As no one else is stepping-in) to “save” the country, but of course with some interesting business/returns on their investments.
In the meantime, Israel is trying to destabilize what’s in the works in their favor, wont work ! Hezbollah is doing a great job and gained lots of experience in Syria (while the Israeli army has no combat experience at all!!!).
Long Live Syria, long live Bachar Al Assad!
This scenario is ridiculous – ISIS have no authentic or mass grassroots basis in Lebanon. Your comment simply reveals your deepest pathological fantasies as an Israeli.
please all you baby rapers care about is war killing and death
You’re beyond stupidity. Absolutely incomprehensible. Try using English dictionary for example.
Ay name is jens, åj veri literate bat ay dåmping ol sørt øf nønsences ol øwer d sf.
Didn’t help. The Jews remain stupid despite the donation.
They are hoping to start a war, in the hope to drug the US and Iran into it. They are too stupid to understand that these attacks will only make lebanese people grow closer to Hezbollah.
America is already attacking you. They are killing you already. Maybe it’ll take a GBU bomb dropped on Tehran for you to wake up. America has cut off much of your land access to Syria – except for one contested border crossing left. America killed your military leaders in drone strikes openly. They’ve bombed your militias allover Iraq and parts of Syria. They also run the show in Baghdad and you are powerless to eject them with your pathetic cowardly convoy attacks. The Taliban must be looking and laughing (with all the chest-thumping, see what the Shiite militias are doing). I would love to see how you guys manage to push the U.S out of Iraq (not even the entire Middle East) and defeat Israel.
The foolishness of Iranian commenters never ceases to amaze me. Israel is dropping bombs on your most feared resistance front and all you can say is that the Israelis are soiling their diapers. It’s actually the other way round. If Hezbollah has guts, let them stop the mouthiness and attack some empty lands in Israel. Besides, this news that Israel dropped bombs on empty lands should be taken with a grain of salt. Iranian resistance fighters very often deny their losses in order to avoid the moral responsibility to retaliate. They are doing all they can to dodge a war with the U.S axis. All they do is blow up some convoys here and there without any gains. If this is how they intend to get the U.S out of Iraq, then they’ll keep doing this till eternity. Mouthy cowards. Go get some lesson from the Taliban on how brave Muslim worriors face their enemies. You are a disgrace and are not fighting for Islam, because this is not how a true Muslim army fights. Israel will keep bombing you guys and only Russia or America can stop it.
“f this is how they intend to get the U.S out of Iraq, then they’ll keep doing this till eternity”
It worked in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. It appears to be working in Afghanistan. It will ultimately work in Iraq.
You are correct in what you say. Even though I love southfronts great work they put in to get us this information I do believe their a more pro eastern/pro Shia reporting channel you just have to look at most of the comments to understand that. This is not about picking sides it’s more about trying to understand situations and trying to find as much truth in it as we can.
Yeah, that’s what Israel wants: more Arabs. Sure. About as likely as the Taliban to having Ms. Afghanistan contests.
Zion are the cancer of the world and you can see the Earth doesn’t even fuking want them. Ohhh you got all the Hezbollah fighters scared Zion fake Jews, IDF was created by real terrorist groups like ISIS/Al-Qaeda that’s why Zion loves Wahhabi terrorists so much, they are the same kind after all.
Also, it doesn’t even end there, they are clowns of the world after all. RT: “Israel is ready to strike Iran, says defense minister, amid simmering tensions with enduring foe”
In what world do these Zion live in…they are hitting the walls now. Ofc, they have done such things before, they are just begging for money from yanquis and their European slaves. Nothing more.
Also, PressTV: “Ebrahim Raeisi takes oath of office at parliament as Iran’s eighth president” https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2021/08/05/663793/Ebrahim-Raeisi-oath-of-office-president- Now you see why Zion crying so much and why they hitting the walls for no reason.
75 countries have sent delegations to the inauguration, while 15 African states led by Algeria have asked for the expulsion of the Zionist cancer from African Union. That gives a glimpse of how must the Zionists are hated by the ordinary people and how well respected Iran is.
Yeah, so Hezbollah should just declare war and retaliate.
Go suck on your mother and grow up, if you don’t have anything to add but bitching pls fk off by all means.
India has sent a very level delegation. New Iranian leader expected to shift emphasis from the West to Global South and neighboring countries including China and Russia
You will not escape America’s trouble in the Middle East no matter how much alliance you try to forge away from the West. Iran had better prepare to defend itself because no country will risk allout war with the U.S/Israel to save Iran. Your place is in the Middle East and you can only escape that reality by moving the entire Iranian landmass out of the Middle East to Asia or some ocean or island. But as long as Iran is located in the Middle East, then no matter how much you dodge, you will one day be forced to fight this war staring you in the face. You brought this upon yourselves by creating militias that threaten the U.S-led order (not that I support America. I’m just stating facts). To make matters worse, you also threaten your neighbors (from whom you’ll need support when war breaks out). Look at Shiite Azerbaijan and Sunni Turkey as examples. You CAN’T Invade Shiite Azerbaijan without fighting Turkey militarily, and vise versa. But by pursuing sectarian policies, Iran has alienated every neighbor (including the anti-America ones). Now you are reaping what you sow. Soleimani’s killing was just an eyeopener to the challenges that lay ahead. Republicans will one day take power in America again. There may be another George Bush or Donald Trump. And they will force you to fight.
Yes, you are very pro America, so don’t lie. They would it, but they don’t have courage to do so. And I can see that you are pakistani indian scum that try hard to be turkish. Which you are not. Your days are coming, not Iran’s or anyone’s else. Iran have nuclear capabilities, otherwise you Islamophobic bum should attacked it long ago. A d don’t lie to your self for the one minute. Attack on Iran will trigger catastrophe unseen evwn in your or Oded Yinons dreams. So, yeah, go ahead attack Iran. I double dare you.
Oh fuck off. We’ve heard so much about Zionists this and that. The Question is what are the coward chest-thumpers going to do about it? Do you get paid to post this boring nonsense all the time? Can’t we have an intelligent conversation about this? We know Israel is evil. And we are also told the Hezbollah is more than a match for the IDF. What we should be talking about is why has Hezbollah been quite in the face of this act of war? What will the Hezbos do about it? That’s the thing you should be telling us about – not some boring talk about how fake the Jews or Israel is. We know that already.
No, do you get paid to post your idiotic dump, and how many shekels?
“Can’t we have an intelligent conversation about this?” With you? hahahahaha fk no. Wahhabi extremists Sunni like you can die and go to hell for good. I have been on SF for some time (longer than you) and I have seen your point of view and guess what I blocked your stupid ass before. You got this extremist Sunni mind and talking to you is like talking to a wall in the first place. You know what it is like talking to Zion.
If the IAF limits itself to hitting Hamas in Lebanon and Hamas doesn’t use Hezbollah as ‘human shields’, Hezbollah will not respond. Nasrallah would consider this a fair exchange.
No, Hezbollah is supposed to be an ally of Hamas. Hezbollah always sings about how they will liberate Qods. I wonder if these guys are just plain mad or if they think everyone is a fool. Both Hezbollah and Iran are backed into a corner, but they never stop thumping their chest. If one Israeli rocket drops in Lebanon, especially in Hezbollah territory, there should be retaliation for Hezbollah (if it were brave enough). According to the Iranian mullahs and Hezbos, the resistance axis is ONE. Meaning an attack on one is an attack on all. There can be no justification as to why Hezbollah should not respond. The only other explanation is that they are afraid of a war. Period.
10 million dollar bombing run of dead sand for a few hundred dollars of bottle rocket.
The Jews get stupider by the day.
The reality of american and british swine throwing billions of dollars at the moronic zionists, on behalf of the clowns in rome.
They want to start a war and drag the americans into it.
Israeli taxpayers aren’t paying for any of their military operations. They may want everyone to think that way but the reality is much different.
I believe there were material damages and deaths. Don’t always belief Shia propaganda articles on SF. They have a habit of denying or playing down losses just not to look like the cowards that they are.
No Shia, Muslim propaganda. A d if you are so brave, tell us your real name. I have mine here, you can look me up, how about your, subjective? Well how a out you tell us that because you are so knowledgeable and BRAVE. Wear a thin hat a d go help your dear terrorists in Idlib. Or be quiet forever.
Very good, kill those uneducated idiotic terrorists!
Brainwashed ziotard. Go stock up on adult diapers and get ready to run.
Those followers of that gay mahomed must be bombed and eradicate. If you eat pork you have the right tobe a human being, otherwise you are just gay terrorist bomb.
We as a global community have to focus on the foundation of this occupation state. The foundation is that these are the Hebrews returning to their ancient lands much like in the time of Cyrus. This is a great lie and they are not the ancient Hebrews, these people (Hebrews) do not exist anymore, these “Jews” are a western Asian Mongoloid breed. They adopted Judaism long after the last Hebrews were scattered and assimilated. They did this for financial reasons and prestige. For you Christians who support the so called “Hebrews”, the Bible clearly states that they are imposters in Revelations. All support for this state must be ended, including Russia.
Israel new hardline president loves war.