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Aleppo Massacre: Militants’ Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Six civilians were killed and 15 others were injured on January 16 in a new rocket attack on the city center of Syria’s Aleppo.

A source in Aleppo Police Command told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that militants stationed in the western and northwestern outskirts of the city launched three rockets at the district of al-Sukari at peak time.

“The wounded were taken to the Academic and the Al-Razi Hospitals in the city for treatment and first aid,” the source told the state-run agency.

There was no immediate claim for the attack. However, Aleppo city’s western and northwestern outskirts are known to be occupied by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Last week, the terrorist groups violated a ceasefire, brokered by Russia and Turkey, launching an intense rocket attack on Aleppo’s city center. At least three civilians were killed in the attack.

A source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) warned earlier that there will be a response to the repeated attacks on Aleppo. In the morning, the army began shelling HTS’ positions around Aleppo, with many activists claiming that an operation will be launched soon.


Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Aleppo Massacre: Militants' Shelling Killed & Injured Over Dozen Of Civilians (Photos)

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Ishyrion Av

HTS bitches. We’ll see how they deal with the Army.

klove and light

rockets and logistics provided by turkey

Azriel Herskowitz

Butcher regime kills dozens of civilians daily. HTS learning from the butcher himself.

Ishyrion Av


Karen Bartlett

HTS probably learning from its ally, Israel, which killed hundreds and maimed thousands of Gaza civilians, incl. women, children, medics and journalists during the NAQBA protests.


Where and when is the SAA offensive ?

Karen Bartlett

See above, right under the “donations” tabs: Syrian Army & Allies Unleash Hell On Militants’ Positions Around Aleppo City (Videos)

Karen Bartlett

Lord have mercy! God be with the SAA!

Concrete Mike

Hey nosekewitz

This is what your moderate opposition is really like.

Mudering civilians, just like your stupid IDF.

They also cant hold to an agreement, just like you filthy kikes!!


SAA should stop those stupid attempts to reach a ceasefire. Send HTS and all other terrorists to hell!

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