Bana Alabed
An 8 year old Syrian girl Bana Alabed presented her book “Dear World: My Story of War, My Plea for Peace” in New York on October 5. The book is published by Simon & Schuster. The presentation took place at New York University, Anadolu News Agency reports.
The Syrian girl’s name came to prominence via a Twitter account run by her mother. The account was initially dedicated to covering the civilian life during the battle for Aleppo city between Al-Qaeda-linked militants and the Syrian Army. Tweets from the account gained widespread attention. The account has more than 360,000 followers and frequently features pleas to the world to intervene in the ongoing conflict.
The girl and her family currently live in Turkey, where she met with the Turkish president on December 21, 2016.
It’s probably clear who the actual author of the book really is. The agenda of the Twitter account is enforcing the idea of western intervention. In preparation for the book’s release, some of the more extreme tweets were deleted (e.g. the ones calling for the deaths of Bashar Al-Assad and Vladimir Putin). Considering that Bana is unlikely to even know English, it is safe to assume that she’s being exploited for means of propaganda.
The entire story of Bana was reviewed in details in the article entitled “Bana of Aleppo: the Story So Far [updated 6 December]” (SOURCE):
Back in 2011 there was the Gay Girl of Damascus, supposedly a young lesbian blogging from the Syrian capital in support of the Arab Spring, but who turned out to be a 40 year old man from Georgia, USA, living in Scotland. Now, five years on, we have @AlabedBana tweeting from Aleppo.
The Bana story all began in September of 2016 when 7 year old Bana began to tweet from eastern Aleppo to share with the world her anxiety about living in a war-torn city. It is perhaps a sad reflection of the world we live in that her arrival on the social media scene provoked a certain amount of scepticism, hilarity even. It seems only fair to endeavour to consider the Bana case objectively.
Bana, as we are told, lives with her parents and two brothers in Aleppo. Her mother Fatemah is a teacher who ‘manages Bana’s Twitter account’ and occasionally tweets herself, and her father Ghassan works in the ‘legal department of the local council’, whatever that means – the area is totally controlled by al Nusra who have set up their own council:
Bana’s first tweet was heartwrenching:
Bana’s sole purpose in tweeting is to tell us about the bombing of Aleppo by Putin and Assad, and to ask us to do something about it (Bana herself has lost one or two friends to the bombing, though we never learn their names). The tweets are almost invariably variations on the themes of bombs, the need for peace, pray for us, save us.
Bana is desperate enough even to suggest it is worth declaring World War III, just to save Aleppo.
There are also calls for Assad and Putin to be tried for war crimes:
Wee Bana hit the ground running on 24 September with about 20 tweets, and has continued at a good rate ever since, managing over 120 on 4 October (including retweets). I myself used Twitter for weeks before I used hashtags and I was slow to learn the jargon. Bana, however, was up to speed from the beginning, and over the first two days we got #Aleppo, #HolocaustAleppo #MassacreInAleppo #StopAleppoMassacre. She is well up on acronyms like POTUS and OMG. Followers were impressed with Bana’s command of English idiom:
To have mastered English contractions like ‘I’ll’ and idiomatic expressions such as ‘horrible dream’ at the age of seven puts Bana in the genius category. The problem is, when cute Bana was videoed, it became apparent that she wasn’t a child prodigy at all, in fact she couldn’t put two words of English together if not rote-learned. It was clear that whoever wrote the tweets was nothing to do with the small actor reciting, eg. on her 1st day of tweeting (yes, the video was all set to go too): pic.twitter.com/yeTjREZW
She was slightly more practiced by 6 October:
29 October was another disaster: pic.twitter.com/45GNr4U40x
One sharp-eyed fan was very impressed with the new clothes sported by Bana and her brothers in the above clip (thank you Vivienne@KitchandBot):
Bana has a friend, Abdulkafi Alhamdo, who has described himself variously as a teacher at Aleppo University, a reporter, and activist. It is possible that he helps with the technical aspects of running the Twitter account, such as videoing and either uploading or passing them on, and maybe language coaching.
He himself has both Twitter and Facebook accounts . Most of his friends are located in Aleppo; many of these, if not all, are members of terrorist groups:
Alhamdo ostensibly resides in Aleppo, along with Bana. However another possibility is Gazientep over the border in Turkey, which is a base for a number of Western-backed NGOs and journalists. A number of Kurdish cities and towns in South-East Turkey such as Mardinand Diyarbakir have been badly shelled by the Turks and might provide the necessary apocalyptic scenes, for both Bana and journalists claiming to report from eastern Aleppo. Thus Alhamdo and Bana could be in South-Eastern Turkey, safe both from bombs and exposure.
Bana’s ‘father’ ‘Ghassan Alabed’ has his own Twitter account, @ghassanalabed77 which was opened in September, coinciding with the launching of the Bana Project (thank you @Qoppa999), and Facebook page, with visible posts from 6 October 2016, so again probably opened for the project. There is no evidence that Bana and Ghassan have met as Ghassan does not feature in Bana’s tweets and videos. I previously suggested, incorrectly, that Ghassan was attributing the wrong name to Bana, Zahra, but that was due to Facebook showing only a bad machine translation for that post from Arabic, and not the Arabic original – it would seem that Ghassan does not know English.
Ghassan has close links with Aleppo and the terrorist groups that have been occupying eastern Aleppo. On 29 April he changed his Facebook cover photo to ‘Aleppo is Burning’, which was a campaign originating in the Western to call for even more intervention on the part of the West, in order to prevent Syria and Russia driving terrorists out of eastern Aleppo. Both on Facebook and on Twitter Ghassan follows a large number of accounts associated with the insurgency in Syria, such as that of al Zinki, the gang that cut off the head of little Abdullah Issa, Jaish al Mujahadeen (a group that describes itself as part of the Free Syrian Army but is allied to al Nusra), and also of the Saudi cleric Muhaysini, spiritual leader of al Nusra (al Qaeda in Syria).
In October Bana, or rather Bana’s mother, was interviewed by one AJ Joshi (@AJ) via Periscope. The interview makes for painful listening, but @JohnDelacour has provided a transcription of a typical segment – it is hard to believe that Fatemah has the language skills to compose either her own or Bana’s tweets.
In mid-November Fatemah uploaded onto Youtube a strange video which purports to prove that Bana’s family really are being bombed. Fatemah talks and there are the sounds of children, but no attempt to show any of these people. We see ruined buildings and smoke in the distance, which could come from bombing, but not the promised airplanes. There is absolutely no reason to believe that this is not footage with a completely separate voice-over added later.
After three weeks Bana was following 51 people. None of them would be an obvious pick for a seven year old girl: without exception they were politicians, corporate media or social media activists. Most of them could be considered sympathetic to the war on Syria; many of them have strong links with terrorist groups. Iyad el-Baghdadi, Louisa Loveluck, Julian Roepcke, Sophie McNeill, all determined supporters of the Syrian ‘revolution’, are very familiar to pro-Syria activists who spend any time on social media. Bana is also following the pro-terrorist National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, as well as the White Helmets, the fake humanitarian organisation that presently has a petition calling for a no-fly (i.e. NATO bombing) zone in Syria. A particularly sinister choice is @IranArabSpring, which is focused on regime change in Iran, presumably by the same bloody route laid down for Syria.
One of the first to be followed by Bana, and typical, was the Australian journalist Sophie McNeill who was instrumental in promoting the Madaya hoax/beatup in January 2016. The story went that inhabitants of Madaya, a town besieged by the government, were starving and that it was all the fault of the Syrian government who were preventing aid from reaching the town. In fact many if not all the photos were fake, aid for three months had gone into Madaya in October, and the chief problem was terrorists selling food at exorbitant prices. Many others followed by Bana are likewise involved in pushing misinformation on the Syrian war.
Bana built up a huge following within days, reaching 65,000 by 3 October. A large proportion of the followers appeared to be fake accounts, which again suggests that very savvy people are managing the project. (Screenshot from @laissezfaire; it cannot be verified because of dramatic changes to the account, see below.)
Regardless of the discrepancies and warning signals, the corporate media have taken Bana to their hearts, without exception, with poignant articles free of all doubt appearing in the Telegraph, the Guardian, and on all the main television channels. The New Statesman went on the attack against the many people who have made fun of the account.
The latest endorsement has come from author JK Rowling, famous author of the Harry Potter series, who sent Bana a set of ebooks (in English), and has retweeted her several times in the days since then:
Would-be trolls of the Bana account should note too that in October Bana was one of the 2210 people followed by @Jack, i.e. Jack Dorsey, founder and CEO of Twitter.
Who’s tweeting?
Given the calculated nature of the operation, and the standard of the English, many Bana-watchers have assumed that while Bana and her mother may have direct help with videoing and the English in Aleppo or Gaziantep, the base of operations and the source of the tweeting would be elsewhere. London tends to be first choice, partly because of the language used, and perhaps also because the Foreign Office is the primary funder and probable instigator of the White Helmets. As yet there is no definitive evidence of who ‘Mr Bana’ is, but one can hypothesise. For example:
Although there appears to be no direct link between Bana’s ‘father’ Ghassan Alabed, and Bana’s friend Abdulkafi Alhamdo, they do however, have a mutual acquaintance, BBC journalist Patrick Evans. Alhamdo features in an article on Aleppo by Evans (the article presents the viewpoints of people who are supposed to be representative of eastern Aleppo, but who are in fact all terrorists or terrorist supporters). Evan’s describes himself as a BBC journalist; as well as the Aleppo article he has written an article on the Donbass, similar to the Aleppo article in that it is likewise hostile to those allied with Russia .
Patrick Evans is also one of a small number of English speakers who are friends with Ghassan Alabed on Facebook.
Evans’s own Facebook page is significant in that all except about eight of his 54 ‘friends’ have Arabic names. Most of these do not appear to speak English; most have manifest links with Aleppo and/or terrorism.
The person pictured above describes himself as a mujahid, or jihadi, in the service of God, based in Aleppo; the Syrian Revolution Network is an ‘activist network’ focused on Aleppo.
Evans’s LinkedIn profile is even more interesting. He has worked for the BBC since finishing studies at the University of York in 2013, which could put him in the mid-twenties (consistent with the rather immature prank of putting in Bana’s mouth the call for World War III). His skills as listed on LinkedIin are not necessarily what one would expect from a BBC journalist: while writing and investigative skills are not mentioned, social media skills are right up there.
Although most of Evans’s Facebook friends are Arabic speakers, no skill for Arabic language is listed on LinkedIn. Moreover, these Arabic speaking Facebook friends hardly feature in Patrick Evans’s Twitter feed; Evans follows very few Arabs on twitter, none non-English speaking, and the tweets relating to Syria are sufficient to reflect the times and his profession, no more. Whether Evans truly has no knowledge of Arabic, or whether it is a skill he chooses to suppress, it is not possible to decide on the information to hand.
Patrick Evans’s tweets are heterogeneous and mainly retweets, and are largely devoid of emotion and humour, all of which give the account an artificial feel. Evans seems to be a fan of JK Rowling, following an account called @HogwartsLogic, and also follows Sophie McNeill. There are a couple of retweets from Abdulkafi Alhamdo,
and from Rami Jarrah, a pro-insurgency activist, journalist and film maker of Syrian parentage, along with tweets relating to Evans’s article on Aleppo. There is also this tweet from Evans to Rami Jarrah:
The Patrick Evans of the Facebook page seems completely divorced from the Patrick Evans of Twitter. There is, however, one essential connecting factor between the Facebook and the Twitter accounts: Abdulkafi Alhamdo. As well as featuring at least twice in Evans’s twitter feed in November, he is Evans’s Facebook friend.
So we have:
- a young man in London, Patrick Evans,who works for the BBC, and who
- provides a link between Ghassan Alabed, Bana’s ostensible father and Alhamdo, known acquaintance of Bana.
- Alhamdo in turn provides the link between Evans’s Twitter account and his Facebook account.
- Although this is not evident to anyone who looks at Evans’s tweeting, his greatest professional skill according to LinkedIn is a knowledge of social media
- Evans appears to have two different persona, his Facebook one, where almost all his friends are Arabic-speaking terrorist supporters, probably terrorists themselves, and Twitter, where the people he follows are English-speaking and tend to be from the Western media, and it it is difficult to gauge any strong interests, particularly political ones, apart from a conservative bent.
- Patrick Evans wanted to speak privately with Rami Jarrah, well-known pro-terrorist activist and media expert, based in Turkey, six weeks before the Bana Project was launched on 14 September.
‘Bana’ could well be a person, or people, like Patrick Evans.
The agenda
There can be no doubt that the Bana project is a hoax, like the Gay Girl in Damascus and the White Helmets. The tweets are not the thoughts of a little Syrian girl wanting the world to save her from Russian bombs. Rather, they are the product of a sophisticated and well-planned operation designed to shape public perception of the Syrian and Russian operations, in order to justify Western intervention in Syria and facilitate regime change.
The sympathies of the Bana project are totally with the extremists who are terrorising residents of eastern Aleppo, shelling western Aleppo, and are in imminent danger of being forced out by the Syrian Arab Army and allies like Hezbollah and the Palestinian Al Quds brigade.
From the first days Bana accused Assad and Putin of perpetrating a holocaust, a massacre, of carrying out a bombing campaign using cluster bombs, phosphorus, thermite bombs, and of course barrel bombs. Since then the account has continued the theme of bombing and Assad/Putin culpability, along with constant calls for the world to do something, ‘to stop the bombing’.
No mention is ever made of the terrorists who mow down demonstrators in the streets of eastern Aleppo and prevent humanitarian aid reaching the area. Bana’s family may be in a position to repeat the dubious claim that Russia bombed a school in Idlib, but shows no interest in the atrocities caused by hellfire cannon directed by terrorists at western Aleppo. When young swimmer Mireille Hindoyan was killed by a terrorist shell in the Armenian quarter in western Aleppo, the Bana project, along with the Independent, smoothly implied that this was due to Russian bombing.
The purpose of the Bana Project is to create in the outside world a conviction that Russia and Syria are committing serious war crimes by recklessly or even deliberately bombing civilians, hospitals, schools, blood banks and animal shelters.
Persuading the world that atrocities are being committed could lead to one of two outcomes. As with Madaya, there is pressure on Syria and Russia to abandon the siege and any hope of liberating Aleppo, east and west, from terrorist depredations. Syria and its allies would be circumscribed, at worst the terrorists would be allowed to make gains, and at the least there would be a stalemate, facilitating eventual partition. The other desired outcome, first preference for many since early in the war, is to garner support for a no-fly zone. Russia and China have so far vetoed any UN resolution to that effect, having seen how the resolution was applied to Libya.
The US, however, have recently passed a resolution that calls for evaluating and developing plans for the United States to impose a “no fly zone” inside Syria unilaterally, despite the inevitability of a clash with Russia. Whether it is prepared to take this step, or whether it can act before Aleppo is completely liberated, remains to be seen.
Is the end nigh for Bana?
Things are now moving fast in Aleppo, with the Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah and the Palestinian-Syrian al Quds Brigade taking new areas of Aleppo on a daily basis. Bana has been sending out desperate warnings of impending doom with one last tweet from Fatemah:
and then another from ‘Bana’ at 3am:
It is somewhat surprising that while 7.8 thousand people had retweeted the above when I viewed it, of the dozen or so people who commented the majority were people who ridiculed the tweet, a few more were clearly activists or trolls, and only one or two were in the ‘kind-hearted stranger’ category. How many genuine followers Bana actually has is therefore in serious doubt.
There has been speculation that Bana is about to be written out, however at 10.00am Syrian time, 28 November, she was alive and still tweeting…
Update (6 December 2016)
Bana survived the bombardment and continued to tweet, but complained of being homeless, thirsty, and ill.
There are repeated calls for the world to do something:
On 3 December it really did seem that the end had come:
But no:
Clearly a better choice would have been a miraculous recovery, rather than a line about being confused about which child died. The interpretation from @HKX07 is fairly persuasive:
Within 24 hours there was a further development: the @alabedbana account was shut down. Whether this is a permanent state of affairs, or whether Bana will reappear, perhaps in Idlib, even Raqqa, time will tell.
Stop Press: Bana has reactivated her account, and is monitoring it closely for trolls, blocking critics on a daily basis.
I wonder if Jens has been helping her family write all of this bullshit :) He is after all a writer of Fiction :)
He is dumber than 8 kids so why not, more legit than this crap.
The very same broken English as Jens also as Fatemah’s , lol.
ahahahaha yes u are 100% right
Its because You dont read and write advanced common enlish. Some of you even need all ltters for it, so translations dont fit.
I read and write english well and Im proud of it too. 5 months ago I havnt written english in 40 years and only spoken tourist enlish in the season.
And you infidele hardly mukratypes of the world taking opium and speed instead of smoking to, dont impress me at all.
You are censured from birth, so what can we expect. exept perfect spelling and commas. Much of my broken english is timesaving. I write not only here.
hahaha you are so dumb!
Whilst giving me an “English lesson” Jens does this this!
“Its because You ” (why do you need a capital “Y”?) “advanced common enlish” (English! You damn fool!) “even need all ltters” (letters!) “Some of you even need all ltters for it, so translations dont fit.” (There was no need for a comma you dumb ass! You said “I read and write English well”! YOU MADE 4 MISTAKES IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH WHICH ONLY HAS TWO SENTENCES!
” 5 months ago I havnt written english in 40 years” (hahaha this makes no sense at all! Terrible, terrible, terrible!) “and only spoken tourist enlish in the season” (try a new sentence here! Then, say “I had only spoken “tourist English” DURING the season). You are so DUMB Jens! “And you infidele” (Never start a new sentence with “And”. NEVER!) “And you infidele hardly mukratypes” (“mukratypes”??? what the fuck is that?) “And you infidele hardly mukratypes of the world taking opium and speed instead of smoking to, dont impress me at all.” (This ENTIRE SENTENCE MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!) What are you trying to say?
“You are censured from birth, so what can we expect. exept perfect spelling and commas. Much of my broken english is timesaving. I write not only here.”
I’m not going to comment any further on your multiple mistakes! The best English is written short and sweet! You are terrible! For those people who are proficient in English you make it very difficult to understand what you are trying to say! I think that in your mind, you understand what you are saying, yet, you do not take into account the way English is read! Broken English is like walking on sharp rocks with no shoes on. It’s a pain to read it so we wonder why we even bother trying!
Take it from me, you have a score of 8 / 100 in English! Barely understandable!
That’s a good observation :)
I might have helped her. She writes like some nightmares I had as a child. You belive in my spirit can infect You very clean people in all matters and all the time by some handshake. But I dont remember the handshake. I always weare gloves, when Im among muslims of your kind.
It goes the other way too. We lie even its not allowed in our laws and the religios ones by their bible.
12 marching sheep again.
I can imagine that :) Denmark largely flew the white flag in WW2 with a few notable exceptions. One of your soldiers in service with British special forces won a VC. I would think that you need to research this to find out his name Jens.
Denmark hoped to be not in WW2 as it did at WW1. It was downseized in the “Chamberlin style” and has just seen the big Polish Army and their country smashed into pieces.
Its true not many died. the mainparts were 2. The danish fleet of wessels for cargo was very big and US has not transportation fleet at all. So they sailed to Murmansk and many died there.
The largets part actually was SS. They were mainly more or less nazis but many just didnt like Communist. Many of them began in Finland protecting it from Communists.
There was 3 Victorias
Thomas Dinesen, Percy Hansen, Anders Lassen
I only anders lassen well. He was in the brittish infantery and and his military carrier is a very tuff adventure in commandos and guerrilas. He died defending his men in counterattack as heroes do, when they are descriebed later on – but it was real and as captain.
I can find almost anything at the internet. Im good in finding the correct keywords. I dont know why. It compensate for a not first class memory. My jobs during times reflect it well.
This will interest you I am sure Jens.
Its the account of Major Anders Lassen’s VC.
This is so fucking ridiculous. I can only picture middle-aged single moms and baby boomers believing this crap
And Dutchnation, this was his First form of Information back then, #StillBeLIEving #FreeAleppo #FreeBana #BetterStartWW3thenLettingAssadandRussiaSiegeAleppo #RussiaBombedourLastHosptalAgainToday
Dude what are you talking about?
guess he saying that user dutchnational was kneeling in this kind of tags back when the jihadist world was imploring to start ww3 over Aleppo.
Dutchnational is probably a 40 year old fag living in Belgium. . .
Yep. And don’t bother trying to explain either. The cognitive dissonance is too strong.
impressive research and article. Hats off to those who did it.
They have been deleting all the warmongering tweets Bana was posting so far.
this is the zenit in her life. in 9 she will merried a jihadist and comes the nadir. :(
You’re just common illiterate tw@t, de facto?
Once again I’m with Sol. What’s happening, Mr K?
Pretty much the same as that Afghan girl touring the world with half her brains shot out.
No one talks about that boy that was beheaded by Wahabies aka ISIS?
Na, he is a BOY and in todays Society Boys are Worthless or maby not so Good as Small girls, everybody wants to Safe small girls and is systematicaly sympatetic for them. Speaking of Fucked up society, there are a lot of books and videos done for this exact Topic watch it, very informative, you will learn a lot why and how they make the Society HATE boys/man especialy White or Straight.
Was not isis as such.it was zinki allied if not same group aleppo girl alabed dad fight with.
Agree, but a few of them were also in White Helmet videos and more closely affiliated to Al Nusra, another kid no one really talks about the kid on the FSA who was crying and asking why Bashar al Assad was bombing his family, guess probably the little rat was a member of ISIS and photoed back in November 2015 with an AK 47.
Gifted child, eh
The Mother Fatemah is a terrorist and posed a lot in Aleppo with her Ak 47 in her arms , and the husband was a member of the Sharia court, the eastern district council in Aleppo,the offices were located near Norwegian Aid and Medecin Sans Frontieres all right there with ISIS etc.
Another terrorist headchoppers daughter fooling average joes and bored unknowing housewives in usa and eu.social media has turned into a curse dumbing down the population. What happened to campaign against rapist warlord in uganda that all young zuckerberg zombies were chatterring about?
Chapter 1: My wonderful family https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f0a87089784e16fed42ed9df638faf7ed790f4903f1f703ed8351e609ca56a1c.jpg
It’s the sequel to “Diary Of Anne Frank”. Wasn’t the real writer a 40 year old man living in the UK or something similar? Anne actually died of Typhus in a prison camp. What is it with the Zio-rapists and the number 40?
What lengths some will go to for the sake of money and 15 minutes of fame.
People are still not doing their research about this family: People are being used as vehicles to push this family’s on going propaganda; This girl’s parents were helping the terrorists murder fellow Syrians in Aleppo. Then her mom would get on the net to tell the lies. He father used his workshop to make barrel Bombs? Terrorist being given unnecessary exposure????