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MARCH 2025

Algeria To Become First Foreign Country To Receive Russia’s Su-57 Fighter Jet: Report

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Algeria To Become First Foreign Country To Receive Russia's Su-57 Fighter Jet: Report

IMAGE: TV Zvezda

Algeria will become the first country to procure an export version of Russia’s Su-57E (E – export) fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter jet, Algerian media outlet “MenaDeefense” repoted on December 27.

According to the report, the delivery contract was already signed. Under the contract, Algeria will reportedly receive 14 Su-57E fighter jets, 14 Su-34 fighter-bombers, and 14 Su-35 multi-role fighters. The contract is allegedly set to be implemented by 2025.

The decision to obtain Su-57E jets was reportedly made by the Algerian leadership during the 2019 MAKS-2019 Air Show (Aug 27, 2019 – Sep 1, 2019).

In 2018 and 2019, Su-57 fighter jets were tested in combat conditions in Syria.

Another interesting fact is that the Su-57 jet is designed in a way allowing its close coordination with the Okhotnik heavy unmanned combat aerial vehicle under development for the Russian military.

The Su-57 jet is already in serial production for the Russian Aerospace Forces. The Russian military seeks to receive a total of 76 Su-57 fighters by 2028.

A 2016 video on the Su-57 fighter produced by SouthFront:


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Some typos are only brilliant: Algeria to receive “expert version” of the SU 57E

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Algeria a Tier 3 military power. Same conventional capabilities category as Germany, Turkey and Egypt. (France, Israel and UK too, but they have nukes) https://militarywatchmagazine.com/forceapp/countries

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US sell Belgium F35s, Belgium is tiny compared to Algeria, and Belgium does not have US proxies attacking oil wells, as happens in Algeria.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Belgium having F-35’s (which still isn’t combat capable) doesn’t make it anymore capable than Algeria in an air superiority fight.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Belgiums only experience of winning wars were 2 centuries ago, against Africans who didn’t collect enough rubber for them. Leopold ordered their arm to be cut off if they didn’t reach the quota. Algeria on the other hand, have been fighting NATO backed ISIS types, which is why they need advanced weapons.

Belgium is a British state, just like like Poland, Taiwan etc, set up as a forward landing base for the Imperial powers.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes, Belgium has a rather barbaric past.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It is a false state, set up by Britain to contain French and German power during the European power struggles. Hopefully, more ex colonies of the Brits and French will turn to Russia to sever the colonial ties with them.

Daniel Vogel

In fact Britain installed a German king in Belgium, when the country artificially was created, from the same family as their own royal family.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

At that time, there were only individual German states, not the one Germany. The British royal family had died out in Britain, inbreeding got too much, so they brought in a Protestant who happened to be German.

Britain had not foreseen the unification of the German states under Bismark.


What is your point? That they do not need SU-57 maybe? If Gadaffi had S-400 or SU-57 he would still be alive and Libya rich & prosperous country and not hell hole full of violence and destruction the way it is now.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Algeria already has S-400, S-300VM, BUK and Pantsir. It has a very capable air defense.


I didn’t know that Algiria has already bought S-400. S-300VM are just equivalent of S-300 except that those are anti-missile missile systems. They are good but not enough specially not against stealth jets. BUK which model? They probably have very “capable air defense” for African standards but not enough to make US think twice…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Seven Countries Now Deploy Russian S-400 Technologies – Over Half a Dozen More Have Shown Interest in Purchases “Turkey’s receipt of its first S-400 units from July 12th 2019 made it the fifth country reported to deploy the S-400 system – and the seventh to deploy S-400 technologies. Other operators of the system include Russia, China, Belarus and Algeria – which unlike Turkey are all longstanding clients for Russian and Soviet long range air defence systems and have operated such systems for over 40 years.” https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/seven-countries-now-deploy-advanced-russian-s-400-technologies-over-half-a-dozen-more-have-shown-interest-in-purchases


South Korea has S-400 ha ha ha ha a!!!! They have even put S.Korea in front of Russia! ha ha h a ha! Is that site for the bad jokes or just some retards?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

That is not what the article states. It states: “South Korea for one has developed the M-SAM (Cheolmae-2) based on technologies purchased from Russia and is set to also integrate these technologies on its ship based air defence systems.”


Your article ( without even reading it ) is pile of crap! Russia has never sold S-400 to South Korea. Yes they did collaborate on project S-350 but the cooperation was broken so HOW THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE S-400?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

S-400 Coming to Seoul? How South Korea Indirectly Acquires Cutting Edge Russian Air Defences “According to Lee Choon Geun, a senior researcher at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea’s new air defence system “uses more stable technology” from the S-400 – a generation or more ahead of both the S-300 and KN-06. Richard Weitz, Director of the Center for Political Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute, wrote regarding the missile system’s extensive use of Russian technologies developed for the S-400: “The M-SAM will use S-400 missile technology provided from the Almaz Antey Joint Stock Company, including proprietary information from the S-400’s multifunction X-band radar. LG Corp’s missiles’ guidance systems are expected to also use Russian design elements.” This ultimately provided Seoul with a means to acquire at least some of the S-400’s much needed capabilities while avoiding drawing the ire of Washington.” https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/s-400-coming-to-seoul-how-south-korea-indirectly-acquires-cutting-edge-russian-air-defences


Just mountain of bollocks! Why would Russia sell S-400 missiles to S.Korea that is also close US allay? Even if they would sell S-400 they would not sell the KNOW HOW !

Article is PROPAGANDA; a mountain of bollocks!!!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The KM-SAM which is also known as the Cheolmae-2 or Cheongung or M-SAM is a South Korean medium range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system that was developed by the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) with technical support from Almaz-Antey and Fakel, based on technology from the 9M96 missile used on S-350E and S-400 missile systems.[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KM-SAM



Codenamed 'Gordon'

for the same reason they sold the S-400 system to Turkey a member country of the NATO. Quote from Wikipedia:

“In February 2018, Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec Corporation stated that Russia is willing to sell S-400 to any state buyer, including the United States.[163]”

In fact S-400 is a defensive weapon system there is no danger for the Russians to license the technology to others (Turkey will produce SAM missiles on its own in the future).


You probably can’t read or have “selective reading” problem. He was claiming that Russia has sold know how a S-400 tech. So it was not about banal sale of S-400!

Many countries have made copies of S-300 (China, Iran) and were bragging that they are better than original and they are not. As we speak China is reverse engineering S-400 and trying to make their copy of S-400. Yes Putin was joking by offering to US a S-400. He knew that US will refuse because that would be huge humiliation and huge blow for their missile industry if US were to buy S-400 So “Sergey Chemezov” was just repeating his bosses (Putin) words.

“In fact S-400 is a defensive weapon system there is no danger for the Russians to license” Sorry but you understand nothing on the subject. There is NO LICENSING ! There is no such thing as “licence” production of S-400! No other country produces S-400 but Russia ! And because S-400 are difficult to be copied even for Chinese Russia is confident to sell them even to NATO Turkey! But there was no LICENSING and there is no LICENSING for S-300 or S-350 or S-400 or S-500!


I’ll repeat again for the last time “technologies purchased from Russia” were related to the MEDIUM RANGE S-350 medium range missile project! They have stopped that project ! And it was long years ago that cooperation was BROKEN ! If they had something that could only be S-300 missiles of older generation and nothing else!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

S-300V4 (exported to Egypt) is in some ways superior to the S-400. (particularly against cruise missiles) “Egypt also acquired such technologies through its purchase of the S-300V4 system, for which it is the sole export client. The S-300V4 is a newer and in some respects more sophisticated system than the S-400, and is more specialised in defence against cruise missiles. The system benefits from higher mobility than the S-400.” https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/seven-countries-now-deploy-advanced-russian-s-400-technologies-over-half-a-dozen-more-have-shown-interest-in-purchases


S-300V4 is S-400 but it is specialized for the cruise, ballistic and other missiles

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So you are agreeing that Russia has exported S-400 technologies to North African military powers… Aren’t you?


Another inaccurate and IDIOTIC phrase from your crap sources ! Those 2 systems are built for different purpose ! They are not directly comparable. And I will not repeat my self any more for something I have already explained!

And I will not take lectures from ignorant moron and LIAR like yourself !


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Surely that should read “FUCK OF(F) MORON !” ?


“FUCK OFF MORON !” ok now? spelling and all?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Now that’s better.


finally we agree on one fact




NO 7 countries now do not deploy Russian S-400!


Dick Von Dast'Ard

You appear to be having a paddy.


I hate LIARS ! Back off you dutch lying twat!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

SA-21 (Growler) / S-400 Triumf https://www.militaryfactory.com/armor/detail.asp?armor_id=909 Another article that states Algeria as an operator.


WHERE ? RUSSIAN OFFICIAL SITE PLEASE! You are LIAR! Even your stupid Wikipedia does not mention that Algeria has S-400 !

It is that SOME MILITARY IDIOTS cal S-300V4 = S-400 ! But actually ALGERIA DOES NOT HAVE S-400 !

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well take your beef up with all those military blogs that quote that they (Algeria) are operators of S-400 technology systems.


It is all the time that they call S-300V4 as “S-400” That is the only logical explanation! And people being IGNORANT confuse S-300V4 with S-300PM or similar so they use JINGOISM :BOMBASTIC NEWS turns S-300V into S-400 because S-400 SELL NEWS and S-300V does not sell it ! Thats’s why they have everywhere S-400


I’m Algerian and from some local sources we “believe” that we have the S400. however, you won’t find it anywhere LOUD as you want that Algeria has S400. If Algeria is the first export country for many russian based weapons, I wouldn’t be surprised at all to know that we have S-400. Actually, many other weapons where only disclosed recently while they were being used for years already because otherwise we would have sanctions and problems from other european manufacturers like germany from which we bought Meko 200. Even the budget of Algeria which officialy is of 10.5 billion dollars is fake because it doesn’t account for everything. The military can tap into the equipment budget which is an opaque budget that isn’t disclosed anywhere, we just know that it exists from the official journal of presidency. But again, everything is shady not only for confidentiality but also for corruption purposes.


Somebody was flagging my comments I have answered but the answer is “pending”


Can’t find your answer, it probably was deleted


Me neither, sorry. No point to write long comment and they do that again for fun… The most absurd thing is that there were no inappropriate words or anything negative or aggressive yet it was deleted. So 100% sure it was flagged by some people here.

Codenamed 'Gordon'


Wayne Nicholson

Russia, Belarus, China and Turkey have purchased and deployed the S-400. India and Saudi Arabia have purchased them but have not yet received them.


I know that Wayne but thanks all the same! There was question who has them already…. It was just rhetorical question so that he versify’s himself ! That he gets his facts straight. But he just keeps coming up with some new bullshit instead of giving ordinary facts!

Thanks again.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Algerian Buk-M2E medium-range air defense missile system spotted “The Algeria National People’s Army’s (ANP’s) has displayed several recently acquired Russian-made the M2E variant of the Buk medium-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system at the military exercises.

The newest Algerian 9K317E Buk-M2E SAMs were spotted during the exercises of the troops of the 4th military district of the National People’s Army in the presence of the Chief of General Staff General Ahmed Gayid-Salah.

Buk-M2E, also known as Grizzly, is a multi-channel, multifunctional, highly mobile medium-range advanced defense missile system developed by Almaz-Antey company.” https://defence-blog.com/army/algerian-buk-m2e-medium-range-air-defense-missile-system-spotted.html


Buk-M2E is definitely something. that is not the latest but it is something that Russia also uses BUK-M3 is the latest

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Algeria might have begun deploying S 400 SAM systems (14/07/2015) “The arrival of the S400 will not only fill gaps in the air defense but will saturate the long-range air surveillance. 1-Photos irrefutably show S400 launchers that differ from those of S300PMU2 , which is BAZ-64022 vehicle not the KrAZ-260 of the PMU2 2- 8 launchers aligned on a picture and three during the test on a second. In reality, the Algerian army has undertaken an overhaul of its DAT and the appearance of S400 in his arsenal is only part of modernization.” https://www.menadefense.net/algeria/algeria-have-begun-deploying-s-400-sam-systems/


Look at the DATE !!!!! 14/07/2015 It is not TRUE that information!!! They again (probably) talk about S-300V system

Хасен Жасем Халфет

That “Algeria operating S-400” claim is not official. it started with Algerian Sources (on a forum) saying they have S-400 when they showed pictures of launchers with red top covers. The info is not confirmed by any credible source. Almaz itself and RosOboronExport talked about Turkey as their second S-400 customer after China (India is already the third contract signed in 2018 delivery still not executed because they were working problems in payment). Also in my opinion as a follower of all that is Russian weaponry I say Algeria does not have it. as Russia meditized every S-400 contract (they even mediatized early discussions with Qatar and KSA very very much) so there is actually very little chance they agreed to seel Algeria without any media report. Russia now wants to sell the maximum of S-400 in order to finance purchaces of S-500 so saying Algeria purchased is a big press/marketing boost and I think there is no way they would do it quietly. and last but not least you saw how many trips on An-124 it took to deliver the S-400 to turkey … I don’t think such trips could have been made to Algeria without anyone noticing also the Sea route is also very monitored by Turkey if they deliver through Black-Sea/Mediterranean and by English/Moroccan/Spanish media if they pass through Gibraltar.

The Belarus also did not buy S-400 but they operate it. Russian Head of Defense Commity in the Duma talked about “supplied Belarus 2 batteries in exchange of free exploitation of the Early Missile Warning radar russia is using in Belarus” -This is Source https://riafan.ru/532810-moskva-otblagodarila-minsk-za-besplatnuyu-arendu-zemli-sistemami-s-400 -This is the radar in Belarus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hantsavichy_Radar_Station


the Russians need to package the Su-57, Su-35, and the S-400 + close range – I guess they do, let’s see what Iran buys

vincent repins

Time to revise my tactics as I dine

Prince Teutonic

How can Algeria buy this stuff? Isn’t it a third world poor country? Or as Trump would say just another shit hole…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Resource wealth? How does the KSA buy so much useless stuff from U.S./UK arms suppliers?

Wayne Nicholson

Algeria is actually pretty wealthy …. maybe not USA grade wealthy but according to wiki “Algeria is classified as an upper middle income country by the World Bank.”

They also have a deal with Russia where Russia forgave $4.7B of Soviet debt they never would have collected in exchange for purchasing $B in modern Russian arms

Dick Von Dast'Ard

What would be more interesting is what Algeria potentially does with it’s MiG-25 fleet… Will they be converted as a platform to fire an export version of the Kh-47M2?


It’s also interesting to see how big their army is, compared to other nations in Northen Africa: https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=algeria They also fight Islamists like Haftar and Al-Sisi, so they have my support.


Nobody care about your support, They don’t even recognize the illegal state of israel


I don’t recall you being the Algerian president Issam, a little proportion please.


Algerian/Moroccan/Tunisian hold the same position regarding to Palestine.They even want to join the Resistance axis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPEC7wd9s_8


That’s secular Arab nationalism. Through smart eliminations all that’s left in Palestine is religious fundamentalism. Arabs don’t really care for that all that much.


These countries aren’t considered Arabs, they are mixed with so many ethnicities to the point they are called North Africans… You don’t have to be an Arab to support the Palestinian cause, it’s a matter of principles and honor.


Sorry, I don’t see them having anything worth supporting. To me they are just a bunch of lunatics.


I Disagree.


that sounds like an idea – the more the merrier when the work begins to kill off the hymies illegally occupying palestine – it would be quite a group, iran, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Hezbollah, Houthis, Algeria, Morroco, Tunisia and possibly Russia. wet stains in the sand of palestine when the squatters start swimming on their next diaspora.

Simon Bernstein

Except dozens of nations around the world, especially the UN, recognize Israel. Only Iran and Syria do not recognize Israel. Everyone else does. So go away, antisemite.

David Parker

Anti-semite = (1) anyone a Zionist wants to discredit (2) anyone who exposes the Zionist agenda of callous disregard for and active exploitation of everyone else – the goyim. Zionists own the “news” and promote sexual perversion to destroy the Western Christian civilization that is based on the family – God’s bedrock of civilization.


first and foremost they are working to make the palestinians an extinct people, so that all the hard work they, the squatters, have put in stealing land and property and murdering palestinians galore haven’t been wasted

Human kind is doomed

USA&Israel=4th Reich!

David Parker

No way. The Third Reich had some honor. Everything you were ever taught in government schools about the causes of WWI and WWII is a lie. The Zionist-controlled British could not compete with German industry and technology and set out to destroy the German people. The Versailles Treaty was intended to enslave the German people for a century. Millions of Germans were deliberately starved to death after WWII, and their scientists and industrial machinery doled out to the victors. In 1941 Stalin was mobilizing to overrun all of war-torn Europe. Considering that the Soviets had been building the most massive army in the world for decades and had the latest weaponry (the Germans had no match for the T-34 let alone the KV to say nothing of Soviet artillery), the Wehrmacht had no choice to launch Operation Barbarossa. It was a suicide mission, but to ignore the threat from the East was more immediate suicide. http://www.solonin.org/en/article_mark-solonin-25-june-stupidity3 codoh.com


You’re correct on all accounts, the only thing I would point out is the flawed Soviet manufacturing techniques that took a couple of years to sort out. Both this guy and TIK (I call him ‘Tick’) are good on some aspects, except for their reiterating of mainstream lies about third-position ideologies (Fascism, National Socialism) and the Second World War.

Why else construct 20,000 tanks and 10,000 aircraft as a defence against the Wehrmacht? Hadn’t Stalin utterred the words: “the best form a defence is attack”? If the Red Army’s state of readiness was too low to successfully invade Germany and Poland in 1941, I don’t see how this couldn’t have been fixed if given another year or two.


Wayne Nicholson

Only an idiot would post a lie that can be debunked in 30 seconds on google. 30 UN members don’t recognize the state of Israel including Algeria.

You want to be taken seriously cut the bullshit.



Well, well ……… same photo, different names. What is up with you you freak? :P



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We are going to kill u all!



time to die!

This is a Jew who was the former deputy under secretary, former deputy assistant Secretary of State and the FORMER HEAD OF BLACK OPS UNDER KISSINGER!



Simon Bernstein

Exactly! Algeria is no threat to Israel or the USA. They are a friendly secular state that is actively cracking down on terrorist cells and jihadists. I don’t care how many Russian weapons they get, they are no threat!

Ali Alsaaidi

I thought Egypte and Israël are good mates ?


no not good mates but a truce-like agreement to cooperate on border issues like Gaza, but they are entirely unreliable there which the squatters allow since not would get them another outright hostile neighbour.

S Melanson

I also view Iron Zion’s comment to reflect classic realist doctrine – belief that enemies of my neighbours, even if those neighbours are at peace with Israel, means better security for Israel since neighbours have to calculate into any hostile act against Israel the potential actions of other actors, particularly hostile ones. the peace treaty has held remarkably well so far but the future peace is never 100% guaranteed.

The problem of course is if Israel actively supports nations hostile to Egypt, which I do not think is the case. Iron Zion displays a way of thinking on matters of security that many will find distasteful but it is a reflection of the historical context of the founding of Israel that shaped security doctrine to be very Israeli centric. I think Bibi approach may be in his mind best for Israeli security but it has in my view done the opposite.

I have encouraged Israel’s adoption of a doctrine that embraces mutual security in policy decisions which will be in the long run bring more stability to the security situation – I can give the reasons how and why but that I will have to leave for another post.


You sumed it up well Melanson, thanks!


iron dome is an idiot and has zilch right – just a venomous pro-zionist with the usual traits of thievery and murder in the genome.

David Parker

Isreal has Israel has vrom the beginning been the aggressor. The Zionist cries out in pain as he strikes you.


Shut your genetically weak mouth Jew! Get off my planet! Fuckin pedofile scum u all are! Your former leader Ehud Barak will be tortured to death in Gitmo! fuckin 5 foot 5 fat, special forces soldier of the physically inferior race of Jews who likes to fuck kids! Prove me wrong! PROVE ME WRONG!!! U CANT! So shut ur fuckin mouth before i put an effort into tracking u down and putting my knife inside your rat infested skull! Or maybe i should just gas ur ass! EVERYONE HATES JEWS! EVERYONE!

Human kind is doomed

Well, there’s a interesting thought, MiG-25 with Kh-47M2. Who knows, maybe…


“14 Su-57E fighter jets, 14 Su-34 fighter-bombers, and Su-35”

In other words Algeria is full of money and with regional military ambitions. They have been impressed with Soros financed “Arab Spring” series of color revolutions in North Africa. Now they keep buying weapons to defend themselves from similar evil .


soros is just a nickname for MI6/CIA .


Wherever is Soros, NED, USAID, there is always CIA; MI6 also. So why would I bother to call Soros a “CIA “or opposite or name every time all the instruments of US neocolonialist methods?


I imagine you recollect the recruitment drive by the CIA in the early 1980’s for economists. Most people do not. I’m just turning attention to forgotten things ; )


but the price they pay for these russian jets is a fraction they would pay for french ones and much better. what not to like.


French don’t even have equivalents to SU-34 or SU-57.

Хасен Жасем Халфет

Qatar’s 12 Rafale (when they picked up the option on first contract) cost 1.1 billion euros = 1.228 Billion dollars (that’s 103 million dollars per aircraft) when Indonesia’s contract for 11 Su-35 is worth 1.14 billion dollars (same price per aircraft but with spares training and weapons). So: no the french fighters do not cost fraction. they actually cost more (Su-35 alone will cost between 50-80 millions depending on contract terms and payment)


So I take it Algeria supports Haftar?


Algeria doesn’t support anyone. The Algerian constitution doesn’t allow the Algerian military to go outside of Algeria (except on a few kilometers if the borders of Algeria are in danger). We already have a non-state in Libya, and two failed states in Niger and Mali and a Narco-state in Morocco, we have a lot to do to keep our sovereignty.


Sounds like very smart thinking. If you don’t play then you can’t lose!

Zizo Dzlife

No Haftar, nor Turkey, Algeria wants a political solution

Daniel Vogel

Soon to expect an Arab spring version 2 in Algeria?

Zizo Dzlife

We are smart, don’t worry, and the people love his country. We went through a period of colonialism. Our blood was shed on this precious land. We are Phoenicians and Numidion Berbers, not Arabs.

Simon Bernstein

As long as Algeria remains friendly and not a threat, no big deal. But if Algeria ever sides with Iran in the future, all their SU-57, S-400, and SU-35 will be destroyed by the Israeli Defense Forces! :D

Zizo Dzlife

Iran and the United States are just a game for idiots like you, they are friends

David Parker

Algeria? Do the Russians accept sand in payment for the Su-57? Algeria? Is the Su-57 up to the E modification already? It’s not even in production yet. If the scum who call themselves the government of Algeria wanted to make their country invasion proof, they would provide every man and woman with an AK-47 and piles of ammo. That’s all the Taliban needed to defeat the entire US military. That’s about all the North Vietnamese used to defeat the US military.

Хасен Жасем Халфет

It is in production and they presented the Su-57E this summer during MAKS airshow


Why Algeria need this advanced weapons ???


Syria, Libya, Iraq


Does anyone here know that a SU-57 crashed on December 26? Not one of the prototypes but the first manufactured one of the assembly line! This isnt good! Maybe this is why Russia lowered the price to 42 mil? Was at 70 mil not long a go! Anyway, its been admitted! pilot survived! Not good!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

35 million dollars apiece, as Putin announced.

The Japanese lost a brand new F35, we don’t hear the nazi loving supporters of the US mention cancelling that 120 million dollar turkey as a problem, despite the fact that it is not fast enough to keep up with enemy bombers ffs.

Jim Bim

it was a new engine prototype. How many F-35 have crashed, how many have failures. A 14 billion aircraft carrier with 11 elevators was delayed for 2 years, when it was delivered it had 1 elevator…….still working on it………the list is endless.


i dont know how many F-35’s have crashed! i hope many! but lets call bullshit for all nations ok? Im sure russia makes mistakes too! So lets call them out? we have nothing to hide! F-22’s have crashed too! im just saying….. a crash occurred! the first plane off the line! its news! i didnt se SF report it! WHY??

now a SU-57 is worth 42 million? Yet a SU-35 is worth 83 million?

Explain this to me please!

Jim Bim

As i said, the crashed SU- 57 was with a new generation engine ( izdeliye 30 ) , a prototype, in test stage, not jet in production. Production fighters ( SU- 57 ) from 2020 onward will be equipped with this powerful engine known as the izdeliye 30 The present SU- 57 and in use, is equipped with a pair of NPO Saturn izdeliye 117,[N 2] or AL-41F1 engines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-57


That is NOT what i read! I heard it was the first off the assembly line and YES was testing the new engine! I heard it was NOT a prototype! This means the first aircraft built used the NEW engine and it failed stress tests! This means back to the drawing board and lengthy delays! Im not even sure if the older engines can supercruise! But what we do know is that the new engines failed! And it was 100% number 1 off the assembly line which is why they tested it with the new engine! I can prove to u it was the newly manufactured plane, its all over russian media! Do not get my words mixed up! its not a prototype with a new engine, its the first manufactured SU-57 off the assembly line with the new engines! If u think i am wrong then u need to prove it! i will counter prove!


Yes Jim i know it has the new engine! That doesnt make it better does it! What i do know is that it WASNT a prototype! it was the first off the new assembly line! Doesnt look good!

u cant make excuses for them by saying “oh its only the new engine”! Dude, this is a major set back! The new planes are supposed to USE THIS NEW ENGINE!

Do u get me Sweetheart? The plane itself was NEW and fresh off the assembly line! REMEMBER THAT! WE dont know for sure if it was the engine that caused the crash but we do know that the aircraft had the new engine that was being tested!

Jim Bim

Another country that will face US diplomacy = threats and sanctions.

Zizo Dzlife

Search for the first country that recognized the United States when it was born

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