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MARCH 2025

Qatari State-Run Aljazeera’s AJ+ Promotes LGBT, Sex Work, Drugs

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The TV network run by the supposedly conservative muslim state of Qatar seems to be in fact promoting neo-lbieral ideas.


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Aj+ is tho “cool” , millennial child of aljazeera so naturally the child goes against the parents wishes. Cycle of life.

Potato Man

“The TV network run by the supposedly conservative muslim state of Qatar seems to be in fact promoting neo-lbieral ideas.”

Really “Muslim state.”

Qatar is the 2nd Wahhabi State, they claim themselves as Wahhabi Sunnis which is funny. The whole Wahhabism was made up by one guy called (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab), he made that shit up so how is that part of Islam or how are they Muslims?

Which Muslim country welcomed Al-Qaeda/ ISIL/ Daesh? The only countries that aided Daesh and ISIS in Iraq/Syria were KSA and Qatar. I’m not much into religion but….fuk no, Wahhabism is not part of Islam.

BTW Yes, Zion State did that long ago, the Wahhabi State/s (Qatar/KSA) will follow soon. :)

Porc Halal

“I’m not much into religion but….fuk no, Wahhabism is not part of Islam”… obviously you have no clue … as you’ve already acknowledged …

Wahhabism IS part of islam, biiiiiiig tiame!


There are a lot of fatwas (religious declarations) by sunni scholars against Wahabism.. that Wahabism is a heresy and a cult. Wahabism is a cult formed about three hundred years ago… It was forced into thr throats of muslims and promoted with oil cash… Supported by the west, especially Britain. Just take a bit of pain to read on this.

Porc Halal

No need, I’m already familiar with this topic… bottom line, wahhabism is a strict and ultra-conservative interpretation of islam…no need to enter into details with you or others because I will be wasting time and energy for nothing…

Potato Man

yup ^

Potato Man

Wahhabism IS part of islam, biiiiiiig time!

Really….Wahhabism is part of Islam but it start it in 18th century, YUP BIG TIME BUD.

Wahhābī, also spelled Wahābī, any adherent of the Islamic reform movement founded by Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb in the 18th century in Najd, central Arabia, and adopted in 1744 by the Saudi family. In the 20th and 21st centuries, Wahhābism is prevalent in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Fuk off moron, thanks for your stupid input tho. “obviously you have no clue … as you’ve already acknowledged …” “I’m not much into religion” LMFAO I didn’t say I don’t know what Wahhabism is bud.

Wahhabi cun7s are far right sunnis, donkey fukers A.K.A ISIL, Daesh, Al-Qaeda, did you also forgot that all those donkey fuker also used Wahhabism (books and teaching) before making their own shit. LMFAO.

Porc Halal

yep, I was right … I don’t need to waste precious time and energy with idiots like you …

Potato Man

LMFAO, what didn’t you understand when I said. “Fuk off moron, thanks for your stupid input tho.”

” waste precious time and energy ” Please do go fuk yourself no one asked you anything buddy. BTW take your 2 cent up your ass. Have fun with your Wahhabi Zion boyfriend of yours.

Porc Halal

“We feel forgotten and abandoned sometimes. The world does not know much about the challenges and difficulties that face us. All countries in the region do not recognize conversion from Islam. This makes life very difficult for us, especially in terms of marriages, funerals, and obtaining birth and death certificates, because we are still considered Muslims by law.”(…)“When Islam emerged in the Middle East in the seventh century, central Kurdistan was predominantly Christian, and Christianity and Judaism had a strong influence on Yârsânism, the Kurds’ pre-Islamic religion. The expansion of Islam caused Christianity to shrink, with many Kurdish Christians forced to identify with neighboring Suriyâni Christians of Mesopotamia and Kurdistan (Syriac Nestorians). These groups later adopted the name Assyrian and lived deep in the mountains of northern Kurdistan, away from other groups’ ethnic or genetic influences

Even centuries of Muslim rule did not succeed in eradicating the Kurdish Christian community.”…

You stupid moron said that whahhabi sect is not part of islam…ok, then why islam was persecuting non-islamic population before the raising of wahhabism?!…huh, you stupid fucktard?!…and this is just an example out from other thousends or more!…

you are a either an useful idiot or a muslim fucktard…

Porc Halal


And hey you dumbfuck, since I consider wahhabis as part of islam and I say islam is a death cult, and a shity ideology, how come you acuse me of being friend of “wahhabis”?! …are you a retard??…

Potato Man

Hey shitface, who fuked your mind bitch, how old are you? 2cent fuk, read what you said ape;

Wahhabism IS part of islam, biiiiiiig time!

yep, I was right … I don’t need to waste precious time and energy with idiots like you

Fuking moron, when did you said anything about being against Wahhabism you lowlife huh….???

and I say islam is a death cult, and a shity ideology

LMFAO really you said that huh..when did you said that huh….go on.

Remember what i said:

LMFAO, what didn’t you understand when I said. “Fuk off moron, thanks for your stupid input tho.”

You are a real retard here LMFAO can’t read and make shit up. Go drop your 2cent somewhere elso fuking moron.

Porc Halal

You had born retard…in hitler’s germany you would have been exterminated since your day one for being useless…

Potato Man

LMFAO kid go to school, again what of fuk off you didn’t understand huh??? 2cent shitface

Potato Man

Even centuries of Muslim rule did not succeed in eradicating the Kurdish Christian community.

Motherfuker show me your proofs, how many of them huh stupid fuk face?

Syrian Kurds are part of a regional transnational Kurdish population located in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, 160,000 of which are located in Syria. The Kurdish population is predominantly Sunni Muslim with a Yezidi minority.


Nearly all Iraqi Kurds consider themselves Sunni Muslims. In our survey, 98% of Kurds in Iraq identified themselves as Sunnis and only 2% identified as Shias. (A small minority of Iraqi Kurds, including Yazidis, are not Muslims.) But being a Kurd does not necessarily mean alignment with a particular religious sect. In neighboring Iran, according to our data, Kurds were split about evenly between Sunnis and Shias.


Syria is secular state, Iran have jews and Christian, ME countries are not all fuking running at people to become Muslims your fuking ape. That is KSA,UAE,Qatar and now Turkey.

Despite being prevalent in the constitution, Syria is seen as a secular state without having its laws based on Islam. The religion of the President of the Republic is Islam; Islamic jurisprudence shall be a major source of legislation.

What are you on about moron:

Even centuries of Muslim rule did not succeed in eradicating the Kurdish Christian community.

You stupid fuking moron, ofc not no one force them.

You stupid moron said that whahhabi sect is not part of islam

Go fuking read what I said bitch and stop talking out of your ass moron.

then why islam was persecuting non-islamic population before the raising of wahhabism

Why Crusaders in Lorraine were forced jews to convert to Christianity? You fuking moron. You fuking moron. Fuking face no religion has clean hands fuking ape.

“you are a either an western useful idiot or a muslim fucktard” LMFAO nice try you ape, people here are muslim or western LMFAO go fuk yourself. 2cent cun7

Антон С

Wahhabist gangsters killed ~50 priests and theologians at Caucasus. The most known murder is killing of Said Afandy of Chirkey (or Said-afandi al-Chirkawi) at his home in Dagestan.

Potato Man

Turkey surely knows how to talk and play the “religion” card to gain support and a reason/s to interfere in other countries such as Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc.

Believe me Turkey playing the game only to gain “money” and their wet dream (rebuilding the ottoman empire) which is stealing Syria lands, etc…like what Zion state did, who gonna stop them? the United stupid people (UN). Turkey is like the saying “Monkey see, monkey do”.

I don’t really care about Turkey, they talk shit to Zion state, but in reality they are BFFs, from trading to arms sells, and both support Wahhabism. Funny how Turkey or Zion state never really got attacked by Wahhabi Sunnis :/ Zion state + NATO + Wahhabi States are all in same ship, their main goals are to loot ME after their oil and gas run out.

US: “The United States consumes more petroleum than any other country, accounting for 20% of world consumption in 2017” How long will the world’s oil last?

BP’s annual report on proved global oil reserves says that as of the end of 2013, Earth has nearly 1.688 trillion barrels of crude, which will last 53.3 years at current rates of extraction. This figure is 1.1 percent higher than that of the previous year.

Only 53+ years…I would be alive and see that day if this is true or not.

Porc Halal

No fucking way….

Антон С

Qatar supports LGBT? That’s what happens when you invites several liberal journalists from London. I guess that sodomites are prosecuted by the law in Qatar. In S.Arabia they get the death sentence for sodomy – chopping off the head. Qatar can be close enough as I think.

AM Hants

Talking about media manipulation, has anybody seen the article on Moon of Alabama? With regards the NYT and the work of there Star Reporter, Rukmini Callimarchi. Wasn’t she best known for her exaggerated reporting of the Islamic State and terrorism? Well, why is it that one of her treasured contacts , Abu Huzaifa aka Shehroz Chaudhry, allegedly an ISIS member had never been to Syria or Iraq. Why does that remind me of a similar character, running the SOHR, who reports on Syria, despite not being there since the end of the last century? Why did it take Canada to insure him, before the NYT realised he was the 21st Century version of Hans Christian Anderson?

Remind me what was the 10 Part Caliphate Podcast by Rukmini Callimarchi all about?

Check out “Not News But A Juicy Collection Of Narratives – How The New York Times Failed It’s Readers”, over on Moon of Alabama.


They want to look liberal to the U.S, so the Congress may sell them the F35. However, Israel will put all the pressure it can to prevent it from them according to the American law. As long as they are not in a peace deal with us then they are our enemies for helping Hamas.

Fog of War

This is the plan the ZioAmericans have for all countries.For example, That is why they are so insistent on having Syria’s constitution rewritten. It will most definitely include BS about minority, sexual, and women’s rights, as well as ” freedom of religion ” which actually means atheism. It will also include freedom of the media at which point Syrian society will be flooded with pornography and ” entertainment ” designed to lower people’s collective IQ’s. Look to Western societies for examples on how it is accomplished. Islam must resist this or it will be doomed.

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