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MARCH 2025

All Mainstream ‘News’-Media In U.S. Are Propaganda-Agencies

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All Mainstream 'News'-Media In U.S. Are Propaganda-Agencies

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Written by Eric Zuesse

America’s CIA was created in 1947; and, then, in 1948, the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” was started, to control, within the United States, all ‘news’-reporting about international matters. It was placed under the leadership of Frank Wisner, a Mississippian U.S. intelligence officer stationed in Turkey during WW II, whom the new American President, Harry S. Truman, transferred to Romania and then to Germany, in order to work with those nations’ aristocrats to stir opposition there against the Soviet Union, which nation had defeated Hitler (but lost 26 million dead in the effort, and was therefore considerably weakened, while America lost only 419,400). On 25 July 1945, Truman (influenced by the advice from his hero, General Dwight Eisenhower) suddenly reversed the pro-U.N. and anti-imperialistic foreign policies of his immediate predecessor, FDR, and set the U.S. Government onto the path of instead itself controlling the entire world, which meant, above all, conquering the Soviet Union — especially Russia — which had defeated Hitler (as both FDR and Churchill acknowledged at the time, but which historical fact became hidden by Operation Mockingbird after the War). This outcome was exactly the opposite of what had been the central aim of FDR, which was for WW II to be replaced by a new system of international law that would be produced and enforced by the U.N., terminating all imperialisms. FDR’s clear intention was that, after the War, he and Stalin would force the intensely imperialistic Churchill to accept this new anti-imperialistic reality, the U.N., as being a functioning global federal republic of all nations and the sole source and enforcer of international laws, laws between nations; but, when FDR died on 12 April 1945 and became replaced by Truman, who respected Eisenhower and despised FDR, the previous 2-to-1 “Big Three” for the U.N. to rule all international relations, became now 2-to-1 for U.S. hegemony — the U.S. Government’s ultimate rule over the entire world, the U.S. Government as being the world’s first hegemonic, or globally all-encompassing, empire. Wisner, and the entire Truman-created new CIA organization, were committed to this U.S.-imperialist goal: ultimate conquest of the entire world, by the U.S. Government.

Thus was born the U.S. Government’s dictatorship over all international-‘news’ reporting to the American people. It was (as that link documents) a deeply aristocratic operation, to control public opinion so that both of America’s political Parties would elect candidates that are committed to this same objective (now commonly called “neoconservatism”), of producing a hegemonic (globally all-encompassing) U.S. Government.

In fact, Bob Feldman, the great investigative journalist about the corruptness of America’s ‘alternative’ ‘news’-media, found that ‘news’-media such as The Nation, and Democracy Now!, and Mother Jones, and the Progressive, and most other ‘progressive’ media, are likewise controlled by America’s billionaires, and serving the very same military-industrial complex and war-promotion function. Apparently, America has virtually a stranglehold (but only “virtually,” because you are reading this, here, which certainly is NOT “mainstream”) upon its public.

This is how the system functions in modern times:

A reality that is more and better-documented than perhaps any other in recent decades (except, perhaps, that the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media consciously hid — instead of reported — that the U.S. and UK Governments were lying about “Saddam’s WMD” in order to invade and destroy Iraq on 20 March 2003) is that there was a successful U.S. coup in Ukraine in 2014 and installation there of a rabidly anti-Russian government by the United States — which unquestionably was a coup there, and which the EU knew nothing about until it was already over, so that this was clearly a U.S. coup, and had actually been in the planning stages by the U.S. Government ever since at least June of 2011. (The only part of Obama’s coup-plan that failed there was for the seizure of Russia’s largest naval base, which ever since 1783 has been on Crimea, in order to turn that into a new U.S. naval base.) Consequently, the regions of Ukraine that had voted the most heavily for the Ukrainian President that Obama overthrew and replaced by an anti-Russian racist-fascist “nazi” team, rebelled against the U.S. coup-imposed rulers, and quickly produced a civil war in Ukraine. The chief objective of that entire U.S. operation to grab Ukraine has been in order to place America’s nuclear missiles on Russia’s border with Ukraine, only a 5-minute flying-time away from nuking Moscow. The idea is that if it’s done that fast, then Russia’s command-and-control will be eliminated before Russia will even be able to launch retaliatory weapons. That’s the U.S. regime’s dream.

Consequently, Russia’s 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was done in order to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO — an organization that even U.S.-Government polls had shown to be viewed by most Ukrainians as being “enemy” instead of “ally” prior to Obama’s 2014 coup there.

In order for the United States to achieve this ‘victory’ in World War III, it needs to deceive its population constantly, so as to make “Saddam” and “Gaddafi” and “Assad” (etc.), and “Iran” and “China” and especially “Putin,” into a demon, if not into a danger to the safety of Americans, if not into a new “Hitler.” For the public then to pay for (subscribe to) such media, as-if those media were honest, after those very same media having constantly been dishonest about the most important historical facts, which they either have distorted or else hidden entirely, is intellectual suicide, but it still seems to be the norm — and not ONLY in America, but also in Europe. It is amazing.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Florian Geyer

ALL the NATO countries MSM outlets are puppet propaganda clowns employed by the NATO deep state. Their motto being ‘ With Bullshit and Lies We Fight War’.

Slava Rossiya

Amazing Frank

controlled by the jews, jews, jews, jews, jews.

Eric Zuesse

Bezos is a Jew? Buffett is a Jew? Musk is a Jew? Koch is a Jew? Truman was a Jew? Obama is a Jew? Biden is a Jew? Clinton is a Jew? Trump is a Jew? What does being a Jew have to do with ANYTHING in this article? I don’t catch your ‘reasoning’ here. Please explain it — AND DOCUMENT THE CREDIBILITY OF YOUR SOURCES (or do you get ALL of it from Mein Kampf, etc.?).

Seymour Undies

No. But in the Biden administration we have… Ron Klain Chief of Staff Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security Tony Blinken Secretary of State Merrick Garland Attorney General Jared Bernstein

Council of Economic Advisers Rochelle Walensky Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wendy Sherman Deputy Secretary of State Anne Neuberger Deputy National Security Adviser for Cybersecurity Jeffrey Zients COVID-19 Response Coordinator David Kessler

Co-chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Board and Head of Operation Warp Speed

David Cohen CIA Deputy Director Rachel Levine Deputy Health Secretary Jennifer Klein Co-chair Council on Gender Policy Jessica Rosenworcel Chair of the Federal Communications Commission Stephanie Pollack Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration Polly Trottenberg Deputy Secretary of Transportation Mira Resnick State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security Roberta Jacobson National Security Council “border czar” Gary Gensler Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman* Genine Macks Fidler National Council on the Humanities Chanan Weissman Director for Technology and Democracy at National Security Council Thomas Nides U.S. Ambassador to Israel Eric Garcetti U.S. Ambassador to India [to be confirmed] Amy Gutmann U.S. Ambassador to Germany David Cohen U.S. Ambassador to Canada Mark Gitenstein U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Deborah Lipstadt Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Jonathan Kaplan U.S. Ambassador to Singapore Marc Stanley U.S. Ambassador to Argentina Rahm Emanuel U.S. Ambassador to Japan Sharon Kleinbaum Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Dan Shapiro Adviser on Iran Alan Leventhal U.S. Ambassador to Denmark Michael Adler U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Michèle Taylor U.S. Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council Jonathan Kanter Assistant Attorney General in the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division Jed Kolko Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce

Aaron Keyak Deputy Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Stuart Eizenstat Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues Steven Dettelbach Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Last edited 2 years ago by Seymour Undies
Thomas Turk

Then, one wonders why the Chozenite quacks injected 5M of their very own with lab confirmed mRNA injections laced with: graphene, AIDS, hep, cancer, nanobots and parasites.. or were they all salines??


Wouldn’t know about that because I’m unvaxxed and proud of it!😁👍


Yup the USA is dominated by Jews as well as the global financial cartel which most every person and most governments on earth sees money as a tool for their survival. The wealthy and powerful Jew families know this and unfortunately uses this as leverage to gain what it wants at the cost of us and our lives which they have no concern about. And it comes as no surprise that’s why Jews are despised and hated by many. So what do the Jews do? Well because they have this power of control over so many they create laws so you can’t bad mouth them publicly if your a journalist or government. If you do your called an anti semite and in some countries thrown in jail. You can’t question the holocaust either, despite it been another Jew fairy tale like all the other times that “6 million Jews have suffered” Prior to WW2! Yes it’s even in the internet that prior to WW2 there have been articles about how 6 million Jews have suffered this and that. Coincidentally the 6million Jews suffering is a prophecy from their religious books. No joke. The holocaust was another BS biblical prophecy lie. They get no sympathy from me and I will always call them out for the liars and deceivers that they are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Antitrolltroller

Yes you filthy kike, everyone you mentioned is Jewish or they are shabbos goys owned by jews.

goyimtv.tv exposes this all the time.


Joe Davis

Fuck off and die, Nazi filth.

Zelensky - a cuckold on roids and cocaine

MSM is a liars term. Correct term is Agitational Atrocities Propaganda. So called journalists are Unlawful enemy combatants under Geneva Convention.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky - a cuckold on roids and cocaine

Media personnel are far worse damaging than an armed active combatants and should be recognised as legitimate targets to let them realise that the lies they. willfully spread has potential consequences.


RT News | Livestream 24/7 https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/RTlivestream:8

Thomas Turk

I’m now in Europe.. RT and Sputtie banned.. except for a brief on twotter.


Of course all western outlets are propaganda outlets, and that is what I would expect. The west is at war with Russia, so their outlets perform their role of supporting that war effort. I don’t actually blame them for this. What I do have an issue with is anyone consuming the western media and thinking it is not just a propaganda machine, for that is shear idiocy to the level of being an imbecile. This is a war all media play their role in propaganda on all sides. The key thing is to look at actual battlefield happenings in terms of land covered, advances made and draw your own conclusions. With 22% of Ukraine already liberated – a figure agreed by both sides and Russia needed to be consulted on Ukrainian exports via the black sea. It is blatantly clear who is in control! Russia!

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar
Amazing Frank

all western media is owned and controlled by the jews, jews, jews, jews, jews!!!

Eric Zuesse

That is plain FALSE. Your head is a fantasy-world.


It’s 100% true you ugly mossad jew.




Goiym.tv is another 4chan, a CIA operation to defame Russia and China.

Their goal is to diminish any support for Russia and China, by linking them to Jews.

AM Hants

Back in 1913, David Rockerfeller and two Dublin brothers, who ran the left and right British Media, got together, in order to create the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour. Three years after Hollywood was going through a transition. Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothermere, and one owned the left leaning Daily Mirror and the other the Right Leaning Daily Mail. They set up the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour, whose primary role, at the time, was ‘mind control’ of the masses. There was a World War planned, and they wanted the masses in the UK and the US to go from pacifists to war hungry, as quickly as possible. It worked. The Tavistock Institute is still going today, and a pioneer with regards gender re-alignment. Wasn’t the brother who ran the Daily Mail, also a Nazi Supporter? Explains why the DM ownership have stayed so loyal to his memory.


Northcliffe and Rothmere were both brothers, English born, who owned both the Mail and Mirror. Northcliffe ran propaganda for the British government against the Germans during WW1, he died in 1922. Rothmere’s grandchildren still run the Mail to this day. Rothmere supported appeasement with Germany, he had lost 3 children to WW1 and afterwards in British service overseas. He supported Mosely also, so a bit ambivalent about appeasement at other times. The Tavistock Clinic opened in 1947, it was an institute first set up for treating UK soldiers for shell shock, trauma and the likes. Rockefeller gave it financial support.


” Truman (influenced by the advice from his hero, General Dwight Eisenhower) suddenly reversed the pro-U.N. and anti-imperialistic foreign policies of his immediate predecessor, FDR, and set the U.S. Government onto the path of instead itself controlling the entire world, which meant, above all, conquering the Soviet Union — especially Russia — which had defeated Hitler (as both FDR and Churchill acknowledged at the time, but which historical fact became hidden by Operation Mockingbird after the War).” …

Truman’s “hero” general that starved more than 2 million German POWs and was the reason more than likely that General Patton “had his accident” when he objected to that genocide. https://rense.com/general88/eisen.htm

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Hans rauss

i love butthurt vatniks. Listen commies and russian child rapists from russian shithole- If you dont like so called EVIL west and our media then use your own one and dont cry. I love russophiles that hate west on but still use western social media and everything what comes from so called EVIL west xD


I am using free media, not Western media you muppet.

Go fight with the Hohals you peasant.

Hans Rawass

You love rough buttsex.


Enjoy sniffing your own a$$hole before death Kike!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

In the Nixon Watergate congressional investigations of the 70’s it came to light that for decades the CIA had infiltrated all the major US and many foreign media with imbedded agents in high places whose task was to maintain an official narrative around world events. It was called Operation Mockingbird. Congress told the CIA to “stop it!” and of course, the CIA obediently did… obviously… right?

flush goes the nation

I knew this like 10 years ago. USA and Canadian, MSM are modern day Propaganda soap operas. Pushing a false BS story.


US has been planning to destroy Russia Ukraine EU and China, even EU because EU is trade competitor of US.


I mean yeah 96% of the media in America is Jewish owned. goyimtv.tv exposes them all the time.


No, goiym.tv is Jewish owned.

The non-Jewish sites were mostly banned in the USA.

Also goyim.tv defames Russia and China like they were the USA.


The Rothschild Jew-carpet bagger Hasbara media has been lying to the public ever since its creation in 1800’s. They lied about small pox(the illness was caused by industrial heavy metal poisoning of air and ground water, the secondary symptom of pox caused by expressed/sweating toxins out caused damage to skin that pox grew on because people didn’t take baths much then, cow maids didn’t get it because they didn’t live in the toxic cities), they lied about the vaccine, it wasn’t effective, and was harmful, they lied about Darwin’s theft of Robert Matthew’s theory of evolution, and he was still wrong about the true causes of evolution: solar system events and earth life symbiosis are the primary drivers. They have been lying “to get away with it” …200 years of counterfieting fraud, ever since Waterloo. Hang em all, the whole council of 300. Hang em all.


The article forgets to included the role of pretend members of a minor religion that controls the US, and who’s ancestry is Easter Europe, and who despise Russia for putting and end to Khazaria, and the whole Ukriane plan was to to re-introduce it, with Kiev being their new capital, as their middle eastern enclave is in danger of imploding, so they need a new home to squat in.


synthetic quasi robots like Jens and Sawyer require fake news


the media is not the problem in the anglosphere—the problem is the moron population devoid of curiosity that prefers lies “we are never deceived; we deceive ourselves”. Goethe


Is it good for the juice? That is the only question a head of tax cattle ever need ruminate down on Rancho Goyim.

Ever faster to the slaughterhouse because sacred cows make the best hamburgers.

Flush the angloZionaZi empire of shit. Z

John Tosh

Most YouTube News Channels in the USA are peddling fake news. I don’t waste my time watching them anymore.

We now live in a fake news world. Hopefully the future will be better. Fake news cannot go on for ever. Fake news will come to an end one day


All mass media EVERYWHERE is used for propaganda.

You act like it is only in America.


Shill, the negro cesspool USA is the center of the crap

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