Valery Gerasimov
All militant groups in Syria receive arms, money and tasks from aboard, Chief of Russia’s General Staff and First Deputy Defense Minister Valery Gerasimov said on March 24.
“Take Syria as an example. Prior to Russia’s involvement in the conflict on the government’s side, the country had been actually pursuing an undeclared war advocating for its right to exist. It is still unclear when this struggle transformed from local unrest to a military conflict. No state has openly declared a war with Syria, but all illegal armed groups receive weapons, finances and are guided from abroad,” the Russian state-run news agency TASS quoted Gerasimov as saying.
Gerasimov added that the number of participants in military conflicts is growing.
“Regular troops are coupled with the local revolt potential, as well as terrorist and extremist groups,” the general staff’s chief said.
Earlier in March, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said that US forces had contributed to the creation of a safe haven for terrorists in Syria.
The Russian military has repeatedly noted that the US-occupied area of At-Tanf as well as other areas controlled by Washington’s proxies are a source of the security threat to the country, especially amid reports that the US uses these areas to rescue and to train former members of ISIS, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (fomrly Jabhat al-Nusra) and other radical groups.
According to Moscow, these terrorists can be used in an attempt to destabilize Syria once again.
so true and yet the u.n. is doing nothing constructively about it – such zio lapdogs majority=perm hell losers
UN is a paid organization by usa and its vassals, UN is a platform of usa to demonized the country they didnt like
The US is a vassal state of the British Empire.
British empire has long gone, usa took over the throne of devils
Yes. Churchill destroyed the British empire. It needed destroying though. It was evil.
The British Empire being long gone is folly – it hasn’t. Those running it took over the US, created Israel, dictate the Gulf monarchies, and still very much meddled in most of the world affairs.
Churchill destroyed the British empire in WW2.
You’re misinformed.
Ignoring for a moment the fact Churchill was an incompetent gambling drunk, he descends from the Marlborough family who helped the Cecil enthron the Dutch House of Orange in England in the 17h century. He destroyed nothing.
The British Empire may seems dead but it (read: the oligarchs behind) still very much run the show. They happen to do it using the US and their other colonies (Israel, Gulf monarchies, etc).
I will do some further reading. As for Churchill being an incompetent gambling drunk. Which he was. He was also incredibly corruptible. Bailed out countless times. Definitely not the sort of person you should have leading the British empire. Through ignoring the many peace offers from Germany and his racist hatred which saw millions starve to death in India…. I would accuse him of being the biggest cause of death the world has ever known. He was worse than the evil Bolsheviks that he wrote about. The people who wanted WW2 did pick the best person for the job. Rant over.
Agreed on the many points you brought up – especially the “racist” part. I invite you to read the following; it concisely resumes the topic in hand:
In regards to Churchill, I would argue he was merely a store-front facade. He didn’t lead the British Empire nor the machination of WW2.
He actually lost the war at Dunkirk. Hitler fortunately had no desire to destroy the British, he wanted Britain to help him destroy the Bolsheviks and stop communism from decimating Europe.
Hitler was in admiration with Britain and most of “his” policies were modeled after it. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t a lone wolf but recruited, groomed and supported by those who instigated WW2.
Hitler wanting to help Britain thwart the Bolsheviks and Communism is hard to believe when your put the mainstream/imposed narrative aside. The Bolsheviks were financed by the same people who instigated WW2 and Communism was also their machination.
It crucial to understand that the British Empire’s modus operandi always followed the instructions of Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations” where targeted countries/regions must be kept in economical and cultural backwardness compared to Britain. The bloody war between Germany and Russia was planned and meant to weaken both, especially Germany. WW1 wasn’t any different: it ended Germnay’s hegemony in the Middle East with their railroad to Baghdad. The imposition of Communism (after getting rid of competitor Czarist Russia (who had allied itself with Lincoln in the USA)) was aimed at keeping it stagnant. The same Communism was later spread to China as Maoism with the same goal.
Yes. The Russians were hero’s of the North. Does America know? I have often found Antony C. Sutton helpful in my searches. Certain people went overboard on decimating Germany. It may be coming back to bite their bum. Germany had pretty much destroyed Russia. America bailed them and Britain out with Lend Lease. Without it, I think the world would probably be a better place. Gosh No. I never said that.
Sutton is great. His work on the Bolshevik Revolution was monumental.
Another of his important discorvery was the collusion between US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War where 500 US companies sold all sorts of tech (especially ballistic) to the SU. Richard Pipes, a CFR historian, admitted Sutton was right and that other historians were too afraid to expose the truth.
It wasn’t just US companies. The American government via Clinton sold secrets for cash. I think that was to the Chinese. Wasn’t that why he was impeached?
Other companies/countries were likely involved.
I haven’t looked into the intricacies of Clinton’s impeachment but I can tell you that the Cold War was instigated after Stalin refused to sign the Bretton Woods Agreement.
On the topic of the Cold War, I also came across something called “Operation Hammer”. In the 80s, the US (under Bush Sr.) dumped billions to collapse the Soviet Union to then loots its resources. The coup was then cleared up in 2001 under his son with executive order 13233. See here:
Look forward to reading it but tired now. Will get back.
This is sounding a bit Basil Zaharoff.
What do you mean?
Sending all countries to war for profit. I have increased my book collection to one already impossible to read in a lifetime. The books you mentioned have been easily downloaded. The hardest task now is building a new reading list.
Proper rendering of the modern history. However you forgot that from the days of Magna Carta king John made the Pope feudal overlord of England which is still current today. http://www.granddesignexposed.com/vatican/billions.html https://eclinik.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/queen-pope-2014-april.jpg?w=634&h=372&crop=1
Wow. I can’t read the link just yet. I have to get my head in the right state. It is not at all what I was expecting. Are you sure it is the truth?
At your convenience. The content is historical and verifiable.
I have made it to page 3. Struggling. I will persevere. This could take a while. I find 1.5 million jews killed to be ridiculous. It was nowhere near that many. I find the direction of control really difficult. The jewish lobby has heavily infiltrated both government parties. I am on the first rung. I can only assume Rothschild owns the ladder.
I can understand the struggle but I invite you to keep an open mind to see the bigger picture. Neither the mainstream and controlled opposition narrative touch the reality that the oligarchs of the British Empire were responsible for creation of Modern Zionism, WW1, WW2, the creation of Israel, etc. Instead, the mainstream version tells us that an evil man by the name of Hitler killed millions – and the controlled opposition that the Rothschild and the Rothschild are behind it all.
From my extensive reading. Hitler was the good guy. Sorry all my haters. You will only learn by research.
You will find a more detailed depiction of the link I presented to you with the likes of Carroll Quigley. His “Tragedy and Hope” is monumental in that regard. As a matter of fact, all his books are available on a website made by his estate: http://www.carrollquigley.net/books.htm
About Hitler, whether he was bad or good isn’t really what I am after. My readings indicate he admired Britain and that he aspired to one day make Germany join their rank. I think he was duped to believe so by the oligarchs of the British Empire. Manuel Sarkisyanz (“From Imperialism to Fascism” (banner in England) and renamed later) has probably done the best work in exposing Hitler’s British influence. Everything about Hitler and Nazism was British.
Hitler was a British agent.
All points to it.
Can you recommend a single book to understand Freemasonry? My dad was a mason. He took his turn as Grand Master. I went to many Ladies nights, children were allowed. It was a place where they helped each other, pretty much the way jews help each other. I want to understand the truth but am very wary of being played with. A recommendation from someone more knowledgeable than myself would be really helpful. I feel I have to understand it to properly understand the Illuminati. You really have opened a can of worms for me.
I don’t think such single book exists for what you’re looking for. You would have to go through the cross examination of several historical books. I recommend researched articles to save time (I’ll gather and will send you a solid list). As you rightfully presume, there is a lot of misinformation/myths and it’s wanted that way – the whole “Illuminati” thing is one of them.
Personally, I’ve been mostly interested in the historical aspect of how today’s Freemasonry came to be from its roots in Canaan-Phoenicia when King Hiram of Tyre built the Temple of Solomon. The recreation of the Phoenician “Empire” by the Knights Templar and the geographical relocation of an established oligarchical system have also been at the epicenter of such study.
Most of today’s Freemasons gather to discuss business and what not but they are , for lack of better words and with all due respect, insignificant in the grand scheme. At a much higher level, you have the recently discovered (by Mason Giole Magaldi) Masonic Ur Lodges where the likes of Putin, Merkel et al. are members of different Lodges (Three Eyes, Golden Euroasia, etc). You can read about them in the links below. Lastly, you have the people to whom the Ur Lodges’ members report to: the old oligarchical dynasties.
• http://rm-london.co.uk/blog/projects/thebook/
• http://www.lochmann-verlag.com/massoni_chapters_1_to_9.pdf
Never heard of Lina’s book but looking at its description online, it seems to cover many points. I don’t know how valid they are.
This is going to take a long time. It covers so many things that I know only the basics of. To fully appreciate it, I have to learn more about everything it relates to. I am also side tracked all the time. Currently I am at a favourite site of Henry Makow. He backs up what I have read so far. This is going to be the longest 57 pages ever.
In contrast I will give you an incredibly easy 17 pages. Something that more people should be aware of, something that you can maybe pass on now and again. https://ia600203.us.archive.org/14/items/InDefenceOfGermany/InDefenceOfGermany.pdf
Churchill told a (no doubt highly-embellished) tale about escaping from the Boers in the South African War. He then went on to take a hand in the lunatic Dardanelles campaign. Seems to have spent a good bit of ww 2 cutting deals and swanning about on ocean liners and flying boats while his people starved. He was not a nice man, and one of the original zionist conspirators.
It has been put forward that many of his bail outs were of zionist origin. There was a long time in his preparation.
ah johnson larouche and jacque cheminade!!
I’d start with Quigley instead.
They are doing exactly what their masters tell them, which is why they allow Israeli’s to murder Palestinians.
illilations as Syrian Arab Army liberates Ayn Tarma, key town in East Ghouta (Video).
Finance extremist groups and “rebels” is tradition of Western civilization, if they did it against CCCP strategically are doing against the russian allies and even Russia itself. All this is part of asymmetric actions led by the US military in its imperialist foreign policy, they are in fact a creative-terrorist nation of false flags.
Finance extremist groups and “rebels” is tradition of Western civilization, if they did it against CCCP
and CCCP did also the same thing. in 4 continents.
btw., carlos, themegaterrorist had a headquarter in budapest. all socialist countries supported international terrorism.
Roger that, U.S bot. I won’t discuss this specific matter as i’m not here to change any opinion, it would be a waste of my time. Cheers!
Goes back to Ancient Rome, and the British Empire inherited the same tactics.
But Rome and Britain were TINY states and had no choice. Only dribblers compare these with Humanity’s greatest war machine- that of the USA. While America does indeed use proxies, it has no need of them if it desires otherwise. America can project military power to a degree unprecedented in Human History, and in this regard makes a total joke of Russia’s abilities.
Russia counters America’s insane advantage in military projection by developing the means to destroy the projected forces. But when Russia won’t confront America directly, America’s projection power can steamrolled over ANY nation without a good supply of nukes, and the means to get those nukes landing on US mainland. This is why America is so desperate to holocaust Iran before Iran reaches the industrial infrastructure level where its ‘civilians’ nuclear power projects can trivially be employed to make nuclear warheads (as in Japan).
Remember, the jewish slave state, Germany- which tells the german people it hates nukes- gifted the jewish monsters of Israel three submarines purpose designed to carry the Israeli nukes. The utter evil of the jews is exposed by their operations in Germany post WW2.
A curious feature of America is the traditional ANTI-WAR sentiment of its people. This comes from the century’s old Deep State propaganda that told americans that they were not part of the old world- and were not beholden to the old European Empires. Apart from local wars with the british in Canada, and spanish in Mexico, America had no need of wars.
Yet America was always run as a military state- a hatred of war yet a love of military service. A contradiction a child could spot- yet one the average dribbler always misses.
So when the Deep State needs America to go to war, it is essential a YEARS long propaganda campaign is run in every possible media outlet, novels and films included. While dribblers on our side focus on the American government support of terror groups, the real deal is the preparation for the nation of America to go to war. And America is preparing to go to war- first against Iran, and then Russia.
Russian generals cannot prepare for this- it is up to their political masters. And in this regard, Putin fails, and fails HARD. The Russian military is led by an APPEASER. A zionist tool who is out-classed and out-manouevered by the Deep State at every turn.
So Putin’s generals are left with one option- warning their American counterparts of Russia’s ability to destroy projected American military assets. Knowing that if it comes down to a shooting conflict between the USA and Russia, Nuclear war is only hours away.
The oligarchical system and its deceitful tactics (military, intelligence et al.) date back to Persia. The system only moved geographically from Persia to Phoenicia to Ancient Rome to Byzantine to Venice before landing in Britain.
Suggesting that Ancient Rome and Britain had to resort to such tactics due to their tiny size is ludicrous. It’s simply more advantageous – in every aspect – to have others do the dirty work. In modern time, the use of proxies, like in Syria today, also allow the oligarchs of the British Empire (and her colonies: the US, Israel, the Gulf, Jordan and others) to wage an unofficially-declared war on pretty much any foreign soil.
Your glorification of the US military is opiniated and conjectural as the US never fought anyone who could fight back. The same was said about the Israeli military until they faced the disciplined Hezbollah in 1982-2000 and 2006.
You suggest Russia bluffs about its military capability but its nuclear arsenal is well established and its prowess in Syria thwarted another Anglo-American “regime change”. On an extended but related note and paradoxically, over 500 US companies provided the Soviet Union with precious military tech (especially ballistic) during the Cold War.
A direct confrontation between Russia and the US may not be seen on the surface but I am not certain the same can be said on the ground as both sides have covert operarives. In the case of a nuclear war, both sides known that there would be no winner – but does it matter? Both the US and Russia are ran by oligarchs (not politicians) and they only care about their own self interested, not the one of the public.
I agree with Putin being an appeaser. I am not found of his decades-long relationship with Kissinger (the modern-day version of Henry Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia serving the British Empire). As stated by Israel Shamir in a recent article, Putin won’t even dare touching the Yeltsin era oligarchs:
I also agree with propaganda leading to war. After all, a military intervention is only the culmination of an ideological war. That said, your statement that the American public is anti-war is confusing. Most of them see nothing wrong and advocate the invasion and killing of millions abroad in the name of “Freedom” and “Democracy”. That said, the American mentality is very much the product of the London Tavistock Institute.
You brought up Germany, Israel and the evil of the Jews. Blaming the current global maleovance on Jews alone is being duped. The US is under the control of the same oligarchs who created Israel and who subjugated Germany since WW2.
The oligarchical system and its deceitful tactics (military, intelligence et al.) date back to Persia. The system only moved geographically from Persia to Phoenicia to Ancient Rome to Byzantine to Venice before landing in Britain.
Suggesting that Ancient Rome and Britain had to resort to such tactics due to their tiny size is ludicrous. It’s simply more advantageous – in every aspect – to have others do the dirty work. In modern time, the use of proxies, like in Syria today, also allow the oligarchs of the British Empire (and her colonies: the US, Israel, the Gulf, Jordan and others) to wage an unofficially-declared war on pretty much any foreign soil.
Your glorification of the US military is opiniated and conjectural as the US never fought anyone who could fight back. The same was said about the Israeli military until they faced the disciplined Hezbollah in 1982-2000 and 2006.
You suggest Russia bluffs about its military capability but its nuclear arsenal is well established and its prowess in Syria thwarted another Anglo-American “regime change”. On an extended but related note and paradoxically, over 500 US companies provided the Soviet Union with precious military tech (especially ballistic) during the Cold War.
A direct confrontation between Russia and the US may not be seen on the surface but I am not certain the same can be said on the ground as both sides have covert operarives. In the case of a nuclear war, both sides known that there would be no winner – but does it matter? Both the US and Russia are ran by oligarchs (not politicians) and they only care about their own self interested, not the one of the public.
I agree with Putin being an appeaser. I am not found of his decades-long relationship with Kissinger (the modern-day version of Henry Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia serving the British Empire). As stated by Israel Shamir in a recent article, Putin won’t even dare touching the Yeltsin era oligarchs:
The destruction of Iran before it becomes a nuclear power to then get to Russia (and ultimately China) is absolutely correct. On another related note, the third war in Yemen is fought for England:
Strange as it may seem, the answer is that Britain is scared of Yemen. For Yemen is the sole country on the Arab peninsula with the potential power to challenge the colonial stitch-up reached between Britain and the Gulf monarchies it placed in power in the nineteenth century, and who continue to rule to this day.
I also agree with propaganda leading to war. After all, a military intervention is only the culmination of an ideological war. That said, your statement that the American public is anti-war is confusing. Most of them see nothing wrong and advocate the invasion and killing of millions abroad in the name of “Freedom” and “Democracy”. That said, the American mentality is very much the product of the London Tavistock Institute. Evangelicalism in the US isn’t any different: very much so (racist) British.
You brought up Germany, Israel and the evil of the Jews. Blaming the current global maleovance on Jews alone is being duped. The US is under the control of the same oligarchs who created (British not Jewish) Israel and who subjugated Germany since WW2.
Israel became a nuclear power with the help of France and England in the 60s-70s. Subjugated Germany today providing nuke subs to Israel is only aligned with their original plan:
The policy coincided with the promulgation of the doctrine of “limited nuclear warfare” and “theatre nuclear war” by Dr. Henry Kissinger and James Rodney Schlesinger, at the behest of London’s Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) and the London Inter- national Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). For these gentlemen, the state of Israel was, test-tube-like, to become the first live model of the effects of a regional nuclear war.
p.5: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf
It’s a pleasure to read your comments, Merci !
De rien. I hope to contribute positively.
America is still FUCKING camels in Afghanistan for 16 years now.
Except for your “Putin the appeaser, zionist tool” comments at the end, really a good comment. Your “the traditional ANTI-WAR sentiment of the American people”, was a particularly good point. Hence the need for false flags and/or massive propaganda. This shows how criminal and devious the Senators and rest of the deep state are.
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Do Americans know what is happening in their name?
Americans, for that most part (95%+ of them), have always been clueless.
Brits as well :)
That is so true. You have to go looking for the truth. The BBC won’t tell you.
No British MSM media will. What they can twist ,they do and what they cannot twist, they ignore.
It only took 3% to win the Revolutionary War…BUT! THAT WAS with the SPECIFIC HELP of France…That ain’t happening this time around! And, honestly, it’s PROBABLY CLOSER to 99%…
A lot has changed since then. France is in the pocket of those who instigated the Revolutionary war.
It’s worth noting that the American Civil War was pretty much one facet of the British-centered global monetarist expansion to complete the work begun when the Treaty of Vienna ratified monetarist hegemony over continental Europe.
The 3% figure was concocted by some academic pencil-neck estimating the size of the rebel forces based solely on Continental Army records for military pensions and land bounty claims (land for service) of 80,000. In actuality, well over 100,000 served in the Continental Army alone and twice that many again in local/state militias. Add another 55,000 in the Colonial ‘navy’ of continental privateers, and you can figure maybe 20% of the colonial population participated under arms. Which would pretty much be every free male of fighting age in the 45% of the population that supported independence at the time. I tried to explain this once to a III%er, and that was one time too many.
You forgot they participated on both sides and changed back and forth constantly, the Carolina’s were the worst areas and the Whigs had all the worst Whig commanders leading the British forces back then.Well 7 /10 colonial regiments in New York were on the British side. Thing is at the end it was barely supported by 40% in 1785 the vote of the colonies had two abstainers and only 3 casting 6 votes 5 cast each a single vote were against. John Hancock owed the British crown for evading back taxes on his smuggled goods like many he was an elitist back then. They funded that war with Fiat money. Hard to explain how bad conditions of the continental forces as they were little better than beggars until Russia came along. History is funny when you know what actually happened and not some colorized and sanitized version of it.
I was specifically addressing the preposterous notion that only 80,000 armed Patriots (~3% of the population) were enough to defeat the Loyalists, British Army and Navy, 30,000 Hessian mercs, 20,000 Loyalist African-Americans and most of the Iroquois nation.
That was the exact kind of oversimplified romanticization of Patriots ‘spirit’ and the American Revolution for Dummies that I was taught in school. That was the colorized and sanitized version. It was that version pretty much ignored all the contributions of Catherine II and the Russian Empire. But to understand the nuances of those contributions, one would have to understand what had just happened and what was going on across Europe.
The colorized, sanitized version of the American Revolution was that Britain was a bully that unfairly sanctioned the Colonies with a naval blockade, so a small but dedicated group of Patriots got together to declare independence and kicked King George in the nuts. Oh, and France helped us somehow. The end.
The Treaty of Alliance. France helped you big style.
That was my point. I was being sarcastic.
Sorry, only read the last paragraph. Having read it all, it is good.
Pave Way IV I’m going to go with “Terra Cotta Woolpuller’s stats…LOTS of switching back & forth…General Washington was a disaster until Lafayette et al showed up…And FRANKLY, I think you BOTH make valid points…Yes Terra Cotta, History IS a VERY far fling from the “Silver Screen” presentation…BUT! The people DO NEED they’re Circuses!…The bread comes later…LOL!
We are fed a river of lies, and on the international front, You have 10 people who are ‘regulars’ on Southfront and have those 10 write up ‘what’s happening’ in Syria and I bet you will have 10 different stories! and of the 10 stories of Syria, I’ll wager 11 of them will Blame America, and be using fake names and photos…. So before you attack others try and get your own stuff squared up.
So that is your real photo and your real name is Blucross?
Hahahahah, You got me. If you’re having fun … you’re probably doing it right.
Always lots of fun here at Jihadmin’s site!
It’s not an attack. The relevant governments are not doing it for it’s people, they are doing it for zionists. So before you accuse others, sort yourself out.
I bet not 11 but millions will not blame america but wish to destroy it cause we, the sane, can see where the evil comes from. If I were you I would not jump to defend the criminal state but go and speak to my neighbors, colleagues, relatives and go and protest or sign a petition and tell the government to stop murdering people and destroying societies. Ya, get your stuff squared up.
Look all those sea of lies and propaganda sure are reality but even if you trace back on US using those sea of lies and propaganda shit you’ll be able to see a recurring patterns. Which is what we are seeing now. How many USA citizens thinks they doing a good favor to the world versus how many foreigners would see otherwise ? If you end up having someone loathed you for being American or living up in it’s value do try see from where they are coming from.
Did you know that every years in Japan Okinawa there’s always 2-3 major crimes and thousands of minor offense committed by US military there ? You wouldn’t know if you’re fed by MSM. How about randomly killing and maiming Iraqi after it toppled Saddam ? Guantanamo bay ? Torture ? These are American citizens doing it. Of course not you not someone you’ll know but the fact they’re US American nationals wouldn’t change and for that matter they are not quite wrong when they blamed USA.
By and large North Americans currently know what the Neo-Con colluding MSM tells them – and the constant MSM message regarding foriegn policy is that Israel’s interests, and enemies, are the equivalent of the US’s interests, and enemies. This is of course, is patently false. Israel is a foreign nation state, based on its own idiosyncratic religious-ethno-nationalism, and has no core relationship to the broader project of US Republic history, the US majority population, or the the foundational principles of the US Constitution. But the US corporate MSM peddles an entirely different narrative – contriving and conflating the interests of Israel and the US.
I honestly think that most Americans are so hyped up with the ‘idea of ‘ Exceptional America ‘ that they are mentally unable to grasp what is being done in their name at home and abroad
A disturbing number of them have told me they are the worlds police force. When you consider that their own police force kill Americans at an alarming rate you can sort of understand their mind set.
That’s what happens with a Master Race. Everyone else in the world is disposable. The positive to this is that none of the previous empires with that high opinion of themselves has succeeded to dominate the world.
ONLY those AWAKE & WORRIED that the elite have gone UTTERLY NUTS!!!
Yes, but you evidently don’t.
Did you not get the memo? Being an a$$ is not compulsory.
That’s just it, they do not know, they are told “we are fighting terrorism”, when in fact they fund and arm Al Qaeda, etc.. To the tune of 132 billion dollars according to the PM of Qatar.
It was already known…………………
100% exact!!!
And here I thought that Trump would get us the Heaven out of there…instead, we’re STILL THERE & IN AFGHANISTAN!!!??? STUPID is a mild description…I’m sorry to have to admit I’m an American at times, as my Nations “leadership” continues to PROVE that “STUPID can’t be fixed”!!! The SH*t is going to ULTIMATELY land RIGHT HERE in the U.S. of A.; & be well deserved!
Americans DESPERATELY NEED to read & study the Book of Jeremiah, to REALIZE what danger the “elite” are bringing upon us! Be assured…God ALMIGHTY, & His son & Spirit are NOT PLEASED! We most ASSUREDLY will suffer the consequences of our foolish leadership!
We MUST STUDY Jeremiah 36 through 45 and LEARN what the consequences “We the People…”; MUST REALIZE are coming to destroy our Nation! AND! WE are partially responsible!!! Obedience to God’s command in II Chronicles 7:14 is OUR ONLY HOPE!!!
Sadly, God ain’t going to help.
EXACTLY WHY I SUGGESTED Jeremiah 36 – 40! The ONLY HELP promised is judgment!
If the president of Palestine Mehmoud Abbad was a good person then definitely he would invite Russian, Chinese, Pakistani and Iranian allies to build military bases in Palestine and secure the land of Palestine. This is not possible by just one visit to these countries but when Mahmoud Abbas visit these countries twenty times and trying to solve their problems there then it is possible like Pakistan visit China, Russia, Turkey and Iran twenty times and then trust and friendship developed. Now their army is one.
As long as the migrant state of Israel exist in Palestine then the Middle East countries would be unsecured. Each day there would be bomb explosions they would not be able to develop heavy industries, nuclear power plants and steel mills etc. Therefore, the Middle East countries first need to desmental the illegal state of Israel first before to go to develop any heave industry and nuclear power plants etc in their own countries. They need to first remove Israeli migrants completely from Middle East land.
No names, no sanctions. Useless. Just very cheap talk.
The usual superpower rhetoric. The US support the SDF of course, is he counting these with the Rebels? Because in the US those terms are not equated, and shouldn’t really since Kurdish forces do not necessarily want Assad deposed. Also the Turks have some Rebel groups working with them, but who would support Idlib and other Rebel enclaves that it would be difficult to supply from abroad? The Israelis have some Druze militias securing their border with them, but not militant Islamic would be caught dead getting support from Jews. The Russians are exaggerating a bit here as everyone wants some sort of conclusion to the war, but the terms of peace is what everyone’s hung up on.
The New Media World Order
by Thierry Meyssan
In only a few months, the content of the Western national and international media has undergone profound change. We are witnessing the birth of an Entente about which we know almost nothing – neither the real initiators, nor the real objectives – but whose direct anti-democratic consequences can be noticed immediately.
The West is currently going through an unprecedented systemic change – powerful forces are progressively orienting the totality of media in a single direction. At the same time, the content of the media is mutating– only last year, they were still logical, and tended towards objectivity. They offered one other mutual contradiction in a spirit of healthy competition. Now they act in gangs, basing their coherence on emotions, and becoming vicious when they are facing people they condemn.
The idea of an Entente between the media is an extension of the experience of the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism (ICIJ), which does not unite the media, but only individual journalists. It made itself famous by publishing information stolen from the accounts of two law firms in the British Virgin Islands, and from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the bank HSBC, and the Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca. These revelations were mainly used to discredit the Russian and Chinese leaders, but also, once in a while, to shine some light on genuine offences committed by the Westerners. Above all, under the honourable pretext of the struggle against corruption, the violation of the confidentiality of lawyers and banks seriously damaged thousands of their honest clients without any reaction from public opinion.
Over a period of approximately forty years, we have been witnessing the progressive grouping of media within certain international trusts. Currently, 14 groups share more than two thirds of the western Press (21st Century Fox, Bertelsmann, CBS Corporation, Comcast, Hearst Corporation, Lagardere Group, News Corp, Organizações Globo, Sony, Televisa, The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, Viacom, Vivendi). From now on, the alliance operated by Google Media Lab and First Draft is forging links between these groups, which already enjoyed a dominant position. The presence in this Entente of the three most important Press agencies on the planet (Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters) guarantees it hegemonic power. This is without any doubt an «illicit entente», established not with the goal of price-setting, but mind-setting, the imposition of an already dominant thought.
We may have noticed that all the members of the Google Entente – without exception – have already, over the last six years, given unequivocal visions of the events that occurred in the Greater Middle East. And yet there had been no prior agreement between them, or at least, none of which we were aware. It is intriguing to note that five of the six international television channels which participated in the NATO propaganda cell are part of this Entente (Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, France24, Sky, but apparently not al-Arabiya).
In the United States, France and Germany, Google and First Draft assembled the media present locally in the countries concerned, and others present on the international scale, to check the veracity of certain arguments. Besides the fact that we do not know who is hiding behind First Draft, and what political interests may have influenced a commercial company specialised in computer science to finance this initiative, the results achieved have little to do with a return to objectivity.
First of all because the allegations are not chosen for the place they occupy in the public debate, but because they have been quoted by individuals that the media Entente intends to vilify. We might imagine that these verifications enable us to get a little closer to the truth, but that is not the case at all – they reassure the citizen in the idea that the media are honest, while the people they are condemning are not. This approach is not aimed at better understanding the world, but at beating down the people to be sacrificed.
Next, because an unwritten rule of this media Entente stipulates that only allegations from sources outside the Entente should be checked. The members agree not to use any critical faculty in the mutual appreciation of their work. They agree to reinforce the idea that the world is divided in two – «we» who tell the truth, and «the others» who are liars. This approach is damaging for the principle of pluralism, a precondition for democracy, and opens the way to a totalitarian society. This is not a new phenomenon, because we saw it at work during the coverage of the Arab Springs and the wars against Libya and Syria. But for the first time, it is aimed at a Western line of thought.
Finally, because the allegations that have been qualified as «false» will never be envisaged as errors, but always as lies. The point is to charge the «others» with Machiavellian intentions in order to discredit them. This approach damages the presumption of innocence.
That is why the functioning of the ICIJ and the Entente created by Google and First Draft violates the Munich Charter adopted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) (Title II, articles 2, 4, 5 and 9).
It is no coincidence that certain absurd legal actions have developed against the same targets as those in the sights of the media Entente. In the United States, the Hogan Law has been dragged out for use against the Trump team, despite the fact that this text has never, absolutely never, been applied since its promulgation two centuries ago. And in France, the Jolibois Law has been revived for use against the political tweets of Marine Le Pen, despite the fact that jurisprudence had limited the application of that law to the distribution of a few ultra-pornographic magazines lacking a plastic wrapping. Since the principle of the presumption of innocence for scapegoats has been eradicated, it is now possible to put anyone on trial for any legal pretext. Furthermore, the legal actions mounted against the Trump team and Marine Le Pen, in the name of the laws named above, should also be be brought against a great number of other people – but they are not.
Moreover, citizens no longer react when the media Entente itself broadcasts false allegations. Thus, in the United States, they imagined that the Russian secret services had a compromising dossier on Donald Trump and were blackmailing him. Or, in France, this Entente invented the idea that it is possible to employ a fictitious parliamentary assistant, and went on to accuse François Fillon.
In the United States, the large and small media which are members of the Entente went after the President. They garnered their own information from the wire-tapping of the Trump team which had been illegally ordered by the Obama administration. They work in coordination with the magistrates, who are using them to block the actions of the present government. This is without doubt a Mafia system.
The same US and French media are attacking two candidates for the French Presidential election – François Fillon and Marine Le Pen. To the general problem of the media Entente is added the false impression that these targets are victims of a Franco/French conspiracy, whereas in fact, the instigator is a US citizen. The French notice that their media are rigged, wrongly interpret the conspiracy as being directed against the right wing, and continue erroneously seeking the manipulators in their own country.
In Germany, the Entente is not yet effective, and probably will not be until the general elections.
During Watergate, the media claimed to represent a «Fourth Estate», after the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary. They affirmed that the Press exercised a function of control over the government in the name of the People. We can ignore for a moment the fact that President Nixon was charged with a similar offense to that of President Obama – bugging his opponent. We know today that the Watergate source, «Deep Throat», far from being a «whistle-blower», was in reality the Director of the FBI, Mark Felt. The treatment of this affair was a battle between a part of the administration and the White House, in which the electors were manipulated by both sides at once.
The idea of a «Fourth Estate» supposes that we recognise the same legitimacy for the 14 corporate trusts which own the great majority of the Western media as for the citizens. This is to affirm the substitution of an oligarchy for democracy.
The remains one point which needs clarification – how have the targets of the Entente been chosen? Tthe only obvious link between Donald Trump, François Fillon and Marine Le Pen is that all three hope to re-establish contacts with Russia, and fight with her against the breeding ground of jihadism – the Muslim Brotherhood. Although François Fillon was the Prime Minister of the goverment implcated in these events, all three of them represent the train of thought which contests the dominant vision of the Arab Springs and the wars against Libya and against Syria.
Thierry Meyssan
The breeding ground of jihadism is the Pentagon.
‘Abroad’ instead of ‘Aboard ‘
Is this supposed to be a timely news?
Is this supposed to be a timely news?
So Russia know through its brilliant intelligence where terrorists are getting weapons from.Know why can’t Russia call Niki Halleys UN SECURITY COUNCIL and force USA/NATO expulsion from Syria.We dont want stories we want actions. Stories are for media and propagandists action are for militaries and super power’s.
No Illegitimate none invited invaders should be part of Syrian terrorists action and decision making.If Russia and USA-NATO wants de-escalation zone and close door agreements then their just do it at Russian borders where USA/NATO encircled Russia.
Syrian territory and legitimate land is not USA/NATO and Russia relationship restoration centre.Their must do it somewhere else maybe at their human slaughterhouse agreement rubbish centre call UN SECURITY COUNCIL.
USA/NATO is crying over two Skripals whom their poison on their British land.USA/NATO is crying over Alepo. USA/NATO is crying over Ghouta terrorist.But USA /NATO never cries over ten million people in Damuscus which are shelling and get kill by their terrorist which their protect and evacuate.
USA/NATO never cried over people and cities which their have killed and destroyed,Iraq,Libya,Serbia, Yemen, Japan,Koreans,Vietnam,Yugoslavia, Syria,Raqqa,Afganistan all rapes and killing of soldiers and display women and children without houses.Still their going behind human blood.Where is the Bangi Moon’s, Songi Moons, Kofi Anan and Tea Anans.Where is the true and pure human rights out cry where is the UN outcry.Or is it only for USA/NATO interest.