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MARCH 2025

All-Out Gangs War On The Streets Of France’s Montpellier (Video)

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An armed confrontation between two rival gangs has taken place on the streets of the southern French city of Montpellier.

Shots were fired at the foot of the Assas tower in the Mosson-la Paillade district on November 1, noon, according to local media. Masked gunmen involved in the shootout were caught on tape as they fled the scene.

Local media said that at least one of the gunmen involved in the shootout was injured. He was taken to the Lapeyronie hospital. The extent of his injuries is still unknown.

The shootout scene was sealed off by local policemen, gendarmes from the Operation Sentinel, which is tasked with combating terrorism, and the French National Police.

The incident came amid a wave of violence across France. A day earlier, a Greek Orthodox priest was seriously injured when he was shot by a suspected terrorist in the city of Lyon. Prior to that, a terrorist stabbed three people to death in a Nice church.

French authorities stepped up security measures throughout the country in the last few days to prevent further attacks. The shootout in Montpellier indicates that more serious measures should be taken by the authorities.


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France is no man’s land


…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38b958ac2b83e07c7b58ecf4822018dffd87408ec94377fd27eecefd6431a497.jpg

Jens Holm

Thats exact what France is not and told by Macron.


well… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/437b8bc578bf9fca77faf2ecb7532a39d6a54c8ba03e8519bfc9f1efe46ed7bc.jpg

catalin zt



chiar așa. lol

Jens Holm

I feel fine about that.

catalin zt


Tommy Jensen


Tom Tom

Ha, think more of the satanic star, not the crescent. The muslims will just be doing the satanist’s work for them. Read Albert Pike. But, in the end Jesus returns. He won 2,000 years ago.


if he has a little decency he would resign and give the power to the army, first deport all the Muslim illegals then deport 500 thousand a year Muslims until there will be 2 million assimilated Muslims

Jens Holm

But we cant. No one will take them even if we pay them and the persons for leaving. We try to create jobs, where they come from. Some few jobs here and there are made, but hey have vital problems in almost any kind of devellopments.

So its not about decensy at all.


They can, any illegal can be deported if they actually have the will to do so. Macron is just a globalist pussy who doesn’t have the balls to do so.

Tom Tom

It is his, and his handlers, intention to create this.

Tom Tom

He’s a Rothschild banker, so he instigated this. He worships satan. They don’t want to retain secular atheists, muslims, Christians, or anyone who they don’t see as material for the mark of the beast.

catalin zt

Indeed,in murica the mercenaries of the rich (police) are totally genocidal but that’s cabalkhazarian land… different part of the devil empire , different approach….


by the way..ma cam enervat nefututul ăla cu doua fete (cică armean) care nu vrea sa plece pe front pentru tara lui dar în schimb se ia la harță aici cu toti (inclusiv ortodocși)..


Unlike Borat’s land where you protect from aids by visiting your cousins with rubber in your anus.

Harry Smith

Yep. Gendarmes will investigate! https://youtu.be/Dv6DcDuziYI

Jens Holm

Nice comic. It shows well whats allowed in France too.

Jens Holm

So far I dont know who those shooters are. A guesss would be its no related to drawings as well as they dont use paintballs at the video. .

Servet Köseoğlu

France failed again with its state organs,they need to resurrect Fantomas to take the situation under control.. Rip Louis De Funes… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33118717ab510da263d2782809bf3abec165e6f25f9570145087117bd510b412.jpg


deport 80% Turks from Germany 80% Arabs from France 99% problem finish

Servet Köseoğlu

smells ”white-christian privilege”..how about deporting the one who committed crime with his/her family?

Death to Turks

White Christians are human beings who spread civilization. Muslims and Arabs are subhuman monkeys.


deport TURKS from GERMANY to TURKEY what is wrong with this, why are you so offended get the fkk out to YOUR country

Servet Köseoğlu

Holy moly dude…ı dont get offended.and you can not deport Turks from germany even in your wildest dreams…forget it… tell your stupid arguments to people who are upvoting you not me..and finally since you are in my comment section so you have to obey my rules..noone in this community write f.ck off etc all of a sudden to me..so get out of my room translation:blocked…


snowflake detected

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont like bigots thats all…

Fog of War

” Holy moly dude…ı dont get offended.and you can not deport Turks from germany even in your wildest dreams. ”

Oh really ? One word for you : Reconquista . Its been done before it can be done again.


Servet Köseoğlu

528 years ago!!! you really assume such a radical scenario will occur again all of a sudden in modern era???…do ı have to re-read some eu criminal law? deporting 4 million Turks(ı am not sure how many) not to mention their businesses,immovable properties…

Fog of War

When the fighting starts most will deport themselves. Dont act stupid, history has shown this countless times.

Servet Köseoğlu

fight will not start..lots of Turks has already integrated to Germany..

Jens Holm

Thats right. Most of the Turks there has a function, so it can only be about those, which has not.

Fog of War

I’m talking about Turks, Muslims, Africans, Indians, Asians, and other non indigenous groups. The ” dam ” will break eventually as shown by Muslim ” no go zones “, rising crime rates, gangs, rapes, and racial / cultural friction.

Jens Holm

You really dont get it. Someone – and we are the majority – will be with them agaisnt someone like You.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t trust wiki, on this one.


Anyone who does not like white-Christian standards … stays in his country and does not come to Europe. Europe is the birthplace of the white race … and not the black or yellow race.

Servet Köseoğlu

parmenıus dear, your front-wing is damaged again you need to get a pit stop..every immigrant has to obey the rules where they live without question but deporting %90 is quiet unrealistic..Alice in wonderland?


Everything changes in the world we live in and nothing remains the same. So yes …. after the great war Europe will cleanse itself of illegal immigrants.

Servet Köseoğlu

things dont change go extinct..)))


Here, too, Turkey will change !! It will become Yugoslavia

Servet Köseoğlu

ı see in my crystall ball that 15 minutes ago you were busy in Greek forumS with dissolving Turkey again xD


I do not write in Greek forums ha ha but for a look better at your crystal ball and tell me in 2030 how many millions will be the Kurds in Turkey ??? I know the number … but you will not believe me if I tell you.

Servet Köseoğlu

surprise me how many?


50 million … Turkey will have exactly the same problem as Europe …. is not it an oxymoron ???

Servet Köseoğlu

it would be more realistic if you say Syrians..lol they are breeding with the speed of v12 twin engine..Kurds new generation now maximum 2 children ı assure you..


everything I say is always checked … do you know this song ??


Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont like her songs except ”vuracak”..


xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa

Servet Köseoğlu

rofl hahahahaahah


Roflmao Do-Doo-duh-do-do ROFLmao Do-DOO-duh-do Roflmao Do-Doo-duh-do-do, duh-do-do, duh-do-do, duh-do-do-do do do do doo doo do

:)) :))

Jens Holm

There are no numbers about that at all, so Your estimates only are a kind of roumor from from h old days based on Turkish manipulations using all manipulated data, where Turkmen also are many many more in Syria, then the are.

Pn like me also know, that about 500.000 Syrtians are killed in the conflicts, so estimates has to be adjusted with about 500.000.

And yes Syrians – kurds or not – are many kinds of people and tradition. You often can see the poorer parts making many more children then the rest.

It makes sense to see the uprise againt assads in that context too. Uprisers are unimplyed urbanized farmer and too many very poor in the rural landscape.

So its not about religion as muich as too many here writes but very much about no jobs and no future and decided by Assads.

Jens Holm

Thats crackpipe non sense.

Jens Holm

Your evil estiamtions are highly incorrect. Most Kurds has exact the same birth rate as the Turks.

So if Turkey go from 80 to 100 mio and 20 mio are kurds, they will be 5 more millions and the Turks 15 mio more.

Lowering is the same. The % is kept


Make those greek nationalists feel the pain, brother! Greetings from Selanik.

Guibus Guib

degenerate immigrants (africans mainly) and republicans/democrats (servants of devilish ju-wish ‘free-masonry’ ) will annihilate each other. European christian people just have to be patient and wait for that to happen, they will suffer but it’s not going to be long now.

Jens Holm

I am so tired about that religion crap about chritians. We are sekular states and religion for good reasons is reduced in omportance.

Jens Holm

It depens on relations but we actually deport some few.

Servet Köseoğlu

yes Europe exaggregated the concept tolerance…enough..

Jens Holm

Its not like that here.

The man thing is we take care of Oir own and many muslims actually is born here and not even speak the language for the country the parenets came from.

We also evaluate and compare with other things. If the rest of the family here we cant punish them for what the father has done. Here its of importance that the children by deporting suddenly has not father – even its a bad one.

If the fathers is divorsed its easier to deport.

We also dont allow deportations to countries, where they might be executed for good or bad reasons. Some criminals actually also are political refugees.

catalin zt

Or DELETE the anglo-jewish SCUM races and all this issues will simply cease to exist!

Jens Holm

As written before half of them actually ciontribute very well to those countries. Many takes the low paid jobs, we dont take. You should respect that.

catalin zt

They need to strip citizenship from all monkeys and send them back to mahommadistan!

Jens Holm

I remeber some Belfegor under Louvre as well…

Death to Turks

Macron is letting the blacks and the Muslims run wild in his country and behead and attack his people and commit terrorism thousands of times now. Round them up and kill them or send them back to their countries.

Fog of War

What about the Armenian gangs there ?

Death to Turks

There are none.

Death to Turks

There are also no Armenian terrorist attacks.

Fog of War

Armenian gangs run drugs, prostitution, and extortion rackets. Why should they be allowed to stay ?

Death to Turks

There are none. Muslims and Arabs and blacks and Turks/Azeris are filthy animals degrading France and committing beheadings and terrorism and rapes.

Fog of War

There are none ? You’re full of shit on that one pal.

Death to Turks

Zero. And I don’t care what any Armenian does, the Muslims the Turks the Azeris are the blacks are subhuman scum.

Fog of War

Thats fine if you dont care, but ANY foreigner who breaks a country’s laws should be expelled. Wouldn’t you agree ?

Death to Turks


Icarus Tanović

I do. And this is all Zionist plan. Muslims have lived in France for centuries, and nothing have happened ever like this, ever. This is all Wahhabi savagery.


black’a stay in your ghetto and dont show yourself in public


Part of psyops to open borders to cultures that don’t fit in. Why? Why the prison terms for people who openly fight back? My best guess is it’s a long term operation by Western intelligence groups (controlled by most powerful people) to basically destroy current systems in order to usher in their shining new one.

If you have the attention span, one of best articles getting into the who, why, and how, is written by Winter Oak, which is about Klaus Schwab and his movement he and cronies started at World Economic Forum. Winter Oak has done the hard work reading Schwab’s books to provide valuable info on what is in store for humanity:


Fog of War

Do you mean this psyops ?


Fog of War


Tommy Jensen

Tango Francaise Mayonaise………………………………LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5jBOxjOskg

Tommy Jensen

Chock Francaise………………………………………..LOL.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kms8N6QwsNQ

Icarus Tanović

Fuck you all of Wahhabi dump. In Syria same ones are called “freedom fighters” or “moderate opposition” or “fighters against oppression”, and Al Assad is called the Butcher of Syria. These same animals in Syria are backed by French government, money, msm. Who do you think you’re fooling? So, fuck you once again.

Tom Tom

Secular atheists, the majority in France, and the jihadi’s attacking one another. Crack open a beer in that win/win.

Lazy Gamer

Police needs to crackdown on these gangs. Pursue every cctv video, gun receipt, smuggling routes, background checks, etc.

Doom Sternz

Not a word of what the FUKUS tell us is the truth. Its all just Big Lies after Big Lies…………….

I am referring to the “lies” that the Malaysian aircraft was shot down by Russians. I am referring to the “lies” that the Crimea referendum was illegal and was carried out under threat of guns.

I am referring to the lies that Russia used Novichok to murder an ex spy and his daughter on British Soil. I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein producing yellow cake uranium from Niger, I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein’s milk factories being anthrax facilities ready to bomb the West. I am referring to the “lies” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed an immediate threat to the USA and its “allies”.

I am referring to the “lies” that Muammar al-Qathafi was bombing his own people. I am referring to the “lies” that the Syrian Government was using chemical weapons. I am referring to the “lies” that Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers were rolling over the borders in their thousands.

I am referring to the lies that Russia attacked Georgia in South Osetia. I am referring to the lies that the ‘mujahedin’ were holy warriors and Osama Bin Laden needed US weapons and training to bring democracy to Afganistan.

Its just goes on and on…..Big Lies after Big Lies

Potato Man

Don’t worry guys Emmanuel Macron got this…like the Yellow Vest, Covid-19 & making Trump to come back to the Iran nuclear deal… :) he do be great…failure.


First thing they should do is put Sarkozy in jail, for many years, for starting the demoralization of the french police. He will be tried this November.


this is your future russia, once you cower to muslim dogs they take over and you are cowards


It will only get worse.

Did the Europeans really think flooding their nations with 3rd-world immigrants would culminate with harmonious assimilation and gratitude? Just wait until the critical population threshold is met and these immigrants really begin to assert themselves and make demands.

What idiots and fools.

Антон С

They don’t even know how much immigrants they have. French statistics says that 6-20 million of muslims are in France, because it’s not allowed to put the mark about your religion in documents. If to count by lower plank, 6 million, it’s near 10% of total population. Some people can say it’s not much, that Russia has the same level of muslims in %. But they are not migrants mostly and living here for centuries. There also are up to 12 million workers from the CIS, ~2/3 of them are from the the Middle Asia (uzbeks, tajiks, kirgiz people mostly) and it becomes problematic. France is smaller, but have the same or even bigger numbers.

Антон С

Rise of Frankistanian haliphate. There is a book about this: “The Notre-damme de Paris mosque”, written in 2005. It depicts possible situation in 2048.

James Adams

France needs Proportional Representation and Le Pen !!!

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