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All What You Need To Know About Russia’s MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project

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Developed in the 70s, Put into Service in the 80s, the MiG-31 Fighter Jet Will Soon be Replaced by its Successor

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project

MiG-41 possible look

The purpose of the MiG-31 is the detection and destruction of ballistic and cruise missiles, various aircraft, ranging from the low-flying UAVs to low-orbit satellites. Although this interceptor was developed over 40 years ago and is a 4th generation combat aircraft, its weapons are allegedly capable of striking the American 5th generation fighter, the F-35. The fighter jet can shoot down aerial targets at speeds of up to 5M, which can be detected at a distance of 280 kilometres, thanks to its phased array, which no other plane had at the beginning of this century. The interceptor carries between 5 and 9 tons of payload and its arsenal includes various types of munitions of which, long-range missiles, capable of striking on their own, without external target designation. The MiG-31 may be a flying command post, the update “I” may spot satellites with a maximum weight of up to 160kg at a height of up to 600Km.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project


At the beginning of 2017, the vice-president of Russian United Aircraft Corporation Sergei Korotkov told journalists that work on the MiG-41 fighter continues. According to him, it will be a new generation machine, which will replace the MiG-31 interceptor-fighter jet. Korotkov also mentioned that designers of the Mikoyan Special Design Bureau as well as representatives of other defence enterprises are taking part in the creation of the new machine. Earlier, the commander of the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces Viktor Bondarev was informed on the Advanced Aviation Complex, Long-Range Interception (AAC-LI) project of the MiG-41. He stated that the development of the new fighter interceptor jet is actively being pursued under scientific research, and in 2017 it is expected to start the proto-type. The commander of the Russian Air Force told reporters that the introduction of the aircraft into service is planned for 2025. So far, almost nothing is know about this machine, we do not know any of its characteristics, nor the details of the external appearance of this aircraft. There are only sketches of the prototypes available online. We can only speculate on the range and speed characteristics.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project

MiG-41 possible look

In order to conceptualise the machine, one must understand what tasks the new fighter jet will perform and its weapons system.

Most likely the aircraft will be tested by 2020; meanwhile the MiG-31 is still successfully coping with its tasks and will not become obsolete before the early 2030s. The new fighter jet is developed separately from the AAC-LI T-50 (Su-57), is not its competitor and will fulfil completely different tasks. The high manoeuvrability or stealth tactical interceptor for the MiG-41 is not exactly needed, but ultra-high speed and altitude, essentially new weapons and upgraded on-board radar are just what it needs to destroy ultra-fast targets at high altitudes.

If parallels are drawn with the MiG-31, the appearance of the fighter will change to greater stealth. Armaments may be placed inside. The cannon will most likely be discarded, being ineffective for this aircraft.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project

MiG-41 possible look

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project

MiG-41 possible look

One of the major threats in the foreseeable future for Russia may be the military hypersonic aircraft, whose development is currently actively underway in the United States. The Boeing X-51 hypersonic aircraft project, developed for the “Prompt Global Strike” strategy, can be used as an example. The speed, according to the factsheet, can reach 6 to 7 thousand km per hour. Such weapons systems are capable of being a strategic threat, as they do not necessarily need a nuclear warhead. This type of missiles can hit enemy targets due to their tremendous kinetic energy. The enormous flight speed makes the interception of such targets quite a daunting task. The increasing bellicose rhetoric and unilateral hostile actions from the White House against Russia makes one think that this type of missiles can be adopted as a weapon and the Russian military-industrial complex will have something to answer it with.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project


Currently in Russia the new missile RVV-BD is being developed on the base of the air-to-air long-range R-37, with the dual mode solid propellant rocket propulsion system (solid propellant rocket engine) with a range of up to 300 km. The distinctive features are the active homing head, the high-precision inertial control system using laser gyros, a line of radio control that allows the aircraft to refine the target coordinates with the goal to defeat the enemy from maximum range, significantly improving the parameters of the missile when working with large loads of up to 8 unites.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project


Besides this missile, the KS-172 long-range air-to-air missiles are developed. The basis of the missile was taken from the well-proven 9M83 missile of the ground-based air defence system S-300V. Although the speed of the targeted objectives for this rocket is 4 km/s, its advantage is its long range, up to 400km and the handling of up to 12 units of targets. It is precisely these missiles that the MiG-41 can get if it is adopted. However, it should be understood that when the time comes of introducing them into service, basically new weapons might appear, ranging from fundamentally new air-to-air missile class to laser combat systems that can destroy an aircraft or satellite.

All What You Need To Know About Russia's MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project


In the middle 80s, the USSR was developing and experimenting with modification “D” of the Mig-31 fighter, armed with a complex of anti-satellite weapons 79M6 “Contact”, but it was not adopted, due to the thawing of world tensions and Moscow reached an agreement with Washington to terminate the programme. The United States dreaded the Russian new developments in the system so that in exchange for the cancellation of the MiG-31D, they only tested and did not put into service their own similar system, the ASM-135 ASAT (Air Launched Anti-Satellite). Given the fact that the United States can waive earlier commitments, the Russian Federation may resume the development of this type of weapons based on new technological and fundamental basis.

There is the issue of the “piloting” of the aircraft. In other words, will this fighter jet be controlled by the pilot or be an unmanned aerial vehicle. Given the overload that one experiences at such speeds, the second option seems much more plausible. The problem is that Russia, even in Soviet times, is behind in the field of UAVs. So far, Russia is unable to create even a modern attack drone, and to make a remote-controlled interceptor is a much more difficult task.

The growing tensions in the world, another arms race are forcing the world powers to adopt more and more new systems and weapons systems. The MiG design office has extensive experience in the development of interceptors. Combat aircraft, developed by them, hold world records in height, speed and range.

This text is prepared with help of AlexD

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The USA can’t even develop hypersonic missiles…..so that have slim chances of producing such aircraft (i.e Boeing X-51) successfully.

Tiresia Branding

the bitter us warmonger reality http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2014/08/12/how_long_can_the_us_rely_on_russian_titanium.html


Yet the Russian already have the Zircon! USA very far behind in rocket tech! Very, very far behind! Speed kills!


S-400 is far behind Aegis and THAAD


Aegis is not a missile defence system is a much larger umbrella of communications, electronic warfare and counter EW warfare! Yes Aegis uses missiles to defend but those missiles are not as capable as the S-400! THAAD is perhaps as good as or better than the S-400 but not the S-500!

However there is another missile defence system the US has (but i cant remember its name) that is as good as or better than the S-500!

What i know is there is the Patriot system (short range), then there is Aegis system (for shooting down launched or incoming missiles) then there is THAAD for shooting Incoming only from low space, then there is another system (i cant remember its name but its a four letter Acronym) that can shoot down missiles almost at the half way point!

So if u are to brag and defend the US missile capabilities, it is NOT THAAD u should be bragging about, its the newest system! Aegis is not so great! Has shown some holes! Also i dont think the USA can fully trust its allies anymore such as Europe, Israel and the UK!

I believe the USA can trust Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some European nations! i also believe the Trump and Putin are good with each other! I think if it came to war, Russia will not help China! Russia will keep China close because china is the true enemy of Russia!

Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer!

Why would Russia distrust and turn on China? Because China is very untrustworthy also Russia’s land is the major goal for China! Winning over Russia means China becomes an extreme super power! Russia’s military doesnt just protect from NATO, i believe its more to be used against china!


The already did it many decades ago, for example the X-15 and the Aurora.


Get an education…..to date all American attempts to building a hypersonic missile have failed.


It’s you hou need an education. I haven’t said anything about missiles but about aircrafts, and they already successed with the X-15 and the Aurora. And the missile LGM-30G Minuteman III achieves mach 23, thus is quite hypersonic.


Then you are comparing apples with oranges…the discussions were specifically about development of hypersonic missiles….in which so far all tests have failed miserably for the Americans.


The aegis and thaad interceptors are already hypersonic lel. How hard will it be…?


Yet another American fallacy….to date they have had no successful tests to produce a hypersonic missile at the speeds of Russian missiles (or Chinese)


They have failed in all their tests to date to produce a Hypersonic missile. They will crack it eventually…..but they are several years behind the Russians, Chinese and even the Indians, who are jointly producing the Brahmos-II hypersonic missile.with the Russians.


Funny that the Russians have a problem with armed UAV’s when the Iranians already have theirs. Even if they did have the good fortune that an American one landed in their midst.

Tiresia Branding

in the event of an open war between West and Russia all satellites(and other communication systems) will be jammed and/or destroyed in the first stage, made unmanned vehicles metal crap. It’s so funny? Attacking global drones are useful just to bombing primitive armies and civilians


Still doesn’t mean having UAV’s could have been handy as f*** to the Russians when dealing with Jihadis in Syria and Iraq.

Tiresia Branding

agree with you the jihadis in Golan Heights, Raqqa and Al-Tanf must be destroyed, with their masters: NO DEAL!

You can call me Al

Knock the GPS system out and hey-presto.


just here to add somethin, that drone was hacked by iranians and thats why he landed in iran, intact :)


Even better for them.


I guess that depends on what the author means when he says “modern” attack drone. What exactly is it that makes the Russian attack drones inferior to their western counterparts?


Maybe for the relevant UAV control technology. It’s control systems and subsequent counter measures against disabling electronic warfare. Russia did lacked the US extensive experience in fielding the UAV.


Perhaps, but idk. Iran has decent combat UAV planes. At least good enough to require the U.S. to call in an F-18 to shoot it down the old fashioned way. And if Iran can make them I’m Russia has the capability as well. My gut feeling is that this was a conscious choice for Russia. Perhaps they feel like their limited funds would be better spent on programs like the Sukhoi-57, and the new T-14 Armata tank. And maybe they decided to let Iran handle the fielding and development of UCAVs with the certainty that they would be available (at least in the short term) for the RUAF at a killer price. Or maybe Russians just REALLY love flying their planes the old school way. I’m just throwing every guess I can come up with, so ultimately, I just don’t f-!ng know… :)))


Yes the Achilles heel of the UAV is their remote control system. Without them their action will be predetermined by pre programmed order and some limited counter measure protocol to protect themselves. Both are theoretically resolved by turning it into self controlling A.I allowing it a greater degree of freedom of action and autonomy. The problem is how humans can make sure it’s not going to work against what they wished them to.


Russian development projects for UAVs are almost done. Soon Russia will have many modern UAVs.

John Whitehot

oh please, the first two “concept” pics have been published on youtube by photoshoppers and are made by people who have no clue on aeronautics. There’s no way it’s gonna have that kind of air intake. The usual dirt cheap propaganda.

John Whitehot

One of perhaps half a dozen, put around by some spastic in Langley or Lvov. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_euW9PBus8

fuck this shit.

it’s been made to make the plane look like old Mig-21s to give it that “old and obsolete bad Soviet Russia” appearance so people like you can jerk off over the F-35 and keep thinking it rules, while Lockheed Martin takes the bread from your children’s mouthes and your daughters must sell themselves to study economics at the university.

An air intake like that won’t be able to support 1/20 of the flow needed by two engines deemed to produce hypersonic thrust.


Yeah the intake way too small. I think i have this delta winged airframe from the web.


Please, like Cher, comment. Last line)))


Those first two concept pics do kinda look like someone just mashed up an old school MiG-21 nose intake and wing profile with a generic stealth fuselage cross section…

John Whitehot

it’s a collage of a F-35, a SU-57, and that new Iranian fighter (can’t remember the designation sry).

To that, they cut the nose and make it “sink” in the fuselage like it’s 1965.

In the end, it would be positive exercise for some elementary school kid learning photoshopping techniques, but presenting this as legit to people that has studied, or has basic understanding of aerodynamics sounds almost insulting.

Deo Cass

The Russian weapon the US dreads most is the electronic jamming electro magnetic weapons like the Khibiny. In this field Russia is ahead of the US and even stealth technology is incapable of stopping the invisible electro magnetic waves which completely disable all electronic equipment on an aircraft, ship, tank or command post. In other words, a Mig 31 with the Khibiny electronic suite can destroy any enemy satellite or aircraft without firing a shot.

Solomon Krupacek

In this field Russia is ahead of the US



Solomon says.

Solomon Krupacek



Solomon has a BSC in bullshit and jhouish stupidity….attached to the terrorist jhouish Hasbara University of Luci fer!!

Nigel Maund

Oh yeah! You an advanced defence physicist then? ….. I think not! Just some damned fool jingoistic opinion you appear to be specialise in!

Solomon Krupacek

i had exam from phisics. and hard exam. + i know detailly the russian capabilities.

Promitheas Apollonious

do you now. Your exam you had was for first grade? or preschool. You don’t sound, like you know what you talking about.

Solomon Krupacek

because you are stupid. you must grow up to my level. :P

btw., in europe is not the shitty american school system, there are no final exams in first grade.

in europe exams are colled exams on universities.

Promitheas Apollonious

grow down you mean kid. And I am not an american shit4brains. And in what language you took the exams Turkish? Because your english are from a preschooler. How old are you 10?

Nigel Maund

Utter bullshit you’re not even high school material as indicated by the fact you can’t spell or construct a sentence in the English language. You’re essentially illiterate as all can see who read your commentary here.

Solomon Krupacek

stupido, i learned english alone. so, go and lick the ass of your boss.


In which area? What institution would accept an !d!0t like you working in ANY area of human knowledge? Don’t be ridiculous…


Solomon is a janitor.




Why don’t block this poor $toopeed zionist Solomon? I did it just now.


and you base your never to what, hollywood movies? because one who knows, explain also where the never comes from.


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Google is paying 97$ per hour,with weekly payouts.You can also avail this. On tuesday I got a brand new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $11752 this last four weeks..with-out any doubt it’s the most-comfortable job I have ever done .. It Sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it !dn172d: ➽➽ ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleNetJobsRoyalWorkFromHome/more/cash… ★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫:::::!dn172lhhhhh

Bird of Prey

I always enjoy reading posts by commentators who don’t know what they’re talking about. Very entertaining, thank you!

Emilia M.

There is one thing that hasn’t changed in decades: Russian, Iranian, and similar trolls, always expound the greatness of Russian weaponry. At least until such a time as western weapons systems completely annihilate the Russian ones in actual warfare. Then such trolls are stunned into silence for a year or two before they start spewing the same nonsense again.

Polopa Weki

As if the Vietnamese experience isn’t enough. US? Sissies..


American avionics are designed to survive EMP weapons. The F-16 has a DU shield protecting a backup computer to reboot systems in case they went down. That was developed in the 1970s. In the 1990s, jets avionics switched to hardened microprocessors, microchips That are shielded from EMP attack.

I can’t say I know anything about recovery times, or lingering effects on wires and motherboards. But I’m sure these systems were tested before production runs.


They are working to replace the elecric circuites with optical fiber now


this beautiful amazing jet will be capable of flying into space, 4-5 times speed of sound, AI, as well as LASERS!!! WILL BE RUSSIA’S FIRST STARFIGHTER!!! :)))

Solomon Krupacek

r u sure? :DD


Yes 100%

Solomon Krupacek

you look too much the star wars. and were too few on lessons of physics :)



Solomon Krupacek

i love star wars, too. but i know, this is science-FICTION :)


Il ya tarasenko, director general of MiG corporation, said these things, it will have lasers for shooting down missiles and use ramjets to achieve such speeds in spaces, can also be turned into a drone and uses AI

Solomon Krupacek

jey, and this will be easy, beacuse of the russians are the masters of microtechnologies :DDD


They were the first to install in successfully fire a laser weapon from a plane, long before americans.


Besides I read it on sputniknews it was official article from russian govt

Solomon Krupacek

russians are big talespeakers :)

classical engines does not allow higher spedd then 2-4 mach. 4 mach is absolute border. scream jets allowe higher. but these are practically rockets. the really interceptor versions of mig-25 were also modified rockets. after several flies the engine went wrong. the physics is physics. its laws were not able to change the communists. nationalists also will fail. :))


It uses ramjets I think to achieve this

Solomon Krupacek

ramjet is not enough for ramjet you need hig velocity. to reach that velocity you will need seond engine. 2 engines, strong laser (15-25m3), this will be not starfighter, but destroyer of empire. :))

i think, is much more effective normal interceptors with hypersonic AA missiles.

btw., you forget the satellites. such planes like this mig-41 are easily detected. and laser from above shoot they down.


Classical engines=? If you mean jet engine you’re dead wrong. A rocket is not just a fast moving body, study that too. You and physics are just like two parallel lines: they never meet.

Solomon Krupacek

jet engines, guy. learn first something about planes


Normal jet engines go as far as 5-8 Mach. Scramjets go to 15 Mach. You don’t even realize how stupid you are. Never mind physics or anything else, ur a lost cause. Too stupid to asses ur own level.

Solomon Krupacek

no way! 3-4 mach


Idiot! Study more about nitrogen in the air. Surprise, you didn’t know the reason for speed limit, did you? Ur a physics illiterate retard.

Solomon Krupacek

oooo, nitrogen! you are educated, that you know, there is N2 in atmosphere :DDDDD


Ok, idiot. Now tell me what happens with air pressure as Mach figure grows, then tell me what happens to nitrogen as pressure grows. You only know there is nitrogen in atmosphere but have no idea about why the Mach limit on jet engines, IDIOT!


Next lesson idiot: A rocket can travel in space. Practically, LOL!

Solomon Krupacek



Hey idiot, a jet engine can’t travel in space. Not low speed, not high speed. Got it loser?

Solomon Krupacek

you are loser,not me. i tell you, it is not enough to have rocket engine. and 2 different engines are not able to build in in really functional battle-fitted plane.


Space you idiot, SPACE! Like between Earth and Mars loser. “functional battle-fitted plane”, LOL, what a loser.


At lasers Russia is behind USA


lol…i very much doubt that!!!!


Okay, something is up with that photo of the X-51. I have a feeling that model is not it and if it is, it will not fly very well. It is a very strange looking piece of work. Just my take.

Solomon Krupacek

Russian modernistaion AD 2017:


Sorry, but this can not to be missed. :)


Solomon …u r a stupid jhouish cunt!!!

Solomon Krupacek

not me, you! because you ignore the reality :DDDD


Mmm a super Mig-21? Dunno about that.

Rodney Loder

Visual detection will always detect stealth, that’s because the brain of any system must rely on sight and to hide from sight is impossible because touch itself is an image to a decoration tangible is just working out.

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