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All You Need To Know About Modern Ukrainian Culture (Video 18+)

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A Ukrainian blogger came up with nothing better than to make a blog about how does he eat a piece of meat from an alleged Russian soldier’s bone. For human meat he went to Gostomel, where in one of the tanks he claimed that found the remains of a soldier (not the first freshness) and decided to eat them.

Later some sources claimed that these were the remains of a Ukrainian T-64 tank, that a madman ate his compatriot.

It is still not clear if the bone was a really of a human one, the only one left in the tank. The fact is that the Ukrainian guy claims that he ate the meat of a Russian soldier and that it was the best day in his life. This demonstrate the real level of the modern Ukrainian culture and the hype which young Ukrainian TikTok stars gain promoting the cannibalism.

“The weather was nice and I decided to go on a sortie in Gostomel for trophies.
I am inside the tank and I found… you know, not just something very valuable, but something priceless!
Look at that! You wouldn’t know what it is in this pile of burnt junk. But if we look closely, we’ll see that it’s a human bone. With the meat of a Russian soldier!
He demonstrates off the bone and bragging: this is one of the best days of my life, it’s just… I can’t even describe how happy I am!
I decided to take the bone home to process it and make a knife out of it in the future, and the meat… well, you’ll see!
I want pizza!
Boils the bone: this is probably going to sound crazy now, but the meat that’s left, I want to try it!
I know how it sounds, but agree, I’ll be the first person to taste a Russian soldier in this war. It’s not a bad “chivka” (note: from slang means food) I think!
Yes, it’s weird, BUT…why not!
Here’s what we have, the meat is already separating easily, so now I’ll separate it from the bone and put the meat on the grill.
Now we’re going to grill it a little bit and then we’re going to try it!
In the top of the craziest things I’ve ever done, this will now be at number one and I don’t even know what could “beat”.
Okay, I’m going to take this off (off the fire), because it’s already starting to burn.
Here’s what it looks like, the exact same piece without the “staging” now I’ll post it and we’ll try it.
He picks the meat with a knife: here is feeling a little smell, such specific, I do not even know how to explain to you. This is the kind I did not feel.
Again, I’ll leave this for the cats to eat, and that’s my portion! I’ll also have dessert!”

Video segment with another blogger, “basically everything will be happening in front of your eyes, enjoy your meal!”

“So.. let’s start with the main course. I didn’t take the water, but that’s okay.”
Takes a piece of meat, sniffs it: “Well, it smells so-so!”
Takes a bite.
“Swallowing…” Laughs: “Now I’m officially a cannibal! Not much disgust, I wouldn’t say it’s super gross. I’ll try it again! I mean, I’m not repulsed by it.
*****, the piece is fried! This one is really bitter – yuck!” Gives the piece to the cat.
“This one was very bitter, but this piece I ate first was softer.”
The cat grabs a piece of meat from plate, the blogger in delight: wow, did you see that?!!! Good!
Let’s still see what happens to me tomorrow, whether I get poisoned or not, keep an eye on Instagram and Telegram for that, link in the description.
I don’t think I did anything wrong or wrong. I didn’t eat a person, I ate a monster!
Lest you say I didn’t eat enough or it’s “staged” here I am eating another bite. It’s like beef, only with a taste of human. Not tough, but it’s so cooked and baked twice.”
Eats chocolate: “Regular dark chocolate. It’s the best thing in Russian dry rations… Besides Russian soldiers.” Laughs.
“God, how many jokes I can make now! I’m just now realizing that.”

Video segment with another blogger: “I would like to wish everyone to eat only healthy, pleasant, tasty, fresh food and of course put a LIKE, it does not cost you anything, well, as I said, it is nice to me, base feeds.”

“And what consequences awaited me after such a wonderful dinner can see in the full video on YouTube, if it is not already blocked there. If it’s blocked, wait for it here.
Also remember (with irony), it’s all not real and blah blah blah!”


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Dick Von D'Astard

Just lost for words…


Maybe it’s the same situation in the Azovstal plant tunnels.

Death to the ukraine

Hohol pigs are desperate, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they are involved in satanic rituals involving cannibalism and torture thinking that moloch will give them power, just like their jewish overlords

jens holm

Its the real world for many retired in Russia. After 70 You are in a lottery.

Its named Boil Mariotte

Its inspired by Puting having too much gas and problems with his pressure.

Its standard equiment for the Russian army. The massgraves are fake.

Khazar Agent

I heard that they are adoring Baphomet. Adoring of Moloch (Molek) is reserved for guys gathering in Bohemian Grove at Russian River in California.

Pamfil Military Academy

Neo-liberal satanist agenda ongoing. No reaction from the religious banderapizdan leaders or from the civic society. Terror country 100%

Pamfil Military Academy

Yea, talmudians fake ‘gius’ inspiring others how to obey and serve better lucifer, the Satan.

G2 man

The terrorists hiding in the sewers of Azovstal are worse and mostly inhuman Nazis and must be eliminated, they will pose a far greater danger to Russia and humanity if even one of the cannibals is allowed to live; Russia must all its might and weaponry to eliminate such sewer vermin.


Bonza comment mate, kill these seppo slaves uki arseholes.

jens holm

The story is a fake. Those nazis has grown mushrooms there for years. They now and then detonate and make clouds.

Pamfil Military Academy

I told this from the day 1. No azovites animals must let alive ! This is an infection. Look, on what level of decadence this satanic order plunge Ukropizdan in the last 8 years. This is a plague which will infect any proximity. Russia is at maximum risk.


In the Donner pass section…

jens holm

And You have no arms and legs?

Karl Wolfe

No women down in those places but lots of young men, you can guess what they do down there to whomever they trap. Just pump water in 24/7 . Or use methane gas , pump it in, let it fill up and then ignite it. That should clear it out quickly and reduce loss of valuable soldiers and civilians.

Karl Wolfe

In fact use the Liquified Bottled Natural Gas being shipped in from the States. That’s poetic Justice 😁


Rats do eat each other.

G2 man

Actually, one should not be surprised by any revolting perverse actions of the so-called Ukrainians who since the break-up of USSR have been totally infiltrated, brainwashed and steeped in sheer corruption, hatred and perversity by the Jews and western hypocrites, especially the debased Americans and British devious historical bastards.

Ukraine is morally bankrupt at all levels and corrupt to the core and its only export and major franchise for the past three decades has been whoring, human trafficking, pimping. money laundering and drug trafficking.

President Putin’s initial speech and goals of operation Z were very noble as to clean this cesspit of debased savagery of drug addicts, pimps and prostitutes. Now it is NATO base for the destabilization and attacks on Russia. The average Ukrainian is basically sub-human species of a vile nature under the total control of global Zionism and Bilderberg global plunderers, so such inhuman behavior should be expected and will only get worse as these savages emulate their US criminal masters and the Zionist Jew vermin and their brutality in Palestine.

The only real option, even though costly is for Russia to finish the job of cleansing Ukraine and incorporating most of it in the Russian Federation, where it belongs as integral part since the advent of Kievan-Rus in 863 AD. Russia has no choice and an obligation to its own noble people and civilized world to destroy these Jew infested Ukrainian cannibals. However, Russia can not treat such disgusting savages with kid gloves and needs to use maximum force. Such vile disgusting savages should not entitled to live amongst humans.

jens holm

Those Jews has a hard job. They are less then 100.000.

Are they at the toilet 24/7.

You come from a barking mad world.

Khazar Agent

Word “Jews” was invented in 18th century, please use the original word: KHAZARS

Pamfil Military Academy

Totally correct.

Pamfil Military Academy

Ukropizdan needs FOAB’s ! A lot of them. Putin is too soft. For that reason, and not others, I suggested many times A Jirinovski was better suited. I expressly put A because it’s figurative.


Nazi scam! They should be utilized as regular rubbish.

Russia's Operation Decannibalization

ISIS heart eaters have nothing over Ukrainian cannibals.


The Libyans were drained of their blood.

UkrOrks Uruks

They are not human beings. Mutants and Abomination.

G2 man

They are both the creation of the same US criminal savages and trained by CIA, so the inhumanity and barbarity is the same.

Ashok Varma

Russia must destroy and eliminate every one of these US and UK trained savages. JAI RUS!

jens holm

Sure jail Russians east of ural. Those are not Europeans at all.

jens holm

Thats right. Ukras are better in fresh meat export. People think they buy pigs even they now and then find a weddingring or wheels from wheel chairs.

Ukras always say those leftovers comes from the employed ones.


typical ukrop scum

jens holm

Your lives matters. You are minus.

new york

ukraine is just not sustainable. it is a lenin’s frankenstein patchwork project gone wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by new york
jens holm

We have small boys doing that too. But they are not allowed to have tanks and ballistics.

Omas Bioladen

Fully americanized.


Mentally ill I hope Russians and Chechens see this …


Ucrania is a nazi-news terrorist estate.

jens holm

In which country?


Even if this is a hoax, a stunt, or a madman, it reveals the abysmal depths White Western culture will sink when their privileges are threatened.

F. Sionil Jose: “Colonialism subdues in many dulcet guises. It conquered under the pretext of spreading Christianity, civilization, law and order, to make the world safe for democracy.”

jens holm

We saw that all the way to west of Berlin as well as to Vladivistok.


Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

The US, now and always, makes allies of the most corrupt, violent collaborators. Recently, US trained military yahoos have committed 8 coups in West Africa. ‘Los Zetas’, Mexico’s worst narco gang were trained and armed by US ‘special forces’. Honduras, where democracy was recently restored after a US-OAS coup installed a president and family now facing decades in US prisons for drug trafficking. El Salvador, where ex-President Cristiani is facing murder charges for the executions of 6 Catholic priests, housekeeper, and her young daughter that advocated for negotiations and peace. NAYOYO welcomes military coups and death squads everywhere so long as it favours corporate greed and terrifies people with human rights violations. Only the most savage, racist, drug-dealing monsters are embraced as worthy NAYOYO allies because they have NO LOCAL support, and know their future depends on following CIA instructions.

Tim Wise: “Here’s the reality. The image of a white Jesus has been used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally millions of human beings whose lives have been snuffed out by people who conquered under the banner of a white god.”


It is TRUE that the US/UK/F use the most barbaric of men and when these enter hell, their form will become like grotesque deformed animals. and they must Be barbaric utterly but they eat kids blood, chrom something. Why are you blaming Jesus? We should stop believing lies and pretending that evil does not exist.

Pamfil Military Academy

In fact semitic peoples were not white peoples by definition. White peoples means caucazian, and can see difference.

Cannon Fodder

NATO can supply the McDonalds GMO special sauce. Eliminate with extreme prejudice every single one of these Satanic fuckers!


Twist: it was an Ukrainian tank! This sick degenerate cannibal pig ate his own!



karma 👍

Peter The Ungrateful

Is there another version of the video where the outside of the tank is visible? I cannot find the scene which shows the wheels.

jens holm

You are told. I can only see it as propaganda to cover own barbarisme. with fogh and dirt.

Rob Howard

Purely satanic behavior. Thank God that Russia is cleansing the earth of these creatures


Ah well, when Putin was complaining about the cannibals in Syria eating dressed out Christians, they were shipped to Europe to get treatment for Kiru, a brain disease caused by cannibalism.

Karl Wolfe

No cure for that: it eats their brains in a really horrible way that you have to see it to fully understand the nightmare of that illness. It’s a type of misshapen protein that attacks the brain. When it goes to work it’s like a person having strokes and clots all over the entire surface of the brain. Once you see it you’ll never ever forget it.

Icarus Tanović

The so called democratic World needs to see this. From Syria hearteating monstrosities to ukrops. Same scripts.

Peter The Ungrateful

Makes one wonder who writes that script, doesn’t it? Why can’t I shake the feeling that there are some sick fuck authors of “Manuals” in the editorial office of the CIA?

Karl Wolfe

Martin Sheen the actor has been outspoken about the evil training that soldiers receive from what used to called The School of the Americas at Fort Benning in Georgia, USA. They teach all sorts of the most inhumane and cruel tortures to governments who send their soldiers there to “learn from the Americans”. They end up psychopath murderers working against their own peoples when they go back to their countries. Our government teaches the most illegal and brutal tortures ever conceived upon this Earth. All while pretending that its a “democracy” here. People are catching on to their lies.

jens holm

Very narroeminded You only see it for CIA.

So much here is higly biased by Russia supported by the darks made from there.

jens holm

We do. We dont have those many limitations You assume.

Much aas You have it for Our good parts.

Icarus Tanović

And you can take it, like norm?


OMG, ISIS Reborn


ladies and gentlemen, the real orcs exist and are ucranians


I’d hate to be a fat soft pasty Brit in azovatol metal plant when the Ukies start getting really hungry.

Scientism Is A Cult


So to all the little pro GloboPedo trolls running around here comparing Russians to “Orcs,” (looking at you, Boggs, and Hans, and numerous other evil little trolls) let’s get this straight:

Did the “Men of the West” (eg. Rohirim, Numenorians, etc.) eat the flesh of their compatriots? No?

Who did? Oh, that’s right: the Uruk-Hai, the Orcs, the Goblins.

So, are you going to try to backpedal and insist this was a hoax? Are you? Because this is in front of the whole world. Plain as day. A “Ukranian” just ate one of his countrymen, who died “defending his country.” Even if, (which is not possible, as the Russians don’t use the T-64 any longer) it -was- a Russian tanker: the Men of the West are not cannibals.

The servants of evil, of Sauron, are.

I see evil, and I object to it. This is GloboPedo (NATO and the Crown and its captive popuations) vs. Civilization.

Karl Wolfe

You better believe that who’s behind it, all of it worldwide.


Great comment. I firmly believe that we can learn a lot from Tolkien, something you just proved.

Icarus Tanović

And who’s behind scientism too…

Captain Hohol

Satanic peoples need to be exterminated.

jens holm

I have a pee in others pant only site. Its a kind of sport.

My favorite color is yellow

Gruesome Karma

Anti Tank Ammunition is made of Depleted Uranium, largely known to cause DNA damage. I wish good luck for this guy, eating the soldier’s meat killed by DU ammunition, and waiting for the consequences for the upcoming years.


Only certain sabot rounds, as well as some rare 25-30mm cannon rounds. I don’t think RU is using these, and hopefully hohols not either, as that would contaminate their own land.

Modern sabot rounds are so well engineered that tungsten is very much sufficient, and DU would not offer an advantage in most cases.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

Repeat after me: orcrainians are white ISIS.


When a society turns cannibal at the service of their owners from the angloZionaZi empire of shit you know it has to be culled and quickly. However, rotten as rump Ukropland is, it pales in comparison with USSA and Natostan. When a country is corrupted to the bone as is USSA, with its cadaver in chief and pedovore pappy of raving drug addict “hunter” predator biden the lesser scion of the Biden crime family…then you know this will get very very bad in the ongoing global collapse of the chosenite “system”.


That’s the sort of stuff brainwashed people do. Now their completely desensitized and need to be put down.

Shoot on site.


Jesus christ

Is this one of the Dnipropetrovsk maniac brothers who just been released from prisons to help fight the Russians, by any chance? Lots of psycopath genetics in Ukraine

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