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Alleged Airstrike Targets “Iranian Forces” In Deir Ezzor

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Alleged Airstrike Targets “Iranian Forces” In Deir Ezzor

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

‘Mysterious’ warplanes have carried out an airstrike on a gathering of Iranian forces in western Deir Ezzor, the Deir Ezzor 24 blog reported early on October 11.

“Mysterious warplanes struck with missiles a gathering of Iranian militias that was stationed between the al-Halabiyah roundabout and the town of Alhuseineah in the western Deir Ezzor countryside,” the pro-opposition blog said in a short press release.

The alleged airstrike was not confirmed by any other source, which suggest that Deir Ezzor 24’s claims are false. The outlet spread fake news may times before.

Last month, Israeli warplanes attacked a supposed Iranian missile site in southern Deir Ezzor at least twice. The first wave of airstrikes took place at September 9, while the second occurred eight days later.

These Israeli attacks and the repeated rumors of airstrikes in Deir Ezzor are likely aimed at disturbing the situation in the governorate, where a key crossing with Iraq was reopened last month.

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Mysterious USA or/and Israel warplanes.

Free man

Or / and Saudi warplanes Or / and it didn’t happen


…or just a rumor to boost the spirit of the losers?

Free man

In most cases, these are just rumors coming from both sides.

opet ja

Mysterious no air defense in that part of Syria.. Syrian air defense covers west and maybe north west. Fighter aviation is too small, no air bases in east and south east to receive them.

Tommy Jensen

US use Israel as proxy. Israeli air-fighters can fly and bomb freely anyone all over Syria. Kremlin has instructed Russian military in Syria that protection of Israel IDF has first priority over anything else.


What an humiliation for Iran this is the fifth time in 2 months that they are bombed over there. And do not bother about proof Israel will give you again the pictures before and after. Better then pussy and traitor Trump who only talks and then change his mind to do nothing any more the Israelis talk less but do it and how.the Persians stand there looking butt naked.

Rhodium 10

No confirmed by Syrian goverment and Iran….the mysterious war planes were Russian SU 35( accord Russian aviation web) which are flying near Al Bukamal where Russian troops are also deployed.


Junk news I think. It is claimed but, notarially happening. US and Israeli intel in Syria at this point is probably spent.

Jacob Wohl

IDF F-35’s proving themselves yet again! SDB-39 and GBU-12 smashing some IRGC targets!

Jacob Wohl

Israeli F-35’s completely undetectable by Syrian S-300s or Russkie S-400s

Jacob Wohl

Stealth is invincible and undetectable

Jacob Wohl

So get over it, people


Just you wait I’ve got a feeling the Russian are there just to protect you once they turn your fucked


Can I ask why you want to smash iran

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