Originally published by ZeroHedge.
Iranian state TV on Friday afternoon (local time) reported “unprecedented chaos” at train stations across the country, leading to cancelations, immense delays and confusion impacting hundreds of lines after what’s being reported as a potential cyber attack.
Reuters reports as evidence of a hack that a phone number for the Ayatollah’s office was posed in place of a national train services hotline: “Train services in Iran were delayed by apparent cyberattacks on Friday, with hackers posting the phone number of the country’s supreme leader as the number to call for information, state-affiliated news outlets reported.”
Fars News reports that hundreds of trains in #Iran have suddenly been cancelled today, speculating about a cyber attack on railway computer systems. pic.twitter.com/6eSiWTpfgu
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) July 9, 2021
State-run Fars News initially reported “Long delays due to cyberattacks,” but provided little in the way of further confirmation.
Further details are being reported in Bloomberg as follows:
Departure notice boards showed blanket cancellations and carried the message “long delay following cyber attack,” the national broadcaster said, adding that the disruption to Islamic Republic of Iran Railways’ computer systems also affected station entrances and exits as well as ticket booths.
The national rail company’s website, www.rai.ir, wasn’t loading as of 7.50 p.m. in Tehran. Iranian state TV didn’t say where it got the information.
#Iran; hundreds of trains have been delayed or cancelled, the websites of the Iranian Railways Compony, ticket sale agents, luggage control systems are down. The arrival-departure board says the disruptions are the result of cyberattacks. #Israel ?? pic.twitter.com/hcwyy4dTAy
— Fereshteh Sadeghi فرشته صادقی (@fresh_sadegh) July 9, 2021
Iranian officials have in the recent past blamed Israel and the United States for frequent cyberattacks on national infrastructure, in addition to the latest ‘sabotage’ incidents on nuclear and oil sites, often blamed on Israeli intelligence.

The Islamic Republic’s national transportation network has further struggled over the past years of Trump-era sanctions against multiple major industries, leading to decaying infrastructure.
Just a few late trains, but more than a few Zionist cowards ships will sink lol
‘israelis’ dancing in joy at their successful attack on civilian infrastructure.
Iranians have proven themselves the Moral Superiors of the jews and their gulf arab satraps in the middle east.
They have already won the moral war. Victory in the real war is assured.
Except the jews believe they “are god” and therefore “above morality” itself because of Kabbalah.
Rabbi: Gentiles Are The Worlds Garbage https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/jews-believe-they-are-gods:e
@2:40 min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered USA https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Israeli-Spies-+-Blackmailed-Politicians-+-Controlled-Media—A-Conquered-America—KMN:c
Jew Loves Putin https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/putins_jews:a
Putin is on good terms with Chabad Lubavitch in Russia and Israel, they often promote jewish supremacism and speak about non-jews as “scum”.
Vladimir Putin told me a personal story in the Kremlin: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=youtube+beral+lazar+putin&t=opera&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos
“In 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an edict to honor him with the Order of Friendship. This award was presented for the contribution made by Rabbi Lazar to developing culture and strengthening friendship between nations within Russia.”
Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi: “The messiah will return only once Edom -Europe, Christianity –will be totally destroyed” https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Chabad-Lubavitch-Rabbi–The-messiah-will-return-only-once-Edom–Europe,-Christianity-%E2%80%93will-be-totally-destroyed:0
Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Jewish-Kabbalah-Zohar-'Exterminate-All-Non-Jews‘:3
Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits Non-Jews https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Judaism-is-Anti-Gentile-Exploits-Non-Jews:6
Why don’t you study cabalist numerology as seen on 9/11? Don’t simply copy/paste endless links. Learn for yourself.
Will do. :)
Jewish Kabbalah: Exterminate-6-million-Non-Jews-per-day until all Gold is ours. This is what the Kabbalah says in its scriptures. You refuse to believe it and say it cant be true, but its a fact with reason and also logic! Search and read many books and you will find the truth.
It’s called the Zohar. I.B. Pranaitis presented relatively brief details on the magnitude of jewish scriptures in the introduction to his book ‘The Talmud Unmasked’.
Modern translations are among the least reliable, they occasionally admit intentionally censoring the most revealing aspects of their texts.
American Jew’s foreknowledge of WW2 in 1937: https://bit.ly/3e5UWXS
A rabbi “admits” that Jews are “inter-dimensional aliens” who were sent on a mission to conquer planet Earth to enslave humanity, of course the extraterrestrial part is metaphorical.
How the Kaifeng Jews in Ming China worldtruthvideos.org/watch/how-the-kaifeng-jews-destroyed-ming-china_VVVMbsHQjojtf5Y.html
How the Jews Destroyed China With Opium: worldtruthvideos.org/watch/how-the-jews-destroyed-china-with-opium_GzKi6quWJQEMKSx.html
Jews in Germany Discuss How to Subvert Poland & Destroy the Polish People https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/German-Jews-discuss-how-to-subvert-Poland-and-destroy-the-Polish-people:3
Jacques Attali (Jew): “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population…” https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Psychotic-Jewish-Supremacist:a
“Jerusalem … It’s a nice spot for a World Government,” says Jacques Attali https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/jacquesattali/
Rabbi: “Jews Should Marry [Only] Jews” https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Rabbi-JewShouldMarryJews:4
What the Jews Think About the Gentiles by Phil Young https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/WhatTheJwsThinkAboutTheGentiles-Phil-Young:d
Candid Israeli author, Yossi Gurvitz: ‘When Israel Is Mighty’ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Yossi-Gurvitz–When-Israel-Is-Mighty:c
Iran hacks Zion every military and some Zion infrastructure from time to time, funny thing, I remember reading about Iran hacking Zion rail network a few years back and much more. It took Zion a few days after Iran made the story to civilians about hacking Zion infrastructure.
Also, how much money yanquis gave hackers just a few weeks back?
American clowns are still sore after the pipeline attack and the IT company kaseya was hit. Hundreds of companies affected.
Shouldn’t you be out shopping for cucumbers instatard?
Ah , is that why the shops never have any big ones now. Jens has been shopping already.
😂 jens is up early for his lgbt group.
Jens PLEASE verify if this is your instagram account, only thing you need to do is take a short look: https://cutt.ly/WmEkSuV
Probably not as his would have pics of near naked men sitting on bicycles … unless he is just trying to trick us.. Then again his profile pic could be from 20 years ago when he looked healthy.. although it does look like he has just come out from behind the park toilet block. The jury is out.. Jens front up with the truth … Mind you that would be a little like expecting Jesus to walk on water again with those holes in his feet from last time.
jens my dear friend pleeeaaase look at this instagram profile: https://yip.su/2wCJn6
I hear jens is busy right now peaking through windows in his local suburb. He prefers “life partner” couples.
At this point the Iranian situation is getting boring, Their counter intelligence system must be very inept.
About as inept as you who can’t recognise the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas.
More Israeli and US cyber terrorism,and they have the brass balls to accuse others of cyber warfare.
inshallah iran finds out who did it and TERMINATES them lmao
Jens you are back. We were all so worried about you going to ISIS camps and spreading your butt cheeks for the relief of those goat and donkey starved fighters. Did you manage to sit down to write your comment , didn’t read it as knew it would be shill shit anyway , or did you type standing up. Perhaps it was part of Denmark’s international humanitarian effort or did you charge or did you do it as you like taking it like a man from a man. Now can you give us your phone number so next time , back to the article , the hackers can put your number as the number to call for help as I am sure you would love to give your opinion to any and all that call. Well it would save us from more of your shill crap that no one reads nor would believe anyway. Now go fill a bath and clean yourself up from all that butt stabbing and stick your head under the water and see if you can keep it there until next week end..
Be honest, you have no female friends…only cucumbers to buy.
The phone number switch was funny, hands up it did make me chuckle
Is that nutbooboo’s petard he is missing . It was a nice touch by whoever which is a sort of British thing. Others could have picked up the added touch. All in all it does look if someone is preparing for a war. FRUKUS + Israel ???