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THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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On November 27, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a prominent Iranian professor of physics, was assassinated in an attack near the Iranian capital of Tehran. According to Israel, Fakhrizadeh was an officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the head of the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

The car of Fakhrizadeh was targeted by a car bomb in Absard city of Damavand County, Tehran Province. After the explosion, attackers opened fire at the car.

According to the media office of Iran’s Defense Ministry, Fakhrizadeh, “was severely wounded in the course of clashes between his security team and terrorists and was transferred to hospital,” where he succumbed to his wounds.

The Iranian Defense Ministry added that Fakhrizadeh was the head of its Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND).

THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

Benjamin Netanyahu and his presentation about the Iranian nuclear weapons

Iranian Foreign Ministry Mohammad Javad Zarif condemned the attack, saying there were “serious indications” of the Israeli role in the assassination.

“Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today. This cowardice—with serious indications of Israeli role—shows desperate warmongering of perpetrators,” he said in a tweet.

Hossein Salami, chief commander of the Revolutionary Guards, appeared to acknowledge the attack:

“Assassinating nuclear scientists is the most violent confrontation to prevent us from reaching modern science,” Salami tweeted.

Hossein Dehghan, an adviser to Iran’s supreme leader and a presidential candidate in Iran’s 2021 election, vowed revenge in Tiwtter.

“In the last days of their gambling ally’s political life, the Zionists seek to intensify and increase pressure on Iran to wage a full-blown war,” Dehghan wrote likely referring to US President Donald Trump. “We will descend like lightning on the killers of this oppressed martyr and we will make them regret their actions!”

Photos from the scene:

THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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The attack, which was likely carried out by Israeli or Israeli-US agents, took place amid numerous reports that US President Donald Trump was preparing some ‘decisive action’ against Iran before he leaves the White House in 2021. (despite numerous reports about the vote fraud in the United States, it does not seem that Trump would win the legal standoff. This is why Joe Biden will likely become the next president) According to reports, the Trump administration was even considering a strike on Iran. Nonetheless, it seems that it opted to follow its route of political assassinations. This attack was likely coordinated with Israel. Tel Aviv’s interests and conflict with Iran are the cornerstone of the Trump policy in the Middle East.

On January 3, 2020, a US drone strike killed the commander of the Iranian Qods Force, Qasem Soleimani, at Baghdad International Airport. Then, this attack, which killed several prominent Iraqi commanders, almost led to the war with Iran. US bases in Iraq were even targeted by an Iranian ballistic missile strike. Now, the Trump administration and its Israeli allies are once again instigating tensions in the region in an attempt to gain as much as possible before the expected end of the Trump presidency.

An alleged car bomb after the explosion:

THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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THIS IS WAR. Alleged Head Of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Assassinated. Iran Blames Israel (Photos, Videos)

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Free man

No war, just empty threats. Until the next slap.

Servet Köseoğlu

İn the middle of İran…????so all assets are touchable even in İran…

Concrete Mike

I have news for you. All assets are vulnerable in your country too.


Yes in the middle of Iran … even in the middle of China …. you have to understand that the planet is controlled by only 2 forces. All countries have the pieces on their chessboard.

There are some very “bad guys” … who have cold blood….SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont think any-power can penetrate Chinese state which has double-triple checks at every inch with its strict type of organization style….


HA HA HA my little and my innocent child.

Servet Köseoğlu

Last time ı checked China has nucs along with missiles mach-25 speed and jaw-dropping Gdp..Why your super powers allow China to become powerhouse to such an extent that its unstoppable now..You are contradicting yourself..


Who do you think is responsible for the explosion in the port of Tianjin, China ???


Servet Köseoğlu

its a terror act and it doesnt proove anything..just demonstraing Usa is full of troglodytes..What a pity…


The same “bad guys” who blew up Beirut are hiding behind the “terrorist” act in the port of China. We are in the 21st century … the form of war has changed

Servet Köseoğlu

Zzzzzz…if you resort to these crimes then you are in deep trouble…


These may be “bad guys” .. but I am the Angel of Death.

Servet Köseoğlu

Your bad guy Usa is indeed ”dog shit” and reminds me patient with symptom of https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bc30e2f86151632fee87f08970ee8d5e79a197971b7f53185be5f502fc519ec.jpg


America will disintegrate at some point (not yet) … but neither will China take America’s place. Another force will become the ruler of the planet.

Servet Köseoğlu

Another force is Greece xD..the chosen country….


I do not believe in chosen peoples … I believe in FREE peoples

Servet Köseoğlu



The 72 control the Zionists, the Zionists in turn control the Masons, the Masons are the long arm of politics, the political elites of every place are the main exponents of a general and vague “democracy”. We must break this chain before it is too late …


Vatican Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s letter to Trump (which he re-twitted) cannot be more clear…

Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.

Fog of War

The Zionists are also controlled, by something much higher.


Yes, as I wrote, the Zionists … they are controlled by the 72


The Zionists are controlled by God, The Zionist wrote the Bible to manipulate the Pagans only to worship only him. Now the Pagans sadly decided to keep their Paganism and mix with Christianity.

Fog of War

Oy Gevalt ! Dont forget the Talmud and the Zohar.

Fog of War

” to manipulate the Pagans only to worship only him. ”

Why would a TRUE deity need to manipulate anyone ? Manipulation is the specialty of a certain tribal group.


Look at first Commandments {If you are Orthodox you don’t care about the 2nd and 4th (or if you Catholic) } https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3147d64fb7a9172a9a4ff82e24f6dee453c6f19ada8828c0824d596df8823105.jpg

Fog of War

I’m fully versed in the ten commandments. My question was rhetorical as I’ve spent many years researching the answer.


I’m adjusting my terminology to this site. Anything here happens due manipulation and hidden conspiracies. I guess that main Putin Army intention.

Fog of War

However, the events of the Old Testament are one of histories greatest hidden conspiracies . Ironic isnt it ?


Why old, new is full, Did Jesus married Mary Magdalene like an Honourable Jewish man that he was but the Christian with primitive morals were afraid of it?

Did really returned from the dead or was just buried with his wife Mary on Talpiot Tomb? Was Jesus a socialist or just Essen that was afraid that the Tumah is passed by currency coins?

Why did his apostolates accepted goyim on 67 CE when clearly according with Matthew 15:21-28, Jesus had not intention whatsoever to (I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel), he was one of 4 sect of Judean desert having theological debate about who would lead the Jewish people. Pharisees ( Jesus was original a Pharisees),the Sadducees, the Zealots.

How invented that Jesus was the son of God ( Sure his apostolate as intelligent Jews that theology will lead to polyethism (Big No in Judaism )? Maybe because he couldn’t complete the most basic theological demand of Messiah which was to raise the death.


Fog of War

You wont find an argument from me on your assertions. What we call the Bible now, has been altered , mistranslated , twisted, and falsified greatly. There is no point in trying to decipher the ” truth ” with the information the common man is given, That is one of the great sins of organized religion. However, there is enough evidence out there to tell us that ” our ” collective reality is a lie. This is intentional of course. For example.

– Blue-Eyed Immigrants Transformed Ancient Israel 6,500 Years Ago –


– Anomalous blue-eyed people came to Israel 6,500 years ago from Iran, DNA shows –



Beirut belongs to Saturn, while Libya is the home of Atlanta … America and China strengthened them respectively …. to clash with each other. And here I stop to give you knowledge ….


Interesting angle. I read about planets and astronomy in earth related matters but never looked more into it. Can you share more or link to good info? Thanks!


This site is the worst 2015 Tianjin explosions was an accident

On 5 February 2016, the Chinese government issued the investigation report of the explosions. The report concluded the fire started in a container through auto-ignition of nitrocellulose, due to vaporization of the wetting agent during hot weather.


2020 Beirut explosion was accident due government/Hezbollah negligence https://youtu.be/-mQ60wNgKrQ


Why your super powers allow China to become powerhouse to such an extent that its unstoppable now..

Nothing to do with superpowers. It’s the Deep State. The Bankers of the City of London. Not London but the City of London which is inside London. Independent, free of rules and regulations.

It’s part of a long plan.

World yuan-ization thanks to the City of London https://www.voltairenet.org/article189193.html

The yuan will be the third most powerful currency in the IMF basket https://www.voltairenet.org/article189604.html

Many think British Empire died. Incorrect. It became Anglo-American empire. City of London continued to rule the world from the USA (the superpower after WW2). They made of the US the superpower and have destroyed it. In the same way they destroyed China (with Mao who was their guy) and have rebuilt it since the 1970s in destroying Western industries while building Chinese industries. It’s a cycle. Same people, same modus, different place.

A Chinese called Song Hongbing wrote a book about it too. Currency wars. https://gefira.org/en/2019/09/24/song-hongbings-currency-wars-a-review/

I don’t know if Song knows the same bankers of the City of London destroyed and rebuilt his country.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know the answer but thanks for summarizing with your reference- links..


My bad, thought you didn’t. Welcome. Hopefully those who don’t can learn with the refs/links.

Servet Köseoğlu

so ı consider myself lucky as a Turk that Hsbc (Hong-kong shanghai banking corporation) is still operating in Turkey which means Uk (one of the arch nemesises of Ottomans) protecting Turkey..:)))


Erdogan is Muslim Brotherhood (a British intelligence creation) so I think Turkey is safe for now. ;-)

I wouldn’t say it wasn’t about being arch enemies but interests. When Jospeh Nasi of the (Sephardic Jewish) Mendez-Benveniste family wanted to establish a jewish homeland in the Levant, the Ottoman sultan of the time said no. Jews never gave up their plans. When the jews of Spain were kicked out and moved north and the jew of Venice/Genoa also moved north (after the war of Cambrai), they infiltrated the whole Europe, got rid of undesirable monarchies/royals, they created the british empire and finally got their way in partitioning the Mid East. Those Jews always financed everyone on both side so they always managed to come up on top while others were destroyed. The Young Turks were masonic Donmeh who made the brits plan a reality – destroy the Ottoman Empire (ally with Germany (another competition to Britain) who was ally with Russia (another competitor to Britain))). Note how the Sykes-Picot was first known as Saykes-Picot-Sazonov. Russians were included in the partition but the Franco-Brits backstabbed Russia. Brits told Russia.. help us win WW1 and we’ll give you the straits of Turkey (something the Czars wanted for a long time). Russia helped won the way but was then betrayed. The Bolsheviks, like the Young Turks, did the dirty job. Centuries before, the Jacobins in France did the same for Britain in the “French” Revolution.


Very nice..and I agree. But find the true origin of the Jews and what the name Jew means and where it comes from.


My reply showed as “spam” but SF fixed it.

Fog of War

Not Jews , Khazars. Different animals actually.


Yes, the real Jews are Khazars. but what exactly are Khazars ?? Khazars do not belong to the white race, regardless of whether they have “whitewashed” in recent centuries. They bought the white European flesh (see Obama). The Khazars (Ashkenazi) is a Leuko-Mongol sheet which in the past had a large state, and where during the 8th century AD. embraced Judaism en masse. The former Khazar state was overthrown by the Russians, who for this reason consider them eternal enemies. The Khazars or HAN-AZIR belong to the uroltaic tribe of the Mongolia region …. that is, they are Mongols who also had the blood of the yellow tribe …. as the historian L.DINDORT (HISTORIA GRAECI MINORES.R.1 informs us , 1870 LEIPZING) .. Homer calls them “Alives”(Άλυβες) of those who fell into “Xάλυβες” and then “Chaldeans” from corruption and word processing. In the Iliad they are mentioned as allies of the Trojans … Strabo refers to them and calls them Chaldeans … which from ancient times meant the wanderer, the wanderer, the CHEATER … according to Herodotus the Alyves lived on the present borders of Georgia -Turkey … exactly where the kingdom of the Khazars was …. before the Russians or the Russians dissolved it.

Fog of War

I dont think people understand who the original inhabitants of ” Israel ” were. History is a lie, especially the history we are all fed by the Khazars.

– Blue-Eyed Immigrants Transformed Ancient Israel 6,500 Years Ago –



You are right..most people do not know. And they do not have time to seek to learn. And usually knowledge does not exist in the internet, but in books. And old books do not exist. Older versions write different things than newer versions.


Exactly, I totally agree. The same people who raised and lowered the Americans are the same ones who have now strengthened China. It is a “snake” … but it has two “heads”.


Who would you say are the 2 heads?

Ivan Freely

China become what it is today because the West was complacent and grossly underestimated the will of the Chinese people as a whole. They’re so used to the fact that Communist / Socialist states have failed. Look at all the former nations of the Soviet Union. They banked on the usual high corruption where the people don’t benefit.

Now, as for the claims that China is immune from these kinds of acts is false. Look at the big explosion in Tianjin several years ago (IIRC). There were four more similar “industrial explosions” spaced about a week apart.

Servet Köseoğlu

I agree with under-estimating partially but this cant explain the whole picture..They couldnt take the difficult steps necessary to prevent the economic and military rise of China in other words they failed..

Such assasinations can happen but death of very high-priority targets like Kasım Suleimani and Mohsen Fakhrizadeh within a year is a clear indicator that İran has leakage…

Fog of War

” China become what it is today because the West was complacent ”

You have alot to learn.

Ivan Freely

Please elaborate.

Fog of War

China didnt ” become ” China was ” made “.

Ivan Freely

Not an argument.


Yet a clown like Joshua Wong has been free to go around talking shit against China for years.

Let’s be serious. Wherever there is a motive, there is a way.

Servet Köseoğlu

its not my point..like in godfather quote ” If anything in this life is certain – if history has taught us anything – it’s that you can kill any body ”..ı meant China state is rising with its organizational structure where İran loosing its valuable assets who are the corner-stone,symbol of its state structure..ı surprised because iran completed its revolution 42 years ago and if such a target can be annihilated in the heart of İran then there is definitely something wrong..

Fog of War

Very reptilian .

Potato Man

There was a whole coup shit show went down in Turkey. Iran also have “bad apples” called MEK…EU/US puppet State for Iran.

Servet Köseoğlu

Turkey is not the case here..we are Nato member therefore any us-nato assets can infiltrate through our state organs or can make net-work..

Jens Holm

Give Iran a nuke, and they will detonate in in Teheran Airport.

Emad Irani

they have already, too late

Lone Ranger

Was that the farawell present from Trumpstein, burning down everything on his way out…? Psycho…

Lone Ranger



Now don’t it again. – Iran



Bring it on, we’ve been waiting for this for a very long time.

Concrete Mike

dream on bud.

Your not waiting, your actively trying to start it.

Quit it with the bullshit please.

Did you try multiple cat water bowls?


He was a legit target and I don’t care who did it.

Alekai Mordechai

What if he wasn’t the actual target?


He was.

Alekai Mordechai

I doubt that.

Rhodium 10

Jews are easy targets..remember MIA in Buenos Aires and what happened with the Attorney who blame Iran…


When the shit hits the fan, we will be playing dirty like Iran and for every Israeli / Jewish target that might be hit, Iran will get the same.

klove and light

dontb worry dirty jew motherfucker….there will come the day..when all non jews will unite…….

we will drown your people and burn your kids.

jews are the satanic cancer of our planet…

be it in 1 year or a 1000 years………we will kill each and everyone of you satanic bastards….

Icarus Tanović

No one is playing dirtier than Ziowahhabi mafia.


Sorry I do not remember that. However I do recall a woman president, her husband had also been president, in the early 00ies getting into trouble because of an agreement that had been signed off with Iran on by one or the other. Think it had something to do with an attack on a Jewish centre. I’ll google Husband wife Presidents of Argentina and get back to you

Alekai Mordechai

You’ve been assassinating scientists since 2007. Now that’s a long time.

With 6 scientists killed since last decade.

No one’s waiting.




haven’t I blocked you before? shit my mistake, I correct it. Begone you roach.

Albert Pike

He was more fake then Right or real – by the way did you know that Hitlers oldest sister was a kosher cook? In fact all his sisters worked for jewish institutions of large jewish companies.

‘The problem arises from the fact that during the years 1922 and 1923, the German Reichsfuehrer’s sister occupied the post of kosher cook at the Jewish academic institute.’ https://www.jta.org/1936/03/08/archive/former-jewish-employer-in-dilemma-over-hitler-kins-marriage

Fog of War

Fund both sides, a certain family perfected that method.


Crawl back into the toxic swamp you inhabit asshole.


What’s that you rat? feeling bold sonehow? say thanks you were’nt our target. Now go to sleep.

Icarus Tanović

You’re a rat, airbag coward.


official jews anywhere fair targets, ambassadors, bankers (many to chose from) and others – the jews in palestine needs to be decimated to zero and put in an early grave. come on world – can’t allow the jews to have their own set of rules and must be stopped even if it requires a number of nukes on tel aviv. best would be if they could get a handle on netanyahu himself he truly deserves to be killed many times over.

Lone Ranger

Terror states doing assassinations…while blaming other countries to be terrorists…whom are fighting against western funded wahabinazis…the irony… Will HumplyTrumply and Bibi get a Nobel Peace Price too like did isis leader Obongo…?

Free man

I’m guessing they’re currently crying and raging in Persian.

Lone Ranger

Wait for it… Iran responded the last time with barraging at least 6 U.S. bases with rockets, the damage and casulty report is still confidental. Albeit the U.S. is pulling out of the region while Iran is moving in… Chess not checkers…

Free man

“Chief of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces: The assassination of Fakhrizadeh was a heavy blow to the country’s defense” : https://twitter.com/IranIntlbrk/status/1332358403830771713

Lone Ranger

Your point?

Free man

Just a reality check. This is what you wrote two days ago: “Not the U.S. but all their bases in a 2500km radius.” “Sofar Iran is gaining…” As I have been writing for several days, this is just the beginning.

Lone Ranger

For the crumbling U.S. Empire.. Indeed. Iran is still gaining, nothing changed, only that a lot of innocent people will die whom had nothing to do with this retarded assassination. Im not for it, Im only stating facts.


Do not underestimate dying empires. They become suicidal as Rome.

The Objective

Innocent people are already dying at the hands of your militias in Iraq and Lebanon. It only takes Iran’s willingness to dismantle the Iraqi militias and help strengthen the security of Iraq where all Iraqis will live in peace, Shiite or Sunni. Kadhimi has promised that he would not allow a U.S attack on Iran from Iraq soil. So what is Iran’s problem with Iraq? Why does it insist that these militias stay out of government control? Certainly it’s not for fear of an American attack. Besides Iran has thousands of missiles that can reach Iraq. The most logical explanation to this Iranian stubbornness is that the Shiites are planning to invade Saudi Arabia and seize Mecca. This has been their dreams for hundreds of years. If you look at Middle East affairs from this lens, you’ll understand what’s going on.

Lone Ranger

Are you sure you aint a hasbarat…?


Agree Iran should enable peace in ME. The Mullahs have the power to make the right decision and save the world.


Just the beginning of the tit-for-tat. Remember that you can play the victim card only to a certain point. The world is saying what Israel really is. They build illegal settlements, to the point that even Egypt has had something to say. They kill ( and this is seen as cowardice around the world ) military personnel and scientists.

At this point, Iran could get away buy killing a bunch of high level israeli officers. Yes, Israel could attack them militarily, but then world war would be started.


Israel is a blood thirsty entity that has the west, particularly the US global assassin to do its bidding. Unless Israel pays a price it will commit far greater acts of terror.

Free man

The world, for the most part, understands that the mullahs regime is a murderous regime that murders its people (November 2019 demonstrations), is involved in the murder of Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Israelis …, and threatens publicly to destroy Israel . As for Israel. Only recently have they signed peace agreements with three Arab countries. Bahrain and the UAE have formed the alliance with Israel because they are afraid of Iran. There is a broad alliance against Iran. What do you think was discussed at the meeting that was held last week in Saudi Arabia? Don’t kid yourself, Iran has been trying for years to kill Israelis.

The Objective

Absolutely! Iran pushed these Arabs into Israel’s hands with its creation of militias throughout the Arab world. These militias are as much a threat to the Arab countries as Iran’s nuclear program. Whatever Iran is planning will not end well for it. Its enemies have awoken to the danger Iran posses to the Middle East and there is a push back. Iran’s unwillingness to get into a war means it’s pretty sure that it’ll lose in a fight. So why provoke such a massive alliance of countries if you can’t face them? These Shiite leaders are not only a threat to the Sunnis but also a threat to their own people.

Free man

I agree. The Mullahs regime is the real enemy of the Iranian people. Indeed, these fools pushed these Arab states into the arms of Israel.

Icarus Tanović

How many shekels they pay you? Maybe I’d do the same.

Free man

You’re too stupid for them.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, I might be. Also I can be average too, but I’m not slave like you. Sheekellssss.

Shlomo Shekelstein

The world, for the most part, understands that the zionist-pedophile criminal regime from Washington DC obediently serves genocidal zionist criminal butcher regime from Tel Aviv in committing wordwide terrorism, genocide, mass murders of civilians including little kids, illegal occupations of foreign territories, and all other countless crimes that Anglozionist evil empire doing for decades. US/Israel are not countries, not even rogue countries: they are a global terrorist organization, virUS and plague of the world.

The free world (not conquered by zionist criminals and terrorists so far) understand that perfectly. But you, indoctrinated dumb slaves and buttlickers, you are too stupid to see the truth, you don’t deserve the truth, you only know to repeat retarded brainwashing zionist mantras while licking israeli buttholes

“Free man”? lol you are not free, and you are not a man either. Just a dumb, goy slave-whore. Cattle owned by Israel like all Muricans (imported trash whose only purpose is to serve zio masters). Here’s a shekel for you, now on your knees and keep sucking.

Fog of War

” The free world (not conquered by zionist criminals and terrorists so far) ”

Can you name those countries please ?

Fog of War

Peace deals ? More like capitulation agreements. The NWO approaches.

The Objective

There won’t be any world war because of an attack on Iran. It’s just absurd that countries will risk a nuclear war for Iran after it has been so troublesome for its neighbors.

Ashok Varma

This idiotic troll has one dimensional hate for Iran, so there is no point. Mention Iran and he comes out of the woodwork with same old worn out garbage.

Icarus Tanović

That he’s a slave man.


Blow to a non-existent program? Iranians have to be the biggest blockhead retards in the world if they can not master second world war nuclear technology in 2020. If they are that stupid they deserve their fate.

Harry Smith

Iran will wait for January or its response will be kinda formal, I think. Trump is a “joker” in a poker game so nobody can predict his actions. Everybody waits how USA situation ends.

Lone Ranger

I agree, they will wait till January 21.


Unfortunately, that may provoke more attacks against Iran as Israel aims to get the frustrated Trump into a final “heroic ” war against Iran as his sick legacy.

Alekai Mordechai

They’ll rush things now.

1 and half months is enough to cause a lot of damage.

Get the tally so high, even in Biden admin Iran will find it hard to match up to those tallies.


US will attack jointly with Israel and UK and cripple Iran’s infrastructure like they did with Iraq. We know that Russian AD systems do not work and US with SEAD will destroy Iranian air defences first. They also want to test the F-35. Iran is much easier target than Iran even as most of the Arabs hate the Persians.

Alekai Mordechai


You got it wrong there bud. You’re just talking irrationally now.

US, israel and UK will jointly carry out recon and strike maneuver near Iranian airspace via UAE and KSA. That’s about it. With sporadic low scale hits on Iranian civilian and mili infrastructures via oppositions for next 6 weeks.

What you’re asking is fully committed air and ground attack. Not possible, not attainable and not sustainable. Definitely not within 12 months, let alone in 1 and half months.

Alekai Mordechai

Iran might not be an easy target. It will hit US asset or two for sure, be it F-35s, F-15, F/A-18Es, LPDs. One or two hits and live televising will be a big deterrent in itself.

Killing one retired scientist in an opportune time doesn’t translate to having upper hand. It means US has rather taken the less igniting route, very much in chagrin of netanyahu.

Previous hits on Iran since the 90s did not mean much to wider regional calculation.


Dream on idiot,i doubt very much there will be a full blown attack on Iran because that would mean the end of Israel,otherwise it would have been done years ago.


Frankly, there is a good chance that US committed this as Trump had boasted of a surprise today. Iran is weak and run by theocratic corrupt and incompetent regime that has brought so much misery upon its people for a non-existent nuclear program. Israel is aiming to have US attack Iran and it may succeed.


The US has officially confirmed that it was an Israeli hit. At least the US is pointing in the right direction and trying to distance itself.

Harry Smith

I won’t be so radical in estimating the Iranian authorities, but a war started against USA can give Trump a very good chance.

Vox Populi

Iran should have retaliated a long time, when the Zionists started killings its generals in Syria. The Zionist regime is a cancer and unless its cells are not attacked with chemotherapy or radiation they will masticate all over the region. Iran is large country, and as Turkey has very ably demonstrated such great strategic mass if properly applied can defeat any foe. Iran must engage in a long term asymmetrical war to bleed the Zionists on multiple fronts. .

Free man

“Iran must engage in a long term asymmetrical war to bleed the Zionists on multiple fronts. .” – What a joke. This is what they have been trying to do for 41 years.


Don’t waste your time on every troll here Free Man, it simply ain’t worth it.

Icarus Tanović

Haven’t seen you for some time, airbag.


I don’t think, Iran has talked itself into a box with hollow threats, name one instance they attacked Israel directly?

Free man

IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Ghaani: “We took a decision of revenge and harsh punishment for those who planned, carried out and supported the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.” – This is what I mean. They talk non-stop but are too afeared to respond.

Icarus Tanović

“Afeared”. Slave, better learn some English language.


The Turks are about to be cut down to size. France is pushing for EU sanctions. No Muslim state will ever be allowed to get too powerful. The west will remain paramount for centuries to come and Russia will be Balkanized and China soon castrated.

Fog of War

Actually no, the US is slated for destruction and has just one more mission to fullfill.

The Objective

Goodluck with your pipe dreams. I think it’s time someone shut you up on this forum.

Frankly, I don’t know what you smoke before positing some comments here. But considering your government has legalized grass for Americans, I’m not surprised.

You are obviously a Muslim hater. But that’s your own heart attack. I don’t give a shit what you think of Islam. Many like you have come and gone. But Islam only expanded more. It’s a struggle that dates back to your disbelieving fore-fathers in Mecca and Madina over 1400 years ago. They tried harder than you’re doing right now. But what is the result of their efforts today?

There are at least 5 times more white Muslims in America than before 9/11. About 20% of Russians are Muslims. The indigenous European Muslim population is exploding as more and more Europeans accept Islam. That’s the main thing freaking out the likes of Emmanuel Macron.

Read some stats about what I said. You’ll know every effort to eradicate Islam is dead before being conceived.

So goodluck Kafir. You’ll soon join your pals in hell, unless you repent.

Harry Smith

I think Iran knows better what they can and what they must do.

The Objective

Why do you seem so deluded. Pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan gives the U.S more incentive to strike Iran. They are moving troops out of harm’s way. They’ll simply bomb the militias and come back to Iraq in larger numbers.

Lone Ranger

Not realistic. Iran is not Iraq, and they can create a deny access area for enemy airfields and carriers in a 2500km radius. How is the weather in Tel Aviv by the way…?

The Objective

The B52 bombers that paid a visit to the Middle East need no regional airbase to operate.

Lone Ranger

Neither do B-1s and B-2s but their non nuclear payload is not enough to break Iran, you eoulf need the whole air force of the U.S., UK and France and a bombing campsign that would last months, its simply not doable, thats why they wanted to destroy Syria to get into strike position on land, bug zhzey failed. Iran won, you cant do anything about it except starting to sling nukes but in that case call the Chinese to build a new Tel-Aviv…

The Objective

You are wrong. the B-1 can carry up to 24 nuclear bombs: In fact, all B-series bombers are nuclear capable. They are long rang bombers designed to carry both conventional and nuclear weapons. They fly such missions under the protection of several escort stealth fighter jets. The latest aerial refueling tankers also extend the range of shorter-ranged more stealthy American planes. more secret American weapons programs are coming to light.

It seems they have been developing the technology to attack Iran for long. This includes some latest warships designed specifically to operate under harsh conditions in the Persian gulf, innovative drones to take out Iran’s speed boats with less human cost, laser weapons against swarming assaults, and aerial refueling tankers among others. To me, the most critical component that would enable the US gain air-superiority quickly over Iran is the new aerial-refueling tankers. They give the 22-thousand or so US bombers extended range.

Lone Ranger

Learn to read… I didnt say they cant carry nukes. I said with conventional payload you wont break them and if you start to sling nukes you can say goodbye to Tel-Aviv aka your hasbarat HQ…

Lone Ranger

U.S. has around 150 heavy bombers not 22,000 by the way.


They operate from Turkey and Diego Garcia. Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar are all US bases.

The Objective

Turkey will not allow any attack on Iran from its soil. But if Iran adds Turkey to its long list of countries to target, then I would believe the Iranians really want nothing left of their country. Turkey is not like Saudi Arabia. And Iran’s enemies are already too many for Iran to win against them all. What I foresee is a genocide of Iranians if the Mullahs uphold their threat to rain missiles on all their enemies.

The retaliation would be just unbearable and there won’t be much targets left in Iran for some countries to strike. I hope it doesn’t come to this, but Parisians seem to be an endangered race right now. If the actions of these mullahs lead to a war, then God help ordinary Iranians. Your enemies have been mustering murderous hate for long, thanks to the Mullahs. And these enemies will have no mercy on your country.

My prayer is that the Mullahs recognize the superiority of their enemies and their ability to achieve an official end to Iran like Trump threatened. The Mullahs should sue for peace now!




Sue for peace against a gangster state just like the Vichy French and spend forever enslaved, behave yourself fool.


Shooting those down would be like a turkey shoot.


They can also close the gulf down and incinerate US warships there,they can also attack Saudi Arabia and Israel.not to mention Hezbollah storming into Galilee,so they had better be careful what they wish for.


US or NATO will never leave Iraq or Afghanistan, we own them. The UK just sent additional troops to protect Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Alekai Mordechai

No wonder Iraq and A-stan are a shitty mess.

How can you get into strike position, when you can’t get out of your own base??


They will leave like the French left Vietnam, and their other colonies,like the US left Vietnam,many of them will leave in sacks.

Alekai Mordechai

Again, congrats for somehow pulling down Iran’s nuclear program.

Them Iranians must be missing Mohsen so much.

Free man

It’s a dirty game that the mullahs regime has started and something else is finishing it.

Alekai Mordechai

Big impactful words you got there.

Killing one murder hornet among thousand others surely has some euphoric moment isn’t?

Anyways, no one’s ain’t gonna take the moment from you.

Hitting Iran vs Assassinating retired scientists.

Which to choose?? hmmmmm

Perhaps Pompeo choose the latter, because it won’t engulf the whole region.

Netanyahu isn’t too happy though.


What game is that you fucking blockhead?


Just a very twisted person.

Free man

It’s too complicated for you.


Well try me clown.

John Wallace

I think Israel started this in 1948 ..

Free man

It doesn’t seem like the Israelis are going to end it any time soon.


There is no need to gloat over a human death and an illegal killing of a non-combatant that may lead to a far greater conflict. You seem quite twisted.

Free man

The guy headed a nuclear weapons development program, for a fanatical regime that threatens to destroy another country. His death is a gift to humanity, but frankly a stupid little man like you will not understand it.

Alekai Mordechai

It more stupid to exaggerate some one’s death as “gift to humanity”.


Empty rage and slogans is like pissing in your pants on a cold winters day, makes you feel warm and fuzzy for a while and then the stink sets in.


Frankly, the Iranians have to be the most incompetent idiots on planet earth. They can’t even protect their most important human assets despite years of US and Israeli assassinations. What kind of a third rate state can’t even buy armoured limousines or provide security details?

Lone Ranger

Anybody can be taken out if there is enough will behind it. Just look at JFK or Rabin…


However, if a country faces imminent threat it takes basic security precautions. Iran has lost dozens of military and nuclear personnel in these brazen attacks. Either they are dumber than dumb or don’t care about losing key personnel. No country could be that stupid.


The car had bullet proof glass and he was protected by guards. First a bomb went off then the guards got into a fight with Mossad agents who killed him. An assasination attempt that prepared and organized with the right weapons can kill most top US leaders bar Donald Trump.


It also shows a great deal of internal opposition in Iran to have such organisational skills and assets for the Western intelligence agencies to keep on killing Iranian scientists. Frankly, Iranians appear very inept and far worse than Arabs.

Ashok Varma

I travel to Iran quite frequently, most Iranians are living in a isolated cocoon as the clergy has kept them in the dark abut the dangers facing the country. Iran should have created a real nuclear deterrent like India has. It has been subjected to the worst sanctions for a non existent weapons program.

Fog of War

Sure, because India is such as free agent now. Not under the influence of anybody . SMH.


You’re too funny.

Ashok Varma

How so, just for stating reality?


To be honest, the Middle east is full of retarded religious nuts, the Jews, Turks, Persians and the uber idiots, the Arabs. It will be good if they all wiped each other out.

Tommy Jensen

Whattabout the retarded gay parade nuts in West? I dont see them much better off.

Vox Populi

It is a soft skinned Nissan Altima that you can buy at any dealership and there are clear bullet holes in the windscreen. The Iranians have failed to protect their crucial scientists and generals.

Ashok Varma

The Iranian mullahs do have armoured limos, but for some reason they don’t protect their nuclear and military leaders. Even their chief of staff General Shirazi was gunned down in a car a couple of decades ago. Since then Mossad, MI6 and CIA assassinations are common place, even in Tehran, the supposedly secure capital.


Former CIA Director John Brennan has commented on the killing of a top Iranian nuclear scientist by urging Tehran to wait for “return of responsible American leadership” before taking retaliation against suspected perpetrators.

Fog of War

Good cop bad cop. Paging Mr. good cop, bad cop.


ROFL! Point being what exactly?

Fog of War

Where are all these dead US leaders you speak of ?

Lone Ranger

Or assassin are that effective. Ever watched the Bourne movies? What if it’s true? On the other hand Iran did retaliate it was only burried most the time in the news. CIA, Mossad and spec ops did lose people…

Vox Populi

This is not a Bourne movie, but a isolated state that is being constantly attacked and having its people killed by the US, British and Zionists. Unless Iran is willing to retaliate, no matter the cost, which even tiny Hamas locked up in Gaza gulag does, it will be attacked on far greater scale. The Iranian people are obviously oblivious to the dangers facing them. Any rational country would have tested a nuclear weapon a long time, as it faces an existential threat. The Zionist regime is hiding behind the US as Jews historically shed the blood of others for them. The US has already been battered by endless wars that have killed millions of Muslims and no Jews so far. It is time for Iran to turn the tables and increase the cost to its tormentors. It is time to launch an asymmetrical war in Palestine and the region.


Dude, it is simple schoolyard or jail bully stuff, hit back or become a bum boy.

Fog of War

” Any rational country would have tested a nuclear weapon a long time, as it faces an existential threat. ”

If Iran didnt fall for Obama’s, dog and pony, peace overtures and fake deal, it would be far along in that process. Do you folks get it now ?

Fog of War

Secret retaliations that only you know about.

Lone Ranger

Not really.

Albert Pike

What do you expect from an ‘Islamic Republic’ with a parliament building in pyramid shape and 33 windows at each side, where the masonic/eschatolic Hojjatieh Society provides the leaders of major parts of government. They are part of the show…


I have been wondering the same, these theocratic idiots suit the west as they keep Iran weak and a global pariah. The whole so-called nuclear program is a costly mirage and has brought immense suffering to the average Iranian for no reason. The mullahs are playing a very dumb population as they get rich.

Albert Pike

The mullahs were right from the beginning a CIA installation, since the Shah had show some signs to go off the reservation:

‘Beginning in the 1970s, the Shah attempted to find new alliances in the Middle East and beyond. Iran’s relations with the Soviet Union and some of the Arab countries were revisited. A peace agreement with Iraq and the American election of President Jimmy Carter in 1976, and the subsequent harsh criticisms that Carter voiced against the human rights conditions in Iran, led the Shah to develop a more negative view of the State of Israel.’ https://www.972mag.com/zionism-and-the-shah-on-the-iranian-elites-evolving-perceptions-of-israel/

‘Soon after Khomeini took power and before he turned on the people Iranian students seized the American Embassy because they believed that they would find loads of documents there about how the CIA had organised the 1953 coup and what the CIA were up to now which they hoped this would help Khomeini, but the students hadn’t realised that Khomeini was also a CIA asset who had promised to keep the oil flowing cheaply to the US. They only intended to stay there a for a few days but Khomeini saw how popular they were and so he encouraged then to stay longer boosting his own popularity. Morgan-Chase hoped the students would stay there a month because the Shah had put his billions into their bank accounts and under American law they were allowed to allowed to seize the money because if an American asset has been taken. Iran never got the money back.’ http://mikenormaneconomics.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-cia-khomeini-secrets-of-islamic.html

Ashok Varma

The Shah was getting too big and independent for his own good and lecturing the hypocritical west on its duplicity. He had to go and the revolution was hijacked by British and French supported mullahs. Khomenei can to Tehran on a Air France 747 holding a French DGSE agent’s hand.


A weak isolated Iran suits the west and Israel. Russia is also a partner in keeping Iran weak. China may break that mold as it is now the prime western target.

Fog of War

You were totally correct until the China part.


China doesn’t care about Iran. All it wants is Iranian natural ressources.

China is where it’s at today thanks to the same Deep State string the world’s pot.

Fog of War

Shheesssh be quiet. You’re letting out our plans.

– The learned elders of Zion


The Protocols was a Masonic plot to foment antijewish sentiments. It’s controlled opposition.

Fog of War

Whatever you say.


Sure but think about it. Who wrote it, why and who did it end up benefiting?

Fog of War

I did think about it very carefully, for years now. Its possible the Freemasons wrote it originally ( doubtful ) however it seems to have only benefited a certain tribal group and their machinations. For instance, where do the loyalties of the Rothschild’s lie with, the brotherhood ? Or something else ?


Isn’t Freemasonry the very creation of the tribe in question?

I doubt the Rothschild care much about the Freemasons. They have their own circus within the freemasons. At least that the impression I have with the key players of the bank of England.

Albert Pike

Only read what Umberto Eco wrote about it, I never read the thing itself – what’s in it?

Fog of War

But Jews are only loyal to the nations they reside in you anti-semite !!!

Albert Pike

What Jews do you mean – real Jews or mesianic Jews, called Zionists or Zoharists? And what about Jonathan Pollard, was he loyal to the United States, or was he loyal to the state of his religion?

What about Barbara Lerner Spectre – is she loyal to Sweden or to Israel?

The Objective

The Mullahs have a fixed goal they’ve pursued for over one thousand years. They want to take the Hejaz and Jerusalem. All other things are secondary, tell anyone. This is their first time in hundreds of years to rule a nation and amass weapons. And they believe they finally have the chance to do it. They have already encircled the Hejaz with militias, and must maintain control over these militias at all cost if they must realize this goal. However, I think such an ambition will get Iran nuked.

Ashok Varma

More Salafist nonsense. Most Muslims are fed up of you stone age idiocy. Islam is a disaster for all as Macron only wise statement so far.

The Objective

I’m not a Salafist. I’m a Sunni Muslim who understands well Iran’s real motives for all these years even if you don’t or rather claim not to. Read their history and you’ll surely agree with me. You don’t know because this is a top secret mission. But there are those who know. If you want a clue, observe the militias.

Icarus Tanović

Yes you are.

The Objective

Salafists want the four schools of thought merged or something like that. Many Sunni Muslims are opposed to that idea as it is alien. Traditional Sunni scholars of ancient times who were far more knowledgeable than any modern scholar didn’t have such ideas. I stick with the earlier Muslim generations as they were far more successful in their time than our present day Muslims. For example, no power on Earth could oppress them like they do today’s Muslims. That’s one of the areas where I dislike the Salafi ideology.

Lone Ranger

So you would rather live under Israeli rule than Iranian rule… Ask the palestinians how it did work out for them… Bye Shlomo…


Iran does not have motives, it obeys. The mullahs were put there by the Deep State’s MI6/CIA to serve the Deep State’s Israel. Remove Iran and Hezbollah, what’s left? The Hamas wankers, the MI6/CIA Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian brach, which was supported in its creation by Israel to get rid of the secular PLO.

Fog of War

How’s Hinduism fairing ?

Alekai Mordechai

Gabar patties and bottled moot is causing a huge rave ……. sprinkle some farmer suicide on top.


On the contary most real men don’t give a rats arse about any kweer degenerate 4th reicht policy ,infact the eu-epp/neo liberal/reight sect policys is the true # 1 historic world disaster,so you can take that cia dictrine of hate and shove it up its cakewhole,mr drr! Frgn gain,dumb or both? No wonder the turks are waking up:


Don’t hold you’re breath. Iran’s mullah as in bed with the MI6 and CIA.

All Iran did is strengthen Israel’s MIC.

Fog of War

I like the way you think. Chabad Putin and smirking XI agree.



Iranian mullahs = Muslim brotherhood (british intelligence creation).

All Iran did after the Shah was remove is to strengthen Israel.

Albert Pike

But then if you agree, so could be Trump part of the system, with the assination of Qasem Soleimani, because there are indications that the mullahs helped to get rid of him, and that it was ‘teamwork’. Also Trump was only talking about declaring the MB into a terrorist organisation – he never finalised it: ‘In April 2019, the Trump Administration announced it planned to officially name the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi pressed President Trump to do so. However, it appears the move was never finalized. Saudi Arabia has also officially designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.’ https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/hr2412/summary


The Deep State is extremely cunning and so he could very well be part of the system. He created a lot of division in the US. Not that the division didn’t exit before but he hit the final nail in a way. HIs demonization during 4 years, non stop, was strange. It didn’t seem fake. But that too could be part of the game, I don’t know. // But if he was, why did he exist from the Paris Accord [pivotal for the green deal/great reset step to finalized the NWO]? His intentions to fix the US industry seem genuine. His talks of God, family, etc also were. Recently at the G20 summit, he said the climate change is basically bs but the US will take care of God’s majestic creation {nature}. No masonic golem would say that.// Recent changes in the US gov also tell me something is brewing. Esper and others out, true patriots in [Miller, Flynn, etc]. Federal Policy Board advisors [Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and others] kicked out. CIA server farms raid in Frankfurt, Germany it was the [the 5 US soldiers in helicopter crash in “Egypt” and 1 CIA in “Somalia” media story] and Spain and Canada. // Can’t disagree on not finalizing the MB’s terrorist designation. Don’t know what happened with that.


The Deep State is extremely cunning and so he could very well be part of the system. He created a lot of division in the US. Not that the division didn’t exit before but he hit the final nail in a way. HIs demonization during 4 years, non stop, was strange. It didn’t seem fake. But that too could be part of the game, I don’t know. // But if he was, why did he exist from the Paris Accord [pivotal for the green deal/great reset step to finalized the NWO]? His intentions to fix the US industry seem genuine. His talks of God, family, etc also were. Recently at the G20 summit, he said the climate change is basically bs but the US will take care cleaning God’s majestic creation {nature}. No masonic golem would say that.// Recent changes in the US gov also tell me something is brewing. Esper and others out, true patriots in [Miller, Flynn, etc]. Federal Policy Board advisors [Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and others] kicked out. CIA server farms raid in Frankfurt, Germany it was the [the 5 US soldiers in helicopter crash in “Egypt” and 1 CIA in “Somalia” media story] and Spain and Canada. // Can’t disagree on not finalizing the MB’s terrorist designation. Don’t know what happened with that. // Soleimani – call me crazy but I don’t think Trump had a clue. He acted after the facts that he did and was in charge of it. Best of my info, Iran is divided between the MB/MI6/CIA mullahs and the revolutionary guards?


It seems that it is not only the USA that is involved in the murder of the Iranian Suleimani. Together the USA, Russia and Iran collaborated for the assassination of Suleimani .. The Russians gave the information of his movements and location, and the Americans did not send him … to the heavens of paradise knowing his own. !!

Albert Pike

The Paris Accord was only finaly exited, just a few days ago, Biden could easily join again in Feb. So could all those which he fired at the pentagon. If he would have fired those 3years ago -that would have been a different story. Actually with firing them in the last days, he might have actually safed their careers under Biden. To Soleimani – Trump has a Zionist worldview, so what any other Zionist tells him, he might believe. Also he is known for beeing a non-reader, therefore he relies solely on information which somebody else summarizes for him – that’s dangerous. Now was he fake? I don’t know. His demonization seemed to be without reason, since Trump was before a surporter of the dems, and even close to Jimmy Carter. So that was most likely following a playbook…

Ashok Varma

I am afraid Biden is part of the deep state and much more embedded with Zionist agenda than a loudmouth buffoon like Trump. Anti-Iran policies will only worsen since the US and Israel now know that Iran is totally impotent, has no allies and has no capacity to retaliate. People should feel sorry for Iran, a once great nation that contributed so much to global culture, arts and language. From our Taj Mahal to Red Fort, the Persians were once envied. today they are pitied.


Those are definitely valid points. I didn’t realize how long it took to officialize exist the Paris Accord which anyway can easily be overturned under Biden (Harris really). About the firings, I asked myself the same question, why did it take so long. His zionist view can’t be more obvious with embassy in Jerusalem and the Golan height matter. Equally true about going with what’s he’s told and his past link to the Dems and Carter. Anyway if it is as we suspect, then it only confirms 2 things… the Deep State is beyond genius and we’re fucked, lol. Another thing I find odd, Sidney Powell’s allegations of election interference linking to China and Iran. Do they really not know it’s the City of London? Or they know but go after the entities the City uses (say China) to do the dirty work.

Albert Pike

Yes that’s funny, since Christopher Steele resides in London, not Peking or Tehran. Why linking it to the patsies, when she knows that most of the globalists work for MI6. The answer can only be, that she is part of the charade, linking future enemies to something, what current London friends are doing…


If true, and it appears to be, it’s really messed up. Maybe it’s about “diplomacy”, but I think that a real enemy of the City would call them out, their private ownership/control of the Fed, etc. To add, if Trump comes back, there will obviously be violence and it might lead to the civil war and partitioning of the US they have planned.


I remembered something. Few years ago, I read an interesting article (Fort-Russ I think) where the author (he had a Greek sounding last name) suggested that there would be a serious but limited war between the US and Iran to make room for a new currency (digital this time). In the same way WW2 made room for the US dollar from the British Pound. Trying to find the article to recall its details.

Ashok Varma

Iran was once a respected country that was developing into a powerful state, not it is an global outcast and a punching bag for US and Zionists. Imagine if a third rate puppet like Pakistan assassinated a top Indian general and the head of Indian Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad would simply disappear from the planet. Because of the mullah’s only aim of clinging on to power, Iranians have lost all self-respect. Even their remaining friends feel humiliated by how low Iran has sunk.


Once PAK had shot dead many India law makers outside parliament. But India only beat their chests threatening war will troops putting a show. Pak is still there.

Ashok Varma

The mullahs have always been tools of imperialist power, in India the British used to to divide the population on sectarian lines and gave them imperial titles, land and awards.


Yes it is,kill irael,kill america,gets hammered,not a word the big words nothing burgers as per fkn usual,before ranting kill isarel.kill america gain oh and the ir famous bravado hero was the same maggot who got spoilt brat bushy in afghanistan,so much for heroics,hezbolla too are nothing burgers,look at lebanon where were they,too busy looking flash for the mug shots for the masonics?

The Objective

They have done their best with protecting their human assets. Iran is the recipient of assaults from different fronts. But I blame no one except the Mullahs. The Mullahs got Iran in this mess by making an enemy of the Sunni population of the Middle East and also threatening the most ruthless and inhumane regimes on Earth. It was and still is pure folly for the Mullahs to keep threatening Israel with attacks. The Iranian generals and officials talk too much, making the world realize that they too have evil motives and therefore, not deserving of sympathy. Over 80% of Americans consider the Iranian regime an evil one. Suits them well.


Islam and brains are mutually exclusive, so you are partly correct.


Not so quick jfk was a dumb fk:The idea is to take out the giutless wonders,seens take it from real street smarts survival techiques,the eye is quicker than the slime,you always spot it before itr spots you so no,you need to use your head not the other blokes guile:


So when will all USNato & Israel war crimes leaders be taken out? No even one historically.

Lone Ranger

But I agree with the armour part, that guy should have had its own IFV or tank, with support.

Vox Populi

Surely, Iran could buy a few bullet proof limousines from Turkey as Putin is unwilling to sell them anything as not to displease his Zionist masters.

Lone Ranger

They can build their own.


Then why have they not invested in asset protection? this hit was widely advertised by Nethanyahu since the other scientists were killed a few years ago with limpet mines attached to their cars.

Lone Ranger

Maybe it was armored, even tanks can be taken out with tandem commulative charges.


The bullet holes on the windscreen show a 5.56 or 7.62 sized glass impact. It is definitely NATO or Israeli forces handiwork. Most reinforced plexiglass can withstand a assault rifle round. But you need a heavier car like Mercedes to fully kevlar pad and reinforced glass it. The poor dude was in a Nissan Altima.

Lone Ranger

7.62 AP rounds will penetrate everything except for the top level plexi protection.


Yes, looks like they make MRAPS with heavier glass, so if they want to protect their top guys they need hummer type heavier vehicles. I used to work for a Texas armored limo supplier for mostlt Mexico and South America, and we installed heavy duty plexi to fend off AK-7.62 and 9mm rounds.

Lone Ranger

They did that the dramatic way to majd sure Iran is triggered, they could have him poisoned or take him out by a long range sniper but no, they went full john wick…


It also delivers a political message that you are vulnerable and we can get you anytime, anywhere. It is a pretty brazen attack to block a car and then open fire at will and get away. They must have an exit plan and safe houses. Must have used a landing strip somewhere too like in 1980 desert one. Iran should have gone into total lockdown by now if they want to find out the truth.

Lone Ranger

Globalists killed JFK too… Were the perptrators ever caught? No. But make no mistake, there was retaliation the last time too and this time is no different. News wont report about it much or at all but it will happen.


Maybe, time will tell, but I don’t expect anything from Iran. Adios muchachos.

Lone Ranger

A few U.S. bases got seriously hit the last time. We will see, I think they will wait till Trump is out.

Fog of War

” News wont report about it much or at all but it will happen. ”

Come on now, thats a cop out.

Lone Ranger

Really? Last time there were fatalities and serious injuries, did MSM report about it? +25Shekels.. Font spend it all at once…

Fog of War

Come on man, injuries and fatalities that were reported nowhere but somehow you seem to know about them ? Also, quit with the underhanded troll accusations I told you this before.

Lone Ranger

If it walks like a duck and looks like a fuck… It were reported, only not on Clown News Network but in Europan news.

Fog of War

” did MSM report about it? ”

You’re contradicting yourself all over the place .Now kindly go take a hike I’m done with you.

Lone Ranger

EU MSM did. Dry up your salty tears and insert your Tampax Shlomo…

Lone Ranger

Time to ask your superiors for further instructions… Tell em Putin is trolling you personally…

Lone Ranger

It seems we arent as much under Shlomo ? conttoll as U.S. MSM…


I agree with you 100%.

Vox Populi

The Zionists have the British and US in their pockets as the Iranians should have anticipated outrageous acts of terrorism as the dotard Trump fades into oblivion, not before causing mayhem. There was a well publicized “secret” meeting in Saudi Arabia between Nethanyahu, MBS and Pompeo to coordinate a final desperate act against Iran. Then the British also have deployed 5,000 troops to protect the Saudis as MBS is very nervous while the Zionists have only one agenda, a US war against Iran and its destruction.

Israel’s Netanyahu called for strikes on uranium facilities during Neom meeting with ‘very nervous’ Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi sources told the media.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was reluctant to accede to demands from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to an attack on Iran when they met last Sunday in Neom, Saudi sources with knowledge of the meeting.

Bin Salman’s reluctance was said to be for two reasons. Firstly, he read two recent attacks on Saudi oil targets as warning messages from Iran delivered by proxies.

Secondly, he doubts the US response under President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration, in the event of a prolonged series of strikes and counter strikes, believing Biden’s first response to a Gulf crisis would be to deescalate before negotiating a nuclear deal with Tehran.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the Saudi source said: “In the meeting Netanyahu was advocating hitting Iran. Pompeo did not commit either way. Israel’s only focus during the inconclusive meeting was to have the US engage in a conflict with Iran that would destroy its only remaining foe without the loss of any Jewish life at the cost of US servicemen.

Fog of War

We dont know if any of that is true. It could just be misdirection for public consumption.

Kenny Jones ™

I bet Iran will not start a war, as to not please Trump in his last days in office But they will retaliate, and I think through Yemen, cruise missiles to Eliat, as a covert operation

Lone Ranger

Agreed Also U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria.

Kenny Jones ™

https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/iran-iraq-us-factions-no-attacks-trump-gone Don’t know about that either..

Pave Way IV

Please Trump? What makes you think Trump wants to start a war with Iran? His usual pattern is 1) to question supposed provocations by Iran (he knows an Israeli false flag when he sees one) or tolerate Iranian action against the U.S. (because we usually provoked them first). Then, despite frantic lobbying by Israel and its U.S. agents of death. 2) a. Trump ends up turning down some Israeli-suggested retaliatory scheme (by the U.S. military, not Israel’s) to avoid escalation. b. He does a lot of chest-thumping and threatens U.S. retaliation, but that’s what wrestling promoters do. It never really happens. Unless I missed something, those two B-52s didn’t nuke anything, did they? c. Trump announces more sanctions, because they always work (to punish the Iranian people). 3) Trump fellates Netanyahu or Adelson or whomever to calm them the fuck down and promises to start a war ‘next time’ – honest! 4) Israel usually follows up with their typical ‘double-tap’ false flag (or a targeted assassination) in a pathetic attempt to take advantage of the tensions and maybe provoke Iran into responding. Nobody on either side buys it (besides fat ass neocon Pompeo), infuriating Israel even more. 5) Trump tosses a few more pallets of my U.S. tax dollars at Israel, hopefully stopping their annoying calls at all hours of the day and night. Eventually, he has their number blocked. 6) Repeat.

‘Unnamed White House sources speaking off the record’ can claim anything they want about Trump, including that he wanted to start a war with Iran. They made up that lie for a reason, and the MSM repeats it like it was factual. I don’t know what scheme this narrative will help support, but they didn’t make up the story for nothing. Probably to groom the U.S.population for supporting President Kamala-Harris’ war with Iran.


Maybe I am wrong but I think the US landscape is changing in the upper echelons.Esper and others gone. Defense Policy Board Advisors (evil fck Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Harman, de Leon, Roughead) gone. Flynn back in. CIA farm servers raids in Germany, Canada, Spain. Something is brewing. Maybe I am wrong too but I think Trump was shafted deep and hard by Netanyahu and the Deep State. Maybe it was to gain the evangelical votes. Maybe Trump is part of it. Don’t know. Iran’s mullahs = Muslim Brotherhood. The MB was created by british intelligence. One thing the mullahs did since they came in, strengthen Israel.

The Objective

You idea is juvenile.


How, why? Don’t be an a-hole calling my idea juvenile to then walk away.

The Objective

Not everything you said in that comment is juvenile. But you went totally off with this statement: “Iran’s mullahs = Muslim Brotherhood. The MB was created by british intelligence.” It only shows you are not aware of the deep Sunni-Shiite divide. Throughout Muslim history until recently, Shiites barely make up 5% of the entire Muslim population. Yet, they’ve never given up fighting the 95% in their attempt to control the holy sites of Islam and spread their poisonous creed. However, this is not the point I want to explain. The Muslim brotherhood is a Sunni movement. They have learned scholars, and therefore, they know who Shiites are, what they are after, and what they are capable of doing to achieve such goals. Iran is actually trying in collaboration with Russia to prevent a Turkish land access to the Caspian sea. And Turkey is the main backer of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran led by Ismail waged an armed resistance for years against the Ottoman empire. So claiming that Iran’s Mullahs = Muslim brotherhood is actually naive.


I didn’t go off, you are simply unaware of the real history of the Muslim Brotherhood. In essence, your argument, that my comment is juvenile, is solely based on ignorance, which appears to be honest.

The Muslim brotherhood is not Sunni, it’s Masonic (modeled on the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) and the creation of British intelligence to serve British and later Anglo-American interests in muslim nations. It includes muslims on both sides, Shia and Sunni. If it is really Muslim, why was one of tis Sunni leader a Mason? Sayed Qutb didn’t make his masonic affiliation a secret — “Why I became a freemason” published in the journal al-Taj al-Masri (the “Crown of Egypt”) on 23 April 1943.


The case of the Shia side in Iran isn’t any different. British intelligence has had ties to Navvab Safavi of the Fadaiyan-e Islam decades before the “Iranian” revolution. Kissinger had meetings with them throughout the revolution to make sure American interests were preserved. Mosadeh nationalized the oil industry, the Western Deep State (who admits their role), overthrew him with the Shah and did the same afterwards with the Mullahs when the Shah grew independent. The very Ayatollah Khomeini who spoke Farsi with the heaviest accent had a Kashmiri mother and a father with a dubious past linked to British intel. That is not to say that Iran today is monolithic in its leadership, they seem divided.


I didn’t go off, you are unaware of the real history of the Muslim Brotherhood. In essence, your argument, that my comment is juvenile, is solely based on ignorance, which appears to be honest.

The Muslim brotherhood is not Sunni, it’s Masonic (modeled on the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) and the creation of British intelligence to serve British and later Anglo-American interests in muslim nations. It includes “Muslims” on both sides, Shia and Sunni. I am referring here to the leadership of the MB and not the millions of muslims who think they serve Islam. Besides, if it is really Muslim, why was one of its Sunni leader a Mason? Sayed Qutb didn’t make his masonic affiliation a secret — “Why I became a freemason” published in the journal al-Taj al-Masri (the “Crown of Egypt”) on 23 April 1943.


The case of the Shia side in Iran isn’t any different. British intelligence has had ties to Navvab Safavi of the Fadaiyan-e Islam decades before the “Iranian” revolution. Kissinger had meetings with them throughout the revolution to make sure American interests were preserved. Mosadeh nationalized the oil industry, the Western Deep State (who admits their role), overthrew him with the Shah and did the same afterwards with the Mullahs when the Shah grew independent. The very Ayatollah Khomeini who spoke Farsi with the heaviest accent had a Kashmiri mother and a father with a dubious past linked to British intel. That is not to say that Iran today is monolithic in its leadership, they seem divided.”

The Objective

Your argument falls short in that the Shiites of Iran emulate the Islmail who rebelled against the Ottoman empire. Thus, nothing differentiates Iran’s overall objectives with that of Shiites throughout the 1000+ years of Islamic history. The Mullahs of Iran are not acting much differently than the earlier Shiites. that means their ideology and drive predates Britain or America (actually more than 1000 years ago). So how could the British or Americans have created such an ideology?

Secondly, the Mullahs fought a war with Saddam Hussein whom the U.S supported. That war was CLEARLY aimed at overthrowing the Mullah regime less than 2 years after its taking power. Why would America want to overthrow the Mullahs just two years after creating their government? Again, the U.S fought its LARGEST naval battle with Iran immediately after the Iran-Iraq war – in 1988 I think.

The Muslim brotherhood you claim was created by Britain has anti-Western Orientation. Take Turkey as an example. Also, you did not explain what Britain created the Muslim brotherhood to achieve.

I still don’t buy your idea for the aforementioned reasons.


The Muslim Brotherhood is not an ideology but an organization. If isn’t of British intelligence origin since its inception (a possibility), it has been hijacked/controlled by British intelligence to serve British interests. It is said Hassan Al-Banna founded it in 1927 as the “Young Men’s Muslim Association” which later became the “Society of Muslim Brothers” in 1929, today’s “Muslim Brotherhood” (MB). The choice of “Young” in the original name of the organization is odd to say the least since “Young” and “Youth” have often been used in Western associations/organizations benefiting the British Empire (i.e. Young Turks (think collapse of Ottoman Empire), Young Italy (think the Jacobin, fascist Giuseppe Mazzini), etc). It should be noted that Al-Banna received funding from the Suez Canal Company (which Britain, under the Disraeli and the Rothschild, took controlling interests). Publicly, the MB is said to advocate Islamic education and charity. It seems, however, more of a cover to hide the secretive network of spies and hitmen. The appearance of Freya Stark in Egypt (a spy who reported to London and who coincidentally hated Jews) where she had ties to the MB and founded the Khwan al-Hurriya (“Brotherhood of Freedom”) to forge alliances between the Arabs and Britain (and the Allies forces) is one of the earliest indication of the British intelligence blueprint. The works of St. John Philby, Sir John Glubb Pasha and T.E. Lawrence tied to the region are other indications. The British Empire used the Arabs to not only destroy the Ottoman Empire but also lay out the field for WW2 and their plan of Israel and the Middle East. Hassan Al-Banna distributing translated copies of “Hitler’s” Mein Kampf (quotation marks bc Hitler did not write it) and the Protocols (a Masonic controlled opposition plot aimed at fomenting anti-Jewish sentiments) and Al-Husseini (Mufti of Jerusalem) meeting Hitler all so publicly, etc were all part of a British plot to portray the Middle East, Arabs and Muslims as Jewish haters. Worth noting that Nazism was another British machination. It only made Israel stronger and validated the invasions, wars, destruction and looting of the Middle East since the 1960s.

Ismail I’s rebellion against the Ottoman Empire involves a crucial unknown/unspoken of element, the British Empire’s origin, Venice. Venice not only had commercial routes/interests in the region, it had ties to Ismail I’s grandfather and established official diplomatic relations with Safavid Persia right after Ismail I conquered Persia in 1501. Venice and the Safavids had healthy relations for about 200 years (1500s-1700s). There is even a portray of Ismail I’s portray in a prominent art gallery in Florence, painted by Venetian Gentile Bellini. Both Venice and Ismail’s family shared a common enemy, the Ottoman Empire, and so, Venice patronizing the Safavid was only beneficial to get rid of a competitor. We know it didn’t work but the project was merely postponed to WW1. In the meanwhile, the Shiite community grew and so did the Sunni-Shia division/hatred.

The Iraq-Iran war was orchestrated by the Anglo-Americans to cut oil production, leading to price increase. It also had the desired effect of slowing down the region’s and the world’s industrial growth. The US supported both Iraq and Iran. US weapons and military parts (without which Iran could not have operated) entered Iran through Israel, Brazil and even Gulf states. I wouldn’t call the incident of 1988 between the USA and Iran the “largest naval battle”. it was an operation known as “Praying Mantis”. Pahlavi before the Mullahs had made peace with Iraq and so the prospect of war couldn’t be possible with him. When Mossadegh nationalized the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, it was a major blow to Britain, who with the help of the CIA, waged a coup. Even though Pahlavi did everything the Anglo-Americans asked of him, he grew independent and wanted to modernize Iran on the image of Germany (something that equally bothered Britain). Pahlavi had also started a nuclear program (which Ruhollah Khomeini shut down as soon as he took power). Pahlavi’s peace with Iraq and donations to the Arab world, including the PLO, didn’t help him stay in power. An important but unknown/unspoken of point here is that the anti-Pahlavi riots were led by none other than Ayatollah Kashani (who was first close to Mossadegh to later turn on him). Kashani also had ties to the Fedayeen-e Islam (supposedly anti-West). Also among the pro-Shah rioters was a then unknown man who became known as the Atayollah Khomeini. Worth noting here that Births oil companies never ceased operation in Iran one the mullahs replaced the Shah.

Never said/wrote that Britain created the MB as anti-Western. I said/wrote it create it to serve British interests. Turkey cannot be more on point. See what happened recently in the Nagorno-Karabakh conceit. Britain is the victor (oil (BP) and gold mines).

The Objective

Your argument would have stood some chance if Trump hadn’t killed Soleimani. The fact he can order such a high-risk assassination means he was willing to go to war with Iran.The latest assassination isn’t as serious as Soleimani’s. Soleimani’s death really humiliated the Iranians and their proxies. No present who wants to avoid a war can order such an assassination. Both George Bush and Obama turned down recommendations to kill Soleimni.


the best for Iran now is to arrange these assassinations around the world while digging down in Syria, arm Hezbollah to the teeth, purchase as many nukes from North Korea as possible and prepare for the final onslaught on the jews in palestine. target – a Palestine entirely free from jews, It will be awesome when the world finally can say, not a second too soon with the jews in palestine decimated to zero.


It is war….but still there wouldn’t be a full blown out war.. I know this scientist is a fine brain …but very much replaceable. Iran must focus and continue with its tech and science…. Till the right time comes… The revenge must be entrechment and the siege on the Zionists…. The Golan and South Lebanon, more armament to the resistance.

America is willing to die for Israel to live….so pls take it easy and no rush revenge… You’re alone! No country not even Russia or China will support you.


We don’t need the U.S to die for us, Iran knows very well what will happen to them in an all out war against us.


Yes your tiny country with lil population…will fight Iran… Is this a new joke? First deal with Hezbollah on both Southern Lebanon and the Golan.. Then you can walk through Syria and Iraq….finally you will get to Tehran. Idiot…you still don’t understand that you’re in a cage?


We were already prepared to deal with Hezbollah, till they backed down and understood it’s best not to respond. It won’t be an army against an army since we don’t share a border, but you can use your tiny brain to understand what else we can do.

Alekai Mordechai

Kill more scientists and blow up wooden ship and dormant warehouses here and there.

Yea responses are already gauged out!!


It could have been anyone that sees Iran’s nuclear program as a threat not only us, but the outcome is what matters. If Iran wants to retaliate then they need to calculate it very carefully, we are not the U.S and we will respond to any rocket attack.

Alekai Mordechai

Yes anyone!!

Network is big and conniving.

Free man

That’s exactly why they’re so scared. A defeat will bring the mullahs fall.

Fog of War

What will happen ? You’ll launch nukes ? I doubt you want to open that Pandora’s box.


First a general and now a scientist, either Iran’s intelligence services sucks or they just don’t care………

Me&Myself None

Not to mention the countless amount of suspicious fire at very sensitive and supposedly secure locations.

Putin Apologist

Given the present high levels of global anxiety and hostility this assassination could have serious consequences for our entire planet. I’m thinking of course of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 28, 1914.

Fog of War

The general was killed and nothing happened. Nothing will happen now either. I hope I’m wrong.


trump won and will remain. maybe this is because iran betrayed armenia

Vince Dhimos

Iran needs more armour in cars carrying key officials. BTW, how could this happen after Trump’s famous “peace” deal? Shouldn’t there be peace in that region?

Potato Man

The “peace deal” is between Zion and Wahhabi and their club. It doesn’t include real Muslims countries Iraq/Syria/Iran/Lebanon.

Trump fully support it ofc ffs Zion don’t dare to do such thing before getting the green light from US.


I read four attackers were liquidated,first thing that should be done is ID those rats,they could be local collaborators or foreign,i have said for a long time the only language the Reich understands is payback in kind,take out some high ranking Israelis and Americans,those rats live in houses they are not untouchable.


Not a good idea, our enemies can only feel safe as long as Bibi is in power. When it ends, another Israeli PM will show you what it means to mess with us.


John Wallace

Back from tank driving duties I see . Still dragging your cock along the ground as you walk , even after they cut a piece off. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c23bec0dc656887fd3c179d8dc522194de1e78dc506fd36a8255964fd326a20e.jpg https://southfront.org/in-videos-israeli-battle-tank-flipped-over-near-jordanian-border/#comment-5161928902

Ashok Varma

It is time for Iran to test the Zionists and make them bleed.

Free man

These cowards, who have no self-respect, will do nothing. Except for empty threats, in which they specialize.


Cowards or not, they can not fight the entire west on their own. The fools should have tested a nuke and save their people. The US wants to keep a weak and blabbering mullah regime as Iran is a country of tremendous potential if it had a real government that worked for its people. The mullahs are bleeding Iran dry with corruption and mismanagement.

Free man

“Iran is a country of tremendous potential if it had a real government that worked for its people. The mullahs are bleeding Iran dry with corruption and mismanagement.” – I agree


Religion in any form that takes over a state is a disaster. Not to offend anyone, but Islam and Iran are simply incompatible, the Persians were better off being Zoroastrians. Adopting a primitive Arab desert cult and making enemies with Jews for no apparent gain, shows a genetic inferiority. Islam is a failed religion that needs reform at least as most Muslims are its victims, look at the poor state of their education, human rights. gender equality or even basic respect for women. Locking up half the population in burkas and praying five times a day is not going to bring prosperity or rational behaviour.

Fog of War

” Adopting a primitive Arab desert cult and making enemies with the World ”

Describes the Khazars perfectly.

Ivan Freely

The fools should have tested a nuke and save their people.

Tough choices. Openly defy the “International” community like North Korea preventing any form of economic growth in the near future, or continue to soak up punches until their economy is stronger.

IMO, Tehran should follow a similar path of Venezuela and end both Israeli and American diplomatic missions. Naturally they would have to shutdown their embassies as well in those nations.


There is no Israeli or US mission in Iran. But they operate through Australian, Canadian and other NATO proxies.

Ivan Freely

Thanks for the correction on the diplomatic missions. Then end diplomatic missions of those nations that provided aid along with any NGOs.


Mossad hit teams use Australian, Canadian, Azerbaijan and EU passports. They must have used British or Cyprus passports this time.

Fog of War

” Cowards or not, they can not fight the entire west on their own. ”

Where are Russia and China ? Are they not being threatened also ?

Lone Ranger

More kosher tears please…

Free man

Why the self-hatred?

Lone Ranger

Hasbarat detected…

Free man

Says the one who wrote a week ago that Iran had defeated ISIS east of the Euphrates River in Syria. Why do you hate your people so much?

Lone Ranger

Isis are not my people.

Free man

But the Jews are.

Lone Ranger

Hungarians are. im Hungarian first. By the way what you are doing is bad for Israel and jewish people in general. You will start a war that you cannot win but You can lose… Its already happening.

Free man

You will not hear a bad word from me about a particular group of people or religion. So it’s weird to me the way you treat a part of yourself. I do think Iran will be liberated.

Lone Ranger

Its not a part of me since Im no ziorat… You have badmouthed Iranians for quet a long time, you have a selective memory… Iran was liberated from under zionazi/CIA rule 40years ago…

Free man

Mullahs regime =/= Iranian people

Lone Ranger

Ziorat regime =/= jewish people

Free man

True, Israel represents only some of the Jews (probably not you). I never said that Israel or the Jews are perfect. nobody is perfect. We are all human beings and we all have flaws. That’s why I always say I love the Iranians, my family and others, but I oppose the regime.

Lone Ranger

Without that regime they would be toast. Same as Afghanistan or Palestine. The harder you push the stronger their grip…


Liberated from who the Iranians?

Lone Ranger

Funny thing is isis also stands for Israeli Intelligent Service…


Not likely, the US has officially confirmed that it was a Israeli hit. Check out the NY Times.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Never going to happen in a month of Sundays.

The Objective

You haven’t appeared in a long time. You think Netanyahu is preventing a U.S or Israeli attack on Iran? I doubt. What prevents a U.S attack on Iran is Iran. It’ll never give the U.S or Israel any reason to attack. I really think the Iranian regime should approach Israel and the GCC and sue for peace. They can dismantle their militias and promise not to threaten anyone again and all will be well. Israel, the U.S, and GCC will in turn pledge not to assault Iran in anyway. This I think is the easiest and most logical way to end this crisis, otherwise we are surely headed for a war. But the mullahs are unlikely to do this. They are too occupied with their desire to take Mecca, Madinah and Jerusalem that no compromise will persuade them to give up.


Once again I agree with your comment Objective, seems like you’re one of the few here that can really see the situation as it is in an objective way. True, a peace with Iran would be better for us and the region, but is it possible with the current mullah regime? I doubt it. The boys in Tehran know we aim our entire Arsenal at their cities, I hope it won’t come to that.

Vox Populi

You are a teenager sitting in a basement somewhere in the west LOL

Ashok Varma

He is a desperate teenager who is paid by the post. Like all hasbara rats he disappeared during the Armenian conflict.


That’s hardly who I am Ashok, I was actually on operational duty in the North against your Hezbollah and that’s all I can say.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Bro they are all anti semites! And racists and homophobes! We hasbaras from Haifa know you are Rambo spec-ops Mossad agent IDF elite commando paratrooper tankist! You once killed 5 people in 5 minutes!

In Battlefield 5.


you are full of shit.


Who is this kid? he she is funny. Later gator!



Joe Kerr

Is that why you cried like a mouse?


You wouldn’t even have time to cry if you met us, you would be simply dead.

Joe Kerr

Met your lot before, outside of Schitrael, not impressed. Quiet as a mouse, and brave as one as well.


Stop lying, if you met IDF soldiers (like me) in combat you would be dead, period. So I guess it wasn’t the case, maybe you’re some frustrated ex soldier that knows he can’t come close to our capabilities. In that case, you should know better what we can do if and when we get our orders.

Ashok Varma

Back to trolling again chit of a boy!


Then don’t talk to me Ashok, a simple solution for you.

Ashok Varma

Post some more Vietnam era lunda bazaar uniforms lol


You’re still stuck on that? that’s our older uniforms as a reservist I don’t change them like regulars, I used to. Anyway I came back after one month to see nothing has changed here, well atleast in the real world the reality is not as you wish. Iran will not get the bomb, and the mullahs time is running out…

Icarus Tanović

Talk is cheap, airbag.

Simplekindof Man

For once you were ….objective a rare moment of clarity. I agree.

Ivan Freely

I’m leaning on more about the Petrodollar than about not suing for “peace” with Israel and Gulf nations.

They can dismantle their militias and promise not to threaten anyone again and all will be well.

Bad move. See Libya for details.

The Objective

Libya could only dream of Iran’s military power. Part of the reason the American public doesn’t want a war with Iran is due to the perceived cost in blood and treasure. I think peace and war lies with Iran. If it would reach out to the GCC through Oman, reach out to Israel, they can stop this relentless assault on the country. MBS once promised Iran he’ll intervene in the maximum pressure campaign if Iran would stop threatening his country.

Many of you guys seem to be unaware of Iran’s evil actions. Or rather you deliberately turn a blind eye to it. This won’t help matters. Iran itself is as oppressive, if not more, as America. It foxes me how commenters here seem to be oblivious to the threat militias pose for any country. I would support Iran if it minded its own business and never tried to drag other countries in its war with Israel and the U.S. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen are all victims of this war, and Iran (not Israel, America, or Riyadh) pulled them into it. This is an Iranian wrong you guys would never be able to convince the world to support.

China and Russia will never support the creation of parallel armies in countries. That only leads to failed states, civil wars, sectarian strive, disunity, and oppression. For example, consider Lebanon and Iraq. Lebanon is under sever Western sanctions and currently faces all kinds of crisis (political, economic, and security). Why is this? all because the West seeks to destroy or weaken Hezbollah. In other words, Hezbollah brought this misfortune upon the entire Lebanese population. This is exactly what I’m categorically against. I believe Iran should fight its battles or surrender instead of indirectly causing the suffering and deaths of many. What if the current situations in Iraq and Lebanon leads to a civil war? How many innocent civilians will die, be maimed, starved, made homeless, made refugees, internally displaced? When will the civil wars end? 10 years? 15? 20? who knows?

This is the primary reason I hate the Iranian regime – nothing more.


The Mullahs can be the victors by bringing peace throughout the ME. If they want to do this they should do it now, through Trump. He would seize the chance to urge a peace and keep the B-52’s on the ground. Instead of seeing the next six weeks as a slippery slope to war between Israel and Iran, see it as Iran’s last opportunity to be the savior of Islam through peace. Biden and the military industrial complex will be all too happy to continue a mutually assured destruction status quo on the ME. Money and empire. Make the peace through Trump now. Last best chance.

Fog of War

He reappeared right before this hit. Cohenincidence ?

Fog of War

You are a naive fool or a troll. Which one is it ?


Allah can enter the Mullahs hearts and let them see that they can bring peace to the world. They have the power and Allah can give them the will to take the path of peace for the sake of all mankind.

Ashok Varma

Child killers and organ harvesters aka IDF.


Israel excels at hiding behind our tax dollars and blood.

Joe Kerr


Pave Way IV

How did the deal end up with his end-of-term, IZ? Last I remember it was end of Oct., 2021 but there was some kind of 18 month thing that might have moved the date. And is already a done deal that Gantz will replace him or could there be another election?


We are heading for another elections, Bibi lied and he won’t give Gantz the job. You would probably hear about it in the coming weeks.

Pave Way IV

“Bibi lied and he won’t give Gantz the job.”

Heh heh. What a surprise!


He’s a dictator, the problem is we don’t have a term limit so he can basically stay forever (but he won’t). Israelis are fed up.

Ashok Varma

The Zionists are a global cancer and unless they pay a direct cost, their manipulation of the west and spreading chaos, anarchy and terrorism will only grow more brazen. Iran needs to put is money where its mouth is.


Iran? The paper tiger? pmsl


In all fairness, the Iranians must have recessive genes as the Israelis even advertised this coming certain hit and Nethanyahu even made a powerpoint presentation. Iranian IQ=special needs.


Fog of War

I doubt Israhellis or ZioAmericans go on suicide missions. Why would anyone else give up their lives to do this ? MK ULTRA ??

Lone Ranger

Yes MK Ultra, indeed. Aside from that they often gonon suicide missions, zero dark thirty…

Potato Man

This is not the first time and we have to face it, Iran failed us and their own people, how can it happened again?

This is out of a movie, first MSM blamed 3 Iranian for polluting bomb in Thailand to what? Kill “Zion” France and Germany blame Iran for polluting bomb to what? Kill MEK And now both MEK and Zion kill Iran WITH the support of EU and US. Iran have to take action against Zion in Iran and MEK.

the fuk…

Hos Ng

Dont take the bait. Dancing child burners/snipers have doomed themselves. Wait some more, the world is finally coming to its senses. Everyone understands a tumor must be cut off.

Fog of War

Yes, lets keep waiting, and waiting , and waiting ……..


So …

YOU’RE expecting the World to rescue y’all? lol

Assad must stay

Fucking right its war!!!!! I hope whichever pieces of dogshit did this are totally fucking dead


If they are dead they should hang their bodies from tower blocks.


They can’t stop Iran, the fake Khazar jews are so hopeless


Iran’s only viable option is to really work towards a nuclear weapon to survive as North Korea has very successfully accomplished. We live in a anarchaic world where only the strong survive.


The question is Ali, how far are you willing to go with your program? are you ready for head on war against us? we can not allow you to have a bomb, so it can either end in you dissolving your program like South Africa / Libya or in a nuclear war which might be bad for us, but alot worse for you.

Albert Pike

South Africa is not a good example since Israel was part of it…

John Wallace

A very big part of it.


You can’t allow lol,who the fuck do you think you are? your arrogance will be your downfall and it won’t be pretty.


I don’t think you understand what is coming for you in a war Ali, goodluck.

Joe Kerr

But you do, having your troopers like babes last time your revered IDF met someone armed with more than rocks and knives.


We are obeying orders, if it was up to me I’d flatten south Lebanon and Beirut to the ground. Don’t hold your breath the 2006 mistakes from our side will repeat themselves, there will be no mercy this time.

Joe Kerr

The IDF would if it could, but 2006 showed that it can’t. Next time Hezbollah will clear the way to Jerusalem for it ground troops with thousands of short range missiles, and flatten your cities with thousands more of the medium range type… should you start bombing Beirut again. That’s why it won’t happen.


Shows how much you know, I don’t like to talk to clowns who don’t know the facts. Just some quick facts for you then, in 2006 we used 10K troops (out of 700K possible) which entered Lebanon in the last 2 weeks of the war, and 5% of our firepower. We reached the Litani river, and if it wasn’t for the ceasefire, we would have crossed it and head to Beirut. Not to mention, we have new lethal weapons we can use against them now. Talking is cheap, they backed down after one month of threats and they knew why.

Alekai Mordechai

I think he clearly understands what’s coming.

You guys already gave a snippet over last one year alone.

Honestly, it all seems like needle attacks.

Nothing more, nothing less.


If he understood what I’m saying, he would not be saying it will be our last heartbeat. Frankly, I’m used to it from all the trolls here but having seen some of our unused capabilities, he should not be asking for a war. They can shoot their long range ballistic missiles over here and some might even cause us great damage, but they can only enjoy it for some minutes before our retaliation comes.

Alekai Mordechai

I’m afraid to say your retaliations will have an immense PR value. Not ground value.

Iranians will surely be shouting and crying for revenge. And they might get one.

On the other hand, Trump admin, israel, KSA, UAE’s initiatives had varied result with questionable outcomes. I wound’t be too confident with my life.


Well having born and raised here, I would give my life to my country if it comes to that. Most of us would stay and fight, some might run and it’s okay but in the end it will hurt Iran much more than us. And I’m not a guy who says stuff for PR, I couldn’t care less about it. If they want revenge they’re welcomed to do it, no one is stopping them.

Alekai Mordechai

Isn’t Iran hurting already??

One border incident in israel, it rattles the security and political status to its core, given the proximity.

In Iran however, given their geography and depth, I wonder how much “hurt” Iran will get in actuality??

Did any of these killings and sanction dissuade them (Iranians) from any of their plans?? Me says, NO.

Don’t understand what so euphoric about this killing.


The pinpoint killings might not stop their pursue after the bomb, but it can surely slow them down. In the end it’s the regime which will be removed, hopefully before they cause irreversible damage to their own people.

Alekai Mordechai

With decades of living life and seeing the world for what it is …….. irreversible damage to all will be the way forward.

Alekai Mordechai

“In the end it’s the regime which will be removed” …… very lazy way of putting things into perspective. Devoid of responsibility.

Saw the outcomes of these “regime removals”. As for your last comment, that alone will bring irreversible outcomes for Iranians, much like it did for Afghans and Iraqis, Libyans etc.


Ya needle attacks … in Syria

15 Shia killed near al Bukamal

9 Shia killed near Damascus

That’s in the last two weeks … eh?

The list is long …. paper tiger

Alekai Mordechai

Perhaps they all are expendable and dozen a dime.


They are …

Alekai Mordechai

Afghan and Iraqi Shias.


They’re YOUR pieces of sh Xt … hello?

They’re wearing YOUR colours … eh?

They’re flying YOUR flag … hello?


Alekai Mordechai

You don’t know my flag.

Its blue and white.

Figure that out.


Ivan Freely

it can either end in you dissolving your program like South Africa / Libya or in a nuclear war

And end up like Libya today? Assuming Iran does have a clandestine nuclear program.

Fog of War

Thats exactly the plan and China, Russia, and everyone else are playing right along.

Lone Ranger

Except for the greater Israel Project, and global trade….oy gevalt…

Icarus Tanović

Bring it on, you prick. Let’s just see.

Fog of War

Yes, Bring it on, but will they ?? Doubtful.


Do you have any idea why the Iranian Regime killed 85 Argentinian Jews that were not even Israelis or even Israel embassy in Buenos Aires?

Israel even helped Iran on Iraq-Iran war. https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Israeli_support_for_Iran_during_the_Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_war


https://www.state.gov/commemoration-of-the-25th-anniversary-of-the-terrorist-bombing-of-the-amia-in-buenos-aires/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19b745ff36f50798a897e90bb55c8980ee432a5f4e5f184630561760f6036e22.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc99aaca30babf4eb7e14c45a54fb9d1b274461146ae720dc04ab6800feb9d0a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/669f5b062c3157641df86cad4d6b4c09665c7994dc74a81cdb67d6de8cfb30e1.png


Hey bro, welcome back missed you!


Hey bro, Amazing that dared into this Kremlin snake nest.


I like the challenge :) Ani levad ohel otam.

Fog of War

True, only the chosen can have the bomb. Only the chosen.

Lone Ranger

Very kosher…

Fog of War

Then stop talking and do it.

Joe Kerr

When the time is right, watch Dimona get powdered and Israel emptied of all but roaches. Better book your tent in Patagonia while you can.


ALL talk … paper tiger


If you are really a Mohammad Mosaddegh supporter, you should know that Israel supported him, the British imperialisms has been Israel enemy since ever.

They encouraged Arab emigration to future Israel to prevent from Jews becoming a majority, when even that was not enough they even blocked Jewish emigration during the Holocaust Knowingly that Europe was doing to Jews while violating the international law as League of Nation mandate for Palestine free emigration to future Israel of Jewish people. Article 6. The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency. referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews, on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2fba77218a1dd8e660cbcf1261f8410b53e77c9c0465a18e3eafc2e6ddc1c27.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a04ae1578e2862b537eff502b8e9add1f51df267dbeb74bc6ac1b246e000c1b4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a028d50a58c3a27ada0efae0eebdeaec1115c67d9a29f07861665343051faf0d.jpg

A 2008 document, leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden, says the U.K. Intelligence Called Israel the ‘True Threat’ to British Middle East Interests, GCHQ spied on Israeli diplomats and firms in addition to its military.

All this was achieved without ever burning a British flag or even shouting death to Britain.


Israel-Iran-relations during Mossadegh, [Mohammad Mosaddegh Project]


OK, I’m am proud Israeli Jewish Zionist Persianphile. Abby Martin is hot loony, she made her carrier working for the Kremlin RT, which she was fired when dare to critic Russian action on Crimea and moved to Cuban/Venezuelan/Iranian alternative reality of telesur. She Blames Jews for Holocaust, for 9/11 and water fluoridation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_Martin


Thanks for that … British after WWI didn’t recognize that they were ALREADY a 2nd tier power … that the ‘empire’ was fading/ receding … but without PM Lloyd George there would NEVER have been a State of Israel … the Jews needed a friend and got the support


I’m not one of Middle East brain death that keep grudges, Sadly Jewish did have personnel or the sufficient strength to liberate from Ottomans Isreael.

Never less, history is history, the Balfour declaration according to PM Lloyd George was a gratitude, he the British did meant to be taken seriously and in movement they realized the began working against it, the First White Books and lethal second white Book that properly condom 6M Jews to death.

http://www.weizmann.ac.il/WeizmannCompass/sections/briefs/a-century-of-science-and-statehood https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dced4d49f3285d67e466966557e564a940dda0846bae685969e11977fe131a9e.png

Even today UK policies including in UN are of opposite of friend, totally opposite of wonderful Anglo-Saxon countries it created, like US, Canada and Australia. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ed59485d3f5a3f69a0d3927ddeedd70fd87a7f2c07c6ecd69cd0192a99bdd4f3.png


Canada has a mixed record … but PM Harper was a ‘real’ friend and ally


Well, Canada is one of Israel’s closest friends after the US & Micronesia ? and is 82% For Israel while UK (is the Opposite of a friend (with only 3%)), So Canada has been 27.3 times more as friend than UK, actually imagine that since 2015 only Conservatives rule, with Labours th https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7edb79d8abbaf0bee8eb7c827ff23f692f4da21143e8daaf4dc464c4002c5340.png at would have record of Pakistan, all Red. Funny we need to thank, most of the Christendom is like France or worse.



I rephrased my response (using my phone I wrote Gibberish mostly, sorry).


I got it clearly the first time … lol

I taught this subject to a bagrut level class in English once upon a time … at Midreshet Sde Boker

I despise the indigenous Arabs especially Haj Husseini whose Civil War 1936-1939 ENDED any chance of escape from Europe by Jews seeking safety

Stay Safe


I see that still they have this silly behaviour of having several bot accounts only to down vote others responses.

Like this Ali, Alter ego @disqus_7y5LsXaZo3


Yup bro.

Steinar Lads

Iran is too weak to start a war .


Iran has been isolated and weakened for over four decades now. There are internal rivalries between the IRGC and regular military that has been allowed to deteriorate. The mullahs don’t trust the military and will not allow the airforce to buy new jets.

Lone Ranger

I guess thats why they beat the U.S. in the he middle east…oy oy…

Captain Freedom

There might be retaliation in form of a Houthi strike on Saudi Arabia like in the previous days, but bigger. If that will be the case, bye bye Aramco…

Ivan Freely

Agreed. The fall of the House of Saud will mean the end of the Petrodollar. Both Israel and the Gulf states will be greatly hampered by it.

Fog of War

Yes, lets attack the dumb Saudis, That’ll teach Israhell. SMH.

Lone Ranger

Its a start.

Free man

The father of Iranian nuclear technology may have been born with dignity but he died with none. What awaits the rest of the mullahs regime.

Alekai Mordechai

You kill people and you hand them the national dignity.

You failed there notso free man.

Free man

Check the meaning of his name and you may understand what you are responding to.

Alekai Mordechai

Don’t care ….. not even a bit.

Free man

So why do you respond if you don’t know what you are responding to?

Alekai Mordechai

I know what’s in the puzzle.

Do you know what’s in for ya m8?

Your thinking aren’t as free as it seems.

Lone Ranger

Dont let your matzoball soup get cold…

Free man

Again, why the self-hatred?

Lone Ranger

I only dislike hasbarats…like you…

Free man

A Jew who despises Jews is a person who should be despised. I dislike racists of all kind.

Lone Ranger

I dont have a problem with jews only with ziorats like you. Was a nice try through Shlomo…

Lone Ranger

You only hate Iranians… I get it…?

Free man

I oppose the mullahs regime. My parents are Iranian Azeris. But you are a Jew who hates Jews, why?

Lone Ranger

I only hate ziorats, I dont have a problem with jews.


Bs …

Lone Ranger

Your comment is, indeed.

Lone Ranger

Hope Bibi is paying you good…

Free man

I actually don’t like Bibi. But he is doing a lot to liberate the Iranian people.

Lone Ranger

Liberate like nazis liberated jews, or zionists liberated palestinians… Double speak straigh out of 1984…

Free man

You are truly a drama queen . I see Bibi and Trump the same way, I’m happy about the good things they do but I’ll be even happier when they leave.

Lone Ranger

Lol pot calling thr kettle black… Only good thing Trump did is he didn’t start a major war in 4years, and Im afraid he is about to undo his legacy to stay in power. Bibi was always a zionazi troll. Last good President Israel had was Ytzak Rabin but a zionazi killed him too…

Free man

I liked Ytzak Rabin, a soldier who became a man of peace. Murdered by a terrorist.

Lone Ranger

Bibi is no different from that terrorist. Just sayin, neither is the head of their intel service.


I think once Gantz becomes the PM, alot will change and there will be less talkings from our side and more actions.



War is the last option … the sanctions on Iran and Lebanon’s failed state status … leave time to wait and see

If attacked …. Israel will finish the job on the attacker


This isn’t the first time a Iranian scientist was assassinated by israel and Iran making a scene about it and it won’t be the last, until Iran counters with something similar in israel.


From a rational technocratic mind, it is simply too bizarre to think that the Israelis even advertised this hit globally with a powerpoint and even then the Iranian retards did nothing. Inbreeding must be high in Iran as no normal person with an IQ of over 70 could be that idiotic. Mind boggling incompetence.


Incompetence is the right word …

The IRGC promotes the MOST zealous pro-regime candidates NOT NECESSARILY the ‘smartest’ / ‘best’ candidates … so the dumbing down has made Iran vulnerable …


They might try, watch what happens next.

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