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Alternative Responses To COVID-19: Sweden, Netherlands, Japan And More

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Alternative Responses To COVID-19: Sweden, Netherlands, Japan And More

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The most mainstream strategy to handle the COVID-19 pandemic is almost complete isolation of every citizen, so that the spread can be limited as much as possible.

This, however, isn’t the only approach that countries throughout the world are applying.

In Europe, Sweden has chosen the most unconventional approach to the fight against coronavirus.

The country’s authorities insist that strict quarantine is not needed, because in the long term, the infection can be defeated either through universal vaccination, or through the acquisition of immunity as a result of the disease.

The government practically does not introduce restrictions, but instead gives recommendations: if possible, switch to remote work, avoid contact with older people over 70 and so on.

Kindergartens, schools, restaurants and bars, public transport continue to work. Until April 2, ski resorts worked.

Only higher education institutions are closed.

In addition, Sweden did not begin to close the border, as its neighbors Norway and Denmark did.

Until March 27th, events with participation of up to 500 people were allowed in the country, after which a more stringent restriction of 50 people was introduced.

At the same time, the Swedes as a whole do not strive once again to go out. About half of Stockholm’s population has already switched to remote work. In the city, the metro congestion fell by 50%.

In Norway, on March 12th, all kindergartens, schools and universities were closed, public events were banned, bars and restaurants stopped working.

In Denmark, universal quarantine was announced the day before, on March 11th, when almost the entire public sector was closed in the country.

On April 2nd, in Norway, a country with a population of 5.3 million people, has 4898 cases of infection and 45 deaths, in Denmark the population is 5.6 million and has 3542 cases, and 104 of them ended in death.

In Sweden, where more than 10 million people live, 4947 became ill, 239 died.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in Sweden, relatively few tests for coronavirus have been carried out – as of March 30th, they were around 35,000.

In Germany, where 84 million people live, about half a million people are checked every week – this, by the way, is one of the possible explanations for low mortality from coronavirus in the country.

The Swedish government ordered the increase in the number of inspections only on March 31st.

The country’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell believes that most Swedes should go through coronavirus in order for them to form collective immunity.

This approach appeals to the sense of personal responsibility of the Swedes, he says.

“So that’s how we work in Sweden. Our entire system of combating infectious diseases is based on voluntary action. The immunization system is completely voluntary, but has 98 percent coverage,” he explained.

The country’s professional community, however, is concerned. More than 2,000 Swedish doctors, scientists and professors, including Karl-Henrik Heldin, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation, have signed a petition calling for tougher quarantines.

No such plans have been announced so far.

In the Netherlands, the government of the country believes that the virus needs not only to be contained, it is necessary to make the infection controlled, but only in those groups of the population that are at risk.

Conceptually, this is similar to what the Swedes are offering, but, apart from the preamble about controlled infection in the approach described by the government, it is practically no different from universal quarantine measures introduced in Europe and around the world.

The government is asking people to stay at home as long as possible, if possible, switch to remote work, if sick, get treatment at home.

Museums and theaters, concert halls, sports clubs and more are closed until the end of April.

Schools and universities are closed, meetings are allowed, but in limited form – including church services, funerals and weddings, the number of which does not exceed 30 people.

However, there is no ban on leaving the house – this is the main difference between the Dutch approach and the classic lockdown.

In total, more than 12,000 people were infected, of whom 1173 died.

On Tuesday, March 31st, 175 people died from the virus, and the increase in cases was 845.

The country has one of the worst mortality rates in the world, almost twice the global rate, more than 8%. It is only higher in Europe only in Spain and Italy.

At the same time, the Netherlands is comparable with France in the number of cases per 1 million people, where now more than 52,000 people are sick.

In South America, the main opponent of the measures taken in most countries is Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

It was in his country that on February 26th the first individual on the continent was diagnosed with the new coronavirus – a 61-year-old man who returned from a business trip to Italy, fell ill and was sent to a hospital in São Paulo.

Now, Brazil, with a population of 209 million people is the leader in the number of sick and dead on the continent – nearly 8,000 cases and nearly 330 dead.

The president himself had a suspicion of a coronavirus, he underwent a test that was negative.

But even after that Bolsonaro did not change his approach; on Sunday, March 29th, he took another walk to one of the markets of the capital of the country, where he shook hands and talked, not observing any “social distance”.

However, the president has disagreements not only with other countries, but also with his own government and state governors.

If Health Minister Luis Enrique Mandetta insists on maintaining a distance and warns that, while maintaining the current dynamics, the health system will collapse by the end of April, the president says no additional quarantine measures are required.

“Those under the age of 40 have almost zero chance to die. So there is no reason not to let these people work. In the end, the virus kills as much as hunger,” Bolsonaro believes.

Local authorities, within their powers, impose their own restrictions. For example, public parks and recreation areas, fitness clubs have been closed in Rio de Janeiro since March 18th, restaurants are restricted.

With Bolsonaro blocking attempts to limit spread, local gangs in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) favela in western Rio are ordering residents to remain indoors after 8pm.

In the Morro dos Prazeres, gang members have told residents only circulate in groups of two while in Rocinha, one of Latin America’s biggest favelas, traffickers have also decreed a curfew.

Thus, Brazilian criminal gangs are enforcing social distancing, quarantine and a lockdown in order to limit the spread of the virus.

In Santa Marta, a favela that sits in the shadow of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue, traffickers have been handing out soap and have placed signs near a public water fountain at the community’s entrance that say:

“Please wash your hands before entering the favela.”

In Mexico, with a population of 129 million people, President Andres Lopez Obrador is also a supporter of continued economic activity.

“If you have the economic opportunity, continue to take families to restaurants because you will strengthen your families and economy,” he called on fellow citizens in March.

Local authorities take their own precautions. In the capital, Mexico City, city authorities switched to a limited mode of operation from March 23rd to April 19th or stopped working all together.

From March 20th to April 20th, classes in schools were canceled.

Since April 1st, shopping centers have been closed in the capital, restaurants should only run away, meetings throughout the country involving more than 50 people are prohibited.

Mexico just passed 1,500 cases and 50 fatalities.

Despite being close to China, Japan has a rather mild quarantine regime.

The first case of infection in the country was recorded at the end of January, by the beginning of February the number of cases had increased to 20, by March more than 200 patients had been identified.

In early March, authorities closed schools and banned mass events, but strict restrictions on the movement of people or the work of public institutions were still not introduced.

This distinguishes the country from China and Western Europe, where the epidemic developed more rapidly and the authorities imposed strict quarantine measures against companies and citizens. Russia is another example of the country with strict quarantine measures. Nonetheless, in this case, they are likely a result of media hype and political motivation of local elites rather than the real COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

Japan has 2,600 cases and 63 fatalities.

Analysts provide two explanations for low rates. First, Japan conducted fewer tests than other countries.

For example, more than 300,000 people were tested in South Korea, while less than 20,000 were checked in Japan.

Another explanation is that Japan traditionally takes “social distance” and hygiene seriously.

In mid-March, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said there were no reasons to take emergency measures to fight the virus.

However, on March 28th, he called for preparations for a “battle” with the coronavirus, “which could drag on for a long time.”

He stated this after the number of virus diseases recorded in one day in the country exceeded 100 for the first time.

Due to the threat of a growing epidemic, the resumption date for Japanese schools may be delayed, Japan Times writes.

On March 31st, a representative of the Executive Board of the Japan Medical Association, Satoshi Kamayachi, urged Abe to introduce a state of emergency to fight the virus.

What did Shinzo Abe do? He turned into a meme – he announced on April 1st (and not as an April’s Fools joke) that the government would distribute two cloth masks to every household in Japan to fight the COVID-19 spread.

Presiding over a COVID-19 meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office, Abe revealed a batch of measures the government would be taking to alleviate the nationwide shortage of face masks, including plans to dole out 15 million surgical masks to medical institutions across the nation next week. He also said financial support for domestic manufacturers had led to a supply of 600 million masks last month.

But it was the unexpected distribution of two cloth — therefore washable — face masks to approximately 50 million households nationwide that has left many online aghast.

Abe, for his part, insisted the distribution of cloth masks, announced before the comprehensive economic package is mapped out, would be “extremely effective” in easing the ongoing shortage because, unlike surgical masks, they can be reused if washed properly with detergent.

The government is set to announce its biggest-ever economic package, which is likely to include cash handouts to households and relief measures for businesses. It’s expected to take place after April 5th.

Due to the epidemic, schools and churches were closed in South Korea, but no serious restrictions on the movement of people were introduced in the country.

Instead of mass bans, a large-scale virus testing system was launched in the country to identify cases at an early stage and track those who contacted them.

Tests for the virus are publicly available, there’s special road checkpoints.

In case of a positive result, the patient receives a notification from the authorities, and he or she is obliged to isolate themself.

Patients are monitored through a special application. In total, South Korea conducted more than 300,000- more than any other country.

South Korea has just upwards of 10,000 cases, out of which less than 4,000 are active and it’s fatalities sit at 174.

The first case of the disease was detected at the end of January, at the end of February the pace of disease began to increase, and on March 1st, the number of people infected during the day increased to 730 people.

The authorities managed to slow down the pace of the epidemic, so that on March 11th the number of new infections was 162 people, March 31st – 102.

Because of the ongoing epidemic, authorities in Seoul have postponed the opening of schools planned for early April, but they do not plan to introduce larger-scale prohibitive measures.


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Hasbara Hunter

Holland has got a lot of very old people already balancing on the edge of life…who were always kept alive by the Big Pharma Mafia… Dutch proverb: There is a time of arrivin’ & there is a time of leavin’….

Numbers of the dead are complete & utter bullshit…and can be manipulated whatever you want…You should put all the Old & Weak in a Quarantine-Bubble…not the other way around…


50k cases of corona deaths vs 125 k common infuenza so far,all under same scrutinee, then you ponder the fear epidemic and the covert nazi/nwo takeover of freedom of rights and the muppets who misrepresent constituates,and the german pleasure cruisers trying to bang on aome eu/nazi overuling the cponstutuates govenments in typical eu-epp open border policiy,then ask about the present ovious nwo/eu-epp/german bio weapon using nazi canada to subvert and try to frame the bitish,but not befor the attempt to get refenge on the real deal communists as chinas,before senfing the soris funded nazi bioweapon to other parts like australia whom pose a serious nwo/pwer threat to the certain few supreme white raced skeletors in bussels,this is ww3,how dare their neo liberal/nwo muppets allowed over 2.7 k many also coughing to walk away untested from those stinking soros sponsored carnival cruises(yippee,hail clinton,hi,hi,hi,hi,yippee germnocide coming real soon,hi’ha’ha:

Damien C

Trump in his unbelievable stupidity closed down the only Pandemic organisation that the USA had. He did this because Obama set it up and Trump is sickened with jealousy of Obama. He then donated most of USA medical supplies to China in the hope of sugar coating a trade deal and DID NOT replace them, didn’t even order new stuff.

So out of spite, mindless ignorance and unforgiveably poor leadership he has managed to kill hundreds of thousands of US citizens unless a vaccine is super-rushed somehow. The deaths will come! There’s no stopping them without a vaccine!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

am from Uk. but seriously,, wtf did obama actually do that would make anybody envious of him?

Damien C

Nothing …. he was a drone-king killer and weak as fuck

But Trump is fuelled with rage at his icon status hence his drive to wipe out every piece of legislation irrespective of its benifits that Obama administration is connected to.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

majority of people in the USA hated obama and his policies. and didnt his administration sell uranium to the russians? what exactly dfid obama do that was worthy of envy tho?


what exactly dfid obama do that was worthy of envy tho?

Simple, he’s not Trump.

A lot of Americans are now willing to vote for a geriatric who half of the time doesn’t know where he is and the other half doesn’t know how to end the sentences he’s started. They’re willing to place the nuclear button in the hand of a dementia patient. But at least he’s not Trump!

Trump derangement syndrome makes brains soft, just like Joe Biden’s brain has become.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

newsflash. biden doesnt have a chance, Trump is going to win by an even bigger margin than last time. and not being somebody else isnt an achievement, you didnt answer my question what the fuk did obama the muslim terrorist cunt do that is enviable?


I never said Biden has a chance. All I’m saying is that a large chunk of the US electorate hates Trump with such a fiery passion that they think that Biden makes for an acceptable candidate against Trump.

And yes, not being Trump IS an achievement when you’re suffering from TDS. Which means that Obama, who was most definitely not a Muslim, qualifies for saint hood as far as TDS sufferers are concerned.

Arch Bungle

He Was Black.


“He then donated most of USA medical supplies to China in the hope of sugar coating a trade deal and DID NOT replace them, didn’t even order new stuff.”

Any source quoting or is that a deliberate lies?

Pompee was bragging US will offer China $100M aids. By 1Mar20 China has contained the outbreak, but foreign ministry spokesman answer to journalist qn, there is not a single cent or mask receive yet.

Alibaba Jack Ma sent a plane load of 1M masks and 500k test kits to US.

Trumps & Pompee are calling China for medical aids while smearing Chinese.

On M/Mar China received hypocrite American notification that it “may” sent some medical supplies, China said thks, outbreak is fully contain, pls sent to others in need.

Trumps call Xi & Putin. Russia and China sent plane load of medical aids to US.


Netherlands: “On Tuesday, March 31st, 175 people died from the virus, and the increase in cases was 845.

The country has one of the worst mortality rates in the world, almost twice the global rate, more than 8%. It is only higher in Europe only in Spain and Italy.”

Be advised the Netherlands does not Test at all. ‘Numbers are worth nothing so we [nearly] dont do tests’ Dutch Prime minister said in a statement.

The Dutch for that reason have much higher Numbers infected as official statistics seem to show.

In the other hand, the Dutch dont count people who died at home while having all symptoms of Covid-19. Also again because they not even bother to test the dead.

Only once in hospital they do tests, but not earlier.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

they are only testing those who show symptoms, not the majority of people who contract it that show no symptoms.

also they are recording those who have covid 1984 present as cause of death, even if the cause of death was pnuemonia from the flu

the mortality rate everywhere is different because stats are being used to further the narrative that it is actually a real threat


No, the Dutch do not Test people with symptoms(!!!) Get yourself better informed. Only people who arrive in Hospitals get propper tests, but thats only 20% of the cases. GP’s (Huisarts in Dutch) are willing to test people, but only in The Northern part of NL they abandoned the official state guidelines and started testing everyone.

But if you live in the Midds or South NL you wont get tested. Unless very i’ll and need treatment of Healthcare workers, but only to know if you are contagious.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

if you dont have symptoms you are not going to go to hospital are you.


Only once you are suffocating they go to the Hospital. But the ‘approach’ to this stadium (showing all symptoms) the GP’s are instructed to advice people to ‘sick-out’ and get better at home and self-isolate. THOSE people are not tested, while they cary ALL symptoms

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ahh your point was not everybody with symptoms get tested, got it. yeah i know not everybody with symptoms gets tested. look at the cruise ship tho. 50% of those people showed no symptoms, 4 died i think out of 500 odd. they all had other complications tho.

the mortality rate from covid 1984 is no more frightening than influenza.


No it doesnt frighten me at all.. But influenza doesnt kill this fast, normaly. In Spain alone, every one and a half Minute someone Dies of Covid-19. The influenza doesnt do that with such a fast rate


In the light of ‘fear’, this stuff is highly contagious. It spreads like wild-fire, and kills off everyone who should not be alive by natures Law. Taking a few extra too (healthy people)

That is just one thing it separates from Regular Influenza.

Second, Influenza is only attacking the lungs, while Covid-19 Attacks Lungs, Central Nerve system, Immuunsystem, Kidney’s .. It causes sooo many things, its freakenly effective in killing-off all those people “kept alive” who should never had made it this far.

Just a joke, but you can say Nature declared War with humanity ;)

Arch Bungle

Even if I never bought into the idea that cov19 is a bio-weapon, it’s killing pattern alone leads me to conclude that it’s optimised for culling …

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

covid 19 is being recorded as the cause of death even if it was only present and not the cause majority of people with covid 1984 show no symptoms. the quarantined cruise ship stats prove this. so if only people who show symptoms are being tested the actual rate of infections is much higher and the mortality rate is much lower. stay at home and give covid 1984 the best chance of surviving until allergy season think about it, if you are not upset by the deaths of influenza, which has killed a lot more people and i would bet my house a lot of people dying from influenza are being recorded as covid if it is present the stats of influenza victims are false and much higher why would you give a shit about covid 1984 when you dont give a shit about influenza? have you been eating too much MSM?


Also, most deads confirmed by GP’s dont get tested after they passed away at home. I will collect some sources, one min..



Use a translater, its in Dutch

Damien C

It is a real fucking threat Red!!!!!!!!

Spain have lost 11,000 in just over a month can you not see with the escalation in the death rates that this is different. The ordinary flu kills consistantly numbers wise 10 one day 12 the next then 8 this thing is taking 1,350 a day in France 900 a day in Spain 900 a day in Italy On top of this deaths of older people not in hospital irrepective of clusters are being listed as natural causes through old age if a doctor is not available so the rates could be higher

This will continue for many many weeks leading into months THE FLU DOES NOT DO THAT

13000 and counting in Italy 11,000 and counting Spain 6,000 and counting France

In the mildest of weather the Average temp 16 degrees c


Spain has a lot of deaths because crazy feminists (which is basically the same anyway) thought it necessary to hold protest marches all over Spain on march 8, even though social distancing had already been called for. Because the patriarchy kills more people then corona they said. Because of them Spaniards are dying by the thousands. Feminism kills more then just brain cells.

Hasbara Hunter

On the other hand: You can register every deceased with the slightest trace of COVID-19 as a Corona-Victim…So everyone in the entire world can die of Corona if the Virus is found in the body…perhaps they were just Old & Weak?


Yes it sometimes happened. Dying of a stroke but Because also tested positive for Covid-19 they end up in the statistics.

People died before the virus had a chance to kill them

Hasbara Hunter

They will continue with their Lockdowns until they have completely ruined the Global Economy…

The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets…


Oh yess, happily awaiting the final Crash ^^

Hasbara Hunter

Yes perhaps it is a good thing…the longer this situation lasts the more I start to like it…

It might take away some of the Arrogance of’m Sheeples & open their eyes…


Today Holland reports 15,800 infections, 1490 deaths.

If they only report hospitalized serious cases as infections & deaths, then they should have at least 100,000 mild symptoms cases, with unknown asymptotic cases.


Yep, 100.000 at least… They not even test all health care workers inside the Hospitals. Only the ones working in the ICU and ER So if your grandpa or so goes to a Dutch hospital for some random treatment, it could be he brings Covid-19 back home and dies within a week or so from the infection. Just because the people working in the Hospital are carrying the virus but dont know because they are not alowed to get a test

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

RIP Eddie Large who went into hospital for a heart condition, contracted covid 19 in the hospital and died from it.


Obviously the numbers and diversity of approaches don’t add up and somebody is lying. The Germans and Italians have already admitted to it. Hospitals sometimes reach capacity for a variety of reasons and the problem is mitigated by a variety of measures so that people don’t die from a lack of treatment. So far that’s been a minor issue with the virus in most places as evidenced by the low number of deaths.

The entire crisis is clearly a msm and government fear mongering fabrication to justify fascist and draconian economic and social control not seen in most people’s lifetimes. That’s the worrying part. Along with the evidence that not only are many governments going to extremes in their economic suicide and deliberately imploding their economies for no justifiable reason.

But also that the virus may be a bioweapon deployed to give governments an opportunity to overreact, and that it is the first phase of a Jew world order genocide campaign against humanity similar to what they did to Russia last century that halved Russia’s population of what it would be now otherwise. Except this time their aiming for an over 90% population reduction as part of their Talmud slave planet hegemony project.


The Jews are losing on the battlefield to Russia, economically to China, and a regional coalition that they can’t handle militarily to deal with the Zionist problem is in the pipeline. It shouldn’t be surprising that they may be launching a bio weapon and economic terrorism Sampson plan genocidal counter attack. Which is completely in character with their Talmud ideology and long history of large scale malevolence. They are the planet’s biggest trouble makers and need to be outlawed and extinct so that the planet is Jew free.


“Brazilian criminal gangs are enforcing social distancing, quarantine and a lockdown in order to limit the spread of the virus.”

The triads are doing some good social work while US installed puppet gov did nothing. That’s very funny.


These Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Holland & Germany people are generally quite self discipline, so a quasi lockdown may work effectively though not as swift as China’s mandatory lockdown.

But the West don’t want to be seen as emulating a more inferior nation success story. So they will call it Shelter-in instead of Chinese draconian lockdown, where walking dogs is valid reason. All it needs is a few non discipline super spreaders to create new epidemic clusters.

West will also discourage wearing mask in public that Asian adopted, and beat up Asians who did that protect themselves and others, with USNato MSM xenophobic propaganda.

While severely shortage of PPE, with only China able to supply in huge qty, West further crank up smearing campaign on Chinese medical aids & call Chinese products have virus.

US quietly drop China’s KN95 (equivalent to N95) masks from qualified list, disqualified its ventilators,..to signified to world Chinese made are bad quality.

Yet quietly it snatch away 6M masks plane load in China tarmac heading for France with briefcase of cash. NY ordered 17,000 ventilators while Trumps sent federal defective ventilators, still bickering with GM over $1B cost for 30,000 ventilators.

Spain & Czech ordered anti-body test kits instead of WHO recommended rapid nucleic test kits from China non approved vendor, skipping Chinese consular provided approved supplier list intentionally. Then they smear Chinese test kits are defective with only 20% accuracy. Their experts pretend to be stupid can’t understand anti-body only appear in later stage and recovered patients, while rapid nucleic test kits is one used for common testing with 80% accuracy.

Holland claimed recalling 6M Chinese defective masks, that can’t fit their face and not provide N95 filtration. The boxes label clearly: “NOT FOR MEDICAL USAGE”. Suppliers have emphasized their cheap price mask order is not for medical purpose repeatedly. Yet Danish experts pretend to be stupid.

US installed Brazil President joined in US bashing game happily having his son to call COVID as Chinese virus. Then it can’t find single supplier even after calling 4 countries like superpower USNato. So it ended asking China for help, and was promised a delivery in 30days.

India is banning all medical products, masks and even cotton once China declared lockdown with severe shortage to disrupt its supply. Its actively conducting smearing warfare on China killing own people with Wuhan lab made Coronavirus bioweapon since last year in Greatgameindia.com You may wonder how Indians know well in advance of outbreak like John Hopkins Event 201.

Are these arsholes deserving China limited medical resources during global pandemic?

All medical supplies should be better delivered for Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Venezuela, NK, Yemen…that are under USNato tightening illegal sanction and military threat.

US just refused Alibaba medical aids entry into Cuba.

So how can the West containment policy work, when kamma will bite them back very hard?


Its widely reported by Japanese, that Japan has conducted very few testing and hospitals are refusing testing to all patients with no hospitalized symptoms. They fear a quarantine lockdown of hospital will cost them dearly.

If COVID does killed only the aged with morbidity, it might be Abe dream to rid 30% of its old aged group to revitalize its dying nation.

But these policy makers forget they and their families are also among the aged group potential to be killed.

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