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America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

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America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo based investigative journalist, writer, author, geopolitical and military analyst. Originally published on February 27, 2024

A Fourth Reich?

At the end of Dr. Strangelove, the doctor can walk again. “Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!” is his cry of victory. Hitler is dead but Strangelove has survived to develop weapons that will destroy both Russia and the US and inaugurate a new fascist world. The Fourth Reich,

Let us not forget the CIA and US weapons programs relied on imported Nazi talent after 1945,

Is this a parable for 21st Century America? Did the Nazis plant the seeds of what we are becoming?

Does that mean WWIII?

If so will it start in Europe? In West Asia? In the Pacific? Has it already begun?

Can we learn to love the bomb?

Talking Heads

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Naturally, talking heads are all over the place—on this subject of WWIII.

One such as is Stephen Bryen who founded and headed the Defense Technology Security Administration within the U.S. Defense Department back in the days of Reagan and later became a fixture in academia, government, industry, and national-security think tanks.

He also ran Finmeccanica North America (now Leonardo) — the world’s 9th-largest seller of armaments— and was a senior staff director of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

He writes for the Asia Times. He is very good when discussing weapons – but, politically, one should always remember his neoconservative credentials.

On the other hand, he’s not DNP neocon.

Biden Seeks WWIII

Recently, Bryen has been quoted a lot in the Alt Media– notably Moon of Alabama and the Duran and such places.

Eric Zuesse’s article for the Duran is entitled —or mistitled — “Biden Now Seeks WW3 Against Russia, Says High U.S. Defense Expert” and refers us to a recent interview with Bryen in which he talks about the dangers of using F-16s flown by NATO pilots to bomb Russia.

Jans Stoltenberg has said Ukraine can use the F-16s anyway it likes, of course— without actually committing to the involvement of NATO pilots.

The range of an F-16, which was designed as a lightweight dog fighter in the 70s by John Boyd is fairly limited. With drop tanks and a modest bomb load, its range is about 500 miles maximum but practically speaking about 350 miles. In this attack configuration it is also highly vulnerable to counter-air and AD systems.

Zuesse notes that Finland’s new anti-Russia president, Alexander Stubb, appeared to favor nuclear weapons on Finnish territory—which would be escalatory, with bases just 509 miles away from Moscow.


When asked about his views on nuclear weapons at his first news conference as president, Stubb said it would be for the Finnish government and parliament to decide if Finland wants to alter its current legislation that bans nuclear weapons on Finnish soil, including their transfer.

Still, Zuesse writes….

Russia responded militarily on 24 February 2022 in order to prevent Ukraine from allowing the U.S. to place a missile there a mere 317 miles or five minutes of missile-flying-time away from The Kremlin and thus too brief for Russia to respond before its central command would already be beheaded by America’s nuclear strike. 

WWIII Cancelled?

Okay. So World War III might not happen tomorrow. If ever. Please do not take this as a criticism of Zuesse who is a superb writer and analyst. He is right most of the time and more often than me!

In this case maybe not so much.

So…..why are we so worried?

Let me remind you that this is an Election Year.

And Biden’s Sorry State of the Union Address is coming up, which will upstage Saturday Night Live—as the year’ s premier comedic event. The specter of total extinction is one of those fun things that always gets a laugh. Especially with a President who keeps on trying to start his car with the nuclear keys.

Really? Should he be driving at all? For Biden the presidency is hit-and-run.

That said— let me reassure you about nuclear war. Who would want to be President of a vast, sooty smoking wasteland?

Oh, an old guy with a comfy bunker who’s going to die anyway….

Anyway, Biden is not going to get elected – that’s now almost a certainty.

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

And Trump just wants to make money – not war.

Talking War

The neocons like to talk about “war” more than they like to do it— especially when the odds are not in their favor.

That’s one reason why mental fruit cases like Nuland have been forced out.

Also, only Russia has a First Strike capability— with the capability of destroying nuclear bases with hypersonic missiles before NATO missiles can finish warming up.

And…Russia has a credible defense system to counter NATO ballistic weapons. The S500 has a range of at least 500 km and a response time of 3 to 4 seconds— and an altitude of 100 km allowing it to kill satellites as well.

Okay—so ICBMs are out — like those old folding cellphones.

How about stealthy cruise missiles like Taurus?

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Ummmm…. Much ado about nothing.

Given that Taurus is really an upgraded Storm Shadow the Russians have been shooting down such missiles with a better than 90% success rate. They adapted fast.

This is called an Aerostat. 24-hour surveillance, capable of detecting low-flying cruise missiles.

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Of course, you haven’t heard of these things. Not sexy.

The one shown in the photo is American, but the Russians have been manufacturing a lot of them. Prices range from $40,000 to $7 million. Are they actually using them? An AWACS costs the Americans over $500 million and $40,000 an hour. Russian AWACS’ cost about $300 million.

Aerostats have advantages in detecting cruise missiles. but the Russian military has done just fine using Krasukha EW systems and aerosol-clouds to confuse optical and thermal (infrared target acquisition.

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

War just aint what it used to be.

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Modern warfare has to be adaptive to the practicalities of an ever-changing battlefield. Investing in complex expensive systems that take years to perfect can limit adaptability and flexibility and lead to defeat in war.

Waste not, want not

The Russians make weapons for the battlefield. They are practical and economical.

America 2024: Strangelove Part 2?

Anti-Drone Device

Americans make weapons big and complicated so that companies can make a lot of money and their executives can buy islands in the Caribbean. Doesn’t matter if they work or not.

Russians have other priorities. Waste not, want not.

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dunc. the observer

back in ww2 we yanks used small nuke to end the endless war and save american lives. i think russians can do the same now, use small tactical nukes to neutralize the nazis and end the war faster and the most important: save russian lives. oh you think it’s too cruel, hmm right, tell this to the us government who used it in hiroshima. and dont come with your “we all will die” rhetoric doomer. it has been debunked here many times here on sf.

Last edited 1 year ago by dunc. the observer
emperor bill gates

barbaric amerikunts used nuke vs japanese civilians because you are immoral and disgusting….

emperor bill gates

“use of the atom bomb was unnecessary and barbaric”. admiral william leahy

dunc. the observer

so americans are are immoral and disgusting then


they export homosexuality as a religious rite.

what would you call that, healthy and moral?


“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen…”hunter thompson…”from the inception of amerika it has been informed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. walter macdougal


“as one digs deeper into the national character of amerikans one sees they have sought the value of everything in this world according to the answer to a single question: how much money will it bring in?” tocqueville


“amerikans have always been genocidal enjoying killing from afar…the artificial sexual scarcity in amerika derives from the amerikan money neurosis”. philip slater


amerikans do not remember …they do not feel; amerikans live in a materialist dream”. moisede ostrogorski

jens homo

“the double symbolism amerikans assign to money is considered paradoxical to europeans”. geoffrey gorer


“amerika is a gigantic mistake”. sigmund freud


“in amerika what morality cannot control is ignored…in amerika anyone that can get away with an infraction without being caught or penalized is an object of admiration rather than reprobation “. geoffrey gorer

dunc. the observer

don’t mind me, i’m an imbecile

ff gg rr

truth hurts?! pathetic loser

jens holm

nothing better than pedophilia strange love

jens homo

only with boys under 8


“can we learn to love the bomb?” when the alternative is living in tranny-pedo land where nobody thinks and everyone is aggressively beyond retarded, yes we can. this guy is definitely on the right track.

Ukrainian Roulette

uh oh, i smell a coming to sodom and gomorah event in the works and the burning of sulfur incense.


when one carries on ignoring their role in evil, they’ve got something coming, don’t they?


it was proven the war was over and the americans wanted to nuke hiroshima and nagasaki because russians were moving fast on the eastern front. really to send a message.


they just wanted to show off their brutality and new weapons so that everyone would acquiesce out of fear and awe.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers
Guy Metdrapedes

i’ll ride that nuke all the way to its destination. yeeeeeee haaaaaw.


peter sealers who played the part of strangeglove in the movie was himself a jew!

Guy Metdrapedes

a jew in hollywood? oh the horror.

Massa John

dollar has to go, leaving the west crawling like insects, so they do whatever it takes to prevent it.


so, what exactly is this “the west”?

Massa John

you and me at least


i don’t think i know you, but regardless, why would you want me crawling like an insect, or, for that matter, you?


a strange species


“russians rarely cheat each other–russians do not need written contracts or agreements”. alexandr herzen

The Geopolitical Blogger

“the temporary accommodation for foreign mercenazis in the kharkov region was destroyed yesterday evening by an attack with the operational-tactical missile system “iskander”. according to preliminary information, there are heavy losses among the mercenazis and the ukrainian na-zis themselves.” v. soloviev tg

Last edited 1 year ago by The Geopolitical Blogger
fm eere et

i hope many french mercenazis died there


“play fair with russian or do not play”. otto von bismarck


“amerika is the ultimate tricksters paradise”. sacvan bercovitch


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud”. paul fussell


all the sensitiveness has dried up in amerikans…the crystallization of love is impossible in amerika..i do not envy amerikan happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


“amerikans choose their attachments the way they choose a toaster—they ask does s/he fulfill my needs do i feel comfortable asserting my rights in the relationship? does s/he check all the right boxes? adbusters 2020

Last edited 1 year ago by Shaman

instead of killing us nuke the aggressor that is behind all the misery in the world

Warshington Says

i heard that nuland was going to be offered up on a barbecue spit with an apple in her mouth as a sacrifice to the god of war. never invoke the god of war unless you can win is the unspoken rule. losers must pay the ultimate price.

Tommy Lee

i can’t say i’m exactly bothered by the prospect of nuclear annihilations. we seem to be marching blithely towards our own demise anyway, what with the feverish pace of ai development. there is no future to save, so why not just pull the plug and get it over with?

Tommy Lee

i can’t say i’m exactly bothered by the prospect of nuclear annihilation, for we seem to be marching blithely towards our own demise as it is. soon, we will all be denizens of a technocratic oligarchy were we live meaningless lives of mere existence, fed a steady diet of prescription psychactives and machine-generated entertainment to keep us pacified until we die. there is no future to save, so why not just pull the plug?

Last edited 1 year ago by Tommy Lee

my dictator joe biden says “no red lines for israel”—anglo saxon immorality

jens homo

what where is my lego?


“the people of north amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. yuri bezmenov


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty” hl menkhen

goober stoltenberg

new director of nato lgbt affairs division appointed yesterday—jens holm and aid stupo gestapo

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