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MARCH 2025

American Casualties Reported Following Attack On US-led Coalition Patrol In Northeastern Syria

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American Casualties Reported Following Attack On US-led Coalition Patrol In Northeastern Syria

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On April 26, a patrol of the US-led came under attack in the village of al-Saada in the southern countryside of Syria’s al-Hasakah.

The patrol, which was escorted by a unit from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), was reportedly targeted with an improvised explosive device as it was passing through al-Saada, which is located near the town of Markadah. At least one US armored vehicle was damaged as a result of the attack.

Following the attack, al-Saada was besieged by a large force from the US-led coalition and the SDF. Coalition warplanes were also spotted over the village.

Syrian sources alleged that two American service members and a commander of the SDF were killed or wounded in the attack. However, this is yet to confirmed. The US-led coalition has not addressed the incident, so far.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that ISIS cells were behind the daring attack. However, the terrorist group is yet to official claim responsibility.

ISIS kicked off a military campaign in the Levant and several other regions across the world early on in April to avenge its former leader and spokesman who died during a US raid in Syria’s northwestern region in February. The group called the campaign “The Battle of Revenge for the Killing of the Two Sheikhs”.

According to the SOHR, at least 11 fighters and commanders of the SDF have been killed by ISIS cells since the beginning of the revenge campaign.

If al-Saada attack indeed resulted in American casualties, this would be the second time the US-led coalition sustained losses this year. In the first week of April, a sabotage attack inside a key coalition base in northeastern Syria wounded four American service members.


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“Syrian sources alleged that two American service members and a commander of the SDF were killed”

Cheers! Rest in Shit

Ashok Varma

US murdering criminals and their NATO toadies are in Syria and Iraq illegally and stealing oil and supporting Wahabbi terrorists of ISIS and alCIAda, and only the Russians, Iranians and the Axis of Resistance is stopping them and the people of the region are fed up of US plundering cowards and their terrorist proxies and increased resistance is the only way of getting rid of US occupation. JAI RUS, ZINDABAD IRAN!


yes filtry kevion kostner nfl amerikans HAHAHAHAH dead



helene matz

apparently javelins dont work,in ukraine anyhow made in savilland

Omas Bioladen

Send them to paris sububs.


how much you get paid to suck cock?



Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same  purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts.  When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.  4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,  5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicte


I’m not Christians so idk much about the bible, but doesn’t the bible say something about USA being destroyed by Iran and Russia, I think it also said turkey but I’m not sure.

In Islam we believe our imam Mahdi and Isa AS(Jesus) will fight to liberate Palestine and will take the enemies (Zionist and their allies (NATO))

Omas Bioladen

Yes, bible says such in: Revelation of Mahmood Ahmadinedjad 1: Cancerous tumour Israel will soon be wipred off the face of the earth

Chris Gr

A lot of things are being said. However, the biblical King of the North is Revived Roman Empire and the biblical King of the South is Islamic Caliphate.


The King of the North and the King of the South. WHO would be the King of the South? It may be SOUTH of Israel. Turkey is NORTH of Israel. Maybe Iran is South but then that would be called PERSIA. Egypt would be named. It would look likely to be SAUDI. That is unless we get another shift and it was Yemen? Dont think so tho. Other nations to the south of Israel are in S or E Africa. It is looking like Turkey and Saudi. America is not the King of the South, it is in the Northern part of our world. If this was not about north and south of Israel but a king in one nation to the North of a king in another nation, that could be Russia and Ukraine…which is the US vassal state. The UK is to the North but also far to the West of Israel.


I think king south and north is referring to Hezbollah (south) and Israel (north) because there’s some verse that says from the North disaster will be Poured

Omas Bioladen

North is Putin, South is Pissrael. US/EU just being bitchslaves of Pissrael.

Chris Gr

Israel is the center.

Chris Gr

America is the West. The Antichrist will go from there. King of the North will be the Franco-German alliance. King of the South will be the Turkish-Iranian-Ethiopian-Algerian alliance.

Cuckmander Hebrew

You’re preaching your dune coon baboon gospel again, shitskin? No one believes in the retarded kikeroach sandmutt bible – I in fact once stole a copy to use as toilet paper.




fuck off, you and your c*nt bible… we don’t give a shit about religion on this site!


This attack is suspiciously coincident with news by SANA (loudspeaker of Assad’s regime for the good and for the bad) about “protests” (less than 50 people) in Hasakeh (whose center is under Damascus control, as is a military base just outside the city). This is by no means DAESH (ISIS) territory historically but a mostly Kurdish city, DAESH has no backing at all among Kurds: it’s an Arab-Turkish thing.


Since ISIS is a disowned US proxy force they wouldn’t do that unless the US wanted an excuse to intervene ‘to take care of terrorism’ or some such cynical lie.

R. Robertson

Depending on who is paying who to attack another… If Party A pays Party B to attack Party C… for instance, The CIA (A) pays some “fighters” (B) to attack Syrian Army (C).. B are freedom fighters. If the Saudis (A) are paying “fighters” (B) who attack American forces (C)… party B is then called “ISIS”. In both instances, Party B is the same people – just being paid by different sponsors to attack others.

The designation of ISIS is given to any militant who attacks American forces. Those same “ISIS” who are then later paid to attack Syrian Army… then become “freedom fighters”.


I’m an American and one of the reasons I didn’t vote for Trump the second time is because the tubby liar lied about Syria, and allowed an American military base to be placed in Syria.


Same here for sure.


Trump is also the faggot that released covid-19, “an american weapon they will use again” (V.Putin)


doctor-Z, when the Coronavirus started the Chinese immediately accused the US of doing it. The outbreak occurred toward the end of the international military games (a sporting event), which was being held in Wuhan. The Chinese also accused the US of planting the SARS virus (a strain of the coronavirus) there back in 2003.


The virus also, by pure coincidence of course, sprung up in Iran at the same time as in Wuhan.


Biological attack on Iran?

Peppe il Sicario

And the third country hit was Italy, a country that had very very close ties with Russia, economically, socially, and until the early 2010s, even militarily. It was the US Empire of Lies under Affirmative Action president, Obozo, who used the CIA to stop the military cooperation between Italy and Russia, in fact, with a political coup in 2011. Things have gone to shit from there on in Italy.


Did you happen to read the articles and see the DoD documents regarding the pandemic news report on November 19th of US funding “COVID-19 Studies” before WHO (in February, 2020) labeled the virus as the COVID-19? Was it just a coincidence that a bird flu breakthrough being 4 times worse than the original bird flu was made (Oct 21) 4 months before a severe bird flu outbreak hit the US? There are many other situations such as these and only if people would connect the numbered dots would they be informed about what is going on.


literally they all lie, they in fact can not tell the truth , so american

Last edited 2 years ago by paquo
R. Robertson

It is very likely that if we had had Hillary Clinton in 2016, she would have done in Syria what she had done in Libya on behalf of the French and Egyptians. A no-fly zone over Syria and missile strikes with many more American boots in Eastern Syria. On behalf of Saudi Arabia and allies.

The problem with Trump is that he ordered an American pullout from Syria but was convinced by two people on his National Security Council, to leave some American forces in Syria at al-Tanf.


This type of news makes me so happy, I can’t wait for the day for Hezbollah and Iran to take USA out, and not warn them like when Iran bombed the US bases

helene matz

good finish them off its not their country and the american continent belongs to the tribes,go home yanks someone will give you refugee status wankers

Assad Defeated Zionists

If my instincts are correct ISIS would have used some of that equipment sent by NATO to Ukraine that was captured by Russian forces.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

If it was Isis than we can call this a friendly fire accident…


Maybe the paychecks from Langley were late. Or they are pissed all the good shit is going to Ukraine.


Rest in pieces!

Florian Geyer

I hope that the US invaders nail varnish was not scratched.


Syrian Democratic Forces….ya sure.

R. Robertson

Saudi supported ISIS forces are reported to have killed service members of Saudi-Arabian ally, The United States. Meanwhile, rebranded Al Qeda (officially designated as being responsible for 9/11 despite evidence of Saudi funding and support) cells supported by Saudi Arabia in Syria are supposedly opposing ISIS. Meanwhile, American ally, Israel – previously caught aiding ISIS and AQ fighters around the Golan Heights) continue to attack Syrian Army and Hezbollah positions in Syria. While Turkey shells SDF/Kurds.

That is the mess that has been devolving for 15 years, in Syria. Partially cleaned up by Russian & Iranian intervention in Syria.

All because Assad denied a pipeline from Qatar back in 2007, instead preferring a pipeline from Iran. There are other reasons but that is the big one.

While MBS in Saudi Arabia dreams of having puppet governments in Egypt (currently an American client satrapy) and Syria and Yemen, acting on behalf of a Wahhabist & Riyadh in establishing a shadow or hidden Caliphate across several Middle Eastern states.

Chris Gr

Actually, Egypt supports the Assad regime. Israel didn’t want any side to win. They may helped FSA in the past but some Israeli drones have been spotted in the SAA.


Those are not israeli drones, you stupid mongrel. Iran captured a bunch of israeli drones and reverse-engineered them and brought them into services. Those platforms have been proliferated to the Syrian Armed Forces.

Chris Gr

The drones are still Israeli, basement dweller.


“Basement dweller”

Nice way to out yourself as a mental midget? What’s your age – 12?

And no. Reverse-engineering means that you take a design, rework it into a replica and make adjustments to fit in with your own requirements. At that point, that design is your own and I’m not even talking about the sensors and weaponry embedded on that platform.

Chris Gr

After all, I wasn’t talking about these drones. The rebels found Israeli drones on Assad’s army.


No such thing happened, unless they were small quadcopters captured from the terrorists themselves in the first place.


Allahu Akbar. Makes me very happy…time to go big, IRGC! Give us another one on the scale of the Beirut Barracks Bombing!

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