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Americans Evacuate From US Consulate In China After Debilitating Sonic Attacks

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Several US citizens have been evacuated from the US consulate in Guangzhou, China, after falling ill with various neurological symptoms from mysterious “sonic attacks” similar to incidents reported in Havana Cuba which left 20 State Department employees with serious injuries.

Americans Evacuate From US Consulate In China After Debilitating Sonic Attacks

On Wednesday night, consulate worker Mark Lenzi and his family were evacuated after hearing strange noises over the course of several months, which Lenzi described as “marbles bouncing and hitting a floor then rolling on an incline with a static sound,” according to the Washington Post

At first, he and his wife thought that their neighbor — a fellow Foreign Service officer in the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China — was responsible. The neighbor denied having anything to do with it.

A few months later, the headaches started — excruciating pain that lasted for days at a time. Lenzi, his wife, and their 3-year-old son experienced the same symptoms, which soon included chronic sleeplessness as well. Lenzi says that he asked his superiors for help but that they dismissed his concerns. Consulate doctors prescribed painkillers and Ambien, which did nothing to address the underlying causes of the problem. –WaPo

Lenzi then learned that his next-door neighbor had been evacuated from the consulate and flown back to the United States to undergo a thorough medical assessment – which concluded that the person was suffering from “mild traumatic brain injury.”

The State Department issued a statement on May 23, warning that an unnamed “U.S. government employee in China recently reported subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure,” and urging anyone with “concerns about symptoms or medical problems that developed during or after a stay in China” to “consult a medical professional.”

The statement also said that the U.S. government was unaware of any other cases — a point strongly disputed by Lenzi, who insists that he had repeatedly informed both the embassy in Beijing and State Department headquarters in Washington of his family’s predicament. “Mark is a very capable guy,” says political consultant Michael Getto, a longtime friend of Lenzi’s. “If he says something is wrong or amiss, then it is.”WaPo

The description of the sound – which the victim said produced abnormal sensations and pressures – sound eerily familiar to a series of similar “sonic attacks” that afflicted US embassy personnel in Havana, beginning shortly after President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.

On May 23, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted the comparisons between the China incidents and the Cuban attacks during a House hearing, stating “The medical indications are very similar, and entirely consistent with, the medical indications that were taking place to Americans working in Cuba.”

Americans Evacuate From US Consulate In China After Debilitating Sonic Attacks

Meanwhile, a team of scientists at the University of Michigan say they may have found the source of the mysterious sounds.  They said that two sources of ultrasounds – such as eavesdropping – may have been placed too closely together, provoking an intense sound like the one described by the victims, according to the Miami Herald.

US-China relations

Though their source has never been determined, the attacks damaged relations between the US and Cuban governments and also left some embassy employees with mild brain damage. The US recalled most of its embassy staff from Havana before expelling 15 Cuban diplomats from Washington in response to the alleged attack.

Lenzi says he believes that the number of those affected will turn out to be higher than Washington expects. If he’s right, U.S.-Chinese relations could start to enter a rocky patch. -WaPo

Likewise, the new sonic attacks risk straining relationships between Washington and Beijing – which the Trump administration has been pressing hard on trade, while at the same time relying on China to help negotiate with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. As WaPo notes, “A widening scandal involving the possible mistreatment of U.S. diplomats couldn’t come at a worse time.

So far, the fact that only a single staff member is publicly known to have been affected has allowed the Trump administration to play down the Guangzhou case. That may no longer be possible if more victims present themselves — and Lenzi, for one, is not prepared to go away quietly. –WaPo

Would you if your wife and three-year-old had been sonically attacked to the point of brain injury?

Mike Pompeo has dispatched the “Health Incidents Response Task Force” to Guangzhou on May 31 to examine consulate employees who so request, including Lenzi and his family – who have been told they will likely receive a detailed brain analysis in the United States.

The high-level medical team’s role includes “identification and treatment of affected personnel and family members, investigation and risk mitigation, messaging, and diplomatic outreach.

In the same announcement, Pompeo said that “24 US government personnel and family members who served in Cuba have been medically-confirmed as having symptoms and clinical findings similar to those noted following concussion or minor traumatic brain injury”, as well as the initial China consulate victim.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said in a press briefing that China had investigated the May 16 cases but found no reason for the illness.

“China has conducted a very careful investigation and has given preliminary findings to the US, and we haven’t found the reason or clues that led to the situation mentioned by the US,” he said.

“China has always followed the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and consular relations to protect the US diplomatic staff and staff from other countries.”

What could be causing these mysterious attacks?

Americans Evacuate From US Consulate In China After Debilitating Sonic Attacks

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Warfare by “other means”

The U.S. has been, and still is, using Weather Warfare since Vietnam. that is only one of by “other means”. Could China and Russia be in on “the game”?

Why not.


Hi Free. Did you see this one? Israeli owned Geothermal Fracking company in Hawaii and operating worldwide. http://careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.com/2018/06/israeli-owned-geothermal-company-that.html https://www.davidicke.com/article/476683/fracking-cause-hawaii-volcano-eruption http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/israeli-owned-geothermal-plant-in-hawaii-under-fire-as-lava-oozes-nearby/226616


I didn’t see those EXCEPT for David Icke’s/Jon Rappoport BUT I did comment, on that similar article about the eruptions in Hawaii, on Jon Rappaport’s site, that I believed HAARP and SCALAR Directed energy, COULD and MAY have caused the Volcanic eruptions, considering that Hawaii is talking about INDEPENDENCE from he U.S. invader/occupiers. Those energy tactics CAN do that.

My comment, placed a few weeks ago, should be there

I might as well have been talking to myself considering the total lack of reaction I got :-). Maybe I was speaking in “tongues” or Babylonian:-)

People are totally “dumbified”. – Too much TV?

Likewise when I tell people the U.S. is the most RADIATED country on this planet, including MORE than in Japan : https://yourradiationthisweek.org/nichols-on-nuclear-library-of-articles/

“STRANGE” things see to happen to countries and people which stand up to Israel and/or the U.S.of A,……..or try to break away


“people which stand up to Israel and/or the U.S.of A,……..or try to break away”. So obvious who are the evil bullies in the playground and who beyond all others causes such pain, sorrow, confusion and death. I never thought evil exists, I do now


We are only seeing the BEGINNING


Ya I know it


A 97 year old Palestinian, former Guerrilla fighter telling the facts: about Nakba https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/epic-story-97-year-palestinian-freedom-fighter-180531051206713.html


“the Zionist ethnic cleansing campaign of Palestine”. A disgusting example of British led and still supported genocide on behalf of the Zio/Khazarian evil monsters that have taken control . I am in Asia now as you know and when people ask me where are you from?, I say earth, same as you.

Brother Ma

They certainly do. Their leaders always seem to develop cancer mysteriously and abruptly .Then they eventually die of it.


Yes, Israel has this technology as well.


Yes, Russia (secret services) have had weather control technology for a long time and have leased it to other groups who use it to harrass USA. Read Bob Bearden.

Srini Rao

It is reasonable that Russia and China has the means. But, Why do they use it as a harassment?. Don’t they have enough issues to resolve- these sanctions or south China sea standoff etc.? Only country that benefit from this type of attack ( considering it is true)is US. If History is of any indication, it won’t be China deliberately doing instead “some thing else entirely” or simple blame game or some body benefits from this clash- ex: actors like Israel

Brother Ma

False flag to blame China and Cuba.


Once I get my Sub 2000 back from the gun smith installing a tactical light and laser sight combination and a light gathering fiber optic front sight. I may add a smart phone clamp for my Galaxy S6 and buy a mini usb port thermal camera and an add on night vision upgrade. So that I’ll have 3 forms of target identification for locating 1 or more Bigfoots that I encounter at night, or that are stalking me in the remote wilderness. Thermal, day vision and night vision.

They have stealth tracers now that illuminate the back side of the bullet that are only visible to the shooter. The thermal imaging camera with an 1,800 foot range should be particularly useful for locating Bigfoot and other potential dangers that aren’t readily visible with day or night vision optics. If I locate a heat source and it’s human shaped and moves in a bi pedal fashion, it probably isn’t a human being in these remote areas.



They have stealth tracers now that illuminate the back side of the bullet that are only visible to the shooter. The thermal imaging camera with an 1,800 foot range should be particularly useful for locating Bigfoot and other potential dangers that aren’t readily visible with day or night vision optics. If I locate a heat source and it’s human shaped and moves in a bi pedal fashion, it probably isn’t a human being in these remote areas.


They have stealth tracers now that illuminate the back side of the bullet that are only visible to the shooter. The thermal imaging camera with an 1,800 foot range should be particularly useful for locating Bigfoot and other potential dangers that aren’t readily visible with day or night vision optics. If I locate a heat source and it’s human shaped and moves in a bi pedal fashion, it probably isn’t a human being in these remote areas. Night vision with IR illuminator:



Night vision with IR illuminator:



just stop replying to yourself , it smacks of loneliness of your real life where you have to pretend to be ex military to seek attention


Your a confused and paranoid fool who claims that posting pictures of special operations weapons showing special operations capability and writing comments on these topics on a military analysis site covering military and special forces news means that the person posting them doesn’t have military and special forces training and experience and is a fraud. If you have such a warped and twisted perspective and aversion to these topics, why do you even come here and insult and make false allegations against people here who unlike you are telling the truth and know what they’re talking about?


a real veteran or operator wont post his toy pistol or rifle just to show off.. only a wanna be commando do that.

you think you gain respect by showing off firearms ? it just make you a sad part of the gun culture



“Cutting edge weapons for special forces presented at National Guard training ground.”



nice google image search result.. i hope you understand copy right laws


You’ve just been caught in another lie, and now you’re trying to divert attention from it.


look here kid, any sane person knows that those people who posted gun pictures to get praised are in reality mentally sick , as they think showing off their guns give them permission to be a wanna be commando.

you are prime example of a FAKE military , where you post pistol and rifle collectiond and then boast you once belonged to the special force elite..

you are delusional child


You just got caught in another lie and now you’re wasting my time with more of your lies, false accusations and refusal to conduct a rational fact based debate using the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence that you use to navigate your life every day. Because you’re a scam. Just like all of your man in a monkey suit scammers who’ve been exposed for their lies, just like you’ve repeatedly been exposed for yours. http://www.americanspecialops.com/images/weapons/SOPMOD-hires.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/3a/b7/cc3ab7a56888e3447b03d50117bf2452.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cf_G4Yot2tg/hqdefault.jpg https://publicintelligence.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/afghanmunitions17.jpg


what is the point posting pictures of rifles ? are you truly that juvenile thinking people will respect you if you post gun pictures ? you are really sick and you dont know it


You’ve repeatedly demonstrated that you know nothing about special operations and weapons. Yet you falsely claim that by looking at the pictures of this equipment being posted on the internet that you can tell that the person posting them is lying. So who’s the liar liar?



This is the prime example of a delusional person , who posted pistol and gun collection he supposedly own , and bragging about being ex marine and special force and dhe demand respect or else

such behaviour is on the category of mentally deranged..


You said that special forces people would never post pictures of their guns on the internet, you lied. You said that the consensus of researchers is that the PG film is fake, you lied. I proved you wrong. You’re wasting my time with your semi illiterate ignorance and pathological liar mental disorder.


you aint spec ops , you just a wanna be pretender.. buzz off


You’ve demonstrated zero knowledge about special operations.

This is you:

“Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.”

– Pathological lying –


“in·fe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex noun an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behavior in compensation.”



Comment section are for commenting on the related articles above , not to post off topic comments with your (fantasy) of being a commando. You are just a troll who seek attention , not a hasbara because you are too stupid to be a hasbara troll and thats a very low bar , considering only the dregs of israeli citizens works for the hasbara disinformation department


You’ve been proven to be a habitual liar. My posts are true. So who’s the disinfo troll troll? –


i guess this is the sign that you now close your ears and yells ‘lalalalala’ and then post spam repeatedly because you know you been had


You post pictures of guns and now you want respect ?

do you know how stupid you sound ?


You’ve been proven to be a habitual liar. My posts are true. So who’s the disinfo troll troll?


reported as spam


You are the proven liar and disinfo troll spamming these threads with habitual lies. You lied about the consensus of researchers on the PG film that doesn’t exist, that special forces don’t post pictures of their guns, when they do, which proves according to you, that anyone who does is a fake and psycho, and other lies that I’m not going to waste my time listing.


stop copy pasting your own posts.. or is this all your low IQ can give ?


reported as spam again , due to excessive copy pasting and lack of originality


You are the proven liar and disinfo troll spamming these threads with habitual lies. You repeatedly lied about the consensus of researchers on the PG film that it’s fake, when no such consensus exists. That special forces don’t post pictures of their guns, when they do. Which “proves”, according to you, that anyone who does post pictures of their guns is a fake and psycho. Which makes your alleged “proof” that I’m lying based in the lie that your posting. And you’ve posted other lies that I’m not going to waste my time listing. You’re a truth hating liar and head case spamming these threads with inflammatory disinfo . —


yes yes , another copy paste from the fake marine…


Again, reported as Spam

too bad all these copy paste spam do not hide the fact that you are a wannabe military pretender who want ‘respect just because you post gun photos you downloaded from internet


hey why dont you post more toy pistol and toy guns again ? wannabe commando like you love toys


I wasn’t replying to myself. I was rubbing your disinfo troll nose in your filthy inflammatory lies, false allegations and ignorant rejection of the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence.


you seem more and more confused , i suggest stop taking recreational drugs and stop fantasizing about ‘bigfoot’ encounter that you never had..




That looks rather nice. I want one :)


It makes it a lot more difficult for hostiles to hide.


wont do you jack if the hostiles caught you when you asleep




wont do you jack if they wait for an ambush when you go out of your house , or disable alarm and whack you in your bed.. what ? human are thinking beings unlike animals , they will monitor your patterns and attack when you the weakest.

you think that toy guns going to save you ? silly , too many movies i digress


They’re not going to disable the alarm with sticks and stones, or be able to hide from thermal imaging.


who gonna man the imagers 24/7 ? you and what army ? they will come to you when you sleep or dozed off and thats the end of you and your fancy gadgets..


I’ll sleep at the base camp with perimeter security consisting of lights, alarms, motion detectors and game cameras. When I’m out on patrol I’ll scan the surroundings with day and night vision optics and sensors and use special operations training and experience on an as needed basis. They’re looking for victims, not a fight.


easy in theory , impossible in practice… a common group of thugs can easily overwhelm you and all the fancy call of duty toys will be for naught.

as for evidence , so far you only posted random internet images of toy guns.. what is this evidence you claimed ?


Are you stupid? The thread is full of judicial quality evidence. A group of thugs is going to take out an experienced operator armed to the teeth, what fantasy land do you live in?


Look , real world do not work like those games you played so much , call of duty ..

and just because you play Call of Duty dont give you the right to claim yourself as experienced operator.. also having toy pistols and rifles dont make you commando..

you need a good dose of reality , and im telling you this for your own sake , as you seem delusional about guns and ability to use it , as if having guns will make you a special force commando..

get a grip


I’ve never played of call of duty and I have commando training, experience and equipment. As the pictures show.


the pictures can be had from anywhere on the net , please … a real warrior dont post toy pistols and rifles , they are too busy in the field.. you on the other hand , think that a couple of pistol and rifle make you commando and brag on the net ?

that’s so obvious mr fake commando


That’s my equipment. Do you have a problem with that, what guns do you own and what’s your experience with guns?


only children and wannabe commando shows his pistol and rifles like that , it is the mark of an immature mindset who think everyone will respect him if he show his pistol/rifle collection..

a delusional mind


You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. First you say that they’re not mine, and now you say they are. That’s called you’ve got head problems.


l am not the one pretending to be ex marine AND ex special force because you own a little pistol


If your gun jams in a combat situation, what do you do and how do you do it?


you the super commando asked me how to clear a jam ? i thought you know all these things from reading books ..


Wrong answer. If you don’t even know how to clear a jam in a fire fight. Then your opinion on these types of matters is coming from someone who is ignorant and unqualified to make judgments on people with real training, experience and equipment.


then again , you dont know how to clear simple jam.. why bother asking here and expose your fake wannabe credentials ?


To show that you’re an incompetent ignorant liar who hasn’t a clue of what they’re talking about. And is making false allegations against truthers who do to divert attention from your deficiencies.


If you believe that. Then why are you on a site that posts pictures of weapons used by military personnel 7 days a week, are they all children and wannabes, and you accuse me of disrespecting people? You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth like a lying confused disrespectful head case. You come to this site to look at real weapons used by real military personnel. Just like the pictures that I’ve posted are real weapons used by someone who is what they say that they are.

You say that you know better than Bill Munns, the University of Iowa, and Disney and Universal executives and special effects technicians. And that the PG film is fake when they say it’s not. Yet you’ve offered no evidence to disprove them or answered any questions about what your qualifications are to make assessments on any of these matters. You’re the one with the credibility deficit trying to divert attention from it by making unfounded allegations based on no evidence and no stated expertise of your own.


no , you provide ZERO evidence , what you provide are fake video and dubious audio of something screaming.

you are a liar and now as you got caught you tried to weasel your way out


You are the liar, not me, as the evidence that I’ve provided proves. The PG tape is authenticated by experts. That’s court admissible evidence. The pictures of my guns of the type used in special operations every day are evidence admissible in a court of law. Your saying that this isn’t evidence when you know that this type of evidence is used in courts of law every day proves that you’re a habitual liar.


no experts call PG video as real.. you just imagining things..


That’s a bald face lie easily disproven by simply reviewing the large volume of judicial quality evidence and expert opinions that I’ve posted on this thread. Your denying that it exists just proves what kind of pathological liar that you are.


im sorry , you are the one who constantly spout lies ever since you joined Disqus.. and now you want to shift the blame ?


What lies? Copy and paste what I’ve written, explain why it’s a lie, and then provide evidence to support your explanation. Which you’re not going to do, because you can’t disprove what I’ve written. Because you’re the false accuser and liar, not me. I’ve made rational arguments supported by quality evidence. Most of your arguments aren’t rational and you’ve provided zero evidence. You constantly lie and say that I haven’t provided proof when obviously I have provided a great deal of proof.


strawman argument ? that’s to be expected from a liar and delusional gun nut like you..

post more toy pistol and guns please , show us how tough and scary you ex commando ex marine he-man


You say that you know better than Bill Munns, the University of Iowa, and Disney and Universal executives and special effects technicians. And that the PG film is fake when they say it’s not. What evidence do you have disproving these studies and assessments from qualified experts that say that the film is genuine?


people can be wrong , what ? do you think anyone from university always right ? how simple your brain are


If you claim that they are wrong, then you need to prove that they are wrong. I’ve looked at the evidence that I’ve provided in depth and I don’t see any significant mistakes in it. You’ve neither provided any rational argument disproving the evidence that I’ve provided is mistaken or evidence to support your arguments.


you are the one providing fake audio/video and you are the one bringing up ‘expert’ testimony , and you expect people to just believe in you ?

you are watching too many TV Courtroom drama


Yes, I think that a lot of people will agree with the evidence that I’ve provided. Your saying that it’s fake when you’ve been proven wrong over and over again. Doesn’t mean much when you can’t prove that it’s fake or disprove anything that I’ve written with evidence and rational arguments. You don’t even provide rational arguments in most of your comments. And you haven’t provided any evidence to support any of your arguments. Nor have you provided what your qualifications are. So a lot of people reading your posts probably think that you’re some kind of nut case.


What straw man argument? You have zero proof for any of your false allegations. You’re a habitual liar and head case.


childish ,again you got caught trying to insert non related strawman argument , and now you panicked since you cant retort


What straw man argument? This is just another of your false allegations that illustrate the pathological liar personality disorder that you suffer from.


you are a liar and a fool , an arrogant foolish liar … not a good combination there hoss


You can’t prove any of your false accusations. So you don’t even try. Your a pathological liar with an ingrained personality disorder who just compounds your repetitive lies with more lies. As I’ve proven numerous times on this thread.


this just sad , now you claim you see UFO , Bigfoot and also member of elite super commando team..

this is what so bad about today’s youth , they play video games like call of duty and suddenly think they can be real commando because they know how to slaughter pixellated terrorist , and then they move forward and buy firearms thinking this make them real commando.. in the end this balanced youth will be using his firearms to shoot his coworkers ..

just sad


I’m 60 years old, outside of the rare visit to an arcade, I can’t remember ever having played a video game in my life. I have USMC, special forces, private security and ET/ED contact training and experience.

You seem out of touch with reality and to be a habitual liar. Those aren’t toys, they’re real weapons and I know how to use them at a competent level.

I’ve asked you what your experience is and you’ve refused to answer the question. Is that because you have none?


please dont disrespect serving and veteran miliary members by falsely claiming you are in the ‘special force’

you know Stolen Valor ? they are the one hunting fake SEALs fake Green berets fake marines..

enjoy being hunted by Stolen Valor guys


You can’t prove your false accusations. And you haven’t answered the questions of what your training and experience are. Probably because you have none.


a wanna-be commando asking other people’s qualification , because he have no qualification and tried to change the subject..

you are the one claiming being a marine and a special force , extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence , and so far you have posted no evidence of your alleged military service..


You are the one who has posted no evidence to support your claims, not I.


What are you hiding, that you have have no training, experience and weapons and that your opinion is that of a know nothing? From the sounds of it, you probably would end up dead, which is why you’re such a coward.


Psychological 101 , anyone posting pistol and rifle photos are just kids or immature adults trying to act tough , this delusion get worse , the person become delusional enough to think he really a member of military or a veteran because he shot some pistol / rifle in the range.

you are caught pretending to be ex military , you are a poser and a liar


You make a lot of false accusations with zero proof to support them. You’re a habitual liar and head case.


i think the habit of providing nonsense and fakery as evidence is your forte


Judicial quality evidence of the type used in courts every day that I’ve provided large quantities of proves my points. The only thing that you’ve proven is that lying and making unsupported false accusations is an ingrained part of your personality disorder, and that you have no evidence or qualifications to support anything that you say.


you are repeating yourself , all those nonsense post you put up to hide your lies..

admit it , you got caught in a lie and now scramble to cover yourself


I haven’t lied about anything. Nor have you disproven anything that I’ve written. You’re the one whose gotten caught lying over and over again. And has been proven wrong repeatedly with quality evidence supporting rational arguments.


I have a DD-214 and am still running special operations at 60 years old, do you?

For someone who hasn’t offered a single iota of proof for anything that they’ve written, and who habitually ignores and rejects copious quantities of quality evidence that I’ve provided that they’re incapable of disproving, and who refuses to answer questions about what, if any training, experience or equipment that they have or don’t have.

It’s clear that you don’t want to know what the truth is, prefer to live you’re life with blinders on ignorant of the truth, and are some type of comment board crank into wasting people’s time with false accusations, stupidity, and disinformation.


running special operations at 60 years old… what special operation ? false-teeth operation granpa ? You should never claim to be real soldiers , there’s real veterans who hunt for posers like you , you will get reported and put on their hall of shame..


You’re looking at the weapons I use, that you ignorantly call toys. You’ve provided zero evidence to support your claims and have disproven none of the large volume of evidence that I’ve provided. All the while refusing to say what, if any experience you have. What are you hiding, that you’re a wannabe expert with no experience, training or weapons of your own?


your pride on these pistols and guns indicate you have mental health problem. Then there’s the fantasy of being a marine AND a special forces , you are too deep in this delusion of your’s..

i suggest lay off what recreational drugs you been injectng


Your statements put you in the suicidal loon department. Try going into a life threatening situation where only guns can protect you without them and see how long that you last. You clearly know nothing about guns or armed security. You probably don’t even own one or know how to use them.


careful , your comment showed you admit you are a poser , a wannabe and a liar.. watching too many war movies makes you commando ?


My comment shows rational judgement gained from real life training and experience. Your constant lies and false allegations unsupported by evidence or what your qualifications are to even offer a competent opinion on these issues. Shows that you’re a serial liar and crank.


training for a fake commando ? you mean call of duty sessions ? im sure you killed many pixellated enemies and now think you are supercommando or something


My comment shows rational judgement gained from real life training and experience. Your constant lies and false allegations unsupported by evidence or what your qualifications are to even offer a competent opinion on these issues. Shows that you’re a serial liar and crank.

You haven’t responded to a lot of my recent replies because the evidence and arguments that they support are so obviously true. That you have no rational response. Your repetitive posting of foolish nonsense about your adolescent obsession with video games illustrates your complete lack of sensible arguments or quality evidence to support them. Because you have none. You’re a pathological liar and fool.


They need to get past this, which is easier said than done. 200 grain hard cast lead .40 S&W coming out of a 16 inch barrel has 3 feet of large dangerous game penetration capability. You can stop an elephant or polar bear with it at close range in an emergency: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/413ab081a63271f6ee06cdcf6376ad004f2e12077c66d16b0b27f9f4ca3583ce.jpg


pointless , they will get you when you sleep.. and the nice toys will be their loot..


The alarm will wake me up, and then I’ll deal with the situation.


more likely the alarm is disabled and you wake up already tied up or worse


Disabled by who and how?


.223 Tracer and green tip armor piercing. I also have a 30-06 with black tip armor piercing: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/213896434c1df0d3f7966832b4b091137a462aac45c68813eafe8588278cf7e1.jpg


nice toys for the looters , after they overwhelmed you


They have to get close enough to overwhelm me. Which won’t be easy with thermal and night vision optics. And semi autos with high cap mags.


easy , when you sleep , they come into your room and neutralize you .. all those fancy toys you got ? looted clean


By who and how, primates at the sticks and stone level? I really doubt it.


primate at stick and stone level will bum rush you and overwhelm you in numbers , attacking when you are asleep and even if you wake up you will be too scared / overwhelmed with fear and cannot plink your toy guns like when you fire in the range..

Primates 1 , RichardD 0


I’m not a coward like you. You take out the lead one and the rest will think twice about continuing the attack. Didn’t you ever take defensive handgun training for dealing with multiple ARMED assailants? Don’t you know how to use cover and defensive positions?


explain how do you take ‘defensive’ handgun position when they disable your alarm and take away your toys ? blabbing about how many toy pistols and rifles you got is indication you are only superficial dabbler , as anyone serious wont focus on ‘toys’ like you but more on wargaming the situations beforehand..

they will come when you are tired and asleep , and no amount of high tech mumbo jumbo toys will save you..


I’ve asked you before how primates with sticks and stones are going to disable the security systems and sneak up on me. And you’ve refused to answer the question. Maybe I won’t take a defensive position. Maybe I’ll take offensive action and go after them.


sorry , you over estimated yourself because you think your nice fancy toy guns make you good soldier.. there’s more than just toys in real war..


Try answering the question.


9mm loaded with +p penetration rounds 1, massive predator 0



there you go again , blabbing about toys and things.. im sure if you are alone in the wild with your nice toy pistol surrounded by vicious predators all around , you wont survive a day..

ganging up on single animal is not even hunting , try hunting real predator like how hunters hunt tiger in india.. what’s the point of hunting if you got all the advantage and no risk ? that’s what i call tourist hunters..


What is it about they’re unarmed and I’m heavily armed that you don’t understand, do you think that I have advanced weapons just to take cool pictures of them?


there’s this thing called rock and stone that they can throw at you and destroy you and your toys


If they try that, they’re liable to get shot. And my bullets travel a lot farther than their sticks and stones.


your ‘bullets’ dont help much if they bum rush your position and overwhelmed you inside your sleeping bag.. nice try , real world a person need to rest and sleep … only in videogames you can go by without sleep and still kill 10000 pixellated enemies..

go back to your call of duty videogames kid


First they have to get close enough to avoid being shot. How are they going to do that without setting off the alarms? The short answer is their not. I told you that I don’t play video games, yet you keep bringing it up. It’s irrelevant. I sleep with a gun next to my head and bed. Why are you hiding what your training, experience and weapons are? Probably because you don’t have any.


Only wanna be commando sleep with gun on your head..

based on your post , you are an amateur gun nut who think he is tough dude because he own guns , and his delusion become more and more severe by day , making him think he is an ex commando..

really , you should seek help , before you go postal and kill people with your guns


Sane rational people who don’t want to get killed sleep with a gun next to their head. You’ve completely disqualified yourself as to knowing anything about guns or special operations with an idiotic, moronic statement like that. You clearly have zero knowledge and experience about threat management. Idiots like you are the first ones to die.


and you qualified how ? because you own few toy pistols that make you a man ?


Coming from someone who constantly lies and falsely calls what’s obviously real advanced special operations grade weapons and equipment toy pistols. You’ve destroyed your own credibility without me even having to do it myself with evidence to support my argument.

The fact that I own and have in depth knowledge of how to use this type of advanced equipment. As I’ve repeatedly demonstrated. Is far more proof of my qualifications than your incessant lies, false allegations and credibility deficit trying to denigrate my experience and capabilities.


look here kiddo , posting photos of your pistols and your rifles dont make you a commando , it only show you as a gun nut and a future mass murderer when you go postal..

it just sad that people like you who own firearms suddenly think you are commando in real life .. dressing up in camo and firing your ‘small’ arms in firing range doesnt qualify you as a commando ..


You can’t disprove that what is obviously special operations grade weapons provides me with the capability to run these types of ops. And is far more proof supporting what I’ve written. Than anything that you’ve provided trying to disprove it.


What training, experience and weapons do you have to offer a competent opinion on these matters? I have a lot, so far from you I’ve seen zero. What I have seen is you repeatedly reject the scientific method and judicial process. Which says to me that you’re a comment board crank wannabe expert who is a fraud who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


on the contrary , it is you who proudly boast that your nice toy gun and bullets will protect you from attackers. Anyone even boy scouts know that one cant stay up 24/7 to stand on guard , which PROVE that you are a wanna be commando because you miss the obvious..


They weren’t hunting moron, they were fishing, see the fishing boots that they’re wearing. These people were in imminent danger of being mauled or killed. And the guide protected them with a compact 9mm loaded with specialty penetration ammunition for large dangerous game. The same type of 9mm with the same type of ammo that I have. That at close range will do a lot of damage to a Big Foot. One round with 18 inches of penetration into the cranial cavity will put this creature into more pain and debilitation than it’s ever experienced in it’s life. Double taps, two to the head and two to the chest will probably take it down. If you knew anything about gun fighting you’d know that. Evidently you’re completely ignorant of these matters with all of your talk about toys, video games and being bum rushed.



you are creative when left to your fertile imagination.. but you talk too much of your toys and anyone or anything can whack you easy in the wild while you dream of your guns..


Your saying that and your proving it are two different things. With your abysmal credibility deficit stemming from your constant lies and failure to support any of your arguments with evidence of your own. And your failure to even state what your qualifications are to offer a competent opinion on the matter. Your unsupported allegations in the face of quality evidence that I’ve provided of special operations grade weapons and equipment that I own and know how to use. Makes you the one with the credibility deficit and fertile imagination, not me.


keep twisting words , nothing will cover up your lies


What lies? Name one and then disprove it with evidence. You can’t, all that you can do is make false allegations about non existent lies that you claim that I’ve written. You’re the one twisting words not me. You haven’t proven a single lie that you falsely accuse me of. I’ve disproven a number of your lies.


again , what evidence beside the fake stuff you posted… audio of bigfoot ? yea right , no sane person would believe that


Bill Munns is a highly competent, qualified and experienced researcher who says it’s real. I’ve provided his videos, a university study, and expert testimony from Hollywood specialist saying it’s real. You’ve provided ziltch and have ignored this expert judicial quality evidence and lied saying that it doesn’t exist when it’s all over this thread.


But it is not bill munn who lied here , it is you who provide fake video and fake audio.. bringing up munns’s name dont help your cause


What fake video? Munns’ and the others work proves that film is genuine and not a fake. And that I’m providing judicial quality evidence to support my arguments and am telling the truth. And that I’m correct in my assessment that the creature in the film is real and not a fake. You’re providing no evidence to support your arguments, are a semi illiterate liar, and are incorrect that the film and creature are fake.

Not only have qualified experts concluded that the film is not a fake. They’ve disproved some of the claims that it is fake being circulated by scammers:

“The Patterson-Gimlin film’s authenticity is supported by a full Professor of anatomy and anthropology and expert on foot morphology along with locomotion in primates, Dr. Jeff Meldrum. In this video he takes on debunking arguments and explains why the 10 footprint casts collected at the site solidifies the case that the figure in the video is a real Bigfoot.

Furthermore, there is the film analysis of Bill Munns and National Geographic showing the subject’s proportions do not match that of any known human. This is coupled with his experimental work trying to build A Bigfoot costume to match the look of the 1967 film, resulting in his co-authorship of a peer-reviewed paper with Meldrum showing that the film subject is consistent with real anatomy and not a Bigfoot suit. Munns studied film and worked for 35 years making monsters for films, museums, and wildlife exhibits, thus is also highly-qualified for the study have done. Their conclusions cannot be dismissed. …

2) Hieronimous is still not able to demonstrate a matching costume, even with expert assistance. As the Hieronimus crew continues to introduce new costumes, to more closely approximate the Patterson creature, the more obvious it is that Hieronimus didn’t have anything do with it the first time either.

3) Hieronimous does not know anything about the route to get to the film site, as if he was never there.

4) His explanation for why he never asked for the $1,000 from Gimlin or Patterson … doesn’t make any sense. Many things in his confession make no sense.

5) When Hieronimous is asked why he’s telling this story to the public 40 years later, he says “It’s my turn now” … refering to the other parasite scammers who have made claims about the footage in previous years.

6) The comparative visuals clearly show that the Patterson creature has a different skeleton than Bob Hieronimous (or any human, for that matter). See the comparative footage on the left.”

– Debunking Claimed Patterson-Gimlin Film Bigfoot Hoaxer Bob Heironimus –



keep on repeating those lies dont make that fake video / audio more real.

you are a sad little manchild that grasping pitifully on imaginary tales , while proudly owning guns and pistols and pretending to be a commando..

sad life


You didn’t answer the question. What fake video? Munns’ and the others work proves that film is genuine and not a fake.


Stop spamming fake facts , you wannabe commando pretender


reported as spam


You have posted far more repetitive mindless comments than I have. Because you have no proof to support your lies, so you just keep repeating the same lies and false accusations over and over. Because you’re a lying idiot and imbecile incapable of supporting your stupidity with credible evidence. And who rejects credible evidence, the scientific method and judicial process because they expose your lies, insanity and false accusations for what they are.


it just sad , posting a fake audio and video of bigfoot then got ‘angry’ because people questioning the amateurish hoaxes ..

you dont even know what you talking about


patterson gimlin filmis a fake movie of bigfoot


Patterson Gimlin film was a HOAX and never authenticated as real. The only one keep saying it is real is the huckster group that infect real bigfoot research..

you are part of the huckster and liar group


You’re evading the question because you’re lying and making false accusations. Bill Munns is a highly competent, qualified and experienced researcher who says it’s real. I’ve provided his videos, a university study, and expert testimony from Hollywood executives and specialists saying it’s real. You’ve provided ziltch and have ignored this expert judicial quality evidence and lied saying that it doesn’t exist when it’s all over this thread.

After 50 years where’s your man in a monkey suite video proving that the PG film is fake? It doesn’t exist because the creature in the film is a different species with different anatomy that moves differently and can’t be duplicated by a man in a monkey suit. Did you even watch the Munns video? It goes through all of this in detail using extensive scientific analysis. The only thing that you’ve proven is your aversion to the scientific method and judicial quality evidence and your preference instead to ignore reality, lie and make false accusations habitually.


stop bringing bill muns , he is at very least a researcher albeit took a wrong conclusion.. you on the other hand , a liar with fake video and fake audio , pretending to be an expert..

just .. stop. it.. you poser


So according to you all of these highly qualified experts are wrong, Munns, the University of Idaho study, the Disney and Universal executives and specialists and all of the others in the Wikipedia article that say that it’s not fake have got it wrong. Where are the errors in Munns’ and the others work? You saying that they’re wrong given your mental problems with being semi illiterate, your lack of stated qualifications and being caught in chronic lying is meaningless.

Where specificaly have all of these experts made mistakes? I don’t see any, and if you refuse to point any out, that means you don’t either.

I see plenty of errors in the debunkers positions. Some of them are clearly liars and scammers. They all claim that it’s a monkey suit. But after 50 years nobody has ever produced one, let alone made a film with it that would get past the experts saying that the PG film isn’t a fake.


highly qualified experts can be wrong , or are you truly that naive


It is you who are wrong. You’ve disproven nothing that these experts have proven.


spamming same stuff multiple times dont make your lies any better .. it still lies and fake data points.. you so childish , go play with your toy pistols and pretend you an ex commando


posting same stuff over and over dont make it any true.. keep on lying


it is deemed fake by most bigfoot researcher , and a glance of PG movie showed a man in ape suit walking casually with human style walk


You brazenly lied and said that the PG film was deemed fake by a consensus of researchers in the face of evidence that there is no such consensus. Your credibility has been impeached and you’re trying to distract attention from your credibility deficit by changing your story.


Patterson Gimlin film are deemed fake by many bigfoot researchers. The only ‘defense’ from hucksters like you is the ‘impossible to fake by hollywood’ nonsense.

no real bigfoot would be caught dead walking in front of humans.. they always aware and in control during encounters


so childish posting spam post.. i guess this is typical of liars when confronted with truth


Your head is so messed up that you’ve yet to post a single grammatically correct sentence. Have you tried to get help for your mental disabilities? What is your occupation, welfare recipient? Is that why you won’t answer what your qualifications are? Because the only thing that your qualified to do is collect public assistance. Or are you in some correctional facility someplace? Did you even graduate from high school?


now you need to calm down , your mental health at stakr here , i doubt you realize how serious this delusional mind of yours..

go seek help , pronto


You’re the one who’s head is so messed up that you’re semi illiterate and can’t even reach the level of elementary school level writing competency. What were you diagnosed as suffering from?


mr gun nut who fantasize as a super commando , lay of the drugs will ya


You’re the one who’s head is so messed up that you’re semi illiterate and can’t even reach the level of elementary school level writing competency. What were you diagnosed as suffering from? –


disgusting , now you resort to spamming lies ? no wonder , this come from a person who play commando with pistols and rifles..


no , the movie show a man wearing some kind of suit walking in human gait , the camera intentionally shaked by the perpetrators to give illusion of panic


nope , PG movie is fake bigfoot video


Damn man you equip yourself with Thermal cameras and Assault rifles is it really a bigfoot in your community place. If there is one poor him, you bought a lot of ammo though.

Bill Wilson

try Amazon!


bullshit , bigfoot are non physical aka paranormal entities , they wont show on EM band.. just ask those outdoorsman who frequent california’s northen woods and how they use native american indian methods to see bigfoots


I’ve had close encounters with them, have you? This creature is flesh and blood, they’re as physical as you or I. If ETs are managing them, that explains a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us6jo8bl2lk


multiple experts conclude it is as fake , what ? you think you the only one doing deep research on bigfoot including trip to the biggest flap zone in US ? you dont even mention the place where theres massive bigfoot event.. hint , it just aside from indian reservation , not in the reservation itself.

one might glance at the statistics of encounters/sightings and wonder why theres almost no event INSIDE the reservation itself ..

name the zone , it is the most basic knowledge for a bigfoot researcher..


Multiple experts conclude that it’s real. Hollywood said that they couldn’t do it. It was before computer generated graphics. Your “experts” in their monkey suits have NEVER duplicated it and are obviously lying and or incompetent.


who is this ‘hollywood’ you kept refering to ? a living person ? a single entity ? a spokeperson for the diverse entertainment industry ?

give this ‘hollywood’ money and they will create evidence of bigfoot and UFO and nessie all at once


“Film industry personnel

Movie production companies’ executives

Dale Sheets and Universal Studios. Patterson, Gimlin, and DeAtley[236] screened the film for Dale Sheets, head of the Documentary Film Department, and unnamed technicians[114] “in the special effects department at Universal Studios in Hollywood … Their conclusion was: ‘We could try (faking it), but we would have to create a completely new system of artificial muscles and find an actor who could be trained to walk like that. It might be done, but we would have to say that it would be almost impossible.'”[237] A more moderate version of their opinion was, “if it is [a man in an ape suit], it’s a very good one—a job that would take a lot of time and money to produce.”[238]

Disney executive Ken Peterson. Krantz reports that in 1969, John Green (who owned a first-generation copy of the original Patterson film)[239] interviewed Disney executive Ken Peterson, who, after viewing the Patterson film, asserted “that their technicians would not be able to duplicate the film”.[114][234][240] Krantz argues that if Disney personnel were unable to duplicate the film, there is little likelihood that Patterson could have done so. Greg Long writes, “Byrne cited his trip to Walt Disney studios in 1972, where Disney’s chief of animation and four assistants viewed Patterson’s footage and praised it as a beautiful piece of work although, they said, it must have been shot in a studio. When Byrne told them it had been shot in the woods of Northern California, ‘They shook their heads and walked away.'””

– Patterson–Gimlin film –



Patterson Gimlin , again , this movie is not a proof of anyting except a human in a suit walking in human like gait. the whole bigfoot community are divided into physical side and spiritual side of bigfoot , and there’s no evidence of both sides , except witness statements with zero proof..

this is modern world where you have to have physical / material evidence to back your claim.. repeatedly using this fake PG film and touting it as ‘evidence’ is rather dishonest even bordering on perpetuating a HOAX


Your opinion isn’t a lab report or expert testimony. You can’t disprove it because it’s real. So you don’t even try.


The Concensus of Bigfoot Researchers put the PG movie as fakery. I am not the one disproving it , the majority bigfoot researchers in CONUS said so.

the problem is you cannot accept it , so the issue here is you


I’ve provided a ton of quality evidence, you’ve provided zero. If you want to be taken seriously, show me a lab report from a credible institution that does this type of work professionally proving that the PG film is fake. You can’t, because it’s real and after 50 years no such report exists. A couple of amateur researchers out in the middle of the wilderness were incapable of faking it.

Read the Wikipedia article that I linked to. There is no consensus that it’s fake. The exact opposite is true. Qualified professionals like those that I’ve quoted say that it’s not fake.


no , what you provide are unproven movie / audio and only in your mind it is called ‘evidence’

you just want to believe and lost your objectivity and critical thinking


Your false accusations are ignoring the scientific method and judicial quality evidence that I’ve provide large quantities of. So who has the aversion to objectivity and critical thinking?


large quantities of subjective video and audio recording of ‘something’ is not admissible for evidence in bigfoot case.. your personal belief do not count toward evidence..


Video is admissible as prima facia evidence in a court of law. Your saying that it isn’t means you’re lying, or you don’t know what you’re talking about or both.


a known fake video from PG wont be admissible in court , except kangaroo court


Video is admissible as prima facia evidence in a court of law. Your saying that it isn’t means you’re lying, or you don’t know what you’re talking about or both. –


not a video that was deemed as FAKE by concensus


Given your history of lies and failure to support any of your arguments with evidence of your own. Your saying that it was proven fake by consensus is meaningless in the face of overwhelming quality evidence that I’ve provided supporting my arguments that no such consensus exists. And that the exact opposite is true. That many researchers have concluded that the film is genuine.


Given your history of lies and failure to support any of your arguments with evidence of your own. Your saying that it was proven fake by consensus is meaningless in the face of overwhelming quality evidence that I’ve provided supporting my arguments that no such consensus exists. And that the exact opposite is true. That many researchers have concluded that the film is genuine. –


yes many researchers also tag the PG video as fake , but you are not in the same level as true researcher , you just a little man with little pistol and little rifle for bragging..

you truly a lost cause , i really pity you


You’re a truth hater and a fear monger who wants to live in ignorance. I don’t place much value in the opinion of someone who rejects truth, the scientific method and judicial standards of evidence.


so far i havent seen you post facts based on evidence. so far what you post are nonsensical subjective campfire stories with ZERO evidence. You even posted the fake PG film , a mark of a bigfoot huckster. and then you posted your pistol and rifle collection while claiming you are ex commando or whatever rock your boat..

and you want people to believe all your crap ?

world dont work that way kid


You haven’t disproven the PG film. You haven’t even provided any evidence to support anything that you say. I’ve provided multiple credible sources of evidence showing that it’s real. That’s the way that the real world works. Which is why you refuse to provide evidence, because you don’t have any that disproves what I’ve provided, so you don’t even try. Because you know that it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think that you’re a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.


i dont have to disprove PG bigfoot film , the concensus of bigfoot researchers also condemn the movie as FAKERY. so i believe these researchers… it is FAKE bigfoot video


Where is this consensus of researchers evidence? I’ve seen none of it. Are these people buffoons and idiots like you, do they even exist? Post some of this consensus of experts that you claim that you have.


where ? i thought this is the year of google and a simple google search will give you the facts.. maybe you should learn to research before spouting nonsense ?


I’ve looked for facts supporting your contention that there is a consensus of researchers that the film is fake and have found nothing to support it. To the contrary, I’ve found a lot of evidence that many researchers and experts have concluded that the film is genuine and have provided a lot of that evidence on this thread. You’re the one who has failed miserably to support your clearly fallacious argument that there is a consensus of researchers who’ve agreed that the film is fake. Because you can’t, because you know that it’s a lie, as I’ve proven over and over again here. I’ve impeached your credibility. If you want to correct your credibility deficit. Then you need to start supporting your arguments with credible evidence. Which you’re not going to be able to do, because it doesn’t exist. Which is why you don’t even try. And instead resort to serial lies, false accusations and unsupported denials in an attempt to divert attention from your failures.


I’ve looked for facts supporting your contention that there is a consensus of researchers that the film is fake and have found nothing to support it. To the contrary, I’ve found a lot of evidence that many researchers and experts have concluded that the film is genuine and have provided a lot of that evidence on this thread. You’re the one who has failed miserably to support your clearly fallacious argument that there is a consensus of researchers who’ve agreed that the film is fake. Because you can’t, because you know that it’s a lie, as I’ve proven over and over again here. I’ve impeached your credibility. If you want to correct your credibility deficit. Then you need to start supporting your arguments with credible evidence. Which you’re not going to be able to do, because it doesn’t exist. Which is why you don’t even try. And instead resort to serial lies, false accusations and unsupported denials in an attempt to divert attention from your failures. –


What consensus of Big Foot researchers? You’ve provided zero evidence of any alleged consensus of researchers. Given your utter failure to provide any evidence of your own to support your arguments, and your habitual bald face lies. Your credibility deficit is exponential larger than anything that I could even remotely be accused of.

The Wikipedia PG article makes it abundantly clear that there has never been any consensus of researchers that the film is fake, and absent the availability on new evidence that’s not going to change. To the contrary, the Wikipedia PG article makes a strong case that many researchers and experts have concluded that the film is genuine:

– Patterson–Gimlin film –



Your saying that it’s fake when qualified experts say that it’s not. Doesn’t prove that it’s fake. It only proves that you ignore and reject judicial quality evidence and then lie and say that it doesn’t exist when it clearly does.


What consensus of Big Foot researchers? You’ve provided zero evidence of any alleged consensus of researchers. Given your utter failure to provide any evidence of your own to support your arguments, and your habitual bald face lies. Your credibility deficit is exponential larger than anything that I could even remotely be accused of.

The Wikipedia PG article makes it abundantly clear that there has never been any consensus of researchers that the film is fake, and absent the availability on new evidence that’s not going to change. To the contrary, the Wikipedia PG article makes a strong case that many researchers and experts have concluded that the film is genuine:

– Patterson–Gimlin film –

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterson%E2%80%93Gimlin_film#Jeffrey_Meldrum –


You’re saying that I’ve provided no evidence with the thread is full of judicial quality evidence verified by qualified experts is a complete lie.


yes , you provide exactly ZERO evidence .. baseless claims and fake video/audio is your speciality


That’s a complete lie. The thread is full of judicial quality evidence that I’ve provided including audio visual and expert testimony. You’re the one who has provided no evidence of any type, not me.


That’s a complete lie. The thread is full of judicial quality evidence that I’ve provided including audio visual and expert testimony. You’re the one who has provided no evidence of any type, not me. And then habitually ignored the judicial quality evidence from qualified experts and lied and said that it doesn’t exist when it indisputably does.


I’ve provided qualified expert authentication. You’ve provided no evidence from anyone of anything. You’re a scammer.


‘expert’ authentication ? do you even know what ‘authentication’ means ? you are no expert , you just a delusional kid that think he is super commando


Yes, I know what expert authentication means, and unlike you I’ve provided a link to judicial cases involving it and could provide many more. You haven’t even tried to disprove the evidence that I’ve provided with counter evidence. That’s the way that the judicial system works. One side provides evidence and the other has the opportunity to rebut it with arguments supported by counter evidence. You’ve provided no counter evidence. Your rejection of it doesn’t expel it from the court record. Only the judge can do that. Absent that it remains part of the court record for consideration by the judge and jury to render a decision on it. You’re not the one making the decision, you’re the one presenting your side of the case. So far you’ve failed completely to present any evidence based case. Just lies and broken record rejections over and over again.


Yes, I know what expert authentication means, and unlike you I’ve provided a link to judicial cases involving it and could provide many more. You haven’t even tried to disprove the evidence that I’ve provided with counter evidence. That’s the way that the judicial system works. One side provides evidence and the other has the opportunity to rebut it with arguments supported by counter evidence. You’ve provided no counter evidence. Your rejection of it doesn’t expel it from the court record. Only the judge can do that. Absent that it remains part of the court record for consideration by the judge and jury to render a decision on it. You’re not the one making the decision, you’re the one presenting your side of the case. So far you’ve failed completely to present any evidence based case. Just lies and broken record rejections over and over again. –


no you dont know , otherwise you instantly would understand no expert in this world can authenticate that fake bigfoot audio as true.


The video has been authenticated and proves that these creatures exit.


No it is not authenticated by anyone .. it is a FAKE video and only fools like you got taken in by the hucksters and liars in bigfoot research


liar , no one authenticated patterson gimlin film.. it is a fake movie


posting SPAM dont make your lies go away.. it is common tactics by liars like you to spam when faced with truth


You’ve repeatedly failed to disprove all of the qualified and competent experts that I’ve quoted, including film industry executives, special effects technicians and a peer reviewed University of Idaho study, who have conclusively determined that the PG film is genuine using the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence. Because you have no proof that the film is fake, because you’re a incompetent lying idiot and scammer.

Just like all of the debunkers with their man in a monkey suit claims who have never come even close to replicating the PG film to prove that it’s fake as you and they erroneously claim, in a manner that would stand up to the extensive professional, scientific and judicial scrutiny that the original PG film has for over 50 years that has verified that it’s genuine and not a fake. Because the creature is a different species with different anatomical proportions that can’t be duplicated by a human in a suit using period technology. As the studies that I’ve quoted analysis in depth.

The best of the best said that they couldn’t do it using period technology:

“Academy Award–winning monster-maker John Chambers is most famous for his innovative flexible masks in Planet of the Apes (1968). In a 1997 interview … denied rumors that he had created a costume for the Patterson subject, saying “I’m good, but not that good.”

– Patterson–Gimlin film –


You’re wasting my time with your lies, false allegations, ignorance and lack of evidence or studies of your own showing where the experts that I’ve quoted are mistaken.

Game, set, match, checkmate, you lose.


keep posting fake audio / video of bigfoot and spam it.. it is the way for liars and fools who think spamming make your lies more bearable..


If they were lies you’d be able to disprove the experts that I’ve cited, but you can’t, because you’re the liar and I’m the truther that you’re making false allegations against. Because you’re a dirt bag.


“there’s no evidence of both sides , except witness statements with zero proof.”

This thread is full of quality evidence that’s never been disproven by credible scientific analysis that would catch it if it were fake. People can look at it, and at your ignoring it and saying that it doesn’t exist, when obviously it does. And conclude that you’re out of touch with reality.


the so called ‘evidence’ have to be a corroboration of physical / residual evidence , and not just witness statements.. you are touting as evidence this PG bigfoot movie thats been panned as fake by the concensus of bigfoot researchers , because there’s no physical trace / residual trace of the encounter.

what you posted in this thread might seem evidence for you , but it wont hold water in peer review among bigfoot researchers..


In addition to the film, there are casts of the foot prints. Film is prima facia evidence that is superior in a court of law to expert testimony if the film hasn’t been proven fake, which the PG film hasn’t been.


imagery / video analysis dont make it evidence. footprint cast can be faked just like the video

you want to believe so much you lost objectivity and credibility


It’s judicial quality evidence that you haven’t even tried to disprove. Because you can’t because it’s real. Unlike your unsupported claims.


It most certainly does make it evidence. Audio visual evidence is used in courts every day. Your denial of this basic fact is a bald face lie.


on the case of your video and audio , both are inadmissible as evidence


That’s not true. Both could be admitted as evidence in a court. I’ve provided a link to court cases showing the admissibility of audio visual evidence. It’s used in courts every day. You have no stated expertise or evidence of your own to prove otherwise. Just your unsupported broken record lies over and over again. My proof is superior to your lack of proof.

Someone involved in commercial activities, fraud or libel litigation, or ownership claims could introduce the PG film as evidence to support their claim and the judge would allow it to be admitted to the court record.


That’s not true. Both could be admitted as evidence in a court. I’ve provided a link to court cases showing the admissibility of audio visual evidence. It’s used in courts every day. You have no stated expertise or evidence of your own to prove otherwise. Just your unsupported broken record lies over and over again. My proof is superior to your lack of proof.

Someone involved in commercial activities, fraud or libel litigation, or ownership claims could introduce the PG film as evidence to support their claim and the judge would allow it to be admitted to the court record. –


This documentary says that it’s real:

Bill Munns restoration and analysis of the Roger Patterson film footage as seen on National Geographic channel.



people want to believe this film is true , thats your right.. but it dont make it real evidence of bigfoot. if tis is the only evidence you got , then you truly are lost


It’s evidence that disproves your claims. To show that it’s fake, you need to prove that it’s fake. Which you can’t do, because it’s real. And you have no evidence to prove otherwise.


Patterson Gimlin film is fake , you want to believe it is real then go ahead.. Every serious bigfoot researcher already state their position on the film , it is fakery


Bill Munns is a highly competent, qualified and experienced research who says it’s real. I’ve provided his videos, a university study, and expert testimony from Hollywood specialist saying it’s real. You’ve provided ziltch. I’ll take their word over yours any day. You haven’t even provided what your qualifications are, let alone any evidence. Your unsupported arguments are a joke compared to mine.


Bill Munns is a highly competent, qualified and experienced researcher who says it’s real. I’ve provided his videos, a university study, and expert testimony from Hollywood specialist saying it’s real. You’ve provided ziltch. I’ll take their word over yours any day. You haven’t even provided what your qualifications are, let alone any evidence. Your unsupported arguments are an evasion of reality compared to my qualified expert authentication.


Bill Munns is a highly competent, qualified and experienced researcher who says it’s real. I’ve provided his videos, a university study, and expert testimony from Hollywood executives and specialists saying it’s real. You’ve habitually lied and said that this evidence of it being not fake doesn’t exist, and that I haven’t provided it and that the consensus of researchers say it’s fake. When none of that’s true.


They’re real all right. The only reason we don’t see more of them is that they’re unaware that the earth is flat , so they’re continuously falling off the edge.


I’ve had a close encounter with them, I know that they’re real while they’re here.


They show up on audio visual recording equipment all of the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov4CUo_XeWY


how do one know if it is bigfoot or just some prankster ? just that easy to conclude without a shred of proof ? no wonder the field is full of pranksters and hucksters


I’ve had an encounter with them that sounds exactly like the segment .25 to .52. That’s not made by conventional wildlife. It didn’t come from some recording studio.


nice , anything to corroborate your encounter account ? i guess no evidence existed..


I just played you a tape of what they sound like. Try to disprove it with a credible lab report, you can’t, because it’s real.


Please , basics please.. you provide the tape of ‘bigfoot sound’ , you make the claim , it is your duty to provide evidence to support this ‘claim’ , not the duty of the public to provide evidence for or against.

so , other than a ‘sound of something’ , where is the evidence that this is generated from a living breathing hairy primate-like creature ?


Where is the lab report disproving it or duplicating it. You can’t provide it because it’s real and YOU have no proof that it’s anything other than what it appears to be. I know it’s real from first hand experience.


and who are you again ? your ‘real’ ‘first hand’ experience claim have no weight because there’s no physical trace / residual trace on your so called ‘real encounter’..

no one would base evidence on witness statement only , there have to be corraborating physical evidence to back up your story..

seem like you dont understand how the system works with regards fo evidence and witness statements


I provided you an audio recording of what the creatures sounded like. If you claim that it’s fake, then you need to prove it with a lab report. I’ve spent enough time in the remote wilderness to know that those aren’t from conventional indigenous wildlife.


please , anything can be FAKED these days, video / image / audio .. and you give me jack shit evidence except fakery


You’ve provided zero to disprove my evidence, because it’s real and you can’t. Which is why you don’t even try and make false allegations instead.


again , i say what evidence ? you put no evidence except a fake PG film and dubious audio recording of someone screaming.

provide real evidence or shut up


Your saying that court admissible evidence isn’t court admissible evidence means you’re lying, or you don’t know what you’re talking about or both.




nope , fake videos as usual


Those types of prints were found at the Patterson-Grimlin film site. They’re from the creature in the film. The one that has NEVER been duplicated that Hollywood said that they couldn’t do.


‘hollywood’ is not a single entity


Where’s the proof that it’s fake? Show me a credible lab report or recreation with period technology. Neither exist.


you constantly said you posted ‘evidence’ yet now you said you got none because there is no ‘lab report’ no DNA report no hair sample existed ? and you keep believing because you want to believe ?

what is this ? X Files’s i want to believe series ?

as for Hair and DNA , yes i know theres independent research but no conclusion so far about the result.


Look idiot, I’ve provided real proof, you’ve provided NOTHING.


im sorry , what you provide is fake bigfoot movie , it is not evidence.. i wish you provide nothing instead of fake evidence..


Your saying that it’s fake isn’t proof that it’s fake. You need to provide a credible lab report that it’s fake to prove that it’s fake. Which you can’t do because it’s real and no such lab report exists.


it is considered fake by concensus of big foot researchers.. if you have problem accepting that , then it is your problem.


Your problem is that you have no evidence to disprove what I’ve provided. You haven’t even tried. What I’ve provided meets the scientific method and judicial standards of evidence. You have even provided any proof or evidence.


On the contrary , it is always the one who made a CLAIM that need to provide the evidence.. the burden of proof lies on you , and so far you got no REAL evidence except fake video and dubious audio..


I’ve provide the evidence. You’ve provided nothing. Until you provide evidence to disprove mine, which you’re going to be able to do. I’ve proven my points and you haven’t. That’s the way that courts work. No evidence, no case. You lose.


No evidence from you except fake video and fake audio.

you got caught lying and now trying to weasel out..


Really, what do you call all of the qualified expert testimony and analysis that I’ve provided that the film is genuine and not a hoax? So who’s he liar, liar?


plenty of liars , hoaxster and misled researchers in Bigfoot field.. nothing to be shame about it really , i know you have the 3 traits i mentioned in you


You are the one ignoring and rejecting qualified experts supported by judicial quality evidence saying that it’s not fake. And then lying and saying that their determinations don’t exist when they do. You’re the fraud, not them.


You’re rejecting the evidence not because it doesn’t prove what it does. You’re rejecting it because it does prove what it does and you have nothing credible to disprove it. Which is why you don’t even try to disprove it. Audio video is prima facia evidence that obtains convictions in courts of law everyday. If it was dubious as you claim, you wouldn’t have any trouble disproving it. But you can’t because it’s real. So you try to divert attention from your inability to disprove it by falsely claiming that it’s fake, despite the fact that you can’t prove that it’s fake. Because obviously it’s not.


Zero Evidence from you except FAKE video and FAKE audio..


It’s considered not fake by qualified experts. You’re the one with the problem dealing with reality, not me. I’ve seen zero evidence from you or your alleged consensus of experts disproving all of the qualified expert authentication that I’ve provided. You’re like the boy who cried wolf, after enough false allegations, your denials of authenticity in the face of massive evidence that it’s authentic become meaningless.


It’s considered not fake by qualified experts. You’re the one with the problem dealing with reality, not me. I’ve seen zero evidence from you or your alleged consensus of experts disproving all of the qualified expert authentication that I’ve provided. You’re like the boy who cried wolf, after enough false allegations, your denials of authenticity in the face of massive evidence that it’s authentic become meaningless. –


please , you cant just walk in with your audio of something crying and expect ppl to believe its bigfoot..

ya think ppl will bow to your wisdom instantly ? how childish


That’s a dodge. The comment was about the video, not the audio. You’re misrepresenting what the comment is about and are trying to change the subject to divert attention from your lies and false accusations.


now you trying to weasel out because your ‘massive amount of evidence’ amounted to nothing but fakery.. keep on trying , people here already knew you are a liar based on your past comments..


What fakery? That’s a false allegation. It is you who have the history of being proven wrong, making unsupported false accusations and telling lies. You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written as anyone reading the thread can see. The video has been authenticated and proves that these creatures exit using the scientific method and judicial process. Your rejection of it shows how untruthful you are and how you reject the scientific method and judicial process.


you got CAUGHT posting fake bigfoot data and now you resort to spamming.. truly juvenile behaviour from you/..


“you constantly said you posted ‘evidence’ yet now you said you got none because there is no ‘lab report’ ”

There’s no lab report disproving the film. Just like there’s no recreation of the film using period technology showing that Patterson and Grimlin faked it. That’s what doesn’t exist. Not evidence showing that Bigfoots are real. I’ve posted evidence all over this thread of that.


im sorry , contactee field of UFOLOGY are filled with so many fake data points and opposing view it is totally unusable for seriour UFOLOGY research. The thing is , data from contactee cannot be corraborated with real evidence (only circumstancial) and it is a highly toxic so many serious UFO researchers avoids it .. even the clowns/jokers of US UFOLOGY avoid it since they prefer to milk the fictious Roswell UFO ‘crash’..

As for UFO and Bigfoot connection , im sure you aware of the Pennsylvania UFO flap that was researched by Stan Gordon , along with numerous UFO + Bigfoot data points all around the area plotted on map.


Do you think that the Meier case is fake? I’ve been there and talked with them. There’s a ton of high quality evidence from that case. I took this picture myself when I was there.



nice ‘evidence’

i call it bullshit

zero evidence


What you say and what you can prove are two different things. Until you start proving your points, your claims are disproven by what I’ve provided.


The Meier case is full of high quality evidence. Calling it bs shows how adverse to reality that you are.


Every researched in serious UFOLOGY already put meier case into the fake basket. Only those hucksters and con men from US Ufology will support meier case.

it is telling how much a fool you are to believe fake cases in UFOLOGY and Bigfoot research , you have zero credibility in both cases , and you pretending as super commando is a sign of delusional mind.

i suggest you go to mental health profesional to seek help.. before you go postal and turn on your pistol and rifles into murder weapons


You’ve provided no evidence disproving what I’ve provided, because you don’t have any. So you evade the facts by making false statements to divert attention from your failures and inability to prove your points.


you provide FAKE video and FAKE audio , which is no evidence both of them


This wasn’t made by a non physical paranormal entity, it was made by a heavy creature stepping on the ground: https://cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/bridgewater3.jpg


nice fake footprint



Panthera Pardus

There are Several videos on line pointing at the dangerous situation faced by brave American diplomats in their houses https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RMDZ8M47j0I


I find the constant ‘whining ‘ of the US ‘ debilitating ‘.


I had to seek medical attention after listening to CNN a while back. The first symptom is nausea. :)

maxii priestt

hahaha!.. i suffered the same symptoms too! wow,!..


watch FOX news , it might cure you


XXXX the beer of champions.

Eskandar Black

Possible that these are side effects of some equipment that is attempting to spy on what is being said in the property. Simple attacks on Diplomats make no sense and achieve nothing.


True, but it is likely an attack using scalar energy weapons.


Yes the americans are trying so hard to spy on everyone in kilometers near the embassies with their eavesdropping technology and on the end they fuck their stuff by themselves, and blame others, even without investigate the situation, so in the end you see it is the americans itselfs.


paranoia .. US been doing this to others and now they got jittery when people play marbles or cockroach sound their mating calls … this is the world’s greatest nation ? more like a nation of bullies and weaklings..


The good point in all this is that a variety of countries now hold ‘energy’ weapons that make us of advanced physics principles of scalar waves that are almost impossible to shield against. Typical Faraday cage protection is bypassed. USA is openly using this against her own citizens who post of their experiences under the topic ‘targeted individual.’ Russia, according to Bob Bearden, is about 40 years ahead in this technology some of which may have been incorporated in Khibiny and similar systems to disrupt communications, and fry electronics. That this is out in the open and directed against America can be considered karma for the way they are using electronic harrassment against citizens. Bob Bearden tried to warn the Americans how dangerous was the technology that Russia and KGB (at the time) had in their hands. What can be done by the Russian technology is far beyond anything we can think or imagine. Example, American ships ramming themselves can be arranged for from a distance. Rocket launches not making it from a distance.


I can’t find anything on Bearden’s work.


Thomas Bearden: I have two books on my shelves: Fer De Lance – Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons, 1986: “by the mid-50’s Russian weapon scientists were already experimenting in bioenergetics with the direct induction of diseases and health changes …”p 77. Oblivion – America at the Brink by T. E. Bearden, 2005: Summary of Some Weather Engineering and Other Capabilities, p 30, U.S. Societal Polariazations are being Gradually Increased, p33. Theoretical Papers of Thomas Bearden: http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/index.html. An extensive PDF on Physics: http://r.4dt.org/text/misc/T.E.%20Bearden/Bearden%20-%20Free%20book%20-%20TOWARDS%20A%20NEW%20ELECTROMAGNETICS%20part%204.pdf. A summary/simplification of Bearden’s work is here: http://www.prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm


Yes I have heard of him. You wrote Bob Bearden in your comment, that’s who I couldn’t find.

This is a from a critique of Bearden’s work:

““Dr.” Bearden is fond of putting PhD after his name. An Internet check revealed that his doctorate was given, in his own words, for “life experience and life accomplishment.” It was purchased from a diploma mill called Trinity College and University—a British institution with no building, campus, faculty, or president, and run from a post office box in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The institution’s owner, one Albert Wainwright, calls himself the college “registrant.””

– ‘Dr.’ Bearden’s Vacuum Energy –


“Bronte International University (formerly known as Trinity College and University[1]) is an unaccredited post-secondary educational institution formerly in South Dakota. It is widely considered to be a diploma mill, operated from an unknown location.[1] Its website offers “fast” degrees for “life experience”.

Location The Skeptical Inquirer described it as “a British institution with no building, campus, faculty, or president, and run from a post office box in Sioux Falls, South Dakota”.[2] According to the Oregon State Office of Degree Authorization, it is “probably” operated in the Caribbean and “also operated in Louisiana and maybe elsewhere”.[1]

Academics and accreditation status The institution claims to be accredited by the Association for Online Academic Excellence (AOAE), but this is not a recognized accreditation association of higher learning.[3] It has been listed as a diploma mill by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.[4]

Course descriptions found on the institution’s now defunct website were copied verbatim from the course offerings of Thomas Edison State College of Trenton, New Jersey.”

– Bronte International University –


This doesn’t make Bearden’s work invalid, but it does raise questions about it’s validity.


Yes, I had said Bob Bearden. and ,yes, there are strange attempts to discredit him. I skipped that one as disinformation. Your choice.


He admits it. Given the rest of his life and work. He’d probably be unable to get a PhD from a normal university because of the controversial nature of his work. What matters is if his work is verifiable using the scientific method. And what is built with it actually works. And what he writes about contempory issues is true and not knowingly falsified.

“Subject: RE: Tom Beardens PhD… Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:11:07 -0600


Yes, I was awarded the Ph.D. for life experience and for life accomplishment (from Trinity College – Ed.), and I make no attempt to conceal it. I was awarded the Legion of Merit in Vietnam for similar reasons. If that makes it “bogus”, so be it. I was also listed in Who’s Who in Aviation and Aerospace, 1983, National Aeronautical Institute. I don’t know what others may have done, but to obtain the doctorate for experience, I first was required to prepare a formal Ph.D. thesis, as is normal, and do several months of additional work for it. As might be expected, my thesis advanced the first legitimate theory of COP>1.0 EM systems, freely extracting energy from the vacuum. It also contained the first formal correction to Aristotelian logic since Aristotle advanced it. My M.S. in nuclear engineering was awarded by Georgia Tech under full rigor, as was my B.S. in mathematics from what is today Northeast Louisiana University. Those are the credentials, and one can take it or leave it.

One might point out that Heaviside — whose equations are studied in university as “Maxwell’s equations”, and who originated some powerful mathematical methods as well — never even attended university but was totally self-taught. Today, a very great many people for more than a century have happily used Heaviside’s work, not really caring whether he had a Ph.D. or not.

The real judge is what a fellow does and the worth or non-worth of it. My book, Energy from the Vacuum, speaks for itself. My years of work in scalar interferometry — trying desperately to get this nation to develop adequate defenses — has in fact now been verified, both experimentally and theoretically, and scalar interferometry was the basis for Secretary of Defense Cohen’s public statement in 1997 at a conference in Athens, Georgia — the first confirmation of those weapons by a high U.S. government official. We do have adequate defenses today, at least a little bit as a result of some of my own hard work in convincing the system. Unfortunately the energetics weapons have now spread to even more powerful quantum potential weapons and negative energy EMP, so my weapons efforts are still continuing in that respect. Defending this nation comes first; after that comes the rest.

I’m quite willing to let that be the final arbiter.

Best wishes,




you never present any viable evidence with regards of UFO or bigfoot, All you post all lies and fake videos


The PG film has been authenticated by qualified and competent experts including film industry executives, special effects technicians and a peer reviewed University of Idaho study, and proves that the film is genuine and not a hoax, and that these creatures exit using the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence. You haven’t proven anything that the experts say is wrong.

If the PG film is such an obvious fake as you falsely claim. Then you wouldn’t have any trouble disproving all of the analysis provided the experts that I’ve cited who are obviously vastly more qualified than you are to verify the film as genuine. Which you’ve failed miserably at because you’re a pathological liar, scam artist and imbecile.


– Finding Bigfoot: Everything You Need to Know By ANIMAL PLANET –



Patterson and Gimlin bigfoot movie is a hoax, and it is a hoax back then and hoax now , only to be proppep by hucksters and liars like you


From his website:




RichardD. It is your choice whether to learn the new science from Bearden or to believe and/or intentionally spread the disinformation against him. Your choice. I am not here to argue or influence your choice. But if you intentionally join in disinformation may Karma bite you back.


It’s not disinfo, Bearden admits using Trinity to obtain his doctorate. It’s right on his website as I’ve documented. Maybe he deserves it and would be denied one on the topic that he would use for his dissertation from a conventional academic institution. which is probably why he went the route that he did to obtain it.

As far as new science, or perhaps more accurately suppressed science. Bearden may be right that there are deliberate mistakes being used to base our current scientific paradigm on. And that those who planted them and perpetuate them know what the correct science is and have used it in the secret space program to build advanced space craft.

I don’t have the time and money at this time to pursue it to make a determination of what the truth is. But given the rest of Bearden’s accomplishments in life, and my own experience. I’m inclined to think that there may be some truth to what Bearden contends.


Me too.


Scalar waves are like crop circles and butt probing aliens, they are entertainment for the mentally infirm.


What matters is if the tests and what’s built with this theory complies with the scientific method and can be used to build technology and equipment that can be verified in properly certified testing laboratories and real life examples with dependable repeatability. Some of what is now science started out as metaphysics. Some metaphysics has been proven to be accurate as our science and technology advanced to be able to understand what’s happening, some metaphysics remains unproven, and some has been disproven.


only who suffered are US citizens. :D


Accuse the other of that which you are guilty of. During the cold war years, supposedly, Russia used powerful psychiatric drugs on dissenters and threw them into psychiatric hospitals never to be seen again. Something the West does today. At this same time period, during the 1950’s, China was accused of brainwashing prisoners of war in Korea. Something the West does today also via main stream media. These recent accusations fall into a similar pattern. It is the west using high tech energy weapons on it’s own citizens that is really happening. Cuba and China using these weapons is a total distraction.

eric collins

Anti spyware electronics installed in some U.S. Embassies has exposed staff to some unplanned affects…. Or, Chinese and Cuban embassies targeted by a, hostile to those countries including the United States, third agent. Or a dozen even wackier conspiracy theories, including “mass hysteria”, as in hundreds of folk seeing a vision of the virgin Mary during a religious festival. If the U,S. inadvertently, through it’s own actions, caused it’s personnel physical harm and neurological damage, those affected and we, the public, will be the last to be told.

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