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MARCH 2025

America’s 2022 Allocations to Ukraine Total $112 Billion

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America's 2022 Allocations to Ukraine Total $112 Billion

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Written by Eric Zuesse

During this year, the U.S. Government has allocated $112 billion to Ukraine, in order to defeat Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine. Russia allocates normally $60 billion per year for its entire military, but this year has increased that 40% to $84 billion, because of its invasion of Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine because, on 17 December 2021, Russia had demanded that the U.S. Government and its NATO anti-Russian military alliance stop trying to place its missiles on and near Russia’s borders (especially in Ukraine, which is the nearest of all bordering nations to Moscow); and, on 7 January 2022 America and NATO said no. Russia then invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, in order to prevent Ukraine from becoming a launch-pad for U.S. missiles. That’s what the war in Ukraine is — and always has been — about, from the Russian viewpoint: not being faced with U.S. missiles that are only a five-minute missile-flight-time away from Russia’s central command in Moscow.

The war in Ukraine started in February 2014, by America’s coup there that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected neutralist Government and replaced it by a rabidly anti-Russian and pro-American one on Russia’s border, in order ultimately to become able to place just 317 miles away from the Kremlin U.S. missiles which would be only a five-minute flight-time away from nuking Russia’s central command — far too little time in order for Russia’s central command to be able to verify that launch and then to launch its own retaliatory missiles. It would be nuclear checkmate of Russia, by the U.S. (with the assistance of its NATO allies, which then would include Ukraine).

Whereas Russia’s objective is to not become nuclearly checkmated by America placing its missiles that close to Moscow, America’s objective is to nuclearly checkmate Russia in order to capture the world’s largest and most resource-rich country — to force Russia to capitulate and become another U.S. ‘ally’ (that is, vassal-nation).

President Biden had requested Congress to add $38 billion more this year for Ukraine than the $67 billion that was funded earlier in the year, but Congress decided to increase his requested amount by $7 billion (almost a 20% increase in his suggested increase), so that there will be a total of $45 billion added to the $67 billion previously allocated, for a total U.S. allocation to Ukraine this year of $112 billion. That amount is $28 billion more than Russia will have spent this year for all of its military — the vast majority of which Russian military expenditure isn’t being allocated to the war in Ukraine, but instead to other aspects of Russia’s defense against the threat to its national security from America and its allies. America alone has been spending annually  on its military around 20 times what Russia has been spending on its; and, in order to make America’s expenditure appear not to be so gargantuan as it actually is, large portions of it are being paid out from other federal Departments than the Defense (or Aggression) Department, but the total annual U.S. military expenditures have, for over a decade, been over a trillion dollars per year.

On November 16th, I headlined “U.S. Will Have Spent $100B on Ukraine This Year”, and now it’s clear that my prediction was on the conservative side, by $12 billion.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Biden did it to show that he’s not old with a soft dick.

Romanian whore

That ‘only’ when about 30% of JUSA peoples are on the poverty line or below. Or ‘only’ when entire New York city have 60.000 homeless wondering peoples on streets. From actual americunt official statistics. Viva Soros, Bill Gates and Schwab !!! Viva globalism ! Motha fucker satanists !


well, it’s not working out, instead, western aid is providing the russian military with expensive ground targets to destroy because of too many decades of incompetent corrupt govt. dumbarses on the western side of things who havent faced anything like honest competition on the battlefield. NATO expansionism has turned into malignant ‘growth’, political cancer set in at the EU parliament, CORRUPTION in all-caps, and the whole thing is devolving into institutional rot.

Meanwhile in eastern ukraine, Russian forces continue to pound the crap out of whats left of the ukranian military…while their citizens freeze.

Zionist Slaves of America

It is preferable to see 112 billion wasted on Ukraine that one single US dollar wasted on the welfare funded, banana republic of Israel. In the end both Ukraine and Israel will be wiped out , but at least the Ukrainians did their own fighting whereas Israel always wants the US to fight for them to the last US soldier. Slava Putin. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Asad.


So zelensky’s wife can spend $100k in a single shopping spree in Paris.

William White

My Wife could beat that easily! Inflation you know.

Putins reply to china (grow a set,trust not lgbt)

Poor bugger,my earnest condolences.


Fun fact for you all about 20-25% of that money ($112B) ended up in Ukraine – most of it ended up in US companies that make weapons and ammo.


Also, remember Zelensky gang take some of it as well.

Hakkol Havel

It doesn’t matter how much you spend, it matters what you’re actually putting out on the field.

William White

Well the Russians have to get their cut too?

Putins reply to china (grow a set,trust not lgbt)

Alotta new stuff in their museum exhibitions yeah.

William White

And they are still getting their asses whipped by a much smaller Russian force. Not long now till another half million join the ranks. Time for surrender Joe, you’re about to go from looking bad to looking like a silly old fool.


Zelensky sniffs cocaine and Old Joe sniffs little girl’s hair. What a dynamic duo!

Wayne Gabler

What is the total when ‘the gifts’ from all NATO members is added up?

Putins reply to china (grow a set,trust not lgbt)

80% soviet gear,usa are screwgers.

Edgar Zetar

I just wanted to point out something Mr. Eric Zuesse, its like the phrase of “The Quijote”, if the dogs barks its because you annoy them and move forward… … they dont understand how the Supreme Hegemon a.k.a The Masters of the Universe controlled almost everything in the West World. Some may take the red pill and wake up, but most of them are just morons and will not wake up ever because their brains are too primitive and only they can see in black or white… so most of them they are not worth of anything, just to live their empty lives inside the Matrix of the Masters of the Universe planned to them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Nah. Hegemon is dead. Supreme or not.

Every hick, every nigger, every bitch and every shitskin thinks that she is the hegemon and demand that from everyone around them.

Putins reply to china (grow a set,trust not lgbt)

Most bT,ukraine be lucky to see 5% real world weighted substance,FIXED! =Z=


Zeleskin com habilidade incrível, notável, inteligente, com uma determinação. Mas, em uma coletiva de imprensa na quinta-feira, o próprio presidente russo utilizou a palavra “guerra” e disse que esperava terminá-la o mais rápido possível.

Uma nova lei russa prevê punições severas para quem difundir informações “falsas” sobre o conflito, e algumas pessoas foram condenadas por utilizar publicamente a palavra “guerra”.

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