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America’s Deep State Is Its ‘Elected’ Government

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America's Deep State Is Its 'Elected' Government

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Today’s U.S. ‘democracy’ is ruled by a virtually 100% neoconservative and neoliberal team, both in Congress and in the White House, which team represents the billionaires of both of the nation’s two political Parties. (The idea behind this ‘democracy’ is that because there is more than a single political party, it ‘cannot’ be a “totalitarian” Government, but is instead necessarily a ‘democratic’ Government — as-if there can’t be a multi-Party dictatorship, which is what most dictatorships now are, multiple Parties all representing different factions of the oligarchy, with corruption controlling, thereby, all of the major Parties.) It is stunningly bipartisan, both for neoconservatism (expansion of the U.S. empire to include yet more nations, such as Syria, Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, etc., as being future U.S. ‘allies’ or vassal-nations), and for neoliberalism (enforcing accountability ONLY downward toward employees and the poor, never upward toward the billionaires or the national Government’s owners themselves, so that America has the world’s highest percentage of its population in prison, and those prisoners are far below the average national income and far below the average personal wealth too). 

America’s Deep State represents 100% both Democratic Party billionaires and Republican Party billionaires; and, therefore, on all of the issues on which all billionaires agree — such as on neoconservatism and on neoliberalism — the votes in Congress are virtually 100% in favor of a given item of proposed new legislation.

This is a nation that is ruled by and for its super-rich, in order to fool and control its public, for the benefit of those owners: the thousand-or-so people who have purchased, and who effectively own, America’s (s’elected’) rulers.

Here is how the former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter, phrased this matter, when he was asked about corruption in the U.S. Government:

It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. … At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell.

There is considerable speculation about “America’s permanent government,” and about America’s “Deep State,” and especially about how, on issues of neoconservatism (America’s MIC or Military Industrial Complex, plus its intelligence agencies) and on issues of neoliberalism (holding harmless, instead of prosecuting and imprisoning or executing, the controlling owners of criminal mega-corporations), there is effectively no difference in America between the two political Parties; but there is almost no public discussion of the possible extent to which that “permanent government,” and that “Deep State,” consists actually of America’s s’elected’ rulers, and especially of the billionaires who s’elected’ all and each one of them.

If a person looks at the bills in Congress on which the votes in favor are 90% and higher, these are found consistently to be bills that the billionaires in BOTH of the political Parties want to become passed into new laws — regardless of what the nation’s public might happen to want.

By contrast, most of the public’s discussions, and of the press’s reporting, about the “permanent government,” and about the “military-industrial complex,” and about the “Deep State,” focus on anything BUT those thousand-or-so corporate owners, and on how those owners actually control the U.S. Government.

America’s Deep State is its s’elected’ government, NOT its bureaucracy (who answer ultimately to the s’elected’ government).

Here’s an example: On August 8th, America’s Associated Press bannered “One year after Afghanistan, spy agencies pivot toward China”, and reported, regarding the CIA, that “the agency’s money and resources would be increasingly shifted to focusing on China,” and so it’s “moving hundreds of officers to China-focused positions, including some who were previously working on terrorism.” “And the war in Ukraine has underscored Russia’s importance as a target.” Furthermore:

“A far greater existential threat is Russia and China” [than Al Qaeda and other terrorists], said [Jason] Crow, a Colorado Democrat who serves on the House Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Terrorist groups, he said, “will not destroy the American way of life … the way China can.”

But, actually, does the Russian Government, and does the Chinese Government, pose the “existential threat” to the U.S. Government; or does the U.S. Government, and its NATO, and its AUKUS, instead pose the “existential threat” to both the Russian Government, and the Chinese Government, and the Venezuelan Government, and the Syrian Government, and the Libyan Government, and the Iranian Government, and the North Korean Government, and … ?

Is a Government that is looking to overthrow and replace governments throughout the world, actually throwing stones from a very glass house, when alleging that other countries are endangering “the American way of life”? Who finances the careers of this s’elected’ government? Whom does it really represent?

As U.S. President Andrew Jackson said, in his Farewell Address, on 4 March 1837, warning that America’s democracy was threatened from within, by its tiny minority of “the monied interests” and “the great monied corporations,” which expect not merely toleration but accommodation by the nation’s majority: “you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.” That warning was ignored: today’s America is ruled BY its “monied interests,” instead of by the majority. This certainly is not a democracy. Whatever “the American way of life” now is, it isn’t democratic, no matter what position in government a liar about it might say to the exact contrary of that reality.

It’s not for nothing that, worldwide, a higher percentage of people consider the U.S. Government to be the biggest threat to world peace than think any other nation’s Government is. It’s NOT because America is a democracy, but because it isn’t.

America suffers not from its presence of democracy, but from its absence.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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John Tosh

The intelligence Agencies took over power when they toppled John F Kennedy in a real coup. Since then, they have had actors and the movie show leaders who have been assigned the position of leadership to entertain the American masses.

Do not be fooled. If you open your eyes, they will poison your food, get you fired from your job or put a woman on you to get you locked up behind bars. The intelligence agencies have created the strongest iron curtain in the history of the planet in the USA. Not even North Korea has this type of power.

The North Koreans are not so smart, they execute those they do not want openly for all to see. Not the USA, the Intelligence agencies slowly poison you. Two basic types of poisons. the first goes in your meal, causes the target to vomit and lose weight. It may also cause you to have abdominal pains similar to a heart attack. If you make it to the hospital, an intelligence agent parading as a doctor or nurse will complete the job. The second type of poison goes into your Air conditioning vents. Either your car or your home. It causes the symptoms of stroke. Your next door neighbor could be the agent who keeps breaking into your apartment or home to continuously spray the poison into your A/C vents. If you do not believe me get some hidden cameras. You will catch them like I did.

Welcome to the so called freedom!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Southfront resident nigha

Oh come on! JFK is literal definition of deep state type. Pure attention whore, who would sell even his dick if he got more attention and glory.

Bal- baleg

The US had abused the power they’ve built over the years with all the cards in its hands dominant in the field of military firepower, industry, financial and monetary mechanism, geopolitics mechanism, and other infrastructures that allowed them to dominate the world with the hegemonic empire.

However, some nations had eventually uncovered the abuse and deceptions of such empire which gave an inspiration to compete and challenge the establishment which enable them to achieve parity and even got the upperhand in the fields of trade and industry, advance weaponry development, superior communication and digital tech to name a few.

Meanwhile, we are witnessing the fast decline of the evil empire and its vassals that would reset the world to a new dawn of multi-polar system led by the BRICS nations.

Bal- baleg

It’s such a marvellous feat of the mericunt scheme to duped all of us to recognise the worthless money they print as much as they want to buy what other nations produced and bribe all national leaders to comply to whatever they demand,

a very disturbing situation where most of international communities still accepting USDollars as payment for goods and services.

Bal- baleg

BREAKING NEWS : Several powerful explosions in Crimea took place near a military airfield and a popular destination of tourists, investigation was under way..

A very disturbing development that signals the escalation of the conflict, investigation was under way but the chances are these explosions were likely carried out by AFU and its western sponsors.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg
Southfront resident nigha

Nation is a herd. They as dumb as the dumbest animal in the herd. Nations understand nothing. Herd animal’s only concern is the status within the herd.

L du Plessis

The Deep State is the mind of satan, the MSM is the voice of satan(full of lies)and the intel agencies are the hands and the Gov and their Departments are the fingers ect and they all come to steal, kill and destroy, John 10:10.


Brought to you by the false christians who founded the U.S. and perpetuated by everyone who believes in democracy that has risen out of the sea of men. Revelations.

Most people have gladly accepted the mark of the beast.

Southfront resident nigha

Another fucking Pharisee and the mental delusional mysticism :D

Edgar Zetar

If you believe the Bible, you cannot be taked serious… look, we all westerners learn from Bible then go to foundation and learn the Jew Torah, the sacred scrolls but after that we all realiźe that the Great Minds like Nietzsche, Rusell and others were right…


The deep state is not just American. It is global and it is supported by everyone who believes: 1- That there is self evidence of equality, 2- That God gave inalienable rights, 3- That democracy is freedom or that government guarantees freedom.

So as you see, most people support the degenerate, perverted deep state.

Southfront resident nigha

There is an American joke: we wanted freedom, but we got liberty.

Liberal means “noble born”, thus the parazytic delusion “free choice to do as one chooses”. Basically the definition of evil.

Evil is just a word “Live” written backwards.


The UK is now a carbon copy of the USA in its treatment of the ordinary public- have only US companies running the UK – Amazon-Google- M$ -Facebook-Twitter-etc bring the intelligence level down to basic consumerism -pay for films- eat American chemical/hormones -and believe anything Westminster says .

Another “two party with the same agenda ” -check out the Labour leaders previous job – millionaires run the country – dont criticise the state -be obedient (Slave ) -worship America where its- “dont give a sucker an even brake “-trample on the poor -make life hard for them -Sell everything to USA (unlimited ) .

Britain ??- third world Satrap of the USA without USA consumer protection laws.


Andrew Jackson was an idiot for saying that. He says that after creating a government with no LAW, based on lies and which gives power to the very degenerates he is warning about.

How stupid can you get????????

hunter bidé lab pork !

Amerdica is in deep sheizen !!! because of deep sheizen in the anus of corrupted nazi clowns


“America suffers not from its presence of democracy, but from its absence.”

Boy are you ignorant. The author is part of the problem.

tom sawyer

“there is no functioning democracy in amerika…it is an oligarchy where political bribery determines the nominations/selection of all presidents governors senators congress members”. Jimmy Carter

Eric Zuesse

You think that America’s billionaires should have even MORE control over the U.S. Government than they already DO? Please explain what you were TRYING to say (because you didn’t SAY it).


The other topic “Pelosi Is A Beijing-Run Asset ..” was more amusing, but overall I welcome Southfront is developing lately some kind of humour and irony. Actually, what can this article be meant for? Governments play a role, for sure, but not in the gross questions. The entire West is in a state of falsehood and deceptive conjuring, “governments”, in particular “democratic”, are on the forefront of what we could call the “projected reality” of a society image. Perhaps there is some wrestling now and then between the Jewish Landlords and governments, but it is neither serious nor sustainable.

The fate of Europe may serve as an example for the holographic nature of public (and published) reality. I don’t say here that this is different in Russia or China, but let’s stay with the example for a while. Europe and in particular Germany are the great losers in this drama called “Ukraine” as they blindly followed imperatives which only suited USA. The European vassals are acting against their nations’ interests (e.g. in the energy topic) and allow for Russophobia and other grotesque U-turns in published opinion and raison d’etre. The entire performance is a sick demonstration of the superior will of the USA and their Guild of Masters. That these are in need for such demonstrations shows how narrow they really feel to the edge. However, no-one is responsible for disastrous political decisions in the West, it is all nature’s will which is performing and so it sounds in daily news. I hold it is of little interest to discriminate parties in the parliament (I may be wrong in cases).

The other recognition from all this is that “democracy” is a failure, and indisputable so, when it comes to guiding states and nations. It may serve for some domestic well-being though, until the gross questions are mistaken.

Southfront resident nigha

Truth vs deception. Further away from Truth, more tension and more difficult to maintain the lie, more control needed, more deception needed. Bigger the lie (also called The Secret), more effort in order to maintain it. Eventually what is left is so much work, that only time left is for proping up the lie. Biggest lies have the most impressive falls.


“Democracy ” now means the same as when the US invades countries that dont obey it saying – “we are here to bring “””Freedom & Democracy “”” while blasting apart millions of men-women-children and babies . Zelensky, now wants ALL Russians to be deported from Western countries – word for word with Adolf Hitler,s instructions .Directive- to Heinrich Himmler -Herman Goring-Joseph Geobbels- .

hunter bidé lab pork !

they can put the eletronic climate change vote in their anus and make green energy !!!


Contrary to anti-Russian posters here (Paid Posters ) – due to the upsurge in the Rouble,s value TASS reports from Auditing firm FinExpertiza -in the second quarter of 2022 – 4.16 Million foreigners migrated to Russia – 3.2 million (75 %) indicated work as the reason they were in Russia.

This is a record high and makes a mockery of USA sanctions.

tom sawyer

my ex boyfriend Frisian Hans called from Nebraska trailer park; she is crying because no income for retired janitor …mr fleckenstein has subsidized Hans w free matzo soup for past 6 months; but due to nazi covid Hans restricted to Big Mac donuts. I retired after flipping burgers at Dennys for 30 years—I am sanctioned only when I have lgbt monkey pox orgies and forget to invite Pete buttiplug


USA regime is a banana republic …”amerika his gigantic—a gigantic mistake”. Sigmund Freud ugly bitter people…morons a cultural dessert…”East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having a police state like USA”. Thomas Drake….trump under siege by USA gestapo “inverted totalitarianism”. Sheldon Wolin for 4 centuries it has attracted the most immoral incompetent criminals on earth: ‘White Trash-the 400 Year Untold History of Class in amerika’. Nancy Isenberg……”from the inception of amerika it has been informed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. Walter MacDougal “European and traditional cultures have a super-ego; amerikan culture does not”. Daniel Dayan “amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes them uncomfortable”. hunter Thompson

Tom Bombastadillo

You left out H. L. Mencken. So, you get a B+ instead of an A.

Edgar Zetar

Yuri… repeat after me: “Quoting sentences without explaining context of Quotes makes Yuri a silly boy”… put in another optic and pov, when you quote different people with different backgrounds but all pointing out what your hate about a topic, you only show us the readers your hate about the topic. Please improve your hate Yuri… you look like Hans or Tom Sawyer

Edgar Zetar

Yuri, have you learn about “The Maze”? uncover and understand the thoughts of Saint Germain, the Philosophy of Pitagoras, the Gospell of Thomas, the ancient translation of Hamurabi Code and Persian Civilizations including Babylon… when you uncover this I would love to talk about Russian and USA Civilizations and how they evolve… and remember Russia Empire was included in European Society during Industrial Era in XVIII Century…


US government is a corporation, owned by the British Crown Corporation/Vatican. It is. So there is a choice in being a sovereign, natural person or owned by the corporation by birth certificate..in broad terms. There is no point in who is the deepest part of the corporation, none are for the normal people. Not Trump, not Pelosi, who are just roles to fool you into thinking you have smth to say, by voting. You either are owned by the crown or not.


US is Deep Throat, Deep State, Deep in Shit. The 3 D’s = Reboot (war and destruction). Hopefully when the light comes back on for the rest of the world, theirs stay shut.

Tom Bombastadillo

USA is Balls Deep into the rest of the world.

Butchu didn’t wanna hear that.

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