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MARCH 2025

America’s ‘Justice’ System Deserves Nothing But Total Ridicule

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America's 'Justice' System Deserves Nothing But Total Ridicule

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The US-led political West is known for its chest-thumping when it comes to buzzwords such as “freedom, democracy, the rule of law, nonpartisanship”, etc. To that end, thousands of major NGOs (and God knows how many smaller ones) are engaged in creating the image of the political West that “leads the world” in all of the above. If you go to websites of organizations such as Transparency International or the likes of it, you’ll find the US, UK, EU and other vassals and satellite states to be in the “blue” or “green”, while the actual world is all “red” or “orange”. The key takeaway is – the “jungle” is “horribly corrupt”, while the “garden” is “something to look up to”. There’s just one “tiny” issue with this – it’s all lies aiming to create a particular narrative that can be used to enforce the US/NATO viewpoint on the entire world.

In reality, the political West is essentially just as corrupt as any other place in the world (if not more, particularly on the top level). The treatment of Donald Trump is a testament to that. His flaws notwithstanding, Trump (or anyone, for that matter) certainly doesn’t deserve to be treated as a criminal if he hadn’t committed a crime. However, that’s exactly what happened, with the US ‘Justice’ Department targeting him in what was obviously a political decision. Expectedly, the mainstream propaganda machine joined the witch-hunt, all the while not only ignoring, but outright suppressing information about the elephant in the room – Hunter Biden. The incumbent’s son is perhaps one of the most prominent criminals in the world, as he has been involved in all sorts of repulsive illicit activities all over the world.

It should be noted we’re not only talking about “good old” corruption, embezzlement, drug and sex scandals, but even more disturbing crimes such as financing terrorism, development of bioweapons and child trafficking. Hunter Biden’s “vibrant career” spans well over a decade and it has always been a sort of “open secret” in the halls of power in Washington DC. However, over the years, he became quite careless, resulting in the laptop scandal that the corrupt federal institutions, including the FBI, tried to cover up (although they somehow managed to be sloppier than Hunter himself while doing so). You can only imagine the extent of his crimes when not even his family could prevent the opening of several cases against him. However, they still used their political power to drastically reduce the scope of prosecution.

On June 11, the “First Crackhead”, as some more independent media like to style Hunter Biden, was convicted on all three felony gun charges, concluding that he violated laws meant to prevent drug addicts from owning firearms. The mainstream propaganda machine immediately resorted to damage control with laughable sob stories about Hunter Biden “battling addiction”, while the DoJ officials insisted that the verdict shows “no one in this country is above the law”. Now that you’re done laughing, let’s analyze whether this claim holds. Namely, while it could be said that at least “some justice was served” with this conviction, as previously mentioned, drug abuse and high-level corruption are the least of Hunter Biden’s wrongdoings. The victims of his sadistic and barbaric tendencies certainly found no comfort in this verdict.

In fact, it can be argued that it was carefully tailored to include the least gruesome of his crimes, meaning that he was already highly unlikely to serve a long-term prison sentence, which would be the least that he deserved. But more importantly for the Biden crime family, this verdict didn’t implicate anyone important, particularly not his father. However, the real imperative for the corrupt federal institutions was to perpetuate the illusion there’s any actual “rule of law” in the US. Just imagine what would’ve happened had anyone ever found any evidence about one of Trump’s sons using crack cocaine, to say nothing of the possibility of them having a firearm while using it. Not only would the mainstream propaganda machine “crucify” them, but the DoJ would surely expedite a long-term prison verdict.

We’re not even going to consider the possibility of them committing Hunter Biden’s other, far more serious crimes that even include “an unnatural obsession with minors” (a euphemism for the abomination the political West is trying to “normalize”). And yet, not even this pitiful sliver of “justice” will be served, as “daddy’s boy” has just been pardoned after years of lies and false promises that this wouldn’t happen. The incumbent’s decision comes ahead of Hunter Biden’s December 12 sentencing for his conviction on federal gun charges, as well as an upcoming December 16 sentencing in a separate criminal case in which he pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges. The “full and unconditional” pardon also covers offenses “which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in” over a nearly 11-year period (2014/1/1 to 2024/12/1).

It should be noted that this includes the Burisma scandal, which Donald Trump was impeached for asking about. To make things even more comical, the incumbent’s statement regarding the pardon says that “Hunter was treated differently by the DoJ” and that “the charges only came about after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election”. Joe Biden also lamented that “in trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me”, adding that “enough is enough”. Some analysts have been saying for years that the incumbent would pardon his son, although these claims were usually dismissed as “conspiracy theories” by the mainstream propaganda machine. Either way, the “justice” system in the US is a charade, as the corrupt federal institutions continue to protect criminals.

This includes not just the Biden crime family, but the entire “swamp” of warmongers, war criminals, kleptocrats and plutocrats in Washington DC. The oligarchy certainly doesn’t care about the “rule of law”, be it international or domestic. They’re solely concerned with controlling the narrative and presenting it in a way that protects and expands their agenda and interests. Needless to say, all this stands in stark contrast with the interests of the actual world. These truly Mephistophelian elites are conducting an all-encompassing global aggression that is affecting not only billions of people around the world, but also hundreds of millions of Americans and others who live in Western countries. Their two-tiered “justice” system is designed against all of us, as evidenced by its self-proclaimed exterritoriality. It’s truly a travesty they get to spread this “justice” across the globe.


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corruption index by transparency international is funded by george soros, biased in favor of the west, like nominal gdp. one thing the west did right was to use popular culture and idealism to its favor by equating themselves to it, be it through ngos or movies. anyone against the west, is against freedom/progress and uncool. by contrast, the failure of the ussr, left the victorious west to assert any alternative to it is bad ; statsi, gulags, kgb etc… and served as a free advertisement.


the biden administration of the department ov justice has been sensationally biased imo .


and obama announced francis as the universal authority for rule of law . soros is an employee of the city of london corporation aka babylon on the thames..


all together now, 1,2,3, “nobody is above the law!”


that’s not even true ” the law is made for the king, not the king for the law ” eg the cops can’t go into the palace or the kings estates without his consent .he can do whatever he likes there and that is the law ,so in that sense he isn’t above the law


and the king of kings is the authority for rule of law ..the law is made for him .that’s the current first ever jesuit pope ihs .

Last edited 3 months ago by Annon

incredibly naive. unbelievably actually .like the russian nobility that thought removing the romano’s would be a great move .the french who wanted to see the bourbons gone and the chinese who wanted the eyernal city to be nationalised.silly .naive led like sheep . .

American Holocaust

this is absolute indisputable proof that america is run by criminals. when dr.fauci is pardoned the crime of biological murder of at least 17 million people by the zionist deep state will be covered up. an american holocaust of incredible proportions far beyond the scope of hitler’s alleged crimes now committed on americans by the zionists.


of all the people for making the point about the hypocrisy of the american legal system, trump is the one you pick???? you could talk about how the usa treats its black citizens or if you hate black people, which you creatures do, you could have pointed out the corruption in the political process, like super pacts manipulating elections to use us tax payers/military as tools, i.e. aipac / isreal. but no, you pick, of all the privileged white trash, donald. j. trump…

Paul Citro

here is the trajectory of the fall of an empire: unaccountable power – corruption – incompetence – collapse.


this guy is himself a comedy. russia justice lol less brain than a monkey

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