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America’s Strategic Nightmare – Russia (Re)Building Alliances Across The Globe

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America's Strategic Nightmare – Russia (Re)Building Alliances Across The Globe

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For around two decades after the (First) Cold War Russia tried building close ties with the European Union, the United States and other countries of the political West. Obviously, ties to its old friends never died, but were essentially reduced in terms of practicality. Moscow didn’t want any sort of enmity with NATO, seeking to build a mutually beneficial relationship that would defuse tensions and create an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. However, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel had other plans. The NATO-orchestrated Georgian War of 2008 was the first direct clash between a Western proxy and the Russian military on the territory of the former Soviet Union. It opened a Pandora’s Box that escalated into another all-out war, this time in former Ukraine, one of the most prominent republics of the USSR that got hijacked by NATO back in 2014.

Since then, the Kremlin fully focused on building an alternative system that would give the world a chance to choose a far more sovereigntist path. However, even after 2014, Russia tried to ensure peace by promoting the Minsk Accords, but this too turned out to be yet another attempt to trick Moscow, as per the admissions of various EU “leaders” at the time, who openly stated that the goal was to give the Neo-Nazi junta enough time to prepare for a full-scale war with Russia. The rest is history (still in the making). Realizing that it cannot trust a single word coming from the mouth of any Western “leader”, the Kremlin launched a full-scale strategic counteroffensive on February 24, 2022. The special military operation (SMO) became a sort of litmus test of who exactly are Moscow’s friends and allies. And they certainly did not disappoint the Kremlin, on the contrary.

Apart from the multipolar world which officially remained neutral, but continued (or even strengthened) economic ties with Russia, the Eurasian giant rekindled ties with its old friends from the (First) Cold War. This is particularly true for North Korea, effectively a “pocket superpower” and the world’s only relatively small country that can obliterate large chunks of the US if the latter is ever foolish enough to try and attack it. However, Pyongyang is far from the only ally Russia could count on. President Vladimir Putin’s recent Asian tour showed that Moscow could count on others as well, as evidenced by his visit to Vietnam, where a number of important agreements were signed, effectively reestablishing the alliance between the two countries. Hanoi’s rapidly growing economy makes it one of the most prominent nations in Southeast Asia and the premier regional power.

Close ties with Iran also keep growing in virtually all aspects, be it economy, military, science and even space cooperation. The massive growth of the BRICS+ format further strengthens this process, while also promoting regional stability in the Middle East, which stands in stark contrast to the policies of the US-led political West. The continued bloodshed in the region is a direct consequence of decades of NATO aggression on any remotely sovereign country in the Middle East. Precisely because of this many are waking up and forming closer ties with Russia, be it Sudan, Egypt or numerous other countries across the region. This is also true for many other nations in Africa, where the “Wagner” PMC (private military company) is working closely with at least half a dozen countries, with the main focus on fighting NATO-backed terrorist groups.

The Kremlin is also rebuilding alliances in Latin America, which is now starting to push back against US (neo)colonialism. Recent visits of a world-class Russian nuclear-powered submarine (specifically the Yasen-M class K-561 “Kazan” SSGN) and hypersonic missiles-armed surface combatants to Cuba demonstrate that Moscow is still very much capable of projecting power in the vicinity of US shores, a stark reminder to war criminals in Washington DC that they will have nowhere to hide if things ever escalate. Obviously, apart from Cuba, Russia also maintains close ties with Venezuela, another Latin American country that the US has tried invading on multiple occasions (all unsuccessful, luckily). The Kremlin’s supply of advanced fighter jets and long-range SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems gave all these countries an important asymmetric advantage.

However, what really sent shockwaves across the political West is the new agreement that Russia signed with North Korea. The full text of the agreement includes 23 articles that deal with close economic, diplomatic, scientific and military cooperation between the two countries. However, what really caught the attention of the US and its vassals and satellite states were Articles 3 and 4. Namely, these two clauses effectively and legally turn Moscow and Pyongyang into full-blown military allies, an agreement the Kremlin has with nobody else outside of the CSTO. According to Article 3, in case of “an immediate threat or an act of armed aggression [against either country]”, Russia and North Korea will “coordinate their positions and agree on possible practical measures to assist each other to help eliminate the emerging threat”. But Article 4 is even more direct:

“If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal [!] in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in accordance with legislation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.”

This unprecedented development means that, thanks to its patently idiotic (to put it mildly) foreign policy, the US has now managed to create the outlines of a new military alliance of nuclear-armed states. While this includes only two countries at the moment, it could easily be expanded to others in the region, with China being an obvious candidate, as it’s also faced with incessant US aggression. However, this alliance could soon go well beyond East Asia and include numerous other countries around the globe. Apart from military cooperation, the said agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang also includes coordinated diplomatic efforts and geopolitical initiatives. Namely, according to Article 5, the two countries agree not to enter into agreements with third parties directed against the interests of either, which means Russia will block UN initiatives aimed against North Korea.

In practical terms, the agreement will also allow Moscow to tap into Pyongyang’s massive stockpile of conventional weapons (particularly cheap artillery munitions, rockets and missiles), while North Korea will get access to Russia’s latest military technologies, including electronic warfare (EW), SAM systems, space-based weapons, as well as its world-class fighter jets. All this will significantly expand both countries’ capabilities. It’s critically important for the Kremlin to be able to finish the SMO and get ready for a possible confrontation with NATO, while Kim Jong Un aims to ensure the latest capabilities for his troops. Although North Korea has made tremendous strides in acquiring advanced weapons systems, including hypersonic missiles (an area in which it eclipsed even the US itself), it still needs certain technologies it doesn’t have access to.

Either way, US/NATO aggression against the world is finally starting to yield positive results, as numerous countries are starting to push back. Joint efforts of Russia and North Korea will serve as an example to many others that only a united world can ensure the end of the political West’s (neo)colonialist system that’s not only deeply exploitative, but is now entering its most repugnant stage of all-encompassing moral degeneracy and societal decay, destroying everything it touches.


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so after having achieved nothing for destroying its own block, warsaw pact, and itself to please the west, duped russia will try to form another block with a world , asean etc…that is mostly neutral towards the west and the ukraine/russia war ?

Last edited 3 months ago by Phariah
Woe is the West

according to the rules of rationality, crimea is slovenia and donbass is kosovo.

in fact, the former is > than the latter since unlike the latter, the former held referendums.

live with it, or not and settle it on the battlefield. simple as that.


you’re a stupid piece of shit. nothing of what you said has anything to do with what i wrote.


well you wrote shit in the first place

Woe is the West

i just used you as an entree to bump me in the thread….. nothing wrong with that.

not stupid….clever. thanks for noticing.

Last edited 3 months ago by Woe is the West

too powerfull alliance cannot be penetrated


american empire burned!


as usual, anglo-american idiots miscalculated their own level of transparent degeneracy…

Woe is the West

ukraine? “we are the guilty ones and we refuse to accept it.”

who, you say said it? who?

farange, the only honest politician left in the uk. that’s who. the rest are washington’s lickspittles and not worth a disparaging spit on the floor.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

russia has been militarily humiliated on its own border by the 2nd-rate military of ukraine…the idea that they scared the usa is laughable!!!


Moshe Dayan

they’re not going to save useless people like yourself when the sarmats are in flight: you will be lucky to survive and you’ll eating out of trash dumpsters to survive. after 14 days cannibalism sets in, i suspect that your future will be short lived and unhappy. maybe old klaus might give you insects to eat – in exchange for certain “favors” the old men of europe demand for their “charity”. better start practicing your dance moves for the old men, like zelensky got his start.


retard nafo eurotards are such an embarrassement for us americans.

this clown is posting on many sites under different names, because he is chickenshit


Woe is the West

a man like biden, half conscious and shooting craps with ending his country in a radioactive firestorm, just so he can crow ‘nobody fucks with a biden’ is what should scare americans more than anything else on god’s earth.

the man belongs in a lunatic asylum.


biden is brain dead. the ziomafia banking parasites run the show


is your servian bullshit country also one of those strategics?

USA the failed experiment

the ussa is a useless anticompetitive force like israel, rellying solely on cheating, rigging, sabotage, bad faith, sanctions, blackmail and bribery. that is how they ‘compete’ in the world. in a level playing field, the world would wipe the floor with them. that is why they always cheat and bully everyone. cant compete with china? sanction them. cant shut up arabs, just bribe their leaders. this is their “world” and thank god its falling apart


north koreans felt terrorized by military exercises conducted for a long time in the border area by south korea and the united states. krama is back and now the south koreans are afraid. i saw footage of the visit where the north koreans welcomed the russian delegation with tears in their eyes, laughing and crying.

Gneaus stapo

north koreans clhave pretend to orgasm or cry, whenever comrade fatty feels like it. scum of the world and a totaly messed up society. strangest country i ever been.


hello little nazi, how is living in fantasyworld?

we americans shouldve eradicated you germans completely, fucking nazis that you are.

Gneaus stapo

hallo fat bolshivik flathead,

ur a ruskie, stop pretending to be an americancunt

The Grim Reaper

i’m an american and he’s right. we should have dropped those two nukes on germany instead of japan. oh well, russia may very well end up correcting our mistake.

die with a smile on your face, kraut. i know i will.

gestapo mctaco

“strangest country i ever been”

except u were never there, horseheaded imbecile..

Woe is UA

well, it never hurts to have another million man army at your beckoned call, unlike zelensky who keeps beckoning for the eu’s 100,000 man army and falling on deaf ears.


everywhere the ziomafia banking parasites take control moral degeneracy and societal decay follow.

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