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An-26 Military Transport Aircraft Crashed In Northeastern Ukraine. At Least 25 Killed (Video)

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An-26 Military Transport Aircraft Crashed In Northeastern Ukraine. At Least 25 Killed (Video)

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UPDATE (26.09.2020): 25 people died in the incident. 2 people received injures. According to the most recent reports, the total number of people onboard was 27.


An An-26 military transport plane of the Ukrainian Armed Forces crashed Kharkov region. At least 22 onboard were killed, 2 people received injures and 4 others are still missing.

The military plane crashed late on September 25 as it was about to land at an airfield outside the town of Chuguev.


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Lone Ranger

Condolences to the CIA black ops operators. May the babykillers rest in pieces….


Terming their own phrase, highly likely.


These ex soviets shouldn’t have militaries. Can’t handle a plane, a nuclear powered missile, a sub, and recently another SAM mis-launched. Too much vodka


Too much neo-liberal counter productive,pro lgbtq /soros fascism as their cursed,yes cia of todays, rest is history,Soviets are victors not losers,infact nowhere near debted as kweer usa this century!


Fun fact: The Atheist Soviets enacted some of the first abortion rights laws. Being part of the neo-liberal world order is part of why they collapsed.


Atheist soviets were they whom sold out via gorbachev for nwo/incest ideology, the same under browders rule,as they whom stalin slammed into the gulags ak(khazar-jewhadi-royalty mudering sprogs of incest aka hitlers henchmen)


Don’t you mean all the Christians “Stalin slammed into the gulags”? Putin’s policies involved rebuilding churches that Stalin and the Soviets shut down.


And where now is that victor you speak of?:))))


Truth is always the victor (period)


Soviet is the truth? means truth doesn’t exist as Soviets don’t exist anymore. Awesome logic, mate

Hannibal Lecter

I think you have miss understood the whole aviation situation , from the start till the present day. The “west” has more airplane crashes in both military and civilian planes than all the “ex soviet” as you say put together. To much CNN is bad for you, or at least read something useful on the internet, don’t spend your time only on porn.

cechas vodobenikov

2/3 of all nuclear accidents on earth have occurred In USA careless incompetents


Germany has more traffic accidents than Norway. Germany has 16times the population and for sure more cars, hence more accidents. Try the ratio comparison with air force, it might open your eyes. but be careful the real world is very bright

Rhodium 10

Along one month of Desert Storm operation…22 US aircraft crashed due tecnical failure and pilot error…during one month of Falklands war..10 British aicraft lost in accidents…


more aircrafts = more accidents. want to try the ratio?:))))


There shouldn’t have been ex soviet, disbanding of soviet union was the biggest mistake.


You mean the same Soviet Union attacked its own troops in the Shelling of Mainila to justify war with Finland, received billions of dollars of Lend-Lease Act military aid from the banker gangsters, backed up the Zionists’ chemical weapon allegations leading to apartheid state “Israel,” and allowed over 1 million people to go on May Day celebrations during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, getting showered with radioactive material just so the government could save face?

Unless you believe the Soviet Union could have been reformed whole, it was inevitably going to disband under the weight of its own rot.


Dislikes and no answer? truth does hurt:))))


Dislikes are not truth; they are opinions. If there are facts to back up those opinions, please share.


your comment doesn’t make sense. did you understand my comment?


Wait, you meant there were dislikes but no arguments? Ahh, sorry, my mistake. Thanks, mate.


Nice try gimp,but the fact of the matter is,fins murdered 4 soviet guards at the border=huge mistake and yes contary to your pro browder fake reports lies etc, they kicked the fins butts good and proper as it showed when they begged for reserves but of course too little too late!No future siding with incestive fascists:


Khrushchev admitted the Shelling of Mainila was a Soviet false flag attack; you can take that up with him if you want.


is that what the british propaganda telling you ?


The Shelling of Mainila being a Soviet false flag: That came from Khrushchev.

The Lend-Lease Act’s American military aid to the Soviets: Fairbanks, Alaska had so many American vehicles pass through there to the Soviets, the Lend-Lease Memorial was built. Moscow’s Museum of the “Great Patriotic War” still has an American Studebaker US6 truck with a Katyusha multiple rocket launcher mounted to it. It’s reminiscent of all the Toyota technicals that the banksters’ current proxies are driving around now.

Chernobyl: Gorbachev was the one who called the Chernobyl disaster the “real cause” of the Soviet collapse.

In 2014, Putin said, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… This is the path to degradation.” Is it “British propaganda” to apply Putin’s words to the Atheist Bolshevik Union?


British propanda is when mix lies with a little bit of truth and call it highly likely. A thing that you have clearly mastered :)

Gorbachov was clearly an idiot if called the chernobyl the cause of the collapse. :)) How are his earnings in the west nowdays ?

I agree with Putin about what he said in 2014, gay craziness was out of control, when you claim that gay people are better than the straight just because they are gay, it is a path to degeneration :)

And since when is Putin bolshevik atheist, last time i checked he was very religious but i guess i am wrong according to your undisclosed information sources :)


Given the scale of the attempt at covering up Chernobyl, why is Gorbachev really that wrong? Should people have continued supporting such a morally bankrupt system?

And sorry if you misunderstood me about Putin. He said that moving away from Christian roots meant degradation, moving away from Christianity was a core belief of the Soviet Union, and it degraded itself off the map. Make sense?


Morally bankrupt system, sounds a lot like the west nowdays, not that it was any different in the past :) I see you talk about chernobyl a lot, that british propaganda serial must have left a big impression on you :)

What Putin meant by moving away from christian roots, is abandoning traditional family values and forcing normal people to like gay stuff by telling everyone how much beter parents they gay couples were than the regular straight couples. Forcing the values of a minority on a majority. Now that’s a morally bankrupt system,

I see EU falling appart, 10 or 15 more years left maybe but they are still trying to keep it together by creating external enemies and it’s not helping and that is why they are freaking out :)


So, you “see EU falling appart,” but the Soviet Union, which also supported anti-Christian, neoliberal policies, like the world’s first abortion rights laws, should have continued?

The USSR was not China. Efforts for a united China have been going on for centuries, if not millennia, so slowly reforming that away from Bolshevik-brand Communism and Bankster-brand Capitalism makes sense. But didn’t the Soviet countries get slapped together only because of Bolshevik-brand Communism…?


It doesn’t matter how long the chinese are doing it, main thing here is that it is working. It’s not like that they were capitalists that they are today, chinese have had all kinds of beliefs and what not and still kept together.

So your branding of the Soviet union doesn’t really make any sense.

So yes, they should have reformed properly and slowly and not by the idiot gorbachov imho, they would have been off much better by staying together, at least the most countries.


Except a united China works for a good reason. What good reason did the Soviet Union have?

Alex, you claim that “they would have been off much better by staying together,” but why is that? The only reason they were together in the first place was because a bunch of Zionists, oligarchs, and plutocrats threw them together to keep them under control. That makes for a combination about as stable as similar Zionists, oligarchs, and plutocrats throwing together the EU.


Tell me about the chinese good reason :)


In a more modern context, the “chinese good reason” is not getting balkanized by the banker gangsters, like with Germany, Korea, Yugoslavia, Syria, etc.

This does not apply to the Soviet Union because the Soviets were helping bankster balkanization, like with Germany, Nagorno-Karabakh, Crimea, etc.


So when i have said that the sovjets should have learned from the chinese i was right.


Kind of, Alex. You were right if you believe the Soviet Union could exist without Marxism, Bolshevism, or a similar ideology. Maoism is a spin-off of this, and under that ideology, Korea was balkanized. However, similar to how Russia shifted back to Christianity, China is shifting back to Confucianism, hence the current attempts to mediate peace and unity in Korea.

There was an article about this over at The Saker: Escobar’s “Will Confucius marry Marx.” Confucianism has a collective-centered, objectively moral spiritual foundation where, as Escobar says, “moral quality and ability to govern well and fairly” are what matters. This meshes with Christianity’s principle of “Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.” (Colossians 4)

However, this clashes with self-centered, subjectively moral spiritual foundations like those of Karl Marx (atheist “man… move around himself as his own true Sun”), Lenin, Mao, etc. This selfishness on a societal level is not sustainable either, so when Bolshevism collapsed, do you believe the Soviet Union, a political construct built on Bolshevism, could continue? China existed before Maoism, so it can exist without it, but can the same be said about the USSR?


Of course it could exist with a different idology. Many nations were build on different ideologies, if you don’t see the shift from one to another in many countries then you must be blind.

Main thing is to keep your people busy and their stomachs full, slow shift from one ideo to another is the key, not doing it over night like they the russians/soviets did. Go outside your house and ask the elderly what they were told to believe when they were young, pretty sure something different from what the nowdays youth is hearing at school and from the rest of govmt. propaganda, tv, i-net.


So, of these “many nations [built] on different ideologies,” could you name some examples? Because I call shenanigans.

In some places, what “the elderly… were told to believe… [and] what the nowdays youth is hearing at school and from the rest of govmt. propaganda, tv, i-net” is not that different. Take the US, for instance. Yes, like Russia, the political construct that is the US was founded on Christian principles. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in “Democracy in America,” “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith… Despotism may govern without faith, but not liberty.”

However, the US was also founded on the plutocratic oligarchy principles that kept persisting from the “European” imperialists. De Tocqueville also wrote, and he said this almost 200 years ago, that “the means which the associations of Europe employ… to act, and not to debate, to fight rather than to persuade… assumes the habits and the maxims of military life. They centralize the direction of their resources as much as possible, and they intrust the power of the whole party to a very small number of leaders.”

As such, what elderly and youth in the US hear can flip between these moral extremes while still remaining “American.”


And what up with this “fancy” mishmash quoting, is this an attempt to take the conversation in othere direction ? Certainly doesn’t add any weight to your comment, i also can go and copy/paste some stuff from wikipedia or an e-book and add a few of my own words, not that difficult, you know :)

I don’t know, how about old europe. Religion, renaissance, reformation(moving away from church), colonialism, the rise of science, the enlightment and the most recent ones like “freedom” and gay propaganda.

Ideologies that are preached to the masses change through centuries.

USSR could have easily replaced Lening with something else, most important things are the progress and improvement of quality of life, ideologies mean nothing without it and they won’t keep people together if there is nothing to gain from, well maybe a couple of die-hards :D

. In the end of the day if people are happy and fed they won’t care that much about it, at least the most. :)

US is not doing anything new that hasn’t been done before them :)

Rome, England, France, most of the old europe was doing the same back in their glory days, so can’t really call it an american thing. It’s just now they cry that they are not that important anymore :D. UK still thinks that it’s a big empire.


Yeah, “most important things are the progress and improvement of quality of life”… but for whom…? Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the like do not truly believe in quality of life improvements for everyone; they are in it just for themselves. I quoted Marx so you could hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

And I never said that the struggle between the spiritual selflessness of Christian principles and the material selfishness of plutocratic oligarchies is “an american thing.” That’s why I quoted de Tocqueville saying this was in France and Europe before the Americas. This is not even a White people thing because it is at least biblical – Jesus versus the Pharisees and chief priests who “devour widows’ houses” stuff. (Mark 12 v.40)


I think that you have been caught in those quotes and are not able to find your way out.

Why bringing in Lenin and others into this, like i have said before, USSR was a union and the most have joined because they wanted protection and beter quality of life the latter being the nowsays driver for the former soviet republics that are hellbent on joining the EU.

A union is not one person, lenin, marx or whatever it’s a large group of people lol. People make changes, ideology does change over time, lol.

First there was monarchy and church and the kings and popes were considered almost equal to god.

Now we have parlements and most people don’t think of the churches, god and royalties as highly as before :) Ideology can change most important thing is to keep people happy.

Countries in SU have a long history slowly and steady they could have made something out of it but instead they have decided disband and make changes overnight, lol And this why i am saying that CHina did it the right way and doesn’t run after the western carot like a stupid donkey, like the former SU republics did.


Mate, the Soviet states “wanted protection and beter quality of life” which the Soviet ideology was never going to give them.

And why are you mentioning “kings and popes” giving way to parliaments when billionaires and oligarchs still have more sway than most parliaments?


At least i am not quoting some dead guys in order to present my point of view, never seen a dumber person than the one who quotes from a book in order to win an argument and MATE, the soviets were able to deliver better life conditions to the common folk compared to what the tsarists russia was offering them BY FAR. So when i say that they were dumb to abolish the system and let the west win they were pretty dumb, if they would have stuck for a few more years longer the west would have collapsed by itself just like it is collapsin

g now by the large money debt on it’s shoulders of a system they self developed :D. Now given tha the west always tries to get as many allies as possible around to world in order to push it’s lying BS by saying we think like that and we all think like that because there are more of us is ain’t going to work anymore and you fuckers are going to burn.


Let’s assume you are correct about standards of living under the Soviets: Standards of living are even higher under Christians and the Putin administration. This is part of why the successors to the Soviets, like the modern Russian Communist Party, keep losing at elections.

You keep insisting that “the west… is collapsin,” but guess what? The Soviet Union collapsed for the exact same reasons “the West” is doing so.


Supose you are aright, still my original comment goes to the fact that the soviet leaders have abolished the system literally overnight and making all of treir allied flee and seek shelter else whwere was wrong


Better, but a number of the allies seeking shelter within other corrupt oligarchy systems is a good reason why the Soviet Union could not survive without the Soviet belief system. Why do you think some Russian Communists went to jail after the USSR collapsed? Or why do you think corrupt “Capitalist” or “Western” oligarchs became such a problem?

Instead of the Soviet Union, Alex, think about “the West:” Do you think “the West” can remain a somewhat united group without the “Western” banskter belief system or a similar corrupt oligarchy? Especially when groups will continue to try and maintain the corrupt oligarchy…?


It’s not about beliefs, it’s all about where you can make more money, if china can offere them more money than the west they will gladly become chinese and blame Eu and US for occupation like they are doing now with SU.

Well, a good example, Poland already does, after they have decided that they can make more money of the american gas then EU’s grants they have been swithching from EU to US the past couple of years.

I think that the EU, old europe, will be just fine and keep together, they might drop some unneeded money beggars. Frankly i don’t know any country that is not based on oligarchy, that’s how it works, a group of rich influential people come together and make up an ideology, use as marketing for the their movement. If they are able to deliver good living conditions to the people than it works and if not than they rebrand and try again or someone else takes their place and i am not talking about politiicains, those are just talking heads.


No, Alex, this is about beliefs: Beliefs of market control, power, and slavery. If this were only about making money, why would the banksters sanction and blow up potential customers, dumb down and weaken their own workers, crash their own economies, etc.? These rich-get-richer conflicts are really bad for making money everyone overall; however, they are “good” for amassing power and expanding market control only for the banksters and similar corrupt oligarchs.

But do we see China following those beliefs now? Or is it growing its middle class, establishing mutually beneficial trade via the New Silk Road, challenging the banksters’ conflicts in the media, etc.? And why do you think the banksters are hitting China with world war-level sanctions and provocations…?

Please note that the banskters, Bolsheviks, corporatists, etc. are largely corrupt oligarchs. There can be good oligarchs, those who act in the public’s interest, not just their own, selfish interests. You have a point that “the EU, old europe” could remain “together,” such as if Christian principles are revived like Russia, and people improve their commitment to the public good. Then again, if EU-specific institutions like the ECB, a private central bank like the Federal Reserve, keep trying to subvert EU reforms and turning EU members against each other, won’t the EU collapse?


Maybe for you but not for the majority, the majority cares about their wellbeing not so much about propaganda or ideology.


All right, and does the ideology of corrupt oligarchy care about the majority’s well-being? Or does it believe in actively undermining the majority’s well-being in order to better exploit people…?


majoritty of oligarchy doesn’t care about the coommon folk AT ALL , ANYWHERE , most perfect example to date is the US ellection BUT the elites need the common folk to keep their counties afloat so they help them, subsidies e.t.c.


Yes, and what happens to corrupt oligarchs’ political constructs, like the Soviet Union, when common folk realize they can do better than just whatever scraps the elites toss them…?

It’s all well and good, Alex, to claim that the Soviet Union was not so thoroughly corrupt it could not have reformed better together. The actual common folk, on the ground, disagreed. So, who are we to tell them they were wrong? Especially when there are good reasons for why they were right? We were not there… or I wasn’t… I’m not sure about you…

Compare this to another of the USSR’s “competitors:” NATO. It was built on a backbone of corrupt oligarchy arguably more than the EU, but do you believe common folk could successfully reform NATO?


Nato is not a country, it’s not an economic union, It’s a tool to earn money for some and assert dominance around the globe and extort other countries. Why would they reform it when it’s working accordinlgy for them ?


“Accordingly for them” meaning only the NATO elites? At the expense of common folk?

Alex, can everything you said against NATO also be applied to the USSR?


Like i have said , NATO is not an economic union, nato doesn’t build hospitals, stores, schools, agriculture and everything that comes with a contry or a proper union like EU, thus it’s not correct to equate NATO to USSR :)


Alex, let’s have you and your country stop trading its oil in Federal Reserve Notes (Petrodollar standard), and we’ll see if NATO is not an “economic union”…

Isn’t everything you stated – “hospitals, stores, schools, agriculture” – created by NATO, if only because it is needed for the banker gangsters’ warmongering?


I always thought that those instances were created by internal institutions of countries but i guess that i was wrong, apparently you need Nato in order to create those. Nato is relatively new and hospitals, store etc existed before. I guess that the countries that have just recently joined nato did not have any of those and then sudden boom nato came and built it, really LOL.


Didn’t hospitals, stores, etc. exist before the EU and USSR, too?


USSR has built many new infrastructures even outside the union :)

For example in Africa or Afghanistan, before the west provoked a war there. Proper infrastructure for the locals. I see western companies extract the moneral and metals there but don’t really do anything proper back, besides boosting drugtrade.

Nato is a warmachine, club for extortion, you don’t see them go to other countries and build anything that would improve quality of life like SU did.


Not so, Alex. What about the hundreds of millions of dollars that the NATO countries spent on education infrastructure in Afghanistan? Some of the money even went towards schools that were actually built… [/sarcasm] https://slate.com/business/2011/05/three-cups-of-tea-scandal-the-real-lesson-is-don-t-build-schools-in-afghanistan.html

Do you have any evidence that the USSR’s “proper infrastructure for the locals” was not a propaganda and embezzlement strategy like NATO’s?


How about this.


There are also many buildings left tha the americans are using for themselves.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_infrastructure_in_Central_Asia https://www.latvia.travel/en/article/soviet-legacy https://www.rbth.com/history/332322-why-baltics-was-great-place

https://www.economist.com/europe/2019/08/15/in-the-baltic-states-many-people-are-stuck-in-khrushchev-era-flats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_energy_in_Lithuania

You can’t almost find anything on sovjet infrastructure in baltics because the google front pages are filled with EU’s anti-russian propaganda nowdays :D. In the past years they have upped anti russian hysteria in those countries big time.

Ukraine should be obvious with it’s sovet space, ship, and aero industries which are also died after SU was no more.

All of the soviet states have received funding and had their infra, schools etc built bu SU that shouldn’t be surprising.

In any case, even with all of of the censorship and pro western propaganda on google i have managed to dig up something :D


Ff sake i can’t even find back my commen in order to change the spelling mistakes imho.


Well most of those left themselves. Gorbachev was rebuilding rebuilding, ended up deconstructing. And a young boy in germany saw a mob, got scared and started crying “I wish Soviet didn’t disband, bhu hu hu”


Either way you demented kweer lobbyists of soros/incest have no power in truth! =obliterated as in due time surely will show,you see I never lie unless avenged!


trippin boi


That “young Boy” is spinning you on his penis and most of those who left have ended much worse by now and are sorry about that decision, not the youngsters, those don’t have anything to compare it to but the elderly do :). So it was a stupid decision :)


source for polls?


It’s clearly visible because of your aching butt, Solomon.


so you took that information from my butt?:)))))


Yes it shines red, just like your eye and can be seen miles away. )


probably all the mexican food i ate yesterday




how did it smell?


I was to far away to smell, just saw it from afar cause it shines so bright, just like you eye, told you so )))


what can i say, I poop gold


Putin did it.


he is awesome

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Possibly that was the reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam and Afghanistan. USA Soldiers used too much hashish, opium and heroin.

cechas vodobenikov

lost korean war, no revolutionary war—nearly zero to do w WWI or WWII despite what their lying academics claim, lost war against Canadians 1812…this regards the amerikan fear of death and their feminized insecurity–observed by all sociologists from Tocqueville, Gorer, Riesman, Sennet, Lasch etc


US lost because Ex Soviets are not good in military? that doesn’t make sense. Do you have an attention span of a fish?

cechas vodobenikov

u must be a stupefied racist amerikan—according to UN data, Germans, French, Italians amerikans consume more alcohol per capita than Russians “amerikans cannot feel pure pleasure”. S Zizek you automatons consume more marijuana, coke, heroin, meth, hallucinogens per capita than any nation on earth…..30+% diagnosed w mental illness: no civilized nation more than 6% LOL


I will leave you guessing on my identity


you are P.O.S. no guessing needed


Point of Sale system. yes, you guessed it


Cmon, tell me that story again, how you went to USA and they found you are too bright for them.


Hey galah,soviets liberated the free world,incestive loser bums ought save cia line it for lgbtq bars:


then collapsed itself:))) So ironic


I hope that all of them are US “instructors” except for pilot and copilot that are Ukrainian.. Dilapidated Ukrainan army is triumph of neo-liberalisam coupled with neo-Nazis.

Liberal guy


Fog of War

All right, queue up the ” its just an accident ” crowd.

– Massive fire breaks out in Huawei 5G research facility in China –


Assad must stay

What crowd what are u talking about?

Fog of War

” its just an accident ” crowd that posts on here. To them everything can be explained away as an accident. The Beirut explosion for instance.


Frog, can i go first ? A huge fire broke out at an unfinished research facility, so the welders did it working next to the painters? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e443330af6bf95100147c2bf8fa9ea822965af2f970134671da3bcfea882c1e.jpg

Fog of War

Were they storing fertilizer there also ?


A lot of accidents are happening in China nowadays


This will ruin their paint job I suppose…revenge of welders

Peter Jennings

Maybe the Ukrainian air traffic command got them all mixed up. It’s happened before.

Assad must stay

Lol that blows


AN-26 tactical light transport. 1400 produced between 1969 and 1985. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3281e34a589f1b859215e9eb8dfd6fada21339b51ddc0a3776091232d2bddf7e.jpg

Антон С

Will be replaced with IL-112 and IL-114

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlOLWMmNXRI https://topwar.ru/uploads/posts/2020-06/1591103002_114-3.jpg

Harry Smith

It was 43 years old plane.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Better they die before they kill other people.


So I am glad that some CIA operative or some merc of blackwater, oh and of course most of them a modern day Nazi. RIP


What is it little puppy, you hate what? You Defend whom? Blackwater Mercs? Or perhaps the CIA now damn way, oh highly likely the Nazi ohh, we have ourselves here a Ukro-Nazi. Cheers.


Russians will pay for this cowardly attack

cechas vodobenikov

low caste idiots like you pay a great deal for Russian gas/oil and weapons–thank you for your patronage…LOL


Hahah nicely said mate!


The RUSSIANS for real, the stupid pilots crashed the plane on landing LMAO, my God LOL. He was about to land and got crashed!

Harry Smith

In Russian TG channels was published the screenshot of message to Ukrop trolls with narrative to blame Russians.

Lone Ranger

Take your meds Trollstoy.


Begone insolent p00f,you allready will pay the full price for lieing you bored ass off,try sex change!

Potato Man

That Javelin ATGM also failed to work in Ukr and now this…

Porc Halal

Ofcourse, EU & US will blame Rissia for the plane crash…germany is already working on the “evidences”…as usual


AN-26 is also a reconnaissance plane as well

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