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MARCH 2025

An Impeachment for Luis Almagro?

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An Impeachment for Luis Almagro?

Luis Almagro

Source: Granma, translation by Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau

Knowing yourself to be a servant of a foreign power makes you smell like a mercenary. To align oneself with the worst lies to harm our peoples is also shameful. And Luis Almagro does that every day.

In the Cuban case, this man has made a point, so that, at the slightest blink of an eye from the U.S. State Department, he runs to put himself first in the line of the genocides, and even more so now when he gives himself up completely for the sake of being re-elected as secretary-general of the OAS, the nefarious institution with the American surname.

The most recent agreement between the government of Donald Trump and the OAS of Luis Almagro was the organization and realization of a forum in Washington with the title The dark reality behind the Cuban medical missions, whose only purpose is to discredit the programs of health of the Third World, where the doctors of the Island have carried out a solidarity project never achieved by any other country at a world-wide level.

Neither Trump nor Almagro would ever think of recognizing that more than 400,000 health professionals have participated in missions outside Cuba since 1963, including those following hurricanes, earthquakes and the Ebola crisis in Africa. During that time, a total of 1,923 billion 712,550 consultations have been carried out, according to figures released by the Cuban Ministry of Public Health. There are currently around 29,000 collaborators in 65 countries.

Who, other than a Trump or an Almagro, would think – however much they hate Cuba – of questioning one of the noblest pillars, of human solidarity, the one provided by our nation, which cures illnesses and alleviates pain in the souls of the unprotected of this world?

If that is the case, the suggestion that comes to mind is to ask the governments that still belong to the OAS to put an end to an institution that is so harmful to our peoples or, at least, to veto a secretary-general like Luis Almagro, the worst of the worst when it comes to dealing with countries and governments that promote the most noble programs of solidarity.

Does the OAS need a real impeachment against its secretary-general? Perhaps then he would be even more like his master, Donald Trump.

Here are some moments of the crusade against the Cuban Medical Missions

May 2019

The Secretary-General of the Organization of American States organized a conference at the headquarters of that organization on the alleged crimes against humanity committed by Cuba in relation to Cuban medical cooperation abroad.

June 2019

The US State Department, in its Report on Trafficking in Persons 2019, denounced Cuba’s international medical cooperation and, a month later, imposed visa restriction sanctions on Cuban officials linked to medical missions.

August 2019

The Agency for International Development (USAID), a U.S. institution that provides funds for subversion programs against the Cuban government, allocated $3 million for projects directed against Cuban medical brigades abroad.

September 2019

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, ridiculously tripled, out of malice or ignorance, the lying and unfounded figures used by Washington, that Cuba maintains 20,000 military personnel in Venezuela, by referring to Cuban health collaborators.

November 2019

The medical cooperation programs with Ecuador and Bolivia end, a decision encouraged by the persecution of the United States, which has forced the cessation of these programs as it did before in Brazil (November 2018). The declarations of high officials of the United States slander that the Cuban medical brigades in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are military troops are notorious.

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if wapo likes him, he can’t be much

Tommy Jensen

These toxic rats in Washington and their local traitors hates everything that smells of human dignity. Almagro here, among many of his like, find their type in the disabled dwarf in the film of Sparta. https://youtu.be/nhMOGixYG8s

Hide Behind

I still have a Che Guevera shirt or two tucked away in my memory box, time to dig them. out and wear once more. Cuba’s medical teams have proven multiple times how a compassionate people, Cubans’, are the real deal and not just a propaganda tool as used by US whenever a catastrophe or the poor of world need help. Have numerous friends, aquaintences, and relatives strewn throughout South and Central Americas and their common refrain when they hear or see mention of U.S.A.I.D is, Time to unbury their guns because they know that death and more oppression by their government and US military is coming. Cuba has trained hundreds of American doctors that could not afford to attend US Colleges and University medical school. A vast proportion of US Doctors do not come from poor or even lower middle classes, medical training to be lower assistants is left for poor. Cuba besides having so.e of worlds best trained General Practioners and nurses also has a larger cadre of specialist as good as any in world. They are also one of worlds best producers and R&D Pharmaceutical Firms in world. Around 80 % of the tens of billions Taken in US are produced on the cheap in China and shipped to US for distribution at hefty profits by Corporate Pharmaceutical firms,when Cuba has higher quality at far lower price levels that would help poor in economic means within US, but US has an embargo on Cuban goods. This US and Europe partnership of Pharmas hurts people under UN agency care as well, no large profit levels with Cubas humane profit margins. Those i AID’s and Malitia meds produced in Cuba are best in World but those nations Pharmas try and block purchase and distribution of those meds. What is little known is that in US and Europe especially the wealthy can and do purchase VmailmCuban meds and pay through the nose for them, while not even knowing they come from Cuba. When has USnshown any real compassion towards any nation South of US Mexico border for the common man? Never! They steal the resources, privatize National projects, and destroy any local competition to the goods they demand to be imported from US and Europe. One Chicken producer in US, Tyson destroyed Haittis chicken farmers, as they under US pressure .axe Haittis government to import backs and chicken wings at prices local farmers could not compete against; all set up and through U.S.A.I.D. Program. Once domestic chicken production was destroyed they raised cost of those least desirable bony wings and backs. Under US Trade Assistance Tyson also gets a tax exemption for exporting. Cuba may not be a Paradice, although a lot of European and Asian tourist think so but damn ya ngottanhand to the Cubans, after 50-y0 years of constant threats of invasion and economic warfare against them they and Venezuela are only two of Nations South of US borders who told and Succeeded in telling US to F- off.

Rhodium 10

Almagro is just a CIA agent..his job is to protect and to serve USA interest in LatinAmerican!

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