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Anbar’s Trojan Horse Is Back

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Anbar's Trojan Horse Is Back

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Written by Damir Nazarov

Surely most readers have forgotten the marginal separatist Raad al-Suleiman from Anbar. So, this “rebel” has again loudly declared himself, this time he openly declared his support for the Zionist plan to create a “new Middle East.”

Actually, all the previous comments from various Shiite and Sunni politicians in Iraq about the existence of Zionist agents in a number of regions (Anbar, Kurdistan) have been confirmed. Now characters like Raad al-Suleiman do not even hide their sympathies for the Zionists and see them as the main ally in the implementation of their separatist plans. For a number of Anbar tribal leaders, it doesn’t matter who their allies are, the Zionists, the Americans, or even Satan himself, the main thing is to realize their archaic dreams of creating their own Emirate.

The Zionist activity in Anbar has been going on for years. In 2021, pro-Zionist elements from the three main ethno-religious groups gathered in Erbil to discuss the implementation of a plan to “normalize diplomatic relations” between Iraq and the Zionists. Three years later, the Zionist puppets became active again.

The logic of the Zionists is simple, against the background of a war on several fronts, it is important for them to create problems in the camp of Iran’s allies, be it Iraq and Syria. Therefore, Anbar’s marginal voices are once again heard in Iraq calling for separatism and support for the plans of the colonialists, and in Syria the Kurds have once again intensified their work to absorb Arab lands.

As before, the Sunni arena of Iraq, in its absolute majority, ignored the words of Raad al-Suleiman. Now secular Sunnis are searching for a compromise on the appointment of the speaker of the Iraqi parliament, the religious part of the Sunnis is looking for an opportunity to join the anti-Zionist front, and the leaders of influential tribes who sought separation from Iraq at the turn of 2013-2014, today understand the perniciousness of such ideas and prefer to equip their loyalists in parliament and municipal councils.

Perhaps the Zionists have hopes of starting a civil war in Anbar and throughout the Sunni region of Iraq. After all, a number of influential tribal leaders may “punish” Raad al-Suleiman for his pro-Zionist position, but such plans for the Zionists are not destined to come true in the near future, since their ally is marginal, and the main stars of the political space of the Sunnis of Iraq in the person of Halbousi and Khanjar are making no small efforts to create unity and prevent conflicts. Moreover, both figures are under the formal protectorate of Turkey, which is not interested in any chaos in Iraq. Nevertheless, the fact of the liquidation of Raad al-Suleiman should not be ruled out.


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doesn’t sound correct to me , the people don’t want war … only the leaders of government..!

Last edited 20 hours ago by Skip59
s n o w d e n

geopolitics matters. if you track blinken’s trips abroad, all of these states are warzones now. it keeps u.s. alive, starting wars, selling weapons. it doesn’t matter if they “lose”, they must prevent china or russia to develop anything there. “sphere of ifluence” of the u.s. over vassals like japan, s.korea, eu or australia is not challenged. israel is above the u.s. it’s rothschild’s private aircraft carrier. syrian airspace belongs to israel. russia is tolerated as long they obey israel.

Last edited 19 hours ago by s n o w d e n
s n o w d e n 2

and as for as “normal people”, who really needs them ? global elites want them dead. people are burden for them. they must hire politicians and prepare false narrative in media to keep themselves in power and create this stupid theatre for stupid voters. better to kill all the people. in china and russia it is the same story. they don’t need people, they only need slaves or servants. “human waves” in bakhmut are typical example how russia treats human lives.

E d w a r d

no worries, russian definition of “unity” will solve the whole thing. as you said, although “russia obeys israel”, putin’s greatest dream is to have israel as a “partner”; but israel has no “partners” — israel doesn’t fit the russian definition of “unity”. hey putin, try to pray “hail mary” in tel aviv. well, say the poor naive russian guys, at least we have brazil as a “partner” — which not by chance belongs to those who own the west.

E d w a r d 1

but didn’t you start the so called special military operation to support 2 separatist republics? didn’t you break ukrainian “unity”? no, says putin, ukrainians and russians are one people. hmm… makes sense… if russian leadership is not evil, it seems that not only a kid can break a russian declaration, just as russians believe in santa claus. stop whinning, losers (you are not good at that; not good dissimulating either); just finish what you didn’t start: win the war.

Jewish pimp

a zionist fuck, rather wahhabi frankenstein made in isisreal factory show his true face. nothing new, nothing less on the quest. they put the bomb in my chest.

Last edited 17 hours ago by Jewish pimp

erbilese should definitely consider improving ties with yids as they’re practically kissing cousins, and literally anciently related.

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