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Angry Protestors Torch Government Building In Iraq’s Basra (Videos)

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On September 6, thousands of civilians took at the streets in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basra to protest against corruption and a lack of basic public services. The angry protestors targeted and set fire to several government and political party buildings including the center of the Islamic Dawa Party and the headquarters of the Iranian-backed Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba armed groups.

Saif al-Bader, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health of Iraq, said that one protestor lost his life and 35 people were injured during clashes between the protestors and Iraqi security forces. Following these violent clashes, the Basra Operations Command imposed a one-hour long curfew.

The Iraqi Parliament will hold an emergency session on September 8 to handle the unrest in al-Basra. Previously, the Iraqi federal government promised to increase founds for southern Iraq. However, the protests continued.

The protests erupted in July when al-Basra began to suffer from unprecedented drought, power cuts and a high level of pollution in air and water. These conditions have put the oil-rich city on the brink of cholera outbreak. However, the government is yet to take any measures to prevent the catastrophe.

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Free man

The demonstrators also burned buildings and bases of pro-Iranian militias. The protests are mainly against Iran for stopping the supply of water and electricity to Basra.

You can call me Al

Absolute BS. As usual the US promised the World and supplied sweet F.A.

Free man

The demonstrators burned the Iranian consulate a few hours ago. You don’t seem to understand what’s happening in Basra.

That Guy

Wired….. Basra and southern iraq in general is known for being a Shia majority area with a strong pro-iranian stance, unlike the rest of iraq (Kurdistan, Anbar, Salahudin, Dyala, and parts of Baghdad).

Still, good news nevertheless.

Free man

As I wrote earlier, Iraqi Shiites in southern Iraq demonstrate against Iran because Iran has stopped supplying them with water / electricity. And because they accuse Iranian-backed political parties of interfering with Iraqi politics and some hold them responsible for mismanagement and the poor services in Basra. The fact that they are Shiites does not necessarily mean they support Iran.


The US pays criminals to commit terror attacks, it’s not a new thing, the US has done it for many years. The US used to transport heroin for criminals in Vietnam, who in exchange would slaughter people, so the US could blame the Vietnamese, birds of a feather flock together.

Free man

So in your opinion , the Iraqis in Basra don’t have to deal with government corruption, failed administration, water and electricity shortages and the Iranian intervention in their country. They just have to blame the US and all the troubles will go away.


The U.S.A. Invaded Iraq because of Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never found remember? They Completely Destroyed Iraq and Killed Millions of Citizens as Collateral Damage…the U.S.A illegally invaded Iraq and stole 340,000 kilograms of Gold & lots of Oil just like in Libya and many other Countries…they are Criminals living of Looting Resources of small & weak Countries…911 False Flag was to get the Americans Cheering for War in Afghanistan to take over the Heroin-Trade… that is why America is addicted to Opioids at the moment

Free man

I wonder why the Iraqis burned the Iranian consulate and not the American consulate. Apparently the Shiite Iraqis in Basra think differently from you.


Or they are Soros-Supporters earning a couple of extra $hekels for creating trouble between Shia & Sunni… like it happened before..Divide et Impera…

Free man

You still don’t understand what’s going on. Shi’ite Iraqis from southern Iraq demonstrate against Shiite Iran and pro-Iranian Shiite militias. Too bad you write about subjects you don’t understand anything about.


Electricity and water shortages are caused by the USA. The USA/UK still steals most of the revenue generated by oil exports, and the US forces the Iraqis to buy overpriced weapons with the little money do get. If Government corruption caused riots, the USA would be in flames.

Free man

The Iraqis are protesting against the same things that the Iranians in Tehran are protesting against. The Iranians have exported their corruption and mismanagement to Basra. That is why the Shiite Iraqis shout “Iran out out” . No matter how much you try to distort reality, there is no connection to the United States / Britain.

Bill Wilson

They also could bitch about Turkey reducing the flow of water in the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.


Why is Iran responsible for the lack of electricity, it was the US that bombed the power stations, and the sewerage treatment plants.


O︁︁o︁a︁u︁h︁ D︁︁u︁u︁d︁e︁s︁s ! T︁h︁e L︁︁i︁s︁t w︁i︁t︁h N︁a︁k︁e︁d︁-W︁o︁m︁e︁n︁s f︁︁r︁o︁m y︁︁o︁u︁r C︁︁i︁t︁y ︁︁wa︁s︁ p︁u︁b︁l︁l︁i︁s︁he︁d H︁e︁r︁ee︁e︁ ̩︁︁️︁o︁n : t︁︁u︁4︁a︁︁.︁m︁e︁︁/︁︁i︁d︁4︁︁1︁︁2︁︁7︁8︁4 ?


LOOL ︁T︁h︁a︁n︁k︁s︁s ︁︁B︁r︁o︁!︁! I︁’︁v︁e f︁︁o︁und t︁︁he︁r︁ee m︁︁y T︁︁e︁ache︁r N︁︁a︁k︁e︁d ! ︁m︁︁w︁a︁h︁a︁a︁h


︁H︁a︁a︁h︁h︁a︁a︁hh︁ l︁︁u︁cky d︁u︁d︁e

Len Zegelink

the protest is pay by the usa


no, from russia

Gary Sellars

Go away Ukropi orc

Zenny Nequin

Burning buildings always helps


Works in L.A. Detroit and Newark!


These protest seem more like a call for outside intervention. They have been shilling for these rioters on voices of the middle east https://kpfa.org/program/voices-of-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/?utm_source=a_share

That Guy

This is what you get for going against Saddam Hussein, a shitty country ruled by shitty rulers, you are to be blamed just as much as the US is to be blamed, now enjoy your failing country. Lol.

With this state of unrest, ISIS might come back with a vengeance :).


Trouble in Iraq will rise soon it appears… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-06/us-embassy-baghdads-green-zone-under-attack


I think you will find the purported attack against the US is just another American false flag. The US is trying to stop any kind of alliance between Iran and Iraq. Soon the US will announce that it has to send troops to restore war in Iraq.


False Flag or not…That still means there are Trouble ahead in Iraq… many people won’t tolerate the American Presence anymore…and that is a Growing Group…Sunni & Shia should work together to get rid of this Satanic Wahhabism…. because it is there to Divide them….

Free man

You really do not understand what’s going on, do you? The demonstrators burned the Iranian consulate not the American one. Iraqi Shiites in southern Iraq demonstrate against Iran because Iran has stopped supplying them with water and electricity.


I was talking about the attack on the Green Zone… Read the Zero-Hedge article…mortar Shells at the American Embassy…and I do know what is goin’ on for an Important Part: The U.S.A. are Terrorists & at the Moment they are trying to Protect their ISIS-Al-Qaeda Offspring….


“I was talking about the attack on the Green Zone.”

But they missed didn’t they? Probably a staged attack, by US special forces.


For Sure America wants more Troops in Iraq…before they become close Friends with Iran..but Free man started about Shiites in Southern Iraq…and I wasn’t talking about Shiites in Southern Iraq…


What could happen, is Iran Iraq and Syria could form an alliance, the US will do everything it can to stop that from occurring.


Afghanistan…Pakistan…the U.S. is losing them…many small Sparks can ignite a Wildfire….The Middle East must be tired by now of these Wars Created by the U.S…. Millions of Muslims Died… for Poppyfields, Pipelines, Oil, Gold & a Failed Yinon-Plan….without war no Trade….

Free man

You are all over the place. The article is about the riots in Basra, Iraq. The demonstrators burned the buildings of the Iranian consulate and pro-Iranian militias and parties. How did you manage to connect this to the US?


Sure we are all over the place….and the U.S. is the Main Problem…Worldwide together with their NATO Lapdogs….

That Guy

Lol wtf??


It’s true, wars everywhere, and the common denominator is the USA.

That Guy

Such demonstrations happened before and ended normally, this one however took just a bit longer, and it might lead to an unintentional disaster (maybe another rise of ISIS and another 2300 Humvees captured, but this time no US and no Russian support is gonna happen due to economic issues, it might be the end of the Iraqi government, who knows ?)


ISIS was Created, Trained, Financed, logistically supported by the U.S.A, Wahhabistan, IsraHell, the United Kingdom, France & NATO was their Airforce..so who might be Responsible for a Rise of ISIS you think?

That Guy

Everyone. When the iraqi government was oppressing the Sunnies, ISIS was the obvious thing to happen (especially when the Syrian civil war happened, this is what made ISIS in its steroid form [almost got an air force from the capture airbases]). And the US is the one who helped the mujahedeen defeat the Soviet union, and some of those went to iraq when the US and Saddam Iraq had the 2003, this is the US part of responsibility.

Let us also take a look at the fact that the history of Iraq is full of this “Persian vs Mesopotamian/Arab” hate and the “Sunni vs Shia” hate, that is a factor of the rise of ISIS. History likes to repeat itself.


ISIS was created by General Petraeus, originally it was a death squad the general used to eliminate Shia Iraqi’s during his famous surge.

That Guy

Lol, this one sounds like a massive lie. Since Petraeus used to train SHIA militias to oppress and torture Sunni population and to get rid of the Sunni insurgency during the US occupation of Iraq. And Petraeus has an anti-ISIS stance. Check your history.


ISIS is the Israeli-Secret-Intelligence-Service…there is much Evidence of IsraHell’s & America’s Involvement…

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26bf92c2a572c64d81f7d4295db845caf0b2a1829afb7d9b7a8ead296e3f4944.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2fcb6ed6ee786441d6623b76f5736d0a9c11e153a94d2e12d73bdf20b6a090b8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba614364eeb356c0bf6a0cbc4cfade623cc35ce5c5ec09211eb9981557ba10be.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dcb15970b96b891eb78b6c7597d801cd3dca2a5d3a1381d9875cd49a96afa2df.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eabcb04942aa376cd81caf7d6ee85eda51825d3147ebaea85d32e17b61c2d2a6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ce0a19c69ad235d3eec450fca7259bae500aac5fe465f081565b8c93dbcf61e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b8c104fd9ac99de349f4e5928ab46885ac0e366b068c9165624118e450601a2.jpg

That Guy

That is not much of an evidence, and there is no concrete evidence that ISIS is an international intelligence work, they look more like rebels lucky enough to capture huge amounts of military equipment, and some of their actions (not all) being justifiable.


Just a couple of examples randomly picked from the internet







Oh really tell me about a single Iraqi demonstration, before the US invasion and occupation.

That Guy

Well, before the US occupation 2003, iraq was in bad shape, but better than now, no doubt.

However, during and after the occupation I remember hearing that Basra had bad infrastructure, and that people used to complain about that long time ago, they did some forgettable demonstrations, and that’s all, nothing major. It is 100% about service and infrastructure, nothing political nor religious.


Because, there was also an attack on the US embassy in Baghdad.

Free man

three mortar shells landed inside Baghdad’s Green Zone. How do you know what the target was and who shot them? The Iraqi authorities themselves do not know yet.


Because the Americans claim they were aimed at them? https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-07/protesters-storm-and-torch-iranian-consulate-iraqs-basra-amidst-worsening-sectarian

And any Iraqi who doesn’t want to kill Americans would be deranged.


Is this related to the 50/50 Shia/Sunni demographic division of the city? One side thinks they are getting the short end of the stick.


Shia 60% Sunni 30%


Yes, because of refugees. Before ISIS occupation of Nineveh it was around 50/50.


NO, It has always been that way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Iraq#Religions_2


I thought the topic was the City of Basra. Not the entire country? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basra#Religion


Ahh, I misunderstood.


I gotta ask, why use a pic of uncle Joe, why not use Felix?



Joe seems to trigger the Muricans more! :D


Just America doing what America does best, making trouble.


Unrest in Iraq?


Basra is in the UK sector of Iraq, yes they divided the country up, just like they did Germany at the end of WWII, but do not publicize the fact. I am beginning to think that the Skripal poisonings are related to these staged riots. The UK has a lot of troops in Idlib, and they think that by causing trouble for Iran in Iraq, they can force the Iranians to release any British prisoners the Iranians have, or allow them to leave Idlib.

They have really misjudged the Iranians, all the British have done with this attack, is signed the death warrant of the British troops.

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