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Turkey has not said its last in northern Syria, as the situation appears to be escalating.
On June 12th, at least 22 people, mostly civilians, were killed in heavy shelling in the Turkish-occupied city of Afrin.
At least 35 were injured in the attack.
The bombing of the city of Afrin also caused huge material damage to civilian property, including homes, cars and shops.
The targeting of the Al-Shifa Hospital led to it closing down, and victims were reported among the hospital staff.
It is unclear who carried it out, but initial blame was laid on Kurdish groups and namely the Afrin Liberation Forces positioned in many of the surrounding villages.
Some sources alleged that the Turkish forces bombed the city, citing Ankara’s efforts to exploit the bombing and its victims on the eve of the Erdogan’s meeting with Biden.
The response came rather swiftly, when Turkish forces and the Ankara-backed militants carried out extensive and large-scale bombings towards the villages outside of their control and where the Afrin Liberation Forces are deployed.
On June 13th, Turkey’s efforts continued.
A series of Turkish strikes hit the Syrian town of Tell Rifaat and its outskirts in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
There are conflicting reports, with some claiming that Turkish drones carried out the strikes, while others said that the drones were simply used to correct Turkish artillery fire.
The Turkish Ministry of National Defense held the SDF responsible for the deadly attack on Afrin.
In its initial response, the Turkish military fired more than 180 rockets and shells on positions of the Kurdish-led group around Tell Rifaat.
The SDF denied responsibility for the attack despite having a track record of firing rockets at Afrin city.
On February 17, 13 people, including six children and three women, were wounded when the group fired a barrage of rockets at Afrin.
On May 2, a 5-year-old girl was killed and her parents were wounded in another rocket attack on the city.
Meanwhile, Turkey is also preparing to push back in Idlib, in responce to the heavy shelling and airstrikes by the Syrian Arab Army with Russian support on Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham militants.
Turkey is reportedly preparing for an offensive.
The Turkish military has stepped up ammunition shipments to the militants.
At least 12 trucks loaded with shells and rockets arrived in the town of al-Bara in southern Idlib from Turkey through the Kafer Lusin border crossing.
HTS is also amassing its forces on several frontlines in Greater Idlib in preparations for a large-scale offensive.
The al-Qaeda-affiliated group has deployed dozens of fighters as well as several battle tanks.
The entirety of Syria’s north – both the Kurdish-populated areas, and Greater – Idlib may be heading towards chaos orchestrated by Turkey.
Solo la determinación del Ejército Sirio junto con la Fuerza aérea rusa, puede detener el intento de una ofensiva por parte de Turquía y sus grupos militantes aliados, para ello la armada Rusa tiene a su disposición también buques en el mar Mediterráneo que tranquilamente podrían atacar las posiciones del ejército Turco y sus milicias aliadas, con misiles de crucero y utilizar también los bombarderos de larga distancia estacionados hace poco en la base aérea rusa en Siria. Con un ataque de esa magnitud a Turquía no le quedaría más remedio que retirarse del frente de batalla y permitir a la SAA recuperar más territorio propio.
Pero sabes se Putin lo quiere acer? La guierra ja dura quasi 10 años e Putin que poderia darle un final nunca lo ha querido.Perdo por la mala escrita, soy tuga negro.
La armada Rusa tiene buques a su disposición en el mar Mediterráneo con misiles de crucero que pueden atacar las posiciones del ejército Turco y sus aliados.
Oye, heroe de la revolucion – tu puedes hablar mucho de la seguridad de tu casa. la gente se muere en guerra. Piensa en este
aminisa koyum sizing ibneler ingilizce yazzaniza kirolar
Guess who could have prevented this decades ago? His name starts with V and ends with ladimir Putin.
Putin’s in charge of securing Russian business with all of us in the rest of the world. How’s that not obvious?
Russia didn’t care much about Syria or ISIL…so I don’t know what are you on about. Some of you kids do drugs at a young age. You do know you just bad-mouthing and nothing more…like a bitch.
yeah syrias north is turkeys south so good luck for turkey playing with fire on its own borders all around itself
It would seem that they have already accomplished this?
I see that and think that if the SDF ruked it, it would be better. When USA retreated, it became even worse.
Turkish forces are primsrily Pearce Keepers, sure they defend themselves when provoked by Kurdish Terrorists and now Israeli Jew controlled ISIS, HTS would be better replaced by Turkish military which is exactly what would happen if Brother Erdogan used his influence and ousted HTS, the World is not going to support Turkish annexation of Syrian territory so whats the problem.
It would be stupid if Turkey did bomb civilians in Afrin, PKK/YPG-Kurds are the dogs of Zion-yankees after all. With Biden back, they would most likely follow Zion-yankees orders to get more money and aids from the US, etc etc. Most likely, it would be Kurds in the first place…I said it again SDF is VERY much the same as ISIL. There are no good guys in N-Syria, Arabs are under three terrorist forces SDF_(yankees-Zion_Kurds), ISIS_(Yankees-Zion-Turkey), PKK/YPG_(Kurds terrorists working hands with hands by Zion).
Turkey is a follower of Wahhabism and Zionism – if they attack they would most likely lose more land again. Hopefully, Turkey after that lost go after Kurds and end them…then Syria’s block and Russian just wash Turkey in N-Syria.
The only good thing here is that so long as the Jews’ Kurd tools are stymied in Syria, the Jews are less likely to unleash their US Tyranny against Iran.
Since when HTS has forces and fighters, instead SF called them Terrorists they call them fighters or forces. Jesus people.
Syria needs the undefeated Taliban, undefeated by the US or Russia.
Good. Turkey is now mad, and that will eventually bring about real results.