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Ankara To Work With Assad If He Wins “Credible Elections”

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Ankara To Work With Assad If He Wins “Credible Elections”

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. IMAGE: AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici

Turkey’s Forgiven Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on December 16 that his country “should consider” working with Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad, if he wins a democratic and credible election.

“If it is democratic and credible one then everybody should consider that [working with Assad] … At the end, Syrian people should decide who is going to rule the country after the elections,” Cavusoglu said on the sideline of the Doha Forum, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

Addressing the issue of the Syrian constitution, Cavusoglu stressed that only Syrians should draft the constitution of their country.

Turkey has been working along with Russia and Iran to help the Damascus government and the Syrian opposition form a joint constitutional committee before the end of this year. The U.N. is sponsoring these efforts.

A day earlier, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, revealed that the Syrian joint constitutional committee will be announced within the next week. The Iranian minister also emphasized that “there is no military solution in Syria.”

While the formation of the joint constitutional committee will be a huge step forward. Many local observers doubt that the committee will be able draft a new constitutional for Syria, as previous talks between the government and the opposition were fruitless due to the U.S. interference.

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Bobby Twoshoes

Who has forgiven him?


None, he is just Turkey’s forgiven minister. His Mistakes redeemed him….. As a matter of fact he is the first forgiven minister in the world…


Turkey has been working along with Russia and Iran to help the Damascus government and the Syrian opposition form a joint constitutional committee before the end of this year. The U.N. is sponsoring these efforts.

It’s a useless exercise. First of all, there can be no peace as long as Assad is the President. He has caused too much death and destruction to reconcile with the Syrian people. Second of all, there will be no “credible elections” as long as Assad oversees the process. There never has been a credible election under Assad’s leadership and there will not be one in the forseeable future.


Look at the evidence and NOT a US State Dept fictional account from the US Coalition of Terror.

Tudor Miron

Who are you to spread MSM lies here? Syrian? Why don’t we simply allow law obidient Syrians to choose their faith? Syrians that I know say that Assad is a very rare breed amongst ME leaders. Most would already run or give up to western pressure. Assad managed to safe Syrian state when everyone thought that it’s over and we have another Lybia. Well articulated, speaks English much clearer than most US/UK politicians yet brave and simple with his own people. Show me something comparable among western politicians?


He has no choice than to be quiet.

S Melanson

Well said


Brainwasher, go preach and pray elsewhere, here we tray to understand what is going on, this is not a club of imbeciles brainwashed.


This is not the website for mental advise go and look for mental advise somewhere else.


Lots of baloney on both points Wonacott.




And the opposition against Assad has consisted of fluffy bunnies, pure paragons of democracies that in no way whatsoever want to install an Islamic theocracy that seeks to eradicate anyone who does not happen to adhere to their particular brand of Islamic crazy. ISIS was not an exception in Syria. There are many other groups which espouse similar fanaticism. The only difference between them and ISIS is that they do not bite the hand that feeds them, meaning the West.

In Syria there is only the option of Assad, Islamic crazies and mercenaries for hire (FSA). Any fluffy bunny pure paragons of democracy left the country long ago. And even if Assad was truly as bad as Western propaganda made him out to be, he pales into insignificance to the alternatives. And even if he were as bad as Werstern propaganda makes him out to be, I’d take him any day of the week over America’s BFF in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, led by Mohammed ‘I chop up journalists and carpet bomb and starve out Yemen’ Bin Salman.


It’s how Assad responded to the mostly peaceful protesters in 2011. He had promised political reforms but had reneged. After Mubarak was removed from power by the massive Egyptian protests, Assad chose to quell the protests before he was ousted. He chose to use his military including tanks and artillery against the the protesters. The people had no choice but to take up arms.

The Syrian (and Russian) propagandists always call the Syrian opposition terrorists, but there were many Syrians that protested for political rights. The jihadists are clearly the best fighters and dominate now, but none of that justifies the brutal war instigated by the Assad regime..

S Melanson

Excellent, you have got the approved scripts down to a ‘T’, showing you have been diligent in your studies of the CIA handbook of ‘World History’. 30 Shekels for you…

Ricky Miller

Fly that propaganda elsewhere, we know better here. The problem is that the protesters refused to take yes for an answer. Reform was offered and accepted in late 2011 then suddenly the reform offer was deemed not good enough. This often happens in protest movements where a little taste of success brings delusional ambitions but in this case certain coaches from Sunni Gulf States and Western Intelligence Agencies showed up, stoking up movement leaders and offering weapons, support and cash. Police Officers were attacked and killed. Disorder spread. Foreign fighters showed up, driving brand new fleets of Toyota pickup trucks and awash with western weapons. Bashar al -Assad defended his country as did the security services. This was now an outside sponsored attack on Syria’s sovereignty, order, and society. It was treated as such. Take your lies of villification and Western Intelligence agency propaganda to the comments section of VOA or Stars&Stripes.


Reform was offered and accepted in late 2011 then suddenly the reform offer was deemed not good enough.

Assad had a decade to offer reform before the Arab Spring came to Syria. In fact, he promised reform when he inherited his position, but he simply did not deliver. Who was going to believe Assad? According to the Guardian:

Protests erupted across Syria on Monday in response to Bashar al-Assad’s widely anticipated speech, in which he vowed not to give in to the “saboteurs” he said were wrecking the country, while offering the prospect of multi-party elections and an end to four decades of totalitarian rule.

This was entirely bullshit. Assad never had any intention to conduct elections where he might lose power. That would not have been acceptable to Hezbollah or Iran. The 2014 election was a joke.

Ricky Miller

Your lies prove nothing and get this through your head: the government has won. President Assad, the Syrian Parliament, tribal leaders all decide what happens now. Three fourths of Syria’s population live in government areas, including all the major cities and in significant majorities support the government. I doubt the government allows any vote to count that isn’t monitored by the election commission which means Syrians who fled to Western Europe and who won’t return home won’t be voting so the government probably has more and not less support than they did before, at least by percentage. Elections have consequences and so do wars. Neither you, Amnesty Int. or anyone in Geneva, Foggy Bottom or Rockefeller Center get to decide squat for Syrians who stayed home. They have a President with lawful authority, a Parliament and both Tribal oversite and Governate and Municipal councils. Those are the opinions who matter now.


No doubt that Syria has won the war, but that by no means gives even one iota of legitimacy to Assad. There will be no peace while Assad is in power. There will be no legitimate elections or a multiparty system. Those are all Assad lies (advanced by Assad apologists).

Ricky Miller

You don’t know that. Unless you mean that the U.S. is “going to create quagmires until they get what they want.” Oh, you mean that. But this has always been about that, really. This was an American project from the beginning regardless of your bullshit narrative. But government areas are rebuilding and quiet. It’s only where there are foreign fighters that large scale violence remains, like Idlib. The U.S. is applying sanctions against oil supplies to Syria, rebuilding assistance and the like but it’s not stopping anything. A sanctioned Russian ship is on it’s way to Syria tonight, having passed Isranbul last night. Rebuilding will take place and government areas are by and large pacified. A positive step.

Ricky Miller

The Guardian?.Quoting the Guardian here is a lot like whipping out a whiskey bottle at a Mother’s against drunk driving support group. Since the post 2010 culture change at the Guardian it has become a UK intelligence service propaganda mouthpiece, as recent events regarding a Julian Assange story has demonstrated. Again, Westerners have no say in how Syria is governed or in how it’s political life is structured. That is Syria’s internal affair, by treaty. Period, paragraph, end of discussion. Many if not most people in Syria did not mind the Baathist “totalitarian” rule as it beat the prospect of the Jihadi rule threatened by the chaos of Western Style democracy. I mean, let’s examine Algeria for example. Or, the conduct of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The difference between Syria’s governance style and Algeria’s? Next to nothing. Why was Syria the target of a hybrid war regime change operation that hides behind your human rights smokescreen rhetoric? Because Syria disallowed a Qatari natural gas pipeline. Why is Algeria left alone by the West? Well, no pipeline politics in play and Algeria has the weapons and battle hardened personnel to smack down an invasion, even a hybrid war regime change one. And you are a brainwashed apologist for regime change neocolonialism. And an invasive ass.


Next to nothing. Why was Syria the target of a hybrid war regime change operation that hides behind your human rights smokescreen rhetoric?

It’s just as obvious that your anti-Americanism supercedes any human rights issues, but that aside, at one time Assad supported the jihadists. Syria was a pipeline for jihadists entering Iraq to fight the US occupation of Iraq – supported by the Assad regime. So Assad supported the jihadists before he suddenly opposed them. In affect, what goes around comes around. Assad was also a big suspect in the assassination of Rafik Hariri in 2005 – the former Lebanon Prime Minister who oppsed the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. That was hardly a way to endear himself to Sunnis.

However the main reaon the US supports regime change in Syria is because it undercuts the reach of Iran. The Syrian conflict is a regional conflict which is more about Iran than Syria. It has nothing to do with pipelines.


Ricky Miller

Huge difference, even if what you say is true. It is far from certain that the government in Syria had anything to do with foreign fighters moving into Iraq, although some certainly did the government in Damascus seems to neither aided or hindered such movements. But the U.S. invasion of Iraq was illegal, based on historically proven false pretenses and led to the deaths of a million Iraqis, most of them civilians. There was no sovereign Iraq during those years, just an occupied one. Resistance and aiding resistance against an illegal conquest is far different than starting an insurgency in someone else’s country. Thanks for bringing into the conversation yet another of America’s UN Charter violations though. And I’m American who is anti-American policy because it is both treaty breaking and heartless.

There is no evidence that Rafik Hariri was killed by Syrian state agents generally, or Bashar al-Assad specifically. If I had to bet, seeing the antics of his son, especially recently, I’d bet it was an internal Lebanese issue. Lebanon’s somewhat unique governing structure can lead to removals of certain disagreeable individuals from positions of power that otherwise are very hard to remove.

northerntruthseeker .

This one is definitely Hasbara/JIDF… Only one of those numb-skulls would try to make such a stupid comment here.

northerntruthseeker .

Hey, Hasbara-rat…. Get lost, for the readers in here are NOT fooled by your stupidity…

Bashar al-Assad has NOT caused this “death and destruction” as you vomitingly claim.. In fact it is your own psychotic state of Isra-Hell that has been financing the real murderers….

The Syrian people are no fools and the vast majority love their President and what he has been doing to remove the Jewish rats and other filth from his nation…

The last elections were absolutely credible as they were all closely monitored by independent and neutral sources, and not the scourge of the US/Israel that would definitely corrupt the entire process… And the results showed an overwhelming vote for Assad…

So again, get lost and go back to hell… Isra-Hell in fact….


The Syrian people are no fools and the vast majority love their President and what he has been doing to remove the Jewish rats and other filth from his nation…….The last elections were absolutely credible……..And the results showed an overwhelming vote for Assad

And why wouldn’t they love their President? According to Amnesty International (posted May 11, 2011):

When army tanks recently rolled into the city of Dera’a in southern Syria and began shelling residential areas, the human rights crisis in the country reached a new low. More than 400 people have died across Syria since protesters calling for political reform took to the streets in mid-March. Hundreds of people have been arbitrarily arrested and detained incommunicado, placing them at serious risk of torture [or execution] and other ill-treatment. Torture of detainees has long been common and endemic in Syria…..Amnesty International has repeatedly urged the Syrian government to rein in the security forces……The Syrian authorities have failed to take these steps and intensified repression

According to Marie Colvin (How the Assad regime tracked and killed Marie Colvin for reporting on war crimes in Syria https://interc.pt/2qi8BSF by @johnnyddwyer @rj_gallagher; February, 2012):

After pulling back to a village outside the city, she decided to return to Baba Amr, a neighborhood under constant government bombardment, telling her colleague Paul Conroy “this was today’s Sarajevo,” and that she refused to “cover Sarajevo from the suburbs.” Her final reports detailed the brutal human toll of the indiscriminate violence. On February 21, she did a series of live interviews over Skype with Channel 4 and the BBC in the U.K. and CNN in the U.S. Speaking to Anderson Cooper, she recounted the death of a small child from a blast injury. “We just watched this little boy, his tummy heaving and heaving as he tried to breathe,” she said. “It’s a complete and utter lie that they are only going after terrorists. … The Syrian army is shelling a city of cold, starving civilians.”

According to Max Blumenthal (on his resignation from al-Akhbar in 2012):

This is a point where, by all accounts, the Assad regime had killed as many as 10,000 people in order to remain in power, possibly 13,000, according to people I know inside Syria who’ve come out. I’ve done extensive interviews and during the past few weeks, partly prompted by my anguish about my own position as a staffer at Al-Akhbar. The Assad regime was running an institution of torture in prisons. Possibly 100,000 people are in prison right now. And this makes Israel look like, you know, a champion of human rights

There is a whole cadre of Assad apologists that call him “democratically elected”; that try to discredit reports by Amnesty International about the Assad detention centers; and that try to hide his numerous war crimes – including the use of chemical weapons. Assad is entirely responsible for the Syrian war.

S Melanson

Actually I feel sorry for Assad. His atrocities are totally outclassed by the US and allies as well as the ‘moderate’ terrorist opposition. Look at Raqqa – what an incredible job, clearly Assad is not getting the Nobel Prize in Atrocities (formally the Nobel Peace Prize). That is going to the incredibly deserving opponents of Assad. You should accept the award on behalf of the whole fabulous gang, such as the moderate terrorists Al Nusra (formerly known as Al Qaeda).


clearly Assad is not getting the Nobel Prize in Atrocities

You are wrong again! Despite stiff competition at times from jihadists, the Amnesty International Summary Report from 2013 indicates that after 2-1/2 years of war, Assad was responsible for the “vast” majority of the war crimes:

The internal armed conflict between government forces and the opposition, composed of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other armed opposition groups, was marked by gross human rights abuses, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Government forces, which were responsible for the vast majority of violations, carried out indiscriminate attacks on residential areas using aircraft, artillery shells, mortars, incendiary weapons and cluster bombs. Together with their support militias, they arrested thousands of people, including children, subjecting many to enforced disappearance. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees were commonplace; at least 550 were reported to have died in custody, many after torture. Others were extrajudicially executed. Security forces’ snipers continued to shoot peaceful anti-government demonstrators and people attending public funerals. Health workers treating the wounded were targeted

Ricky Miller

Amnesty is a Western funded neoliberal world order defender who thinks that some people in society have the right to decide for everyone what the future holds, at the end of a gun. And if the government responds with force to restore order the state is always wrong. When you start war you get war. Communities, families, tribes have a right to expect the government to protect them from hooligans and street gang violence, politically directed or not. The government responded to restore order and met acts of violence with warfare. If I involve myself in a violent movement tomorrow to overthrow the corrupt American government I expect and accept that they are going to try and kill me and anyone conspiring with me. They will respond with extreme force, in short order. We win, or we get dead. Fast. If captured, I’d be executed for killing Police Officers and National Guardsmen. You’re not going to catch me whining about it as it would be something I understood as I made my decision.


Amnesty is a Western funded neoliberal world order defender who thinks that some people in society have the right to decide for everyone what the future holds, at the end of a gun

Amnesty doesn’t think that at all. The Assad regime was (is) a police state like the Saddam Hussein led Iraq. Amnesty believes that despite some violence directed at the Syrian state, the state has no right to massacre civilians to retain power (which is what Assad did).

Ricky Miller

Again it was war and an outside sponsored attack in violation of the UN Charter. And yes Amnesty does. I have yet to encounter an Amnesty report detailing the plight and victimization of citizens in an internal conflict who don’t support a rebellion and have had their rights suspended by armed insurgents in violation of the social contract between government and citizens. Government has a responsibility to protect citizens being preyed upon by other armed citizens and foreigners.That’s what Syria’s government did and I nor they care about your opinion of it.


First of all, this was an internal conflict where Assad used his military to quell a mostly peaceful rebellion (to protect his autocracy). Yes, this was followed by an effort from the outside as well to arm and bring in fighters. No one doubts that. However, the Assad government wasn’t protecting citizens. It was ensuring Assad remained in power at all costs. That is it. Quit pretending Assad cares about anyone but himself. That is why Hezbollah and Iran entered the war – to ensure Assad remained in power at all costs.

Ricky Miller

President Assad cares about his people which is why he fought for them. That’s honorable. He’s not an autocrat, that’s next door in the Hashemite kingdom. Of course he used his military to quell the uprising; police officers and innocent people were being killed. It’s called responsibility even if it’s hard and distasteful. It’s what a President is supposed to do when his country is invaded by foreign intelligence operatives intent on bringing out the worst and exploitable divisions of society.


Of course he used his military to quell the uprising; police officers and innocent people were being killed.

Due primarily to Assad as Amnesty International reports:

When army tanks recently rolled into the city of Dera’a in southern Syria and began shelling residential areas, the human rights crisis in the country reached a new low. More than 400 people have died across Syria since protesters calling for political reform took to the streets in mid-March. Hundreds of people have been arbitrarily arrested and detained incommunicado, placing them at serious risk of torture [or execution] and other ill-treatment. Torture of detainees has long been common and endemic in Syria…..Amnesty International has repeatedly urged the Syrian government to rein in the security forces……The Syrian authorities have failed to take these steps and intensified repression

Ricky Miller

So what. Amnesty International wasn’t responsible for protecting law abiding Syrian citizens from armed and law breaking ones. And they are not in the chain of command. As indicated before the government did what they had to in order to defend the country and restore order. Like the U.S. did 1861-1865. Or, against the bonus marcher army. Or when George Washington smashed the whiskey rebellion with armed force. You are a troll and hypocrite. It’s okay for the U.S. to be ruled by rule of law but Syria and everyone else should stand down in the face of armed chaos, even in the light of ample evidence it’s fueled and directed from outside the country.

Harvey Swinestein

Sounds like what happens every week where you live (occupied Palestine) Shlomo . .

Ricky Miller

Max Blumenthal? You sure you don’t have a Judith Miller or Jason Blair quote as well?

Ricky Miller

President Assad must be a busy man. All by himself he battled a huge insurgency, playing the role of President, Parliament, Generals, Tribal leaders, foot soldiers, NCO’s. He must have and still be like Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogy, able to copy himself as his many copies roam around Syrian society. Of course that’s ridiculous. Institutions and Tribes and people chose to fight the rebellion for many different reasons. Here’s what you and people like you refuse to get through your head: without solid internal support the government would not have survived. Alawites, more secular minded Sunnis, Druze, Christians sided with the government en masse. They still do. Three fourths of Syria’s remaining population live in government controlled areas and in large numbers will refuse to support a constitution or a change in government that does not correspond to both their interests and safety.

William Tecumseh Sherman said ” war is hell.” If we’d followed him through Georgia in 1865 we’d have hated him and questioned Abraham Lincoln’s judgement and humanity in employing him. He wanted to make the war so terrible for the South they’d scream for an end to it. People in the North loved him. They resented the confederacy for starting the war and wanted order restored. If we followed U.S. drones around and documented all their civilian victims including children we”d be overwhelmed with American atrocities too. MSM hardly covers it. You can go to the intercept or al jazeeea and find the stories of mangled wedding parties, a girl who held her stomach and guts in for nine hours after a drone strike in Afghanistan that killed nearly her entire family, or the village in Yemen shot up in the middle of the night in February, 2017 by U.S. Navy Seals who seemed scared of their own shadows and killed all but one person out of two families living unarned in one of the poorest places on Earth. Your double standard sickens me and reeks of U.S. deep state propaganda. Fuck off.


Here’s what you and people like you refuse to get through your head: without solid internal support the government would not have survived. Alawites, more secular minded Sunnis, Druze, Christians sided with the government en masse. They still do.

No. Entirely incorrect. He had the support of Hezbollah, Iran and especially Russia. He would not have won without their help. Russia and Syria bombed the hell out of the opposition – and won. For Assad, it was always the people be damned. Assad committed war crime after war crime including targeting hospitals and field medical facilities. He used chemical weapons, barrel bombs and he attempted to starve the population. Amnesty documented tens of thousands of deaths in his detention facilities.

You can try to paint Assad as some kind of a maligned leader, but he ran a police state. The US rendered prisoners to Assad for torture. That is who Assad is.


Ricky Miller

He had the support of outside actors as you mention but without the support of his own people it wouldn’t have mattered. Literally the rebellion was supported generously by Gulf States, The HyperSuperpower USA, Israel, Turkey, the UK. Tens of thousands of foreign fighters flowed in including Saddam’s Officer ranks now serving ISIS after being purged in the new Iraq. There still are upwards of 65,000 foreign jihadi street gang fighters in Idlib and five thousand more in At Tanf. And tens of thousands of dead ones. If it had been a battle between the initial rebellion and the security forces this would have been over with lighter loss of life long ago but outside forces got involved, on the rebellion side first. That’s just a fact.


Answer me this. If he was such a popular leader and had the support of the people, why didn’t he hold elections between 1999 and 2011? Isn’t that how you determine the popularity of a President? A free and fair election is the ultimate test of a leader’s popularity. Assad in every respect is a fraud.

Ricky Miller

Fuck you. You are a fraud. You invade this alternative view site when there are plenty of Imperial and corporate War cheerleading sites to peddle your war pig neocolonial views on. You come here, like a Western Intelligence agent, to sow discord and drive people off the site in frustration, a place of alternative news coverage and community conversation we pay for. Your need to post comment after comment betrays you as someone who is paid to disrupt or enjoys it so much you intend to sharp elbow your way to the last word. In many ways it is a metaphor for the invasion of Syria itself; the arrogance, the taking of something that doesn’t belong to you, the lies and propaganda, the extreme pushiness and sense of entitlement. Again, Fuck you you dirty American piece of shit. Fuck off.

And get this through your thick, bloodthirsty neo con and neocolonial head: The Syrian parliament, the tribes, the government can have or not have elections as they see fit. Ir’s their country, their rules, their way. Syria does not belong to you or to the United States. That’s just as true today as it was before 2011


It’s one thing to oppose the US and Arabs supporting the war effort against Assad, it’s completely another to become an apologists for a brutal dictator. There is no defending Assad.


Ricky Miller

So says you. I’m just fine with defending him. He stood up for his country and people against outside invaders cloaked in a fake nativist uprising directed from outside, like from Langley and the banks of the Thames. He bravely refused to leave, said he’d share his country’s fate and offered to resign if the senior tribal council thought they could salvage the situation by retiring him. They refused to hear of it. He visited his soldiers, in his own car and saw war orphans for their eye exams. He goes with his wife to her chemotherapy and deserves better than your MSM slander and character assassination. Smack yourself upside the head, unlearn the lies and understand: it was an invasion, a regime change operation, a protest movement catalyzed into an armed insurgency buttressed by outside money, weapons and foreign fighters. That is the truth. His real crime?; winning.

Ricky Miller

You can’t understand that though, can you? You’re a part of it, surely. Langley yourself, or a soldier at the new cyber propaganda unit. No reasonable or polite person would go on to a site where people see the world from a different point of view and strong arm the conversation into what we would see as offensive territory without being paid and a new world order agent. I’m passionate about my point of view but I don’t rub it into the faces of veterans I meet or play chess with down at the VA, or go onto Trump Murica first sites to relentlessly taunt people. Bad form, or just savagely rude. Coming here, muscling your way to the center of this thread, way beyond just stating your opinion means paid agent. If I’d went to any MSM comment board, including the Guardian I’d have been censored on my first comment. But here you are, on our crowdfunded site, rudely trying to offend and take over. You should be ashamed, as you cash your check. Part of the machine, you must be so proud.


I’m not paid by anyone, but I do read and do my homework. I am used to discussing the issues – for the past decade at various sites. Alternative media sites add a considerable amount to the discussion, but that shouldn’t mean limiting discussions to people who agree with the point of view of the site. Don’t worry though. I have been banned from three alternative viewpoint sites for giving my opinion on topics – and not because I am paid by anyone to do so. Why do you post at an alternate viewpoint site if you don’t want to discuss alternate viewpoints? Don’t bother answering.


Ricky Miller

Baloney. What you are doing is part of an information campaign to dominate all information discussion. It’s part of an offensive to bring misery and dissension to points of view and sites outside the Imperial narrative. This story sure brought you here, hard. The idea that Turkey and others understand and are coming to live with the continuation of the Baathist governance in Syria means that you and your handlers are trying to drive the narrative back, create a new discussion paradigm, no? Yep. The panic is setting in. Especially if Turkey deals a blow to the Kurdish project, the last neocon lifeline to the Syrian operation. It’s tough days for the neocolonial Empire, what with all the resistance everywhere and the debt steamrolling toward $22 Billion. Fun Times.

Ricky Miller

And just like Syria; you don’t get to tell me how to think or what to do. President Bashar Al-Assad is a decent man, neither angel or villain, but a decent brave man who defended his country from a contrived internal rebellion, created and steered from outside and derived from utter lawlessness. American lawlessness, in it’s origin. And this thread isn’t headed into archive with your pushy sharp-elbowed mooch ass having the last word saying something different. Excuse bloodthirsty regime change operations on some Imperial groupie site, somewhere. Hurry, they’re probably discussing how glorius it was the day American ships fired on Japanese cities to open Japan up for trade. And if you hurry you might get in on overthrowing the Queen of Hawaii and stealing her country or even the occupation of Mexico City and stealing half of that country. Great stuff. Hurry on, back to Breitbart now.

Jens Holm

I agree very much. Hard to debate enything, if there already are only one oppinion, which is allowed.

You dont know what descent are. All opposition is crushed hard since the time of Hafez, and then You think peole has a choise.

Syrians systematicly are kept stupid and are not allowed even to talk about other even very normal ones in the world.

All by tradition hate kurds. Actually they are the only ones, which by SDFs has any good change and improvement by sharing power in stead of some few Baathist being like USSR and currups as Putin and the other Oligarks.

But of course people will not vote at that. It has no change, beacuse people not even know, what it is.

Ricky Miller

Vladimir Putin is not corrupt. Actually the polar opposite. And you are a troll and a jackass who just enjoys making others here on this site miserable. That’s your goal. So, the parasites agree and join up. The reason I despise your opinion is because opinions like most of the people here share are heavily censored across the so called free world. Gour filthy and insistent habit of posting over and over challenging those views here is nothing short of harassment with the goal of making the comments section here less friendly to alternative views and forcibly invaded by MSM drivel.

Ricky Miller

You seriously just called Syrians stupid? Wow. You are rude and arrogant. Syria has existed for thousands of years before Denmark, (check Aleppo’s age, ignoramus) and will be here long after most of Denmark is under water and lost to history. If anyone bothers to remember you at all.

Jens Holm

I agree very much. Hard to debate enything, if there already are only one oppinion, which is allowed.

Ricky Miller

I agree very much that you are a disinformation agent who hopes to distract from the crimes of the West.

Ricky Miller

Stay out of it Jens. The grownups were talking.


You are naive. Worse, you are an apologists for a murderer.

Ricky Miller

Whatever, so says you. I’m sure that Syria’s eye doctor President has never murdered a single person in his life. He probably saved a few though, during his ER residency. And I care little what you think of me. In fact, just go away. Tell your supervisor you need a break.

Jim Prendergast

TomWonacott: Take your medication. You see what happens when you forget to take your meds? Watch CNN or something.


CNN/ Never. When I want to know the truth I go to the Duran – and Rick Sterling. As Rick Sterling said:

The following video shows the Syrian President and first lady meeting with some of the civilians and gives a sense of the joy

Yea, a real sense of joy……..

Ricky Miller

Go away. If you read the Duran you surely have learned nothing. And no one here cares. You have flagged yourself as an extreme troll who is trying to control the conversation. Like you’re paid to disrupt here.

Jonathan Stern

Tells us about the Syrian jews

Harvey Swinestein

Shlomo…you have accidentally joined the wrong forum. Haaretz and jpost are on a different URL . .

Kelli Hernandez

What a crock of racist bullshit The people of Syria have chosen their President. Where the hell have you been the last 7 years as the Zionists and banking overlords along with their ISIS pets have killed 500,000 Syrian civilians and blew up their infrastructure that Syrians are now rebuilding? One reads comments like this and it can only mean two things: a stupid dumbed down American or a hasbara troll pimping for the Israhelli racist fascist state.

Ricky Miller

It’s neocolonial in nature. Westerners get to smuggle weapons to protesters making them into pro-western insurgents. Other Westerners in the Corporate news media cover the conflict from a Western point of view, report their version of “truth” which of late always sides with Western governments narrative. Western rights groups expand on that version of the truth and are sainted by the before mentioned “journalists.” Any element of the country in questions government and security forces to restore order and battle the hybrid invasion is villified and reports quickly zero in relentlessly on their endless atocities as if the conflict is just one sided. It’s all what you focus on and how you spin it, see? It’s all a part of one formula: win at all costs and decide on other peoples future whilst making them think they did it. Great, evil stuff.

Ricky Miller

Bull. I promise you this. There are elements of Syrian society who will not accept rule by anyone friendly to or from people who betrayed the country and engaged in political violence, in a conspiracy with outsiders. Members of government friendly tribes and large groups in the security forces will rebel themselves if anyone unacceptable to them takes power. How about it, another ten years of civil war with the roles reversed? Bashar al-Assad will win Syria’s next election for two reasons: he refused to break and people deeply resent the outside forces who brought Syria to ruin.


Bashar al-Assad will win Syria’s next election for two reasons

No, just one reason. He will fix it.

Ricky Miller

Evidence? Or you mean the way elections are fixed here in these United States? With big corporate money, candidates restricted from debate, media cluing favored candidates in on the questions in advance or gerrymandered districts? Or, my favorite, doctored media coverage from journalists “agreeable to our narrative in the past.” If that’s not enough how about restricted numbers of polling places in minority districts and purges from the voter rolls?

Actually, in government held areas this is likely to be a fairer and accurate poll compared to Syrian elections in the past. Baathist support has reached stratospheric levels in the Syrian electorate compared to the past. Probably something related to standing up to malign outside forces and defending the country. It’s in Baathist interest for the government to have the poll sooner rather than later while support is strong, even without International agreement or constitutional reform. It’s their country, do it now and flip some regime changers the bird.

Ricky Miller

I flubbed that comment and apologize. I meant to say that big money corporate candidates participate in large numbers, other small party candidates are restricted from debates, then on to the point about favorite candidates being tipped off to question content by corporate journalist moderators. The way I typed it the first time left it confusing and convoluted.

Daniel Martin

Those words sounds very cynical considering that Mr Assad already has a legal mandate to govern the Syrian Arab Republic, and Turkey together with a few other countries tried to oust him by conspiring against him and the Syrian government and the Syrian people, by training, plundering funding and providing military assistance to the foreign terrorists in that country.

Jens Holm

You not even know, what election is and certainly not free election.

Ricky Miller

Judged by your standards you useless windbag. Fortunately for Syrians Jens Holm isn’t even eligible to vote in Syria and the Syrians can figure out they’re own country on their own.

Jens Holm

Voting it Syria make no sense. Everytime its already fixed and if people dont participate in the celebrations, they are jailed or has to pay in Syrian 10 grammes pounds.

Ricky Miller

Actually, turnout in the next Syrian election is likely to be quite high. And I’ll let Syrians who stayed home to fight for and rebuild their country speak about the celebrations for after Presiden Assad’s victory. The opinion of a NATO loving war troll from Denmark is of no interest to me.

Ricky Miller

No, you make no sense. You’re just another Western neocon war pig. Oink oink. And it’s voting in the Western democracies which makes little sense. It’s the same favor the rich schemes that carry on despite election after election. It’s why people are so angry. See Brexit, Trump, AFD, The French protests. The Italian elections. Politicians and MSM have no solutions to offer the tens of millions of people hurting and being left behind by the neoliberal war economy. And neither do you Jens. You are just another MSM brainwashed idiot.

Ricky Miller

I know that you are in no position to lecture anyone about it. Holding on to Greenland and the Faraoes long after they demand freedom. And with your country admitting to giving weapons to al-Qaeda splinter groups and shipping refugees off to an island where animal disease researchers worked. It’s a Danish series of war crimes.

Jens Holm

Both Greenland and Faroe Islands are highly autonomes having their own local parlaments and we pay to them, so they can get the same or almost the same living standards ass the rest of us.

Furthermore they each have 2 seats in our parlament of 179 even they are not many inhabitants.

They both have decided the level of autonomy and can get more, if they want to. There is NO majority for it by their political parties at all. So You again are WRONG.

They also a propos to Syria, Turkey and others have their own names for towns, mountains, islands, rivers and themselves.

“Southern” Denmark has its own parties against more indenpendency. Those are minorities and are for Greenland mainly based for, that we today pay to Greenland, and there are minerals, which might be possible to use as pay one day. There are minerals for billlions, but they are impossible to get, because they are well hidden by mountains impossible for making any roads there. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I dont agree about the Lindholm Island as any solution, but this is about how to do with hard criminals which first has done crimes in norcotics, armed robbery, rape and sex of the worst kind. We dont see them as ours, because they are not. We cant send them back to fx Syria, palestine. Afgnaistan, Somalia and like that Because those countries wont take them even we pay those socalled Goverments official money as well for well known corruption.´

And those do hard crime again even we restrict then to sleep in open conditions. We jave many of that kind of familily of Yours. 90% of muslims here are just like us. They are not criminels even too ofte very poor.

Those are. HALF of all CRIMINALS are MUSLIMS even muslims only are 8%. Same goes for filled up safehouses for VOMEN.

An dlet me remind You again. 90% of mulsims here are never criminals comapred to danes, where 95% of old danes are not. So its about very bad people only.

And also its about the many other muslims fx at the Kaerskohoved. Here they those today are mixted up with normal muslims/muslim families, which deny to go home again or will not be accdepted in their homecountries. Is it fait to put and have hard criminals among them. I dont think so.

I am sorry for that “Lindholm” mini “Alcatraz, but if You have better solutions such as sending them home to Syriam Iraq, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia, it will be a hip-hip hurrah from all danes. The same goes for many other countries.

One thing is to get in people, we dont need at all and never has asked for, another is the hard crimes. …………………………………………..

Today our belowed muslims permanent guest cost us estimatly 33 billion kroner. Thats 5 BILLION DOLLARS. At least incommers could behave. Those has shown, they cant.

Denmark has worked hard to lower crime and with succes among danes. Why should we keep, what probatly is trash in every countrý as anybody else here.

They are not. As written above, i feel ashame for that solution. Nothing says, that if we in stead gave hard criminals 10 years extra in jail, they would reconsider educate, get a job and be normal taxpayers saving for pension and like that.

Ricky Miller

Perhaps there would be far fewer migrants in Denmark and in Europe overall if your governments stopped following U.S. leaders and ceased with bombing and invading other people’s countries. Less war would mean more economic activity and fewer, less desperate migrants.

Jens Holm

We are participators of the western economies. They own us and we own them too. Very strange to not try to be familier and partly friends with them compared to You.

The main parts of USA actually are Europeans which left for good and bad reasons. 4 of my Grandfathers siblings actually emmigrated to America, because they were poor.

I am for a wall west of Istanbull only letting in food and oil to fair prices.

And Denmark has no neeed for economic activity and certainly not Yor ancient kind by low educated as we hardly were low many many years ago.

Apart from mainly muslim stupidist eating our tax we all are in jobs owing more money then ever. We also a few days ago was confirmed in AAA by IMF, which is top high rank. ……………………………..

As witten many 1000 times before, Your leavel mainly is decided by Yourself keppibg Your population stupid. They not even can read the Choran. And devellopment need structures. You deny those hard too by dividing production and governess in trust to many people – even its a must in our kind of living making a high lic´ving standard.

You even deny vomen are just as clever as men and by that can do the same jobs as men and be independent as them. The most stupid part of it is about its not safe for them being alone in the streets, at the jobs and just visiting any gender they want with no chaperone.

For whats the reason: Well, Your men fx many Syrians certainly are raised to think with their carrot much too much and even y birth told, that they are above girls and females. We hardly think like that. We are raised, so all are almost equal in almost all matters.

You start wit Islam making women into second class citicens even only arms and legs say so. They are in almost all jobs of today the same, because we use brains in stead of strong arms and legs.

You even ignore we show it every day at TV in all kinds of life. Even You like them or not Merkel, Hillary Clinton and Theresa May are top Leaders. We see the same all here as normal. Even just geting the female part out of the kitchen making children there too would raise Your primitive economic activity.

Thats denied by Your old marcho men as well and the Younger ones are mainly same thing hardly moved themselves a few millimeter. ———————————–

And You have so many things You cant talk about and only see old days jobs – not the jobs created by devellopment. You also mainly work in family busisness often being very ineffective, because You only get the best in families and sometimes not even that.

Here You even pay less for vomen doing jobs as well needed as the one men do, but they get cars and they get flowers. No wonder if many of those women dont work hard being not allowed to improve by education and hard work iand skills are not rewarded as well.

Ricky Miller

You suck and make no sense. And nearly all of what you wrote is both stupidity and vastly off topic. You come here to irritate people, throw Danish rocks at people’s opinions and spout useless gibberish and rationalize aggressive war against smaller countries. Again, fuck you and fuck off.

Ricky Miller

Yes. You troll. You do literally write thousands of troll posts here spouting the same gibberish which, when deciphered says something contrary to the alternative narrative espoused by this site, just because you can. And enjoy poking your tiny Danish dick in the air.

Ricky Miller

I knew that about Greenland and the Faores. I just wanted to see how many sentences you’d write. You blew right off the chart, you nonsensical windbag neocon war pig troll. I mean really, Jens I write long posts too but I do try to edit for duration and grammar. You know to make them salient and readable. And relevant. You should try that on some site far from here.


This strikes me as Walking Back by Turkey as Erdogan knows that President Assad is very popular with many millions of Syrians who have endured and fought the US Coalition of Terror for seven terrible years.

Tudor Miron

Preparation of Turkish public to something inevitable. Erdogan know he has 2 choices – talk to Assad or join the club of “world leaders against Syria” (Obama, Cameron, Hollande and now Merkel and soon May are joining in)

Jens Holm

It must be far distance support. Millions are not even in the country as well as the millions, which dont give soldiers.

If they did, Assads has won years ago.

Ricky Miller

Nonsensical. The millions not in the country will not get a vote without going home and settling their status. That’s the law in Syria. And President Assad has won, in every way that matters.

Jens Holm

You reaslly dont get it. Assads as Baathistas as number one is totally incompetent and inhabile.

Some commision should learn Syrians about at least some of the ways others do. After that free election is by neutral observers and counters.

Those could be UN as in many other countries.

I have seen the Laws in Syria. They stinks like 500.000 deadnand 12 million in intermistic toilet facilities wit no clorine.

Assads as president hardly can resign as dead in a coffin -even it has wheel and motor.

Ricky Miller

Blah blah blah. More nonzensy blah, Monsanto no Homs, under starry sky. Here no love for regentz. Ted Nugent, you never got to go, no. Low. UnderstNd some snow in Aleppo but not like Malmo.

Gary Sellars

STFU terror apologist…

Jens Holm

Expaining reasons for terror make, You can reduce it. Terror often has good and bad reasons.

If you take the good reasons away, terrorist will loose support. We do it here with almost all crime and reduce it very well. Thats expensive but jail and catching the real fanatics are easier.

Some one eyed hooligan probatly not even have that in Its vocabulary being an apologist Itself.


I realise where you must live now Jens. Legoland.


Jens Holm

You must think I am a midget or dwarf too. The houses are rather small.

Close to there is Givskud Lionpark, which is a big open air park for many kinds of animals.

They use it for too fat people too.When they try loosing weight, they send men into fastrunning naked women and they can try to catch them. When they say YES to the full package, they send them into the lions.

So far there has been no complaints :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8ab26c854f9a97e77df19e742e2ed4882a013621f7c1a9f5b990a349ff704274.jpg


” You must think I am a midget or dwarf too. ”

I thought it would be rude to say that Jens :)

Ricky Miller

War Pig. Oink oink, Jens.


Just blah, blah, blah in prep for Turkeys’ move in supporting Assad.

Promitheas Apollonious

what else you expect to hear from professional bullshitters?

northerntruthseeker .

Credible elections??? Lets see… In the last Syrian election which was fully monitored by the UN as well as other neutral countries and found to be absolutely legitimate, Bashar al-Assad received some 90% support of the Syrian people… Honestly, how “legitimate” is that? And considering how much the Syrian people know the real truth and how their President is NOT this “butcher” as the Jew spew media portrays, the next election would also be a landslide victory for Assad and rightfully so!

Bigaess Wangmane

Assad has a higher approval rating than the despots that project their crimes and failings onto Syria’s sole, legitimately elected leader.

Jens Holm

Thats first class crap. And we certainly see the great succes.

Ricky Miller

Successful enough to recapture the major cities. And soon successful enough to win elections for another long term as Syria’s President. Actually, it was a first class observation. President Assad is more popular in government held areas of Syria than are the war criminals elected in the West who continue to violate the UN Charter and attempt to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs.

Jens Holm

Hahahaha. We would have the same numbers here in Denmark, if we systematicly killed all opposition.

If so, we might invite all syrian farmers in and grow things. If not all would be one big forrest.

Ricky Miller

Jackass central. Cowardly Commenter Alert. Jens, are you literally going down the page commenting on everyone’s statements half a day after most of them have moved on?

Jens Holm

You havnt. They gave You too much cement as a child.

Ricky Miller

No, you are. I’m just responding to you in awe and amazement. I have been watching as you march down the comments, now quiet and see you challenging statement after statement long after people are all gone. It’s bizzare, and coward-like. You could just comment up top and give your opinion on the story. Or join in on a fresh story and comment when others are here to defend their point of view. But that’s not how you roll, is it? Pussy.

Jens Holm

Of course I am challenging statements here. I am telling You the many things You dont know about the rest of the world. Being a kind of neutral western I have my oppinions often being an opposition to that.

You cant even learn, that in war as well as in peace, You have to know the enemy to fight it/them being optimized Yourself.

You not even try to optimize by improving that. I also tell You how again and again, where Your possibilities are. But no way any change is not allowed and You insist.

Ricky Miller

Still, mostly nonsense. That would be believable and understood if you actually knew something most people here don’t know and if you stated such knowledge in any way that provided clarity. The net effect of your comments seem to be a general dumbing down in the average quality of the discussion. Especially when you comment long after people are gone. Little chance for dialogue but plenty of chance to shade and propagandize unmanned and undefended comments.

Jens Holm

learning whats duable for Syria in Syria as well as could be taken and copied from others are propaganda, where You come from.

We name it as “Know how”.

Ricky Miller

I name you as a troll and full of shit.

S Melanson

“Turkey’s Forgiven Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on December 16 that his country “should consider” working with Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad, if he wins a democratic and credible election.”

Well I for one have not forgiven the Minister of Forgiven Affairs! And if the metric for democratic and credible elections is by the yardstick of the last ‘democratic and credible’ elections in Turkey, then it should be a piece of cake for Assad.


Both Turkey and Saudi regime’s are terrorist supporting regimes.Prostituting on innocent Arabs civilians blood.just like their evil father the Allah wakbar boom boom.

Kelli Hernandez

Always Zionist interference. Quite the narcissism out of Turkey The election already happened with overwhelming support for Assad.

As I always say, be careful about Turkey. They are the consummate back stabbers. And were it not for Turkey, the war on Syria would have been much different, if it happened at all. Russia working with Turkey is essential as there are energy commitments between them, HOWEVER, you screw over Russia once & break trust with Putin you go on the evil list. Putin would not receive Bibi for several months even though he begged.

Jens Holm

There was no election, because there was no choise.

Ricky Miller

Trying to project the chaos of Denmark’s fake and chaotic system onto Syria is neocolonial and arrogant, Jens.

Ricky Miller

Wow. I was just reading about Denmark, Jens. Terrible stuff. Most of Denmark is so low lying that rising seas are going to swamp you soon. And those ghettos and sharia gangs. Sounds frightful, Jens. Don’t turn on your bicycle up the wrong street. Might be a deep tidal pool or a guy with a beard and knife, Jens. Irony, no? Your country helps give weapons to Jihadists in Syria and bombs there and a Jihadi hides among the refugees and now lives in Denmark where he meets you in a dark alley one night, you can say how you supported the Jihadis on the Internet but he steals your bike and knifes you anyway. Ironic and sad Jens. You’re okay with them roaming around Syrian neighborhoods but you sure don’t think them fit for Denmark, right?


Of course Assad would win an election, he saved Syria from the Americun*s

Jens Holm

Very good joke again. If people only know dictatorship and jihadisme and deny any other possibilities exist, its like You write.

Again You forget americans only are 6.000. So who are the rest ?

Ricky Miller

Tens of thousands of foreign fighters, Jens. Armed by Gulf states, the CIA, the UK. About half of them are dead now, courtesy of the SAA, Shia militias and the Russian Air Force. Which is why the Syrian government has retaken two thirds of the country.

Jens Holm

Damaskus hasnt. You talk about territory only.

Will You reagain by ruin-tourisme or what.

Ricky Miller

Oh no. Rebuilding is well underway. It will be a long process with little help from the bloodthirsty creeps who started it all but slowly it will get done.

Jens Holm

No, its not. I have seen the Assad science fiction.

None is for poor people having lost everything incl. family lives.

Ricky Miller

Start wars, lose everything. Better to avoid intelligence agents of foreign powers who are hell bent on destroying your country, inflaming your society and laughing as your blood flows in the streets.

Ricky Miller

It’s Damascus. Have some respect. Jerk.

Ricky Miller

Three fourths of the population live in government controlled areas. So, much more than territory alone. Damascus itself is mostly undamaged although some suburbs who went over to the rebellion have suffered heavy damage. But most suburbs remain intact too. You should educate yourself and learn from others, Jens. We can tutor you, just ask for the help.

Ricky Miller

And the rest as you call them get their weapons from the 6000 Americans. We love giving Jihadi street gangs as many weapons as we can but we get pissed if people buy $4000 of Facebook ads giving their foreign opinion of our politicians and our crappy system. Correction. We really only have a problem with it if it’s Chinese or Russians giving opinions or buying ads. Just for clarity.

Jim Prendergast

This is just posturing. All the elections won by President Assad’s party have been open and above board. Cleared by U.N. observers. Erdogan….not so much.

Jens Holm

Yesterday he also told – in Turkey of course – that Trump gas promised him Gülen.

Ricky Miller

Trump gassed him? Right in front of everyone? Muricans are usually so much better at hiding their war crimes. People like you Jens, who accept everything they say and spread it around like gospel usually help them hide it all.

Gary Sellars


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Mmmm, I was thinking it was Putin who green lighted Erdogan’s new venture east [into his favorite enemies territory], but it seems Assad may have had something to do with it as well, I’m trying to work out any other way this strange turn of events could have unfolded if he didn’t do something to make Erdogan happy, hopefully not postponed the Idlib campaign, mmmmm.


“The donkey talking about ears”

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