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MARCH 2025

Anne Boleyn To Be Played By Black Actress, In New Row Of “Solving” Current Problems By Rewriting History

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Anne Boleyn To Be Played By Black Actress, In New Row Of "Solving" Current Problems By Rewriting History

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On October 31st, it became known that actress and model Jodie Turner-Smith would fill the role of Anne Boleyn in a mini-series on UK television.

The role of King Henry VIII’s wife would be played by a black woman.

Boleyn was Henry VIII’s second wife, the Queen of England between 1533 and 1536, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. She was executed on May 19th, 1536.

Turner-Smith revealed in a statement:

“I am so excited to join these exciting filmmakers in bringing the story of one of history’s most controversial queens to the screen. Delving deeper into Anne Boleyn’s immense strengths while examining her fatal weaknesses and vulnerabilities, Eve [Hedderwick Turner]’s scripts immediately captured my imagination.”

The actress continued:

“In the hands of Lynsey Miller, the legend of this formidable queen and fierce mother will be seen as a deeply human story that is still so relevant for today. I look forward to bringing my heart and spirit into this daring retelling of the fall of this iconic woman.”

The series, in which history will, once again, be entirely rewritten, is “a convention-defying Channel 5 drama made by the Sony-backed Stan & Ollie producer Fable Pictures.”

Convention-defying here means that actual people from history are being black-washed, similarly to what was being done in the past with white-washing.

Fable founders Faye Ward and Hannah Farrell are the producers.

Ward and Farrell said:

“We feel that history has side-lined the voice of this ambitious Queen in favor of the men who brought her down, and that Lynsey Miller’s beautiful, intimate vision will put Anne’s gaze at the heart of the piece.” Turner-Smith continued: “Delving deeper into Anne Boleyn’s immense strengths while examining her fatal weaknesses and vulnerabilities, Eve’s scripts immediately captured my imagination.”

Entirely disregarding that they, also sideline “this ambitious Queen” by entirely misrepresenting her as a person she was not.

The issue here isn’t that a black actress, or of any color, religion, political opinion is being given a role. The issue here is that history is being rewritten and a person is being misrepresented in order to gain viewership and win money simply by “being with the times”.

It is no secret, it is taught in schools how Great Britain treated and exploited its colonies and the citizens of said colonies, who were almost always people of color. It is even likely that in the 1530s Great Britain even had servants in Henry VIII’s household. And it is not a difficult guess where those servants came from.

Misrepresenting history that somehow Anne Boleyn, the king’s second wife was somehow black, simply rewrites history in a way to make Great Britain’s past seem less racist, than everybody knows it is.

This is perceived as a sort of repentance in the mainstream narrative – rewriting history and acting like it didn’t exist, instead of learning from its lessons.

The cliché statement that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes stands, and it is cliché because it is fact. Erasing the actual historical heritage in order to make it seem less unacceptable does exactly that.

For Great Britain it would be much better to focus on historical accuracy, and then to actually present equal chance for political and economic rights to all of its citizens, instead of showing that, even in the past, colored people could become queen (entirely falsely).

For ordinary Britons now, as well as decades ago, in fact, there are no social lifts allowing them to get into the country’s top financial and political elite. And propaganda in the media is just a bone that the ruling elites want to throw to the masses.

And this is the reality of everybody, in most places across the world, regardless of color, ethnicity, religion.


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AG Korvin

In the West as in Russia and China the importance of history is rapidly falling. One of the reasons is that the contemporary events are not heritage but reality-driven. But in the Middle East, Africa and parts of the Far East the historic narrative is becoming more and more important as a tool for providing a common ground and also as a voice amplifier. I am not saying that it is a forwards vs backwards division, but it worths mentioning though.

Panthera Pardus

That’s not true.

In Russia the Great Patriotic War is remembered every year and with symbolism, role of Church etc.. there is a strong recognition of the Zarist Period. In China, a place where civil servants are making exams since the time of the empire the Opium war happened yesterday – check out chinese news outlets in English on e topic Hong Kong.

in the west itself – albeit snowflakes are everywhere, this is true – it is also plenty of strong nationalistic parties.

AG Korvin

Yes, true that. But all these are the foundations of present-day Russian and Chinese states (read: empires). But not more and not less. People are not connected to their history, neither in Russia, nor in China if it comes to anything othert than the reasoning beyond the rule of the state. In the West, yes, there are some nat’l oriented ones.


I see where you are going, but the importance of history is as great, if not greater then ever. To the Russian and Chinese state history is one of the keys to keep their state together. But its a top down imposed view of history which doesn’t really resonate long term with ordinary people In the West history is key to SJW’s who seek to destroy Western history as they correctly see it as the foundation of Western culture. Destroy Western history and Western culture will follow. Most people in the West lack proper historical education, so they don’t think that appeasing SJW’s by letting them remove some statues, race and genderswap historical and cultural figures and let them teach critical race theory in business diversity training is such a big deal.

Harry Smith

You are definitely wrong about Russia.


jews do this crap all of the time. jews = movie industry, it will be another flop who cares

Fleecing Rabbi

Anti-Semitic roach!

Decatur Guy

So-called “jews” are not semites. They are larping as descendants of biblical Israelites. God’s chosen, my foot!!!

Black Waters

Both of you are wrong.


If they kill this one in the movie will the directoars be racist?.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1497571c55bc58b0225a96f7f46d05c8b3915a3a5166e5abc14a08a9a0f9658e.png


Why kill her? They came so far, perhaps in the mini series Anne is crying beside the death-bed of a dying family-loving Henry IIIV and they had a son.named Emanuel Goldstein who united Oceania.

Fleecing Rabbi

Goldstein, noble name. Mazal Tov!


Toda rabah!

No offence, but you were far better before. Now you are too much absorbed in the role.

Harry Smith

Garga, joke about black Goldstein united Oceania made my evening! 2+2=5. How prophetic it was!



Great Khan

Mongolian warrior Queens, the best…. hahhahaha

Fleecing Rabbi

The Negro putz are getting too uppity and distorting history of my great people. The Egyptian Negroes were always slave to the Roman heathens and their concubine kinky haired Cleopatra was too ugly for today’s Hollywood. It is the Roman heathen’s fault who invaded Britain and brought Negro slaves for the Anglo-Saxons who later exported them to the Americas and look at Barak Obama, should Tiger Woods play him? Think putzes.

Black Waters

At this point it’s only a way to recreate the opposite effect, now i’m starting to think that the U.S it’s trying to recreate Nazism around the globe )or something similar in nature), one way or another- Why you ask? Well… they are doing this to countries (including the U.S) that have mostly white/caucasic people where black or brown people are now the minority, the objective it’s to provoque them (to provoque caucasic, white people), it’s like if USA is trying to recreate the 50, 60 and trying to conglomerate power from chaos.

Think about it, they are targeting white people audience with this bullshit, and it’s a disrespect to black people too, because they have their own rich history where they come from, most of the british era about black people is a history of horror, but to some was an aristocratic era.


It is much simpler. Nazism was, first and foremost, about forcing your ideals onto others, in a way or another. The same applies to the globalist perverted ideology. They’re, at least, the spiritual hires to the nazis.

Porc Halal

Globalism is a fascist ideology that combines the nazism, communism, neo-liberalism, post-modernism, judaism & islam(ism) all together…pretty much all the -isms


And they are only masks to hide the real -ism…satanism!

Porc Halal



That is so wrong on so many ways I can’t even begin were to start. In what way are socialist ideologies like Nazism and Communism in league with capitalism and religions? You are trying to combine multiple different processes that happen to run into the same direction but who still separate into one overall controlled conspiracy. And Nazism is pretty much dead and buried. Communism is busy with a comeback, capitalists only want to make more money with open borders for the free movement of capital and exploitation of cheap immigrant labor, Islamist seek to exploit open borders to weaken the west, and they get help with that from SJW’s, who are busy with their own quasi-communist agenda, for which they want to destroy the West. .

Porc Halal

So I was right…what is your concern after all?!


well stated


jens holms?

Porc Halal

What about him?


it’s you?

Porc Halal

“It’s you”, what?…be more specific, are 3 years old?!


Globalism is a materialist movement which views religions and other ideologies as mostly impediments to sales, sees culture as nothing more than a marketable item, seeks to make populations interchangable, and views national borders as barriers to trade which ought to be dissolved.

Globalism’s relationship to the other appellations you listed can be found to apply in the above statement, except for neo-liberalism, which is indeed integral to the globalist philosophy.


Including ‘Sadism’.

Porc Halal

Well, yes … Sadism is a trait, a characteristic of all of above mentioned -isms…


if you mean nazism=zionist, and leave fascist out of the ideology, I might agree to some extent, but of course you have no geopolitical background and are clueless in what you say

Porc Halal

Obviously you have no idea of what you are talking…

Porc Halal


Even you admitted by your own words that nazism is actualy a form of nazism, I quote “ Anex: it was called national socialism (a form of fascism)”

Who is clueless now?!


where is corona when you need it

Porc Halal

Corona is a scarecrow only for gay leftists like you and there are good chances that you will only get some headaches and survive … you may try something tougher, more dangerous, more lethal, or, if you want, something more masculine such as ebola …


what about some led in the back of your retarted neck boomer

Porc Halal

Lol, typical bolshevik behavior! … meaning cowardly behavior … are you a SJW or an ANTIFA thug?..


I’m a PROFA thug ;)

Porc Halal

wonderful! … are you just as good at backstabbing?? …


Nazism was first and foremost a socialist ideology not based on class but on racism. To that Austrian dude with a mustache socializing the German people meant getting rid of undesirable elements. Jews, but also gypsies, gays and those he deemed as weak like the handicapped. Only then could the remaining Aryan supermen and superwomen live in their socialist utopia. All under the state, all for the state.

The forcing your ideals onto others is just part of the package deal, which you get under all extreme forms of socialism, like Nazism, Fascism (socialism based on the nation state) and Communism (socialism based on class). Social Justice is just the latest variant to crop up, socialism based on victimhood. I am a victim, you are an oppressor, now shut up and give me preferential treatment. It does have an extremely high racist element.

Porc Halal

Congrats!…You are the first on this site to recognize what is obvious, that is, nazism is socialism…and by extention, communism…


communism was everything except social…


National Socialism is third position, which borrows elements from the right and the left. Labelling it as “communism” is pretty inaccurate.

Porc Halal

National socialism was a particular interpretation of socialism… socialism is defined as an intermediate stage between so-called capitalism and communism…in both cases, the ideology (ie marxism) is the same…so what is not clear to you?


National socialism was not Marxist socialism. In fact, the crux of NS is dedicated to refuting the radical egalitarian, Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat.

National Socialism was a fusion of old-right monarchism reinvented as fuhrerprinzip; defining the nation in folkish, organic (not ideological nor economic) terms; and non-Marxist socialism which codifies the well-being of the folk as awhole (not just the workers) in collective terms.

Any semblance of National Socialism as a quasi-Marxist uprising of the proletariat against the middle and upper-classes was purged along with the Strasserites fairly early on, but it would be inaccurate to misconstrue Strasserites with Marxists.

Socialism can be an intermediate step towards communism, but most often it just becomes limited to meaning ‘social welfare’ that operates parallel with capitalism. In this sense, NS can be compared to modern forms of Western socialism, but the analogy falls apart outside of this purview, due to irreconcilable differences on what actually constitutes a nation (organic vs civic), and the values (liberal or darwinistic) which hold it together.

Porc Halal

National Socialism (Nazism) is a far-left totalitarian system originally created in Germany immediately following World War I, and characterized by a collectivist view toward race. Nazism was heavily influenced by Democratic Party and Progressive ideology.

Ironically, given the false equivalence by various leftists post-World War II between Nationalism and National Socialism, Joseph Goebbels indicated that Nazism hated the concept of nationalism due to it being a bourgeois concept when explaining the NSDAP’s political position (…) The name Nazi is a contraction of the full party name, National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). Nazism, in short, is simply one of several varieties of socialism (…) Supporters of Communism, or of socialism in general, like to pretend that Nazism was not socialist but “right wing”, for similar reasons to why fascism is often associated with the right wing despite being left wing. Despite this, however, it featured enough similarities with Communism that they were in fact closer to the far left, even including anti-Semitism, which Karl Marx had advocated.

It was common in those days, as it is in ours, to identify the Communists as leftist and the Nazis as rightists, as if they stood on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. But Ludwig von Mises knew differently. They both sported the same ideological pedigree of socialism. “The German and Russian systems of socialism have in common the fact that the big government has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer’s goods for his consumption.” The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern “maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets.” But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs entrepreneurship and the labor market, and determines wages and interest rates by central authority. “Market exchange,” says Mises, “is only a sham.”

In addition, the Nazis never made an attempt at restoring the monarchy of Germany upon gaining national power. Further, during the late stages of World War II they had backed anti-monarchist forces in Hungary, one of their Axis allies, which acted as additional proof that they were not a right-wing ideology under the European definition (the origins of the terms “right-wing” and “left-wing” came from the French Revolution regarding the National Assembly, with monarchists sitting on the right side seating).

On a similar note, thanks largely to the Frankfurt School (in particular Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse) redefining fascism and Nazism as being right wing and manipulating the American Jewish Committee into assuming that the Nazis were such, the Nazis were also falsely assumed to be sexually rigid and puritanical relating to sexual relationships, when in reality, they were bohemians and sexual deviants/perverts (see Nazi Germany and homosexuality)…etc…etc…

Porc Halal


If u want more details on this subject, access this link…????



Welcome back, barba. Long time no see. I think it’s worth mentioning that during Hitler’s rise, the jews were mostly traders and the germans workers, so the jews were leeching the german worker while the gypsies were not working at all so both were indesirable elements for progress of the hard working German nation. I’d say it was equally based on class and race doctrine, since the German nand the worker were the same.


and that’s why in the end, the jews will ultimately loose


Let be clear, nazism is a fictional hoax ideology…. that is…. zionist projecting their own evil ideology unto their archenemy. Anex: it was called national socialism (a form of fascism)

R PLobo

Exactly – nazism is just another extension of capitalism – a state run for and by the elites. A zionist game of smoke and mirrors. Conflating nazism with communism is an attempt to hide the real evil – the corporate state. The corporate state co-opts socialism for its own benefit – but by its very existence – nullifies any socialist ideals. The use of marxism is yet another misdirection to cover the corporate zionist globalists. Marx exposed the transnationals and the fraud that is capitalism – Marx did not found marxism as a movement. Misdirection is what we see now as a means to destroy the poor and the working class.


Zio-Nazism is evident and has been since the Russian revolution. If the Zio’s complete their takeover of the USA we will see the horrors they have caused in other nations.

Will the US military be their enforcers in the USA, or will it be a UN fronted police state?

Porc Halal

Not to mention that racism and slavery were practiced by all races, including blacks and native Americans, and is deeply rooted in the core of many religions, such as islam …

Lazy Gamer

Im waiting for all those woke people to be fair. lol For me though, the auditioning process should be blindfold. Does she bring the necessary stage command, acting chops, and ability to suspend my disbelief? Otherwise, to choose based on fucken color is just repugnant.

Fog of War

” For me though, the auditioning process should be blindfold. ” What a dumb statement. Have you never heard of an actor ” fitting ” the role ? Especially in a historical drama.

Lone Ranger

Im fine with it as long as we get a movie with a blond, white skin, blue eyed Kunta Kinte tortured by black slave owners. Make it happen…

Lazy Gamer

U dont know that in some villages, they detest the white devil? ?

Антон С

Bring this absurdity to the logical end!


Hollywitz is already on the case:


johnny rotten

It almost seems that the Jew thinks that he has sufficiently exploited the European race and can now destroy it, but this time too he is making a mistake, he will soon understand for himself.


SF so what is the actress is played by black actress is a problem for the Kremlin?

Антон С

Anne Boleyn wasn’t black. If you poses a movie as historic, you shouldn’t allow to play europid personages to negroid or mongoloid people and vise versa. Just imagine chinese movie with black emperor. Or indian movie about the War with indian actor in the role of sHitler. 1. It’s ridiculous and ignorant. 2. It’s against historical truth. Same shit happens when “russian” roles in Hollywood movies are staged by ignorant directors – criminal image, awful parody at russian language and idiotic behavior. They could give these roles to ethnic russians or to re-sound by voice actors to prevent such crap, but this annoying stupidity going on. And someones want to add even more stupidity by wrong choosing of actors.


Why do you hate my favourite thing in the world?

I love the gibberish that the Russian pilots mumble in American movies before they explode! Not to mention when big bad Russian evil boss is played by a Swede and the poor chap tries his best drunk crazy Russian imitation, which always comes ridiculous!


Just like in the TV series Troy..they put a black actor to play Achilles. While Homer says it CLEARLY that Achilles was also WHITE AND HAD BLOND HAIR! Their goal is to hurt the white race … to exterminate it if they can ..


Антон С

The Sun shines very bright above Greece. As Berlusconi said to Obama: nice tan.


Shhhhhttt. We don’t openly talk about SF affiliation.


No, no. Do not keep silent! SouthFront orcs have been fighting in the hostile environment for years. However, our master in the Kremlin seems to have forgotten about his loyal warriors. Say heil to the orc revolution!


Sauron approves, gates of Mordor will never shut again

Servet Köseoğlu

Maybe Kremlin doesnt want to understand fictional revisionism…xD


Since you like fantastic revisionism …. imagine Mohammed II as a black from the Congo or better to be from the Pygmy tribe of Africa.

Servet Köseoğlu

Honestly ı like revisionism e.g Django Unchained…if Denzel Washington plays role of King Henry VIII, ı will be the first one watching at the cinemas..


I do not like Denzel Washington … tell any other actor.

Servet Köseoğlu

Will Smith


The ones you say are all black … say someone who is white

Servet Köseoğlu

You are racist:)))


Yes I am a RΑ-cist


I like to criticize everyone but I m not sure that the SF or Kremlin give shit about the “fictional revisionism” when it concern the west.

Servet Köseoğlu

%100…well west dont give shit about the critics of Kremlin and Sf as well..:))


yeah i m ok whit that erdogan

Servet Köseoğlu

o_o..he is disaster in this issue..


Thank you for your question. We will redirect this question to our curators in the Kremlin) We will message you as soon as we receive the response. Best regards, SF Team


Yes please do so.


Idiot. Goodbye.



Антон С

Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, leader of Finland, ex-general of Russian empire, helper of shitler, responsible for genocide in Leningrad. Then and now (movie of 2012 year).


Alejandro Bonifacio

what the h*ll is that!? is that true????? holy cr*p!

Антон С

“Marshal of Finland” movie. The link to famous cinema portal says it’s drama. Not comedy or parody, so i believe it’s real. https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/704143



Harry Smith

Anton, please study some history. Mannerheiem was never responsible for Leningrad. Even more. After the victory Stalin in person crossed him out from the list of war criminals. Do you really think Stalin knew less than you know?

Антон С

Finnish army is responsible for blockade of Leningrad. Plan of nazis was to destroy the city completely after capturing. Finns created concentration camps for people of Karelia, for ethnic russians mostly. So Mannerheim is war criminal, no doubts. He wasn’t prosecuted by the law, because he was forced (3 waves of airstrikes on Helsinki port and industry, 500 planes) to turn his troops against against germans – 200 thousand corps in Finland. 8 months of fights, destroyed city of Rovaniemi. It saved many lives of Red army soldiers. Later Finland was in our zone of influence. Their military was equipped with our hardware. P.S. May be you shouldn’t ask others to learn history better?

Harry Smith

So Stalin was wrong?

Антон С

Just read till the end, answer is here.

Harry Smith

It is hard to be stupid, but double hard to be stupid who thinks himself smart. Here are facts about him in WW2. Won’t translate it in English cause nobody interested I think

– отказался участвовать в штурме Ленинграда, дойдя до старой, 1940 г., границы (в отдельных местах перейдя ее на глубину до 20 км) на реке Сестре осенью 1941 года, когда судьба города висела на волоске;

– отказался пропустить немцев для удара по городу с севера;

– не обстреливал Ленинград с Карельского перешейка. Д. Гранин: “Финны со своей стороны обстрел города не производили, и, несмотря на требование Гитлера, Маннергейм запретил обстреливать Ленинград из орудий”. Отсюда и знаменитые таблички на улицах Ленинграда времен блокады “При артобстреле эта сторона улицы наиболее опасна”. То есть снаряд мог прилететь только от немецких позиций;

– дважды, осенью 1941 года и осенью 1942 года, отказывался от синхронного с немцами наступления на юг от Свири, чтобы замкнуть сухопутное кольцо блокады; фактически вялые действия финнов позволили держать “Дорогу жизни” по Ладожскому озеру;

– в июне 1943 года распустил финский батальон СС, воевавший в составе танковой дивизии СС “Викинг”; – отказался выдавать немцам евреев…

Антон С

No need in “Wikipedia”, read one more time my first answer to you, there is the quote: “So Mannerheim is war criminal, no doubts. He wasn’t prosecuted by the law, because he was forced (3 waves of airstrikes on Helsinki port and industry, 500 planes) to turn his troops against against germans – 200 thousand corps in Finland. 8 months of fights, destroyed city of Rovaniemi. It saved many lives of Red army soldiers.”

Fighting against 200 thousand germans and army of Finland combined or not fighting at all – what is better? It was the price to release the war criminal from punishment. Same as king Mihay I in Romania. Pro-fascist marshal Antonesku was the leader de-facto, but Mihay was in the country all the time. Mannerheim is the finnish Antonesku. They are both criminals. The difference is that Antonesku didn’t betrayed sHitler that’s why he was captured and sentenced to death in 1946.


Why pretend to be color blind while in post production that will not bring revenue?


Hollywood warps peoples minds. The warping of history to do so is nothing new to them.



Doesn’t get any stupider than this!

My humor for the day.


It’s official, The British Establishment and followers who are promoting this nonsense are completely barking mad.


Soon nothing will be left of truth. By default, people are just too stupid, apathetic, and easily manipulated for there to be any other foreseeable outcome. Only one thing will save the West. And that is for the West to start thinking with its brain instead of its heart.

КПТ. Александра Ростиславна

Yes it’s rewriting history, but it is also reverse racism.

Can’t wait for Hollywood films on the 2021 civil war, and Biden’s global thermonuclear war.

John Matthew Eliot Ward

This is pandering to the woke brigade and the likes. You are trying to rewrite history which you can’t do no how natter how hard you try, tell it how it was. No wonder the world is in such a mess.

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