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On October 10th, another shipment of international technical assistance from the US had arrived to Ukraine, the press service of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry reported.
The shipment arrived at Kiev’s Boryspil airport, following the agreements reached during the recent visit of President Vladimir Zelensky to Washington.
In addition to the previously agreed assistance of $250 million, the Armed Forces of Ukraine received medical equipment, weapons, ammunition, precision weapons and radar surveillance equipment for $ 60 million more from the US government.
“The cargo arrives in several batches, one of which arrived today, October 10, at Boryspil International Airport,” the Defense Ministry reported.

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In general, Ukraine has already received more than $2 billion of logistical support from the United States since 2014.
While for the Kiev regime, the additional supply from the US government is another “evidence of the unbreakable strategic partnership between the two states,” for the fighters on the front line in eastern Ukraine, this is another evidence of the continuation of the years-long war.
zionist games against Russia. The fake jew proxy swine are ALWAYS fronted to cover for anglo/american and ultimately vatican acts of aggression.
zionist trash are the ultimate whores, no secret.
What does the Vatican have to do with anything? The Vatican has has been completely neutered and has no geopolitical influence or power.
Nice try fool. Look at the targeted nations in the last 40 years. What do you see idiot? Adversires of the catholic church. Wake up you imbecile.
The vatican is one of the largest land owners in the west, at least where im at.
Another apologist. Keep trying fool. Your pathetic response outed you as a paid degenerate. Should have stayed quiet.
All these is too little for Ukraine. The best solution for Ukrainian people is to work with their slavic brothers the Russians and the Belorussians. Ukraine is going down the hill after it wanted to be friends with the Sodomites and the Gomorrahites. Belarus is smart by friending with big brother the Russians, they got more than 40 billion in Russian’s investment into the Belarus economy. Belarus gets loans and gas at preferential terms from the Russians. The way the Sodomites operate is to identify individuals in any government and any country that are so greedy, they give priority to their greed over the interest of their country. Once they identify those groups, the Sodomites work for years to bring those purchased agents to overthrow their own government. Ukrainian greedy politicians and activists were bought for 5 billions dollars of the Sodomites money, and in the process the Ukrainians practically lost their country. Their country has a flag freedom, but it has become the play ground of the Sodomites. Ukraine is like a banana republic to the Sodomites.
Ukraine is currently hostage to a hostile elite of oligarchs with dual citizenship. Sound familiar?!
More to steal for Ukropnazis…
Last time US just shipped the leftovers from Iraq War occupation, clapped out Hummers etc, will this round be more leftovers from Afghanistan War occupation?! By far the best of new equipment the US provided back then was two anti-mortar radars – only the Novvorussian rebels promptly captured one!
It is all russian fault. Now, you can minus my comment, but that’s the truth. They have rights to have their own church, Ukrainian one, right to self determination.
Yes. We in Bosnia also have rights to have our ortodox church independent from serbian one or any nation if that way got to be. We in Bosnia all supported Russia in every aspect and way possible, but Mr.Lavrov was yesterday in Belgrade, talking to one of the two Bosnian arch nemesis vucic, about how Russia stands behind all serbian interests. That is bad. Not good at all. And serbs calls upon Russia ONLY when they needs them. Otherwise they’re persecuted or forgotten, known as Russian savages, drunkards, you name it. It isn’t fair. But this is, as I can see just a smokescreen to them.
My friend: remember, if Russia is your “friend” you don’t really need enemies! Serbs know that best.
the US will not be happy until they blow up Europe….Trump closed their battlefields and they need new ones