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MARCH 2025

Another Commander Of Russian-Backed 5th Corps Survived Assassination Attempt In Daraa

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On September 18, another commander of the Russian-backed 8th Brigade, a unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 5th Corps dedicated for former rebels, survived an assassination attempt in the eastern Daraa countryside.

Unidentified gunmen reportedly opened fire at the commander, “Yasser Hamed al-Zoubi,” as he was passing on a road linking the towns of al-Jeezah and Elemtaih. The commander survived the gunmen’s attack without sustaining serious wounds.

Al-Zoubi was a fighter in the al-Sunnah Youth Forces, a Free Syrian Army faction, before the 2018 Daraa reconciliation agreement.

According to local sources, al-Zoubi was among the first fighters to join the reconciliation process. Later, he enlisted in the 8th Brigade and became a field commander in the Russian-backed unit.

A day earlier, an attack with an explosive device targeted Ali Ahmed al-Sabah al-Miqdad, Deputy-Commander of the 8th Brigade and Qassem al-Sabah al-Miqdad, a financial director of the unit, in eastern Daraa. The attack failed.

No group has claimed responsibility for the recent attacks on the 8th Brigade commanders, yet. ISIS, however, remains the main suspect. The terrorist group’s cells are active in the eastern Daraa countryside.


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Porc Halal

US and israel have their own islamists in Syria, turdistan have their own, why the russians will not have their own too?!…After all, its all about democracy, right?!…


Did you just just call SAA commander an “Islamist” and call Russia supporter of terrorism?!?

Porc Halal

I dunno man…it looks like one to me…but who am I to judge that?!…


If you can’t see the difference between SAA and terrorists than you most definitely have big problem.

But if you actually have problem simply because he is Muslim (terrorist or not) than why do you hiding it all this time? Show yourself for who you are, don’t be coward.


Truth be told, this guy was in FSA (“the al-Sunnah Youth Forces, a Free Syrian Army faction”) fighting against SAA, then switched sides back in 2018. and joined SAA. I guess these experienced fighters can be useful against their former jihadist comrades especially in anti-guerilla operations.


I agree.

Listen Niko, if one was in FSA and now is fighting for SAA I think that should not be brought forward as problem, after year or two of fighting on the other (SAA side). Often people are victims of the circumstances and must take a side to protect their family or even earn living (since FSA was well paid by rich Arabs at the beginnings and many SAA Sunni officers have deserted SAA because of that I suppose ) Nothing is black and white in life and people with very high principals are rare in life.

Porc Halal

Why do you interpret my words as you wish?? … where did I say SAA is equal to terrorist islamic groups?! … please, show me! …


I didn’t “interpret” anything ! It is simple logical deduction !

See the fucking title “Commander Of Russian-Backed 5th Corps Survived” If he is commander in the 5th SAA Corps than he must be respected member of SAA ! How else would he be “commander”? How could he possibly look to you like “terrorist” please do explain?!?

Porc Halal

Your logic is a broken one for sure!


OK I can live with that (that is only your opinion)….at least I am not hypocrite like you

Porc Halal

Many hypocrites can live with their own ignorance so do you…ok, I can live with that…it is your choice after all

Porc Halal

And I have nothing to hide…obviously you did not read througly my comments!..I said it before and I say it again (even though I said it to an ignorant that I will not say it again)…I HAVE nothing against people but against evil ideologies and its supporters…islam is one of the evil ideologies I personaly know!


That is what your moniker is saying actually. And that is the bottom line the essence of our disagreement. You can’t support SAA because there is plenty…majority are Muslims in SAA. The fact that Assad is secular doesn’t make everybody else secular.

I am an Orthodox Christian and I have no problem with Islam or any other religion, only with evil people.

Porc Halal

You are an ignorant…do you know how many orthodox christians were killed in the name of islam and in order to fullfil the islam teachings including the satanic book named quran?!…


Nooo. How would I know that?! But you’ll teach me huh? As if your ancestors were defending Europe from Islam for generations and not mine?!! You Anglo Saxons were there only when there was occasion for stubbing us in the back! Or starting some wars so that you can benefit from.

So if I would have to chose today my enemy… I would always most definitely chose Anglo-Saxons and Western world as an enemy than Islam.

Porc Halal

Dude, you’re contradicting yourself … you better stop here because you disregard yourself for what you write … what reasons did your ancestors have to defend Europe from islam if islam is so good and sublime?! …and btw, I dont know who your ancestors are but my ancestors for sure defended Europe from islamic hords…


Stop talking rubbish and putting your words into my mouth! I simply respect other people believes as I expect them to respect mine.

Orthodoxy is not in war with Islam and even is allied with Shia Islam through Russia – Iran relations and China-Pakistan relations and centarl Asia alliances with ex-Soviet Sunni Muslim countries . My ancestors did what they had to do and I respect their sacrifices.

Today Western Zionist alliance that stretches all over the globe is the biggest enemy. And Jews and you Anglo-Saxons are on top of that pile of global shit. Zionists are the biggest and most dangerous enemy today and not Zionist “War on terror” against artificially created Zionist Islamic terrorism bollocks! Russian relations with Islamic world go from good to excellent and Orthodox Christians are seen in much better light because of that than Jude-Christian Western Zionist alliance ! And I am not talking here about Arab puppet Zionist regimes and other pro American Muslim regimes but about ordinary AVERAGE Muslims who respect what Russia does for Syria and respect Russian good relations with so many Muslim countries from Asia to Africa! For me this subject is closed, I have nothing more to say and do not wish to continue this fruitless conversation.


Being anti-Muslim you are not pro Assad “dude” ! You are pro IsraHell and pro Western Zionist neocolonialism globalist cabal! I doubt that you are even pro Russian at all being anti Iran, anti Syria, (probably anti China as well ) not to even mention Pakistan or N. Korea. So we are not on the same side “dude”!

Porc Halal

I am pro-assad and pro-russia in the conflict in Syria and I do not need your and anybody else approval for that…you are ignorant and have no idea of what is what…but ok, its your choice… and you should be grateful for that thanks to the fact that your Christian God gave you this through free will as opposed to islamists who were not so lucky, their god only asking for total obedience …


Of course you don’t need my approval.

The point is not about my “approval” but about my impression … I simply don’t think it is true what are you saying.

Your claim doesn’t make sense!! Since your pro-Assad and anti-Muslim in the same time that is oxymoron by definition. Maybe I am “ignorant” but I presume that 90% of Syrians are some kind of Muslims. And since you have very low opinion on Islam (and on Muslims automatically) I don’t see how can you be “pro-Assad” supporter?!? I think you are liar.

Do not mix Christian religion into subject, because this is simple deduction problem that you have. And that is why you attacking me.

Porc Halal

Your “impression” worth zero to me…however, I’m not looking to anyone approval or impression here…


You can call everything I say of “zero” importance to you. That still doesn’t stop me to state my opinion. And if you don’t like it, you block it of course. I am aware that calling somebody a “liar” is considered insult. But I will not insult myself and pretend that I don’t see what is obvious either. I simply can’t do otherwise….

Porc Halal

Dude, you don’t need my approval for what you think or speak…i’m not muslim, remember?!…

Porc Halal


dude, christian orthodoxy is not at conflict with anyone at least in a materialistic plan but with evil in a spiritual plan…unlike islam which is at conflict with everything is not under its control and which is an ocult ideology same as judaism, nazism and communism..if you didn’t understand that until know it’s probably too late for you….what kind of orthodox christian are you anyway?!…


I am Russian Orthodox and you are obviously “Western” Orthodox very close to enemies of Islam thus to Western Zionists, like US, UK and Israel. Your Zionists are direct Russian enemies. There are so called “Greek-Orthodox” converts, turned to the West. They are recognizing the pope’s supremacy. They are Orthodox only in name and nothing else.

Porc Halal

do you decide on my behalf what I am?! … ????

ok, i’m done here … I think it’s a waste of time to continue this discussion w / you ….


I’m just stating fact about many kind of “Orthodox”, based on observation of obvious. Doesn’t mean if you refuse to say it or accept it, that it isn’t so. You trying to move that to the religious sphere doesn’t work with political problem. Georgian bitches are “Orthodox” and many anti-Russian Ukrainians are “Orthodox” yet they were fighting against Russia and Russians being pro-USA! They are not an Orthodox for me for sure !!!

Get angry, pretend to be insulted, like I care.

Porc Halal

Dude, as a general rule I refuse that someone decide or mystify my identity without knowing it, whether we talk about personal, ethnical , cultural or religious identity…much less one like you!…I mean, wtf!!…who the heck are you anyway to tell who am I and/or what am I ?…

I am not angry w/stupid people, you know…chill out please


I don’t give fuck who you are! If you read all my comments I repeat the same all the time. All I wanted to say is that I do not think we are on the same side (if you are Orthodox or not will not change that fact much)

Porc Halal

okay, here we go again…dude, we can spend months, years if not the entire life doing this and we wont reach an agreement!…don’t you have something else to do?!…something more useful?..

And, yes,I don’t give a fuck of who you are either…sayonara!

Porc Halal

I am a orthodox christian too, and like I said it before, I have nothing against honest people but against criminal ideologies, unlike you who support them therefore you support the crimes against inocent people including of your own…


I don’t know who you are and where are you from. And even if everything you say

is true, that doesn’t change anything, of what I have already said.


“Al-Zoubi was a fighter in the al-Sunnah Youth Forces, a Free Syrian Army faction, before the 2018 Daraa reconciliation agreement.

According to local sources, al-Zoubi was among the first fighters to join the reconciliation process. Later, he enlisted in the 8th Brigade and became a field commander”

He was part of FSA, fighting against SAA, then he switched sides back in 2018… I guess SAA needs experienced fighters/commanders, there is total chaos in Daraa – literally every day some important military/intelligence figure is attacked, assassinated…


Sniper game.


Senior US General Reveals How Pentagon Plans to Avoid ‘Losing’ Nuclear War With Russia, China

By comparison, according to Pentagon estimates, Russia has spent the equivalent of $28 billion, or about 2 percent of the US, modernising its own nuclear arsenal in recent years, with that programme nearing completion with the addition of new hypersonic missile systems capable of evading missile defences.

cechas vodobenikov

probably it was a danish terrorist high on havarti and hash

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Some pro Russian supporters seem incensed that Russia’s enrolling ex FSA terrorists unto the SAA, but they shouldn’t be, Iran and the Syrian Government are doing the same thing too. And as for this statement from SF,

“According to local sources, al-Zoubi was among the first fighters to join the reconciliation process. Later, he enlisted in the 8th Brigade and became a field commander in the Russian-backed unit.”

If you know the real history of events you’ll know this statement is most likely incorrect, he most likely entered the reconciliation process at the same time all the other FSA fighters did, all 25,000 of them, and they all decided to join the reconciliation process after the SAA had overpowered them in Daraa back in august 2018. The SAA, Russia and Hezbollah had beaten the FSA senseless for 2 months and they were on the point of collapse, only then did they switch sides and ally themselves with the SAA, and then they promptly turned on their old HTS and Isis allies and wiped them out with air assistance from Russia and artillery support from the SAA, and after that swift victory Assad began conscripting the FSA fighters straight into the SAA. By the end of 2018 Assad had shipped many of these ex FSA fighters to Idlib and placed them on the front lines but it didn’t work out too well, there were several defections and on at least 2 occasions the ex FSA fighters even turned on the SAA at the first opportunity they got. So in 2019 Assad began dispersing them into existing SAA units instead of allowing them to fight in independent units, and so far the results have been good, well maybe not good but at least there haven’t been any more defections, up until now that is. Pre june 2018 the FSA worked for the US, the Americans payed their salaries, they gave them weapons and equipment, they gave them air and artillery support, they also allowed them to operate in Al Tanf at the US base, and even more importantly they gave them political legitimacy too, which was the most harmful thing the US did. But Trump completely changed everything in june 2018, he told the FSA that the US and Israel had both decided to stop opposing Assad’s rule, he also told the FSA that they should lay down their weapons and reconcile with the Syrian Government, he also warned them that the US wouldn’t provide air support for the FSA if they refused to stop fighting the SAA, and when the FSA refused to stop fighting he kicked them out of Al Tanf and ended all US support for the FSA. Then the SAA attacked the FSA, HTS, and Isis in Daraa and Quneitra and beat them into submission, 25,000 FSA were conscripted into the SAA and the rest of them fled to Idlib where Erdogan now pays their salaries. So in other words they started off working with the US as terrorists, but then in august 2018 they became SAA soldiers, firstly and mostly they became regular SAA soldiers but some also joined the Russian supported 5th army corps [back in 2018 it would’ve been the 4th SAA army corps], and now recently they’ve also started joining the Iranian supported 4th SAA division and Iranian supported Syrian military Intelligence as well, and most of the others that didn’t reconcile with the Government now fight in Idlib under Erdogan’s command, so they definitely get around don’t they. But that still leaves one group of ex FSA fighters unaccounted for, and that group’s the one that’s done none of the above, they didn’t reconcile with the Government, they didn’t join the SAA, and they didn’t flee to Idlib, they were instead placed on the Governments wanted lists for avoiding the compulsory conscriptions. Now they have a choice if they want to avoid jail, either join the Russian backed 5th army corps or join the new Iranian backed recruitment drive, the only problem is the FSA are now complaining that Russia can no longer provide the security guarantees they once did, now it seems only the Iranians can do that, so there’s not much incentive to join the Russian backed 5th army corps anymore. On top of that the Iranian and Hezbollah checkpoints make it extremely difficult for potential 5th army corps recruits to even make it to a Russian reconciliation centre, but with an official appointment recruits can get to an Iranian reconciliation centre without any problems, that’s if they want to join the Iranian backed 4th division and Syrian Military Intelligence. So the vast majority of the people being assassinated left right and centre now either work for the Russians or work for the Iranians, for me that’s very telling, I don’t have to wonder who’s killing who and for what reason, no one has to tell me, it’s blatantly obvious what’s really going on, it’s a war for internal political influence.


Interesting analysis, although I disagree with the conclusion.

“On top of that the Iranian and Hezbollah checkpoints make it extremely difficult for potential 5th army corps recruits to even make it to a Russian reconciliation centre, but with an official appointment recruits can get to an Iranian reconciliation centre without any problems, that’s if they want to join the Iranian backed 4th division and Syrian Military Intelligence.” That doesn’t explain assassinations of high ranking officials.

“Russia can no longer provide the security guarantees they once did, now it seems only the Iranians can do that” Why’s that? And why is so important for Iranians to recruit a few hundreds shitheads at any cost, so they even wage a ‘secret war’ ? Influence? You think Iran would risk their strategic relations with Russia over what, influence in Daraa? Sounds like US propaganda story.

Porc Halal

Why do you interpret my words as you wish?? … where did I say SAA is equal to terrorist islamic groups?! … please, show me! …

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