Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
There’s been another horrific and bloody weekend in Chicago, after multiple weekends running of a surge in shootings and homicides. As of the start of Monday at least 49 people had been shot, including seven fatally, based on police tallies and local reports.

This past weekend was particularly tragic as it included the stabbing death of a 5-year old girl:
Saturday morning police got a call for a person stabbed on Fulton Boulevard near Kedzie Avenue in East Garfield Park.
Serenity had multiple stab wounds. Neighbors tried to help her before paramedics got there. Paramedics arrived and rushed her to Stroger Hospital of Cook County where she died minutes later.
It is not clear what led to the stabbing, but the suspect walked up to officers and was taken into custody at the scene. Detectives earlier said they were investigating to see if Austin has a history of mental illness.
Like in prior weekends of widespread violence, the victims of shootings and knifings were overwhelmingly young. Teenagers were among the latest shooting victims.
Seven people were killed, including two teenagers, and at least 42 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago this weekend. https://t.co/jp1TvquOUb
— Chicago Sun-Times (@Suntimes) September 28, 2020
Fox News reviews some of the instances as follows:
- The gun violence in the city began Friday night when a 19-year-old man reportedly was shot in the back and chest while walking in an alley. He later was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
- The next morning, a 17-year-old reportedly was standing in an alley in a different part of the city and was approached by two men. He was shot in the upper torso at about 11:10 a.m. and pronounced dead at the scene, NBC Chicago reported.
- In other shootings targeting teenagers, a 17-year-old male was critically wounded in a drive-by attack in Englewood Sunday morning, while a 15-year-old male was struck in the leg after being approached by a vehicle later that day in the South Shore, police told the Chicago Sun-Times.
- On Sunday night, a 20-year-old was reported to have died after being dropped off at a hospital in Englewood with a gunshot wound to his head.
Chicago homicides up 52%, with vast majority of victims Black or Latino. So let’s focus on cops killing blacks and ignore. #BLM #Chicago #FOX https://t.co/kgHH3BXVjc
— Ellen Wilson (@swollsister1) September 18, 2020
Further, a woman said to be in her mid-20s was retrieved from a river believed killed after multiple stab wounds were found to her body.
The majority of victims from this latest weekend of deadly violence were males ranging in age from 15 to 66 years old.
“…vast majority of victims Black or Latino…” Wanna bet vast majority of the purputrators are black or latino? I guess not,doesn’t fit the agenda.
Yes, we have to put filter on everytime we read. Sometimes the filter needed makes anything dark.
Id “kill” know who’s the Latino who down voted? Ps I absolutely have no problem with any race religion etc,but facts are facts
Nothing here just another day in America which is hanging on by a frayed shoestring,wait until election is over then the game really begins, as one says I ain’t going and the other says oh but you are then the shootings will be in triple diget numbers.!!!
This is nothing new in a country where living standards are shit
The living standards are not shit for more then halft of the population. All makes 67.000 dollars and much of theur socalled welfare help is much better then is given in many parts opf the world.
Their solvings and lack of same is the issue. in internal politics the majoiry of the voters – not enough of the poor votes – they know nothing frm the wounrtries west and east ofg them and there are solutions.
The only telling that well is Sanders. As I se it – I am from Scandinavia – they could implent parts of ours and improve a lot. Here they also would get a lot more for their money because its not given to to greedy private companies and stockholders.
Parts of this is about what those emmigrants came from. They were treated very bad by their states and most of the whites came from Europe. It was many things and very important in economics and being defenless against the states.
Thats why we see they are overarmed and mainly shoot their own family and affiliates. We see they believen in private organisations even they feel and see they are getting plundered every day.
So a change should be the state and states today are well established and possible to control well by elections and insight.
By that all the firearms are not needed as well as many of the sericesystems based on fx lawyers getting paid by the profit taken back form others and fx the state too.
We actually see they behave like Ruusians and Iranians. None of them get we arm ourself more, if they do.
“The living standards are not shit for more then halft of the population. All makes 67.000 dollars and much of theur socalled welfare help is much better then is given in many parts opf the world.”
Wrong, the living standards aren’t shit for a minority. You clearly aren’t aware of the presence of Laissez-faire economics, shitty healthcare, Racism, and stupidity over there and how it’s affected the population. They can’t even take care of their own people. Don’t even compare them to Russians or Iranians, that’s like comparing Danish people to Turks.
As I have written the livingstandards among the poor ones in USA, which is up to 160 million much better then in many other countries. So please remeber to blame them too – Thank You.
Next I do tell You that USA need reformS and where Sanders has got his inspirations from.
We in Denmark has develloped hard Kapitalisme but here we see the poor as an investment zone rquak ro the rest.
We pay half price for chilcare and the low incommers are free. We have free schools, we have free education, we have free medicalhospitals and almost free medical care of any kind.
We dont have so many in courts becaue people which by any reason cant work automatic get the same level of living-standard and dont need to negosite by the court to get millions for their too soon retirement. In the pension time we get the same pension as well.
So thats the minimum, which is relative good. But of course many of us has owed more money and some rent a house and some buy one, but You do have a sober life even You cant effort to be a drunk addict smoking 40 cigarettes a day.
So reforms to me very much is the money the rich has into effective systems. We as several others in Europe use half of the money in healthcare and hospítals then the americans do. Thats many billions of wasted dollars and kroner.
We do most of that by trusting the state and the trust is helped by more more and better control. By that Our hospitals apart from a few are owned and controlled by the State. The magic thing is we from that neutral trusted position outsource great part of it. By that we control and compete the private ones. They by that cant cheat.
We even pay for people being educated. We know we take in loosers But we makes a cost benefit and see even we loose money by a part of them, we also get much better taxpoayers aming the rest.
Most of our social security system try to think and work like that too. We often pay a lot to keep people from being criminals and into anything else. Sure it can cost a lot of money. But its the same kind of thinking as about education in general. Everyone being criminals the rest of their miserable lives are very expensive.
Compared to USA its very visible. You see many more different kinds of social workers but we do prefare them for armed citicens and police against each other.
Its very much about about includuíng people almost no matter what. We have no world record in low crime but we are in the better part.
Your version about what I can and cant and dont understand is not my problem but Yours and theirs. Here I speak for realistic veryneeded changes, whwre they need a Sanders but most likely get a too slow Biden.
Im not for slaugtherring the criminal productive ones and their money and the production system and replace them with grapping the cows given less and less milk, because they not even can find some grass for them.
So my reform proposels are to take more into the middleclass and make it grow and as fast as possible.
Here I also demand manay of those change their tradtions which they have insisted in for more then decades. A good example is making children too early not even having time for a job and irts impossible to have 2 or 43 almost unpaid jobs. So its about men meking them pregnnt before there is money for it and the numbers, they can feed themselves too. One way used in many countries is free contraseption and abortion. I am against abortion but more against unwanted children even being a burden the nex 18 years and 8 months or more.
If I could, I would use one of those or all six. And 4 of my grandparents actuallý emmigrated to USA because they were as poor as any could be in Denmark more then 100 years ago. 3 of them did very well and one died in the Chicago Negro slum but we dont know if he was runned over by a car or went sick.
One of them actually wet to be a tacher with no education. She teached mexicans in San Fransisco because those mexicans didnt learn those children unneeded things, which they didnt need themself. She got her examine by long distance mailbox education.
“As I have written the livingstandards among the poor ones in USA, which is up to 160 million much better then in many other countries. So please remeber to blame them too – Thank You.”
It hasn’t really been that way since the 80s pops. Even Africa can handle the pandemic well in comparison. This is what you’re doing, I ask you to stop. No sane scandinavian would give a rats ass about America.
Actually many here does. We are very worried because they are as they are and by Trump hardly listen.
That includes trading we have big companies there and they are doing fine and we have plus is import-export as well.
So we do prefare more and better buyers instead of all those poor ones. I am sure a Biden for President will regain our relations. But they need the changes such as written before fx as Sanders has proposed.
USA is no good and do decline.
Thats needed. Someone has to clean my golden swimming pool and me. Its very hard to find to find employed servicing me below for more then 5 minutes each. The first ones drowned and the next ones had too big You know, so they hardly could dive.
The soluton was warwidows which actually surviewed simming from the Middle East to here. And they are tuff. Gibraltar – Copenhagen has many fisher boats and many hungry men.
I even converted to Islam for having more fun. They should not be gratefull just doing a well paid job very well.
2 days a well it becomes big small in the middle and both redm green, yellow and white. They take photos and will make a kind of statue, where all seizes are represented and even the tiny almost slaaping in pain is there.
Go and ask Your Mommy to change Your diaper.
Buhahahahahha-fuuck good one…hahahahahaha. Can’t stop laughing.
USA really need a lot of reforms.