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MARCH 2025

Another Israeli Strike Targets Syrian Government Forces. Army Regains Whole Al-Baath City

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Another Israeli Strike Targets Syrian Government Forces. Army Regains Whole Al-Baath City


The Hezbollah media wing in Syria announced on Saturday that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) managed to secure the entire Al-Baath city in the Quneitra countryside and restore all areas that it had lost to terrorists. The army restored the last two points in western Al-Baath that had been under the control of Haya’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) militants and its allies in the Free Syrian Army (FSA), after violent clashes with them.

Meanwhile, The Israeli military announced that a shell fired from the Syrian side landed in the Israeli-controlled territory. In turn, Israel conducted military strikes on the SAA near Naba’a Al-Fuar in Qaunitra countryside.

During the HTS-led attack in the province, Israel had repeatedly claimed that its territory were targeted from Syria and had carried out several airstrikes on SAA defenses in Al-Baath.

Initially, HTS and its allies in FSA in the operation room “Jaysh Muhammad” managed – with the support from the Israeli Air Force – to control several points in the vicinity of Al-Baath City. However, the SAA repelled the attack and killed a number “Jaysh Muhammad” fighters and destroyed armored vehicles belonging to them, despite the Israeli support.

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Great news. Would be even better if the Zionist drones would be downed


Downing Israeli drones with missiles would expose the AA network. In my opinion its better to engage them with anti aircraft guns IF they are low enough. It is not a bad thing for the SAA ground troops to adopt better camouflage and deception methods anyway.


Agreed. This may indeed be the reason why Russian AA units have not engaged(so far as we know). Also, to try to fight Israel when they are trying to consolidate their gains would be distracting. Maybe keeping their heads down and concentrating on the matters at hand is more in their interests? Seems as though Israeli attacks rarely result in major changes in status anyway. If anything, I would love to see advance recon units equipped with Iranian manpads lay in wait for Israeli incursions and take out every IAF copter they can. Russia may be thinking twice about attacking Israeli units, but I doubt that Iranians feel the same. As much as people deride Russia/Putin on their tactics, at least they have a agreement framework they have to abide by(publicly at least)…but AFAIK, the Iranians have no such restrictions. Israel desperately needs a message sent to them…although there is no telling what crazy shit the Israelis would demand of the US if that were to happen. Since I’m not there to experience the possible consequences, I’ll make no ‘demands’ of anyone.


Every assault on Syria that the Israeli’s make in support of UN proscribed Terrorist Gang is a further demonstration of Israel collusion with world terror. Most of us here realised this years ago but today the uninformed masses of the world are also able to see the ugly face of Zionism and Israeli actions.


Possibly this is a goal of Syria and Russia? This may be useful later after the rout of IS. I have to say that more and more people in the US are beginning to see the truth about Israel and the US, especially now that they have publicly crawled into bed with the pre-eminate head choppers, KSA.

Solomon Krupacek

i think it is easier to report about days, when is no israeli attack


Please use your AA finaly! Israel want it…


They need to be inside the Syrian airspace, last time they used U.S jets as cover using same protocol giving to them by the Russians to sneak in, striking Palmyra and losing 1/2 jets. If they enter the airspace the Syrians would’ve used the pantsir-1 highly mobile and good for the task.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israel and USA shot long range missile agm 142 popeye from israel and Jordan!…if both would have to keep fighterjet inside Syrian airspace to constant attacks both know that some fighterjet can be shot down and the risk is a captive pilot under ISIS/ Al Qaeda hand!


Both the USA & Israel can use their back channels to get them back home safe & sound, they don’t worry about that. They more worry about the impact of a jet belonging to them being shot down by the Syrians (in the political sphere and the media) .The Russians can use their pantsir1 to shoot down a US coalition or Israeli jet and say that the Syrians did it (plausible deniability).


It is heartening to see that Israelis only attack areas that are just a few kilometres from the ceasefire line. They have no confidence in returning in one piece if they enter Syrian air space. It is politically troublesome to shoot them down over their own territory, which the zionist cowards are exploiting now.


Well, if ISIS/Al Qaeda got ahold of the pilot, then he would have no worries and would be home in time for dinner.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those protocols were given by USAF at CentCom and not the Russians , why Harrigan came in as a replacement after those fiascoes of Tomahawks and Israeli fighters using USAF protocol codes .


The Russians gave them to the Americans, the Americans gave them to the Israelis.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US can’t be trusted to be honest why so many hold their noses while working with them and the Brits ,they only have their best interests at heart .


They can’t be trusted the Russians do know it, there are 2 scenarios for the escalation. -Isis is defeated, the U.S coalition pretext to stay in Syria no longer exists, the Syrians try to get their land back in the North from the kurds, confrontation with the Americans = escalation. -Isis is on the brink of defeat (the situation we’re in now), the U.S tries to stop it, slow it down, to play ping-pong with it (from Syria to Iraq and vice versa) to ensure it has a pretext to stay in the region = escalation. My bet is on the first scenario.


Unfortunately, I think you are right. But, then again, there is another scenario…Scenario #1, but with the Turks ejecting the Kurds. How would the US handle attacking a NATO ally who is trying to fight a group on Turkeys terrorist list? Ah, the webs we weave. Then again, if the Kurds have any sense at all, they might just decide to go with Syria for a smaller autonomous region…as they basically had before.


The turks still want to have their way with Syria, they changed their position slightly after they lost in Aleppo and the U.S chose the kurds as a pretext in order to at least achieve some gains in Astana. The U.S doesn’t really care about the kurds or the turks, but if the U.S tries to attack the Syrians directly in order to destroy their military and decapitate the government, the Turks will rush to join them (they were expecting the U.S/Nato to do that earlier before they lost in Aleppo but they paid the heavier price because they all backed down).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That idea of Turkey aiding in attacking wasn’t going to happen it would earn both the enmity of the world . Then the both countries would be in for some regime change , since NATO had no intention of joining the attack . The thing is NATO realizes the Russians mean business while the US continues to be the Bull in the China shop . The reality is world war 3 is not worth the aggravation , many countries just want the US to stop acting illegally . The whole world would be happy and all these economies can get back to economic viability . Where as all this nonsense has just hampered the growth in the world .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem with the first scenario it will end badly and will put any and all grand plans for a Kurdish state to an end . The Iraqi Kurds participating can be charged for their participation without Iraqi approval ,.The Turkish Kurds would also be exposed and would be subject to Turkish laws , as this would be exposed as more foreign fighters violating a sovereign nation . The UN would nix such a plan and place restrictions on US participation in any talks . Turkey would conflict with the Kurdish state and any attempt to do so , as would the rest of the UN . They are playing the latter right now and trying to use multiple assaults and trying to derail the peace talks . There is no good scenario they both end in defeat of the US playing for power . Many countries are adhering to the UN resolutions except for the US and Israel which neither have any credibility at the UN and lack the allies to achieve it . France is pursuing its own policy the UK is limited since this could end up replacing the government if they don’t oppose the US . Germany is also moved away from the partition idea since this could impact the next election. Other countries hold no significant voice to persuade any otherwise .

Solomon Krupacek

and in hama another round is coming



Maybe just an artillery duel with no ground action. SAA does not need this distraction. Perhaps HTS trash got another shipment of Grad rockets from Turkey?

Solomon Krupacek

satan knows, what s their plan :(

i know only 1 thing, saa has everything but time. and this nothing doing inear palmyra can cause big defeat.


Yes the advance out of Palmyra is much too slow. The SAA needs to clear those dam hills north of the highway quickly. The road and As Sakhneh can also be flanked from the T3 area to the south.


Yes I wonder what the hold up is?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are clearing out the snipers , because the Russians have made a deal already in regards to the fields and they are clearing the demolitions too . They can flank As Sukhana and cut off any supplies to the them . The thing is many believe some units are no longer around and yet they have retrained and resupplied them and are making big contributions. The SAA has big reserves which no one thought they had and this has played into the deception of them not able to maintain so many fronts .

The training process is long and slow but worth it in the end with fresh and new troops mixed together . They are shortening their resupply lines and fronts , they will have secured and freed up valuable routes in the real fight which will be with the US’s other proxy force .


Thank you for the voice of reason.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SDF in Afrin also smuggle things in too, many Pirate Kurds from Turkey there and willing agents in Turkey to supply arms US dollars talks volumes .

Expo Marker

The Zionist regime must be bursting with anger over the failure to convince the world that Arabs are too violent to hold any land, and expand control over Golan Heights and further Zionist expansionist ideas..

Death to the State of Israel!


Seems that HTS/FSA are calling in Israeli air support on a daily basis. And are still losing the battle !


my neighbor’s step aunt gets $93 an hour at home, she has been out of a job for 2 months but last month her check was $18960 just working from home a few hours per day..➤ check http://www.GoogleFinancialCashJobs326HomeCheap/Home/Wage…. ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪::::ac36..


Hahahaha I hope Israel and Satan yahoo just self implode with anger


Blessed airstrikes


Please post your link for this dis info PORKY ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fb38e730672c095525bc25d61d6ca68f95b891334519d12c5a3809554b90155.png


Wait a fricking second ! You changed your post because you did not like my reply! My post below remains the same (you are very sly). HAHA


Ha use this if you like lol



Oh or haha


Hisham Saber



Ha it figures


Right Reverend Gregory Karl Da

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead) n. 119 Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) Section 119. paragraph 1. And the blasphemy of them who say that they are Jews and they are not, signifies denunciation by those who think themselves to be in the knowledges of good and truth because they have the Word, and yet they are not. This is evident from the signification of “blasphemy,” as being reviling and denunciation; and from the signification of “Jews,” as being those who are in the knowledges of good and truth from the Word; for “Judah,” in the highest sense of the Word, signifies the Lord in respect to celestial love, in the internal sense the Lord’s celestial kingdom and the Word, and in the external sense doctrine from the Word, which is of the celestial church (see Arcana Coelestia, 3881, 6363). From this it can be seen that by the “blasphemy of them who say that they are Jews and they are not,” is signified reviling and denunciation by those who say that they acknowledge the Lord, and are in His kingdom and in true doctrine, because they have the Word, and yet they are not; in general, those who say that they are in the knowledges of good and truth from the Word, and yet are in falsities and evils. 120. But are a synagogue of Satan, signifies the doctrine of all falsities with these. This is evident from the signification of “synagogue,” as being doctrine (of which presently); and from the signification of “Satan,” as being the hell from which are all falsities. There are two kinds of hells, one in which those are who are in evils, and the other in which those are who are in the falsities of evil. The hell in which those are who are in evils is called, in one word, Devil, and that in which those are who are in the falsities of evil is called, in one word, Satan. That the hells are thus named is totally unknown to those who know nothing about the hells, but have adopted the belief that the devil was created an angel of light, and because he rebelled was cast down with his crew, and thus hell was made. (That the hells are called Devil and Satan may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 311, 544, 553; and in the small work on The Last Judgment, in the chapter where it is shown that Heaven and Hell are from the Human Race, n. 14-22.) Section 120 paragraph [2] Let it be known, moreover, that as all goods and truths are from the Lord out of the heavens, so all evils and falsities are out of the hells. He is greatly deceived who believes that goods and truths have any other source than out of the heavens from the Lord, or that evils and falsities have any other source than out of the hells. Man is simply a receptacle of these, and to whichever he turns himself of that he is a recipient. If he turns himself towards heaven, which is effected by the goods of love and the truths of faith, he receives goods and truths from the Lord; but if he turns himself towards hell, which is effected by the evils of love and falsities of faith, he receives evils and falsities from the hells. Now as all evils and falsities are from the hells, and as the hells are called, in one word, either Devil or Satan, it follows that by Devil are also signified all evils, and by Satan all falsities. From this it is that by a “synagogue of Satan” the doctrine of all falsities is signified. [3] By “synagogue” doctrine is signified, because in the synagogues there was instruction, and differences in matters of doctrine were also adjusted. That there was instruction in the synagogues is evident from Matt. 4:23; 9:35; 13:54; Mark 1:21, 22, 29, 39; 6:2; Luke 4:15, 16, 44; 13:10, 14; John 18:20. That differences in matters of doctrine were adjusted in the synagogues may be inferred from what is said in Matt. 10:17; Mark 13:9; Luke 12:11; 21:12; John 9:22; 12:42; 16:2, 3. That with the Jewish nation there was the doctrine of all falsities can be seen from many things known as to that nation; namely, that they denied the Lord; that they wish for a Messiah whose kingdom will be upon the earth, and who will exalt them above all other nations in the world; that they place all worship in externals, and reject the internals of worship, which are of faith in the Lord and of love to Him; that they apply all things in the Word to themselves; and falsify it by traditions of their own invention (see Matt. 15:6-9; Mark 7:1-13). Again, what the quality of that nation in respect to their interiors has been from the beginning can be seen from the song of Moses (Deut. 32), and elsewhere in many passages (see also the quotations from the Arcana Coelestia, in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n. 248). from. http://www.kemptonprojectdotorg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wilbur the Farmer should sell you then we could get something useful out of you like some maple bacon .



Carol Davidek-Waller

Maybe a shell fell on the Israeli side and maybe it didn’t. There is no doubt that bombs from Israeli jets fell on the Syrian side.

Brad Isherwood

Hezbollah, Syria,Russia…….do Nothing Carol This is big concern. Why is Israel so God damned special. …they get to murder and ghetto Palestinians. Attack….Iran….Attack Syria. US rewards Israel with Billions in new weapons……same for Miserable House of Saud .

This part of ME conflict reeks of Banker and corporate largess as nations get tumbled in war and extortion. Money flies every direction. .. It’s pure crime spree.

Russia is just another criminal player like the rest. Reasons why Putin never touches Israel. It’s a Evil Casino racket which slaughters humanity. Russia show cases it’s Military in Syria. .meanwhile, …the Donbass get the @t kicking from Kiev. Why is this OK…..or acceptable.? Israel attacked Syria every day. ……Moscow silent.


Think if it was US supporting Syrian government and Russia supporting Israel then complete situation will be different. I think after first attack of Israel on Syria there would be no Israel and there would be lots of TV shows in news that look Russian backed Israel attacked Syria and Israel have no right to attack inside Syria. How many people injured, show us. Just by empty shells you Israel attacked Syria.

Tom Tom

not for long.


Russia doesn’t target Israel because: Russia doesn’t regime-change countries (a pity with regard to this one) and they are protecting Syria, their certain e/Med:ME strategic ally. Drawing Israel into this clusterphuck would (in addition to going up against the Israeli war-machine) force the US, UK and France to pump massive weaponry and troops into the game to defend Israel. Israel is their certain strategic foothold on the e/Med and they will not risk it.

Also, Israeli firework displays are not doing real damage – they look more like … an attempt to remind the world “Hey – we are relevant! Attack us so we can bring in the Big Guns to DEFEND ourselves!”

…..They are doing what Saddam did during the 1st Gulf war – lobbing scuds at Israel to try to get a response that forces allies into the fray.


Okay, Ukraine.. way I see what Russia’s doing: Invading e/Ukraine is a bad idea. It splits e/Ukraine off from the rest of Ukraine, w/Ukraine becomes essentially another country that NATO would fill with troops + defense shields to “protect Europe” but now against real, actual R/aggression.

Donbas is an esp sad situation because the mess that is the Donbas suits Russia and drawing the Donbas into the Rus.Fed at this time would weaken Moscow’s hand. As long as the Donbas stands against Kiev, they keep Kiev poor and stupid with no chance whatsoever of joining the EU and therefore NATO. (An absolute no-no to Russia.) The Donbas also keeps open Russia’s land-route to Europe. Russia has no intention of invading Europe today but tomorrow, if the US succeeds in forcing war upon them – they will need the way in.

I think the people running the Donbas defense are aware of this role because despite massive bombardment from Kiev, covert operatives from GOK how many nations and a million+ people escaping to Russia they are still holding out strong. This means they are getting whopping-sized support from Russia.

Also: there are no longer calls for independence recognition or to join the RF coming out the Donbas. Russia could (but does not) use the int. stage to highlight their plight + demand recognition for their independence, neither does it force the issue by moving troops across the border. All they offer is impotent whines that Ukraine doesn’t fulfill Minsk obligations. (I don’t think this is weakness – I think it’s intent: “where you are weak, appear to be strong; where you are strong, appear to be weak.”)

Of course, the lack of news could mean that Russia is preventing reportage + Western journos are too patriotic (read too damn scared) to report from the Donbas but it would still be very difficult to keep this entirely under wraps so it more likely means the Donbas is aware they are “the first campaign in the war that is coming.”

On the upside, it’s the Donbas that will prevent the total devastation of Ukraine that will visit the western border of Europe if/when this war the world is rushing headlong into, begins the shooting…

We’ve become used to the American method: “Bad situation = bomb it right, right now!” Russia does not – they play for long haul.

Brad Isherwood

Enjoyed reading your post. Russia is still Rothschild Central bank, …..Rothschilds and others** are playing both sides Of the Anglo/US Empire/Mackinder/Masonic strategy vs Russia and the rise of OBOR. Putin has to allow some percent of the Oligarchs to have their …Dark business deals, Such as those between Russ/Ukraine Oligarchy. …war aside, business is business. As long as it does not tumble thru Putin’s doors. The Sanctions on Putin’s buddies is Them consider the long haul play as you mention. If Foreign export buyers have the Capital, ….Russia has numerous Primacy Area military assets. Some countries. ..like India…or Egypt…under pressure from US to not buy Russian. It’s probably in this arena of energy extortion and military export where Putin and Rothschild will have to take the Game** to the next level. Iran’s recent ballistic missiles strike showed Iran can up the Anti in the game. Syria….however one frames it…..Their military has sacrificed themselves on old Russian junk….vs the US/Nato weapons which make morons behind dirt able to blow tanks and helicopters away….or parked aircraft. Syria is slow,crawling,suffering reality….of tribal idiots who have lost perspective. That’s Islam’s problem….or….Why Arabs always lose wars.**

Candid. …I would rather an aggressive Iran and Hezbollah with technology just now showing, …..fight US/Nato….No Russia. Russia is entangled with Jews/Israel…..it is. ….shrug shoulders with hand gestures of frustration. The day that retired Russian General lit into Lavrov /Putin over ceasefire and walk with weapons. …that was Old School. It’s BS that Bankers still run wars since 1700s…. British East India company and Opium now play in Afghanistan and soon Kurds will go CIA big into Opium, Then Erdogans Opium Gangsters will pull guns : )


There are only 4 nations left on the planet that do not have “Rothchild’s Central Banks.” They are: North Korea, Syria, Iran and Cuba. (There were 8 in 2000, and it won’t take a rocket scientist to guess which the other 4 were.)

Sanctions are good for Russia. Whether they like or want them or not – they are good for Russia because they force Russia to diversify from a purely fossil energy economy. (And their farmers seem to love them.)

US forcing India/Egypt not to buy Russian? …. :-)) It’s foolish to give an order that won’t be obeyed – it undermines authority and makes one look weak.

Syria is winning. What you whining about? They’re making asses of the Yanks + Saudis with their “old Russian junk.” (Someone has to PAY for this stuff, if not Syria then Russia.) ——————— “The day that retired Russian General lit into Lavrov /Putin over ceasefire and walk with weapons. …that was Old School.”

?? Tell me more?

Brad Isherwood

Whining about?…

Sorry….trash talk and time is money.

Bye bye : )


Whining… complaining about…. objecting to. Moaning.


Carol Davidek-Waller

Mythology aside (the land of Israel used to depopulate Europe of unwanted Semites) Israel is tool for projecting illegitimate US/EU power into the ME. It’s been going on since the Crusades. What would have Russia do?

Brad Isherwood

There is a Jewish Oligarchs /Chabad Lubavitch cult background to Putin’s sudden rise To power. The 1700s Masonic MIC game with Bankers backing all sides. ….Mackinder doctrine And other geostrategic to tumble the World for Empire. Putin’s entangled. …as Rothschilds Russia Central Bank backing Eurasia /China OBOR vs decline of Anglo/US Empire. For example. …Russia gets Rolls-Royce jet engines after WW 2,…and toda! ..The Russian Mig is ready to compete in Korean War. Russia leads North Korea in nuclear program. US and France begin Israel’s nuclear program . The political narratives over the decades are Kabuki theatre, They ** ..want the global tensions …it’s All Gravy for the Masonic side and the Elites. It’s selective at the highest levels as to why ME nations are not allowed nuclear weapons. With Israel/Saudi bromance of late….it’s possible Saudi may get some. I do not think Israel and Zionism control the All seeing Eye above the Pyramid. That power however Does give Israel/Zionism a chair near the head of the Table.

Fukushima with 4 reactors melted thru the containment, …1 was MOX fuel, Bring weapons grade hot Isotope. The spent rod fuel pools above the 4 reactors were blown to smithereens. Fukushima is killing the Pacific Ocean. The Masonic and Elites realize from this that Nuclear war means live underground for 50 years. Are they this crazy?… The Game needs war…So you cut deals to gave war….but not unleash all the nukes, Maybe a few.

gfsdyughjgd .

This jews Jesus killers are busy with nonsense their helping terrorist on behalf of their Masters USA/Nato intruders in Syria.Take down those rubbish murderers jets.Their are violating sovereign airspace.Israel jews are not God.


From their insane genocidal Talmud


Graeme Rymill

This isn’t from the Talmud or even The Midrash (commentaries written in the first ten centuries CE). This is from the writings of a Turkish Jew Elijah ben Solomon Abraham ha-Kohen who died in 1729.


How about these – seems pretty in line with the general theme.


Graeme Rymill

Peddle your bullshit elsewhere.



Lol outright lies – Balum is the jewish code word for Jesus for a start, one of several, the Talmud was written with codewords to conceal meanings from goyim (animals or non-jews) – take your jewish coverup lies elsewhere stooge.

So are you a jew or a shabas goy?

Do you support the jewish claim that all non jews are animals to be extorted, raped murdered at will?



Oh there is another one – cool



PS Ashkenazi jews are not real jews, they are converts ie crypto decievers. They converted to judism in 749AD from the Black sea area and are 89% of jews worldwide, these people are not Semites but Turkc/Mongol hybrids who are ironically illegally occupieing and murdering the actual jews of the Bible, the Palestinian people who are Semites. Educate yourself you mind controlled deciever fool!



USA and NATO aren’t the masters, they’re the servants.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russian S-300 system going on clearance sell in Russian right now, 1 S-300 $15 or 2 for $25. Going fast, they look good on the news but do not deliver in battle. WARNING: Israel has all codes to S-300 anyway, they gave Putin $400 Shekels for the codes and he jumped at the offer!

andy l

The S300/400 could blast the Jews jets from the skies if the Russians wanted to! the fact that they choose not to escalate says more about strategy than the operational capabilities of the air defence!


The zionist filth who occupy Palestine aren’t Jewish, they are secular, fascist antisemites, who use lies about Judaism as a figleaf of respectability.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nothing secular about them ,so they are sectarian and they hate all other religions and despise those against them .


I don’t know why, at this late date, people do not understand that. Why would Russia, Iran or Syria fall for the wests’ tricks and lose the war? When you are a smaller person fighting a much bigger person, you do not stand toe to toe and slug it out. How hard is that to understand? You dance around him until he is either worn out or dizzy, then you give it to him. Then the bully wants no more.


Syria can buy them from North Korea. North Korea makes KN-06. This is the equivalent of an S-300. It has a range of 150 km. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5BPo0CV9Xw


The Iranians supposedly found this out and rectified their software (changed their codes)…they also supposedly upgraded the Syrians units also. Andy I is right.



John Mason

Maybe one day we will all be fortunate enough, unless you support Israel and the terrorists, to witness a shell landing on Tel Aviv and their cabinet. By mistake of course.


Oh, that’s it…get everyones hopes up. But, if it has to be (please, god) let it be Dimona.


Israel spent billions of US dollers on terrorists in Syria but now Israel cannot afford Syrian advance liberating land from terrorists.


Bloody jews…


Hisham Saber

Ya, they have been at it forever. That’s why they have been exiled or expelled 109 times from 84 different countries since 250 A.D. Carthage all they way till 1948 Arab countries. They are a parasite on the host, which is us, homosapiens.

Hisham Saber

Always miserable. Joke ,

Q ,, What do you call 40 Jews in a basement?

A ,, A whine cellar


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I always thought they were Whine Sellers anyways .


They can start with the hag in the picture.


Hallo Russia, where are you now ??!!?? Why Russia is silent about this Israely attacks??? What is happening now?? Thos is danger game that you are playing Russia !!!


Israelis can’t keep making excuses forever whenever it wants to protect HTS and FSA from Syrian advancement by firing at the SAA. It’s obvious what Israel is up to.

And besides, even if Syria did fire into the Golan Heights, so what? The Golan Heights belongs to Syria.


Why can’t they? They’ve been doing it for years. After all, they have big brother to take up for them, as usual.


god i really fucking hate israel more and more everyday with more attacks against SAA they do, PIECES OF SHIT SUPPORTING TERRORISTS


I feel for you, man…my sentiments exactly. Yes, I’d love to see them ‘get theirs’ as it were. I can only continue to hope that when the time is right…


yea and it pisses me off how soft putin is towards them. They been bombing SAA for a week straight now and not a word from him or Assad about it


Maybe they have just decided not to play the game?..and instead just keep up the pressure on the proxies. I won’t second guess Russian or Syrian decisions, even as I don’t necessarily understand them at this point. I have to say though, the proof is in the pudding and so far the pudding is tasting good.


Lol true :)) agree to all of what u said!


Although idk, I feel a big wider war will erupt sooner or later, and am kinda hoping, only to see the bullies get their asses kicked, because US and Israel are gonna keep trying to find more ways to cause trouble and the good guys can only tolerate so much


Agreed…Syria, Russia and Iran possibly know the same thing is coming and are doing what they can to strengthen their forces before said event. To enable such an event now is not in their best interests at this point. Let Syria deal with IS…then start selling their oil and purchasing needed improvements in armaments. Unfortunately, they also have massive infrastructure to be replaced…one of the reasons the US constantly attacks civilian infrastructure. They know it will hamper them for years, precluding them spending massive amounts on defense. However, with oil sales will also come the willingness of sellers to extend favorable terms knowing that they have the ability to pay. Syrias’ close affiliation with Iran is their strength and will only get better, even more so than with Russia. I doubt that Iran’s full involvement is really known. The fact that Syria, Iran and Russia have been tolerating so much provocation and have persevered in the face of it and not getting tangled in side issues(as it were), has only improved their results so far. Have mistakes been made? Surely. But have they done wonders with what little they have? Absolutely.


Well said :))

Mohammed Asim

It seems that Israeli attacks were useless

Tom Tom

Meanwhile, The Israeli military announced that they have nuked Damascus after someone threw a rock across the border.


Syria should not wait for Russia to give it S-300s and buy KN-06s (SAMs) from North Korea. According to Wikipedia, they are the equivalent of S-300s. They have a range of 150 km.


Actually, Russia ‘gives’ no one anything. They really can’t afford to…then there is the Syrian economic position. They’ve been ripped off for the last 6 years with the collusion of all the west and are broke in reality. I would like to see them buy the NK units also, but how would they get there, with the Israeli lapdog watching every ship leaving NK? Also, to shoot down an Israeli or US craft is to risk escalation. They know this. Maybe it is better to endure provocations and wait until IS is nothing but a bad memory before confronting the real terrorists? How would Israel be able to handle Syrian forces if they were unfettered by IS/Al Qaeda? I think Israel and the US fear this most, hence the desperation being shown by the US and Israel. Israel is already scared shitless of Hezbollah.

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