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MARCH 2025

Another Provocation In Transnistria: Shooting Broke Out At Border Crossing With Ukraine

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Another Provocation In Transnistria: Shooting Broke Out At Border Crossing With Ukraine

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On May 5, shooting was reported in the area of a border crossing between Ukraine and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, Transnistria). 

Local residents reported shooting in the area of the Kuchurgan checkpoint on the border, according to the local TSV TV channel.

A source in the law enforcement agencies of the PMR confirmed that indiscriminate shooting took place on the territory of Ukraine near the village of Pavlovka. It is near the village of Kuchurgan, in the area of the railway bridge, which was blown up on March 4.

Another Provocation In Transnistria: Shooting Broke Out At Border Crossing With Ukraine

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The border crossing is located to the east of the city of Chisinau, on the highway which links the PMR with Odessa. The crossing is currently closed.

The situation in the PMR remains tense since April. Earlier, three terrorist attacks took place in Transnistria: in the building of the Ministry of State Security of the PMR in Tiraspol, near a military unit in the area of the village of Parkany and in the facilities of the radio center near the village of Mayak. Later, another attack was prevented in the radio station.

The red level of terrorist danger was declared in the republic.

Another Provocation In Transnistria: Shooting Broke Out At Border Crossing With Ukraine

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According to the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky, the explosions were the provocations linked to Ukraine. Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian, for his part, said that the reason for these incidents was the confrontation within the PMR itself.

In the past weeks, the situation around the small unrecognised republic of Transnistria has sharply escalated.

From the west, NATO units are moving towards Moldova’s borders. Ukraine declares its willingness to break through into the territory of Transnistria in order to open the second front and capture Russian Peacekeeping forces deployed in the region.

Military clashes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the Armed Forces of Poland and Romania on the territory of a non-member state of NATO is the perfect scenario for Kiev and Washington. The Moldovan leadership is trying its best to avoid the hostilities in the region. Chisinau understands that the outbreak of hostilities in Transnistria will lead to a war on the territory of Moldova itself. However, Moldova’s security risks being sacrificed to the interests of Kiev and its allies.


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Muhammad your Prophet

That’s the least of ot. After all the provocations the Putin cockroaches will then start to rape anything they can find and shoot them at point blank range execution style. They already have a long track record.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Swap Putin with the CIA and its legit hoholtrash.


Muhammad the Pedophile, didn’t you people actually rape underage girls, you sick fuckers


More likely underage g0ats.


Clown, do you think he is a Muslim? No, he is just like you.

Porc halal

Yes… in fact, their guru was a pedophile… a fat, stinking, dwarfed, fat bastard… and he was also a cold-blooded murderer too!

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal
Ashok Varma

Sadly Russian military has deteriorated since the collapse of the USSR with a budget smaller than Saudi Arabia, and Russian society under Jew control has become corrupt and the poor results are obvious. Hopefully, Russia can reverse the course of this war by being totally aggressive and unleash hell on Ukrainian Nazis and Zionists who control them. It is a sad outcome for the Russian people so far.


And yet, it is still trashing the sub human uKRAPiTrash with 1/2 the manpower — against a ‘force’ twice the size that has received 8 long years of the very best of ‘Nato’ training, with the very best of Nato armaments … and still kicking their ash from one end of the country to the other…. in less than 2 months.

Doesn’t say much for the fahclsts of Nato, does it ?


You can’t destroy cockroaches, they always come back.

Hanged Moskal

Transnistria is great for training. Each day Ukraine, Moldova and Rumania can take turns, which is conquering Transnistria today?

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

You cant even conquer the DPR hoholnazitrash.

Hanged Moskal

The Vikalina market in Vladikavkaz is burning. Small fire but something must burn every day :)




It’s giving me a giant woody !

Hanged Moskal

My radio channel says Russian frigate was hit in the Black sea. Can anyone confirm?

Mike Ryan

Yes, we sank their second largest frigate “Burevestnik” class frigate, at midday located near the island Zmeyny, offshore from the Danube delta. Hit by US harpoons and sinking.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

After you lost your whole fuckin navy… Glorious ukronazisistan doesn’t have harpoons by the way.


yeah yeah the snake island of the fake heroes

right right, another footage from Arma III

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Só few articles today um SF. What s happening no real progress? Hiding something maybe 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Beldar Conehead

Who’s we?

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

It happened yesterday. No confirmation yet. Which makes it suspicious. Could be true or not. Have to wait.

Muhammad your Prophet

It takes a day for the shitty Russian warships to sink, remember?


Fake by MSM. Strangely enough only the usual murican suspects are reporting this bullcrap.

Hanged Moskal

That was said about Moskva too

Mike Ryan

Dumb Ruskie losers we are coming for you. dosvidaniya Putin retard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike Ryan
NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Choke on adolfs decomposing limp dick hoholnazitrash.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO fags love high heels and lipstick
NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Ukropistans days are numbered. Hoholnazis afe making great fertilizer. 47,000+ and counting…


Russia’s Admiral Makarov warship has been hit by US supplied Ukrainian Harpoon missiles and burst into flames, according to Ukrainian officials.

The frigate is Russia’s latest naval loss in a troubled campaign, coming after reports that US intelligence helped Ukraine locate, target and sink the Russian warship Moskva weeks ago.

Wondering if Russia will ever fight back or just keep getting hit until defeat?

Muhammad your Prophet

Latest operational update. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3476503-russia-loses-one-more-ship-in-ukraine-war.html

Pamfil Military Academy

Sorry, another fake from digital games, asshole syphilitic homo ? Sorry, you can fuck your mammy more, but without russian confirmation, ukropitecs bullshit ‘operational scrotus’ is just the daily garbage….

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Ashok Varma

Indian TV showed a frigate burning off the Black Sea coast, but there is no confirmation, but looks likely that Russians have lost another major ship and with Turkey closing the Bosporus Straits, the Russians can not reinforce their small navy and the Russian operation in Syria is in trouble too now as it can not be resupplied. Putin really is destroying Russia. One can only hope that a real Russian nationalist takes over and defends Russia from a real existential threat now. Even President Lukashenko in an interview on Indian state TV was baffled by Russian incompetence and total failure to subdue a third rate NATO puppet like Ukraine. The irony is that Russian aim was a neutral Ukraine, now the opposite has happened as NATO troops are all over Ukraine and killing Russians with impunity and gloating about it. This is 100 times worse than the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan that broke up the USSR at a total cost of $2 billion CIA funding to Afghan Mujahideen.

In Ukraine, NATO warmongers are spending $5 billion a day to destroy an isolated Russia and if Russians don’t fight back they will be enslaved in a new era of western arrogance and imperialist. Russian defeat will bring new Serfdom around the world with Jew boyars controlling its immense wealth.

Ashok Varma

Unfortunately, this may turn out to be true as well. Russia seems totally unprepared for this war with NATO. Indian TV just showed US soldiers firing M-777 howitzers at Russians. It is so obvious even to the blind that whole of NATO is in Ukraine and fighting Russia directly. US AWACS are flying round the clock from Poland and Romania and providing live intel feed to the Ukrainians as Mike Kelly at Pentagon acknowledged. The US is setting the targets and hit lists, which include high viability targets like generals, ships and Russian border towns, just to humiliate Russia and show how impotent Putin is.

So far Russians have been extremely humiliated and it is doubtful that even Putin can survive such daily humiliation. The Russian military and security services need to remove Putin and then take the gloves off the Red Army and totally destroy Ukraine. Indian generals and commentators have been advocating this for months. Putin has brought shame upon the great Russian people and emboldened US criminal warmongers and the Jews who control them. Russia for Shiva’s sake please fight back.


According to the ukrops they are sieging Moscow. So no, I call bull on this one. No other reputable source is reporting it.

NATO is laughing at you


Muhammad your Prophet

You fucking morons said the exact same thing with the Moskva. In fact you fucking morons have kept saying the exact same thing every time the Ukranian forces destroy your shitty army.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Michel LeBlanc

Moskva wasent hit by any missile. It was an internal fire.

Look at the pictures morron, no exterior torn steel. But all.kinds of smoke marks around torpedo tubes, that tells you the problem was inside not outside.

Braindead morron.

NATO is laughing at you


Pamfil Military Academy

I wish I know if the JNATO and JEU troops enter banderapizdan monkeys colony Russia will start its mobilization or will finally accept Iran great offer to send it some 100.000 IRGC troops. I told that many times: there is no better soldier in the world than muslim ones. Chechens are fabulous. IRGC also….and Russia to return that gift by sending some western trophies taken from hohol narcomaniac syphilitics.

News number 2: Zefaggot libtard slave signed an order which prevent any change of KIA ukropitecus filth with russian ones, or to get the dead from the fields. Motif: officially is (bullshit) SECRET, real is because so many casualties will make civilian funerals to start rebellions in many places around Kiev reich and will erode the population morale and expose the daily ongoing lies.

News number 3, the best day news: Russians reach Severodonetsk from 3 axes and begin besiege. News number 4, also great news: Yesterday, a new batch of chechen fighters depart for Donbass to start mopping the Severodonetsks town like theirs brothers in Mariupol. There is no military more competent, fierce and lucrative than the muslim chechens in such jobs. Good Job, bros ! Evaporate another OMBR regiment of nazi canibals. Viva Chechnia !!! Long Live Russia ! ALLAH AKHBAR ! Kill all banderite cockroaches ! Fuck Ze fag homo !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Moldova is loosing it’s time. Moldova should attack Ukraina asap in order to claim it”s stolen territories This is the Moldavian chance to play it”s own game. With or without Romania.


Moldova has been told to PROMOTE this, not avoid… More suspension.

And… nobody gave a hoot about the bombing of Iraq.

Not even about Falluja….


Only a war IN russia, china or US/UK counts.

Vlad butcha orc

Tell that the French. 🥖 🤭




It’s giving me a woody !

Pamfil Military Academy

General Secretary of the United Russia Turchak during a visit to Kherson said that “Russia is here forever.” It remains to find out in what form – as part of the Crimean Federal District, in the form of the Kherson People’s Republic, or as a separate entity.

Turchak in Kherson: ‘Russia is here forever’ !!!!!!!!!!

Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin and Secretary General of the United Russia Andrey Turchak visited

Russia is THERE FOREVER, you motha fucker nazi JUSA douchebag slaves !! Fuck you !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Vlad butcha orc

So much hate in you.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

You know what will be forever Pumpy?

Your stupidity…

At least you r funny keep up the good work 😂🤣🤡

Don Krieg

It’s an attempt to divert the russians from Donbass. If the ukies are crazy to invade Transnistria, they just justificate an anexation of Odessa


Ukrainians and NATO will not invade Transnistria, they will only do a small and limited military operation to de-militarize and de-russify it. Which is hopefully fully acceptable also to the Putunfans here, as when Putin does it to Ukraine, they say it is fully legal and should be no problem to anybody in the world.


So, where is the UN now??? Oops, their all masons. Following orders from their wicked masters…

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